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Wednesday, July 06, 2016 5:12 AM

AVHS AP Interview Committee:

I am writing to thank you for your participation on the AVHS AP
interview committee. I appreciated each one of your perspectives
and insights throughout the process. I shared the results and general
discussion points of our committee with Dr. Mark Parr and Anne
Liebeck. The three of us interviewed both finalists on Thursday
I am happy to announce that we have a new Assistant Principal of
Student Services! Pete Buesgens was offered the position and he
has accepted the job. The District Office will publish an
announcement this week. I will also send an all-staff email with the
information. Please allow these announcements to go out before
sharing this news. (Pete has already sent a message to his coaches,
so I know this isnt the best kept secret.)
Making difficult decisions between highly qualified individuals and
colleagues is not an easy or comfortable task. Thank you again for
your service and dedication to AVHS.

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