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2008 7

GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

Microsoft Bookshelf
- NEWACE English-Korean Dictionary, 2nd Edition
- American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language,
3rd Edition
Update History
ver. 1.0 - GRE 4.0
ver. 2.0 - GRE 4.5 update
ver. 2.1 - KOREA GRE Fifth Edition
ver. 3.0 - Revised and Modified through proofreading
ver. 3.5 -
ver. 4.0 - GRE Verbal Rainbow Bible 0801 version
ver. 4.5 - v. 2.0 Antonym (2004. 3. 21) (
ver. 5.0 - ??????????
ver. 5.5 - 1.1(1.1.4) (2005. 7. 15)
ver. 5.5 2006, 2007 , , (2007. 7. 4)
ver. 6.0 2008 6 , , (2008. 7. 24)

Copyright 2005-2006,


2007-2008, ( Some Rights Reserved.

GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

quill :

[bks] n.
: calculate :: balance : weigh ::::
: calculate :: sextant : navigate
: calculated :: balance : weighted ::::
: calculator :: quill : pen ( ( ))


[bndn] n. , DESERT, FORSAKE(,

. ; They made a bargain that they would not
forsake each other.)
: a complete surrender of inhibitions
abandon : inhibition :: hideboundness : innovation (A lack B)
abandon : inhibition :: despair : hope () ::::
abandon : inhibition :: agitation : tranquility()
abandon : inhibition :: volubility : terseness :: voluble : terse ::
calmness : frenzy
abandon : inhibition :: consciousness : numbness
abandon salvage
abandon restrain

abase [bis] v.t. (, )

: DEGRADE to lower in rank, office, prestige, or esteem
abase : force :: taper : width (A B )
abase : strength :: taper : width (A B )
abase : stature :: lower : height
abase : status :: shorten : length :: shorten : height
stature , ; ,
status , ; ; () ,
abase : prestige :: damp : ardor
prestige , , , ,
damp ; ;
curtail : duration :: abase : strength
abase extol
abash [b] v.t.
: DISCONCERT to destroy the self-possession or selfconfidence of
unabashed : embarrassment :: unheralded : announcement
abash = embarrass, herald = announce
embolden abash, faze, cow
embolden to foster boldness or courage in; encourage
faze to disrupt the composure of; disconcert
abate [bit] v. (, , , )
1. to reduce in amount, degree, or intensity; lessen
2. to deduct from an amount; subtract
; Although their initial anger had abated somewhat, they
continued to berate the careless worker who had broken
the machine.
* unabated
abate : tax :: alleviate : distress
alleviate to make (pain, for example) more bearable
abate : degree :: discount : price :: fade : loudness :: decelerate :
speed :: shrink : size :: chill : temperature (A B() )
abate : force :: attenuate : thickness
attenuate ,
abate : intensity, strength :: taper : width :: fade : loudness ::
decelerate : speed
taper ;

abatement : intensity :: deceleration : speed

thin : density, intensity :: abate : length
abate : length :: dilute : concentration (A B() )
abate : value :: constrict : diameter
abate : status :: shorten : height
abate intensify, promote, increase in intensity, augments, strengthen
unabated palliated, allayed, mitigated
abbreviate [brviit] v.t. ,
: to reduce (a word or phrase) to a shorter form intended to
represent the full form
* abbreviation [ , ]
1. the act or product of shortening
2. a shortened form of a word or phrase used chiefly in
writing to represent the complete form
abbreviate : sentence :: abridge : essay
downgrade : quality :: abbreviate : sentence
abbreviation : sentence :: abridgment : essay
abbreviation : sentence :: synopsis : narrative (A = B )
narrative ,
abbreviation : word :: abridgment : article
abbreviation : word :: synopsis : article : synopsis : narrative
abbreviate : length :: attenuate : thickness :: sap : vigor
abbreviate : letter :: abridge : word
abbreviate extend, protract
abdicate [bdikit] v.
: to renounce a throne, high office, dignity, or function
recant : belief :: abdicate : throne
recant ,
abdicate : throne :: resign : office
abdicate constitute
constitute ; ; ,
abdicate assume
assume , ; , ; ()

abdicate usurp
usurp ,
aberrant [brnt, br- ] a. ,
: ATYPICAL deviating from the proper or expected course
aberration : course :: digression : theme
aberrant : standard :: digressive : topic
aberrant typical, normal, conventional (relevant )

[bt] v.t.
1. to approve(), encourage(), and support() (an
action or a plan of action); urge and help on
2. to urge, encourage, or help (a person)
abet : assistance :: counsel : guidance (A = B , : )
abet : encouragement :: elucidate : clarity (A = B)
elucidate to make clear or plain, especially by explanation; clarify
abet : assistance :: counsel : guidance
abet thwart, impede, stymie, frustrate, obstruct, forestall, hinder,
stymie , ; Companies have been stymied by
the length of time it takes to reach an agreement.
forestall , ; ()

abeyance [bins] n. ()
: SUSPENSION temporary inactivity
abeyance continuance, fulfillment
abhor [bhr] v.t.
: LOATHE to regard with extreme repugnance
abhorrence : dislike :: adoration : fondness (A >> B)
abhor greatly admire


a. ,

GRE 6.0 (2008 7)
1. to reduce the length of (a written text); condense
2. to cut short; curtail
abbreviate : sentence :: abridge : essay
abbreviation : word :: abridgment : article
abridge : sentence :: abbreviation : word
abridge : duration :: truncate : length (A B )
abridge : length :: attenuate : thickness (A B )
abridge : length :: dilute : concentration (A B )
abridge : length :: enervate : energy (A B )
abridge : length :: abase : prestige (A B )
prestige ,
abridge extend in length, amplify, protract
protract; to draw out or lengthen in time; prolong
abridgement extension, complete sentence, expansion, sufficiency,
condensed unabridged

: ENDURING, CONTINUING lasting for a long time;

abiding evanescent, ephemeral, transient
miscreant law-abiding individual
miscreant [mskrint] a., , n.
abject [bdekt, --] a. SERVILE, SPIRITLESS
1. brought low in condition or status
2. being of the most contemptible kind
3. being of the most miserable kind
abject exultant, spirited, exciting
exultant , marked by great joy or jubilation;
abjure [bdr / b-] v.t. () ,
1. to renounce under oath; forswear
2. to recant solemnly; repudiate
3. to give up (an action or practice, for example)
abjure : reject ::
abjure embrace, espouse, affirm

[bnigit] v.t. (, ) :
abnegate reaffirm

abolition [bln] , ; (A-)

1. the act of doing away with or the state of being done
away with; annulment
2. abolishment of slavery
* abolish [bli] v. ,
1. to do away with; annul
2. to destroy completely
abolish establish
anarchist : government :: abolitionist : slavery (A break B)
abolition persistence in slavery
abolitionism [blnzm] n.
anarchist : government :: abolitionist : slavery (A = B
abominate [bmnit / bm-]
: to detest thoroughly; abhor
abominate esteem


aboveboard [bvbrd] a.
: in a straightforward manner
surreptitious barefaced, aboveboard
surreptitious , ;
chicanery aboveboard action
chicanery , , deception by trickery or sophistry;
a trick
[brin] n. ,
* abrade [brid] v. , ,
1. to wear down or rub away by friction; erode
2. to make weary through constant irritation; wear down
abrade augment
abraded : friction :: desiccated : dehydration (B cause A)
desiccate , ;
abraded : friction :: vaporized : heat
scuff : abrasion :: heat : vaporization (A lead to B)
scuff ,
lubricate : abrasion :: seal : leakage (A prevent B)
lubricate ,
abrasion : stroke :: boil : heat
abrade augment
abridge [brd]

v.t. , (, )

abrogate [brgit] v. ( )
: ANNUL, to abolish by authoritative action
abrogate uphold, embrace, institute
abscission [bsn, -n] n.
: REMOVAL, the act or process of cutting off
abscission process of grafting
graft , ,
abscond [bsknd / -sknd] v.
:to depart secretly and hide oneself
abscond : depart, leave :: pilfer, steal : take :: conspire : plan :: lurk :
pilfer to steal (a small amount or item)
abscond : depart :: eavesdrop : listen :: shadow : follow :: secrete :
follow : shadow :: leave : abscond :: plot : scheme
abscond : depart :: lurk : wait
lurk , ; ,
lurk : wait :: purloin : appropriate (purloin appropriate
defective )
purloin [p:rlin] to steal, often in a violation of trust
appropriate; ; ,
absolute [bslt] a.
1. perfect in quality or nature; complete
2. not mixed; pure
3. a. not limited by restriction or exceptions; unconditional
b. unqualified in extent or degree; total
4. unconstrained by constitutional or other provisions
absolute qualified
qualified / ;
absolve [bzlv, -slv / -zlv] v.t. ,
1. to pronounce clear of guilt or blame ,
2. to relieve of a requirement or an obligation
exculpatory : absolve :: motivational : stir ( : )
exculpate to clear of guilt or blame
hortative : encourage :: exculpatory : absolve
hortative, hortatory , marked by strong urging
absolve inculpate, indict, sentence
inculpate = incriminate , ;
indict , ; /
absorb [bsrb, -zrb] v.t. ;
1. to take (something) in through or as through pores or
2. to occupy the full attention, interest, or time of; engross
absorb : sponge :: seal : caulk
absorb dissipate, exude, reflect
exude ( ) /


vi. ,

GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

: to refrain deliberately and often with an effort of selfdenial from an action or practice
mandatory : comply :: forbidden : abstain (A require B)
mandatory ; , ,
abstain partake
abstemious [bstmis] a.
: marked by restraint especially in the consumption of food
or alcohol
abstemious : indulge :: austere : decorate (OPPOSITE, : )
austere , , ,
abstemious : indulge :: intransigent : control
intransigent ,
reticent : talk :: abstemious : gorge
reticent , ; ,
gorge ;
cf. gorgeous , ; ,
abstinent indulging, intemperate, gluttonous, voracious
glutton ;
gluttonous , ;
abstinence [bstnns] n. ;
1. the act or practice of refraining from indulging an
appetite, as for food
2. abstention from alcoholic beverages
abstinence : drunkenness :: celibacy : promiscuity
celibacy ;
promiscuity , ;
abstract [bstrkt] , ; (epitomize),
: to draw away the attention of
abstract elaborate
elaborate to express at greater length or in greater detail
abstract attention
abstraction [bstrk:n] ,
1. a. the act or process of abstracting or the state of having
been abstracted
b. an abstract concept, idea, or term
c. an abstract quality
2. preoccupation; absent-mindedness
3. an abstract work of art
abstraction attention
abstruse [bstrs] a.
: RECONDITE difficult to comprehend
abstruse : comprehension :: indiscernible : vision (A B )
abstruse : comprehend :: faint : perceive (A B )
abstruse accessible, explicit, patent, manifest, obvious
patent , ; (obvious, plain)
abuse [bjs] / [bjz] v. : REVILE
1. to use wrongly or improperly; misuse
2. to hurt or injure by maltreatment; ill-use
3. to assail with contemptuous, coarse, or insulting words
diatribe : abuse :: burlesque : mockery
diatribe ,
burlesque ,
polemic : disputatious :: invective : abusive ( : )
polemic ,
invective , ,
declamation : grandiloquence :: diatribe : abuse (EQUAL)
declamation ; ,
grandiloquence , pompous or bombastic speech or
diatribe a bitter, abusive denunciation

: to touch along a border or with a projecting part
contiguous : abut :: simultaneous : coincide ( : )
abysmal [bzml] a. , ,
stygian : dark :: abysmal : low (A >> B)
Stygian (stygian) (Styx), /
accede [ksd] v.
1. to give one's consent, often at the insistence of nother;
2. to arrive at or come into an office or dignity
3. to become a party to an agreement or treaty
accede demur, dissent, oppose
demur to voice opposition; object
dissent v.i. ,
accelerate [kslrit] v. ,
expedite : process :: accelerate : pace
expedite , ; ;
accelerate : speed :: prolong : duration (B A )
accelerate : speed :: expand : size (B A )
accelerate : velocity :: prolong : duration :: crescendo : loudness ::
expedite : process
accelerate retard

[ksntuit] v. ; ;

accentuate underplay


[kssbl] a. , capable
of being understood or appreciated
1. easily approached or entered
2. easily obtained
3. easy to talk to or get along with ,
4. easily swayed or influenced
accessible : approach :: irascible : enrage (A B )
abstruse accessible, patent

accessory [kssri] n, a. , : ADJUNCT

1. a subordinate or supplementary item; an adjunct
2. something nonessential but desirable that contributes to
an effect or result
accessory of primarily importance
accidental [ksidntl] a.
: occurring unexpectedly or by chance
inventiveness : accidental :: effect : casual (OPPOSITE)
casual , ,
safeguard : accident :: hedge : loss (A = B )
hedge ; ,
intentional : accidental :: arrogant : humble (OPPOSITE)
acclaim [klim] v. ~ , ,
acclaim berate, disapprove, denounce, vituperate
acclimate [kl mit, klimit] v.t.
: to adapt to a new temperature, altitude, climate,
environment, or situation; adapt
adapt to make suitable to or fit for a specific use or situation
acclimate become unaccustomed, disaccustom, make unfamiliar with,
make unaccustomed (to)
acclimated unaccustomed



n. (); ,
v. to praise or honor

GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

accolade : praise :: blandishment : cajole ()
accolade : praise :: castigation : rebuke ()
rebuke (), ()
accolade excoriating remark, cutting remark
excoriate ;
accolade castigation, criticism, censure, disapprobation,
denigration, denunciation, reproof, reprobation, swearword
denigrate ; , ( )
swearword ,
accolade derogate, speak ill, excoriate
derogate (, ) , ;
deplore accolade, extol
deplore ;
accommodate [kmdit / k m-] v. ,
; ; ;
1. to do a favor or service for; oblige
2. to provide for; supply with
3. to hold comfortably without crowding
4. to make suitable; adapt
5. to allow for; consider
6. to settle; reconcile
accommodate : supply :: obliterate : remove (A=B A >> B)
obliterate ,
accomplice [kmplis / km-] n.
one who aids or abets a lawbreaker in a criminal act, either
as a principal or an accessory
accost [k()st, kst] v.t.
: to approach and speak to often in a aggressive, hostile, or
sexually suggestive manner
accost : approach :: importune : request (A >> B)
importune ;
accountability [kuntblti] n.
1. liable to being called to account; answerable
2. that can be explained an accountable
accrete [krt] v. : ACCUMULATE
: to make larger or greater, as by increased growth
a. growth or increase in size by gradual external addition, fusion, or
b. something added externally to promote such growth or increase
accrete : growth :: erode : destruction
accrete : grow :: inch : advance (A << B)
inch to move or cause to move slowly or by small degrees
accrete wear away
accretion reduction in substance caused by erosion
accrue [kr:] v. ( ) ,
accrue decrease, lose, scatter, dwindle, erode
acerbity saccharine
achromatic [krmtik] a.
: designating color perceived to have zero saturation and
therefore no hue, such as neutral grays, white, or black
hue ; ,
1. the property of colors by which they can be perceived as ranging
from red through yellow, green, and blue, as determined by the dominant
wavelength of the light
2. a particular gradation of color; a shade or tint
3. color
4. appearance; aspect
achromatic : hue :: transitory : permanence (A lack B)
achromatic : hue :: extraneous : essence (A lack B)
acid [sid] n. adj. , ,
1. a substance having a sour taste
2. the quality of being sarcastic, bitter, or scornful
acid savory
acme [kmi] n. , : APEX, CULMINATION, ZENITH
acme : surpass :: impossibility : execute (B = A)
surpass ,
acme : mountain :: crest : wave (A = B , )
vagary : predict :: acme : surpass (A B )
vagary , an extravagant or erratic notion or action
acme nadir
acoustic [ek:stik] a. ,
acoustic : sound :: optical : light
(autumnal : season, aquatic : wave )
acquiesce [kwis] v.
: to accept, comply, or submit tacitly or passively
intransigent : acquiesce :: deferential : offend
intransigent ,
deferential ,
acquiesce defy, resist, refute
defy , ;
refute ;
acquisition [kwzn] n. ,
divestiture acquisition
divest ( ) ; ( )
acquit [kwt] v.t.
1. (law) to free or clear from a charge or accusation
2. to release or discharge from a duty ( )
acre [ikr] n. [ ]; ,
ream : paper :: acre : land :: volt : electricity :: quart : liquid

[krid] a. , : IRRITATING
1. unpleasantly sharp, pungent, or bitter to the taste or smell
2. caustic in language or tone
acrid : gentleness :: forthright : guile (A lack B)
grating, strident : sound :: acrid : odor
strident ,
acrid : odor :: grating, piercing : sound
acrid gentle, savory
savory ; , ; ,

accumulate [kjmjlit] v. , : AMASS

: to gather or pile up especially little by little
accumulate dissipate
accumulation dissipation
accuse [kjz] v. : BLAME
1. to charge with a shortcoming or an error
2. to charge formally with a wrongdoing
acerbic [s rbik] a. ,
: sour or bitter, as in taste, character, or tone
acerbic sweet, saccharine
saccharine [skr:n] ; ;

acrimonious [krmunis] a. ,
: caustic, biting, or rancorous especially in feeling, language,
or manner

GRE 6.0 (2008 7)
habitually or obsessively
inured : tolerance :: addicted : dependency (A = B )
inure ,

uninformative : knowledge :: acrimonious : goodwill (LACK)

acrimonious harmonious
acumen [kjmn, kj-] n. ,
: quickness, accuracy, and keenness of judgment or insight
alacrity : prompt :: acumen : shrewd (EQUAL, : )
shrewd , ,
acumen obtuseness, bluntness, lack of discernment
blunt , , ,
acute [kjt] a. , , ,
perspicacity : acute :: caprice : whimsical
perspicacity (acuteness); (penetration)
acute imperceptive, insignificant, trivial, stupid, unintelligent,
fatuous , ;
acute mild
acute inveterate
ad hoc
[d-hk, -huk] adj.
adv. for the specific purpose, case, or situation at hand and
for no other
1. formed for or concerned with one specific purpose

2. improvised and often impromptu
adage [did] n. , ,
: a saying that sets forth a general truth and that has
gained credit through long use

[dmnt, -mnt] n. a.
: unshakable or immovable especially in opposition
adamant : flexibility :: refractory : control
refractory , ; obstinately resistant to
authority or control
impossible : execute :: adamant : move
adamant : moved :: intractable : led :: incorrigible : reformed
adamant : yield :: cautious : gamble (A = B )
gamble , ;
adamant : yield :: slothful : assiduity (A = B )
adamant easily changing mind
adamant vacillatory, moved, inclined to yield, flexible, irresolute,
pliable, yielding, easily swayed, pliant, tractable, vacillant
vacillatory; inclined to waver; irresolute

adapt [dpt] v.t. ,

: to make suitable to or fit for a specific use or situation
You must adapt method to circumstances.
adapt oneself to circumstances ;

adapt remain unchanged

adapted unchanged
adaptable unchangeable
addendum [dndm] n.
: something added or to be added, especially a supplement
to a book
addendum : document :: postscript : letter

adept [dpt] /[dept] adj. , n. ,

: very skilled
complaisance : intractable :: adeptness : maladroit (OPPOSITE)
complaisance ; the inclination to comply willingly with the
wishes of others; amiability
adept bungling, clumsy, inept
bungle , to work or act ineptly or
adhere [dhr|d-] v. , ; ,
1. to stick fast by or as if by suction or glue
2. to be a devoted follower or supporter
3. to carry out a plan, a scheme, or an operation without
adhere detach
adherent [dhrnt] n.
: a believer in or advocate especially of a particular idea or
adherent dissenter, forerunner
dissenter ( ) ; -
forerunner , ;
adhesive [dhsiv, -ziv] n. ,
adhesive : bind :: compass : orient
compass [kmps] ( )
etch : corrosive :: glue : adhesive
etch , ;
adhesive nonviscous
adjourn [drn]
convoke adjourn

vi. ( ) /

adjudicate [ddkeit] v. ; ( )
1. (law) to hear and settle (a case) by judicial procedure
2. to study and settle (a dispute or controversy)
adjudicator [ddikitr] n. one that act as

[dkt] n. , something joined or

added to another thing but not essentially a part of it
adjunct essential element

ad-lib [dlb, --] n.

: something spoken, composed, or performed without
ad-lib : impromptu :: side, aside : divergent ( : , )
aside; adv. , n. ; ,
ad-lib : impromptu :: barb : caustic
admire [dmir] v. /;
1. to regard with pleasure, wonder, and approval
2. to have a high opinion of; esteem or respect
adulate : admire = squander : spend (A >> B, A )
paltry : covert :: despicable : admire
defer : leader :: admire : hero
disparaging : contempt :: estimable : admire
emulate : exemplar :: admire : paragon
abhor greatly admire

addict [dikt] v.t. ;

1. to devote or give (oneself) habitually or compulsively
2. to cause to become compulsively and physiologically
dependent on a habit-forming substance
disabuse : error :: rehabilitate : addiction (A = B )

admission [dmn, d-] n. ,

lottery : raffle :: ticket : admission ( ,

addicted [dktid] a. ,
addict; to devote or surrender (oneself) to something

admonish [dmni, d- / -mn-] v. ,

: to express warning or disapproval to especially in a gentle,

GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

earnest, or solicitous manner
admonish : denounce :: punish : pillory :: tell : proclaim (B A
(A << B ))
pillory ; (pillory)
peccadillo : sin :: admonishment : castigation (A << B)
castigation ,
pretense : deceive :: admonition : reprove (A << B)
alibi : exculpatory :: warning : admonitory
exculpate to clear of guilt or blame
admonish : warn :: ameliorate : improve
admonish : warn :: persuade : convince
admonishmeng : warn :: panegyric : compliment
apprise : information :: admonish : warning ( : )
apprise to give notice to; inform
cf. appraise to evaluate, especially in an official capacity
adore [dr] v.t. ,
1. to worship as God or a god
2. to regard with deep, often rapturous love
3. to like very much
abhorrence : dislike :: adoration : fondness, affection (A >> B)
apprehension : terror :: affection : adoration (A << B)
terror intense, overpowering fear
fascination : interest :: adoration : fondness (A >> B)
adroit [drit] a.
: having or showing skill, cleverness, or resourcefulness in
handling situations
loquacious : succinct :: adroit : ungainly (OPPOSITE)
adroitness : ineptness :: difficulty : simplicity (OPPOSITE)
adroit : cluminess :: (OPPOSITE)
adroit : act ::
adroitness clumsiness
adroit ungainly, inept, clumsy
ham-handed deft, adroit
ham-handed , ;
adulate [dlit] v.
: to flatter or admire excessively or slavishly
aversion : disinclination :: adulation : admiration (A >> B)
disinclination a lack of inclination; a mild aversion or
adulate : admire = squander : spend (A >> B, A )
admire /;
adulate : censure :: (OPPOSITE)
fulminate : criticize :: adulate : flatter
fulminate ;
adulate censure, deride, scorn, disparage, disdain, excoriate,
vituperate, reproach, vilify, revile
disparage ;
adulation obloquy, disdain, vituperation, derision (somber affection
obloquy [blkwi] , ; , ,
disdain , ,
vituperation , ,
adulterate [dltrit] v.t.
adult : child :: cat : kitten
adulterate : pure :: bolster, brace : weak :: dismantle : unity
bolster ; ,
brace () ; ; ,
demanding : satisfactory :: adulterate : pristine (A B )
pristine ,
stickler : approximation :: purist : adulteration (A object B)
embellish : austere :: adulterate : pure (A B)
dismantle : united :: adulterate : pristine (A B)
dismantle to take apart; disassemble; tear down
adulterate : purity :: enervate : vigor (A remove B)
unalloyed adulterated
tainted unadulterated
adulteration purification
adumbrate [dmbrit, dmbrit] v.
1. to give a sketchy outline of
2. to prefigure indistinctly; foreshadow
3. to disclose partially or guardedly
adumbrate : punctuality (A B )
revelation adumbration
advent [dvent] n. ,
advent end, exit, disappearance, departure
adversary [dvrsri / -sri] n. : ENEMY, FOE
opposition : adversary :: instruction : mentor
supplicant : humility :: adversary : resistance (A have B, CHARACTER)
supplicant n. a. ,
humility ,
adversary ally
ally [li] , ; ,
advertence [dvrtns, d-] n. , ;
advert ; to call attention; refer
advertence inattention
advertent inattentive
inadvertence careful attention
advertise [dvrtiz] v.t.
: to announce publicly especially by a printed notice or a
advertising : commercial :: publishing : journal
advocate [dvkit] v.t.
: to speak, pled, or argue in favor of
advocacy : champion :: criticism : evaluate
champion; v. (),
exponent : advocate :: pollster : canvass
exponent ,
pollster, polltaker
canvass ; () ;

advocate attack, impugn, oppose, thwart, impede

[reit, irit] v. , ;

aerate : oxygen :: hydrate : water

aerate remove air from

aerial [ril, eir-] a.

: of relating to, or occurring in the air or atmosphere
aerial : air :: aquatic : water
aerial : air :: ferrous : iron
aesthete [si:t] n. ,
1. one who cultivates an unusually high sensitivity to beauty,
as in art or nature
2. one whose pursuit and admiration of beauty is regarded as
excessive or affected
aesthete : art :: gourmand : food
aesthete person insensitive to beauty
aesthetics [estiks / is-] n.
: a branch of philosophy dealing with the nature of beauty,
art, and taste and with the creation and appreciation of
aesthetics : beauty :: epistemology : knowledge

GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

gourmet : food :: aesthete : art

gourmet [grmei] ,
philistine aesthete
philistine ( ) ;
affable [fbl] a.
: characterized by ease and friendliness
affable : gracious :: (A=B)
affable : ease :: (A B )
affable irascible, testy, uncommunicative, reticent, solitary
irascible ,
testy , , (irritable)
affability surliness, sullenness, irascibility
surly , ,
sullen , ; (, )
affectation [fekti:n] n. , ;
1. a show, pretense, or display
2. a. behavior that is assumed rather than natural;
artificiality b. a particular habit, as of speech or dress,
adopted to give a false impression
affectation artlessness, ingenuousness
affected [fktid] a. ; ,
1. influenced ; changed ; emotionally stirred or moved
2. assumed or simulated to impress others
posturer : unaffected :: bigot : tolerant (A = B )
tolerant , ;
disaffected : contentment :: dubious : commitment, conviction ::
dishonest : integrity (A lack B)
disaffect , to cause to lose
affection or loyalty disaffected resentful and rebellious, especially
against authority
commit , ; , ; (
) ,
conviction (); , a fixed or strong belief
officious : meddle :: disaffected : rebel (EQUAL, : )
officious ,
meddle ,
disaffected content, contented
affected natural, artless, ingenuous
ingenuous , ; ,
affection [fkn] n. , : FONDNESS
apprehension : terror :: affection : adoration (A << B)
embrace, kiss : affection :: shrug : indifference :: frown : displeasure
(A = B )
shrug to raise (the shoulders), especially as a gesture of doubt,
disdain, or indifference
scowl : displeasure :: kiss : affection :: hurl : disgust
hurl , ; ;
swagger : bravado :: caress : affection (sign)
swagger ,
caress [krs] , ;
obeisance : esteem :: embrace : affection
obeisance , ;
embrace ; ( ) ; ,
mercurial : mood :: fickle : affection
mercurial ;();,;,
fickle , ;
antipathy affection
affidavit [fdivit] n. ,
: a sworn statement in writing made especially under oath
or on affirmation
affidavit : statement :: wedding : ceremony (A is a kind of B)
affiliate [flieit] v. , ;... , ...

1. to adopt or accept as a member, subordinate associate, or

2. to associate (oneself) as a subordinate, subsidiary,
employee, or member
3. to assign the origin of
aligned awry, not affiliated, askew, improperly adjusted, badly
adjusted, warped, irregular
affiliation [fliin] n. , ; , ; ;
: to bring or receive into close connection as a member or
affiliation dissociation
affinity [fnti] n. (); ; ,
1. a natural attraction or feeling of kinship
2. relationship by marriage
3. an inherent similarity between persons or things
affinity antipathy, aversion, hideousness, repugnance
hideous [hdis] , , ;
affix [fks] v. , ; (, )
1. to secure to something; attach
2. to impute; attribute
3. to place at the end; append
affix detach

[flkt] v. : torture, gruel, distress, wreak,

inflict, tribulate

[flkn] n.
1. a condition of pain, suffering, or distress
2. a cause of pain, suffering, or distress
affluent [flu()nt, fl-] a.
: having a generously sufficient and typically increasing
supply of material possessions
affluent needy, indigent
indigent [ndidnt] , experiencing want or need;
impecunious wealthy, prosperous, affluent
impecunious lacking money; penniless
penury affluence
penury ,
affront [frnt] v. n. ,
(=OFFEND : to cause displeasure, anger)
: to insult intentionally, especially openly
: an open or intentional offense, slight, or insult
affront please(, ) (*countenance( )
agape [gip] adv. adj. (), (),
agape closed
aghast [gst, gst] a. : SHOCKED
: struck by shock, terror, or amazement
agenda [dnd] n. ()
: a list or program of things to be done or considered
program : concert :: agenda : meeting
repertoire : performance :: agenda : meeting
curriculum : class :: menu : dish
curriculum, syllabus : course :: agenda : meeting
itinerary : travel, trip :: agenda : meeting
minute : agenda :: log : itinerary ( )
minute a note or summary covering points to be remembered
itinerary , ,
log; a record of a ship's speed, its progress, and any shipboard events

GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

of navigational importance
aggrandize [grndaiz, grndiz] v.t. , ()
, (, )
: to make appear great or greater; praise highly
aggrandize disparage, efface
aggrandize downplay
aggrandize relegate (undermine 2?( 2-6-31))
effacing aggrandizing
efface , ;
conspicuous ;
aggravate [grvit] v.t.
: to make worse, more serious, or more severe; intensify
succor aggravate
succor [skr] , to give assistance to in time of want,
difficulty, or distress
aggravate alleviate, ameliorate
alleviate , to make (pain, for example) more bearable
ameliorate / to make or become better; improve
console aggravate grief
allay increase the intensity of, aggravate, intensify
allay [li] ,
aggregate [grigit] v. n. a. , ,
: to collect or gather into a mass or whole
coalesce disaggregate
coalesce ,
disaggregate, disintegrate join together
aggregate isolated units ()
aggregate disperse ()
aggregated detached, separated, unfastened, part, split, polarized,
bifurcated, broken apart
aggressive [grsiv] a. ,
: inclined to behave in a hostile fashion
aggressive even meaning, even-tempered

1. to cause to move with violence or sudden force

2. to upset; disturb
3. to arouse interest in (a cause, for example) by use of the
written or spoken word; debate
* agitation n.
agitated : equanimity :: (A B )
coolheaded excitable, nervous, agitated, ruffled
agitate soothe
agitation sang-froid, repose
sang-froid ,
agog [gg / gg] adj. /
: full of intense interest or excitement : EAGER
agog indifferent
agonize [gnaiz] v. ;
1. to suffer extreme pain or great anguish
2. to make a great effort; struggle
agonized : distress :: obsessed : concern (A >> B)
agony [gni] n. , : ANGUISH, TORTURE
: intense pain of mind or body
agonized : distress :: obsessed : concern (A >> B)
obsess to preoccupy the mind of excessively
painful : agonizing :: important : paramount (A << B)
paramount of chief concern or importance; supreme in rank, power, or
agrarian [grrin] a.
agrarian : farming :: mercantile : trade
mercantile [m:rknt:l] of or relating to merchants or trade
airtight [rtit] a. ,
: having no noticeable weakness, flaw, or loophole
airtight : loophole :: (A = B )
foolproof : fail :: airtight : leak
foolproof ,

[lkrti] n. , : promptness
in response; cheerful readiness
husbandry : dissipate :: alacrity : procrastinate (OPPOSITE)
husbandry , , ; ,
procrastinate ,
alacrity : prompt :: acumen : shrewd (EQUAL, : )
alacrity : apathetic :: temerity : timid (OPPOSITE)
apathetic ; ,
temerity foolhardy disregard of danger; recklessness
timid lacking self-confidence; shy; fearful and hesitant
alacrity dilatoriness, hesitancy, hesitance, reluctance, delay, footdragging
dilatory; intended to delay; tending to postpone or delay
foot-dragging; , ,
alacrity recalcitrance, sluggishness
recalcitrant marked by stubborn resistance to and defiance of authority
or guidance

aggrieve [grv] v.t. , : DISTRESS

1. to distress; afflict
2. to inflict an injury or injuries on
aggrieve gratify, comfort, mollify, appease, conciliate (energize,
inspire )
gratify , to please or satisfy; to give what is
desired to
aggrieved buoyant
aghast [gst] adj. ,
: struck by shock, terror, or amazement
aghast undismayed
1. to destroy the courage or resolution of by exciting dread or
2. to cause to loose enthusiasm; disillusion
3. to upset or alarm
[dl] adj. , ; ,
1. characterized by quickness, lightness, and ease of
movement; nimble
2. mentally alert
agile : movement ::
agile : mobility ::
agile sluggish
agility dilatoriness, hesistancy
dilatory , ;
hesistancy, hesistance , ,


[lbinou / -b-] n. (
, , )
albino : pigment :: prairie : tree
pigment ,
prairie treeless grassland




alchemy [lkmi] n. ,
alchemy : chemistry :: false drug : treatment
astrology : astronomy :: alchemy : chemistry
alchemy : science :: nostrum : remedy
nostrum ; (, )

v. ; ,


[lbi] n.
: an explanation offered to avoid blame or justify action; an

GRE 6.0 (2008 7)
abate : tax :: alleviate : distress
alleviate : intensity :: abate : tax :: console : grief (A remove B)
alleviate : strength :: dampen : ardor :: assuage : sorrow
alleviation : immitigable ::
alleviate intensify, exacerbate, increase intensity
exacerbate to increase the severity, violence, or bitterness of;

alibi : exculpatory :: warning : admonitory
exculpatory , ,
admonitory ,
alibi : exculpatory :: admonishment : warning
alibi : exculpate :: sophism : deceive (A is for B)
sophism ,

[iljn`eit] v. , , / ,

1. To cause to become unfriendly or hostile; estrange:
alienate a friend; alienate potential supporters by taking
extreme positions. ESTRANGE
2. To cause to become withdrawn or unresponsive; isolate
or dissociate emotionally: The numbing labor tended to

alienate workers.
3. To cause to be transferred; turn away: He
succeeded . . . in alienating the affections of my only
ward (Oscar Wilde).
4. Law. To transfer (property or a right) to the ownership
of another, especially by an act of the owner rather than
by inheritance.
alienate unite, reunite

[lin] v. , , (,
) ()
; aligned nations
align divide, disjoin
aligned awry, not affiliated, askew, improperly adjusted, badly
adjusted, warped, irregular
awry [ri] , ; ,
affiliate , ,
warp [w:rp] , ,


[li] v. , : ALLEVIATE
1. to reduce the intensity of; relieve
2. to calm or pacify; set to rest
allay : relief :: (A B )
allay increase the intensity of, excite, galvanize, arouse, exacerbate,
foment, aggravate, compel, intensify, irritate, provoke
exacerbate to increase the severity, violence, or bitterness of;

allegiance [ldns] n.
: devotion or loyalty to a person, group, or cause
authority : pundits :: allegiance : partisans (B have A)
pundit ,
partisan ,
renegade : allegiance :: apostate : faith
renegade ,
apostate [psteit] ,
apostasy abandonment of one's religious faith, a political party, one's
principles, or a cause
allegory [lgri / -gri] n. ;
: the expression by means of symbolic fictional figures and
actions of truths or generalizations about human
allegory : fiction :: (B use A)
allergy [l:rd3i] n. ; ,
1. an abnormal high sensitivity to certain substances, such
as pollens, foods, or microorganisms
2. (informal) an adverse sentiment; antipathy
allergy : reaction :: lancet : instrument (A is a kind of B)
alleviate [lviit] v. : RELIEVE, LESSEN
: to make (as suffering) more bearable

alliterate [ltrit] v.
alliterate : remove :: blazon : efface
* alliteration exaggeration, duplication (alliterate means
repetition of sounds, indicating lengthiness or wordiness. Remove, on
the other hand, means cut short or make more concise)
/ blazon means proclaim widely, like in obvious and open manner, while
efface (as in self-effaced) mean behaving modest or reserved.
blazon , ; ,
efface , ;

[li] v. , ,
: to debase by the addition of an inferior element
alloy : purity :: thin : density (A reduce B)

allowance [luns] n. ()
: a share or portion allotted or granted
pittance : allowance :: rivulet : stream (A is small B)
pittance /;
rivulet ,
allude [ld] vi.
: to make indirect reference
intimate : communicate :: allude : refer
intimate , ;
allude mention explicitly
ally [li] n. ,
ally adversary, rival

[l()ft / -l-] ad.

: at or to a great height
founder stay aloft
founder ; ,
groundedly aloft

aloof [luf] a. ,
: removed or distant either physically or emotionally
aloof : objectivity :: (A B )
aloof : solitude :: (A B )
aloof : reserve :: sluggish : torpor (A B )
aloof : associate :: politic : offend (OPPOSITE) ( : )
politic , ; ; ,
aloof having affinity, gregarious, intimate
gregarious ; (sociable); ,
alphabetical [lfbtikl] a.
dictionary : alphabetical :: annals : chronological
annals ;
altruism [ltruzm] n.
altruist : selflessness :: connoisseur : expertise (A have B)
connoisseur ,
expertise /
altruism egocentrism, egoism
vulture altruist
vulture , ; ,
amalgamate [mlgmit] v. ,
: to unite in or as if in an amalgam, especially to merge into a
single body


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)
ameliorate : improve :: admonish : caution (EQUAL, : )
ameliorate : improve :: persuade : convince
ameliorate aggravate, exacerbate
damper ameliorator
damp ; ,

amalgamation : disintegrated :: (OPPOSITE)

amalgamate separate, isolate, disintegrate, insulate
insulate ; ,
amalgamation disintegration
amass [ms] v. : ACCUMULATE
: to gather together for oneself, as for one's pleasure or
profit; accumulate
amass dissipate
ambiguous [mbgjus] a. ,
: doubtful or uncertain especially from obscurity or
ambiguous : clarity :: mendacious : truth (LACK)
mendacious , ;
ambiguous : understand :: blatant : ignore (A = B )
blatant ; ;
equivocation : ambiguous :: platitude : banal
platitude , ; ,
banal , , (trivial)
equivocation : ambiguous :: oxymoron : incongruent, incongruous
[for example, crowed solitude]
incongruent ,
unequivocal : ambiguity :: spotless : blemish (OPPOSITE)
blemish an imperfection that mars or impairs; a flaw or defect
ambivalent [mbvlent] a. ;
: simultaneous and contradictory attitudes or feelings
toward an object, person, or action
* ambivalence [mbvlns] n. ,
1. the coexistence of opposing attitudes or feelings, such as
love and hate, toward a person, an object, or an idea
2. uncertainty or indecisiveness as to which course to
ambivalent committed, definite, settled, unequivocal
committed ,

[mbl] vi. , n. :
: to walk slowly or leisurely; stroll
walk : amble :: talk : chat :: draw : doodle
doodle ,
amble : wander (EQUAL)
wander ,
amble step/stride/walk quickly, scurry , march rapidly
scurry () , ,


[mbruil] a. , extremely
pleasing to taste or smell in food
mellifluous : music :: ambrosial : food
mellifluous ,
mellifluous : sound :: savory : taste
savory ,

ambulatory [mbjultri / -tri] v.

ambulatory bedridden
ameliorate [mljrit, -li-] v.t.
: to make or become better; improve
ameliorate : promotion :: exacerbate : depravation (EQUAL, :
exacerbate ; to increase the severity,
violence, or bitterness of; aggravate
depravation , ,
deprave , to debase, especially morally;

amenable [mnbl, m-] a. (, )

: readily brought to yield, submit, or cooperate
amenable inimical, intransigent, obdurate, recalcitrant
inimical , ; ,
intransigent / ;
amend [mnd] v. /
1. to change for the better; improve
2. to remove the faults or errors in; correct
3. to alter (a legislative measure, for example) formally by
adding, deleting, or rephrasing
corrective : amend :: paradigm : exemplify
amenity [mnti] n. ,
: something that conduces to comfort, convenience, or
amenity : comfortable :: paradigm : exemplifying
amenity : comfortable :: honorarium : grateful
honorarium [nrrim] ( ) ,

grateful , ;
amenity nuisance
amiable [imibl] a.
: being friendly, sociable, and congenial
inimical, rancorous friendly, amiable, amicable
amicable [mikbl] a. : PEACEABLE
: characterized by friendly goodwill
amicable : malign :: negligible : elevate (OPPOSITE)
malign to make evil, harmful, and often untrue statement
about; speak evil of
elevate , ;
amicable : friendliness :: ( )
inimical friendly, amiable, amicable
asperity amicableness
amicable rancorous
amiss [ms] adj. adv. , : IMPERFECTLY
1. out of proper order
2. not in perfect shape; faulty
amnesia [mn:] n. ,
: partial or total loss of memory, usually resulting from shock,
psychological disturbance, brain injury, or illness
amnesia : memory :: enervation : vigor
amnesia retention, remembrance, consciousness, awareness
amorphous [mrfs] a. : SHAPELESS
: having no definite form
amorphous : shape, structure :: errant, wandering : course :: ignorant :
knowledge :: equivocal : certainty : disjointed : coherence
errant , () , ( )
disjointed ; , (, ) ,

amorphousness : definition :: lassitude : energy (LACK)
lassitude , a state or feeling of weariness, diminished
energy, or listlessness
amorphous defined, definite


n. ; ;

amplify [mplfi] v.t. : INCREASE

1. to make larger or more powerful; increase


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)
4. one that is greatly reviled, loathed, or shunned
anathema : curse :: theocracy : state (A is a kind of B)
anathema ; () state
anathema panegyric, blessing
panegyric /, (laudation)

2. to add to, as by illustrations; make complete

3. to exaggerate
4. to produce amplification of
amplify mute, abridge
mute ; ( )
amplitude [mplitjd ] n. : FULLNESS
1. greatness of size; magnitude
2. fullness; copiousness
amplitude meagerness
meager , ; ,
amulet [mjlit] n.
: an object worn, especially around the neck, as a charm
against evil or injury
amulet : evil :: helmet : injury (A prevent B)
anachronism [nkrnstic] n. , / ()
1. representation of someone as existing or something as
happening in other than the chronological, proper, or
historical order
2. one that is out of its proper or chronological order
* anachronistic a.
anachronistic : time :: discordant : sound
anachronistic timely
anaerobic [nrubic, nroubic] a.
: living, active, occurring, or existing in the absence of free
anaerobic living in oxygen, require oxygen, respiring
respire ;
analgesia [nld:zik, -dsik]
: a deadening or absence of the sense of pain without loss
of consciousness
analgesia sensitivity to pain
analgesic [`nld3:zik] n.
analgesic : pain :: anesthetic : sensation
aseptic : disinfections :: anesthetic : numbs
pain : analgesic :: sensation : anesthetic :: symptom : palliative
analgesia : pain :: simplification : complexity
tonic : invigorate :: analgesic : deaden :: stimulant : arouse
soporific : alertment :: analgesic : pain
analogy [nldi] n. : SIMILARITY
disparate analogous
disparate [dsprit] fundamentally distinct or different in kind;
entirely dissimilar
analogous lacking similarity
analysis [nlsis] n.
measure : dimensions :: analyze : nature
synthesis analysis
anarchist [nrkist]
: one who rebels against any authority, established order,
or ruling power
anarchist : government :: abolitionist : slavery
anarchist : rebel :: apologist : defend
apologist /
anarchy order
anathema [nm] n. : CURSE, EXECRATION
1. a formal ecclesiastical ban, curse, or excommunication
2. a vehement denunciation; a curse
3. one that is cursed or damned

ancestor [nsestr, -ss-] n.

heirloom : ancestor :: bequest : testator
heirloom [rl:m]
bequest , ,
scion ancestor
scion [sin] ( )
anchor [nkr] n. ; v. /
anchor dislodge
dislodge , , ,
ancillary [nslri / nslri] a.
: of secondary importance; auxiliary, helping
ancillary paramount
anecdote [nikdutid] n.
1. a short account of an interesting or humorous incident
2. anecdotes or anecdota secret or hitherto undivulged
particulars of history or biography
anecdote : amusement :: lecture : instruction (PURPOSE)
anecdote : story :: anecdote : narrative :: skit : play (A B)
skit ,
anemic [nmik] a. ;
1. of, relating to, or suffering from anemia()
2. lacking vitality; listless and weak
* anemia [n:mi] n. ;
anemia plethora
plethora , (overfullness); ,
anemic hale, strong
hale free from infirmity or illness; sound
anesthetic [nstik] a. n. ,
: lacking awareness or sensitivity
analgesic : pain :: anesthetic : sensation
aseptic : disinfections :: anesthetic : numbs
soporific : alert :: anesthetic : pain
vaccination : disease :: anesthesia : sensation
sensation anesthesia
anesthesia [nis:] ,
anhydrous [nhidrs] a.
: without water, especially water of crystallization
anhydrous wet
animation [nmin] n. : ALIVE
lassitude vim, verve, animation
lassitude , ; a state or feeling of weariness,
diminished energy, or listlessness
vim , ,
verve ( ) , ; () ,
animus [nms] n. , ; ,
1. an attitude that informs one's actions; disposition
2. a feeling of animosity; ill will
animus friendship, friendliness
annals [nlz] n.
1. a chronological record of the events of successive years
2. a descriptive account or record; a history
3. a periodical journal in which the records and reports of a
learned field are compiled


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)
answerable not responsible for, exempt from liability

dictionary : alphabetical :: annals : chronological


[ntit] to furnish (a literary work)

with critical commentary or explanatory notes; gloss
annotate : commentary :: gloss : definition
gloss , ; , ; , ,

annoy [ni] v.t. ,

1. to cause slight irritation to (another) by troublesome,
often repeated acts
2. to harass or disturb by repeated attacks
testy : annoy :: tractable : control (B = A)
testy ,
tractable ,
annoying : gadfly :: rude : churl (B = A )
gadfly ;
maudlin : sentimental :: peeved : annoyed (A >> B :: A = B) (x)
maudlin , effusively or tearfully
patronizing : condescending :: peeved : annoyed (EQUAL)
patronize , ; , ;

condescend ; to deal with people in a
patronizingly superior manner
testy : annoy :: hesitating : balk (CHARACTER)
balk [b:k] ,
annul [nl] v. ,
1. to make or declare void or invalid, as a marriage or a
law; nullify
2. to obliterate the effect or existence of
annul make legal, reaffirm
anodyne [noudin] n. (analgesic, pain-killer)

1. capable of soothing or eliminating pain
2. relaxing
3. watered-down; insipid
anodyne : pain :: soporific : wakefulness (B A )
soporific ,
anodyne irritant
[nmls / nm-] a. : IRREGULAR,
anomaly : paradigmatic :: blemish : flawless (OPPOSITE)
paradigm ,
blemish ( ) , to mar or impair by a flaw
anomalous conforming to norms, normal, typical

antagonize [ntgniz] v.t. ,

: to incur the dislike of; to counteract
cowardice : intimidate :: choler : antagonize :
:: :
antagonistic synergic
synergic, synergistic
propitiate, placate, mollify antagonize
propitiate , to conciliate; appease
placate [plikeit] to allay the anger of, especially by making
concessions; appease
allay [li] (calm);
antecedent [ntis:dnt] n. , , a. ,
antecedent posterity
posterity , , ,
antediluvian [ntidilvin / -vjn]
: extremely old and antiquated
antediluvian : age :: colossal : size
colossal [klsl] ,
antenna [ntn] n. ,
antennae : butterfly :: (B have A)
anterior [ntrir] a.
: coming before in time or development
anterior ensuing
ensue , ,
anthology [nldi / -l-] n.
compendium : summary :: anthology : collection (EQUAL)
compendium , ;
antibiotic [ntibaitik, -tai / -t-] n.
antibiotic : infection :: coagulant : bleeding

[ntik] n. , a. , v.
: a ludicrous or extravagant act or gesture
antic : gravity :: (A lack B)
facetious : speech :: antic : behavior
facetious [fs:s] ; , playfully jocular;


anomaly [nmli] adj. , ,

1. deviation or departure from the normal or common order,
form, or rule
2. one that is peculiar, irregular, abnormal, or difficult to
* anomalous adj. , ,
anomaly conformity to norms, predicted occurrence
anomalous paradigmatic
anonymous [nnms / nn-] a. ,
: not named or identified
anonymous : identify :: nonchalant : excite (A lack B)
nonchalant , , seeming to be coolly
unconcerned or indifferent
anonymous : identify :: unplumbed : depth :: unpredictable : vagary
unplumbed ,
answerable [nsrbl| :n-] a. ,


anticipatory [ntsptri, -tu-]

retrospective anticipatory

a. ,

antidote [ntidut] n.
antidote : poisoning :: balm : irritation :: remedy : disease
balm ; ,
antidote : poison :: tonic : lethargy
lethargy ,
antidote intoxication
antipathy [ntpi] n. , : DISTASTE
: settled aversion or dislike
antipathy affection, affinity, benevolence, fondness, predilection,
proclivity, settled fondness
predilection , (preference)
proclivity , , (tendency)
agreeable : antipathy :: tedious : engrossment (A B )
agreeable ,
antique [ntk] a. : ANCIENT
1. belonging to, made in, or typical of an earlier period
2. of or belonging to ancient times, especially of, from, or
characteristic of ancient Greece or Rome
3. of or dealing in antiques
4. old-fashioned


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

antique recent
antiseptic [ntsptik] n.
oil : lubricate :: antiseptic : disinfect
sedative : pacify :: antiseptic : sterilize
sterilize /; ;
antithetic, antithetical [ntitik] adj. ; ,

1. of, relating to, or marked by antithesis

2. being in diametrical opposition
drenched : wet :: antithetic : different (A >> B)
antithetic, antithetical congruent
anvil [nvl] n.
hammer : anvil :: pestle : mortar
apathetic [ptik] adj. ; ,
1. feeling or showing a lack of interest or concern;
2. feeling or showing little or no emotion; unresponsive
apathetic motivated, vehement
vehement ; ,
apathy [pi] n. , : IMPASSIVENESS
: lack of feeling or emotion
ennui : enthusiastic :: fervor : apathetic (OPPOSITE)
ennui [:nwi] , , listless and dissatisfaction
resulting from lack of interest
fervor ,

[ipeks] n.
1. the highest point; the vertex
2. the point of culmination
3. the usually pointed end of an object; the tip
apex nadir [nidr]
apex : career :: summit : mountain (zenith : horizon )

aphorism [frzm] n. : ADAGE

1. a tersely phrased statement of a truth or opinion; an
2. a brief statement of a principle
aphorism : succinct :: bromide : hackneyed (A B )
aphorism : brevity :: caricature : distortion (A B )
pithiness : aphorism :: exaggeration : caricature
euphemism : offensive :: aphorism : diffusive (A is not B)
diffuse ;
aphoristic prolix
aphorism tirade
apiary [ipiri, -ri] n.
apiary : bee(s) :: cage : pet

apocalyptic : prophetic :: inconsequential : illogical (EQUAL)

apocalyptic : prophetic :: inconsequential : irrational (EQUAL)
inconsequential ;
apocalyptic inconsequential, trivial, insignificant
apocalyptic favorable, fortuitous, auspicious, pleasant
apocrypha [pkrf / pkri-] n. ;
: writings or statements of questionable authorship or
* apocryphal a. ,
apocrypha : canon :: (OPPOSITE)
apocryphal : authentic :: (OPPOSITE)
apocryphal : authentication :: shady : integrity (A lack B)
shady a. , , ,
apocrypha canon
apocryphal authentic, authenticated
apogee [pd:] n. ( perigee), ,
apogee lowliest, nadir
apologize [pldiz / pl-] v. ,
1. to make excuse for or regretful acknowledgment of a fault
or offense
2. to make a formal defense or justification in speech or
saboteur : disrupt :: apologist : defend
patron : support :: apologist : defend
patron , ;
apologize : regret :: gibe : derision (EQUAL, : )
gibe , to make taunting, heckling, or jeering
derision ,
apologize : contrite :: compliment : impressed
contrite ,
apologist : defend :: anarchist : rebel
disciple : follow :: apologist : defend (() : )
disciple [disipl] , ;
heretic : unconformity :: apologist : defend (() : )
heretic [hritik] ,
conformity , , ; ,
apologist critic, detractor
detract (, ) , ; to draw or
take away; divert
apology [pldi] n. ; ;
1. an acknowledgment expressing regret or asking pardon
for a fault or offense
2. a. a formal justification or defense
b. an explanation or excuse
3. an inferior substitute
apology : regret :: gibe : derision (A show B)

[pldist / pl-] n. () : one who

speaks or writes in defense of someone or something
apologist critic/detractor

aplomb [plm, plm / plm] n. ,

: complete and confident composure or self-assurance
trepidation aplomb
trepidation , ; ,

apophasis [pfss] n.
: allusion to something by denying that it will be mentioned
apophasis : claim :: oxymoron : paradox

apocalyptic [pklptik / pk] a. , :

1. of or relating to an apocalypse
2. involving or portending widespread devastation or
ultimate doom
3. characterized by usually exaggerated predictions of or
allusions to a disastrous outcom
4. of a revelatory or prophetic nature

apoplectic [pplktik] a. ,
: greatly agitated; extremely angry
apoplectic : angry :: emaciated : thin (A >> B)
emaciate to make or become extremely thin
apoplectic : calm :: callow : mature :: incorrigible : tractable (OPPOSITE)
callow () ; lacking adult maturity or
experience; immature


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

apoplectic calm
apostasy [pstsi / ps-] n. , : DEFECTION
: renunciation of a religious faith; abandonment of a
previous loyalty
apostasy : faith :: recantation : heresy (B = A)
recant ( ) /
heresy , ,
apostasy fidelity
apostrophe [pstrfi / ps-] n.
a mark(') used to indicate the omission of letters or figures,
the possessive case, or the plural of letters or figures
apostrophes : word :: ellipsis : sentence
ellipsis ()
parenthesis : explanation :: apostrophe : omission
* ellipsis (, ..., ***) : omission
* asterisk(*) : annotation(), indicate an omission or a reference
to a footnote
* caret (^) : interpolation, indicate something is to be inserted in a
line of printed or written matter
apothecary [pkri / ap-] n.
apothecary : medicine :: butcher : meat (A sell B)
(librarian () : book )
appall [pl] v.t.
: to overcome with consternation, shock, or dismay
appall embolden, nerve, encourage
nerve; v.t. to give strength or courage to
apparel [prl] v.t, ; ,
1. to clothe or dress
2. to adorn or embellish
gaudy : apparel :: grandiloquent : speak
gaudy ; showy in a tasteless or vulgar
tonsorial : hair :: sartorial : apparel
tonsorial ()
sartorial ,
appeal [pl] vi.
1. to make an earnest or urgent request, as for help
2. to have recourse, as for corroboration; resort
3. (law) to make or apply for an appeal
4. to be attractive or interesting
recourse ,
corroborate to strengthen or support with other evidence; make more
resort , , ; ()
remonstrator : dissuade :: applicant : appeal (A = B )
remonstrate , to say or plead in protest,
objection, or reproof

[pli] a. ; , :
appealing noisome
noisome , ; ,

appease [pz] v.t. , : CALM

1. to bring peace, quiet, or calm to; soothe
2. to satisfy or relieve
3. to pacify or attempt to pacify (an enemy) by granting
concessions, often at the expense of principle
appease aggravate, exacerbate
roil clarify, appease
roil () ; ,
rile, roil, vex pacify, appease, soothe
rile; to stir to anger; to stir up (liquid); roil
roil 1. to make (a liquid) muddy or cloudy by stirring up sediment 2.

to displease or disturb; vex

appellation [plin] n. , ,
1. a name, title, or designation
2. the act of naming
designation (, ) ,
foreword : introductory :: appellation : designative, designatory
appetite [pitit] n. ,
1. an instinctive physical desire, especially one for food or
2. a strong wish or urge
appetite : indulge ::
voracity lack of appetite
voracity , ;
applause [plz] n. ,
* applaud v.t. ;
: to express approval, especially by clapping the hands
applaud disparage
mirth : laughter :: approval : applause (B represent A)
mirth , , , gladness and gaiety, especially when
expressed by laughter
applicant [pliknt] n.
remonstrator : dissuade :: applicant : appeal
appoint [pint] v.t.
appoint : official :: cast : actor
apposite [pzit] a. , : APT
: strikingly appropriate and relevant
apposite : relevant :: (EQUAL)
apposite extraneous, irrelevant
extraneous , ;
appreciable [pribl] a. ,
: capable of being perceived or measured
appreciable : perceive :: tenable : defend (A B )
appreciable imperceptible
ponderable inappreciable
ponderable considerable enough to be weighed or assessed;
apprehension [prihnn] n. , ;
1. fearful or uneasy anticipation of the future; dread
2. the act of seizing or capturing; arrest
3. the ability to apprehend or understand; understanding
apprehension : terror :: affection : adoration (A << B)
apprehensible [prihnsebl] a. ,
capable of being understood
apprehensible : perceive :: ( : )
apprehensive [prihnsiv] a. ,
apprehensive : dire :: (A << B)
apprise [priz] v. ,
: to give notice to; inform
apprise : information :: admonish : warning
apprise withhold information
When he was apprised of the dangerous weather conditions, he decided
to postpone his trip.

[prntis] n. : novice

approbation [proubin] n. , : COMMENDATION,

1. an expression of warm approval; praise
2. official approval


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

praise : approbation :: demur : objection :: cajole : blandishment

(EQUAL, : )
demur to voice opposition; object
censure : blameless :: approbation : reprehensible (OPPOSITE)
reprehensible , deserving rebuke or censure;
endorse : approbation :: (A represent B)
approbation execration, condemnation
execration ,
approachable [prutbl] a. ,
; an approachable man
approachable : intimate :
(A B)
appropriate [prupriit] a. : FITTING
: suitable for a particular person, condition, occasion, or
place; fitting
meet inappropriate, unsuitable
apt extremely inappropriate
apt , ;
appropriate [prupriit] v. ( ) /
1. to set apart for a specific use
2. to take possession of or make use of exclusively for
oneself, often without permission
lurk : wait :: abscond : depart
lurk ,
lurk : concealment :: purloin : appropriation
smuggler : import :: embezzler : appropriate
appropriate surrender
appropriate demise
demise , ;
approve [prv] v.t. ,
1. to consider right or good; think or speak favorably of
2. to consent to officially or formally; confirm or sanction
substantiate disapprove
substantiate ; ,
approximate [prksmit / -rk-] a.
1. almost exact or correct
2. very similar; closely resembling
paraphrase : verbatim :: approximation : precise (OPPOSITE)
verbatim , using exactly the same words;
corresponding word for word
stickler : approximation, imprecision :: purist : adulteration
apron [iprn] n. ,
: a shield to protect against erosion (as of a waterway) by
lamp : illuminate :: apron : protect (PURPOSE)
drop cloth : floor :: apron : clothing (A protect B)
drop cloth ( )
apropos [prpu]
apropos irrelevant



[pt] a. , : READY, LIKELY

1. exactly suitable; appropriate
2. having a natural tendency; inclined
3. quick to learn or understand
apt extremely inappropriate, unlikely
aptness unsuitability

aquarium [ekw(:)rim] n. ,
aquarium : fish :: arboretum : tree

[kwtik, kwt- / kwt-]


aquatic : water :: aerial : air :: arboreal : tree :: sidereal : star

aqueous [ikwis, k-| ik-] a.
aqueous : water :: ferrous : iron
: :: :
aqueduct [kwdkt] n.
: a conduit for water; one for carrying a large quantity of
flowing water
aqueduct : water :: pipeline : gas :: vessel : blood
vessel ; , ; ,
aquifer [kwfr, k-] n. ( )
mineshaft, shaft : lode :: well : aquifer (A B )
shaft []
mineshaft; a vertical, sloping passageway made in the earth for finding
or mining ore and ventilating underground excavations
lode ; () /
arachnid [rknid] n. (, )
spider : arachnid :: orange : fruit (A B)
arbiter [:rbitr] n. ,
1. one chosen or appointed to judge or decide a disputed
issue; an arbitrator
2. one who has the power to judge or ordain at will
arbiter : decide :: broker : negotiate (A B )
(consultant : examine )
initiative : entrepreneur :: impartiality : arbiter
arbor [:rb:r] n.
arbor : shelter :: hedgerow : fence (A B, A B )
arboreal [rbril] a.
arboreal : trees :: sidereal : stars :: aquatic : water
arboretum [rbrtm] n.
arboretum : wilderness ::(B lack A)
wilderness , ,
arboretum : tree ::
arboretum : trees ::
arcane [rkin] a.
: known or understood by only a few
arcane well-known
archaic [rkiik] a. ; , : ANTIQUATED
1. of, relating to, or characteristic of a much earlier, often
more primitive period
2. no longer current or applicable; antiquated
3. of, relating to, or characteristic of words and language that
were once common but are now used chiefly to suggest an
earlier style or period
archaic : currency :: irrelevant : pertinency :: evanescent :
permanence :: meteoric : constancy (WITHOUT OPPOSITE)
evanescent ; vanishing or likely to vanish like vapor
meteoric ;
archaic : current : evanescent : perpetual
archaic current
archaism [rkizm, -kei-] n. ,
: an archaic word, phrase, idiom, or other expression
archaism modern diction, neologism
archetype [rkitip] , PROTOTYPE
1. an original model or type after which other similar things
are patterned; a prototype
2. an ideal example of a type; quintessence
harbinger : presage :: archetype : exemplify (EQUAL, : )
harbinger ; , one that indicates or foreshadows what
is to come; a forerunner


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

presage , ; , ; ,
archipelago [rkplgu] n. ,
: a group of islands
archipelago : island :: range () : mountain :: chain : link ::
school : fish
archipelago : islands :: grove : trees :: galaxy : stars :: bouquet :
grove ;
oasis : desert :: archipelago : ocean :: glade : wood

argot standard language, common verbalism

aria [:ri] n.,
opera : aria :: play : monologue

[rid] a.
1. lacking moisture, especially having insufficient rainfall to
support trees or woody plants
2. lacking interest or feeling; lifeless and dull
* aridness n.
marsh : sodden :: desert : arid
marsh ,
sodden (soaked)
arid damp, marshy
aridness humidness

architect [rkitkt] n.
choreographer : movement :: architect : building (A compose B)
(sculptor : statue )
archive [rkaiv] n.
1. often archives a place or collection containing records,
documents, or other materials of historical interest
2. a repository for stored memories or information
archive : book :: museum : painting
archive : manuscript :: arsenal : weapon
arsenal [:rsnl]
archive : records :: museum : artifacts, paintings
book : library :: file : archive
archness [rtnis] n. /
archness straightness
archness subordinate/obedience
arch [:rt] n. , a. , ;
1. chief; principal
2. mischievous; roguish
roguish [rugi] , ; ,
archness straightness
archness subordinate, obedience
arctic [rktik] a. , : FRIGID
: extremely cold
torrid arctic
ardent [:rd:nt] adj. , ;
1. expressing or characterized by warmth of feeling;
2. displaying or characterized by strong enthusiasm or
devotion; fervent
3. a. burning; fiery b. glowing; shining
ardent arctic, dispassionate, apathetic, indifferent
arctic a. ,
ardent : zeal :: ascetic : self-denial :: glutton : overindulgence ::
busybody : intrusiveness (A B , :)
ardor [rdr] n. , : INTENSITY
1. fiery intensity of feeling
2. strong enthusiasm or devotion; zeal
3. intense heat or glow, as of fire
assuage : sorrow :: dampen : ardor :: alleviate : strength
torpor ardor
torpor , ,
arduous [rdus / -dju-] a. ,
1. demanding great effort or labor; difficult
2. testing severely the powers of endurance; strenuous
3. hard to traverse, climb, or surmount
arduous facile, painless, undemanding
facile [fsil] , ; ,

[rgout, -gt]


armory [rmri] n.
: a place where arms and military equipment are stored
pantry : food :: armory : weapons
arousal [ruzl] n. ,
stimulation : arousal :: pathogen : diseasing (A make B)
pathogen ,
arouse [ruz] ; ,
1. to awake from or as if from sleep
2. to stir up; excite
phlegmatic : arouse :: (A = B )
quell, quash, quench arouse, foment, instigate, rouse, incite, stir up
arrest [rst] v.t. ( ) ;
1. to stop; check
2. to seize and hold under the authority of law
3. to capture and hold briefly (the attention, for example);
arrest vitalize, stimulate, advance, forward, promote
arresting [rsti] a. : STRIKING, IMPRESSIVE
: attracting and holding the attention
blatant : arresting :: odious : disgusting (A B )
blatant ;
odious , arousing or meriting strong dislike, aversion, or
intense displeasure
arresting banal
arrhythmic [rmik] a.
arrhythmic : regularity :: apathetic : concern
arrhythmic exhibiting regularity, regular
arrogance [rgns] n.
: a feeling or an impression of superiority manifested in an
overbearing manner or presumptuous claims
arrogant a.
1. making or disposed to make claims to unwarranted
importance or consideration out of overbearing pride
2. marked by or arising from arrogance arrogance the state
or quality of being arrogant; overbearing pride
mean : prodigality :: meek : arrogance (OPPOSITE)
prodigal , ; ,
meek , , ;
confidence : arrogant :: inquiry : interrogatory ( : )
interrogatory ; asking a question; of the nature
of a question = interrogative
intentional : accidental : arrogant : humble (OPPOSITE)
arrogance : defer :: lassitude : stir (A B )
defer , ; ,
lassitude , , a state or feeling of weariness,
diminished energy, or listlessness


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)
artlessness duplicity, guile
duplicity ,
artlessness urbanity, sophistication, affectation, sophism
urbanity ; refinement and elegance of manner;
polished courtesy
affectation , ; ,
1. a plausible but fallacious argument
2. deceptive or fallacious argumentation

frugal : miserly :: confident : arrogant :: wary : paranoid (A << B)

arroyo [riou] n.
: a deep gully cut by an intermittent stream
grotto : cavern :: arroyo : channel (A << B)
grotto [grtou] a small cave or cavern
arsenal [rsnl] n.
archive : manuscript :: arsenal : weapon
artery [:rtri] n. ; /
: a major route of transportation into which local routes
artery : plaque :: channel : silt (B = A )
articulate [rtkjlit] a. v.t.
a. 1. composed of distinct, meaningful syllables or words,
as human speech
2. expressing oneself easily in clear and effective language
3. characterized by the use of clear, expressive language
v.t. 1. to pronounce distinctly and carefully; enunciate
2. to utter (a speech sound) by making the necessary
movements of the speech organs
3. to express in coherent verbal form; give words to
4. to fit together into a coherent whole; unify
articulate : talk :: graceful : move
ratiocination : thinking :: articulation : talking
ratiocinate [risnei/-tis-] / to reason methodically
and logically
articulate : clearly :: shout : loudly
articulate : speech :: graceful : movement
articulate : unclear :: elaborate : sketchy
artifact [rtfkt] n. ,
1. an object produced or shaped by human craft, especially
a tool, a weapon, or an ornament of archaeological or
historical interest
2. a typical product or result
archive : records :: museum : artifacts
artifice [rtfis] n. ,
1. an artful or crafty expedient; a stratagem
2. subtle but base deception; trickery
3. cleverness or skill; ingenuity
artifice candor
artisan [rtzn / rtizn, --] n.
: a skilled manual worker; a craftsperson
artisan : potter :: entertainer : comedian (A B)
artless [rtlis] a. ,
1. having or displaying no guile, cunning, or deceit
2. free of artificiality; natural
3. lacking art, knowledge, or skill; uncultured and ignorant
4. poorly made or done; crude
artless : guile :: impartial : bias :: informal : ceremony
blemish : impeccable :: guile : artless (OPPOSITE)
blemish ( ) ,
impeccable ;
guile n. ,
artlessness : guile :: dabbler : dedication
artlessness : calculating :: (A lack B)
artless cunning, sly, disingenuous, affected, guileful, sophisticated,
duplicitous, urbane, calculating
sly , ;
disingenuous , , not
straightforward or candid; crafty
ingenuous , ; , = artless
guile; treacherous cunning; skillful deceit

ascend [snd] v. , ; ( )
1. to go or move upward; rise
2. to slope upward
1. to move upward upon or along; climb
2. to succeed to; occupy
* ascendency , , Superiority or decisive
advantage; domination
* ascendant = ascendent [sndnt] n. : DOMINATION
a. : a state or position of dominant power or
ascendant having no influence, having no power, declining
ascendant nonentity
nonentity /;
ascend decline, go down
ascendency lack of influence, nonentity
ascetic [stik] a. n. ,
1. leading a life f self-discipline and self-denial, especially for
spiritual improvement
2. pertaining to or characteristic of an ascetic; self-denying
ascetic : self-denial :: glutton : overindulgence :: busybody :
intrusiveness :: ardent : zeal
glutton , ;
intrusive ;
ascetic : self-denial :: bodybuilding : self-development
ascetic : luxury :: teetotaler : alcohol (A B )
one who abstains completely from alcoholic beverages
ascetic sybarite, voluptuary, sumptuous, indulgent, hedonic
voluptuary [vlpturi] ,
hedonism pursuit of or devotion to pleasure, especially to the
pleasures of the senses
sumptuous , ; ,
ascetic hedonist ()
asceticism indulgence
aseptic [sptik, ei-] a.
aseptic : disinfections :: anesthetic : numbs
anesthetic n. a. ; ,
aseptic contaminated
aside [sid] n. ; ; ,
1. a piece of dialogue intended for the audience and
supposedly not heard by the other actors on stage
2. a remark made in an undertone so as to be inaudible to
others nearby
3. a parenthetical departure; a digression
aside : digression :: overture : introduction (CHARACTER)
aside : digression :: summary : excerpt
excerpt ;
ad-lib : impromptu :: aside : divergent
askew [skj] adv. , a. : AWRY
: to one side
awry [ri] , ; () ,
put up a poster askew


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

askew aligned, straight, orderly

aspect [spekt] n. , : EXPOSURE
: a position facing a particular direction
transfigure : aspect :: transfer : location (A = B )
transfigure , ;
(transfix : attention )
transfix , (pierce); ( )
asperity [sprti] n. , : HARSHNESS
1. a. roughness or harshness, as of surface, sound, or
climate b. severity; rigor
2. roughness of manner or of temper; ill temper or
asperity mildness of temper, amicability, amiability, mildness,
aspersion [sprn, -n] n. , ; ()
1. a. an unfavorable or damaging remark; slander
b. the act of defaming or slandering
2. a sprinkling, especially with holy water
aspersion : discredit :: canard : deceive ()
canard ,
deceive , ,
aspersion : discredit :: sop : placate
aspersion glowing tribute, flattery
aspiration [sprin] n. , , ; , ;
1. expulsion of breath in speech
2. (linguistics)
a. the pronunciation of a consonant with an aspirate
b. a speech sound produced with an aspirate
3. the act of breathing in; inhalation
4. (medicine) the process of removing fluids or gases from
the body with a suction device
5. a. a strong desire for high achievement
b. an object of such desire; an ambition
aspire v. ;
1. to have a great ambition or ultimate goal; desire strongly
2. to strive toward an end
3. to soar , ; ( )
audacious : trepidation :: laconic : volubility (OPPOSITE)
audacious , ; ; ,
trepidation , , ; ,
laconic ; using or marked by the use of few words;
terse or concise
aspirant : quarry :: hunter : prey (A = B )
quarry ; ,
assail [sil] v. /; ( ) ; ( )

1. to attack with or as if with violent blows; assault

2. to attack verbally, as with ridicule or censure
3. to trouble; beset
assail champion, endorse, extol, vindicate
endorse /, , ;
vindicate ; ,
assay [si] n. (), v. ()
1. a. qualitative or quantitative analysis of a substance,
especially of an ore or drug, to determine its
b. a substance to be so analyzed
c. the result of such an analysis
2. an analysis or examination
assay : objective :: (CHARACTER)
assert [srt] v.t. ,
: to state or express positively

calumny : assertion :: perjury : testimony (OPPOSITE)

calumny ,
perjury ; ,
assert : belabor :: tend : fuss (A << B)
: :: , : ,

assertive [srtiv] a. ,
: disposed to or characterized by bold or confident assertion;
aggressively self-assured
obsequious : servile :: belligerent : assertive (B A, A B
obsequious , full of or exhibiting servile compliance
belligerent ,
assertive ; inclined to bold or confident assertion; aggressively selfassured
bumptious : assertive :: garish : colorful (A >> B)
bumptious , (arrogant); crudely or
loudly assertive; pushy
unassertive brassy
brassy , ; , ;
, ;
assess [ss] v.
1. to estimate the value of (property) for taxation
2. to set or determine the amount of (a payment, such as a
tax or fine)
3. to charge (a person or property) with a special payment,
such as a tax or fine
4. to determine the value, significance, or extent of; appraise
assess : value :: plumb : depth
asset [set] n.
asset liability
liability , (debts)
assiduous [sdus] a. ; ,
1. constant in application or attention; diligent
2. unceasing; persistent
assiduous : diligent :: bootless : futile (CHARACTER)
assiduous : sluggish :: (OPPOSITE)
rakish : restraint :: slothful : assiduity (OPPOSITE)
rakish ,
slothful , disinclined to work or exertion; lazy
assiduous indolent, desultory, slipshod, remiss, careless
indolent ,
desultory ,
slipshod ,
remiss , ,
assistance [sst:ns] n. , ,
1. the act of assisting 2. aid; help
assistance interference
assuage [swid] v.t. (), : APPEASE,
1. to make (something burdensome or painful) less intense
or severe
2. to satisfy or appease (hunger or thirst, for example)
3. to pacify or calm
assuage : sorrow :: dampen : ardor
assuage intensify, inflame, exacerbate, vex, incite, aggravate, chafe,
inflame , ,
chafe , ; ,
gall calm, assuage
gall ; ; , ; ,




GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

1. to take upon oneself
2. to undertake the duties of (an office) ()
3. to affect the appearance or possession of; feign ...

4. to take for granted; suppose

assume refuse, reject, abdicate, doubt, repudiate
unassuming overbearing
overbearing ,
usurp assume rightfully
usurp , ;
astounding [stundi] a.
astound to astonish and bewilder
indelible : forget :: astounding : expect (A = B )
indelible , ;
astound : wonder :: appall : horror (A >> B, A = B )
appall , to fill with consternation or
astringent [strndnt] ;
: sharp and penetrating; pungent or severe
astringent :: pucker :: coagulant : congeal
pucker , to gather into small wrinkles or folds
1. to solidify by or as if by freezing
2. to coagulate; jell
astringent : contraction :: anesthetic : insensibility
astringent :: pucker :: spark : ignite
astrology [strldi] n.
astrology : astronomy :: alchemy : chemistry
astute [stjt] a. ,
: having or showing shrewdness and discernment,
especially with respect to one's own concerns
astute fatuous
fatuous , ;
asunder [sndr] adj. adv. ,
1. into separate parts or pieces
2. apart from each other either in position or in direction
asunder yoked, in a piece, united, conjoined, combined
yoke ; , (cramp); ,
asymmetrical [isimtrikl, s-] a.
circular : asymmetrical :: protean : rigid (A lack B)
protean [prutin] readily taking on varied shapes, forms,
or meanings
asylum [silm] n. ; , : SANCTUARY
asylum : extradition :: (filibuster : delay )
extradition ( )
refugee : asylum :: ( : )
atone [tun] v. ( ) , : EXPIATE
: to make amends, as for a sin or fault
guilt : expiation, atonement :: fatigue : repose
expiate to make amends or reparation for; atone
repose , ; , ; ,
atrocious [trus] a. : BARBARIC
1. extremely evil or cruel; monstrous
2. exceptionally bad; abominable
atrocious : bad :: momentous : important (A >> B)
momentous of utmost importance; of outstanding significance or
atrophy [trfi] n. , ; ,
1. (pathology) a wasting or decrease in size of a bodily organ,
tissue, or part owing to disease, injury, or lack of use
2. a wasting away, deterioration, or diminution
attentive [tntiv] a. ;
1. giving care or attention; watchful
2. marked by or offering devoted and assiduous attention to
the pleasure or comfort of others
3. expressing affectionate interest through close observation
and gallant gestures
inattentive adj.
inattentive : enthusiasm ::
attentive : fussy :: talkative : garrulous (A << B)
fussy ( ) ,
attentive : officious :: refined : snobbish (A << B)
officious ,
attentive : meddlesome :: envious : jealous (A << B)
meddle , ;
fawning : attentive :: garish : colorful (A >> B)
attenuate [tnjuit] v. , ,
a. , ,
1. to make slender, fine, or small
2. to reduce in force, value, amount, or degree; weaken
3. to lessen the density of; rarefy
attenuate : force :: decelerate : speed
attenuate : density :: blunt : sharpness
blunt v.
attenuate : strength, length, thickness :: decelerate : speed :: enervate :
vitality :: cool : temperature :: weaken : potence (B A , A B
(compact : extent )
enervate; to weaken or destroy the strength or vitality of
potence, potency , ; , ; ,
attenuate : thickness :: debilitate : strength :: collapse : volume
debilitate = enervate
attenuate : force :: debase : value :: retrench : money
debase (, ) , to lower in character,
quality, or value; degrade
retrench , ; to cut down, reduce; to remove,
delete, or omit
attenuate : thickness :: attenuate : force :: simplify : complexity
attenuate intensify, strengthen
attenuate expand, fortify, increase
attenuated dense
attorney [trni] n. ,
: a legal agent qualified to act for suitors and defendants in
legal proceedings
attorney : disbar :: student : expel
attorney : defendant :: (EQUAL)
attrition n. , ; , ;
1. a rubbing away or wearing down by friction
2. a gradual diminution in number or strength because of
constant stress
3. a gradual, natural reduction in membership or personnel,
as through retirement, resignation, or death
4. (theology) repentance for sin motivated by fear of
punishment rather than by love of God
unrepentant attritional
attribute [tribjt] /[trbjut] n. / ,
v. ~ : impute, ascribe, accuse
: a legal agent qualified to act for suitors and defendants in
auction [kn] n.
auctioneer : gavel :: referee : whistle :: judge : gavel :: surgeon : scapel


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

(B A )
[dis] a. , , :
1. fearlessly, often recklessly daring; bold
2. unrestrained by convention or propriety; insolent
3. spirited and original ,
audacious : trepidation :: laconic : volubility (OPPOSITE, : )
audacious : cautious :: audacious : careful :: abandon : inhibiting
circumspect audacious, reckless, directly encountering, indescreet
audacious timid, craven, timorous, pusillanimous (meticulous (
) )
audaciousness, audacity trepidation

abstemious : indulge :: austere : decorate (OPPOSITE)

embellish : austere :: adulterate : pure (OPPOSITE)
laconic : speech :: austere : design
timeworn : novelty :: convoluted : simplicity
baroque, lavish austere
baroque ; ;


audible [dbl] a.
audible : stentorian :: discernable : obvious, manifest (A << B)
audible : stentorian :: discerned : obvious (A << B)
stentorian extremely loud
audition [ :dn] n. , ; ,
interview : applicant :: audition : actor
augment [gmnt] v.
: to make (something already developed or well under way)
greater, as in size, extent, or quantity
* augmentation n.
augmentation : abatement :: (OPPOSITE)
augment retrench, abate
retrench , to cut down, reduce; to remove, delete,
or omit
abate ,
augmentation abatement, diminution, reduction
abatement , ,
a. the act or process of diminishing; a lessening or reduction
b. the resulting reduction; decrease
n, v. ,
augur [gr]
: one held to foretell events by omens
intercessor : mediate :: augur : predict :: translator : interpret
intercessor ,
intercession , ; ,
augur : predict :: pundit : opine
pundit a source of opinion; a learned person
opine , to hold or state as an opinion
worship : sacrifice :: prediction : augury (A B )
maven : experience :: luminary : eminence :: pundit : opine (A = B
maven a person who has special knowledge or
experience; an expert
luminary ;
maven : experience :: augur : prediction
auspicious [sps] a. : PROPITIOUS
1. attended by favorable circumstances; propitious
2. marked by success; prosperous
auspicious boding ill, untoward, ominous, unfavorable, ill-omened,
boding / an omen or foreboding, especially of evil
foreboding a sense of impending evil; an evil omen
omen , ,
ominous ; ,
inauspicious favorable
austere [str] a. ,
1. severe or stern in disposition or appearance; somber and
2. strict or severe in discipline; ascetic
3. having no adornment or ornamentation; bare

authentic [:ntik] a. , ; : REAL,

1. conforming to fact and therefore worthy of trust, reliance,
or belief
2. having a claimed and verifiable origin or authorship; not
counterfeit or copied
authenticity : fraudulent :: sincerity : hypocritical (OPPOSITE)
hypocrisy ,
discompose : pacific :: fabricate : authentic (OPPOSITE)
discompose ,
fabricate , ; ,
genuine : authenticity :: entire : integrity
melodrama : subtlety :: chimera : authenticity (LACK)
subtle so slight as to be difficult to detect or analyze; elusive
chimera () ;
authentic bogus
bogus ,
authenticity spuriousness
spurious lacking authenticity or validity in essence or origin; not
genuine; false
semblance authentic article
semblance , ; , ;
authenticity [entsti]
n. / : real, actual
: the quality or condition of being authentic, trustworthy, or
authentic bogus
spuriousness authenticity
semblance authentic article
authority [riti, r- / r-] n. ()
authoritative : acceptance :: conspicuous : attention
authoritativeness : pundits :: allegiance : partisans (B have A)
authority : superiority :: heretic : unconformity (A have B)
heretic [hritik] ,
contumacious : authority :: reactionary, hidebound, conservative :
change, innovation, novelty
contumacious , , obstinately disobedient
or rebellious; insubordinate
hidebound , stubbornly prejudiced, narrow-minded, or
novelty , ; (innovation)
author : novel :: chef : banquet
banquet ,
recalcitrant, refractory : authority :: reactionary : change
recalcitrant ( ) , (unmanageable) =
impostor : identity :: usurper : authorization (A = B )
usurp () ; ;
autocracy [tkrsi / -tk-] n. ,
: government by a single person having unlimited power
pundit : learning, knowledge :: autocracy : power
autonomy [tnmi / tn-] n.
: the condition or quality of being autonomous; independence
autonomy dependence, external control/rule
avarice [vris] n. : GREEDINESS, CUPIDITY
: excessive or insatiable desire for wealth or gain
* avaricious ,


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

avarice : money :: gluttony : food
stoic : perturb :: avaricious : satisfy (A = B )
stoic; one who is seemingly indifferent to or unaffected by joy, grief,
pleasure, or pain
avarice generosity
avarice content
avaricious contented
avaricious : covet :: (A B, : )
[vr] v. ,
: to affirm positively; declare
aver deny, gainsay
gainsay ;


aversion [vrn / -n] n.

1. a fixed, intense dislike; repugnance
2. one that is intensely disliked and avoided
3. a feeling of extreme repugnance accompanied by
avoidance or rejection
aversion : disinclination :: adulation : admiration (A >> B)
adulation excessive flattery or admiration
aversion : inclination :: (OPPOSITE)
aversion affinity, penchant, propensity, proclivity, craving,
penchant , ; , a definite liking; a strong
propensity , , an innate inclination; a tendency
proclivity , , a natural propensity or inclination;
craving , a consuming desire; a yearning
averse inclined
averse; having a feeling of opposition, distaste, or aversion; strongly
aviary [iviri] n.
aviary : bird :: aquarium : fish :: arboretum : tree

[vid] a. ,
1. having an ardent desire or unbounded craving; greedy
2. marked by keen interest and enthusiasm
reverence : respect :: avidity : enthusiasm (A >> B)
avid diffident, indifferent
1. lacking or marked by a lack of self-confidence; shy and timid
2. reserved in manner

avulsion [vln] n.
: a tearing away of a body part accidentally or surgically
1. (medicine) the forcible tearing away of a body part by
trauma or surgery
2. the sudden movement of soil from one property to
another as a result of a flood or a shift in the course of a
boundary stream
avulsion suture, link
suture [s:tr] ( ) ; ,
awash [w, w / w] a. : FLOODED
: filled, covered, or completely overrun as if by a flood
awash dry

[] n.
: a mixed emotion of reverence, respect, dread, and wonder
inspired by authority, genius, great beauty, sublimity, or
sublime , ; , ;
redoubtable : regard, awe :: despicable : scorn, contempt, disregard
(A = B )
redoubtable ; arousing fear or awe
awe irreverence
irreverence ,
awkward [kwrd] a. ,
craven : admirable :: deft : awkward (OPPOSITE)
craven , characterized by abject fear; cowardly
dexterous, lithe awkward
lithe [lai] ,
svelte paunchy and awkward
svelte , ; , slender or graceful in figure
or outline; slim
paunchy [p:nti] having a potbelly
deft awkward
deft quick and skillful; adroit
awl [l] n.
awl : pierce :: pestle : hash
pestle ,
awning [ni] n.
awning : sun :: umbrella : rain (PROTECT)

[ri] a. , : ASKEW
1. in a position that is turned or twisted toward one side;
2. away from the correct course
awry aligned, orderly, planned, straight

axiomatic [ksimtik]
: taken for granted
axiomatic controversial


babble [bbl] v.t.
: to utter meaningless or unintelligible sounds
babble : sense :: parrot : originality (LACK)
parrot ; to repeat or imitate especially
without understanding
babble : talk :: scribble : write
babble, waffle express succinctly
waffle , ,
backdrop [bkdrp / bkdrp] n.
: a painted cloth hung across the rear of a stage
placebo : painkiller :: backdrop : vista
vista , ;
backhanded [bkhndid]
: not straightforward
backhanded forthright

a. , : DEVIOUS

backset [bkst] n. , : SETBACK

1. a setback or reversal
2. an eddy or countercurrent in water
eddy ;
backset hike
hike ; an often abrupt increase or rise
bacteria [bktri] n.
bacteria : decomposition :: yeast : fermentation
bacterium : colony :: citizen : nation (B is a set of A)
host : parasite :: medium : bacterium
badge [bd] n. ; ,
: a device or token especially of membership in a society or


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

chevron : badge :: caisson : cart (A B)
chevron ( )
caisson [kisan] ( ) ; ; ;

cart 2 ;
badger [bdr] v.t.
: to harass or annoy persistently
badger : bother :: belabor : mention (A B
belabor , ; ,
badger : bother :: importune : request
badger mollify
badinage [bdin, bdinid] n. : BANTER
: light, playful banter
playful : banter :: exaggerated : hyperbole (CHARACTER)
hyperbole () a figure of speech in which exaggeration is used
for emphasis or effect
badinage clear reference, serious discourse, sincere conversation
baffle [bfl] v. ; ,
1. to frustrate or check (a person) as by confusing or
2. to impede the force or movement of
baffle : confusion :: bewitch : temptation
baffle encourage
bait [beit] v.t. , : ENTICE, LURE
1. to place a lure in (a trap) or on (a fishing hook)
2. to entice, especially by trickery or strategy
4. to attack or torment, especially with persistent insults,
criticism, or ridicule
5. to tease
bait disarm, mollify
disarm ; , ,

balance [blns] n, v. ,
: to determine the weight of (something) in or as if in a
weighing device
abacus : calculate :: balance : weigh
balance : weight :: verify : accuracy (A = B )
bale [beil] n. ; ,
1. evil
2. mental suffering; anguish
bale happiness, success, good fortune
bale benefit, mirth
mirth , , gladness and gaiety, especially when
expressed by laughter
baleful [bilfl] a.
: deadly or pernicious in influence pernicious
a. tending to cause death or serious injury; deadly
b. causing great harm; destructive
baleful : menace :: solicitous : concern (EQUAL)
baleful beneficent

[bk] v. , n. , ()
1. to stop short and refuse to go on
2. to refuse obstinately or abruptly
balk move ahead willingly

balky [bki] a. ()
1. given to stopping and refusing to go on
2. difficult to operate or start
balky acquiescent, eager, tractable, accommodating, compliant,
cooperative, agreeable, complaisant, pliable, obedient
acquiesce ; () to consent or comply
passively or without protest
accommodating , ,
complaisant , ,
ballad [bld] n. ( ) ,
ballad : stanza :: novel : chapter :: prose : paragraph :: symphony :
movement (A B)
stanza ()
ballad : song :: lyric : poem :: comedian : actor(A B)
ballast [blst]
: something that gives stability (as in character or conduct)
ballast : balance :: (PURPOSE)
truss, girder : support :: ballast : stability
girder ;
ballast : instability :: purchase : slippage (A prevent B)
purchase n. a grip applied manually or mechanically to move
something or prevent it from slipping
ballast : stability :: camouflage : disguise
ballast : stabilize :: camouflage : disguise
disguise n. v.
ballet [blei, bli] n. ,
instrumentalist : symphony :: dancer : ballet (A play B)
singer : opera :: dancer : ballet
balloon [bl:n.] v. ; ,
1. to ascend or ride in a balloon
2. to expand or swell out like a balloon
3. to increase or rise quickly
balloon decrease slowly
ballot [blt] n. ; ;
: a list of candidates running for office
ballot : candidates ::
balm [bm] n. , ; , ;
antidote : poisoning :: balm : irritation (A prevent B)
balm harmful substance, irritant, noxious substance, piquancy
noxious , ;
piquant , ;
balm : soothing :: (A B )
balmy [bmi] a.
1. having the quality or fragrance of balm; soothing
2. mild and pleasant
balmy inclement, piquant, irritant
inclement , ;
piquant () , ; ,
bamboozle [bmbzl] v. : DUPE, HOODWINK
: (informal) to take in by elaborate methods of deceit;
hoodwink (blindfold); to take in by deceptive
means; deceive

[bn] n.
: to prohibit, especially by official decree

banal [bnl, bbl, binl] a. , : TRITE

: lacking originality, freshness, or novelty
equivocation : ambiguous :: platitude : banal (CHARACTER, :
banal fresh, new, original, arresting, novel, ingenious, noteworthy
banality freshness, ingeniousness, ingenuity, originality, original
expression, singularity
trite unbanal
trite , , lacking power to evoke interest through
overuse or repetition


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)


[bein] n. /;
1. fatal injury or ruin
2. a cause of death, destruction, or ruin
3. a deadly poison
bane benefit, blessing

baneful [binfl] a. : SERIOUSLY HARMFUL

: causing death, destruction, or ruin; harmful
baneful beneficent, benevolent, salubrious, salutary
salubrious conducive or favorable to health or wellbeing
salutary ;
banish [bni] v.t.
1. to force to leave a country or place by official decree;
2. to drive away; expel
evict : residence :: banish : country
evict ( ) ,
banister [bnstr] n.
staircase : banister :: road : guardrail
bankruptcy [bkrp:tsi] n. , ; ( )
bankruptcy : solvent :: eclipse : famous
eclipse (, ) , ( )
bankruptcy solvency
banquet [bkwit] n.
1. en elaborate, sumptuous repast
2. a ceremonial dinner honoring a particular guest or
sumptuous , ; , of a size or
splendor suggesting great expense; lavish
repast (1) ; (meal) a meal or the food eaten or
provided at a meal
writer, author : novel :: chef : banquet
word : sentence :: course : banquet
banter [bntr] ,
: good-humored, playful conversation
playful : banter :: exaggerated : hyperbole
[brb] n. , a biting or pointedly critical
remark or comment
barb : caustic :: pan : harsh (CHARACTER, : )
pan ; on the pan
ad-lib : impromptu :: barb : caustic
barb complimentary remark


barbaric [b:rbrik] adj. , ; ,

1. of, relating to, or characteristic of barbarians
2. marked by crudeness or lack of restraint in taste, style,
or manner
barbaric sophisticated
[br brs] a. , ,
lacking culture or refinement
1. primitive in culture and customs; uncivilized
2. lacking refinement or culture; coarse
3. characterized by savagery; very cruel
4. marked by the use or occurrence of barbarisms in spoken
or written language
barbarous civilized, sophisticated
barbarize civilize



[brfist] a. , ; ,
1. a. having no covering over the face

b. having no beard
2. without disguise; unconcealed
3. undisguisedly bold; brazen
headlong : forethought :: barefaced : shame (A lack B)
headlong , ; ,
barefaced, aboveboard surreptitious
surreptitious , ;
bargain [brgn] v. : HAGGLE
haggle () ;
1. to bargain, as over the price of something
2. to argue in an attempt to come to terms
debate : issue :: bargain : price
baroque [bruk] a. ; ,
: characterized by grotesqueness, extravagance, complexity,
or flamboyance in ornamentation
baroque austere
barrage [br:d3] n. , ;
1. a. a heavy curtain of artillery fire directed in front of
friendly troops to screen and protect them
b. a rapid, concentrated discharge of missiles, as from small
2. an overwhelming, concentrated outpouring, as of words
barrage : explosives :: deluge : rain
barrack(s) n. v.
1. a building or group of buildings used to house military
2. often barracks. A large, unadorned building used for
temporary occupancy
barracks : soldier :: monastery : monk
barrel [brl] v. ,
barrel plod
barren [brn] a. ,
barren prolific, fecund
prolific , ;
barricade [brkid] n. , ; ,
1. a structure set up across a route of access to obstruct the
passage of an enemy
2. something that serves as an obstacle; a barrier
barricade permit passage
barter [brtr] v. n. ()
correspond : letters :: barter : commodities (B A )
correspondence : letters :: barter : commodities : conversation :
jog : exercise :: barter : trade (A B)
base [beis] a. ,
base virtuous, noble, patrician, sublime
virtuous , having or showing virtue, especially moral
patrician , ;
sublime [sblim] , ; ,
baseboard [bisbrd] n.
: a molding that conceals the joint between an interior wall
and a floor
veneer : furniture :: baseboard : wall
veneer , ; ,
baseness [bisnis] n. the quality or state of being contemptible,
mean-spirited, or selfish


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)
befitting inappropriate

respect : baseness :: trust : infidelity, perfidiousness (OPPOSITE)

baseness respect

[bsk, bsk] v. / : INDULGE

1. to expose oneself to pleasant warmth
2. to take great pleasure or satisfaction
bask abstain

batch [bt] n. /; ; (, ) 1;

1. an amount produced at one baking
2. the quantity produced as the result of one operation
3. the quantity needed for one operation
4. a group of persons or things
batch : cookie :: compound : element (a batch of cookies ,
element , compound )
bathe [bei] v. ~ , ~ ,
bathe : water :: cover : coat
bathetic [btik] a. , : TRITENESS
offbeat bathetic, hackneyed, trite, commonplace
offbeat () ; not conforming to an ordinary
type or pattern; unconventional
bathos [bias] n. ; ,
1. a. an abrupt, unintended transition in style from the
exalted to the commonplace, producing a ludicrous
b. an anticlimax
2. a. insincere or grossly sentimental pathos
b. banality; triteness
[bbl] n. , : trivial, trifle, trinket,
bauble valuable thing


bawdy [b:di] adj. ,

: a bawdy story or joke contains humorous references to
bawdy decorous
decorous , , characterized by or
exhibiting decorum; proper

befriend [bifrnd] ~ ~
befriend neglect
befuddle [bifdl] v.t. ; ; PERPLEX
1. to confuse; perplex
2. to stupefy with or as if with alcoholic drink
befuddlement : understanding ::
1. to take the first step in performing an action; start
2. to come into being
3. to do or accomplish in the least degree
begin conclude
begrudge [bigrd]
begrudge grant

beguile [bigil] v.t. () , , (~) ;

() (~) , to amuse or charm;
delight; to pass (time) pleasantly
beguile disenchant, repel, disgust
beguiling honest, straightforward, repulsive
belabor [bilibr] v.t.
1. to attack with blows; hit, beat, or whip
2. to assail verbally
3. to discuss repeatedly or at length; harp on
badger : bother :: belabor : mention (A >> B)
assert : belabor :: tend : fuss (A << B)
: :: , : ,

beleaguer [bilgr] v.t. : TROUBLE, HARASS

1. to harass; beset
2. to surround with troops; besiege
beleaguer : vexation :: (EQUAL, : )
beleaguer delight, mollify, soothe, gratify

[bili] v. , ~ , ~ ,

1. to picture falsely; misrepresent

2. to show to be false
3. to be counter to; contradict
belie affirm, aver, confirm, represent faithfully, speak/state faithfully,
attest, prove, be honest
belie show to be true/correct, represent accurately

beacon [bkn] n. ,
siren : sound :: beacon : light
siren : heard :: beacon : seen ()
castle : turret :: sea : beacon
beatific [btfik]
beatific dreadful


beatitude [bittjd] n.
: supreme blessedness or happiness
beatitude misery [mzri]
bedeck [bidk] v.t. : DECK
: to adorn or ornament in a showy fashion
bedeck strip
bedecked unadorned
bedlam [bdlm] n.
: a place or situation of noisy uproar and confusion
tumultuous : bedlam :: active : hive (B = A )
tumultuous [tjumltus] , , ; ,

hive ; a place swarming with activity

tumult, bedlam, riot serenity, stillness
serene , ,


belittle [biltl] v.t. : DISPARAGE

1. to represent or speak of as contemptibly small or
unimportant; disparage
2. to cause to seem less than another or little



bellicose [blikus] a.
: warlike in manner or temperament; pugnacious
imperious : servile :: bellicose : peaceable
imperious , ;
bellicose peaceful, appeasing, inclined to make peace, conciliatory,
pacifist(ic), pacific, peaceable
belligerent [bldrnt] a. ,
1. inclined or eager to fight; hostile or aggressive
2. of, pertaining to, or engaged in warfare

befitting [bifti] a. , , ,


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

obsequious : servile :: belligerent : assertive (B A, A B

quarrelsome : belligerence :: ()
belligerent : truculent :: (A=B)
belligerent peaceful, disposed of peace, conciliatory
conciliatory ,

benison curse

[bent] a. n. ,
. 1. altered from an originally straight or even condition
2. determined to take a course of action
. 1. a tendency, disposition, or inclination
2. a transverse structural member or framework used for
strengthen a bridge or trestle
bent ineptitude
inept ;
incompetent , ,
(nonchalance (, casual lack of concern) )

bellwether [blwr] n. , : LEADER

: one that takes the lead or initiative also; an indicator of
bellwether : leadership :: adviser : consultation
bellwether : leadership :: advisor : guidance
bellwether follower
bemoan [bimun] v.t.
1. to mourn over; lament
2. to express pity or grief for

[bend] v.
: to bring (something) into a state of tension
bend : rigid :: submerge : buoyant (OPPOSITE)
bend : rigid :: dissolve : insoluble (OPPOSITE)
dissolve , ; ,

benediction [bndkn] n.
1. a blessing
2. an invocation of divine blessing, usually at the end of a
church service
benediction curse
beneficent [bnfsnt] a. ,
: doing or producing good; performing acts of kindness and
1. characterized by or performing acts of kindness or
2. producing benefit; beneficial
* beneficience n.
beneficent : harm :: tenacious : yield
tenacious ; ,
philanthropist : beneficence :: comedian : humor
beneficence meanness
beneficence , , ,
meanness , ,
noxious, toxic beneficial
noxious ,
toxic (poisonous);
benevolent [bnvlnt] a. , ,
1. characterized by or suggestive of doing good
2. of, concerned with, or organized for the benefit of charity
* malevolent; , ,
benevolent : meanness :: (A B )
meanness : , , ,
malevolent benevolent, polite, benign, flattering, good
benign [binin] a.
1. of a kind and gentle disposition
2. showing gentleness and mildness
3. tending to exert a beneficial influence; favorable
benignant [bingnnt] a. , ;
1. favorable; beneficial
2. kind and gracious
benignant noxious, toxic, vicious, harsh, relentless, malevolent
vicious , ; , ; ; ,


[bnzn, -sn]

n. : a blessing; a benediction

bequeath [bikw:, -kw:] v. ; ,

1. (law) to leave or give (property) by will
2. to pass (something) on to another; hand down
bequest [bikwst] n. : LEGACY
1. the act of giving, leaving by will, or passing on to another
2. something that is bequeathed; a legacy
heirloom : ancestor :: bequest : testator
berate [birit] v.
: to scold or condemn vehemently and at length
berate commend, laud, praise
commend ,
berth [b:r] n. ,
berth : sleep :: tub : bath
beseech [bist] v. : IMPLORE
1. to address an earnest or urgent request to; implore
2. to request earnestly; beg for
supplicant : beseeching :: coquette : flirtatious
coquette (flirt)
flirtatious [fl:rtis] ; ; ,
beset [bist] v. , ; ;
( )
1. to attack from all sides
2. to trouble persistently; harass
3. to hem in; surround
4. to stud, as with jewels
besmirch [bismrt] v. , : SULLY, SOIL
1. to stain; sully
2. to make dirty; soil
sully , ,
besmirch honor
bestial [bstl, bs- / bstil] v. : beastly
: marked by brutality or depravity
bestial noble
betray [bitri] v.t. ,
1. a. to give aid or information to an enemy of; commit
treason against
b. to deliver into the hands of an enemy in violation of a trust
or allegiance
2. to be false or disloyal to
betray : trust :: transgress : rule
betray conceal
betray be faithful, be loyal, keep secret
betrayal loyalty
better [br] adj. , adv. v.t. ~
, v.i. ,


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

better deteriorate, worsen, impair

better inferior, worse
bevy [bvi] n. (, ) , (, )
; a bevy of young girls
bevy individual
bibliography [bbligrfi] n. , ; ()
1. a list of the works of a specific author or publisher
2. a. a list of writings relating to a given subject
b. a list of writings used or considered by an author in
preparing a particular work
3. a. the description and identification of the editions, dates
of issue, authorship, and typography of books or other
written material
b. a compilation of such information
list : bibliography :: painting : portrait (A B)
bibliography : publication :: roster : name (A B (list))

visible to enemy aircraft during an air raid.

blame [bleim] , ; ( )
v. 1. to hold responsible
2. to find fault with; censure
3. to place responsibility for (something)
n. 1. the state of being responsible for a fault or an error;
2. censure; condemnation
narcissism : love :: guilt : blame (A >> B)
blame : inculpate ::

[blnt] v. , ; (, )
1. to take the color from; bleach
2. to whiten (a growing plant or plant part) by covering to
cut off direct light
3. to whiten (a metal) by soaking in acid or by coating with
4. a. to scald (almonds, for example) in order to loosen the
b. to scald (food) briefly, as before freezing or as a
preliminary stage in preparing a dish
5. to cause to turn white or become pale
scald ; ;
mottle blanch

bibliophile [bblifil] , [-fil] n. ,

bibliophile : books :: gourmet : food
gourmet ,
bifurcate [bif:rk`eit] v. ,
: to divide into two parts or branches
bifurcate coalesce
bigot [bgt] n.
one who is strongly partial to one's own group, religion,
race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ
bigoted a. ~ ,
bigot : tolerance :: turncoat : constancy :: liar : honesty (LACK)
tolerance ,
turncoat ,
constancy ; , ,
bigotry : dedication :: rage : anger (A >> B)
bigoted : advice :: conservative : change (A = B )
bigot : tolerant :: posturer : unaffected
posture , ; , ;
bigoted : tolerant :: provincial : cosmopolitan
bigoted disinterested, dispassionate
bile [bail] n. , , ,
* bilious
a. , , ,
1. a. characterized by an excess secretion of bile
b. relating to, characterized by, or experiencing gastric
distress caused by a disorder of the liver or gallbladder
c. appearing as if affected by such a disorder; sickly
2. having a peevish disposition; ill-humored
insulin : pancreas :: bile : liver
bilious benign(1) cheerful(2)
bilious difficult to provoke, amiable

[bilk] v. n. , ,
1. to defraud, cheat, or swindle
2. to evade payment of
bilk pay in full, deal with earnesty, be forthright, be honest, help

biography [baigrfi] n.
biography : nonfiction :: sonnet : poem (A B )
bit [bit] n.
bit : drill :: blade : razor
biting [biti] adj. , , ,
biting gentle, mild, kind, conciliatory, flattering, feeble

[blkut] n. , , , /
: the concealment or extinguishment of lights that might be


[blnd] a. , ; , : DULL,
1. characterized by a moderate, unperturbed, or tranquil
quality, especially:
a. pleasant in manner; smooth
b. not irritating or stimulating; soothing
c. exhibiting no personal worry, embarrassment, or concern
2. dull and insipid
pungency blandness
tangy bland
tangy [ti] ,

blandishment [blndimnt] n. : ALLUREMENT

: something that tends to coax or cajole
blandishment : cajole :: obstacle : impede (A B )
blandishment : cajole :: accolade : praise :: demur : object (A B
blandishment : coax :: medal : honor (A represent B + A B
blandishment : coax :: prevarication : deceive :: threat : intimidate (A
B )
prevaricate , to stray from or evade the truth;
blandishment threat
blase [blzi, --] a. , ;
1. uninterested because of frequent exposure or indulgence
2. unconcerned; nonchalant
3. very sophisticated
miser : munificent :: zealot : blase (OPPOSITE)
munificent , very liberal in giving, generous; showing
great generosity
blaspheme [blsfm, --] vi. ; : REVILE,
1. to speak of (God or a sacred entity) in an irreverent,
impious manner
2. to revile; execrate
impious , (profane);
blasphemy kindness


[blst, blst]

n, v.t.

GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

blast : whiff :: gush : trickle (A >> B)

whiff ,
gust , ; , ,
gush ,
trickle ;
blatant [blitnt] a. , : BRAZEN
1. unpleasantly loud and noisy
2. totally or offensively conspicuous or obtrusive
ambiguous : understand :: blatant : ignore (A = B )
blatant : arresting :: odious : disgusting (A B )
odious , arousing or meriting strong dislike,
aversion, or intense displeasure
blatant inconspicuous, unimpressive, unobtrusive, subtle

[blizn] v. ; , ;
, : PROCLAIM n. ()
1. (heraldry)
a. to describe (a coat of arms) in proper terms
b. to paint or depict (a coat of arms) with accurate detail
2. to adorn or embellish with or as if wit a coat of arms
3. to proclaim widely
alliterate : remove :: blazon : efface (OPPOSITE)
alliterate ,
blazon : adorn :: pillar : support (A B )
blazon efface
diffidence blazonment

bleach [blit] v.t.

1. to remove the color from, as by means of chemical
agents or sunlight
2. to make white or colorless
desiccate : moisture :: bleach : color
bleach mottle
mottle ~
bleeding [bldi] n.
lint : bleeding ::
lint ;
tourniquet : bleeding :: brake : motion
tourniquet ,
antibiotic : infection :: coagulant : bleeding (A prevent B)
hemorrhage : bleeding :: vertigo : dizziness (EQUAL)
hemorrhage [hmrid]
blemish [blmi] n. ,
: an imperfection that mars or impairs; a flaw or defect
blemish : impeccable :: guile : artless
impeccable ,
anomaly : paradigmatic :: blemish : flawless
unequivocal : ambiguous :: spotless : blemish (OPPOSITE)
pristine : blemish ::
pristine ; ,


n. ,

2. the ecstasy of salvation; spiritual joy

dislike : loathing :: pleasure : bliss (A << B)
loathing great dislike; abhorrence
bliss anguish, agony, misery, sorrow
blithe [blai] a. , , ;
1. carefree and lighthearted( )
2. lacking or showing a lack of due concern; casual
blithe grave, irascible
blighted [blaitid] a.
blighted sound
blockade [blkid] n. ,
: the isolation of a nation, an area, a city, or a harbor by
hostile ships or forces in order to prevent the entrance
and exit of traffic and commerce
filibuster : legislation :: blockade : commerce
blueprint [bl:prnt] n. ; /
: a detailed plan of action
blueprint : edifice :: syllabus : course (A B )
blunder [blndr] n.
: a gross error or mistake resulting usually from stupidity,
ignorance, or carelessness
protocol : blunder :: bumper : damage
protocol ; ,
blunt [blnt] a. v. , /
a. 1. having a dull edge or end; not sharp
2. abrupt and often disconcertingly frank in speech
3. slow to understand or perceive; dull
4. lacking in feeling; insensitive
slacken : tension :: blunt : sharpness
attenuate : strength :: blunt : sharpness
blunt whet
whet , (sharpen); ( ) ,
blunt subtle, inconspicuous, unobtrusive
[blr] v. ,
1. to make indistinct and hazy in outline or appearance;
2. to smear or stain; smudge
3. to lessen the perception of; dim
blur : definition :: subjugate : independence (OPPOSITE)
subjugate , ,


blurb [blrb] n.
: a short publicity notice (as on a book jacket)
blurb : notice :: gloss : explanation :: glance : look :: cameo :
appearance (A B )
gloss , ; , ; , ,
[blrt] v.
: to utter abruptly and impulsively
blurt : utter :: flit : move
flit , to move quickly from one
condition or location to another
conceal blurt
blurt : utterance :: bolt : movement :: yank : pull (A= B )
bolt (, ) [ ]; ()
, ; .


blight [blait] n. v. , ; ( )
1. to cause (a plant, for example) to undergo blight
2. to have a deleterious effect on; ruin
blight flourish
blighted, barren grassy
blighted hale, sound, robust, unblemished, thriving, lush
hale , free from infirmity of illness; sound
blimp [blimp] n.
: a pompous, reactionary, ultra-nationalistic person
blimp man of progressive ideas

[blis] n. ,
1. extreme happiness; ecstasy

blush [bl] n. vi. ,

1. to become red in the face, especially from modesty,
embarrassment, or shame; flush
2. to become red or rosy
3. to feel embarrassed or ashamed
blush : embarrassment :: nod : agreement :: bow : respect :: shrug :


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)
: grandiloquent, pompous speech or writing
* bombastic a.
nonsensical : drivel :: pompous : bombast :: exaggerated : hyperbole ::
critical : tirade
drivel ;
bombast down to earth language
down to earth (, , ) , ,
bombastic understated, unpretentious, humble, restrained, subtle,
unaffected, unimpassioned

indifference :: smile : pleasure

blush : embarrass :: nod : approve :: yawn : sleepiness
[blstr] v.t. , ;
n. ,
1. to blow in loud, violent gusts, as the wind during a storm
2. a. to speak in a loudly arrogant or bullying manner
b. to brag or make loud, empty threats
blustering : speak :: swaggering : walk
bluster : loud :: pontificate : pompous :: scoff : derisive
pontificate ;
scoff , to mock at or treat with derision
derisive ,
drawl : slow :: bluster : loud :: prate : aimless (CHARACTER)
drawl to speak with lengthen or drawn-out vowels
prate , to talk idly and at length; chatter


boast [boust] v.
: to glorify oneself in speech; talk in a self-admiring way
boast : pride :: complain : discontent (A show B)
blowhard : boastful :: toady : obsequious
toady ,
boast belittle, depreciate, degrade, minimize
boding [budi] n. : FOREBODING
: an omen or foreboding, especially of evil
portent, omen
auspicious boding ill
auspicious ,

bonhomie [bnm, --- / bnm] n.

: a pleasant and affable disposition; geniality
genial, congenial : bonhomie :: diplomatic : tact (EQUAL, : )
congenial , ,
genial ; ,
bonhomie : good natured ::
bonus [buns] n.
bonus : employee :: decoration : soldier
decoration , ; ;

bookworm [bkwrm] ,
: one who spends much time reading or studying
bookworm : read :: gourmet : eat
gourmet ,

[bun] n. , : BENEFIT, FAVOR

1. a benefit bestowed, especially one bestowed in response
to a request
2. a timely blessing or benefit
boon misfortune

bodyguard [bg-l / bgl] , ; (retinue)

bodyguard : person :: soldier : country
boggle [bg-l / bgl] v. , ()
1. to hesitate as if in fear or doubt
2. to shy away or be overcome with fright or astonishment
3. to botch; bungle
botch [bat] /; ()
boggle embolden, march

[bugs] a. , : factitious, fictitious,

specious, apocryphal
bogus authentic, genuine
[bistrs] a. , :
1. rough and stormy; violent
2. loud, noisy, and lacking in restraint or discipline
boisterous quiet

[bu] n.
: a shout of disapproval or contempt

boor [bur] n.
insensitive : boor :: mischievous : imp
mischievous ; ,
imp ; ,
sensitivity : boor :: sagacity : simpleton
sagacity , the quality of being discerning, sound in judgment,
and farsighted; wisdom
simpleton ,
insensible : boor :: stingy : miser
boor civil person


bolster [bulstr] n. v. ,
: to support with or as if with a bolster
bolster : support :: leash : restrain :: tackle : hoist (A is a tool for B)
tackle , ; , ; ( )
hoist ,
adulterant : pure :: bolster, brace : weak (OPPOSITE)
bolster : strength :: whet : sharpness ( : , A increase B)
thwart foment, foster, bolster
bolster decrease support of, undermine
bolt [boult] n. , , ,
v. ; , [
]; ; .
; Because the officer who entered was a colonel, he ed
to attention.
blurt : utterance :: bolt : movement

[bmbst / bm-]

n. ,

bootless [btlis] a. : USELESS, UNPROFITABLE

: without advantage or benefit
bootless : futility :: effulgent : resplendence :: convoluted : complexity
(A B , : )
effulgent , (radiant) shining brilliantly;
resplendent , ; (brilliant) splendid or dazzling in
appearance; brilliant
bootless : futile :: interesting : intriguing (EQUAL)
bootless : futility :: empty : void
bore [br] v.t. ,
die : shaping :: drill : boring
food : hunger :: stimulation : boredom (A remove B)
entrance disappoint, disgust, repel, repulse, bore
entrance [intr:ns] , ,
bottleneck [btlnk] n.
1. a. a narrow or obstructed section. as of a highway or a
b. a point or an area of traffic congestion
2. a hindrance to progress or production
3. the narrow part of a bottle near the top


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

bough [bau] n.
: a tree branch, especially a large or main branch
bound [baund] n. ,
* boundless adj. ,
boundless : limit :: impeccable : flaw
boundless : excessive :: interminable : lengthy (A >> B)
boundless : extensive :: interminable : lengthy
boundless limited
boundary unrestrained
bouquet [bouki, bu-] ; ( ) ,
1. a cluster or flowers; a nosegay
2. the fragrance typical of a wine or liqueur
nosegay [nuzgi] ; , a small bunch
of flowers
fragrance ,
1. the state or quality of having a pleasant odor
2. a sweet or pleasant odor; a scent
bouquet : flower :: constellation : star :: woodpile : log
bowdlerize [budlraiz, bud-] v. ()
to expurgate prudishly
to modify, as by shortening or simplifying or by skewing
the content in a certain manner
bowdlerize allow, approve, endorse, permit

brake : decelerate :: clamp : compress

clamp ,
brash [br] a. , ,
1. a. hasty and unthinking; impetuous
b. rash
2. lacking in sensitivity or tact
3. presumptuously forward; impudent ()
4. brittle ( )
frivolous : gravity :: brash : discretion
frivolous [frvls] , ; ,
candor : subterfuge :: brash : deliberate
subterfuge ,
brassy [brsi, brsi] a. ;
1. made of or decorated with brass
2. resembling brass, as in color
3. cheap and showy; flashy
4. (informal) brazen; insolent
brassy reticent, reluctant
brassy, open, forthright diffident, unassertive, furtive, humble,
diffident , ,

: a child, especially a spoiled or ill-mannered one
brattish a.
tightfisted : parsimonious :: brattish : mischievous
tightfisted ,
parsimonious ,

box [bks / bks] vi.

box : fight :: debate : argue (EQUAL, : )
boycott [bikt] v. ,
1. to act together in abstaining from using, buying, or
dealing with as an expression of protest or disfavor or as
a means of coercion
2. t abstain from or unite with others in abstaining from
using, buying, or dealing with
boycott patronize
bracing [brisi] a.
: giving strength, vigor, or freshness
bracing vapid, denouncing
vapid , ; ,
bracket [brkit] n. (, )
buttress : wall :: bracket : shelf
buttress ; ,
brackish [brki] a. , ;
: not appealing to the taste
1. having a somewhat salty taste, especially from
containing a mixture of seawater and fresh water
2. distasteful; unpalatable
unpalatable , ; ,
brackish : repulsive :: (A << B)
braggart [brgrt] n.
: one given to loud, empty boasting; a bragger; blowhard
* brag [brg] v. to talk boastfully
* braggadocio [brgduiou] n. ;
toady : obsequious :: blowhard, braggart : boastful
braided [bridid] a. () ;
grooved : striating :: braided : stranded (EQUAL)
strand ,
brake [breik] n.
brake : speed :: moratorium : activity (A B )
divert : shunt :: retard : brake (B = A )
shunt , ;

bravado [brvdou] n.
1. a. defiant or swaggering behavior
b. a pretense of courage; a false show of bravery
2. a disposition toward showy defiance or false expression of
courageous : bravado :: complimentary : fulsomeness (A << B)
fulsome ( ) ,
swagger : bravado :: caress : affection
caress , a gentle touch or gesture of fondness, tenderness,
or love
[brvj-r] a. n. () ,

1. (music) a. brilliant technique or style in performance
b. a piece or passage that emphasizes a performer's
2. a showy manner or display
bravura : performance :: resplendence : appearance
resplendent , , splendid or dazzling in
appearance; brilliant


brazen [brizn] a. : IMPUDENT

: marked by contemptuous boldness
brazen : impudent :: deadpan : impassive (EQUAL)
impudent ; characterized by offensive boldness;
insolent or impertinent
deadpan , ;
impudent : brazenness :: recalcitrant : stubbornness
recalcitrant , ,
risible : ridicule :: impudent : brazenness
risible [rzbl] , ; ,
brazen modest, self-effacing, diffident, shy
self-effacing not drawing attention to oneself; modest
diffident , ;
diffidence brazenness
diffidence , , timidity or shyness
breach [brit] n. v. , ,
1. to make a hole or gap in; break through


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)
bromide : hackneyed :: equivocation : misleading ( : )
hackneyed; overfamiliar through overuse; trite
bromide unhackneyed speech

2. to break or violate (an agreement, for example)

breach : continuity :: disturb : repose
breach solder
solder [sdr] ; ; ,
break , ;
break : continuity :: disturb : repose

[brzwi] n. ( )

breezeway : building :: stairway : floor stairway() (floor,
level) .

brevity [brvti] n.
brevity : aphorism :: distortion : caricature
brevity : epigram :: exaggeration : caricature :: condemnation :
philippic n.
brevity lengthiness
bribe [braib] v.
n. 1. something, such as money or a favor, offered or given
to a person in a position of trust to influence that
person's views or conduct
2. something serving to influence or persuade
bribe : incorruptible :: affect : insensible (B = A )
bribe : incorruptible :: rouse : insensible
bridle [bridl] n. v.
bridled without restraint
brilliance n. , (brightness); ,
1. the state or quality of being brilliant, as
a. extreme brightness
b. exceptional clarity and agility of intellect or invention
2. splendor; magnificence
brilliance dullness

[brisk] a. : LIVELY
1. marked by speed, liveliness, and vigor; energetic
2. keen or sharp in speech or manner
3. stimulating and invigorating
4. pleasantly zestful
ponderous lively, vibrant, brisk

bristle [brs-l] n. v. ( )
: to raise the bristles (as in anger)
bristle : anger :: vacillate : irresolution, indecision (A = B )
bristle cower
cower , to cringe in fear
brittle [brtl] a.
manifest : perceive :: brittle : break (A = B )
broach [brout] v. ;
1. a. to bring up (a subject) for discussion or debate
b. to announce
2. to pierce in order to draw off liquid
3. to draw off (a liquid) by piercing a hole in a cask or other
cf. brooch [brout] ,
broach bring off, close off
broaden [br:dn] v. , ,
broaden : width :: compact : density
width : broad :: weight : heavy
bromide [brumaid] n. /
1. a commonplace remark or notion; a platitude
2. a tiresome person; a bore

brood [bru:d] , ; () , ()

herd : animal :: brood : offspring

brook [bruk] n. , v. , ,
: to pur up with; tolerate
brook refuse to tolerate
river :
stream : river
creek : ,
brook, rivulet, streamlet :
rill :
browbeat [brubt] v.t.
: to intimidate or subjugate by an overbearing manner or
domineering speech; bully
instigator : incite :: bully : browbeat (A = B )
instigate ,
bully ,

[brut] n. v.t. : REPORT

: to spread news of; repeat
bruit keep secret

brusqueness [brsknis / brusknis] n.

brusque a. , ,
brusqueness : tactful ::
brusqueness : unctuous ::
brusque considerate, courteous, gracious
buck [bk] v. () ;
; : BALK
1. to leap upward arching the back
2. to charge with the head lowered; butt
3. to make sudden jerky movements; jolt
4. to resist stubbornly and obstinately; balk
buck assent to
bucolic [bjuklik] a. ; ,
1. of or characteristic of the countryside or its people; rustic
2. of or characteristic of shepherds or flocks; pastoral
palatial : hovel :: bucolic : city, metropolis
palatial [plil] , ,
hovel [hvl] , ,
bucolic urban, sophisticated
budge [bd] vi. ,
1. to move or stir slightly
2. to alter a position or attitude
palter : candor :: budge : diehard
diehard ,
vagary : predict :: diehard : budge (A = B )
vagary /;
buff [b f] (), , ()
, (, ) ; to polish
To polish or shine with a piece of soft material.
buff : lustrous :: strengthen : fortified (A B )


v. ()

buffoon [bfn] n. : CLOWN

ludicrous : buffoon :: dissolute : libertine :: humorous : wag
ludicrous [l:dkrs] , ;


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

dissolute , lacking moral restraint; indulging in
sensual pleasures or vices
wag (, ) ;
inexperience : neophyte :: ludicrous : buffoon
bugle [bju:gl] n. , () (bugle horn) v.
( )
. A brass wind instrument somewhat shorter than a
trumpet and lacking keys or valves.
1. Music. To sound a bugle. 2. To give forth a deep,
prolonged sound similar to the bay of a hound.
bugle : horn :: cleaver : knife (A B )
cleaver ,
bulge [bld] n. , ; , ; ,
1. a protruding part; an outward curve or swelling
2. a sudden, usually temporary increase in number or
3. an advantage
bulge : protuberant :: spike : pointed
spike , , ,
bulge depressed region
bully [bli] n. , v.i. , , . (
: one habitually cruel to others who are weaker
instigator : incite :: bully : browbeat
browbeat ,
bully : scare ::
bully : intimidation :: stupid : gullibility :: dupe : duplicity
bully : intimidation :: sabotage : subversion
subvert /,
underdog bully
bumper [bmpr] n.
: a device for absorbing shock or preventing damage
protocol : blunder :: bumper : damage (A prevent B)
bumptious [bmps] a. , : OBTRUSIVE
: presumptuously, obtusely, and often noisily self-assertive
dour : geniality :: bumptious : humbleness (OPPOSITE)
dour , marked by sternness or harshness;
dour : tractable :: bumptious : humble
impetuous : vacillation, hesitation :: bumptious : humbleness :: dour :
impetuous , ; ,
bumptious : assertive :: garish : colorful (A >> B)
bumptious : assertive :: meticulous : careful :: garish : colorful
bumptious humble
bungalow [bglou] n.
1. a small house or cottage usually having a single story
and sometimes an additional attic story
2. a thatched or tiled one-story house in India surrounded
by a wide verandah
bungalow : building :: (A B )
bungle [bgl] v. n. ,
: to act or work clumsily and awkwardly / to work or act
ineptly or inefficiently
: to handle badly; botch
: a clumsy or inept performance; a botch
bungle : clumsiness :: (A B )
bungle : ineptitude ::
bungle bring off (), do well, succeed, manage
bring off; to accomplish
bureau[bj(:)rou] n. , / , () ,
drawer : bureau :: trunk : tree

[bi, bi] v.t. , : SUPPORT, UPLIFT

1. to keep afloat or aloft
2. a. to maintain at a high level; support
b. to hearten or inspire; uplift
3. to mark with or as if with a buoy
buoyed unsupported

buoyant [bint] a. , : CHEERFUL, GAY

1. having or marked by buoyancy
2. lighthearted; gay
bend : rigid :: submerge : buoyant :: dissolve : insoluble
buoyance : float :: resilience : recover (plod : fatigue )
buoyant : float :: heavy : droop
droop , ; , ()
buoyant : sink :: insoluble : dissolve :: taut : sag
reliable : fail :: buoyant : sink
buoyant hangdog, sinking, aggrieved, leaden, ponderous, lethargic,
hangdog , ; ;
aggrieved , ;
leaden () ; , ; ,
burgeon [brdn] v. , : FLOURISH
: to grow and expand rapidly
grow : burgeon :: beat : palpitate (B = A)
palpitate () , ; ()
burgeon wither, subdue, waste away, subside, want
subdue /; ,
burgeoning waning, wasting away
wan , ; , ;
burial [bril] n. : INTER
inter : burial :: obliterate : removal
inter , to place in a grave or tomb; bury
obliterate , , ,
burlesque [brlsk] n.
burlesque : mockery :: diatribe : abuse
diatribe ,
doggerel : verse :: burlesque : play
doggerel , ()
burly [b:rli] adj. , , ; ,
burly skinny, slim, thin, tiny, little, weak, delicate, puny
burn [b:rn]
n. an injury produced by fire, heat, radiation, electricity, or a
caustic agent.
v. 1. to cause to undergo combustion. To destroy with fire
2. to damage or injure by fire, heat, radiation, electricity, or a
caustic agent: burned the toast; burned my skin with the
burnish [brni] v, n. ,
1. to make smooth or glossy by or as if by rubbing; polish
2. to rub with a tool that serves especially to smooth or
numb : insensible :: burnish : lustrous ( : )
lustrous , ; ,
burnish : dull :: mar : flawless (OPPOSITE)
mar ,
burnish lackluster
lackluster; n. adj. / (); () lacking
brightness, luster, or vitality; dull
burnish dull


[brou , br-]

n. (, ) ;

GRE 6.0 (2008 7)
1. a mark or a quality, as of distinction, individuality, or
2. a seal on a document, such as a letter
cachet mark of disapprobation

ditch : canyon :: burrow : cavern (A << B)

bustle [bsl] v. ; , n. ,
bustle calm, peace, stillness, orderliness
busybody [bzibdi / -bdi] n.
: a person who meddles or pries into the affairs of others
ascetic : self-denial :: busybody : intrusiveness : ardent : zeal

[bt] v.
: to thrust or push head foremost; strike with the head or
butt : head :: nudge : elbow
nudge ,

butter n.
butter : margarine :: sugar : saccharin ( : )
buttress [btris] n. v. (),
buttress : wall :: strut : wing (A support B)
strut , ; ,
buttress : wall :: bracket : shelf
buttress : edifice, building :: splint : limb :: splint : fracture
edifice , ; ,
splint ()
limb ,
fracture ; , ;
aegis : protection :: buttress : support
aegis [:dis] ,
buttress contravene, challenge
contravene , ; ,
bygone[bign, -gn / -gn]


[bilin] n.
: a line at the beginning of a news story, magazine article,
or book giving the writer's name
newspaper : byline :: letter : signature (play : script )
article : byline :: movie : credits
Byzantine [bznti:n, bizntain] adj. ;
; ,
often byzantine
1. of, relating to, or characterized by intrigue; scheming or
2. highly complicated; intricate and involved
byzantine straightforward


[kbl] n. , , () , v.
1. a conspiratorial group of plotters or intriguers
2. a secret scheme or plot
cabal : association :: plot : plan (DEFECTIVE)
plot , , a secret plan to accomplish a hostile
or illegal purpose
cast : actor :: cabal : conspirator
cabal : crime :: coterie : interest

cackle [kkl] ,
cackle : laugh ::
cacophony [kkfni / -kf-] n. : DISSONANCE
: harsh or discordant sound
* cacophonous adj.
cacophony : sound :: malodor : scent :: glare : light
glare ; ,
cacophony : voice :: gaucherie : skill
gaucherie , , , an awkward or
tactless act, manner, or expression
cacophony : melody :: genteel : churl
genteel , ,
churl ;
malodorous : smell :: cacophony, jarring : sound
jar , ; ,
fetid : smell :: cacophonous : sound
fetid , having an offensive odor
cacophony euphony, harmony
cacophonous dulcet, euphonious
dulcet ,
cadet [kdt] n. , ;
1. a student at a military school who is training to be an
2. a. a younger son or brother
b. a youngest son
cadet : veteran :: tadpole : frog
cadge [kd] v. : BEG, SPONGE
: to beg or obtain by begging
: to ask someone for food or cigarettes because you do not
have any or do not want to pay ()
cadge earn ( )
cagey [kidi] adj. , ,
* caginess n.
caginess incautiousness
[kisn, -san / -sn]
chevron : badge :: caisson : cart


n.( ) ; ;

cajole [kdul] v. () : COAX

1. to persuade or try to persuade by pleading or flattery;
2. to obtain by persistent persuasion
cajolery : hesitation :: clarity : misunderstanding
blandishment : cajole :: obstacle : impede
wheedle : cajolery :: extort : coercion
wheedle , to persuade or attempt to persuade
by flattery or guile
extort , ; to obtain from another
by coercion or intimidation
coercion ,
cajole : reluctance :: clarification : misunderstanding

cache [k] n.
: a place for concealment and safekeeping, as of valuables
cache : hidden, hoard :: (summit : inaccessible summit
accessible )
summit , , ; ,

calamitous [klmits] a. , ,
: being, causing, or accompanied by calamity; disastrous
calamitous felicific
felicific , ,
(cf>felicitous (, ) , ()
felicity , , )




n. , ;




GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

: to make inflexible or unchangeable

calcium : mineral :: sugar : carbohydrate (A B)
calcification flexibility
calcify make/become malleable/pliant/flexible
malleable () ; ,

imputations about
calumny approbation, eulogy, flattering, praise
approbation , ; ,
corroborate : evidence :: calumniate : falsehood
corroborate ( )
calumny : assertion :: perjury : testimony
calumny , ,
calumny : representation :: perjury : testimony
calumniate vindicate
vindicate / ; ,
calumnious flattering

calf [kf, kf] n. bull, whale, elephant

calibrate [klbrit] v.t. ,
1. to check, adjust, or determine by comparison with a
2. to determine the caliber of (a tube)
3. to make corrections in; adjust
measure : dimensions :: calibrate : diameter :: plumb : depth
:: gauge : pressure
calibrated unstandardized, unsubstantialized
calligrapher [klgrfr] n.
: one who writes a beautiful
bibliophile : books :: gourmet : food
(calligrapher : handwriting )
calligraphy ; ,
calligraphy : scribble :: sonnet : doggerel

[kls] a. () , ; , ,
, v. , n. =callus ()

1. having calluses; toughened
2. emotionally hardened; unfeeling
callous : impassivity :: dupe : duplicity (EQUAL)
():():::() (v:n)
impassive , ; ,
dupe; v. , ... n.
callous : moved ::
callous sympathetic, compassionate
compassionate , (sympathetic) feeling or
showing compassion; sympathetic
callow [klou] a. : IMMATURE, GREENHORN
: lacking adult sophistication
frank : secretiveness :: callow : maturity (OPPOSITE)
callow : mature :: greenhorn : experienced :: capricious : deliberate
expertise : green (OPPOSITE)
expertise , /
experience : green :: pelf : impecunious
pelf () wealth or riches, especially when dishonestly
impecunious , lacking money; penniless
apoplectic : calm :: callow : mature
apoplectic , ;
callow behaving with sophistication, mature

camaraderie [kmrdri, -rd-, kmrd-]

: a spirit of friendly good-fellowship
camaraderie, comity enmity
comity , an atmosphere of social harmony
enmity deep-seated, often mutual hatred

cameo [kmiu] n. , ; (
) a. ,
1. a small piece of sculpture on a stone or shell
2. a brief but dramatic appearance of a prominent actor, as in
a single scene of a motion picture
cameo : sculpture :: peccadillo : offense :: knoll : hill (A B)
(truck : vehicle, sedan : automobile !!)
blurb : notice :: cameo : appearance (A = B)
blurb ( , ) a brief publicity notice, as
on a book jacket
cameo leading role
camouflage [kmfl] n. , ;
1. the method or result of concealing personnel or equipment
from an enemy by making them appear to be pat of the
natural surroundings
2. concealment by disguise or protective coloring
3. fabric or a garment dyed in splotches of green, brown, tan,
and black so as to make the wearer indistinguishable from
the surrounding environment
camouflage : location :: code : meaning (A B )
camouflage : location :: mask : face
camouflage : deception :: flattery : ingratiating
camouflage : detection :: disguise : identification
camouflage : detection :: malinger : duty
malinger to feign illness or other incapacity in order to
avoid duty or work
mimicry : camouflage :: variation : mutation
ballast : stabilization :: camouflage : indetection (PURPOSE)
camouflage exposure
canard [knrd] n. ,
: an unfounded or false, deliberately misleading story
aspersion : discredit :: canard : deceive ()

callus [kls] n. ,
gully : erosion :: callus : friction (B make A)

candid [kndid] a. ,
candid : ingenuousness ::

calorie [klri] n.
power : watt :: heat : calorie :: sound : decibel :: electricity : volt
heat : calorie :: liquid : gallons :: distance : odometer

candidate [kndidit, -dit] n.

roster : personnel :: slate : candidate
roster ;
slate , ;
ballot : candidates ::
ballot ; ;

calumny [klmni] n. ,
1. a false statement maliciously made to injure another's
2. the utterance of maliciously false statements; slander
* calumnious adj.
* calumniate [klmniit] v. ,
: to utter maliciously false statements, charges, or


candor [kndr] n. , : FORTHRIGHTNESS

: freedom from prejudice or malice
palter : candor :: budge : diehard
palter ,
budge , ()


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

disingenuous : candor :: (OPPOSITE)

candor : subterfuge :: brashness : deliberation (A B )
subterfuge , a deceptive stratagem or device
brash , ; ,
palter : candor :: betray : loyalty
candor artifice, mendacity
artifice ,
mendacity ; ,

caprice : whimsical :: stealth : furtive :: discontent : unsatisfied ::

insight : discerning (CHARACTER)
capricious : whim (CHARACTER)
capricious : constancy :: (A lack B)
impromptu : rehearsal :: caprice : deliberation
caprice : deliberate :: insubordinate : submissive
insubordinate a. , n.
caprice : predict :: (A = B )
capricious : change :: (A = B )
caprice : whim :: objective : fact
caprice : whimsical :: perspicacity : acute
perspicacious ,
caprice : whimsical :: insight, foresight : prudent :: effulgence :
capricious constant, deliberate, pertinacious, resolute, steadfast
caprice confirmation

cane [kein] n.
cane : walk :: glasses : see ( : )
canon [knn] n. ,
: an accepted principle or rule; the authentic works of a
* canonical adj.
religion : devoutness :: canon : orthodoxy
orthodoxy ; ,
canonical : conforming :: qualified : limited
qualified , ; ,
canon apocrypha
apocrypha [pkrf] ;
canonical nontraditional, heterodox
canonize debase, vilify, forbid, condemn, disrespect
canopy [knpi] n. , ,
canopy : cover :: tag : identify (A = B)
cantankerous [kntkrs, kn-] a. ,
1. ill-tempered and quarrelsome; disagreeable
2. difficult to handle
canvas [knvs] n. , ; ,
canvas : painter :: marble : sculptor
easel : canvas :: tripod : camera

captious [kps] adj.

captious : please :: (A B )
captious tolerant
captivate [kptvit] v.t.
: to attract and hold by charm, beauty, or excellence
captivate repulse
repulse ~ , ~ ,
captor [kptr] n. , ; ()
captor liberator
cardinal [k:rdinl] adj. , ; /
1. of foremost importance; paramount
2. (color) dark to deep or vivid red
cardinal minor
[krfr] adj. , free of worries
and responsibilities
carefree : responsibility :: hidebound : flexibility (LACK)


canvass [knvs] v. ; () : SOLICIT

1. to examine carefully or discuss thoroughly; scrutinize
2. a. to go through (a region) or go to (persons) to solicit
votes or orders
b. to conduct a survey of (public opinion); poll
exponent : advocate :: pollster : canvass (A = B )
exponent , /

caretaker [krtikr] n. ,
1. one that is employed to look after or take charge of goods,
property, or a person; a custodian
2. one that temporarily performs the duties of an office
custodian ;
janitor ,

canyon [knjn] n.
ditch : canyon :: burrow : cavern (A << B)
burrow (, ) ; ,

careworn [krwrn] a.
: showing the effect of grief or anxiety
careworn lighthearted, fresh, healthy

capacious [kpis] a. , : SPACIOUS

: capable of containing a large quantity; spacious or roomy

caret [krt] n.
a proofreading symbol(^) used to indicate where something
is to be inserted in a line of printed or written matter
caret : insertion :: comma : pause

capitulate [kptlit] v. , ,
1. to surrender under specified conditions
2. to give up all resistance; acquiesce
capitulate resist, oppose, stand firm, fight, defend, withhold
capitulation resistance
caprice [kprs] n.
1. an impulsive change of mind
2. an inclination to change one's mind impulsively
3. a sudden, unpredictable action, change, or series of
actions or changes
* capricious adj.

caricature [kriktr, -tr] n.

: exaggeration by means of often ludicrous distortion of parts
or characteristics
brevity : aphorism :: distortion : caricature
exaggeration : caricature :: brevity : epigram
pithiness : aphorism :: exaggeration : caricature
caricature : presentation ::
illustrator : caricaturist :: essayist : satirist
carnal [krnl] a. ,
1. relating to or given to crude bodily pleasures and appetites
2. worldly or earthly; temporal
3. of or relating to the body or flesh; bodily
carnal spiritual, intangible



v. ,

GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

1. to engage in boisterous, drunken merrymaking
2. to drink excessively
n. boisterous, drunken merrymaking; a carousal
roisterer : carouse :: recluse : withdraw
roister ; ( )
recluse ,
carouse behave soberly
[krp] vi.
: to find fault in a disagreeable way; complain fretfully
caviler : carping :: libertine : licentious
cavil [kvl] ,

libertine , ;
licentious [laisns] , ,
complain : carp :: drink : guzzle (A << B)


carpentry [ka:rpntri] n. , ,
* carpenter n.
carpentry : craft :: (A B )
wood : carpenter :: brick : mason
trade : carpentry :: clothing : outfit (B A )
trade an occupation, especially one requiring skilled labor
catalyze [ktliz] v.t. : BRING ABOUT, INSPIRE
enzyme : catalyst :: bacterium : microbe (A B)
enzyme biochemical catalyst
catalytic : initiate :: synthetic : create
supervisor : oversight :: catalyst : initiate (A = B /)
catalyze inhibit, retard, prevent
catalyst prevention, inhibitor
catastrophe [ktstrfi] n.
1. a great, often sudden calamity
2. a complete failure; a fiasco
3. the concluding action of a drama, especially a classical
tragedy, following the climax and containing a resolution
of the plot
4. a sudden violent change in the earth's surface; a cataclysm
catastrophe : mishap :: humiliation : embarrassment (A >> B)
oxymoron : contradictory :: mishap : catastrophic (CHARACTER)

[ktgrikl, -gr- / -gr-] a. :

1. being without exception or qualification; absolute
2. of or relating to a category or categories; according to or
using categories
categorical qualified, conditional

cartographer [krtgrfr / -tg-] n.

cartographer : map :: tailor : clothing :: weaver : cloth ::
lexicographer : dictionary
carve [k:rv] v. , ; () ,
1. a. to divide into pieces by cutting; slice
b. to divide by parceling out
2. to cut into a desired shape; fashion by cutting
3. to make or form by or as if by cutting
4. to decorate by cutting and shaping carefully
carve : turkey :: slice : cake
cascade [kskid] n. v. ~
cascade trickle, drip
trickle ,

[kst, kst] n. v. ()
: the set of actors in a dramatic production; to assign a
certain role to (an actor)
appoint : official :: cast : actor (cast )
cast : actor :: cabal : conspirator :: choir : singer :: corporation :
employee :: company : employee (cast )
cabal , ;
letter : signature :: playbill : cast :: playbill : actor :: recipe :
ingredient (A have B)
playbill , a poster announcing a theatrical

castigate [kstgit] v.
1. to inflict severe punishment on
2. to criticize severely
castigation : disapproval :: crime : misbehavior :: blasphemy :
irreverence (A >> B)
castigation : reproof :: denunciation : denial :: loathing : dislike ::
soaking : damp (A >> B)
reprove to voice or convey disapproval of
denounce ;
peccadillo : sin :: admonishment : castigation (A << B)
castigate extol, flatter, highly praise, commend, admire, accolade
castigation approbation, flatter, accolade, extol

cater [kitr] vi. ;

: to provide food or entertainment; to supply what is required
or desired
caterwaul [ktrwl]

v. ()

catholic [klik] a. , : UNIVERSAL

1. of broad or liberal scope; comprehensive
2. including or concerning all humankind; universal
catholic narrow
caustic [kstik] a. ,
: a substance that burns or destroys organic tissue by
chemical action
1. capable of burning, corroding, dissolving, or eating away
by chemical action
2. corrosive and bitingly trenchant; cutting
3. causing a burning or stinging sensation, as from intense
barb : caustic :: pan : harsh
caustic : eat away :: desiccant : dry (A = B )
caustic : burn :: solvent : dissolve
caustic palliating, genial, smooth, kind, innocuous, mild, pliant,
sweet, conciliatory, savory, mollifying
palliate , ;
cautious [k:s] adj. ,
1. showing or practicing caution; careful
2. tentative or restrained; guarded
cautious rash
thriftiness : miserliness :: cautiousness : pusillanimity
[kvlr] n. , a. ,
; , v.
adj. 1. showing arrogant or offhand disregard; dismissive
2. carefree and nonchalant; jaunty
* cavalierly a. , adv. ,
* chivalrous a. ,
jaunty , ; ; s
cavalierly : deliberation :: (LACK)
rapscallion : mischievous :: sluggard : lazy
(cavalier : arrogant . ()


castle [ksl, ksl] n.

castle : turret :: sea : beacon
beacon ;


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

arrogant / arrogant)
rapscallion ,
mischievous ; ,
sluggard ,
cavalier humble, obliging, modest
caveat [kivit] n. , ; ()
1. a. a warning or caution
b. a qualification or explanation
2. (law) a formal notice filed by an interested party with a
court or officer, requesting the postponement of a
proceeding until the filer is heard
overture : introductory :: caveat : warning :: caveat : cautionary
preamble : introductory :: caveat : precautious
preamble , ;
cavern [kvrn] n.
ditch : canyon :: burrow : cavern
cavern : spelunker :: star : astronomer (A=B , )
spelunker [spilkr] () One who explores
and studies caves chiefly as a hobby.
grotto : cavern :: arroyo : channel
arroyo [eriou]

[kvl] v.
: to find fault unnecessarily; raise trivial objections
cavil : criticize, object :: prate : talk :: saunter : walk (A B
, )
caviler : carping :: libertine : licentious
licentious [laisns] , ,
encomiast : eulogize :: quibbler : cavil
encomiast a person who delivers or writes an encomium; a
quibble ; = cavil
nitpick : criticize :: cavil : object (trivial B = A)
nitpick to be concerned with or find fault with insignificant details
faultfinding : criticize :: nitpicker : criticize :: quibbler : cavil

cavort [kvrt] v. () : PRANCE

: to walk or move in a spirited manner
1. to bound or prance about in a sprightly manner; caper
2. to have lively or boisterous fun; romp
dodder : unsteady :: cavort : sprightly
dodder ;
cavort trudge, restrain, behave
trudge to walk in a laborious, heavy-footed way; plod
cease [si:s] v.
: to put an end to; discontinue
cease commence, evolve, inaugurate
inaugurate ; , /

[sid] v.
1. to surrender possession of, especially by treaty
2. to yield; grant
cede : possession ::
cede possess

celebrity [slbrti] n. ; RENOWN

1. a famous person
2. renown; fame
renown the quality of being widely honored and acclaimed;
celebration : decry :: slight : show respect (OPPOSITE)
decry , ,
celebrity, renown anonymity, obscurity, insignificance,
obscurity ; , ;
celerity [slrti] n.
celerity delay, languor, sluggishness
cell [sel] n. , ,
cell : membrane :: seed : hull (B = A )
cell : confined :: (CHARACTER)
cement [simnt] v.
: to unite or make firm by or as if by cement
cement fracture, sever
sever /; () ; (break up)
censor [snsr] v.t. n. ,
1. a person authorized to examine books, films, or other
material and to remove or suppress what is considered
morally, politically, or otherwise objectionable
2. an official, as in the armed forces, who examines personal
mail and official dispatches to remove information
considered secret or a risk to security
3. one that condemns or censures
censorship : communication :: preservative : decay (A prohibit B)
censorship : information :: sanitation : disease (A prevent B)
sanitation ,
vendor : purvey :: censor : expurgate
vendor, vender ,
purvey /
expurgate (, ) ; ( )
salesman : buy :: censor : expunge :: proselytizer : convert ::
grandstand : impress
expunge ,
censorious [sensris] a.
1. tending to censure; highly critical
2. expressing censure
censorious : critical :: (A >> B)
censorious : censor :: recalcitrant : resist
recalcitrant ,
censorious eulogistic
censure [snr] n. v. , ()
: to find fault with and criticize as blameworthy
n. 1. an expression of strong disapproval or harsh criticism
2. an official rebuke, as by a legislature of one of its member
lamentable : pity :: reprehensible : censure
lamentable , ,
reprehensible , , deserving rebuke
or censure; blameworthy
remonstrance : dissuade :: reprehension : censure :: syllogism :
disprove (B use A)
remonstrance ; , ,
remonstrate to say or plead in protest, objection or reproof
censure : blameless :: approbation : reprehensible (OPPOSITE)
reprehensible ,
censure applaud, applause, exonerate, extol, commend, exonerate,
exonerate (, ) ,
census [snss] n.
: a usually complete enumeration of a population
census : population :: inventory : stock, merchandise
centrifuge [sntrfjd] n.
centrifuge : separate :: colander : drain
ceramic [srmik] n.
shard : ceramic :: crumb : cake
crumb ,


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

ceremony [srmuni / -mni] n.
affidavit : statement :: wedding : ceremony (A B)
1. the fact, quality, or state of being certain
2. something that is clearly established or assured
certainty, certitude indecision, obscurity
indecision , reluctance or an inability to make up
one's mind; irresolution
chaperon : propriety ::
chaplain [tplin] n. , ();
a clergyman officially attached to a branch of the military, to
an institution. or to a family or court
chaplain : religious ::

[rid / -rd] n. ; (
) ,
1. a game in which words or phrases are represented in
2. a readily perceived pretense
charade : word :: mime : story
charade : dissimulate :: void : empty
dissimulate ( ) ,
empty v. ,

certitude [srttjd] n.
: the state of being or feeling certain
certitude obscurity
cessation [sesin] n. , : STOP
: a bringing or coming to an end; a ceasing
cessation commencement, start(), continuation()
commencement , ;
chaff [tf / tf] n.
winnow : chaff :: filter : impurities
winnow , ; ,
chaff : wheat :: shell : pecan :: shell : peanut :: peel : banana
pecan ( )
dross : metal :: chaff : grain
chagrin [grn / grin] n. ,
: disquietude or distress of mind caused by humiliation.
disappointment, or failure
chagrin : mind :: grimace : face
grimace [grms] ,
chagrin elation, cheerfulness, contentment, proud satisfaction,
elation ,
elate , to make proud or joyful
challenge , ; ,
challenge buttress
chamber [timbr] n. /
: a natural or artificial enclosed space or cavity
chameleon [kmlin, -ljn] n.
salmon : ichthyologist :: chameleon : herpetologist
ichthyology [kildi]

[tmpin] v.t. , : UPHOLD,

: to fight for, defend, or support as a champion
champion disparage, impugn, oppose
disparage , ; ,
impugn , ,

channel [tnl] v. ; ()
: to direct or guide along some desired course
channel evade, disperse
chaotic [keitik / -t-] a.
chaos : predictability :: pallor : color (LACK)
chaotic strictly structured, strictly featured
chaperon [proun] n.
1. a person, especially an older or married woman, who
accompanies a young unmarried woman in public.
2. an older person who attends and supervises a social
gathering for young people.
3. A guide or companion whose purpose is to ensure
propriety or restrict activity

charisma :
1. a rare personal quality attributed to leaders who arouse
fervent popular devotion and enthusiasm
2. personal magnetism or charm: a television news program
famed for the charisma of its anchors
charismatic : appeal :: presumptuous : panache
charismatic lackluster (awkward, pliant, complacent, melancholic
charismatic repugnant
charitable [tritbl] adj. ,
1. generous in giving money or other help to the needy
2. mild or tolerant in judging others; lenient
3. of, for, or concerned with charity
charitable : malign :: (OPPOSITE)
rancor good will, concord, charitableness
charitable malign, harsh, heartless
charlatan [rltn] n. , : FRAUD, FAKER
: a person who makes elaborate, fraudulent, and often
voluble claims to skill or knowledge; a quack or fraud
charlatan : deceive :: mentor : guide, advise :: juggernaut : crush
chary [tri] a. , ,
1. very cautious; wary
2. not giving or expending freely; sparing
chary : caution :: imperturbable : composure (A have B)
chary bold, rash
chasm [kzm] n. , : GORGE
: a deep cleft in the surface of a planet (as the earth)
cleft : chasm :: cut : gash (A << B)
cleft ;
gash / (slash) a long, deep cut; a deep flesh wound
chaste [teist] adj.
chaste wanton
wanton , , , ,
chaste corrupt, defiled
defile ~ , , ~ , (, )
chasten [tisn] v.
: to correct by punishment or reproof; take to task.
chasten : humbled :: vex : irritate (A B )
chasten reward
chateau [tu] n. () ,
1. a. A French castle. b. A French manor house.
2. A large country house.


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

chateau : dwelling :: sedan : automobile (A B )

chauvinism n. ;
1. militant devotion to and glorification of one's country;
fanatical patriotism
2. prejudiced belief in the superiority of one's own gender,
group, or kind
* chauvinist ()
* chauvinistic
patriotic : chauvinistic :: receptive : gullible (A << B)
chauvinist : patriotism :: miser : thrift ()
chauvinism : patriotism :: meticulousness : carefulness (A >> B, A
) (dictatorship : democracy )
check [tek] n. v.
: to block the progress of
jolt : move :: check : stop
jolt ( ) , ;
check propagate, hasten, goad
goad /; ,

chide : pillory :: humor : mollycoddle (A << B)

pillory n. v. ,

humor ,
mollycoddle to be overprotective and indulgent toward
chide praise
chimera [kaim(:)r] n. ,
melodrama : subtlety :: chimera : authenticity (LACK)
chimera real possibility
chip [tip] n.
chip : stone :: shard : glass

[touk] v.t. , ; ( )
1. to interfere with the respiration of by compression or
obstruction of the larynx() or trachea(, )
2. a. to check or slow down the movement, growth, or action
b. to block up or obstruct by filling or clogging
c. to fill up completely; jam
smother : choke ::
smother , ; ,
* smother
1. a. to suffocate (another) b. to deprive (a fire) of the oxygen
necessary for combustion
2. to conceal, suppress, or hide
3. to cover (a foodstuff) thickly with another foodstuff
4. to lavish a surfeit of a given emotion on (someone)
* suffocate
1. to kill or destroy by preventing access of air or oxygen
2. to impair the respiration of
3. to cause discomfort to by or as if by cutting off the supply of fresh
4. to suppress the development, imagination, or creativity of; stifle
* stifle
1. to interrupt or cut off (the voice, for example)
2. to keep in or hold back; repress
3. to kill by preventing respiration; smother or suffocate

chef [ef] n.
author : novel :: chef : banquet :: writer : novel
chef : kitchen :: scientist : laboratory :: chemist : laboratory
cherish [tri] v. , ; ( )
1. to treat with affection and tenderness; hold dear
2. to keep fondly in mind; entertain
cherubic [trbik] a. ,
cherubic somber
somber [smbr] , ; ;
chevron [vrn] n. ()
chevron : badge :: caisson : cart
caisson [kisan] ( ) ; ; ;

chiaroscuro [kirskjrou] n.
1. the technique of using light and shade in pictorial
2. the arrangement of light and dark elements in a pictorial
work of art
chiaroscuro : contrast :: tapestry : intricacy :: filigree : delicacy
intricacy ()
filigree / ; /

[i()k] a.
1. conforming to the current fashion; stylish
2. adopting or setting current fashions and styles;


[ikinri] n. , , ; :
1. deception by trickery or sophistry
2. a trick; a subterfuge
gullible : chicanery :: servile : domination
chicanery : clever :: tactlessness : truthful ( : ,
, :: : , ) ( 14-6) chicanery
clever clever , tactlessness truthful
truthful )
chicanery guilelessness, honest dealing, scrupulous practice,
aboveboard action, forthrightness, lack of suberfuge, absence of guile,
absence of trick, probity, lack of trickiness
probity , ,
scrupulous , ; ;

choleric [klrik / kl-] a. ,

1. easily angered; bad-tempered
2. showing or expressing anger
cowardice : intimidate :: choler : antagonize :
:: :
choleric : anger ::
choleric : rile :: volatile : rouse :: partial : bias
rouse , ,
bias ()
choleric difficult to provoke, pacific, slow to anger
choir [kwai:r] n. , ;
choir : singer :: cast : actor :: bouquet : flower
chord [krd] n.
: a combination of tree or more usually concordant tones
sounded simultaneously
chord : note, tone :: grove : tree :: constellation : star (A = B
cf. colonnade : pillar :: queue : person ( )
choreography [krigrfi / krig-] n.
: the composition and arrangement of dances especially for
* choreographer n.

chide [taid] v. , : SCOLD

: to scold mildly so as to correct or improve; reprimand


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

choreography : dance :: plot : story

choreographer : movement :: architect : building
(sculptor : statue )

cinch difficulty
cinch free, loosen, unbind
cinch be uncertain, be unsure

chortle [trtl] n. v.
chortle : amusement :: sneer : contempt


chorus n.
troupe : perform :: chorus : sing (A = B )
troupe [tru:p] ( ) ,

cineast, cineaste [snist, -st],

: a devotee of motion pictures
cineast : film :: gourmand : food

chromatic [kroumtik] a. ; ()
1. a. relating to colors or color
b. relating to color perceived to have a saturation greater
than zero
2. (music)
a. of, relating to, or based on the chromatic scale
b. relating to chords or harmonies based on nonharmonic
chromatic colorless

cipher [sifr] n.
cipher : cryptic :: precis : concise
precis , a concise summary of a book, an article, or another
text; an abstract
cipher : crack ::

chronic [krnik / krn-] a. , : INVETERATE

1. of long duration; continuing
2. lasting for a long period of time or marked by frequent
recurrence, as certain diseases
3. subject to a habit or pattern of behavior for a long time
chronic sporadic


n. , , (slag)


circuitous [srkjits] a. ,
: not being forthright or direct in language or action
* circuity n.
immaterial : relevance :: circuitous : directness (OPPOSITE)
immaterial , ; ,
circuitous : directness :: irresolute : decision
circuitous : straightforward :: varicolored : monochromatic (OPPOSITE)
circuity forthrightness, straightforwardness, directness
circuitous direct


[krnikl / krn-]

[s :rkjul:r] adj. , ; ,
circuitous; roundabout
circular : asymmetrical :: protean : rigid (OPPOSITE)

n. ,

chronological [krnldikl / krnldikl]

dictionary : alphabetical :: annals : chronological


chuckle [tkl] v. , ;
1. to laugh quietly or to oneself
2. to cluck or chuck, as a hen
chuckle : laughing :: whisper : speaking
chunk [tk] n.
1. a thick mass of piece
2. (informal) a substantial amount
chunk flake
flake , ,
churl [t:rl] n. , ;
1. a rude, boorish person
2. a miserly person
churl : affront :: instigator : foment
affront , ; (confront),
churlish [t()rli] a. , , : SURLY
: marked by a lack of civility or graciousness
1. of, like, or befitting a churl; boorish or vulgar
2. having a bad disposition
3. difficult to work with, such as soil; intractable
annoying : gadfly :: rude : churl (B = A )
uncouth : churl :: conspiratorial : conniver
uncouth [nk:] , , ; ,
connive [kniv] , ; ,

cacophony : melody :: genteel : churl

genteel , ,
churlish : affront :: formidable : intimidate (EQUAL, : )
formidable , ,
churlishness complaisance
complaisance the inclination to comply willingly with the wishes of
others; amiability
churlish genteel
cinch [sint] n. ; , v. ~ ; ~

circumference [srkmfrns] n.
border : country :: circumference : circle
circumference : circle :: perimeter : rectangle
circumlocution [srkmloukjn] n. ,
1. the use of unnecessarily wordy and indirect language
2. evasion in speech or writing
3. a roundabout expression
circumlocutory straightforward, succinctly expressed
circumlocution pithy uttering, aphoristic uttering, straightforward
utter, direct encounter, succinctness
circumscribe [srkmskrib, ---] v. ; ;
1. to draw a line around; encircle
2. to limit narrowly; restrict
3. to determine the limits of; define
4. a. to enclose (a polygon or polyhedron) within a
configuration of lines, curves, of surfaces so that every
vertex of the enclosed object is incident on the enclosing
b. to erect (such a configuration) around a polygon or
circumscribed unlimited, ecumenical
ecumenical , of worldwide scope or applicability;
circumspect [srkmspkt] a. : PRUDENT
: careful to consider all circumstances and possible
rash : circumspective :: imperious : servile (OPPOSITE)
circumspect : prudence :: urbane : polish (EQUAL, : )
circumspect : tactful ::
circumspection temerity
temerity , = recklessness
circumspect audacious, rash, reckless, indiscreet, imprudent,




GRE 6.0 (2008 7)
misunderstood : clarify :: erroneous : retract (10 section2 10)
ramshackle : soundness :: garbled : clarity
ramshackle ;
garble ; ,
obfuscate, opaque, roil, equivocate, muddy clarify, appease
roil ; ,

1. to surround (an enemy, for example); enclose or entrap

2. to go around; bypass
3. to avoid or get around by artful maneuvering
circumvent confront, encounter
circumvention direct encounter
cistern [sstrn] n.
: a receptacle for holding water or other liquid, especially a
tank for catching and storing rainwater
cistern : liquid(s), water :: landfill : refuse :: larder, pantry : food ::
warehouse : merchandise
refuse [rfju:s] ,
citation [saitin] n.
summons : citation :: ( : )
civility [sivlti] n. : COURTESY, POLITENESS
1. courteous behavior; politeness
2. a courteous act or utterance
civility rudeness
claim [kleim] n. ,
claim : legitimated :: hypothesis : confirmed
lien : claim :: subpoena : command (A B)
claim renounce
[klrvint] a. , n.
: unusually perceptive
dexterous : manipulate :: prescient : predict ( : )
prescience [pr:ins] , , (foresight)
(clairvoyant : oversee )
oversee , ; ~ ,
clairvoyant insensitive, unreceptive, myopic, nearsighted,
shortsighted, unwise, dull



clamorous silent


clandestine [klndstin] adj. : surreptitious

: kept or done in secret, often in order to conceal an illicit
or improper purpose
clandestine : secretly :: overt : openly
overt , open and observable; not hidden, concealed,
or secret
clandestine : secrecy :: harmonious : congruity
congruity , ,
congruous; corresponding in character or kind; appropriate or
clandestine open
clarion [klrin] a.
: brilliantly clear; loud and clear
clarion soft and indistinct, muted, cloudy, dull
clarity [klrti] n. : LUCIDITY
1. clearness of appearance
2. clearness of thought or style; lucidity
ambiguous : clarity :: mendacious : truth
mendacious , ;
consensus : factionalism :: clarity : confusion :: expedition : footdragging (OPPOSITE)
equivocation : clarity :: prevarication : truth (A B )
equivocation : truth :: euphemism : offense :: obfuscation : clarity
obfuscate ( ) ;

clasp [klsp, klsp] n.

lathe : shape :: clasp : fasten
lathe [lei]
clause [kl :z]
: a group of words containing a subject and a predicate and
forming part of a compound or complex sentence
clause : sentence :: paragraph : essay
claustrophobia [klstrfubi] n.
recluse : crowd :: claustrophobic : enclosure
recluse ,
cleft [kleft] n.
cleft : chasm :: cut : gash (A << B)
gash /
clement [klmnt] a. , : LENIENT
: inclined to be lenient or merciful
: lenient inclined not to be harsh or strict; merciful, generous,
or indulgent
* clemency n.
clement pitiless, severe, harsh, baneful
pitiless having no pity; merciless
clemency ruthlessness, cruelty, severity, mercilessness, harshness
ruthless , , (pitiless)
cliche [kli()i] n.
: a trite phrase or expression
hodgepodge : uniformity :: cliche : originality :: jejune : interest
anomaly : commonplace :: cliche : imaginative
hodgepodge a mixture of dissimilar ingredients; a jumble
equivocation : misleading :: cliche : hackneyed :: clich : trite (A B
hackneyed overfamiliar through overuse; trite
trite; lacking power to evoke interest through overuse or repetition;
cliche original idea, original statement
clinch [klint] v.
: to hold fast or firmly
clinch remove, make more doubtful

[kli] v.
1. to hold fast or adhere to something, as by grasping,
sticking, embracing, or entwining
2. to remain close; resist separation
3. to remain emotionally attached; hold on

clique [klik, klik] n. ,

: a small, exclusive group of friends or associates
clique : intimates :: flock : sheep

[klg / klg] n. : ENCUMBRANCE

: an obstruction or hindrance
clog : drainage :: stalemate : negotiations
stalemate a situation in which further action is blocked; a

closet [klzit / klz-] n. , ; , ()

1. a cabinet or enclosed recess for linens, household supplies,
or clothing


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)
coarse : surface ::
dislocate : place :: coarsen : texture (A=B )
fastidious coarse
fastidious ,

2. a small private chamber, as for study or prayer

3. a water closet; a toilet
4. a state of secrecy or cautious privacy
pantry : food :: closet, wardrobe : clothes

[klt / klt] n. v. ,
: a coagulated mass produced by clotting of blood
clot : dissolved :: crowd : dispersed (clot not dissolved
, crowd not dispersed ) (pp2. chain :
disengaged chain engage )
freeze : water :: clot : blood
solvent : dissolve :: coagulant : clot

cloture [klutr] n.
: the closing or limitation of debate in a legislative body
especially by calling for a vote
voting : roll call :: termination : cloture (A B ;
. roll call(
) , cloture )
roll call ,
cloudburst [klaudbrst] n.
: a sudden, heavy rainstorm; a downpour
gust : wind :: cloudburst : rainfall :: yank : pull (A >> B)
clout [klaut] n. : PULL, INFLUENCE
1. a blow, especially with the fist
2. (informal) a. influence; pull b. power; muscle
clout impuissance, impotence
impuissance lack of power or effectiveness; weakness
cloying [kli] a. ,
cloy [kli] : to cause distaste or disgust by supplying with
too much of something originally pleasant, especially
something rich or sweet; surfeit
garrulous, loquacious : talkative :: cloying : sweet (A >> B)
garrulous given to excessive and often trivial or rambling
talk; tiresomely talkative
clumsy [klmzi] a. ,
1. lacking physical coordination, skill, or grace; awkward
2. awkwardly constructed; unwieldy
3. gauche; inept
clumsy comely, seemly, adept
comely , ;
seemly , ; ,
coagulant [kougjlnt] n.
coagulant : thicken :: solvent : dissolve
astringent : pucker :: coagulant : congeal
coagulant liquefier, dissolvent
coagulate [kougjul`eit] v.
: to cause transformation of (a liquid or sol, for example)
into or as if into a soft, semisolid, or solid mass
coagulate dissolve, liquefy, thin
coalesce [kuls] v. : FUSE
1. to grow together; fuse
2. to come together so as to form one whole; unite
coalesce disaggregate, sunder, polarize, break apart, bifurcate,
grow apart, separate
sunder , to break or wrench apart; sever
asunder ; ,
sever [svr] , ; ,
polarize ; ;
coarse [krs] a. , , ; ,
: rough, especially to the touch; adjusted or designed for
heavy, fast, or less delicate work


[kouks] v.t. : CAJOLE

: to persuade or try to persuade by pleading or flattery
1. to persuade or try to persuade by pleading or flattery;
2. to obtain by persistent persuasion
blandishment : coax :: medal : honor :: prevarication : deceive (A B
, A B )
blandish ,
prevaricate : to stray from or evade the truth


[kud] n.
: a concluding passage of a movement or composition
dessert : meal :: epilogue : play :: coda : sonata
coda overture, prelude

coddle [kdl/kdl] v. , ;
1. to cook in water just below the boiling point coddle eggs
2. to treat indulgently; baby
coddle scorn, deplore, treat harshly
deplore /; ,
coerce [kours] v.
1. to force to act or think in a certain way by use of pressure,
threats, or intimidation; compel
2. to dominate, restrain, or control forcibly
3. to bring about by force or threat
wheedle : cajolery :: extort : coercion
wheedle to persuade or attempt to persuade by flattery or
guile; cajole
cajole to urge with gentle and repeated appeals,
teasing, or flattery; wheedle
extort , to obtain from another by coercion or
coercive voluntary
coeval [kouvl] a.
: of the same or equal age, antiquity, or duration
congruent : dimension :: coeval : age
congruent , , ;
cogent [kudnt] a. : CONVINCING
: appealing to the intellect or powers of reasoning
* cogency n.
cogent : convince :: repugnant : repel
cogent : validity :: germane : pertinence (A B )
validity , ,
cogent unconvincing, unsound
cogency unconvincingness
cogitate [kdtit / kd-] v. ,
: to take careful thought or think carefully about; ponder
philosopher : cogitate :: iconoclast : attack
iconoclast ;
cognizant [kgnznt / kg-] a. ,
: knowledgeable of something especially through personal
incognizance : knowledgeable :: penury : wealthy (OPPOSITE)
cognizant oblivious, unaware
oblivious , lacking all memory; forgetful
coherent [kouh(:)rnt] adj. ,
* incoherent [nkouh(:)rnt] a. ,


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

coherent irrational, incongruous

incoherent plausible
colander [klndr, kl-] n. ()
centrifuge : separate :: colander : drain
collapse [klps] v.t.
: to fall or shrink together abruptly and completely
collapse : implode :: divide : sunder (A << B)
sunder to break or wrench apart
collapse : implode :: steep : immerse (A << B)
steep , ; , ; () ;

immerse , ;
collapse : volume :: attenuate : thickness
reinforcement : collapse :: (A B )
colloquial [klukwil] v. ,
: characteristic of or appropriate to the spoken language or
to writing that seeks the effect of speech; informal.
colloquial polished
collude [kld] v. : CONSPIRE, PLOT
: to act together secretly to achieve a fraudulent, illegal, or
deceitful purpose
collude, connive : cooperate :: smuggle : convey :: stalk, shadow :
follow :: eavesdrop : listen :: pry : watch :: steal : take :: lurk : wait
stalk ,
pry ,
collusion : conspirators :: cooperation : partners
collude act independently
colonnade [klnid / kl-] n.
: a series of columns set at regular intervals and usually
supporting the base of a roof structure
colonnade : pillar :: queue : person
colossal [klsl] adj. ,
: of a size, extent, or degree that elicits awe or taxes belief;
antediluvian : age :: colossal : size
antediluvian ; ; ;
colossus : figurine :: boulder : pebble (A >> B)
colt [koult] n. ; ,
1. a young male horse
2. a youthful or inexperienced person; a novice
coltish [kulti] a. ;
1. relating to or suggestive of a colt
2. lively and playful; frisky
coltish : discipline :: loutish : grace (A lack B)
loutish ; ,
lout [laut] a person regarded as awkward and stupid; an oaf
coma [kum] n.
coma : unconsciousness :: delirium : confusion
combustible [kmbstbl] a. ,
1. capable of igniting and burning
2. easily aroused or excited
* incombustible
impervious : friable :: nonflammable : combustible (OPPOSITE)
impervious ( ) , ;

combustible : ignite :: malleable : shape

incombustible flammable
comely [kmli] a. ,
1. pleasing and wholesome in appearance; attractive
2. suitable; seemly
seemly , ; ,
comeliness unattractiveness
comely clumsy
comity [kmti]
comity enmity

n. : an atmosphere of social harmony

commencement [kmnsmnt] n. ,
1. a beginning; a start
2. a. a ceremony at which academic degrees or diplomas are
b. the day on which such a ceremony occurs
commencement cessation
cease inaugurate, commence
inaugurate ( ) , ; ,

commencement matriculation
matriculation () ;
commend [kmnd] v.t. : PRAISE
1. to represent as worthy, qualified, or desirable; recommend
2. to express approval of; praise
3. to commit to the care of another; entrust
execrable commendable, laudable
execrable , ;
execrate , ;
commend berate, deplore
commensurate [kmnrit] a. ,
: of the same size, extent, or duration as another
1. of the same size, extent, or duration as another
2. corresponding in size or degree; proportionate
3. measurable by a common standard; commensurable
commensurate preponderant
preponderant , , having superior weight,
force, importance, or influence
tantamount incommensurate
tantamount , equivalent in effect or value
parity uncommensurateness
commentary [kmntri / kmntri] n. , ;
annotate : commentary :: gloss : definition
annotate ,
gloss , ~
commercial [kmrl] n.
: an advertisement on television or radio
advertising : commercial :: publishing : journal
commingle [kmgl] v. ,
: to become blended
commingle separate
commitment [kmtmnt] n. , ; ; , ; ,
1. the act or an instance of committing, especially:
a. the act of referring a legislative bill to committee
b. official consignment, or to a person or mental health
c. a court order authorizing consignment to a prison
2. a. a pledge to do
b. something pledged, especially an engagement by contract
involving financial obligation
3. the state of being bound emotionally or intellectually to a
course of action or to another person or persons


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

crime : misdemeanor :: commitment : decision (A >> B)
misdemeanor , ,
dilettante : commitment :: nonentity : consequence (A = B
dilettante ,
disaffected : contentment :: dubious : commitment, conviction (A lack
disaffected , ; ,
ambivalent committed (, ; )
noncommittal confirmative
noncommittal ,

a. , ; (,
profligate : solvent :: mercurial : committed
(profligate solvency() , mercurial
commitment(, ) 3 16)
profligate , ;
solvent ; , ; ,

commodious [kmudis] a. , : ROOMY

: comfortably or conveniently spacious
taut : commodiousness :: extraordinary : purlieu (OPPOSITE)
taut ( ) ; ( ) , ; (strict)
purlieu [p:rlju:] ; , ;
environ to encircle; surround
commodious constricted, constringed, cramped, close (inefficient,
convoluted )
constringe , , = constrict
close ,
commonplace [kmnplis / km-] a. ,
: having no remarkable features, characteristics, or traits;
phenomenal, inimitable unexceptional, commonplace
inimitable , = matchless
phenomenal , ; /
commonplace original, exceptional
commonsense [kmnsns / km-] n.
commonsensical preposterous
preposterous , ,
commotion [kmun] n. , : TO-DO
: a condition of turbulent motion
squall : commotion :: flash : illumination (A = brief B)
squall [skw:l] , , ; ,
commotion tranquility
compassion [kmpn] n. ,
: deep awareness of the suffering of another coupled with
the wish to relieve it
compassion indifference
compendium [kmpndim] n. : ABSTRACT
: a brief summary of a larger work or of a field of
compendium : summary :: anthology : collection (EQUAL)
encyclopedia : compendious :: abstract : condensed
compensate [kmpnsit / km-] v. /; ,
1. to offset; counterbalance
2. to make satisfactory payment or reparation to;
recompense or reimburse
3. to stabilize the purchasing power of (a monetary unit) by
changing the gold content in order to counterbalance
price variations
complacent [kmplisnt] a. ,
: self-satisfied and unconcerned
complacency anxiety
complaisant [kmplisnt, -znt|kmpliznt] adj.
, , , ,
* complaisance [kmplisns, -zns, kmplzns] n.
, : AFFABILITY : the inclination to comply
willingly with the wishes of others; amiability
complaisance : intractable :: adeptness : maladroit
intractable ,
adept , very skilled
complaisance churlishness, obstinacy
churlish , ;
obstinacy ,
complaisant obdurate, intransigent
complement [kmplmnt|km-] n. , () v.t.~
. 1. something that completes, makes up a whole, or brings
to perfection
2. the quantity or number needed to make up a whole
3. either of two parts that complete the whole or mutually
complete each other
complement : complete :: illuminate : clear
compliant [kmplint] a. : SUBMISSIVE
: disposed or willing to comply; submissive, obedient
compliant : servile :: trusting : gullible (A << B)
obsequious : fawn :: compliant : yield (EQUAL, : )
obsequious , full of or exhibiting servile compliance;
compliment [kmplmnt / km-] v.t. ,
n. 1. an expression of praise, admiration, or congratulation
2. a formal act of civility, courtesy, or respect
3. compliments good wishes; regards
apologize : contrite :: compliment : impressed
contrite ;
compliment : flattery :: deference : subservience (DEFECTIVE)
subservient ,
courageous : bravado :: complimentary : fulsomeness (A << B)
bravado , ;
fulsome ( ) offensively flattering or insincere
complimentary vituperative
vituperative , , using, containing, or
marked by harshly abusive censure
comply [kmpli] vi.
: to act in accordance with another's command, request, rule,
or wish
mandatory : comply :: forbidden : abstain (EQUAL, : )
mandatory ; ,
comport [kmprt] n. ,
: to conduct or behave (oneself) in a particular manner
: to agree, correspond, or harmonize:
composed [kmpuzd] a. : CALM, SELF-POSSESSED
: free from agitation; serenely self-possessed
composed distraught, frenetic
distraught , ; ,
frenetic ; wildly excited or active; frantic;
compose discombobulate
discombobulate ( ) ,


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)
concession , , ,
concede refuse to grant
concession aggression, denial

composure restless
compound [kmpaund] n. ,
a combination of two or more elements or parts
soldier : army :: element : compound
compound separate, elemental
compress [kmprs] v.t.
constrict : diameter :: compress : size
compression increase in volume, distention
distention ,
distend to swell out or expand from or as if from internal pressure
compromise [kmprmiz / km-] n. v. ,
(, , ) (),
1. to settle by concessions
2. to expose or make liable to danger, suspicion, or
mediation : compromise :: prosecution : conviction
prosecution , ; ,
conviction ; ,
implacable : compromise :: honest : swindle (if A then not B)
implacable ( ) , ,
swindle ,
intransigent : compromise :: deferential : offend (A B )
intransigent open to compromise
intransigent ,
polemical compromising
temporize unwilling to compromise
temporize ; , ;
compromise protect from discredit

concentrate [knsntrit / kn-] v. , :

concentrate dilute solution, deploy
deploy () , ;
conceptual [knsptul] adj.
: of, consisting of, or relating to concepts or conception
conceptual concrete
concerted [knsrtid] a.
: planned or accomplished together; combined
concerted individually devised, meant to obstruct
concerto [kntrtou] n.
: a piece for one or more soloists and orchestra with three
contrasting movements

[knsliit] v. , , (, ) , ~
, , ,
1. to overcome the distrust or animosity of; appease
2. to regain or try to regain (friendship or goodwill) by
pleasant behavior
3. to make or attempt to make compatible; reconcile
* reconciliation n. , , , ,
* conciliatory adj.
sop : conciliatory :: subsidy : supportive
sop ; ,
subsidy ,
reconciliation : harmony ::
conciliate vex, nettle, discontent, rile
nettle to irritate; vex
discontent ,
rile to stir to anger
conciliation vexation
conciliatory vexing
conciliatory contentious, belligerent
contentious ,
belligerent , ; ,
conciliate aggrieve, aggravate
aggrieve , ,
conciliate alienate

compunction [kmpkn] n. , SCRUPLE

1. anxiety arising from awareness of guilt (penitence)
2. a sting of conscience or a pang of doubt aroused by
wrongdoing or the prospect of wrongdoing (qualm)
; compunction for former sins

: compunctious
impartial : prejudice :: unshameness : compunction
compunction absence(lack) of misgiving, unrepentant
misgiving , , , a feeling of doubt, distrust, or
concatenate [knktneit|k n-] v. () a.
v. to connect or link in a series or chain
a. connected or linked in a series
concatenate separate (v, a )
concave [knkiv|k n-] adj.
: curved like the inner surface of a sphere
scoop : concave :: spatula : flat (CHARACTER)
spatula ( ),
conceal [knsi:l] v. ; , ()

: to keep from being seen, found, observed, or discovered;

conceal blurt, unearth
blurt / to utter suddenly and impulsively
conceal betray
betray , ,
disclosure concealment, cover-up, secret
concede [kns:d] v. ,
1. to acknowledge, often reluctantly, as being true, just, or
proper; admit
2. to yield or grant (a privilege or right, for example)

concise [knsis] a.
: expressing much in few words; clear and succinct
synopsis : conciseness :: distillate : purity
distillate ; ,
conciseness : aphorism :: exaggeration : caricature
conclude [knkl:d] v. , ; ( )
1. to bring to an end; close
2. to bring about (a final agreement or settlement)
3. to reach a decision or form an opinion about
4. to arrive at (a logical conclusion or end) by the process of
reasoning; infer on the basis of convincing evidence
conclude embark on
concomitant [knkmtnt] a. , ,
: occurring or existing concurrently; attendant
preponderant concomitant
preponderant , , having superior weight,
force, importance, or influence
concord [kkrd] n. , , : HARMONY
1. harmony or agreement of interests or feelings; accord
2. a treaty establishing peaceful relations


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

inconsonant : concord :: scattered : overlap (OPPOSITE)
concord disagreement, dissension, dissonance, rancor, enmity,
contention, schism, discrepancy
dissension ; , difference of opinion; disagreement
dissonance ,
rancor , , bitter, long-lasting resentment; deep-seated
ill will enmity deep-seated, often mutual hatred
contention , , ; ,
schism ,
concur [knkr] vi. ,
1. to be of the same opinion; agree
2. to act together; cooperate
3. to occur at the same time; coincide
concur object, dissent, naysay, take issue, differ, oppose, demur,
naysay / to say no to; deny or oppose
condemn [kndm] v.t. ;
1. to express strong disapproval of
2. to pronounce judgment against; sentence
3. to judge or declare to be unfit for use or consumption,
usually by official order
: condemnation ,
countenance condemn (*affront() )
countenance () , , ; , ,
exaltation condemnation
exalt ( ) ; /;
extol, embrace condemn, impugn, detract
impugn , to attack as false or questionable;
challenge in argument
brevity : epigram :: condemnation : philippic
philippic. A verbal denunciation characterized by harsh, often
insulting language; a tirade ( )
condense [kndns] v. (), ()
1. to reduce the volume or compass of
2. to make more concise; abridge or shorten
condensed unabridged
condescending [kndisndi / kn-] a.
: displaying a patronizingly superior attitude
patronize ;/;

* condescend v.
1. to descend to the level of one considered inferior; lower
2. to deal with people in a patronizingly superior manner
condescending : patronize :: obsequious : fawn (EQUAL, : )
obsequious , full of or exhibiting servile
compliance; fawning
fawn ,
patronize : condescension :: deride : mockery (EQUAL, : )
deride , ,
patronizing : condescending :: peeved : annoyed (EQUAL)

[kndin] a. , : DESERVED,
condign undeserved, unmerited
unmerited (undeserved), ; ,

condolence [kndulns] n. ,
: sympathy with a person who has experienced pain, grief,
or misfortune
condolence : sympathy, compassion :: gibe : derision
compassion ,
gibe , n. a derisive remark
condone [kndun] v.t. ,
: to overlook, forgive, or disregard (an offense) without
protest or censure
condone denounce, exact
exact , ; ,
conducive [kndjsiv] a. , ~
: tending to cause or bring about; contributive
conducive : motivate :: tonic : invigorate
conducive : foment :: tonic : invigorate
foment , to promote the growth of; incite
tonic a. producing or stimulating physical, mental, or emotional vigor
conductor [kndktr] n.
conductor : instrumentalist :: director : actor


n. , , : ALLIANCE

confess [knfs] v.
1. to disclose (something damaging or inconvenient to
oneself); admit
2. to acknowledge belief or faith in; profess
3. a. to make known (one's sins) to God or to a priest b. to
hear the confession of (a penitent)
confession : culpability :: testimonial : appreciation(A is a sign of B,
A=expression of B) ** testimonial .. appreciation
.. confession (M. Webster)
a disclosure of one's sins,
. confession culpablity
. culpable culpa - crime, fault, blame -
. inculpate exculpate
.(sung 2006/12/10)
recantation : error :: confession : crime
recant , to make a formal retraction or disavowal of
confidant [knfidnt, -dnt, knfidnt / knfidnt]
n. ,
1. one to whom secrets or private matters are disclosed
2. a character in a drama or fiction, such as a trusted friend
or servant, who serves as a device for revealing the inner
thoughts or intentions of a main character
confident [knfidnt / kn-] a.
confident : timid :: open : shy (OPPOSITE)
confidence : arrogant :: inquiry : interrogatory (A << B)
interrogatory [ntrgt:ri] asking a question; of the nature of a
question; interrogative
interrogative ; ;
confident : arrogant :: wary : paranoid :: frugal : miserly (A << B, B
confine [knfin] v.t.
1. to keep within bound; restrict
2. to shut or keep in, especially to imprison
3. to restrict in movement
loose : confinement :: disabuse : misconception
disabuse ( ) , ( )
conflate [knflit] v.
: to combine (as two readings of a text) into a composite
conflate disseminate
disseminate , ; ,
confluence [knfluns / kn-] n. ,
1. a. a flowing together of two or more streams
b. the point of juncture of such streams
c. the combined stream formed by this juncture
2. a gathering, flowing, or meeting together at one juncture
or point


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)
incongruent : conform :: recalcitrant : obey
congruent disagreeable, antithetical, polemical
congruity variance
congruence disagreement

confluence : streams :: junction : roads

confluence divergence
conform [knfrm] v. , ,
1. to correspond in form or character; be similar
2. to act or be in accord or agreement; comply
3. to act in accordance with current customs or modes
incongruent : conform :: recalcitrant : obey
incongruent , ,
recalcitrant ,
conform gainsay
[knfund] v. ; ,
1. to cause to become confused or perplexed
2. to fail to distinguish; mix up
3. to make (something bad) worse
4. to cause to be ashamed; abash
5. to damn
6. to frustrate
confound discriminate between, enlighten, make straightforward,
elucidate, make clear, straighten
counfounded straightforward ()( )

conjecture [kndktr] n. v. (),

n. 1. inference or judgment based on inconclusive or
incomplete evidence; guesswork
2. a statement, an opinion, or a conclusion based on
v. To infer from inconclusive evidence; guess
conjecture restrain from the speculation, facts


confront [knfrnt] v.t. : OPPOSE

1. to come face to face with, especially with defiance or
2. to bring face to face with
3. to come up against; encounter
craven : confront :: honest : deceive (if A, then not B)
craven ,
confront circumvent
circumvent , ; ,
congeal [kndl] v. : COAGULATE
1. to solidify by or as if by freezing
2. to coagulate; jell
congeal melt, disintegrate, fail to solidify, liquefy(=liquify)

[kndnjl] a. , , :
1. having the same tastes, habits, or temperament;
2. of a pleasant disposition; friendly and sociable
3. sited to one's needs or nature; agreeable
congenial : bonhomie ::
dour, grouchy, surly genial, congenial
dour marked by sternness or harshness; forbidding
congenial unrelated, not innate

congregate [kgrgeit|k-] v. , , adj.

congregate separate
congruent [kgrunt] a. ,
1. corresponding; congruous
2. (math.) a. coinciding exactly when superimposed
b. having a difference divisible by a modulus
* congruence n.
* congruous [kngrus|k -] a. , ;
1. corresponding in character or kind; appropriate or
2. (math.) congruent
congruent : dimension :: coeval : age
coeval originating or existing during the same period;
lasting through the same era

connive [kniv] v. : CONSPIRE

1. to cooperate secretly in an illegal or wrongful action;
2. to scheme; plot
3. to feign ignorance of or fail to take measures against a
wrong, thus implying tacit encouragement or consent
connive : cooperate :: spy : watch (DEFECTIVE)
connive : conspirator :: cooperative : partner
connive : plan :: confide : tell :: lurk : wait (DEFECTIVE)
(delude : defraud )
uncouth : churl :: conspiratorial : conniver (B = A )
uncouth [nk:] , ; , ;
churl ;
connoisseur [knsr, -sr / kn-] n. , ,

1. a person with expert knowledge or training, especially in

the fine arts
2. a person of informed and discriminating taste
connoisseur : art :: gourmet : cuisine
cuisine ,
connoisseur : excel ::
selflessness : altruist :: expertise : connoisseur
expertise /
conquest [kkwest / k-] n.
inexorable : dissuasion :: indomitable : conquest
inexorable , ; ,
conscientious [knins / kn-] a. , ; ,
1. guided by or in accordance with the dictates of conscience;
2. thorough and assiduous
assiduous , ,
conscientious careless, remiss, unaware
remiss , ; ,
conscience n.
clear one's conscience .
for conscience(') sake , ; ().
conscious [kns]
1. a. having an awareness of one's environment and one's
own existence, sensations, and thoughts
b. mentally perceptive or alert; awake
2. capable of thought, will, or perception
3. subjectively known or felt
4. intentionally conceived or done; deliberate
5. inwardly attentive or sensible; mindful
6. especially aware of or preoccupied with
conscious unwitting
unwitting , ; ,




GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

consensus : factionalism :: clarity : confusion (OPPOSITE)

consensus : factionalism :: law : criminality (A prevent B, B lack A)
consensus : factionalism :: expedition : foot-dragging
expedition , ; ,
schism : consensus :: interruption : continuity
schism [szm] ,
consensus factionalism
consequential [k nskwnl] adj. ; ,
; ,
1. following as an effect, result, or conclusion; consequent
2. having important consequences; significant
3. a. important; influential
b. pompous; self-important
conservative [knsrvtiv] a. n. ,

bigoted : advice :: conservative : change (A = B )
contumacious : authority :: reactionary, hidebound, conservative :
change, innovation, novelty
contumacious , obstinately disobedient or
rebellious; insubordinate
hidebound , stubbornly prejudiced, narrow-minded, or
hidebound : conservative :: maniac : excited (A >> B)
revisionist : challenge : conservative : uphold
uphold (, ) ~ ()
conservatory [knsrvtri / -tri]
conservatory : music :: seminary : theology

3. Reliable; steady: demonstrated a consistent ability to

impress the critics
inconspicuous : overlook :: consistent : predict
console [knsul] v. : COMFORT
: to allay the sorrow or grief of
embarrass : shame :: console : comfort (A = B )
console : grief :: perturb : serenity :: disturb : serenity :: alleviate :
intensity (A remove B)
console aggravate grief
consolidate [knsldit / -sl-] v.t. , :
1. to unite into one system or whole; combine
2. to make strong or secure; strengthen
3. to make firm or coherent; form into a compact mass
consolidation fragmentation
consolidate dissolve
consonance [knsnns / kn-] n. , ;
1. agreement; harmony; accord
2. a. close correspondence of sounds
b. the repetition of consonants or of a consonant pattern
inconsonant : concord :: scatter : overlap (OPPOSITE)
consonant dissentient, dissonant, discrepant
dissentient [disnjnt]
dissonant () , ; ,
consonance discrepancy
discrepancy , ; ,
inconsonant in agreement

n. /

conserve [knsrv] v.
: to avoid wasteful or destructive use of
conserve waste, squander, exhaust
squander ; , to spend wastefully or
extravagantly; dissipate
considerable [knsdrbl] a. , : SIGNIFICANT
1. large in amount, extent, or degree
2. worthy of consideration; significant
* inconsiderable , ,
* consider v.
restive : calm :: piddling : considerable (OPPOSITE)
restive , ; ,
piddling , so trifling or trivial as to be beneath one's
consider table
table ; , ; ( ) /

consignment [knsinmnt] n. ,
*consign v. , ; ; ,
1. to give over to the care of another; entrust
2. to turn over permanently to another's charge or to a
lasting condition; commit irrevocably
3. to deliver (merchandise, for example) for custody or sale
4. to set apart, as for a special use or purpose; assign
consignment : invoice ::
invoice , ; ( )
itemize; to set down item by item; list
consistent [knsstnt] a. , , ,

1. In agreement; compatible: The testimony was

consistent with the known facts
2. Being in agreement with itself; coherent and uniform: a
consistent pattern of behavior

conspicuous [knspkjus] a. : STRIKING

1. easy to notice; obvious
2. attracting attention, as by being unusual or remarkable;
inconspicuous : overlook :: tractable : lead :: consistent : predictable (A
B )
authoritative : acceptance :: conspicuous : attention
conspicuous : see :: transparent : understand
hermitage : secluded :: landmark : conspicuous
hermitage , ;
conspicuous : sheltered :: (OPPOSITE)
blatant, salient, prominent inconspicuous
salient , ; ,
conspicuous nondescript
nondescript ,
conspire [knspir] v. , ; ,
1. to plan together secretly to commit an illegal or wrongful
act or accomplish a legal purpose through illegal action
2. to join or act together; combine
uncouth : churl :: conspiratorial : conniver (B = A )
conspire : plan :: purloin : take :: infiltrate : enter :: abscond : depart
conspire : cooperate :: spy : watch
constancy [knst:nsi] n.
1. steadfastness, as in purpose or affection; faithfulness
2. the condition or quality of being constant; changelessness
* constant a.
* inconstant a. ,
constant : stalwart :: judicious : sage
inconstant equable, invariant, steady, steadfast
constancy turncoat
turncoat ,
constellation [knstlin / kn-] n. ,
constellation : star :: chord : note :: bouquet : flower



n. ,

GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

: a state of paralyzing dismay

consternation composure
composure ,

1. disparaging or haughty disdain, as for something base or

unworthy; scorn
2. the state of being despised or dishonored; disgrace
3. open disrespect or willful disobedience of the authority of
a court of law or legislativ body
measly : contemptibly :: puny : weakly
measly ,
puny [pj:ni] , , of inferior size, strength,
or significance; weak
contemptuous : scornfulness
contempt : libel ::
redoubtable : regard, awe :: despicable : scorn, contempt, disregard
redoubtable ,
despicable , deserving of contempt or scorn; vile
wince : pain :: smile : pleasure :: pout : displeasure :: sneer : contempt
wince , to shrink or start involuntarily, as in pain
or distress
pout , to exhibit displeasure or disappointment
contemptible estimable
estimable , ;

constitute [knsttjt / kn-] v.t. ; ;

1. a. to be the elements or parts of; compose
b. to amount to; equal
2. a. to set up or establish according to law or provision
b. to found (an institution, for example)
c. to enact (a law or regulation)
3. to appoint to an office, dignity, function, or task;
constitute abdicate
constrained [knstrind] a. ,
constrain release
constrained intemperate
intemperate , ,
constringe [knstrnd] v. , ,
: to cause to contract; constrict
commodious constringed
construct [knstrkt] v. //
1. to form by assembling or combining parts; build
2. to create an argument or a sentence, for example) by
systematically arranging ideas or terms
construct : remodel :: compose : edit
consultation [knsltin / kn-] n.
: the act or process of consulting
consummate [knsmit/kn-]/[knsmt] v. ,
adj. , , , ( )
; consummate a marriage / consummate skill /
a consummate liar
a. to bring to completion or fruition; conclude
b. to realize or achieve; fulfill
a. complete or perfect in every respect
b. supremely accomplished or skilled
c. complete; utter
consummate incomplete, unfinished, worst (s/c)
consummate abrogate (s/c)
consummate amateurish
contagious [kntids] a. : CATCHING
1. of or relating to contagion
2. transmissible by direct or indirect contact; communicable
3. capable of transmitting disease; carrying a disease
4. spreading or tending to spread from one to another;
sprain : injury :: cold : contagion (A B)
sprain (, )
contagious incommunicable
contaminate [kntmnit] v.t.
hedge : loss :: quarantine : contamination :: safeguard : accident
quarantine (f )
contaminate purify
contemplate [kntmplit / kntem-] v.t. ;

1. to look at attentively and thoughtfully

2. to consider carefully and at length; meditate on or
3. to have in mind as an intention or possibility



content [kntnt] a. , =contented

v. n. ()
disaffected : contentment :: dubious : conviction, commitment ::
anxious : serenity ()
disaffected , resentful and rebellious, especially
against authority
gripe : discontent :: praise : admiration
gripe , ; () ;
admiration : praise:: discontent: complain
content disaffected
restiveness contentment
restive , ; , ,
contented avaricious
contention [kntnn] n. , , , ;
1. the act or an instance of striving in controversy or debate
2. a striving to win in competition; rivalry
3. an assertion put forward in argument
contention general agreement, concurrence, accord, concordance
concurrence ,
accord ,
contentious [kntns] a. ,
1. given to contention; quarrelsome
2. involving or likely to cause contention; controversial
meddlesome : pry :: contentious : argue (EQUAL, : )
contentious conciliatory, friendly, agreeable
contiguous [kntgjus] adj. , ;
1. sharing an edge or boundary; touching
2. neighboring; adjacent
3. a. connecting without a break
b. connected in time; uninterrupted
contiguous : abut :: simultaneous : coincide

[kntndnt] a. , ;
; ,
1. liable to occur but not with certainty; possible
2. dependent on conditions or occurrences not yet
established; conditional
3. happening by chance or accident
contingent on:dependent on STH that may or may not happen

continence [kntnns / kn-] n. ,

1. self-restraint; moderation.
2. voluntary control over urinary and fecal discharge.
continence indulgence


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

1. uninterrupted in time, sequence, substance, or extent
2. attached together in repeated units
continuity disjunction
contort [knt:rt] v. , ; ; /
to twist, wrench, or bend severely out of shape
contortion : body :: grimace : face
grimace [grms] ,
contract [kntrkt] v. , ; /;
; ,
1. to enter into by contract; establish or settle by formal
2. to acquire or incur
3. a. to reduce in size by drawing together; shrink
b. to pull together; wrinkle
contract : implode :: descend : plummet
contradictory [kntrdktri / kn-] a.
paradox : contradictory :: epigram : wise (CHARACTER)
contravene [kntrvn / kn-] v. ; ,
1. to act or be counter to; violate
2. to oppose in argument; gainsay
contravene support, buttress, uphold
contretemps [kntrt / kn-] n. ,
: an unforeseen event that disrupts the normal course of
things; an inopportune occurrence
contretemps felicity
contrite [kntrit, kntrait / kntrait] a.
1. feeling regret and sorrow for one's sins or offenses;
2. arising from or expressing contrition
apologize : contrite :: compliment : impressed
apologize : contrite :: vacillate : irresolute, hesitant
contrite impenitent, unapologetic
contrive [kntriv] v.
1. to plan with cleverness or ingenuity; devise ,

2. to invent or fabricate, especially by improvisation

3. to plan with evil intend; scheme ,
4. to bring about, as by scheming; manage ...
contrived Obviously planned or calculated; not
spontaneous; labored
contrived : design :: (EQUAL, : or )
contrived natural, genuine, spontaneous
control [kntrul] n.
: an individual or group used as a standard of comparison in
a control experiment
control group experimented on
controvert [kntrv:rt] v. ,
: to raise arguments against; voice opposition to
controvert substantiate
substantiate ; ,
contumacious [kntjumis / kn-] a. , (,
: obstinately disobedient or rebellious; insubordinate
contumacious : authority :: reactionary, hidebound, conservative :
change, innovation, novelty
hidebound , ; stubbornly prejudiced,
narrow-minded, or inflexible
contumacious obedient
conundrum [knndrm] n. ,
1. a riddle in which a fanciful question is answered by a pun
2. a paradoxical, insoluble, or difficult problem; a dilemma
conundrum : solve :: tangle : unravel :: dilemma : ??? (A = B
unravel , ;
conundrum : perplexing :: polemic : contentious ()
(countermand : invalid )
convalesce [knvls / kn-] vi.
: to return to health and strength after illness; recuperate
recuperate ,
recidivism : relapse :: rehabilitation : convalesce
recidivism /
relapse , ,
rehabilitation ; , ; ,
convene [knv:n]
v. ( )
to come together usually for an official or public purpose;
assemble formally
convene adjourn
convenience [knvnjns] n.
1. the quality of being suitable to one's comfort, purposes, or
2. personal comfort or advantage
3. something that increases comfort or saves work
opportune : convenience :: impermanent : transience (EQUAL)
opportune , , suited or right for a
particular purpose
opportune inconvenient
convention [knvnn] n. ,
overdose : prescription :: indiscretion : convention
discreet / , ,
eccentric : conventional :: doyen : uninitiated
doyen [din] a man who is the oldest or senior member of a
uninitiated , not knowledgeable or skilled;
offbeat conventional
ossify transcend conventions
ossify to become set in a rigidly conventional pattern
transcend , ,
convergent [knvrdnt] a. : CONVERGING
: tending to move toward one point or to approach each
converge spread out, ramify
ramify , to have complicating
consequences or outgrowths
convergent moving apart
discrepancy convergence
discrepancy , divergence or disagreement, as between
facts or claims; difference
conversant [knvrsnt, knvr- / knvr-]
: familiar, as by study or experience
* conversance
conversant unfamiliar, ignorant
conversance lack of familiarity


convert [knvrt] v.t. n. ,

: to bring over from one belief, view, or party to another
veer : direction :: convert : belief
veer , to turn aside from a course, direction,
or purpose


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

proselytizer : convert :: grandstand : impress (A = B , A=B)
proselytize [prslitiz] ,
salesperson : buy :: proselytizer : convert :: swindler : cheat ::
mediator : reconcile :: grandstand : impress
four-poster : bed :: convertible : automobile (A B)
four-poster 4
convert hold, remain
convex [knvks, kn- / knvks] adj.
: having a surface or boundary that curves or bulges
outward, as the exterior of a sphere
convex dent
convey [knvi] v.t. ,
collude : cooperate :: smuggle : convey
collude to act together secretly to achieve a fraudulent,
illegal, or deceitful purpose
splint : immobilize :: duct : convey
conviction [knvkn] n. ,
1. (law) a. the judgment of a jury or judge that a person is
guilty of a crime as charged b. the state of being found
or proved guilty
2. a. the act or process of convincing
b. the state of being convinced
3. a fixed or strong belief
disaffected : contentment :: dubious : conviction (A lack B)
disaffected resentful and rebellious, especially against authority
mediation : compromise :: prosecution : conviction (A B)
prosecution , ; ,
cogent unconvincing
cogent ; ,
convivial [knvvil] a. , ; ,
1. fond of feasting, drinking, and good company; sociable
2. merry; festive
convivial : social ::
corral : horses :: coop : chickens
corral (, )
cooperate [koupr?t|-p-] v. ()
cooperate : connive :: take : steal
cooperative : conspire ::
copious [kupis] a.
1. yielding or containing plenty; affording ample supply
2. large in quantity; abundant
3. abounding in matter, thoughts, or words; wordy
wordy , ; ,
copious : abundant ::
copious sparse, dearth, meager, scanty
coquette [koukt] n. (flirt)
supplicant : beseeching :: coquette : flirtatious
beseech , to address an earnest or urgent request
to; implore
[krd] n. , ; ; [1 =
128 ]
ream : paper :: cord : wood :: acre : land :: volt : electricity :: quart :
ream ()
[ , 500]


cordon [krdn] n. , ;
1. a line of people, military posts, or sips stationed around an
area to enclose or guard it
2. a cord or braid worn as a fastening or an ornament
3. a ribbon usually worn diagonally across the brest as a
badge of honor or a decoration
levee : river :: cordon : crowd
levee ,
[krnjukupi] n. , ; ( )
cornucopia : abundance :: mace : authority (A = B )
mace ( ) ( )
cornucopia dearth, lack, pittance, modicum, paucity
pittance /;


convoke [knvuk] v.
: to cause to assemble in a meeting; convene
convoke adjourn

[knvltid / kn-] a. , :
1. having numerous overlapping coils or folds
2. intricate; complicated
convoluted : complexity :: ephemeral : transience :: transient :
evanescence (EQUAL, :)
ephemeral , lasting for a markedly brief time
evanescent , ; , vanishing or
likely to vanish like vapor
convoluted : simplicity :: threadbare, timeworn : novelty (A B
, )
threadbare , ;
timeworn , ; ,
convoluted straightforward

convulsion [knvln] n. , ; ,
1. an intense, paroxysmal, involuntary muscular
2. an uncontrolled fit, as of laughter; a paroxysm
3. violent turmoil
paroxysm , ; a sudden outburst of emotion or action
convulsion : contraction :: frenzy : emotion
frenzy , , a state of violent mental agitation or wild

[ku()p] n.
: an enclosure or cage, as for poultry or small animals

corona [krun] n. , (, )
corona : sun :: atmosphere : planet
coronation [krnin, kr-] n.
: the act or ceremony of crowning a sovereign or the
sovereign's consort
coronation : reign :: wedding : marriage
reign , ; ,
corporeal [krpril] a. , : SUBSTANTIAL
1. of, relating to, or characteristic of the body
2. of material nature; tangible
corporeal intangible, disembodied, spiritual, immaterial
incorporeal incarnate
incarnate [ink:rnit] , ();
corpulent [k:rpjlnt|k:pju-] a. , (
) ; excessively fat
corpulent emaciated, thin, gaunt
corral [krl / krl] n.
1. an enclosure for confining livestock
2. an enclosure formed by a circle of wagons for defense
against attack during an encampment
corral : horses :: coop : chickens
correlative [krtiv|k -] adj. () related;


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

correlative irrelative, unrelated

corroborate [krbrit / -rb-] v.t. ( ) ;

: to support with evidence or authority

corroborate : evidence :: calumniate : falsehood
calumniate , to make maliciously or knowingly
false statements about
corroborate lessening of certainty
corroborate deny, controvert
controvert /, ,
corrosive [krusiv] n. a. ;
adj. 1. having the capability or tendency to cause corrosion
2. gradually destructive; steadily harmful
3. spitefully sarcastic
etch : corrosive :: glue : adhesive (CHARACTER)
corrugate [krgit] v.
: to shape into folds or parallel and alternating ridges and
corrugated smooth
corrugated [krgitid, kr- / kr-]
adj. : to
shape into folds or parallel and alternating ridges and grooves.
corrugated smooth
corrupt [krpt]
1. marked by immorality and perversion; depraved ,

2. venal; dishonest
3. containing errors or alterations, as a text ,

perversion , , ; ,
pervert , ; /
venal , ; ,
corruption purity
cosmopolitan [kzmpltn / kzmpl-] a. ,
: having worldwide rather than limited or provincial scope
or bearing
bigot : tolerant :: provincial : cosmopolitan (OPPOSITE, : )
tolerant ,
bigoted : tolerance :: servile : domination
servile ; , , , abjectly
submissive; slavish
insularity cosmopolitanism
insular cosmopolitan
insular [nsjlr] ; , ; ,

[ksit / ks-] v. , :
: to treat as a pet
cosset : denounce ::
cosset slight
cosset bemean, ignore, denounce, mistreat
cosseted unspoiled ( 1)

coterie [kutri] n. / ,
: an intimate and often exclusive group of persons with a
unifying common interest or purpose
: a small, often select group of persons who associate with
one another frequently
coterie : group :: (A B)
coterie: intimate :: flock : bird, sheep (A B )
intimate n.
countenance [kuntnns] v. , , ,
n. , ; , : SANCTION
: to give or express approval to
n. 1. appearance, especially the expression of the face

2. the face or facial features

3. a. a look or expression indicative of encouragement or of
moral support
b. support or approval
countenance : toleration :: demur : objection (EQUAL)
countenance condemn, forbid, refuse to approve, refuse to tolerate,
regard with disfavor
counterfeit [kuntrft] n. , : FORGED
1. to make a copy of, usually with the intent to defraud; forge
2. to make a pretense of; feign
sophism : reasoning :: counterfeit : money
sophism [sfizm] ,
countermand [kuntrmnd, -mnd] v. ( ) ,

1. to cancel or reverse (a previously issued command or

2. to recall by a contrary order
countermand : order :: rescind : law :: revoke : license
rescind (, ) to make void; repeal or annul
revoke (, , ) ,
counterpart [kuntrprt] n. , : DUPLICATE
1. a. one that closely resembles another
b. one that has the same functions and characteristics as
another; an opposite number
2. a copy or duplicate of a legal paper
3. a. one of two parts that fit and complete each other
b. one that serves as a complement
couple [kpl] n. v , , ,
1. to link together; connect
2. a. to join as spouses; marry
b. to join in sexual union
couple disconnect
couple divide
couplet [kplit] n. 2 (), () : DISTICH
unit of verse consisting of two successive lines, usually
rhyming and having the same meter and often forming a
complete thought or syntactic unit
couplet : sentence ::
courageous adj.
: having or characterized by courage; valiant
courageous diffident
court [krt] n. v. , ()
1. a. to attempt to gain; seek
b. to behave so as to invite or incur
2. to try to gain the love or affections of, especially to seek to
3. to attempt to gain the favor of by attention or flattery
court repel intentionally, repulse intentionally, snub, reject, shun
snub ;
spurn court, crave, embrace
spurn , to reject disdainfully or contemptuously;
crave ,
courtesy [krtsi] n. , ; ,
1. a. polite behavior b. a polite gesture or remark
2. a. consent or agreement in spite of fact; indulgence
b. willingness or generosity in providing something needed



GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

lawyer : courtroom () :: gladiator : arena

lawyer : court :: ()
coven [kvn, ku-] n. 13 ; ()
retainer : retinue :: witch : coven
retainer , ; ,
retinue () , the retainers or attendants
accompanying a high-ranking person
retinue : attendant :: coven : witch

1. to mislead by means of a petty trick or fraud; deceive

2. to persuade or induce to do something by cajoling or
3. to obtain by deceit or persuasion
credulous : cozen :: tractable : control (A B )
cozen deal with forthrightly

covert [kuv:rt] adj. ,

1. not openly practice, avowed, engaged in, accumulated,
or shown
2. covered or covered over; sheltered
covert overt, open
overt ,
covetous [kvits] a.
1. excessively and culpably desirous of the possessions of
2. marked by extreme desire to acquire or possess
troubled : distraught :: covetous : rapacious :: enthusiastic : mania (A
<< B)
troubled (, ) ; ()
distraught , , ; ,
rapacious , ; ,
covetous : desire :: prodigal : spend (A >> B)
paltry : covert :: despicable : admire
paltry , ; , , (OPPOSITE)

[kau] v. (, ) , (intimidate)
: to destroy the resolve or courage of
cow hearten, embolden
cowed undaunted
undaunted not discouraged or disheartened;
resolutely courageous
embolden abash, faze, cow
abash , to make ashamed or uneasy;
faze , to disrupt the composure of;

coward [kurd] n. , a. ,
: n. one who shows ignoble fear in the face of danger or
cowardice .
coward : intimidate :: perplexed : obfuscate
obfuscate , ;
cowardice : intimidate :: choler : antagonize :
:: :
pluck cowardice
pluck , ;
cower [kur] vi. ( ) ,
: to cringe in fear
fear : cower :: anger : rant (A B )
rant , ; to utter with violence
or extravagance
cower bristle, brazenly confront, advance brashly
bristle ( ) ;

a. , ; ,
1. tending to avoid people and social situations; reserved
2. affectedly and usually flirtatiously shy or modest
3. annoyingly unwilling to make a commitment
coy blatant, brash, brass, brazen, impudent
coy frank, unabashed, immodest




v. ,

[krft / krft] n. , ; , ; ()
1. skill in doing or making something, as in the arts;
2. skill in evasion or deception; guile
3. a. an occupation or trade requiring manual dexterity or
skilled artistry
b. the membership of such an occupation or trade; guild

cramp [krmp] a. v. , : CONFINE, RESTRAIN

v. 1. to hold together with a cramp
2. to shut in so closely as to restrict the physical freedom of
commodious constricted, cramped
cramped comfortable, uncongested
cranky adj. ; ;
1. having a bad disposition; peevish
2. having eccentric ways; odd
3. full of bends and turns; crooked
4. working unpredictably; erratic
5. rickety; loose
crass [krs] a. ; ,
: crude and unrefined as to be lacking in discrimination and
crass refined
crate [kreit] n. ,
envelope : letter :: crate : produce (pp3)
crave [kreiv] v. /; ,
1. to have an intense desire for
2. to need urgently; require
3. to beg earnestly for; implore
craven [krivn] a. , n. v.
: lacking the least bit of courage
craven : admirable :: deft : awkward (OPPOSITE)
craven : hero :: parsimonious : spendthrift
parsimonious , excessively sparing or frugal
spendthrift , (prodigal) wasteful or extravagant
craven : heroic :: volatile : constant :: permanent : erratic (OPPOSITE)
erratic , ; ,
craven : confront :: honest : deceive (A B )
dastard : craven :: dupe : gullible
dastard ,
craven valorous
valorous , marked by or possessing great personal
bravery; valiant
valiant , ; ; , ,
craving [krivi] n. ,
: an intense, urgent, or abnormal desire or longing
terror : fear :: craving : desire (A >> B)
crave : longing :: exult : satisfaction
exult , to rejoice greatly; be jubilant or
spurn court, crave, embrace
craving aversion, spurn
spurn n. , , v. ,
crease [kr:s] n. ,
: a line made by pressing, folding, or wrinkling


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

crease : folding :: hole : perforating (B make A)

1. to hum or sing softly

2. to sing popular songs in a soft, sentimental manner
croon : sing :: murmur : speak
croaking : croon ::
croak n. v. ( ), ,

credence [krdns] n. , ,
credence disbeliever, distrust, doubt, skepticism
credence dislodgement, misplacement
credulous [krduls] adj. ,
1. disposed to believe too readily; gullible
2. arising from or characterized by credulity
* incredulity n. , , ,
credulous : cozen :: tractable : control
cozen /
skeptic : credulous :: penitent : obdurate (OPPOSITE)
incredulous : persuade :: (A B )
credulity skepticism
incredulity faith (sincerity, gullibility )


creek [krik, krik] n. ,

hill : mountain :: creek : river :: pebble : rock (A << B)
* stream > creek > brook > rivulet, streamlet, rill

crouch [kraut] v. , n. ,
1. a. to stoop, especially with the knees bent
b. to pres the entire body close to the ground with the limbs
2. to bend servilely or timidly; cringe
crouch : spring :: hover : plunge (OPPOSITE)
crouch stand upright
crouch erect
crouch erect posture, upright posture

creep [krip] v. ,
: to go very slowly; to go timidly or cautiously so as to
escape notice
creep moved swiftly ()
creep swift/quick movement ()
crescendo [krindou] n. ; v. ,
a. gradually increasing in volume, force, or intensity
crescendo : sound :: acceleration : tempo
crescendo decrease in volume

[krest] n. [ ],( ), () ,
crest : wave :: summit, peak : mountain

crestfallen [krestfln] a. , : DEJECTED

: dispirited and depressed; dejected
crestfallen ecstatic, elated, euphoric, exultant, jubilant
ecstatic ; , ecstasy ,

exultant , , marked by great joy or
jubilation; triumphant
jubilant exultingly joyful; expressing joy
crime [kraim]
crime : theft ::
crime : peccadillo :: quarrel : tiff (A>>B)
cringe [krind] v. ( ) ; ,
1. to shrink back, as in fear; cower
2. to behave in a servile way; fawn
criterion [krait(:)rin] n. , ,
: a standard, rule, or test on which a judgment or decision
can be based
pl. criteria
[kraitri] n.
: a standard on which a judgment or decision may be based
cronyism [krunizm] n.
: favoritism shown to old friends without regard for their
qualifications, as in political appointments to office
nepotism ,
nepotism : relative :: cronyism : friend
nepotism : favoritism :: embezzlement : fraud (A B)
embezzle to take (money, for example) for one's own use
in violation of a trust
fraud , ; , ; ,


[krp / krp] n. , ; : COLLECTION

1. a. cultivated plants or agricultural produce, such as grain,
vegetables, or fruit
b. the total yield of such produce in a particular season or
2. a group, quantity, or supply appearing at one time

crotchety [krtiti|krt-] a. , ;
capriciously stubborn or eccentric; perverse
crotchety genial, sweet, yielding, stable

crown [kraun] v.t.

inaugurate : president :: install : official :: crown : king
[ ]; ;
install ; ,
crucial [krl] a. : DECISIVE
1. extremely significant or important
2. vital to the resolution of a crisis; decisive
relevant : crucial :: perceptible : obvious (A << B)
crucial inconsequential
consequential ; ,
peripheral crucial
crude [krud] a. , ; , ;
1. being in an unrefined or natural state; raw
2. lacking tact, refinement, or taste
3. not carefully or completely made; rough
4. displaying a lack of knowledge or skill
5. undisguised or unadorned; blunt
delicacy crudity
crumb [krm] n. v. ,
: a small fragment especially of something baked (as bread)
crumb : bread :: splinter : wood
splinter ,
shard : ceramic :: crumb : cake

[krmbl] v. ( ) , :
: to break into small fragments or particles
friable : crumble :: malleable : alter
malleable ( ) ; ,
friable : crumbled :: lucid : comprehended (A B)
friable not easily crumbled, resistance to be pulverized, difficult to
pulverize , (grind); (demolish)

crumple [krmpl] v. ( ) , ;
1. to crush together or press into wrinkles; rumple
2. to cause to fall apart

v. ,


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

fold : crumple :: defeat : overwhelm
crutch [krt] n. ,
crutch : walk :: glasses, lens : see
crutch : support ::

[krks] n. ( )
: an essential point requiring resolution or resolving an
1. The basic, central, or critical point or feature: the crux of
the matter; the crux of an argument
2. A puzzling or apparently insoluble problem ()
crux peripheral element, pettiness, unimportant element
petty , ; , ; ,

cryptic [krptik] a. , : MYSTERIOUS

1. having hidden meaning; mystifying
2. secret or occult
3. using code or cipher
cipher : cryptic :: precis : concise (EQUAL, : )
precis [preis:] , a concise summary of a book, an article,
or another text; an abstract
cryptic : perplex :: degrading : debase (CHARACTER, : )
cryptic self explanatory, self explaining
cunning [kni] a. ,
1. marked by or given to artful subtlety and deceptiveness
2. executed with or exhibiting ingenuity
3. delicately pleasing; pretty or cute
cunning : gulled :: watchful : waylaid :: wary : duped
waylay ,
cunning artless, ingenuous
ingenuous ,
cupidity [kjupdti] n.
cupidity generosity
curative [kjrtiv] a.
1. serving or tending to cure
2. of or relating to the cure of disease
curator [kjuritr] n. ,
ranger : forest :: curator : museum
ranger ; ;
curators : paintings :: librarians : books
curator : art :: archivist : documents
[krb] n. v. ,
: to check or control with or as if with a curb
curb goad, spur, lack of restraint
goad ( ) ; (stimulus)
spur ; , ;
curb promote to proceed, unbridle
bridle , ; ,


cuisine [kwizn] n. , ;
connoisseur : art :: gourmet : cuisine
connoisseur , ; ,
culpable [klpbl] a.
: deserving of blame or censure as being wrong, evil,
improper, or injurious
exemplary : imitation :: culpable : blame
culpable : condemnation ::
culpable : calumniation ::
calumniation; ,
confession : culpability :: testimonial : appreciation (A is a sign of B,
A=expression of B)
testimonial ,
culpable above reproach, innocent

[kltvit] v. , , :
1. To improve and prepare (land), as by plowing or
fertilizing, for raising crops; till. To grow or tend (a plant
or crop).
2. To promote the growth of (a biological culture).
3. To nurture; foster.
4. To form and refine, as by education.
5. To seek the acquaintance or goodwill of; make friends
cultivate : crop :: foster, nurture : child
cultivate : garden :: explore : cave
cultivate cause to wither, decline, impede, neglect, stunt, inhibit
growth on
stunt ,


[kltvitid] a. , : REFINED,
cultivated feral
feral [frl] ,

cumbersome [kmbrsm] a. () ;
1. difficult to handle because of weight or bulk
2. troublesome onerous
onerous; troublesome or oppressive; burdensome
cumbersome easy to handle, handy, wieldy
wieldy , (manageable) easily wielded or

curmudgeon [krmdn] n.
: an ill-tempered person full of resentment and stubborn
curmudgeon agreeable person
current : dated :: (OPPOSITE)
curriculum [krikjulm] n.
curriculum : course :: menu : dish

[kri, kri] n. v. () / () , (
curry favor , to seek or gain favor by
fawning or flattery

curse [k:rs]
1. a. an appeal or prayer for evil or misfortune to befall
someone or something
b. the evil or misfortune that comes in or as if in response to
such an appeal
2. one that is accursed
3. a source or cause of evil; a scourage
4. a profane word or phrase; a swearword
curse benediction
cursory [krsri] a. , : HASTY
: performed with haste and scant attention to detail
; a cursory glance at the headlines
cursory painstakingly thorough, pinpoint(a., ), slow
and thorough
fastidious easygoing, cursory, uncritical
fastidious ,
[krt] a. , : TERSE
1. rudely brief or abrupt, as in speech or manner
2. using few words; terse
3. having been shortened
curt : words :: parsimonious : resource, money
parsimonious () , excessively sparing or frugal



GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

curt protracted
curtail [krtil] v.t.
: to cut short; abbreviate
curtail : period :: enervate : energy
curtail : duration :: abase : strength
curtail protract, prolong
custody [kstdi] n. , ; ,
1. the act or right of guarding, especially such a right
granted by a court
2. care, supervision, and control exerted by one in charge
3. the state of being detained or held under guard,
especially by the police

3. to waste time; dawdle

dally : times :: squander : money
dally : playful :: (CHARACTER)
damn [dm] v. ; ,
1. to pronounce an adverse judgment upon
2. to bring about the failure of; ruin
3. to condemn as harmful, illegal, or immoral
damn extol

[dmp] n. a. v. , (, ), ()
v. 1. to make damp or moist; moisten
2. to extinguish (a fire, for example) by cutting off air
3. to restrain or check; discourage
abase : prestige :: damp : ardor
abase (, ) ,
prestige , ; ,
damp amplify
sere lush, damp
sere , withered; dry
lush ; ; (profitable)
damper ameliorator
ameliorate to make or become better; improve

cyclone [sikloun] n.
snow : precipitation :: hurricane : cyclone (snow precipitation
, hurricane cyclone( cyclone
) )
cynical [snikl] a. ,
: contemptuously distrustful of human nature and motives
ingenue : sophistication :: cynic : trustfulness (LACK)
ingenue [nn:] / an artless, innocent girl or
young woman

[dmpn] v. , (, , )
1. to make damp
2. to deaden, restrain, or depress
3. to soundproof
dampen : ardor :: abase : prestige
dampen : sound :: dim : light
dim ~
dampen increase intensity, parch, scorch, intensify, strengthen,
invigorate, enliven
parch , ; ,
scorch , ; ; ,


dab [db] v. ~ , ( ) n.
dab coat thoroughly
dabble [dbl] vi.
: to work or involve oneself superficially or intermittently
especially in a secondary activity or interest
dabble in Latin
dabbler (amateur)
dabbler : dedication :: martinet : leniency (LACK)
leniency , ,
dabbler : dedicated :: artlessness : canny, cunning, clever, shrewd (A
B )
canny , ,
cunning ,
shrewd , ,
dabble : superficial :: (CHARACTER)
dabble dedicate, devote, specialize
dabbler specialist, dedicated professional, devotee

[dft, dft] a. , : SILLY, INSANE

: mad, crazy; foolish, stupid
daft : sanity :: skeptic : credulity (OPPOSITE)
daft judicious, prudent, wise, far-seeing, well-advised
judicious , having or exhibiting sound judgment;
sanity daftness
sanity , ()

daguerreotype [dgrtip, -ri-] n.

daguerreotype : photograph :: musket : firearm
dais [diis] n.
a raised platform, as in a lecture hall, for speakers or
honored guests
dais : honor :: stadium : compete

[dli] vi. ; ,
1. to play amorously; flirt
2. to trifle; toy

dander [dndr] n.
: temper or anger
dandy [dndi] n.
miser : hoard :: dandy : preen :: sycophant : fawn :: pundit : opine
hoard , , a hidden fund or supply stored for future use;
a cache
preen ( ) ; ; ,

opine , to hold or state as an opinion

dandy careless dresser

[dk] a.
: disagreeably damp or humid
dank : moisture :: dappled : spot (A = B )
dank : moisture :: sweltering : heat
dank arid, parched, desiccated

dapper [dpr] a. : NATTY

: neat and trim in appearance
1. a. neatly dressed; trim b. very stylish in dress
2. lively and alert
slovenly : dapper :: indulgent : adherent (OPPOSITE)
slovenly , ; ,
indulgent ,
dapper : fastidious :: (A << B)
fastidious ,
dapper, natty frowzy, slovenly, unkempt
frowzy , ;
slovenly , ; ,
unkempt ,


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

dappled [dpld] a. ,
: spotted; mottled
striated : groove :: mottled, dappled : spot
[drdvl] a. , n. a
recklessly bold person
prudence : daredevil :: sagacity : simpleton
sagacity , the quality of being discerning, sound in
judgment, and farsighted; wisdom
simpleton ,
daredevil : foolhardiness :: malcontent : dissatisfaction
malcontent , ( ) dissatisfied with
existing conditions
daredevil : audacity :: malcontent : dissatisfaction
audacity , ,
daze [deiz] v. ,
1. to stun, as with a heavy blow or shock; stupefy
2. to dazzle, as with strong light


[drt] v.
: to move suddenly or rapidly
descend : plummet :: move : dart :: lessen : eliminate (A << B)
dart : missile :: skiff : boat (A B)
skiff , 1


dash [d] v. () , , , (~)

, n. , , ,
dash apathy, dullness, languor, lethargy, torpor
dash dally, dawdle, linger, tarry, lumber
dated [deitid] adj. ,
1. marked with or displaying a date /
2. old-fashioned; out-of-date
dated : currency :: spent : efficacy :: spent : solvency (LACK)
daunt [dnt] v. , : COW, SUBDUE
: to abate the courage of; discourage
* dauntless
a. , incapable of being
intimidated or discouraged
dauntless : trepidation :: footloose : attachment
trepidation , , ; ,
footloose , having no attachment or
ties; free to do as one pleases
dauntless : intimidate :: irrepressible : restrain
irrepressible , difficult or impossible
to control or restrain
dauntless : fear :: unscrupulous : qualm
fearless : daunt :: impassive : perturb
impassive , ; ;
cowed undaunted
cow (be cowed )
daunt embolden, make resolute, hearten, cheer, urge on
daunting meek
meek ; ;
dauntless craven, easily discouraged, pusillanimous, trepid,
timorous, coward, fearful
craven , characterized by abject fear; cowardly
pusillanimous , lacking courage; cowardly
daunted, irresolute undeterred

[ddl] v. , , ,
1. to take more time than necessary
2. to move aimlessly or lackadaisically
lackadaisical [lkdizikl] ; ,
dawdler : punctilious :: philistine : cultivated (A B +B
dawdle, ramble : move :: doodle : draw
punctilious , ,
dawdle hie
hie , to go quickly; hasten

dazzle [dzl] v. .
: to dim the vision of, especially to blind with intense light.
deactivate [diktvit] v.t. ,
: to make inactive or ineffective
1. to render inactive or ineffective
2. to inhibit, block, or disrupt the action of (an enzyme or
other biological agent)
3. to remove from active military status
deactivate potentiate
potentiate ; ( )
deaden [ddn] v.t. : BLUNT
1. to render less intense, sensitive, or vigorous
2. to make soundproof
3. to make less colorful or brilliant
tonic : invigorate :: analgesic : deaden
deadpan [ddpn] a. ;
1. a blank, expressionless face
2. a person, especially a performer, who has or assumes a
blank expression
deadpan : impassive :: impudent : brazen :: insightful : discerning
impudent , ; , ,
dearth [dr] n. , : LACK
1. a scarce supply; a lack
2. shortage of food; famine
surfeit, spate, copiousness, plethora dearth
spate ; , a sudden flood, rush, or
plethora , (overfullness) a superabundance; an excess
debacle [deibkl, -bkl, d-] n. , , ; ,
1. a sudden, disastrous collapse, downfall, or defeat; a rout
2. a total, often ludicrous failure
3. the breaking up of ice in a river
4. a violent flood
rout , ; , , ;
debacle complete success, eclat
eclat , ; ; ,
debark [dib:rk] v. , = disembark
: to unload, as from a ship or an airplane
debark : ship :: unload : truck
debark embark, get on, depart
debase [dibis] v. (, )
: to lower in character, quality, or value; degrade
debase : value :: attenuate : density, force, power, intensity, strength (B
A , A B ) (alleviate : power )
enervation : vitality :: debasement : value
debase : status :: lower : height :: chill : temperature
debase ennoble
ennoble ; to make noble; to confer
nobility upon
debasement deification, elevation, ennoblement
deify ,
debate [dibit] v. /,
1. to consider something; deliberate
2. to engage in argument by discussing opposing
3. to engage in a formal discussion or argument


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

box : fight :: debate : argue (EQUAL, : )


indecipherable : decoded :: unmanageable : controlled

encoded : decipher :: tacit : infer ( ,
, )
tacit; implied by or inferred from actions or statements
; Managements has given its tacit approval to the plan.
legible : decipher ::
legible ,
decipher : hieroglyph :: break : code
hieroglyph [hirglf] hieroglyphic [hirglfik] ,

debauchery [dibtri] n. ,
: extreme indulgence in sensual pleasures; dissipation.
debauchery ascetism
debilitate [dibltit] v.t. : ENFEEBLE
: to sap the strength or energy of; enervate
attenuate : thickness :: debilitate : strength
debilitate invigorate, fortify, give energy, energize
debonair [dbnr] adj. , , ;
: suave; urbane
: affable; genial
: carefree and gay; jaunty
debonair awkward
debonair, sophisticated uncouth
uncouth ,,
debris [dbr, dibri / db-]
debris : destroy :: ash : burn

n. , ,

debunk [dibk] v. () ,
: to expose the sham or falseness of
debunk : deceive :: (OPPOSITE)
debunk( ) affirm, verify( )
debunk perpetuate to sham, unexpose, shroud, deceive
perpetuate ,
sham , , , ; () ,
shroud [raud] ; ; ,
debut [deibj, di-, di- db-] n.
debut : career :: embark : journey
embark , ; () , ( )

debut farewell performance
decadence [dkdns, dikidns] n. ,
: a process, condition, or period of deterioration or decline,
as in morals or art; decay
decadence wholesomeness
wholesome , ;
decant [diknt] v.t. ()
1. to pour off (wine, for example) without disturbing the
2. to pour (a liquid) from one container into another
subterfuge : deceive :: decantation : pour (A << B)
subterfuge , a deceptive stratagem or device
decentralize [disntrliz] v. ( ) ;

: to distribute the administrative functions or powers of (a
central authority) among several local authorities
decibel [dsbl, -bl] n.
decibel : sound :: volt : electricity :: watt : power :: lumen : light ::
light-year : distance :: kilometer : distance :: pound : weight
decipher [disifr] v.t.
1. to read or interpret (ambiguous, obscure, or illegible
2. to convert from a code or cipher to plain text; decode
* indecipherable ()

declamation [dekli:n] n. ; /
1. a recitation delivered as an exercise in rhetoric or
2. a. vehement oratory b. a speech marked by strong feeling;
a tirade
declamation : grandiloquence :: diatribe : abuse
grandiloquence ,
decode [dikud] v.t.
: to convert from code into plain text
tacit : infer :: encoded : decode, decipher
tacit , ; ,
taciturn , ; habitually untalkative
indecipherable : decoded :: unmanageable : controlled
decorum [dikrm] n. ,
1. appropriateness of behavior or conduct; propriety
2. the conventions of polite behavior
3. the appropriateness of an element of an artistic or literary
work, such as style or tone, to its particular circumstance
or to the composition as a whole
* indecorous adj. , ,
miscalculation : judgment :: gaffe : decorum
gaffe [gf] , a clumsy social error; a blatant
mistake or misjudgment
decorum impropriety
mangy, unseemly sleek, decorous
mangy [mindi] ( ) ; ; ,
sleek , ;
indecorous proper
decrepit [dikrpit] adj. ,
: weakened, worn out, impaired, or broken down by old age,
illness, or hard use
decrepit vigorous, sound, sturdy, robust, hale, firm, alive, lively
decrepitude sturdiness, cheerfulness, alacrity
decry [dikri] v. , ,
1. to condemn openly
2. to depreciate (currency, for example) by official
proclamation or by rumor
celebration : decry :: slight : show respect (OPPOSITE)
decry acclaim, applaud, extol, praise, compliment, honor, appreciate
dedication [ddikin] n. ,
: a devoting or setting aside for a particular purpose
bigot : dedication :: rage : anger (A >> B)
bigot ,
zeal : dedication :: mesmerism : interest (A >> B)
mesmerism [mzmrzm] , a strong or
spellbinding appeal; fascination
dabble dedicate, devote
default [diflt] ,
: a failure to pay financial debts
default : pay :: yield : resist (OPPOSITE)
default fulfill an obligation, pay one's debt
defeasible [dif:zbl] adj. , ()


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

* indefeasible [ndif:zbl] a. () ,
, () indefeasible rights to
freedom : that cannot be
annulled or made void
defeasible effective, feasible
indefeasible : annul :: ineffable : express, depict : ineradicable :
remove (A=B )
indefeasible defeasible
defer [dif:r] v. ; , ,
: to submit to another's wishes, opinion, or governance
usually through deference or respect
arrogant : defer ::
defer : leader :: admire : hero
exigent deferrable
exigent ,
deference [df:rns] n. ; ,
1. submission or courteous yielding to the opinion, wishes,
or judgment of another
2. courteous respect
deference : authority :: emulation : exemplar
reverent : deference :: exemplary : imitation
deference contempt
deferential [dfrnl] a.
: showing or expressing respect and esteem due a superior
or an elder
deferential : offend :: scornful : respect
intransigent : acquiesce :: deferential : offend
intransigent , uncompromising
frugal : penurious :: deferential : obsequious (A << B, B
obsequious , full of or exhibiting servile
compliance; fawning
exemplary : imitation :: venerable : reverence
exemplary ,
deferential : offend :: adamant : yield
adamant , impervious to pleas, appeals, or
reason; stubbornly unyielding
impudent deferential, respectful
impudent , ; , characterized by
offensive boldness
deferential contemptuous, imperious, domineering, impudent
a. , ,
imperious , ; arrogantly domineering or
overbearing; urgent, pressing
overbearing , ,
domineering , ,
definitive [difntiv] adj. ; ; ,
1. precisely defined or explicit
2. supplying or being a final settlement or decision;
3. authoritative and complete
definitive provisional
deflate [diflit] ;
1. a. to release contained air or gas from b. to collapse by
releasing contained air or gas
2. to reduce or lessen the size or importance of
puncture : deflated :: jar : unsettled
jar n. , v. , ; (, ) ,

defoliant [di()fulint] n.
defoliant : tree :: insecticide : insect
deforest v. ; afforest
to cut down and clear away the trees or forests from
deforestation : tree :: insecticide : insect
defraud [difrd] v.t.
: to deprive of something by deception or fraud; swindle
defray [difri] v. (, ) , ~
to undertake the payment of (costs or expenses); pay.
defray entrust
entrust v. ( )

[deft] a. ,
: quick and skillful; adroit
craven : admirable :: deft : awkward (OPPOSITE)
craven ,
maladroit : deft :: voluble : terse (OPPOSITE)
expedite v., , a. ,
deft maladroit, clumsy, awkward, ham-handed, inept
ham-handed ; ,


[di()fjz] v.t. ; (, )

: to make less harmful, potent, or tense
defuse foment


[difi] v.t. () : DARE (n.,)

1. a. to oppose or resist wit boldness and assurance b. to
refuse to submit to or cooperate with
2. to be unaffected by; resist or withstand
3. to challenge or dare (someone) to do something
* defiance , , ,
* defiant , , , ,
defiance : resistance :: obeisance : deference
defiant : resistable ::
defiant : resistance :: rational : reason (plausible : conviction )
defiant : authority :: maverick : convention (A B()
acquiesce, not challenge, obey defy
defiance submission, obedience
defy, stand up to, resist submit, acquiesce, yield, comply, pacify
stand up to; to confront fearlessly, face up to
defiant tractable

deferrable [dif :rb:l] adj.

deferrable exigent
1. requiring immediate action or remedy
2. requiring much effort or expense; demanding
deficiency [difnsi] n. , : SHORTAGE
1. the quality or condition of being deficient;
incompleteness or inadequacy
2. a lack or shortage, especially of something essential to
health; an insufficiency
deficiency surfeit, surplus, repletion
defile [difil] v. , , n. /
1. a narrow gorge or pas that restricts lateral movement, as
of troops
2. a march in a line
precipice : steepness :: defile : narrowness
precipice [prspis] , ; ,

dehydrate [dihidreit] v.t. ,

abraded : friction :: desiccated : dehydration
dehydrate : water :: wither : vitality :: fade : brightness :: devitalize :
fatigue : rest, repose :: dehydration : water (A remove B)
dehydration : moisture :: descent : altitude :: desertification : vegetation
descent : altitude :: dehydrate : moisture (A lower B)
descent ; ; , ; , ; ,


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)
ingenuous : guile :: delicate : offense (A lack B, : )
ingenuous , ; ,
chiaroscuro : contrast :: filigree : delicacy (CHARACTER)
delicacy crudity
crude ; (, ) , ;
husky delicate
husky () ; () hoarse or rough in quality

dehydration : moisture :: desertification : vegetation

vegetation () , ,
dehydrate : moisture :: attenuate : power
dehydrate reconstitute(6-1-32), saturate, sature with water,
reconstitute , ,
deification [dfkin] n.
deification debasement
(malfeasance() , )

[d:f`ai] v. ;
1. to make a god of; raise to the condition of a god
2. to worship or revere as a god
3. to idealize; exalt
deify speak/watch with contempt

deject [didkt] v.t.

: to lower the spirits of; dishearten
mollify : anger :: hearten : dejection
dejected : embarrassment :: (A >> B)
dejected exultant, gladden
exultant , marked by great joy or jubilation;
gladden [gldn] , to make glad
dejection exultation, gladness, jocundity
jocular ,
1. characterized by joking
2. given to joking
delectable [dilctbl] adj. , ,
1. greatly pleasing; delightful
2. greatly pleasing to the taste; delicious
delectable loathsome, unpleasant
delectable unsavory, unpalatable
delegation [dligin] n. ()
: a person or group of persons officially elected or
appointed to represent another or others
* delegate (, )
delegation : represented :: (EQUAL, : )
delegate assume responsibility, keep from, retain, hold
deleterious [dltris] a. ,
: having a harmful effect; injurious
deleterious salutary, salubrious, wholesome, beneficial, benignant
salutary [sljtri] , ;
salubrious conducive or favorable to health or wellbeing
wholesome ; ,
deliberate [dilbrit]/ [dilbrit] a.
1. done with or marked by full consciousness of the nature
and effect; intentional
2. arising from or marked by careful consideration
3. unhurried in action, movement, or manner, as if trying to
avoid error
* deliberation n. , , ,
brash : deliberation :: candor : subterfuge
brash , ; ,
subterfuge a deceptive stratagem or device
caprice : deliberation : impromptu : rehearsal
deliberate : decide ::
hasty characterized by deliberation, deliberate
deliberation impetuosity
impetuous deliberate
impetuous , ; ,


n. , , : FINENESS

delinquent [dilkwnt] a. , ;
1. failing to do what law or duty requires
2. overdue in payment
delirium [dilrim] n. ,
1. a temporary state of mental confusion and clouded
consciousness resulting from high fever,
intoxication, shock, or other causes
2. a state of uncontrolled excitement or emotion
coma : unconsciousness :: delirium : confusion

[dild] v.t. , : DECEIVE, TRICK to

deceive the mind or judgment of
delusion , ,
delusion : thought :: hallucination : perception
hallucination , ; ,
delude : disabuse :: (OPPOSITE)
delude disabuse

deluge [dljud] n. , v.
: a great flood; a heavy downpour; something that
overwhelms as if by a great flood
rain : deluge :: wind : hurricane (A << B)
droplet : deluge :: pebble : landslide (A << B)
landslide , ;
deluge drizzle, trickle
drizzle , to rain gently in fine, mistlike drops
delusive [dil:siv] adj. , ;
1. tending to delude
2. having the nature of a delusion; false
delusive transparent
delve [delv] v. ,
: to make a careful or detailed search for information
quaff : sip :: delve : skim (A >> B)
skim ( ) ; /
scrutinize : gloss :: delve : skim
scrutinize to examine or observe with great care;
inspect critically
gloss ; ,
demagogue [dmgg, -gg / -gg] n.
demagogue : instruct :: shirk : malinger
shirk (, ) , , n.,
demanding adj. ;
: requiring much effort or attention
demanding : satisfactory :: closed-minded : sway
closed-minded intolerant of the beliefs and opinions of others;
stubbornly unreceptive to new ideas
demise [dimiz] n. , ( )
1. a. death b. the end of existence or activity
2. (law) transfer of an estate by lease or will
3. the transfer of a ruler's authority by death or abdication
appropriate demise
appropriate a. , v. (, ) ;
; /


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

demography [dimgrfi / dimg-] n.
demography : population :: meteorology : weather
demolition [dmln, d-] n. , ;
:the act or process of wrecking or destroying, especially
destruction by explosives
* demolish [dimli|-ml-] v. , (, )

1. to tear down completely; raze

2. to do away with completely; put an end to
3. to damage (someone's reputation, for example) severely
recycle : disposal :: rehabilitate : demolition
rehabilitate , ,
demolish construct
demonstrable [dmnstrbl,/dimn-] a. ;
1. capable of being demonstrated or proved
2. obvious or apparent
demonstrable unable to prove, incapable to be approved

[dimrliz] v.t. , :
1. to undermine the confidence or morale of; dishearten
2. to put into disorder; confuse
3. to debase the morals of; corrupt
dispirit : morale :: enervate : strength :: disiccate : moisture
dispirit to lower in or deprive of spirit; dishearten
morale [mr l]
demoralize invigorate, cheer ckl

demote [dimut] v.t. [] ,

demotion n.
demote : rank :: cheapen : value
demote promote
demotion promotion
demotic [dimtik / -mt-] a.
: of or relating to the common people; popular
demotic profound
demur [dimr] v. , n . ,
1. to voice opposition; object
2. to delay
* demurral ,
demur : qualms, doubt :: waver : irresoluteness (A = B )
qualm , ; ,
demur : objection :: praise : approbation
demur : assent :: (OPPOSITE)
demur accept, accede, assent
accede (, ) , ; ( ) ,
assent; n. v.(), ()
demurral assent, agreement, approval
demurrable [dimrbl / -mr-] adj. , ,

supine vigilant/alert
demurrable firm, agreeable
demystify [dimstfi] v.t. ,
: to make less mysterious; clarify
demystify obfuscate
obfuscate , ; ,


[den] n. (); ;(); ()

1. the shelter or retreat of a wild animal; a lair
2. a cave or hollow used as a refuge or hiding place
3. a hidden or squalid dwelling place
4. a secluded room for study or relaxation
denigrate [dnigrit] v.t. , : DEFAME
1. to attack the character or reputation of; speak ill of
2. to disparage; belittle
denigrate exalt, honor ()
exalt ( ) (elevate); /(glorify)
denigration, rebuke, reprobation accolade ()
denouement [deinm] n. (, )
1. a. the final resolution or clarification of a dramatic or
narrative plot b. the events following the climax of a
drama or novel in which such a resolution or clarification
takes place
2. the outcome of a sequence of events; the end result
joke : punch line :: plot : denouement
punch line (, ) the climax of a joke or
humorous story
denounce [dinuns] v. () , , (, ,
1. to condemn openly as being evil or reprehensible
2. to accuse formally
3. to give formal announcement of the ending of (a treaty)
admonish : denounce :: punish : pillory :: tell : proclaim (B A
pillory : , to
expose to ridicule and abuse; to put a pillory as punishment
admonish : denounce :: persuade : convince
libel : criticize :: denounce : reject
libel n. v. ,
fulfillment : denouncement :: (OPPOSITE)
castigation : reproof :: denunciation : denial (A >> B)
castigation : reproof :: glorification : merit (A >> B)
castigate , to inflict severe punishment; to criticize
reprove , ,
denounce condone, embrace, eulogy, extol, advocate
condone ( ) ,
denunciation accolade, eulogy, panegyric
denouncing bracing

[dent] n. ; ; ()
1. a depression in a surface made by pressure or a blow
2. (informal) a significant, usually diminishing effect or
dent convex

denture [dnt:r] n. ,
denture : teeth :: toupee : hair :: wig : hair
toupee [tu:pi]
denude [dinjd] v. ~
: to divest of covering; make bare
denude cover
denude, uncover blanket
blanket ~
denunciation [dinnsiin, -i-] n. ,
1. the act or an instance of denouncing, especially a public
condemnation or censure
2. the act of accusing another of a crime before a public
* denunciate ,
castigation : reproof :: denunciation : denial
denunciation accolade, eulogy, panegyric, praise
accolade ; ,
denunciate praise
deny [dini] n. : controvert, dispute, refute, rebut,
* deniable adj. (, )


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

deny corroborate
deniable incontrovertible
depart [diprt] vi. : LEAVE
abscond : depart :: pilfer : take :: lurk : wait :: purloin : take
pilfer , to steal (a small amount or item)
lurk , ; ,
purloin [p:rlin] to steal, often in a violation of trust

doldrums : energy :: depravity : virtue

doldrums , ; ,

[dprikit] v.t. , : BELITTLE,

1. to express disapproval of; deplore
2. to belittle; depreciate
laud : deprecated :: (OPPOSITE)
deprecate extol, vaunt, tout, laud, endorse, hymn, acclaim
vaunt , to speak boastfully of
tout ;

depict [dipkt] v.t. ,

1. to represent in a picture or sculpture
2. to represent in words, describe
deplete [diplt] v.t.
: to decrease the fullness of; use up or empty out
enrich deplete
depletion richness
depletive rich
deplore [diplr] v.t. ; ,
; ,
1. to feel or express strong disapproval of
2. to express sorrow or grief over
3. to regret; bemoan
deplore accolade, laud, express accolade, extol, commend,
applaud, approve
deplore rejoice
commend ; to represent as worthy, qualified,
desirable; to express approval of
deploy [dipli] v. , ; ( )
1. a. to position (troops) in readiness for combat, as along a
front or line b. to bring (forces or
material) into action c. to base (a weapons system) in the
2. to distribute (persons or forces) systematically or
3. to put into use or action
deploy concentrate
deport [dip:rt] v. ;
1. to expel from a country
2. to behave or conduct (oneself) in a given manner;
deportation [dprtin] n.
: the removal from a country of an alien whose presence is
unlawful or prejudicial
deportation : country :: eviction : dwelling :: expel : school

depreciate [dipriit] v.
1. to lessen the price or value of
2. to think or speak of as being of little worth; belittle
* depreciation n.
fawn : hauteur :: self-depreciate : swagger
hauteur [hout :r] ( ) haughtiness in bearing and attitude;
swagger ; ,
imperious : fawn :: swaggering : self-depreciate
depreciation : value :: ossification : flexibility :: attenuation : power
depress [diprs] v.t. ,
1. to lower in spirits; deject
2. a. to cause to drop or sink; lower b. to press down
3. to lessen the activity or force of; weaken
4. to lower prices in (a stock market)
depressant : mood ::
depressant ; tending to lower the rate of vital
physiological activities
despondent : depressed :: expert : skilled (EQUAL, : )
protuberant depressed
protuberant , ; , ; swelling
outward; bulging
deprivation [dprvin] n. ,
1. a. the act or an instance of depriving; loss b. the condition
of being deprived; privation
2. a removal of rank or office
privation , ; ,
deprivation surfeit ( 10)
deracinate [dirsnit] v.t. , : UPROOT
1. to pull out by the roots; uproot
2. to displace from one's native or accustomed environment
deracinate plant

[drlikt] a. , , n. :
1. deserted by an owner or keeper; abandoned
2. run-down; dilapidated
3. neglectful or duty or obligation; remiss
stickler : derelict :: poseur : unaffected (OPPOSITE, : )
poseur [pouz:r]
derelict pillar of society, affection
derelict extremely careful, dutiful


[dipuz] v.t. ( ) ; (
v. 1. a. to remove from office or power b. to dethrone
2. (law) a. to state or affirm in a deposition or by affidavit b.
to take a deposition from
3. to put or lay down; deposit
perjure depose, attest
perjure [p:rdr]

deposit [dpzit] n. , ; , , ()
v. 1. to put or set down; place
2. to lay down or leave behind by a natural process
3. a. to give over or entrust for safekeeping b. to put
(money) in a bank or financial account
4. to give as partial payment or security
deposit, deposition process of eroding
depravity [diprvti] n. ,
1. moral corruption or degradation
2. a depraved act or condition

deride [dirid] v.t.

: to speak of or treat with contemptuous mirth
mirth , ; gladness and gaiety, especially when
expressed by laughter
patronize : condescension :: deride : mockery (EQUAL)
condescension , ,
condescend ; ...
apologize : regret :: gibe : derision (EXPRESS)
pontificate : pompous :: scoff : derisive :: drawl : slow :: bluster :
loud :: prate : aimless
pontificate ;
scoff , to mock at or treat with derision


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

drawl to speak with lengthened or drawnout vowels

bluster (, ) ;
prate to talk idly and at length; chatter
smirk : smugness :: sneer : derision
smirk to smile in an affected, often offensively selfsatisfied manner
smug , exhibiting or feeling great or offensive
satisfaction with oneself or with one's situation
sneer , ;
gibe : derision :: condolence : sympathy :: apologize : regret
condolence ,
ridicule : derision ::
deride praise
derision veneration
derivative [dirvtiv] a. , ;
: copied or adapted from others
innovative, precursory, original derivative, sequela
sequela [sikw:l] a secondary consequence or result
derivative innovative, original, precursory, seminal
seminal , ; of, relating, or having the power to
originate; creative
derogate v. (, ) , ;
1. to take away; detract
2. to deviate from a standard or expectation; go astray
derogate accolade, aggrandize, laud
[dirgtri / -rgtri]
1. disparaging; belittling
2. tending to detract or diminish
derogatory laudatory


a. ; ,


[disnd] v. () , ; ()
; ,
descend : altitude :: dehydrate : moisture

descendant [disndnt]
forbears descendants


desecrate [dsikrit] v.t. : PROFANE

: to treat disrespectfully, irreverently, or outrageously
desecrate sanctify, revere, hallow
sanctify ; ,
hallow ;
cf. hollow ,
desert [dizrt] v.
: to withdraw from or leave usually without intent to return
desiccate [dsikit] v.t. : DEHYDRATE
1. to dry out thoroughly
2. to preserve (foods) by removing the moisture
3. to make dry, dull, or lifeless
* desiccant adj. n.
abraded : friction :: desiccated : dehydration
caustic : eat away :: desiccant : dry
desiccate : moisture :: detoxify : poison :: clear : dirt :: decelerate :
velocity : bleach : color
desiccation : moisture :: deceleration : velocity
desiccated : moisture :: enervated : strength (A B
desiccant : dryness :: emollient : suppleness
desiccant : moisture :: refrigerant : heat
cleanse : dirt :: desiccant : moisture :: respite : labor :: offbeat :
bathetic (OPPOSITE)
respite a usually short interval of rest or relief
offbeat () ; , not conforming to an

ordinary type or pattern

bathos ; ,
desiccate add water to, drench, hydrate, saturate, wet thoroughly,
desiccated saturated
designate [dzignit] v.
1. to indicate or specify; point out
2. to give a name or title to; characterize
3. to select and set aside for a duty, an office, or a purpose
foreword : introductory :: appellation : designate
appellation [plin] , , ,
desist [dizst] v. ~
To cease doing something; forbear.
desist : injunction ::
desist begin
desist continue, persist, persevere, commence
desisting onset
despair [dispr] n. v.
. complete loss of hope
. 1. to lose all hope
2. to be overcome by a sense of futility or defeat
abandon : inhibition :: despair : hope
abandon n. a complete surrender of inhibitions
despicable [dspikbl, dispk-] a.
: deserving of contempt or scorn; vile
despicable : scorn, contempt, disregard :: redoubtable : regard, awe
redoubtable ;
venerable : reverence :: despicable : scorn
despicable : valuable :: mulish : flexible
despicable venerable, laudable, commendable
despise [dispiz] v. , ,
1. to regard with contempt or scorn
2. to dislike intensely; loathe
3. to regard as unworthy of one's interest or concern
despise venerate, respect
despondent [dispndnt / -spnd-] a. ,
despondency [dispndensi|dispn-] n. ,
: depression of spirits from loss of hope, confidence, or
courage; dejection
despondent : depressed :: saturnine : gloomy (EQUAL)
saturnine ; , ;
despondent : depressed :: expert : skilled
despondent sanguine, elated
sanguine , ; , cheerfully
confident; optimistic
despot [dspt|-p t] n.
1. a ruler with absolute power
2. a person who wields power oppressively; a tyrant
despotic [desptik] adj. ,
despotic : tyranny :: generous : liberality
dessert [dizrt] n.
dessert : meal :: epilogue : play :: coda : sonata
destitute [dsttjt] adj.
: lacking resources or the means of subsistence; completely
impoverished; poor.
destitute affluent
desultory [dsltri / -tri] a. , ;
1. moving or jumping from one thing to another;


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

2. occurring haphazardly; random
desultory : plan :: inadequate : sufficiency :: sluggish :
industriousness :: languid : energy (LACK)
languid , ; ,
desultory : plan :: facile : profundity (LACK)
facile , ; , ; ,
desultory strictly methodical, carefully planned, assiduous
assiduous ; ,
detach [ditt] v.t.
1. to separate or unfasten; disconnect
2. to remove from association or union with something
3. to send (troops or ships, for example) on a special
tether detach
tether [tr] , to fasten or restrict with or as
if with a tether
detain [ditin] v. , ;
1. to keep from proceeding; delay or retard
2. to keep in custody or temporary confinement
custody , ; ,
detain manumit
manumit ( ) / to free from slavery or
bondage; emancipate
deter [ditr] v.t. ,
: to prevent or discourage from acting, as by means of ear
or doubt
* deterrence
intrepid : deter :: rapt : distract
intrepid , resolutely courageous; fearless
rapt , ; deeply moved or delighted;
deeply absorbed
inducement deterrent
inducement , ; ,
deter spur, facilitate, promote
undaunted deterred
deterrent inducement, incentive
detritus [ditrits] n. : DEBRIS
debris : destroy :: ash : burn
detritus valuable mass, valuable product
devastate [dvstit] v. ; ,
1. to lay waste; destroy
2. to overwhelm; confound; stun
spry devastated
spry ,
deviation [dviin] n. ; ()
: noticeable or marked departure from accepted norms of
* deviate v.
deviate follow strictly
devious [dvis] adj.
: not straightforward; shifty
devious straightforward, sincere
devise [diviz] v.t. : INVENT
: to form, plan, or arrange in the mind; design or contrive
devoted [divutid] a. ,
1. feeling or displaying strong affection or attachment;
2. having been consecrated; dedicated
consecrate ; , ;
devoted : zealous :: careful : fastidious (A << B)
fastidious ;
fanatic : devoted :: prude : proper (A = B )
fanatic a person marked or motivated by an extreme,
unreasoning enthusiasm
elegiac : sorrow :: devotional : reverence
dabble dedicate, devote
dabble ; /
devoutness impiety
impiety ; ,

deteriorate [dit(:)ririt] v. , ( ) ,
( )
: to diminish or impair in quality, character, or value
deterioration improvement, amelioration
deteriorate ameliorate, improve, strengthen, fortify

devout [divut] a. , ;
1. devoted to religion or to the fulfillment of religious
2. displaying reverence or piety
3. sincere; earnest
religion : devoutness :: canon : orthodoxy
orthodoxy ; ,
impiety devoutness
impiety ; ,

detestable [ditstbl] a. : ABOMINABLE

: inspiring or deserving abhorrence or scorn

dew [d:ju:] n. ,
dew : condensation :: rust : corrosion

detour [dtur, ditr] ,

: to go or cause to go by a roundabout way
1. a roundabout way or course, especially a road used
temporarily instead of a main route
2. a deviation from a direct course of action
detour : route, path :: digress : topic :: transgress, trespass : rule
digressive , (rambling)

dexterous [dkstrs] a. , : CLEVER

1. skillful in the use of the hands
2. having mental skill or adroitness
3. done with dexterity
dexterous : manipulate :: prescient : predict
prescience , ; (foresight) knowledge of actions or events
before they occur; foresight
dexterous : awkward :: (OPPOSITE)
dexterous clumsy, ungainly, awkward, inept

determinative [dit:rmneitiv|-nt-] adj. ,

determinative questionable, uncertain, unimportant

detoxify [di:tksfai|-tk-] ,
detoxificatin : poison :: neutralization : acid


[diblik / -bl-] a. ; , :
1. of, concerning, or characteristic of the devil; satanic
2. appropriate to a devil, especially in degree of wickedness
or cruelty

detract [ditrkt] v. ( ) ;
1. to draw or take away; divert
2. (archaic) to speak ill of; belittle
extol condemn, impugn, detract
impugn , to attack as false or questionable;
challenge in argument


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

diabolization benediction
diabolic seraphic, benefic, benevolent
benefic , (beneficent)
diagnose [dignus, ---] v.
: to recognize (as a disease) by signs and symptoms
diagnose : treat :: proofread : correct (B A )
proofread to read (copy or proof) in order to find errors and mark
diaphanous [daifns] a. ,
1. of such fine texture as to be transparent or translucent
2. characterized by delicacy of form
3. vague or insubstantial
diaphanous opaque, substantial, substantive, opaque, murky,
impermeable/impervious of light
substantial ; , ; ; ,
impervious ;
diatribe [ditrib] n.
diatribe : abuse :: burlesque : mockery
burlesque , ,
lullaby : song :: diatribe : discourse
discourse , ; , ,
declamation : grandiloquence :: diatribe : abuse
declamation ; /
grandiloquence , pompous or bombastic speech or
diatribe encomium, laudatory piece of writing
dicey [disi] a. , ,
dicey lacking danger
didactic [daidktik] a. ;
1. intended to instruct
2. morally instructive
3. inclined to teach or moralize excessively
didactic : teach :: hortatory, exhortative : urge
( inclined to teach : teach ::
intended to urge : urge)
didactic : teach :: comic : amuse
( inclined to teach : teach ::
comic : amuse)
die [dai] n. ,
die : shaping :: drill : boring :: reel : winding
diehard [dihrd] n. ;
: one who strongly resist change
a. stubbornly resisting change or clinging to a seemingly
hopeless or outdated cause
palter : candor :: budge : diehard (A lack B)
budge ; () to move or stir slightly; to
alter a position or attitude
diehard : budge :: vagary : predict (A B )
diffident [dfidnt] a. , ; ,
1. lacking or marked by a lack of self-confidence; shy and
2. reserved in manner
diffident brassy, brazen, nervy, bold, expansive
diffuse [difjz] v. , ; ( ) ,
a. , , ,
v. 1. to pour out and cause to spread freely
2. to spread about or scatter; disseminate
3. to make less brilliant; soften
a. 1. widely spread or scattered; not concentrated

2. characterized by verbosity; wordy

* diffusion n. , , , ; ;
euphemism : offensive :: aphorism : diffuse
diffuse concentrate
diffuse condensed, pithy, succinct
diffusion, dispersion denseness, condensation

[ddit] n. (),
1. a. a human finger or toe. b. A corresponding part in other
2. a. one of the ten Arabic number symbols, 0 through 9. b.
Such a symbol used in a system of numeration
; The thumb is the most powerful of all.
fang : tooth :: finger : digit (A B )
fang ( ) ,

dignity [dgnti] n. ,
1. the quality or state of being worthy of esteem or respect
2. inherent nobility and worth
3. a. poise and self-respect b. stateliness and formality in
manner and appearance
4. the respect and honor associated with an important
5. a high office or rank
digress [daigrs, di-] v.
: to turn aside, especially from the main subject in writing or
speaking; stray
digress : excursive :: reiterate : redundant
excursive , ;
reiterate ; to say or do again
or repeatedly
digress : topic :: stray : group :: detour : route :: detour : path
digressive : topic, subject :: random : pattern :: aberrant : standard ::
circuitous : route
stray () , () ;
digress : topic :: veer : direction
aside : digression :: summary : excerpt
excerpt [ks:rpt] ,
dike [daik] n. , , v. ,
dike : water :: fence : livestock (B A )
dilapidate [dilpdit] v. ;
: to bring or fall into a state of partial ruin, decay, or disrepair
dilapidated restored, still in use
dilate [dailit, di-] v.t. : DISTEND, WIDEN
: to make wider or larger; cause to expand
dilate : circumference :: protract : length
dilate contract, narrow
dilatory [dltri / -tri] a. : TARDY
: intended to delay; tending to postpone or delay
laggard : dilatory :: rascal : mischievous (A B )
rascal , , a.,
dilatory : procrastinate :: malcontent : complain
procrastinate ;
malcontent , dissatisfied with existing conditions
alacrity dilatoriness, hesitance
precipitate retard, dilatory
dilatory alacritous

[dltnt, -tnti] n. ; :
1. a dabbler in an art or a field of knowledge
2. a lover of the fine arts; a connoisseur
dilettante : commitment :: nonentity : consequence (A lack B)
nonentity /;


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)
2. urgent; desperate
dire pleasant, fortunate, propitious, favorable

dilettante : superficiality :: partisan : bias :: martinet : rigidity

dilettante expertly, accomplished
diligent [dldnt] a. : PAINSTAKING
diligent : effort :: deception : deceptive :: malign, malicious : ill-will
( : )
adj. ,
procrastination diligence
procrastinate , ;
dilute [dilt, dai-] v.
1. to make thinner or less concentrated by adding a liquid
such as water
2. to lessen the force, strength, purity, or brilliance of;
especially by admixture
slacken : tautness :: dilute : strength, concentration :: shorten :
height :: rarify : density
taut ; ( ) , (tense);
dilute concentrate
dimension [dimnn] n. ; , , ,
congruent : dimension :: coeval : age
measure : dimensions : calibrate : diameter :: gauge : pressure ::
plumb : depth
diminish [dimni] v. , ; ,
1. a. to make smaller or less or to cause to appear so b. to
detract from the authority, reputation, or
prestige of
2. to cause to taper
diminish increase, escalate, estend

[din] n. v. ,
: a jumble of loud, usually discordant sounds
stench : nose :: din : ear
stench , a strong, foul odor; a stink
din hush, silence, stillness, quietness
hush , ,

dingus [dgs] n. : DOODAD

: an article whose name is unknown or forgotten
doodad [ddd] an unnamed or nameless gadget or trinket
trinket ; a small ornament, such as a piece of
jewelry; a trivial thing
dingy [dndi] a. , : DIRTY, DISCOLORED
1. darkened with smoke and grime; dirty or discolored
2. shabby, drab, or squalid
dingy : glisten :: slippery : adhere
glisten , to shine by reflection with a sparkling
diocesan [daissn / dais-] a. , ()
*diocese [disis] n. : the district or
churches under the jurisdiction of a bishop; a bishopric
diocesan ecumenical
ecumenical , ; ()
diplomatic adj. ;
: using or marked by tact and sensitivity in dealing with
diplomatic : tact :: genial : bonhomie
bonhomie ; ,
diplomat : tact :: inventor : ingenuity

director [dirktr, dai-] n. ; , ;

director : actor :: conductor : instrumentalist
dirge [drd] n. ; ()
1. (music) a. a funeral hymn or lament b. a slow, mournful
musical composition
2. a mournful or elegiac poem or other literary work
dirge : music :: elegy : poetry
dirge : grief :: paean : praise :: madrigal : love
dirge : solemn :: polemic : contentious

[dsbjz] v. (, ) , (
: to free from a falsehood or misconception
loose : confinement :: disabuse : misconception, fallacy,
miscomprehension :: cure : disease :: rehabilitate : addiction ::
vindicate : blame
mislead, lead into error disabuse

disaffected [dsfktid] a. : REBELLIOUS

: resentful and rebellious, especially against authority
* disaffect , to cause to lose
affection or loyalty
disaffected : contentment :: dubious : conviction, commitment ::
anxious : serenity
conviction ; , ; ,
officious : meddle :: disaffected : rebel
officious ;
meddle , ; ,

disaffect win over, mollify, content, convince, comfort, conciliate

disaffected contented, beloved, satisfied, tractable, pleased,
disaffection contentment
disaggregate [disgrigit] v.t.
: to divide into constituent parts
disaggregate join together
coalesce disaggregate
coalesce , ,
disagreeable [dsgrbl] a. ; :
1. not to one's liking; unpleasant or offensive
2. having a quarrelsome, bad-tempered manner
disagreeable : hateful :: harmful : lethal (A << B)
lethal [l:l] ,
disambiguate [dsmbgjuit] v.
: to establish a single grammatical or semantic interpretation
disambiguate speak equivocally
disarm [disrm, diz-] vi. ; ,

1. a. to divest of a weapon or weapons b. to deprive of the

means of attack or defense; render harmless
2. a. to overcome or allay the suspicion, hostility, or
antagonism of b. to win the confidence of
bait disarm, put on guard
bait , ; to attack especially with persistent
insults, criticism, or ridicule

[dair] a. , ; , : DISMAL,
1. warning of or having dreadful or terrible consequences;


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

disarm antagonize, discourage, dissuade, turn off, arm, fortify,

strenghthen, rehabilitate
disarming obnoxious
disarming ,
obnoxious , ,
disarray v. , ;
1. to throw into confusion; upset
2. to undress
shipshape : disarray :: squalid : cleanliness (OPPOSITE)
shipshape , ,
disavow [dsvu] v.t. : REPUDIATE
: to disclaim knowledge of, responsibility for, or association
disavow affirm, aver
disavowal admission, acknowledgement, approval
discard [diskrd] v.t. ,
: to throw away; reject
retain discard
[disrni, -zrni] a. :
: exhibiting keen insight and good judgment; perceptive
discern : acute :: believe : gullible (A << B)
insight : discerning :: caprice : whimsical
perspicacious : discerning :: ravishing : attractive
perspicacious ,
ravish ,
myopic discerning
myopic ; ,
discernment lack of insight, not to distinguish
discernable imperceptive, unperceptive, ambiguous


[distrd] v.t. () , ( )
, ,
discharge hire


disciple [disip:l] n. , ; 12
1. one who embraces and assists in spreading the teaching
of another
2. an active adherent, as of a movement or philosophy
disciple : follow :: apologist : defend

2. to thwart the plans of; frustrate

discomfited : blush :: contemptuous : sneer ( : )
contemptuous , , manifesting or feeling
contempt; scornful
discomfit mollify
discommode [dskmud] v. , , ~
: to cause inconvenience to; trouble
discommode aid, assist, help, ease, oblige, inspire, pacify, soothe,
oblige , ,
discommodity convenience
discompose [dskmpuz] v.t. , ,

1. to disturb the composure or calm of
2. to put into a state of disorder
discompose : pacific :: fabricate : authentic
discompose : pacific :: engage : tedious, odious (A = B )
odious , , arousing or meriting strong dislike,
aversion, or intense displeasure
engage , ; ;
discompose : placid :: fabricate : ingenuous (OPPOSITE)
ingenuous ;
discompose pacificate
disconcert [dskns :rt] v. ;
1. to upset the self-possession of; ruffle
2. to frustrate (plans, for example) by throwing into disorder,
disconcert placate
disconsolate [disknslit / -kn-] adj.
: Seeming beyond consolation; extremely dejected
disconsolate joyous
discontent [dskntnt] n. , ;
1. a. absence of contentment; dissatisfaction b. a restless
longing for better circumstances
2. one who is discontented
discontent conciliate
[dskrd] n. , v. (~) ,

1. a. lack of agreement among persons, groups, or things b.
tension or strife resulting from a lack of
agreement; dissension
2. a confused or harsh sound or mingling of sounds
* discordant n.
separation : together :: discord : harmonious
discord : sound :: anachronistic : time
discord : accede :: (OPPOSITE)
harmony discord
discordant harmonious, euphonious, dulcet, corresponding


disclaim [disklim] v. ,
1. to deny or renounce any claim to or connection with;
2. to deny the validity of; repudiate
* disclaimer n. (), (), , ,
A repudiation or denial of responsibility or
connection./ A renunciation of one's right or claim.
conversation : exchange :: disclaimer : denial (EQUAL)
discography [diskgrfi / -kg-] n.
list : discography :: tool : hoe (A B)
hoe [hou]
discombobulate [dskmbbjlit / -bb-] v. ( )
, ;
to throw into a state of confusion
discombobulated : order :: erratic : consistency
discombobulate make clear, clarify, explain, settle
discombobulate compose

[diskmfit] v. , :
1. to make uneasy or perplexed; disconcert
; He was ed at being seen by someone.

discourse [dskrs, --] n.

1. verbal expression in speech or writing
2. verbal exchange; conversation
3. a formal, lengthy discussion of a subject, either written or
lullaby : song :: diatribe : discourse (A B)
discredit [diskrdit] v. , ;
n. ,
1. to damage in reputation; disgrace
2. to cause to be doubted or distrusted
3. to refuse to believe


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)
1. to regard or treat with haughty contempt; despise
2. to consider or reject as beneath oneself
contemptible : disdain :: hilarious : laugh
snub : disdain :: double-cross : disloyalty
snub , ; ,
double-cross to betray by acting in contradiction to a prior
adulation, treat favorably disdain
adulation excessive flattery or admiration

invective : discredit :: exhortation : motivate

invective , ; ,
exhortation , ; ,
discredit : reputation :: injure : well-being
discredited : honor ::
discreet [diskr:t] n. / , ,
1. marked by, exercising, or showing prudence and wise
self-restraint in speech and behavior; circumspect
2. free from ostentation or pretension; modest
discreet reckless, tactless, thoughtless, artless, nave, uncalculating,
discrepancy [diskrpnsi] n. ,
1. divergence or disagreement, as between facts or claims;
2. an instance of divergence or disagreement
discrepancy convergence, concord, consonance, agreement,
discrepant consonant
discrete [diskr:t] adj. , , ,
; ,
1. constituting a separate thing; distinct
2. consisting of unconnected distinct parts
discrete : overlap :: infinite : exhaust (A = B )
discrete continuous
discretion [diskrn] n. ,
1. the quality of being discreet; circumspection
2. ability or power to decide responsibly
3. freedom to act or judge on one's own
discretion : prudence :: piousness : devotion (EQUAL)
pious , (religious, devout); ;
brash : discretion :: frivolous : gravity
frivolous , ; ,
foolish : discretion :: impecunious : money
impecunious , lacking money; penniless
overdose : prescription :: indiscretion : convention (A = B )
judiciousness indiscretion
judicious , , having or exhibiting sound
judgment; prudent
discretionary [diskrnri / -ri] a. ,
1. left or regulated by one's own discretion or judgment
2. available for use as needed or desired
discretionary obligatory, mandatory, preordained, required, rigid
preordain [pr::rdin] ,
discriminate [diskrmnit] v. ;
1. a. to make a clear distinction; distinguish b. to make
sensible decisions; judge wisely
2. to make distinctions on the basis of class or category
without regard to individual merit; show preference or
epicure : discriminating :: spectator : watching
epicure , ;
liken : similarity :: discriminate : difference
sentinel : watchful :: epicure : discriminating
sentinel [sntnl] ,
equitable discriminatory, unfair
equitable marked by or having equity; just and impartial

disembark [dsembrk] v. , ;
= debark
1. to go ashore from a ship
2. to leave a vehicle or aircraft
debark, disembark : ship :: dismount : horse
debark : ship :: unload : truck
disembarrass [dsembrs|-im-] v. ( ) ,
; ; ( )
to free from something bothersome or encumbering; relive
disembarrass : impediment :: emancipate : servitude
() : , :: (shirk : duty )
disembarrassment engagement
disembarrassment impediment
impediment , ()
disembody [dsimbdi] ( ) ()
1. to free (the soul or spirit) from the body
2. to divest of material existence or substance
disembodied corporeal
disengage [dsengid] v.t.
1. to release from something that holds fast, connects, or
2. to release (oneself) from an engagement, pledge, or
disengage mesh
mesh , ;
disentangle [dsintgl] v. ;
1. to extricate from entanglement or involvement; free
2. to clear up or resolve (a plot, for example)
disentangle snarl
disgorge [disgrd] v. ; : VOMIT
1. to bring up and expel from the throat or stomach; vomit
2. to discharge violently; spew
3. to surrender (stolen gods or money, for example)
disgorge ingest, swallow
disgruntle [disgrntl] v.t. ,
: to make ill-humored or discontented
disgruntle refresh
disgruntled contented, rapturous
rapturous filled with great joy or rapture; ecstatic

discursive [diskrsiv] a. , : RAMBLING

1. covering a wide field of subjects; rambling
2. proceeding to a conclusion through reason rather than
discursive keen on title, succinct, concentrated

disguise [disgiz] vi. , n. ,

1. a. to modify the manner or appearance of in order to
prevent recognition
b. to furnish with a disguise
2. to conceal or obscure by dissemblance or false show;
padding : damage :: disguise : recognition
disguise : alter :: cloak : warm ( : )
disguise : identification :: camouflage : detection
disguise : identity :: (B A )
disguise revelation, uncover, verify, indicate, undress




n. : SCORN




GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

1. to excite nausea or loathing in; sicken

2. to offend the taste or moral sense of; repel
blatant : arresting :: odious : disgusting (A B )
blatant ,
odious , , arousing strong dislike, aversion, or
intense displeasure
odious : disgust :: menacing : fear
scowl : displeasure :: kiss : affection :: hurl : disgust
scowl [skaul]
hurl , ; ( ) to utter
entrancing disappoint, disgust, repel, repulse, bore
entrancing ,
dishevel [divl] v.t. ,
1. a. to loosen and let fall (hair or clothing) in disarray b. to
disarrange the hair or clothing of
2. to throw into disorder
disillusion [dsil:n] n. , v. ,

. to free or deprive of illusion

. 1. the act of disenchanting
2. the condition or fact of being disenchanted
* illusion : the condition of being deceived by a false
perception or belief
disenchant : to free from illusion or false belief; undeceive
disillusion : belief :: disenfranchise : right (A B )
disimpassioned [dsimpnd]
disimpassioned responsive
disimpassion embarrassment

adj. ,

disinclination [dsinklinin, -----] n. ,

: a lack of inclination; a mild aversion or reluctance
* disinclined adj. ~ , ~
aversion : disinclination :: adulation : admiration (A >> B)
aversion : inclination :: (OPPOSITE)
leaning, proclivity, bent disinclination
loquacity disinclination to speak
disinclined disposed
disinfect [dsinfkt] v.t. ,
oil : lubricate :: antiseptic : disinfect
aseptic : disinfection :: anesthetic : numbness
disinfect : germ :: herbicide : weed ( )
disinfect contaminate
disinter [dsint:r] v. , ;
1. to dig up or remove from a grave or tomb; exhume
2. to bring to public notice; disclose
exhume , ; ,
disinter bury
disinterested [disntristid, -rst-] a. , :
1. free of bias and self-interest; impartial
2. a. not interested; indifferent b. having lost interest ~
disinterested : partisanship :: venal : probity
venal , ; ,
inequity disinterestedness
inequity , injustice; unfairness
disinterested factional
disjointed [disdintid] adj. , ; ,

1. separated at the joints
2. out of joint; dislocated
3. lacking order or coherence

disjointed : coherence :: banal : originality

amorphous : structure :: disjointed : coherence (A B )
disjointed orderly, consistent
disjunctive [disdktiv] a.
: serving to separate or divide
nominal : significance :: disjunctive : unity
nominal ,
disjunctive continuous
dislodge [disld / -ld]
: to remove or force out from a position or dwelling
previously occupied
ensconce dislodge
ensconce [inskns] , ; () ,

dismantle [dismntl] v.t. , ( )

1. a. to take apart; disassemble; tear down b. to put an end
to in a gradual systematic way
2. to strip of furnishings or equipment
3. to strip of covering or clothing
dismantle : wholeness ::
dismantle : united :: adulterate : pristine
dismay [dismi] v. , ,
1. to destroy the courage or resolution of by exciting dread or
2. to cause to lose enthusiasm; disillusion
3. to upset or alarm
dismay hearten
dismiss [disms] v.t. , ,
1. to end the employment or service of; discharge
2. to direct or allow to leave
3. a. to stop considering; rid one's mind of; dispel b. to refuse
to accept or recognize; reject
4. (law) to put (a claim or action) out of court without further
dismiss sanction
disparage [disprid] v. , ; , :
1. to speak of in a slighting way; belittle
2. to reduce in esteem or rank
epithet : disparage :: alias : mislead
epithet (, ) ; ()

disparaging : contempt :: estimable : admire

disparage : lionize :: (OPPOSITE)
disparage approve, aggrandize, champion, extol, revere, lionize,
applaud, adulate
disparagement champion, kudos
kudos [kj:das] , ,
disparate [dsprit, dispr-] a.
: fundamentally distinct or different in kind; entirely
disparate similar, analogous, like, alike, homogeneous, analogous
dispassionate [dispnit] a. ,
: devoid of or unaffected by passion, emotion, or bias
dispassionate partial, biased, prejudiced, fervent, partisan,
dispassionate responsive
dispatch [dispt] n. v. ;
1. to relegate to a specific destination or send on specific
2. a. to complete, transact, or dispose of promptly b. to eat


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

up (food); finish off (a dish or meal)

3. to put to death summarily
relegate ; (, ) ,
dispatch leisureliness
displace [displeis] , , ,

1. To move or shift from the usual place or position,

especially to force to leave a homeland: millions of
refugees who were displaced by the war.
2. To take the place of; supplant.
3. To discharge from an office or position.
displace : position :: coarsen : texture ( : ,
disposal [dispuzl] n. , ; , ,
recycle : disposal :: rehabilitate : demolition (OPPOSITE)
rehabilitate , , /

disposed disinclined
disposed [dispuzd] adj.
: To put into a willing or receptive frame of mind; incline.
disposed disinclined
dispute [dispj:t] v.
1. to argue about; debate
2. to question the truth or validity of; doubt
3. to strive to win (a prize, for example); contest for
4. to strive against; resist
dispute accept
disputable incontrovertible

dissemblance : deception ::
ingenuous : dissemble :: raffish : preen :: polite : snub
ingenuous , , ; ,
raffish , ; ,
preen ( ) (trim); ,
dissembler : forthright :: sadist : benignant
dissemble behave honestly
dissembling candid
disseminate [dismnit] v.t. , ; ( )
1. to scatter widely, as in sowing seed
2. to spread abroad; promulgate
promulgate , ;
disseminate : information :: foment : discontentment
disseminate garner, nucleate
garner , ,
nucleate ;
dissension [disnn] n. , ,
: difference of opinion; disagreement
concord dissension
dissent [disnt] v.
1. to differ in opinion or feeling
2. to withhold assent or approval
dissenter : orthodox :: maverick : group
dissent conform, consent, accede, acquiesce, agree, subscribe,
assent, concur
dissertation [dsrtin] n. , ()
: a lengthy, formal treatise, especially one written by a
candidate for the doctoral degree at a university; a thesis

disquiet [diskwit] v. : DISTURB, ALARM

: to deprive of peace or rest; trouble
disquiet put at ease

dissimulate v. ( ) ; ...
: to disguise (one's intentions, for example) under a feigned


dissipate [dspit] v. () ,
1. to drive away; disperse
2. to attenuate to or almost to the point of disappearing
3. a. to spend or expend intemperately or wastefully;
squander b. to use up, especially recklessly; exhaust
4. to cause to lose (energy, such as heat) irreversibly
husbandry : dissipate :: alacrity : procrastinate (OPPOSITE)
husbandry , , ; ,
procrastinate ,
dissipation : temperate :: fecundity : sterile (OPPOSITE)
dissipate : stir ::
dissipate accumulate, gather, amass, pile up

[dsrig:rd] v. , ; ,

1. to pay no attention or heed to; ignore

2. to treat without proper respect or attentiveness
flout : disregard :: taunt : challenge (A B )
flout , ,
taunt ,
disregard nurture

disrupt [disrpt] v.t.

1. to throw into confusion or disorder
2. to interrupt or impede the progress, movement, or
procedure of
3. to break or burst; rupture
saboteur : disrupt :: apologist : defend
saboteur /
apologist ,
dissect [diskt, dai-] v. ; ,
1. to cut apart or separate (tissue), especially for
anatomical study
2. to examine, analyze, or criticize in minute detail
specimen : dissect :: sentence : parse
specimen , ; ,
dissemble [dismbl] v. , : SIMULATE
1. to disguise or conceal behind a false appearance
2. to make a false show of; feign
dissemble : honesty :: snub : politeness
snub to ignore or behave coldly toward; slight
dissemble : information :: masquerade : feeling
masquerade ; ;

dissociate [disuiit] v. ,
: to separate from association or union with another;
affiliation dissociation
affiliation , ; ,
dissolute [dslt] a. ,
: lacking moral restraint; indulging in sensual pleasures or
libertine : dissolute :: sycophant : obsequious
ludicrous : buffoon :: dissolute : libertine :: humorous : wag
ludicrous , ;
buffoon ,
wag (, ) ; ,
voluble : speech :: licentious : dissoluteness
voluble , marked by a ready flow of speech; fluent
licentious [laisns] ,


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

dissolute thrift
dissolve [dizlv / -zlv] v.
clot : dissolved :: crowd : dispersed
coagulant : thicken :: solvent : dissolve :: caustic : burn
coagulant ;
dissolve : insoluble :: bend : rigid :: submerge : buoyant
consolidate, coagulate dissolve
dissonance [dsnns] n. ,
1. a harsh, disagreeable combination of sounds; discord
2. lack of agreement, consistency, or harmony; conflict
dissonance concord
dissonant [dsnnt] () , ;
1. harsh and inharmonious in sound; discordant
2. being at variance; disagreeing
3. (music) constituting or producing a dissonance
dissuade [diswid] v.t.
: to deter from a course of action or a purpose by
persuasion or exhortation
ex.dissuaded my friend from pursuing such a rash scheme.
remonstrator : dissuade :: applicant : appeal
remonstrance : dissuade :: reprehension : censure ( : )
remonstrance , ; , ,
resolute : dissuade :: obstreperous : control
obstreperous , ; ,
inexorable : dissuasion : indomitable : conquest
inexorable , ; ,
dissuade abet, enhance, exhort
distain [dstin] v. ,
distain treat favorably
[dstl] adj. , /
1. anatomically located far from a point of reference, such
as an origin or a point of attachment
2. situated farthest from the middle and front of the jaw, as
a tooth or tooth surface
distal proximal
proximal ;
distemper [distmpr] n. ,
1. an infectious viral disease occurring in dogs,
characterized by loss of appetite, a catarrhal discharge
from the eyes and nose, vomiting, fever, lethargy, partial
paralysis caused by destruction of myelinated nerve
tissue, and sometimes death. Also called canine
2. a similar viral disease of cats characterized by fever,
vomiting, diarrhea leading to dehydration, and
sometimes death. Also called feline distemper,
distend [distnd] v. ,
to swell out or expand from or as if from internal pressure
distend constrict, condense, deflate, contract
distention compression
distill [distl] v. ,
distill : pure :: liquefy : fluid
distill : purity :: leaven : volume
distillation [dstlin] n. (); ,
distillate [dstl`eit] n.
1. a liquid condensed from vapor in distillation
2. a purified form; an essence

distillate : purity :: synopsis : conciseness

distinction [distkn] n. ,
distinct a. , ; ,
distinctive a.
nuance : distinction :: hint : suggestion (A << B)
nuance ,
nebulous distinct
nebulous ; , ; ,
repute lack of distinction
repute , ; ,
distinct undifferentiated, undifferential
distinguished [distgwit] a. ; ,
1. characterized by excellence or distinction; eminent
2. dignified in conduct or appearance
eminent undistinguished
eminent , ; ,
distort [distrt] v.t.
1. to twist out of a proper or natural relation of parts;
2. to give a false or misleading account of; misrepresent
3. to cause to work in a twisted or disorderly manner; pervert
brevity : aphorism :: distortion : caricature
distract [distrkt] v.t.
1. to cause to turn away from the original focus of attention
or interest; divert
2. to pull in conflicting emotional directions; unsettle
intrepid : deter :: rapt : distract
intrepid , resolutely courageous; fearless
deter ; to prevent or discourage from acting, as
by means of fear or doubt
rapt , ;
distract : concentration :: (A B )
rapt distracted
distraught [distrt] a. ,
1. deeply agitated, as from emotion conflict
2. mad; insane
troubled : distraught :: covetous : rapacious (A << B)
covetous , ;
rapacious , ; ,
distraught composed
ditch [dit] n. v.
n. (Wordnet 2006)
(, )
1. a long narrow excavation in the earth
2. any small natural waterway
ditch : canyon :: burrow : cavern
canyon A narrow chasm with steep cliff walls, cut into the earth by
running water; a gorge.
burrow ; ,

[dti] n.
: a simple song
fable : tale :: ditty : song (A B)
ditty : oratorio :: anecdote : novel

diurnal [dairnl] a. , ;
1. relating to or occurring in a 24-hour period; daily
2. occurring or active during the daytime rather than at night
3. (botany) opening during daylight hours and closing at
diurnal nocturnal, chiefly active at night


[divrd, dai-]

vi. , ;

GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

1. to go or extend in different directions from a common
point; branch out
2. to differ, as in opinion or manner
3. to depart from a set course or norm; deviate
* divergent adj.
ad-lib : impromptu :: aside : divergent
diverge : apart :: traverse : across :: involve : among
traverse , ;
diverge come together
divergent convergent
confluence, unification divergence
confluence ( ) ; , ;
diversity [div:rsti] n. , ()
1. a. the fact or quality of being diverse; difference b. a
point or respect in which things differ
2. variety or multiformity
diversity uniformity
divert [divrt, dai-] v.t. : DEFLECT
1. to turn aside from a course or direction
2. to distract
3. to entertain by distracting the attention from worrisome
thoughts or cares; amuse
divert : shunt :: retard : brake
shunt , (switch)
cf. shun to avoid deliberately
divest [divst]
1. to strip, as of clothes ( )
2. a. to deprive, as of right or property; dispossess b. to free
of; rid ,
divestiture acquisition
divest endow
divulge [divld, dai-] v.t. ,
: to make known (something private or secret)
divulge conceal, keep secret
docile [ds:l] adj. ,
1. ready and willing to be taught; teachable
2. yielding to supervision, direction, or management;
docile tenacious
docility tenacity, tenaciousness
doctrine [dktrin / dk-] n. , : DOGMA
doctrine : heretical, heterodox :: course : errant
heretical , ,
heterodox orthodox
dodder [ddr / dd-] vi. ,
1. to shake or tremble, as from old age; totter
2. to progress in a feeble, unsteady manner
dodder : unsteady :: cavort : sprightly
cavort () ;
dodge [dd|d d] v. , ;
1. to avoid (a blow, for example) by moving or shifting
quickly aside
2. to evade (an obligation, for example) by cunning,
trickery, or deceit
dodge : blow :: escape : capture
dodge confront, face, seek

[df, d()f] v.t.

: to take off; remove
doff don
dogged [d()gid, dg-] a. ,
: stubbornly persevering; tenacious; marked by stubborn
dogged yielded, easily discouraged, reluctant, hesitating
doggerel [d()grl, dg-] n. ,
: crudely or irregularly fashioned verse, often of a humorous
or burlesque nature
doggerel : verse, poem :: burlesque : play :: sketch : drawing ::
potboiler : article, novel
burlesque , ,
A literary or artistic work of poor quality, produced quickly
for profit.
doggo [d()gou, dg-]
: in hiding


dogma [d()gm, dg-] n. ,

1. (theology) a doctrine or a corpus of doctrines relating to
matters such as morality and faith, set
forth in an authoritative manner by a church
2. an authoritative principle, belief, or statement of ideas or
opinion, especially one considered to be absolutely true
3. a principle or belief or a group of them
dogma : iconoclast :: convention : maverick (B break A)
dogma heresy
heresy , ,
doldrums [duldrmz, dl-, d()l-] n. ; ,
; ,
1. a. a period of stagnation or slump
b. a period of depression or unhappy listlessness
2. a. a region of the ocean near the equator, characterized by
calms, light winds, or squalls
b. the weather conditions characteristic of these regions of
the ocean
doldrums : energy :: depravity : virtue (LACK)
depravity , moral corruption or degradation; a depraved act
or condition
doleful [dulfl] adj. ;
1. filled with or expressing grief; mournful
2. causing grief
doleful joyful
dolorous [dlrs, dul- / dl-] a. ,
: marked by or exhibiting sorrow, grief, or pain
dolorous jubilant, jovial, happy
dolt [doult] n.
wag : humorous :: dolt : stupid (CHARACTER)
domicile [dmisail, -sl, dum-|dm-] n. , ;
: 1. a residence; a home 2. one's legal residence
nomad : domicile :: freelance : employer
nomad ;
domination [dmnin / dm-] n.
a. mastery or supremacy over another or others
b. the exercise of such mastery or supremacy
supremacy , ; , ; ,
gullible : chicanery :: servile : domination
chicanery ; deception by trickery or sophistry; a
impervious : damaged :: indomitable : subdued (OPPOSITE)
impervious ; ;
inexorable : dissuasion :: indomitable : conquest
inexorable , ; ,


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

dominant recessive
recessive , /;
domineering [dmnri / dmnr-] a. , ,
: tending to domineer; overbearing
contemptuous, imperious, domineering deferential

[dn / dn] , ,
1. to put on (clothing)
2. to assume or take on
doff don

downpour : flooding :: wind : erosion (A cause B)

cf. weathering () any of the chemical or mechanical
processes by which rocks exposed to the weather undergo changes in
character and break down
doyen [din] n. ,
: a man who is the eldest or senior member of a group
eccentric : conventional :: doyen : uninitiated (OPPOSITE)
uninitiated not knowledgeable or skilled; inexperienced

[douz] v.
: to sleep lightly and intermittently
doze : sleep :: nudge : prod (A << B)
nudge ,
prod , ; ,

donor [dunr] n.
legacy : predecessor :: gift : donor
predecessor , ;
doodle [ddl] v. ;
1. to scribble aimlessly, especially when preoccupied
2. to kill time
draw : doodle :: travel : ramble :: walk : amble
amble () ; / (stroll) to walk
slowly or leisurely; stroll



draconian [dreikunin] a. , : CRUEL, SEVERE

: exceedingly harsh; very severe
; draconian tax
draconian : inclemency :: fretful : vexation
inclement , ; stormy; unmerciful
fretful ,
vexation ,
palmy : prosperity :: draconian : severity
palmy , prosperous; flourishing
draconian indulgent, mild, lenient, genial, lax
indulgent , = lenient
lenient , inclined not to be harsh or strict; merciful,
generous, or indulgent

[d:rmnt] adj. , ; ,

1. lying asleep or as if asleep; inactive
2. latent but capable of being activated
3. temporarily quiescent
4. in a condition of biological rest or inactivity
characterized by cessation of growth or development
and the suspension of many metabolic processes
dormant : inactivity :: malleable : plasticity
dormant active, dynamic, attentive, conscious, energetic, vigorous
dormancy activity


[dous] n. 1 v. (medicine)
1. a specified quantity of a therapeutic agent, such as a
drug or medicine, prescribed to be taken at one time or
at stated intervals
2. the amount of radiation administered as therapy to a
given site
dose : medicine :: ration : food
dose : medicine :: sentence : punishment


: to show excessive love or fondness
upbraid : reproach :: dote : like (A >> B)
upbraid [pbrid] ; to reprove sharply; reproach
[dur, daur] a. STERN; ,
1. marked by sternness or harshness; forbidding
2. silently ill-humored; gloomy
3. sternly obstinate; unyielding
; a dour look
dour : geniality :: bumptious : humbleness
genial , ; ,
bumptious , crudely or loudly assertive; pushy
dour : tractable :: bumptious : humble
dour congenial, genial, jocund


dove [dv] n. ; , , ; ,
1. a gentle, innocent person
2. a person who advocates peace, conciliation, or
negotiation in preference to confrontation or armed
dove warmonger, jingoist
downpour [daunpr]
: a heavy fall of rain


[drb] a. ; , ;
1. (color) a. of a dull light brown b. of a light olive brown or
khaki color
2. faded and dull in appearance
3. dull or commonplace in character; dreary
drab : cheer :: simple : profundity (OPPOSITE)

draw [dr] v. (, , )
draw : penchant ::
penchant , ; , a definite liking; a strong
drawl [drl] v.
: to speak with lengthened or drawn-out vowels
inch : move :: drawl : speak :: lope : run :: nibble : eat :: lessen :
eliminate (A << B)
inch; to move or cause to move slowly or by small degrees
lope () ; ( )
pontificate : pompous :: scoff : derisive :: drawl : slow :: bluster :
loud :: prate : aimless
scoff , , to mock at or treat with derision
bluster ;
prate to talk idly and at length; chatter
drawl : slow :: deaden : impassive (CHARACTER)
dreary [drri] a. : GLOOMY, DISMAL
1. dismal; bleak
2. boring; dull
jocund dreary
jocund , sprightly and lighthearted in disposition,
character, or quality
dredge [dred] n. v.
dredge fill in
drench [drent] v. , (steep)
1. to wet through and through; soak
2. to administer a large oral dose of liquid medicine to (an
3. to provide with something in great abundance; surfeit


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)
dubious certain
indubitable questionable

drenched : wet :: antithetic : different (A >> B)

antithetic ()
drift [drift] n. , v. ,
drift hold fast
drivel [drvl] vi. ;
1. to allow to flow from the mouth
2. to say (something) stupidly
nonsensical : drivel :: pompous : bombast
exaggerated : hyperbole :: nonsensical : drivel
drizzle [drzl] n.
: to rain gently in fine, mistlike drops
deluge drizzle

[droul] a. , n. a buffoon v.
: having a humorous, whimsical, or odd quality
: Amusingly odd or whimsically comical
grisly : flinch :: droll : laugh
grisly , inspiring repugnance
flinch (, ) /;
grouch : irritable :: wag : droll
grouch : , , ,
droll grave, serious, somber, solemn


[droun] v. , ;
n. ,
1. to make a continuous low dull humming sound
2. to speak in a monotonous tone
3. to pass or act in a monotonous way
hiss : sibilant :: drone : monotonous :: stammer : halting
sibilant ;
drone speak animatedly, excite,

ductile [dktil] ; , ;
1. easily drawn into wire or hammered thin
2. easily molded or shaped
3. capable of being readily persuaded or influenced; tractable
ductility : malleable :: toxicity : poisonous
ductile incompliant, unyielding, not bending
dulcet [dlsit] a. MELODIOUS
1. pleasing to the ear; melodious
2. having a soothing, agreeable quality
cacophonous dulcet, euphonious
dulcet : sweet :: raucous : harsh
off-key dulcet
off-key ; , ;
dull [dl] a. ,
tarnish : dull :: vitrify : smooth
tarnish , ; () ,
vitrify to change or make into glass or a glassy
brilliance dullness
resplendent, perspicuous dull
resplendent , , splendid or dazzling in
appearance; brilliant
perspicuous , clearly expressed or presented; easy to
trenchant vague, dull
trenchant , ; , ; ,
dullard [dlrd] n.
: a person regarded as mentally dull; a dolt
dullard wit ()

droop [dru:p] v. ; () ;
1. to bend or hang downward
2. to bend or sag gradually
3. to sag in dejection or exhaustion
sag , ; ,

duly [dj:li] adv. , ,

duly improperly, inappropriately, unjustifiably

drop cloth [drapkl] n. ( )

a sheet, as of cloth or plastic, for protection against spills or
dripping, used especially by painters
drop cloth : floor :: apron : clothing


dune (sand hill)

sand : dune :: word : sentence
[djup] n. , : FOOL, v. , ...

1. an easily deceived person
2. a person who functions as the tool of another person or
v. To deceive (an unwary person).
reverent : idolater :: trusting : dupe
idolater ; ()
callous : impassivity :: dupe : duplicity (EQUAL, v:n)
():():::() (v:n)
impassive , ; ,
dupe v. , ... n.
perspicacity : dupe :: rectitude : corruptionist
perspicacity , (penetration) acuteness of perception,
discernment, or understanding
credulous : dupe :: insensitive : boor
dupe : credulous :: libertine : dissolute

droplet [drplit / drplit] n.

: a tiny drop
droplet : deluge :: pebble : landslide
drove [drouv] n. ; FLOCK
drove : sheep ::
drudgery [drdri] n.
: tedious, menial, or unpleasant work
drudgery rewarding work
rewarding , ;

[drid, - d]


dubious [djbis] a.
1. fraught with uncertainty or doubt; undecided
2. arousing doubt; doubtful
3. of questionable character
disaffected : contentment :: dubious : conviction, commitment (A B
disaffected () , ;
conviction ; , ; ,

duplicity [dju(:)plti] n. ,
1. a. deliberate deceptiveness in behavior or speech b. an
instance of deliberate deceptiveness; double-dealing
2. the quality or state of being twofold or double
duplicity probity
durable adj. ,
1. capable of withstanding wear and tear or decay
2. lasting; stable


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

flaccidity : firmness :: durable : weariness (OPPOSITE)

weary , ; ,
dwelling [dwli] n.
: a place to live in
hut : dwelling :: raft : watercraft
deportation : country :: eviction : dwelling
potable : beverage :: habitable : dwelling
habitable , suitable to live in or on;
dwindle [dwndl] v. , ; ,
: to become gradually less until little remains
dwindle : decrease :: crawl : proceed (A << B)
dwindle increase
dynamo [dinmu] n. ;
: an extremely energetic and forceful person
dynamo : retard :: (OPPOSITE)
dynamo laggard
dyspeptic [dispptik] a. ;
1. relating to or having dyspepsia
2. of or displaying a morose disposition
* dyspepsia [dispp|-si] n.
: disturbed digestion; indigestion
genial dyspeptic
dyslexia [dislksi] n. , (word blindness)
a learning disorder marked by impairment of the ability to
recognize and comprehend written words
dyslexia : read :: insomnia : sleep

eaglet [glit] n.
: a young eagle
eaglet : bird :: fawn : mammal
fawn ; , ,
[rmrk] n. v. () ; (,
1. to reserve or set aside for a particular purpose;
2. to place an identifying or distinctive mark on
3. to mark the ear of (a domestic animal) for identification
budget : earmark :: time : schedule
earmark : funds :: schedule : time


earnest [rnist] a.
1. marked by or showing deep sincerity or seriousness
2. of an important or weighty nature; grave
facetious earnest
facetious [fs:s] , ; playfully jocular;
earplug [irplg] n.
earplug : noise :: shield : impact
earshot [rt / -t] n.
: hearing distance
: The range within which sound can be heard by the
unaided ear
; listened until the parade was out of earshot.
earshot : hear :: ken : see
ken ; , perception, understanding; range of

earsplitting [rsplti] a.
: loud and shrill enough to hurt the ears
earsplitting : loud :: heartrending : sad
heartrending ,
earsplitting : voice ::
earthly [:rli] adj. ,
earthly spiritual
earthshaking [riki] a. : MOMENTOUS,
: of great consequence or importance
earthshaking trivial, inconsequential
easel [:z:l] n.
easel : canvas :: tripod : camera
eavesdrop [ivzdrp / ivzdrp] v. ,
: to listen secretly to the private conversation of others
hear : eavesdrop :: follow : shadow
eavesdrop : listen :: collude : cooperate
listener : eavesdropper :: observer : spy
ebullient [ibljnt] adj. ;
1. zestfully enthusiastic
2. boiling or seeming to boil; bubbling
* ebullience [ibljns, -bl-] n. :
: zestful enthusiasm
ebullience calm restraint, impassiveness, lifelessness, torpor, lethargy,
ebullient : exuberant ::
ebullient torpid, tepid, lethargic
torpid , ;
tepid ;
ebullient reticent, somber, impassive
eccentric [iksntrik, ek-] n. a. ,

1. departing from a recognized, conventional, or established

norm or pattern
2. deviating from a circular form or path, as in elliptical orbit
3. a. not situated at or in the geometric center b. having the
axis located elsewhere than at the geometric center

: One that deviates markedly from an established norm,

especially a person of odd or unconventional behavior
hero : admirable :: eccentric : unconventional
eccentric : conventional :: doyen : uninitiated
doyen , ,
uninitiated not knowledgeable or skilled; inexperienced
eccentric ordinary, orthodox(, conventional),
regular(0705), commonplace(0611)
regularity eccentricity

[ln / -ln] n. (, ) , ; (,
) ,
a level of responsibility or authority in a hierarchy; a rank
echelon : hierarchy :: (A B )


[eikl, --] n. ; ,
1. great brilliance, as of performance or achievement
2. conspicuous success
3. great acclamation or applause
eclat fiasco

eclectic [eklktik] a. ;
1. selecting what appears to be best in various doctrines,


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)
edify leading astray
homily : edifying ::

methods, or styles
2. made up of combining elements from a variety of sources

[iklps] n. () (); v.t. ,

n. 1. a fall into obscurity or disuse; a decline
2. a disgraceful of humiliating end; a downfall
1. a. to cause an eclipse of
b. to obscure; darken
2. a. to obscure or diminish in importance, fame, or
b. to surpass; outshine: an outstanding performance that
eclipsed the previous record
; Elizabethan playwrights were d by the genius of
eclipse : prestige :: enervation : vigor
prestige , ; ,
eclipse : prestige :: enfeeble : vigor
eclipse : prominence :: bankruptcy : solvency (A B )
eclipse make distinctive, make more prominent

ecstatic [eksttik] a. ;
1. marked by or expressing ecstasy
2. being in a state of ecstasy; enraptured
pleasure : ecstasy :: surprise : astonishment (A << B)
astonishment great surprise or amazement
ecstasy self-control
pleased : ecstatic :: tired: exhausted (A<<B)
ecumenical [kjumnikl / k-] a. ,
1. of worldwide scope or applicability; universal
2. a. of or relating to the worldwide Christian church
b. concerned with establishing or promoting unity among
churches or religions
ecumenical : generality :: entire : integrity
diocesan, parochial ecumenical
parochial [prukil] ; ,
diocesan [daisisn] of or relating to a diocese
ecumenical circumscribed, provincial, insular, factional, parochial
ecumenism factionalism
insular ; ,

[di] n. , ;
1. a current, as of water or air, moving contrary to the
direction of the main current, especially in a circular
2. a drift or tendency that is counter to or separate from a
main current, as of opinion, tradition, or history
stream : eddy :: trend : anomaly
anomaly , ; ,

edible [db:l] adj. ; fit to be eaten

edible : eat :: potable : drink :: palpable : touch
edifice [dfis] n.
1. a building, especially one of imposing appearance or size
2. an elaborate conceptual structure
tower : edifice :: rampart : barrier
rampart , ; ; ,
barrier , , ;
buttress : edifice :: splint : limb
buttress ; ,
blueprint : edifice :: syllabus : course

v. , ~


[ifis] v. , ; ,
1. to rub or wipe out; erase
2. to make indistinct as if by rubbing
3. to conduct (oneself) inconspicuously
* self-effacing
a. , : not drawing
attention to oneself; modest
* ineffaceable adj. , ( )
self-effacing self-aggrandizing
effacing aggrandizing
alliterate : remove :: blazon : efface (OPPOSITE)
alliterate ,
blazon ,
efface aggrandize, blazon, emboss
efface bring to prominent/preeminent, institute
prominent ; , ; ,
effacing aggrandizing
ineffaceable erasable

effectual [ifktul] a. , , : EFFECTIVE

: producing or sufficient to produce a desired effect; fully
effectual unproductive
effeminate adj. , ;
1. having qualities or characteristics more often associated
with women than men
2. characterized by weakness and excessive refinement
effervesce [frvs] vi. ; , ,
1. to emit small bubbles of gas, as a carbonated or
fermenting liquid, to escape from a liquid as bubbles;
bubble up
2. to show high spirits or excitement
. effervescent()
. effervescence(=effervescency)
effervescence : feeling :: fury, furor : anger (A >> B)
effervesce be flat, droop
effervescent still, droopy, languid, weary
droopy (;a dog with droopy ears ),
languid , ; ,
effervescence lassitude, torpor, languor
lassitude , ;
effete [eft] a. ,
1. depleted of vitality, force, or effectiveness; exhausted
2. marked by self-indulgence, triviality, or decadence
3. overrefined; effeminate
4. no longer productive; infertile
effete hale, sound, vigorous, fertile, strengthened
hale , free from infirmity or illness; sound
effluvium [eflvim] n. ; ( )
1. a usually invisible emanation or exhalation, as of vapor or
2. a. a byproduct or residue; waste b. the odorous fumes
given off by waste or decaying matter
3. an impalpable emanation; an aura
effluvia desired products
effrontery [efrntri] ,
: brazen boldness; presumptuousness
effrontery decorum, timidity




GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

: shining brilliantly; resplendent
bootless : futility :: effulgent : resplendence (EQUAL, : )
bootless , without advantage or benefit; useless
effulgent : resplendent :: bootless : futile ( : )
effusive [efjsiv] a. ;
1. unrestrained or excessive in emotional expression; gushy
2. profuse; overflowing
gush : effusive :: rage : irate
irate extremely angry; enraged
emotion : effusive :: liberty : licentious :: manner : grandiose
licentious ,
grandiose , ; ,
effusive reticent, listless, torpid, insensitive, lack of emotion,
undemonstrative (stable )
reticent , ; ,
listless , ; , lacking energy or
disinclined to exert effort; lethargic
effusiveness reticence
egalitarian [iglit$(:)rin] n.
egalitarian : equity :: meliorism : progress
egoism [:gouz:m] n. ; ;
egoism, egotism altruism
egress [:gres] n. ,
1. the act of coming or going out; emergence
2. the right of going out
3. a path or opening for going out; an exit
egress entrance
eidetic [aidtik] adj. ,
elaborate [ilbrit]/[ilbrit] a. v.
: to expand something in detail
1. planned or executed with painstaking attention to
numerous parts or details
2. intricate and rich in detail
fawn : imperious :: equivocate : direct :: elaborate : sketchy
imperious , ; ,
elaborate abstract, simplify
elaborate common, plain, simple, stark, uncomplicated, uninvolved,
equivocate : elaborate ::
elastic [ilstik] a. ; ; : FLEXIBLE
1. a. easily resuming original shape after being stretched or
expanded; flexible b. springy; rebounding
2. quick to recover, as from disappointment
3. capable of adapting to change or a variety of
ephemeral : endure :: inelastic : stretch (OPPOSITE)
ephemeral ; lasting for a markedly brief time
elastic : expand :: viable : live
viable ;
elastic rigid, adamantine
elasticity lack of tension
inelastic extended
elated [ilitid] a. , : EXULTANT
: marked by great joy or jubilation; triumphant
elation n. , ,
elate [ilit] - to make proud or joyful
elate depress, despond, reprobate, wretched
elated despondent, hangdog, crestfallen, dejected, depressed
despondent , = dejected
hangdog , , ; , shamefaced
or guilty; intimidated
crestfallen ,
elation dejection, sullenness
sullen ,
elbow [lbou] n.
elbow : joint :: heart : organ (A B)
elective [ilktiv] adj., ; ,
1. of or relating to a selection by vote
2. filled or obtained by election
3. having the power or authority to elect; electoral
4. permitting or involving a choice; optional
elective obligatory
eleemosynary [limsnri, -mz / liimsnri]

1. of, relating to, or dependent on charity
2. contributed as an act of charity; gratuitous
philanthropist : eleemosynary ::

a. ,

elegant [lignt] a.
: characterized by or exhibiting refined, tasteful beauty of
manner, form, or style
insolent polite, elegant
insolent , presumptuous and insulting in manner or
speech; arrogant
elegy [ldi] n.
1. a poem composed in elegiac couplets
2. a. a poem or song composed especially as a lament for a
deceased person b. something resembling such a poem or
3. (music) a composition that is melancholy or pensive in
pensive , ;
elegy : sorrow :: satire : ridicule :: hymn : praise :: eulogy : admiration
(A express B)
satire , ;
hymn , ;
elegiac : sorrow :: devotional : reverence
elegy : poem :: paean : song :: tango : dance
elemental [lmntl] adj. ,
: Of, relating to, or being an element
* element n. , ,
nitrogen : element :: biology : science (blue : spectrum )
elemental tangential, incidental (vague )
tangential; only superficially relevant; divergent
incidental; , occurring or likely to occur as an
unpredictable or minor accompaniment / of a minor, casual, or
subordinate nature
elephantine [lfntain, -ti()n] a. ; , :
: enormous in size or strength; ponderously clumsy
microscopic elephantine
elevate [lvit] v.t. : EXALT
1. to move (something) to a higher place or position from a
lower one; lift
2. to increase the amplitude, intensity, or volume of
3. to promote to a higher rank
4. to raise to a higher moral, cultural, or intellectual level
5. to lift the spirits of; elate
debasement elevation


[ilsit] v.t.
1. a. to bring or draw out (something latent); educe b. to
arrive at (a truth, for example) by logic
2. to call forth (a reaction, for example); evoke

GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

evoke fail to elicit

merchant ships into or out of its ports

2. a prohibition by a government on certain or all trade with
a foreign nation
3. a prohibition; a ban: an embargo on criticism
embargo : commerce :: quarantine : contact
quarantine n.v. ( ) ;

eligible [lidbl] a. , ,
1. qualified or entitled to be chosen
2. desirable and worthy of choice, especially for marriage
elitism [iltizm, ei-] n.
: leadership or rule by an elite
ellipsis [ilpsis] n.
1. a. the omission of a word or phrase necessary for a
complete syntactical construction but not necessary for
b. an example of such omission
2. a mark or series of marks (... or , for example) used in
writing or printing to indicate an omission, especially of
letter or words
ellipsis : sentence :: apostrophes : word, letter
elliptical [ilptikl] a. ; , ( )
1. of or relating to extreme economy of oral or written
2. marked by deliberate obscurity of style or expression
elliptical palpable
palpable ; ,
elongate [ilgeit / lgit]
: to make or grow longer
elongate shorten, truncate, curtail


elucidate [ilsdit] v.
: to make clear or plain, especially by explanation; clarify
elucidate : clarity :: abet : encouragement
garble, obfuscate, obscure elucidate, illuminate, explain clearly
garble , ;
obfuscate ;
elucidate obscure, obfuscate
elude [ild] v. ,
1. to evade or escape from, as by daring, cleverness, or skill
2. to escape the understanding or grasp of
elusive [il:siv] a. ;
1. tending to elude capture, perception, comprehension, or
2. difficult to define or describe
elusive : define :: (A = B )
elusive transparent, accessible
emaciate [imiiit] v.
: to make or become extremely thin, especially as a result
of starvation
emaciated : thin :: apoplectic : angry
apoplectic , ; , ,
emaciate invigorate, fatten
emaciated corpulent (200510)

[mnit] vi. : radiate, emit, eject, effuse,

give off, send out
: to come or send forth, as from a source
emanate absorb

emancipate [imnspit] v.
: to free from bondage, oppression, or restraint; liberate
emancipate enslave, shackle, lasso
lasso ( )
emancipation bondage
[imbrgou] n. v. ; ;
(, , )
1. a government order prohibiting the movement of


embark [embrk, im-]

v.t. 1. to cause to board a vessel or aircraft
2. to enlist (a person or persons) or invest (capital) in an
vi. 1. to go abroad a vessel or aircraft, as at the start of a
2. to set out on a venture; commence
embark : funds :: schedule : time (A = B )
debut : career :: embarkment : journey
conclude embark on
embarrass [imbrs, em-] v.t.
1. to cause to feel self-conscious or ill at east
2. to involve in or hamper with financial difficulties
3. to hinder with obstacles or difficulties; impede
4. to complicate
blush : embarrassment :: yawn : sleepiness
catastrophe : mishap :: humiliation : embarrassment (A >> B)
embarrass : shame :: console : comfort
console , to allay the sorrow or grief of
embarrass : shame :: console : comfort (A B )
embarrass : mortify :: indulge : mollycoddle
mortify ~
unabashed : embarrassment :: unheralded : announcement
disembarrassment : engagement :: (OPPOSITE)
disembarrass ( ) , ; ; (
embed [imbd] v.t. ,
1. to fix firmly in a surrounding mass
2. to enclose firmly
3. to cause to be an integral part of a surrounding whole
waffle : enunciate :: embed : disinter (OPPOSITE)
waffle ; to speak or write evasively
enunciate ;
disinter , ;
embed, implant extract, excise
excise (, ) , / ( )
embezzle [embzl, im-] v.
: to appropriate (money, for example) for one's own use in
violation of a trust
embezzle : funds :: usurp : power
usurp (, ) , ;

forgery : counterfeit :: embezzlement : fraud

counterfeit , ,
fraud ,
smuggler : import :: embezzler : appropriate
embezzlement : fraud :: cronyism : favoritism
embolden [embuldn] v. ; ( ~)
: to foster boldness or courage in; encourage
appall embolden, nerve
appall , to fill with consternation or dismay
embolden abash, faze, cow, appall, daunt, boggle, thwart
faze , to disrupt the composure of;
cow (, ) , to frighten with threats or a
show of force
daunt ~ , ~
boggle ~


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

embolden intimidate (0612), fright(=frighten), deaden, discourage,
bring down, dishearten, dampen, subdue
intimidate ~ , , ~ (~
) to make timid; fill with fear / to coerce or inhibit by or as if by
fright = frighten
emboss [embs] v. , ;
emboss flatten out
embrace [imbris] n. v. , : HUG
1. to clasp or hold close with the arms, usually as an
expression of affection
2. a. to surround; enclose b. to twine around
3. to include as part of something broader
4. to take up willingly or eagerly
5. to avail oneself to
embrace : affection :: shrug : indifference :: blush : embarrassment
abrogate, eschew embrace
abrogate ( ) to abolish, do away with, or annul,
especially by authority
eschew [ist:] , to avoid; shun
abjure, abrogate, eschew, renounce embrace, espouse
abjure (, ) , ;
eschew , ,
ostracize include, embrace
ostracize [strsiz] () ;

spurn court, crave, embrace

spurn ,
court , ;
crave ; ,
embroider [embrid:r] v.() ; ( )
1. to ornament with needlework
2. to make by means of needlework
3. to add embellishment or fanciful details to
embroider : cloth :: chase : metal
chase ()
emigrate [mgrit] v.
: to leave one country or region to settle in another
repatriate : emigration :: repeal : ratification (OPPOSITE)
repatriate ( )
repeal ; to revoke or rescind,
especially by an official or formal act
ratify / to approve and give formal sanction to; confirm
emigrate : exile :: enlist : conscript (B )
conscript () , , ( )
eminence [mnns] n. ,
: a position of great distinction or superiority
master, maven : experience :: luminary : eminence
maven , a person who has special knowledge or
experience; an expert
luminary ; , ,

[mnnt] a. ; (, ) ; ,
; ,
1. towering or standing out above others; prominent
2. of high rank, station, or quality; noteworthy
3. outstanding, as in character or performance;
eminent undistinguished, unextraordinary


[imt] v. , ; () ;
1. to give or send out matter or energy
2. a. to give out as sound; utter b. to voice; express
3. to issue with authority, especially to put (currency) into
emit absorb
emollient [imljnt / iml-] n. ()
: something that softens or soothes
a. 1. softening and soothing, especially to the skin
2. making less harsh or abrasive; molifying
emollient : soothe :: dynamo : generate
emollient : suppleness :: desiccant : dryness
supple , ; ,
emphasis [mfsis] n. , ,
underscore : emphasis :: brand : ownership (SIGN)
underscore v. ; , n.
empathetic, empathic [emptik] a. ,
empathy n. [mpi]
1. identification with and understanding of another's
situation, feelings, and motives; pity
2. the attribution of one's own feelings to an object
empathetic insensitive
empirical [emprikl] adj. , ,
empirical theoretical
emporium [imp:rim] n. ,
emporium : commerce :: laboratory : experimentation :: court : trial ::
stadium : game
empower [impur] v. , <>~
to invest with power, especially legal power or official
empower revoke the authority
enfranchise disempower
empty-handed [mptihndid] a. ,
1. bearing nothing
2. having received or gained nothing
emulate [mjlit] v.t. ,
1. to strive to equal or excel, especially through imitation
2. to compete with successfully; approach or attain equality
obviate : unnecessary :: reduce : smaller (A B )
emulate : exemplary :: obviate : unnecessary (A B /B
obviate ( ) ;
exemplary ,
emulate : exemplar :: admire : paragon
emulation : exemplar :: deference : authority
emulous [mjls] a. ; ,
1. eager or ambitious to equal or surpass another
2. characterized or prompted by a spirit of rivalry
enact [enkt] v.t. () ;
1. to make into law
2. to act (something) out, as on a stage
rescission enactment
rescission [risn] , ,
rescind [risnd] to make void; repeal or annul
enact repeal, rescind
enamel [inml] n. ;
enamel : tooth :: bark : tree :: skin, rind : apple :: crust : loaf
rind a tough outer covering such as bark, the skin of some fruits
enclosure [enklur] n.
1. a. the act of enclosing b. the state of being enclosed
2. something enclosed


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

3. something that encloses

stockade : enclosure :: pillar : support
stockade [stakid] ;

approval of its contents or terms

3. to acknowledge (receipt of payment) by signing a bill,
draft, or other instrument
4. to give approval of or support to, especially by public
statement; sanction
rider : bill :: endorsement : policy
rider ; , ; ()
endow : income :: endorse : approval
endow ; (, ) ,
endorse oppose publicly
impugn, deprecate endorse
impugn , to attack as false or questionable;
challenge in argument

encomium [enkumim] n.
1. warm, glowing praise
2. a formal expression of praise; a tribute
* encomiast ,
encomiast : eulogize :: quibbler : cavil
quibble , ;
cavil ; to find fault
unnecessarily; raise trivial objections
encomium : eulogize :: discontent : complain :: quibble : cavil
encomium harsh criticism, invective
encompass [inkmps] v. ,
1. to form a circle or ring around; surround
2. to enclose; envelop
3. to constitute or include
4. to accomplish; achieve
encompass exclude, leave out
encounter [enkuntr] n. ; ,
1. a meeting, especially one that is unplanned, unexpected,
or brief
2. a. a hostile or adversarial confrontation; a contest b. an
often violent meeting; a clash
circumlocution direct encounter
circumlocution () ;
encourage v. , , ~ ,
1. to inspire with hope, courage, or confidence; hearten
2. to give support to; foster
3. to stimulate; spur
encourage appall

endow [endu] v. ; (, ) ,
1. to provide with property, income, or a source of income
2. a. to equip or supply with a talent or quality b. to imagine
as having a usually favorable trait or quality
endow : income :: endorse : approval
endow divest, deprive, deny, disown
enduring [indjri, en-] a. : LASTING, DURABLE
1. lasting; continuing; durable
2. long-suffering; patient
ephemeral : endure :: inelastic : stretch (OPPOSITE)
inelastic ; ,
ephemeral : enduring :: inanimate : living
transitory : endure :: immutable : change
transitory enduring
enduringness transitoriness
[nrvit] v.t. a. ,
: to lessen the vitality or strength of
cf> enervation , ()
enervate : vitality, strength :: debase : value :: hamstring : effectiveness
curtail : period :: enervate : energy :: desiccate : moisture
eclipse : prestige :: enervation, enfeeblement : vigor :: amnesia :
eclipse ( ) ,
prestige , ; ,
dispirit : morale :: enervate : strength
dispirit , to lower in or deprive
of spirit; dishearten
enervate : vigor, vitality :: palliate : nerve :: debase : value
palliate ,
enervate invigorate, fortify, strengthen
enervation vitality


encumber [enkmb:r] v. ; ()
1. to put a heavy load on; burden
2. to hinder or impede the action or performance of
3. to burden with legal or financial obligations
* encumbrance n.
encumbrance : hinder :: palliative : mitigate
palliative , ( ),
encumber remove impediment, unburden, assist, aid, facilitate
impediment , ;
encyclopedia [ensikloupdi] n.
* encyclopedic a. , , (
encyclopedia : compendious :: assay : objective :: summary :
condensed :: abstract : concise
compendious , containing or stating briefly
and concisely all the essentials
assay [sei] , ; ,
encyclopedia : compendious :: abstract : condensed
encyclopedic narrow, specific, exclusive, selective, restricted
endemic [endmik] a. ,
: prevalent in or peculiar to a particular locality, region, or
endemic : region :: inborn : individual
inborn , ,
endemic exotic, foreign
endorse [endrs / in-] v.t. ,
1. to write one's signature on the back of (a check, for
example) as evidence of the legal transfer of its
ownership, especially in return for the cash or credit
indicated on its face
2. to place (one's signature), as on a contract, to indicate

enfeeble [infbl, en-] v.t.

: to make feeble; deprive of strength
eclipse : prestige :: enervation, enfeeble : vigor
eclipse n. , v.
eclipse : prestige :: enfeeble : strength
enfeeble invigorate
tonic enfeebling
enfranchise [enfrntaiz] v.t. ; ( )
1. to bestow a franchise on
2. to endow with the rights of citizenship, especially the right
to vote
3. to free, as from bondage
enfranchise : vote :: license : practice :: illuminate : see :: educate :
learn (A B , ignite : burn
enfranchise enfetter, subjugate, resubject, disempower
enfetter , to bind in fetters; enchain
subjugate , to bring under control; enslave


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

1. to obtain or contract for the services of; employ
2. to arrange for the use of; reserve
3. to pledge or promise, especially to marry
4. to attract and hold the attention of
engender [endndr] v.t. , : PRODUCE
1. to bring into existence; give rise to
2. to procreate; propagate
quash, eradicate engender
quash , to set aside or annul, especially by
judicial action
engross [engrus] v.t. , () ; ,

1. to occupy exclusively; absorb

2. to acquire most or all of (a commodity); monopolize (a
3. a. to write or transcribe in a large, clear hand b. to write
print the final draft of (an official document)
engrossed : absorbed :: intimate : close (EQUAL)
engrossed : occupied :: (A>>B)

[nigmtik, n-] a. , :
: of or resembling an enigma; puzzling
enigma n.
enigma : perplexing :: (CHARACTER)
enigma : impenetrable :: juggernaut : unstoppable
enigmatic : simplistic :: (OPPOSITE)
enigmatic : lucid :: (OPPOSITE)
enigmatic broadly known, readily understandable, free of

enlarge [enlrd] v. [] : to become larger

1. to make larger; add to
2. to give greater scope to; expand
enlarge shorten
enlighten [enlitn] v.t. ; ,
1. to give spiritual or intellectual insight to
2. to give information to; inform or instruct
enlighten baffle, confound
enmity [nmti] n. , , ; ,
: deep-seated, often mutual hatred
enmity amity, camaraderie, comity, concord, friendship, friendliness,
affinity, agreement
ennoble [enubl] v.t. ; : ELEVATE
1. to make noble
2. to confer nobility upon
debase ennoble
ennui [nw, --] n. ,
: listlessness and dissatisfaction resulting from lack of
interest; boredom
ennui : enthusiastic :: fervor : apathetic :: somnolence : alert
apathetic ; ,
somnolent ;
ennui energy, enthusiasm, keen interest, exuberance, excitement
exuberance , ,
exuberant , ,
enrage [enrid3] - to put into a rage; infuriate
enrage subside
enrapture [enrptr] v. : RAPTURE
: to fill with rapture or delight
rapture , , the state of being transported by a lofty
emotion; ecstasy
enraptured indifferent, distracted, impassive
distracted ,
enrich [enrt] v. , ,
1. to make rich or richer
2. to make fuller, more meaningful, or more rewarding
3. to add fertilizer to
4. to add nutrients to
5. to add to the beauty or character of; adorn
enrich deplete, impoverish

[inskns / -skns] v. , ; ,

1. to settle (oneself) securely or comfortably

2. to place or conceal in a secure place
ensconce dislodge, displace, unsettle, reveal, disclose, exhibit
dislodge; to remove or force out from a position or dwelling previously

ensemble [`:ns:mbl] n. , ; ,
1. a unit or group of complementary parts that contribute to
a single effect, especially
a. a coordinated outfit or costume
b. a group of supporting musicians, singers, dancers, or
actors who perform together
2. (music)
a. a work for two or more vocalists or instrumentalists
b. the vocalists or instrumentalists who perform such a work
ensemble solo
enslave [ensliv] v.t. : SUBJUGATE
: to make into or as if into a slave
manumit enslave
manumit ( ) to free from slavery or bondage;
ensuing [ensi] adj.
: to take place afterward or as a result
* ensue [insj:] v. , ;
1. to follow as a consequence or result
2. to take place subsequently
anterior ensuing
anterior ; , ,
follow : , .
succeed : .
ensue precede
anterior ensuing

[entgl] v.t. , ( )
1. to twist together or entwine into a confusing mass; snarl
2. to complicate; confuse
3. to involve in or as if in a tangle
exonerate : blame :: disentangle : snarl (OPPOSITE)
disentangle snarl
snarl [sna:rl] ;
; , to become tangled or

enthrall [inr:l] v. ; , (enslave)

1. to hold spellbound; captivate
2. to enslave
enthrall liberate, release, emancipate, bore, disenchant, dull
enthusiasm [enzizm] n.
1. great excitement for or interest in a subject or cause
2. a source or cause of great excitement or interest


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

ennui : enthusiastic :: fervent : apathetic (OPPOSITE)
enthusiasm : mania :: suspicion : paranoia :: covet : rapacity
paranoia ,
reverence : respect :: avidity : enthusiasm (A >> B)
avidity , arden desire or craving; eagerness
ennui energy, enthusiasm
ennui listlessness and dissatisfaction resulting from lack of interest;
halfhearted enthusiastic
enumerate [injmrit] v.t. : LIST
1. to count off or name one by one; list
2. to determine the number of; count
numberless : enumerate :: irreparable : remedy (motionless : activity

[innsiit, -i-] v. ; :
1. to pronounce; articulate
2. to state or set forth precisely or systematically
3. to announce; proclaim
waffle : enunciate :: embed : disinter (OPPOSITE)
waffle , to speak or write evasively
embed ; ()
enunciate : mumbling :: clarify : confusing
enunciate : words :: limn : lines
limn , ()
enunciate mumble
mumble to utter indistinctly by lowering the voice or
partially closing the mouth

entice [entis] v.t. , : TEMPT

: to attract by arousing hope or desire; lure
enticement n.
command : entreaty :: goad : enticement (A >> B)
enticing : tempt :: affectionate : love (EQUAL, : )
enticement : tempt :: (EQUAL)
formidable enticing
formidable , , ;
entice deter
entrance [ntrns] n. ,
[intrns] v.t. ,
1. to put into a trance
2. to fill with delight, wonder, or enchantment
trance , ; ,
entrancing; adj. ,
an entrancing dream
entrancing repugnant, repellent ()
entrance disappoint, disgust, repel, repulse, bore ()
entrance egress ()
unprepossessing entrancing, winsome
unprepossessing failing to impress favorably
winsome , charming
entrap [entrp] v.t. ;
1. to catch in or as if in a trap
2. a. to lure into danger, difficulty, or a compromising
situation b. to lure into performing a previously or
otherwise uncontemplated illegal act
vigilant : entrapped :: exacting : satisfied :: wary : gulled (A=B
exacting ; , making severe demands; requiring
great care, effort, or attention
wary ,
entreaty [entrti] n. , : PLEA
: an earnest request or petition
command : entreaty :: goad : enticement ( )
protest : dissuade :: supplicate : entreat
protest ; /
supplicate , to ask for humbly or earnestly, as by

envision [invn] v.t. ,

: to picture in the mind; imagine
enzyme [nzaim] n.
: Any of numerous proteins or conjugated proteins produced
by living organisms and functioning as biochemical
epaulet [plt]
epaulet : shoulder :: ring : finger
ephemeral [ifmrl] a.
1. lasting a markedly brief time
2. living or lasting only for a day, as certain plants or insects
ephemeral : endure :: inelastic : stretch :: inanimate : live :: repellent :
attract :: immutable : change
inelastic ; ,
ephemeral : transience :: permanent : perpetuality :: convoluted :
complexity (EQUAL)
repellent : attract :: ephemeral : endure (OPPOSITE)
ephemeral : longevity :: grandiose : humility :: imperative : democracy
grandiose , ;
ephemeral : abide :: intransigent : yield
ephemeral : permanence ::
ephemeral : endure :: inert : react
ephemeral, transitory permanent, perpetual, eternal, everlasting,
enduring, lasting

[pik] a. ; ,
1. of, constituting, having to do with, or suggestive of a
literary epic
2. surpassing the usual or ordinary, particularly in scope or
3. heroic and impressive in quality
epic modest

entrench [intrnt] v. , (, , )
entrenched changing, flexible, questionable
entry [ntri] n. , ; ,
: a descriptive record (as in a card catalog or an index)
1. a. the act or an instance of entering b. the privilege or
right of entering
2. a means or place by which to enter
3. a. the inclusion or insertion of an item, as in a record b.
an item entered in this way
4. a. an entry word, as in a dictionary; a headword b. an
headword along with its related text
5. one entered in a competition
journal : entry :: range : mountain

epicenter [pisntr] n. , ,
epicenter periphery
epicure [pikjr] n. ;
1. a person with refined taste especially in food and wine
2. a person devoted to sensuous pleasure and luxurious living
epicure : discriminating :: spectator : watching
sentinel : watchful :: epicure : discriminating
sentinel [sntnl] ,


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)
2. not easily disturbed; serene
equanimity , ,
equable intemperate, unsteady, uneven, hostile
intemperate , ; ,
equanimity agitation, excitability

discerner : acute :: epicure : discriminating

epicure a person indifferent to food
epidermis [pd:rmis] n. ,
epidermis : mammal :: bark : conifer
epigram [pigrm] n.
1. a short, witty poem expressing a single thought or
2. a concise, clever, often paradoxical statement
3. epigrammatic discourse or expression
exaggeration : caricature :: brevity : epigram
paradox : contradictory :: epigram : wise
epigram : brevity :: philippic : condemnation
epilogue [pilg, -lg / pilg] n. : CODA
1. a. a short poem or speech spoken directly to the
audience following the conclusion of a play b. the
performer who delivers such a short poem or speech
2. a short addition or concluding section at the end of a
literary work, often dealing with the future of its
character = afterward
dessert : meal :: epilogue : play, novel :: coda : sonata
terminus : stop :: epilogue : story
terminus , ,
epilogue : prose:: finale : music
prose cf. verse
preface epilogue
episode [ps`oud] n. ; ( ) 1
episode : series :: issue : periodical
epistemology [ipstmldi / -ml-] n.
: the branch of philosophy that studies the nature of
knowledge, its presuppositions and foundations, and its
extent and validity
aesthetics : beauty :: epistemology : knowledge (A B
epitaph [ pt`f] n. ;
epitaph : tombstone :: motto : shield

[pt] n. (, );
1. a. a term used to characterize a person or thing b. a term
used as a descriptive substitute for the name or title of a
2. an abusive or contemptuous word or phrase
; shower a person with insulting epithets

epithet : disparage :: alias : mislead

epitomize [iptmiz] v.t.; ,

1. to make an epitome of; sum up

2. to be a typical example of
epitome n. , /, epitomist
epitomize : brevity :: embellish : ornamentation
eponymous [epnemes|ipn-] a. (, )
, ()
:of, relating to, or constituting an eponym.
eponym : A person whose name is or is thought to be the
source of the name of something, such as a city, country,
or era. For example, Romulus is the eponym of Rome.
eponymous : name ::
equable [kwbl, k-] a. ; (, ) ,
1. a. unvarying; steady b. free from extremes

equipoise [kwpiz, k-] n. ,

1. equality in distribution, as of weight, relationship, or
emotional forces; equilibrium
2. a counterpoise; a counterbalance
equipoise vacillate
equity [kwti] n. ,
* equitable a. , marked by or having equity;
just and impartial
illiteracy : education :: inequity : redistribution
equivalent : interchange :: indistinguishable : confound
equitable discriminatory, unfair, biased
equitable biased, unfair, disproportionate
equivocal [ikwvkl] a.
1. open to two or more interpretations and often intended to
mislead; ambiguous
2. of uncertain significance
3. of a doubtful or uncertain nature
* eqiovocate v. , ,
* equivocation n. , ,
equivocation : clarity :: prevarication : truth (A B )
equivocation : misleading :: bromide : hackneyed :: cliche : hackneyed,
bromide ,
equivocation : truth :: euphemism : offense :: obfuscation : clarity ::
delicacy : offence
euphemism ,
obfuscate , ,
equivocation : ambiguous :: oxymoron : incongruous :: platitude : banal
[ ]
incongruous / lacking in harmony; incompatible
equivocate : commitment :: procrastinate : action
commitment , ; , ; , ; ,
procrastinate , ;
equivocation : ambiguous :: platitude : banal
fawn : imperiousness :: equivocate : directness
grandstand : impress :: equivocate : deceive
grandstand to perform ostentatiously so
as to impress an audience
amorphous : shape :: equivocal : certainty
equivocal : ambiguous :: oxymoronic : incongruent
waffle speak unequivocally
waffle to speak or write evasively
equivocal certain
equivocate communicate straightforwardly, clarify, elucidate, certify
equivocation clarity, explitness, lucidity, unambiguity, frankness,
era [(:)r, r| r] n. , ; , ;
1. a period of time as reckoned from a specific date serving
as the basis of its chronological system
2. a. a period of time characterized by particular
circumstances, events, or personages
b. a point that marks the beginning of such a period of time
3. the longest division of geologic time, made up of one or
more periods
era : moment : region : site (A >> B)
erect [irkt] a. , v. ; , ;
a. 1. being in a vertical, upright position
2. being in a stiff, rigid physiological condition
v. 1. to construct by assembling
2. to raise to a rigid or upright condition


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

3. to fix in an upright position
4. to set up; establish
suspend erect
prostrate erect
prostrate , ; ,
slouch stand erect
erode [irud] v. ,
1. to wear (something) away by or as if by abrasion
2. to eat into; corrode
3. to make or form by wearing away
4. to cause to diminish, deteriorate, or disappear as if by
eating into or wearing away
accrete : growth :: erode : destruction
accrete , to make larger or greater, as by
increased growth
downpour : flooding :: wind : erosion (A cause B)
gully : erosion :: callus : friction (B make A)
singe : incineration :: erode : destruction
singe ; ()
incinerate , to cause to burn to ashes
deposit process of eroding
errant [rnt] a. ,
1. roving, especially in search of adventure
2. straying from the proper course or standards
3. a. wandering outside the established limits b. aimless or
irregular in motion
amorphous : shape :: errant : course :: heretical : doctrine
errant : standard :: digress : topic
erratic [irtik] a. , : WANDERING
1. having no fixed or regular course; wandering
2. lacking consistency, regularity, or uniformity
3. deviating from the customary course in conduct or
opinion; eccentric
heroic : craven :: erratic : permanent (OPPOSITE)
craven , characterized by abject fear; cowardly
exemplary : criticized :: erratic : predicted
erratic constant
erudite [rjudit] a. : LEARNED
* erudition n. , deep, extensive learning
erudite : fathom :: oblivious : neglect
fathom ; , to penetrate to the
meaning or nature of; comprehend
oblivious ,
prescience : future :: erudition : esoterica
prescience [pr:ins] , , (foresight)
outspoken : saucy :: erudite : pedantic (DEFECTIVE)
saucy ,
erudite smattering of knowledge, ignorant, unlettered, illiterate
erudition extreme ignorance, illiteracy, ignorance
escalate [sklit] v.
: to increase in extent, volume, number, amount, intensity,
or scope
escalate decrease, diminish, ebb, wane
ebb n. v. , ; , () flow
number of people
2. a. confined to a small group b. not publicly disclosed;
esoteric commonly accepted, generally known, commonplace
(indisputable )
espouse [ispuz, es-] v.t. , ;
1. a. to take in marriage; marry b. to give (a woman) in
2. to give one's loyalty or support to (a cause, for example);
abjure, repudiate embrace, espouse
abjure to renounce under oath; to recant solemnly
repudiate /;
esteem [istm] n. , v. ,
1. to regard with respect; prize
2. to regard as; consider
esteem : idolatry :: favor : bribe (DEFECTIVE)
idolatry , blind or excessive devotion to
desire : covet :: esteem : idolize :: favor : bribe (A << B)
covet , to feel blameworthy desire for
obeisance : esteem :: embrace : affection (A show B)
obeisance , ; ,
infuriate : rage :: commend : esteem (EQUAL)
stigma mark of esteem
stigma , ,
esteem abomination, odium, loathing, ignominy, abhor, disdain
odium , ; ,
estimable [stmbl] a.
1. possible to estimate
2. deserving of esteem; admirable
estimable : admiration :: questionable : doubt (disparage : contempt
estimable contemptible, infamous
estrange [istrind] v.t. ,
1. to make hostile, unsympathetic, or indifferent; alienate
2. to remove from an accustomed place or set of associations
* estragement n. , , ,
estrangement rapprochement, reconciliation
rapprochement [rpr:ma:] ,
reconciliation , ,

[et] v. ; n. ,
1. a. to cut into the surface of (glass, for example) by the
action of acid
2. to impress, delineate, or imprint clearly
etch : corrosive :: glue : adhesive (CHARACTER)

eternal [it:rn:l] a. , ; ,
1. being without beginning or end; existing outside of time
2. continuing without interruption; perpetual
3. forever true or changeless
4. seemingly endless; interminable
5. of or relating to spiritual communion with God, especially
in the afterlife
eternal ephemeral

[iril] a. , ; ; :
1. characterized by lightness and insubstantiality; intangible
2. highly refined; delicate
3. a. of the celestial spheres; heavenly b. not of this world;
ethereal material, ponderous, worldly
ponderous , ; , ;

eschew [ist] v. : SHUN

: to avoid habitually especially on moral or practical
eschew embrace, greet, habitually indulge in, seek, welcome
esoteric [soutrik] a. ,
1. a. intended for or understood by only a particular group
b. of or relating to that which is known by a restricted


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

ponderous ethereal, gossamer, lively

gossamer ;

town, for example) b. to withdraw or send away (troops

or inhabitants) from a threatened area
4. to withdraw or depart from; vacate
evacuate conquer, fill up, occupy

ethics [iks] n.
logic : reasoning :: ethics : behavior (A B )
etymology [mldi|-ml-] n. ,
etymology : language :: genealogy : family (A B )
etymology : word :: genealogy : human :: physiology : body
genealogy ,
eulogize [jldiz] v.t. : EXTOL
: to praise highly in speech or writing
* eulogy n. , = eulogium
eulogium : invective :: (OPPOSITE)
eulogy : speech :: ode : poem
encomiast : eulogize :: quibbler : cavil
encomiast , a person who delivers or rites an
encomium; a eulogist
quibble , ;
eulogy : praise :: elegy : lament
panegyric : eulogize :: lampoon : satirize
panegyric /
satirize [striz] , to ridicule or attack by means
of satire
eulogy : admiration :: hymn : praise
hymn [him] , ;
encomium : eulogy :: discontent : complain
quatrain : stanza :: eulogy : speech (A B)
quatrain [kwtrein] 4 () a stanza or poem of four lines
stanza ,
eulogize pan, cavil, criticize, scathe
pan ; ; to criticize or review
eulogy stricture, defamation, vilification, criticism, accusation,
stricture ; , a restraint, limit, or restriction; an
adverse remark or criticism
invective , , ,
euphemism [jfmzm] n.
: the substitution of an agreeable or inoffensive expression
for one that may offend or suggest something
equivocation : truth :: euphemism : offense :: obfuscation : clarity
obfuscate , ;
euphemism : offend :: invulnerability : injure
invulnerable , ; ,
euphemism : offense :: aphorism : diffuse
aphorism a tersely phrased statement of a truth or opinion; a
brief statement of a principle
diffuse ; ( )
euphonious [jufunis] a.
: pleasing or agreeable to the ear
euphonious : sound :: graceful : movement
cacophonous dulcet, euphonious
dulcet , pleasing to the ear; melodious
euphoria [jufri] n.
: a feeling of great happiness or well-being
satisfaction : euphoria :: (A << B)
euphoria depression / wretchedness, infelicity

evade [ivid] v.
1. to escape or avoid by cleverness or deceit
2. a. to avoid fulfilling, answering, or performing
3. to avoid giving a direct answer to
4. to baffle or elude
evade : answer :: goldbrick : work
goldbrick to shirk one's assigned duties or responsibilities
evade channel
channel to direct or guide along some desired course
evanescent [vnsnt] a. ,
: vanishing or likely to vanish like vapor
evanescent : permanence :: archaic : currency (WITHOUT
evanescent : disappear, vanish :: pliant : yield :: periodic : recur (A = B
, )
(transparent : penetrate . (A = B , ))
evanescent : vanish :: consistent : perpetuate
perpetuate ; make perpetual; to prolong
the existence of
evanescence : transient :: complexity : convoluted
evanescent : enduring :: inert : react
evanescent : endure :: immutable : change (A B )
evanescent : permanence :: archaic : currency (A B )
evanescent enduring, abiding, lasting, permanent, perpetual
abiding , lasting for a long time; enduring
evasive [ivisiv] a. ; ,
1. inclined or intended to evade
2. intentionally vague or ambiguous; equivocal
evasive intended to, frank, candid, direct, forthright, honest, straight,
straightforward, unambiguous
evenhanded [vn-hndid] a. showing no partiality; fair
evenhanded lopsided, partial, unfair
lopsided , ( )
everlasting [vrlsti, -lst-] a. : ETERNAL
1. lasting forever; eternal
2. a. continuing indefinitely or for a long period of time b.
persisting too long; tedious
everlasting, interminable : duration :: countless, innumerable, myriad,
untold : number
myriad [mrid] constituting a very large, indefinite number;
untold , ; ;
everlasting : permanence :: fitful : discontinuity (A B
, :)
fitful a. , , , ,

everlasting ephemeral
everyday [vridei] a. (daily), , ,
(ordinary), (commonplace)
everyday extraordinary, abnormal, exceptional, special, uncommon,
unexpected, unusual

evacuate [ivkjuit] v. , ,
1. a. to empty or remove the contents of b. to create a
vacuum in
2. to excrete or discharge (waste matter), especially from
the bowels
3. a. to relinquish military possession or occupation of (a


[ivkt] v.t. : EXPEL

1. to put (a tenant) out by legal process; expel
2. to force out; eject
3. (law) to recover (property, for example) by a superior
claim or legal process

GRE 6.0 (2008 7)
exaltation condemnation, degradation
exalt pillory, lower in status, condemn
pillory , ;
exalted humble

deportation : country :: eviction : dwelling

evict : residence :: banish : country
banish ,
cf. vanish ,
harbor evict


[igzspreit, -rit] v.t. ; :

1. to make very angry or impatient; annoy greatly
2. to increase the gravity or intensity of
exasperate mitigate, mollify

evince [ivns] v.
: to show or demonstrate clearly; manifest
evince keep hidden, conceal, obscure, keep secret, conceal, hide
eviscerate [ivsrit] v.
1. To remove the entrails of; disembowel
2. To take away a vital or essential part of
evoke [ivuk] v.t. ; ;
1. to summon or call forth
2. to call to mind by naming, citing, or suggesting
3. to create anew, especially by means of the imagination
evoke fail to elicit, repress
elicit ,
ewe [ju:] n.
sheep : ewe :: swan : pen
pen cob
exacerbate [igzsrbit, ikss-] v.t. ;
:to increase the severity, violence, or bitterness of;
exacerbate allay, palliate, mitigate, assuage, mollify
exacerbate ameliorate
allay ( ) , ( )
palliate , ;
exact [igzkt] v.; /; ()
1. to force the payment or yielding of; extort
2. to demand and obtain by or as if by force or authority
exact condone, forgive
exactness impreciseness
exactitude imprecision
exactitude , ; ,
exacting [igzkti] a. ;
1. making severe demands; rigorous
2. requiring great care, effort, or attention
exacting : satisfied :: vigilant : entrapped :: wary : gulled ::
indomitable : controlled (B = A)
wary [wri] , ;
gull , to deceive or cheat
exacting forgiving, lenient, compromising
exaggerate [igzdrit] v. : OVEREMPHASIZE
1. to represent as greater than is actually the case;
2. to enlarge or increase to an abnormal degree
anger : tirade :: exaggeration : hyperbole : pompous : bombast
tirade a long angry or violent speech, usually of a
censorious or denunciatory nature
exaggeration : caricature :: brevity : epigram : pithiness : aphorism
malicious : ill-will :: exaggerating : hyperbole (B A )
pithiness : aphorism :: exaggeration : caricature
pithy ; , precisely meaningful; forceful and
exaggerated : hyperbole :: pompous : bombast
exaggerate minimize, downplay

[igzlt] v.t. (, ) , :
1. to raise in rank, character, or status; elevate
2. to glorify, praise, or honor
3. to increase the effect or intensity of; heighten

excavate [kskvit] v. ,
: to expose to view by or as if by digging away a covering
1. to make a hole in; hollow out
2. to form by hollowing out
3. to remove by digging or scooping out
4. to expose or uncover by or as if by digging
excavate fill in, entangle
exceptional [ikspnl] a. ; ;
1. being an exception; uncommon
2. well above average; extraordinary
3. deviating widely from a norm, as of physical or mental
commonplace, ordinary, prosaic exceptional, imaginary, exciting
excerpt [ksrpt] n. , : EXTRACT
a passage or segment taken from a longer work, such as a
literary or musical composition, a document, or a film
aside : digression :: summary : excerpt
excise [ksaiz, -sais|eksiz] ,
to remove by or as if by cutting
; excised the tumor
excise implant, embed
exclaim [iksklim] v. (, )
: to cry out suddenly or vehemently, as from surprise or
vehement ;
exclaim : utter :: flare : shine (A >> B)
excoriate [ikskriit] v. ;
1. to tear or wear off the skin of; abrade
2. to censure strongly; denounce
excoriation : glorification :: (OPPOSITE)
excoriation glorification
excoriate exalt, extol, praise lavishly, accolade, flatter, glorify
excrete [ikskrt] v.t. ,
: to separate and discharge (waste matter) from blood,
tissues, or organs
stomach : ingest :: lung : respiration
ingest , to take into the body by the mouth for
digestion or absorption
excrete ingest, absorb
excruciate [ikskr:iit] v.
1. to inflict severe pain on; torture
2. to inflict great mental distress on
excruciate exult
exult , ; (...)
excruciating [ikskriiti] a. ; ,
1. intensely painful; agonizing
2. very intense or extreme
gargantuan : large :: excruciating : painful (A >> B)
gargantuan [ga:rgntjun] , of immense size,
volume, or capacity; gigantic


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

exculpate [ksklpit, iks--] v.t.
: to clear of guilt or blame
exculpatory : absolve :: motivational : stir :: hortative : encourage
absolve , ;
hortative, hortatory , marked by exhortation or strong
exhort to urge by strong, often stirring argument,
admonition, advice, or appeal
alibi : exculpatory :: warning : admonitory
alibi : exculpate :: sophism : deceive
sophism , a plausible but fallacious argument;
deceptive or fallacious argumentation
exculpate inculpate, indict, attribute guilt, condemn, blame
inculpate to incriminate
exemplary : imitation :: specious : doubt :: notable : attention
specious ;
exemplary : emulate :: portable : move (A = B )
exemplary : emulate :: redoubtable : regard
exemplary : imitation :: redoubtable : regard
redoubtable , ;
exemplar atypical example
exemplary reprehensible, culpable, inferior, mediocre, atypical

excursive [ikskrsiv] a. ; ;
: of, given to, characterized by, or having the nature of
digress : excursive :: reiterate : redundant
reiterate ; to say or do again or

exemplify [igzmplfi] v. ; ;

1. a. to illustrate by example b. to serve as an example of
2. (law) to make a certified copy of (a document)
execrate : denounce :: exemplify : imitate (EQUAL)
harbinger : presage :: archetype : exemplify
harbinger ; , one that indicates or foreshadows what
is to come; a forerunner
presage , ; ,
archetype ,
corrective : amend :: paradigm : exemplify
amends ,
amend /

execrable [kskrbl] adj. , ,

1. deserving of execration; hateful
2. extremely inferior; very bad
execrable : denunciation ::
execrable commendable, laudable

exempt [igzmpt] v.
: to free from an obligation, a duty, or a liability to which
others are subject
exempt : liability :: pardon : penalty
liability ,

execrate [ksikrit] v. , : DENOUNCE

1. to declare to be hateful or abhorrent; denounce
2. to feel loathing for; abhor
execrate : denounce :: exemplify : imitate (EQUAL)
exemplify ;
execration sanction, approbation, accolade, compliment,
commendation, flattery
sanction /;
execrate exalt, extol, laud, flatter, praise, hymn, eulogize,

exert [igzrt] v.t. ,

1. to put to use or effect; put forth
2. to bring to bear; exercise
3. to put (oneself) to strenuous effort
strenuous , ;

execute [ksikjt] v.t. , ;

1. to put into effect; carry out
2. to perform; do
3. to create (a work of art, for example) in accordance with
a prescribed design
4. to make valid, as by signing
5. to perform or carry out what is required by
6. to put to death, especially by carrying out a lawful
impossible : execute :: adamant : move
adamant impervious to pleas, appeals, or reason; stubbornly
vagary : predict :: impossibility : execute :: acme : surpass
vagary ; an extravagant or erratic notion or action
exemplary [igzmplri] a. , ;
: deserving imitation
1. worthy of imitation; commendable
2. serving as a model
3. serving as an illustration; typical
4. serving as a warning; admonitory
exemplar n. , ,
emulate : exemplary :: obviate : unnecessary (A B )
obviate , render unnecessary
exemplary : imitation :: culpable : blame :: redoubtable : regard ::
venerable : reverence :: venerable : deference (B A(A
) )
redoubtable , ; arousing fear or awe;
worthy of respect or honor
deferential , marked by or exhibiting deference

exhaust [igzst] v.t. , : USE UP

infinite : exhaust :: discrete : overlap (A = B )
discrete , ;
exhaustive , ; /
exhaustive : careful :: mesmerized : interesting (A >> B)
mesmerize ;
exhaustive : thoroughness :: (A B )
exhausted : rest :: thirsty : imbibe
exhaust invigorate
exhaustive [igz:stiv] a. , ; /
1. treating all parts or aspects without omission; thorough
2. tending to exhaust
exhaustive : thoroughness ::
exhaustive : cursory :: (OPPOSITE)
exhaustive : careful :: mesmerizing : interesting (A>>B)
exhaustive incomplete, partial, limited, cursory, superficial, narrow
exhilarate [igzlrit] v.t. ,
1. to cause to feel happily refreshed and energetic; elate
2. to invigorate; stimulate
exhilarate sadden
soporific exhilarating
exhortation [gzrtin, ksr-] n.
1. the act or an instance of exhorting
2. a speech or discourse that encourages, incites, or earnestly
* exhort [igz:rt] v. ; ,
: to urge by strong, often stirring argument, admonition,
advice, or appeal


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

exhort : suggest :: goad : direct (A >> B)
exhort : suggest :: persiflage : incite
exhort : motivation :: warn : admonition
exhortation : encourage :: hurl : insult :: prevarication : deceive
hurl ; ( )
exhortation : motivate :: invective : discredit :: obloquy : discredit
invective , ; ,
obloquy ; , abusively detractive language or utterance
didactic : teach :: hortatory, exhortative : urge ( inclined to
teach : teach :: intended to urge :
exhortation : motivate :: persiflage : incite (A B)
persiflage , ;
incite; to provoke an urge on
exhortative : urge :: didactic : teach
exhortative : motivation :: grating : irksomeness
irksome , causing annoyance, weariness, or
exhume [igz:m|ekshj:m] v. , ; ,

1. to remove from a grave; disinter
2. to bring to light, especially after a period of obscurity
exigent [ksdnt] , ; ,
1. requiring immediate action or remedy
2. requiring much effort or expense; demanding
exigent deferrable
exiguous [igzgjus, iksg-] adj. , ,
: Extremely scanty; meager.
exiguous copious
exodus [ksds] v.t. : EMIGRATION
: a departure of a large number of people
exodus : departure :: rally : meet (A B , A B
exodus influx
influx ; , a flowing in; a mass arrival or incoming
exonerate [igznrit / -zn-] v. ;
1. to clear from blame
2. to free from a responsibility, obligation, or task
exonerate : blame :: disentangle, extricate : snarl :: veto : assent
snarl [sna:rl] ; , (entanglement)
veto ; ,
defend : exonerate :: (A B )
exonerate censure, inculpate, incriminate, prove guilty, indict,
reprehend, sentence, condemn, prosecute, blame
inculpate to incriminate
incrimination exoneration
exorbitant [igzrbtnt] a. ,
: exceeding all bounds, as of custom or fairness
exorbitant : moderation :: perfidious : loyalty
perfidious , of, relating to, or marked by perfidy;
perfidy deliberate breach of faith; calculated violation of trust;
exotic [igztik / -zt-] a. ; ,
1. from another part of the world; foreign
2. intriguingly unusual or different; excitingly strange
exotic indigenous
indigenous , , (native)
expansive [ikspnsiv] a. , ; ,
; , ;
1. capable of expanding or tending to expand
2. broad in size or extent; comprehensive
3. disposed to be open, communicative, and generous;
4. grand in scale
* expand
expand : volume :: proliferate : number
expand : extent :: intensify : degree
expansive reserved, diffident, limited, taciturn, withdrawn
diffident , ;
expansive malicious

[kspdit] v.t. ; a. (
) ,
1. to speed up the progress of; facilitate
2. to perform quickly and efficiently
3. to issue officially; dispatch
expedite : process :: accelerate : pace
consensus : factionalism :: expedition : foot-dragging
n. , ,
expedite retard

expedition [kspdn] , ; , ; ,
1. a. a journey undertaken by a group of people with a
definite objective b. the group undertaking such a journey
2. speed in performance; promptness
expedition : foot dragging :: consensus : factionalism (OPPOSITE)
expedition foot-dragging
expeditious foot-dragging, sluggish, laggard, leisurely
expertise n. /
1. expert advice or opinion
2. skill or knowledge in a particular area
selflessness : altruist :: expertise : connoisseur (B has A)
expiate [kspiit] v. ( ) ;
to make amends or reparation for; atone
expiate : guilt :: correct : error :: repose : fatigue
expire [ikspir] v. ; : DIE
1. to come to an end; terminate
2. to breathe one's last breath; die
3. to exhale; breathe out
expire come to life
explicate [ksplkit] v.
: to make clear the meaning of; explain
explicit [iksplsit] a. ,
: fully revealed or expressed without vagueness, implication.
or ambiguity
explicit obscure, immanent, inchoate
inchoate , ; ,
exploit [kspl it] n. , ,
: an act or deed, especially a brilliant or heroic one
exploit : heroic :: gaffe : tactless
exponent [ikspunnt] n. ; ,
1. one that expounds or interprets
2. one that speaks for, represents, or advocates
expound ; /
exponent : advocate :: pollster : canvass
canvass , ,
exponent detractor
detract (, ) , (, )
expound [ikspund] v. ; /
1. to give a detailed statement of; set forth
2. to explain in detail; elucidate


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

expunge [ikspnd |ekspnd] v. ,

1. to erase or strike out
2. to eliminate completely; annihilate
* inexpungible
salesman : buy :: censor : expunge
inexpungible : obliterate :: irradicable : terminate, eliminate ::
untenable : defend (OPPOSITE)
inexpungible : eliminate :: ineluctable : avoid
expurgate [ksprgit] v. ()
: to remove erroneous, vulgar, obscene, or otherwise
objectionable material from (a book, for example)
before publication
vendor : purvey :: censor : expurgate
purvey ,
vendor ;
unexpurgated obliterated
exquisite [kskwizit] a. , ; ; ,
1. characterized by intricate and beautiful design or
2. of such beauty or delicacy as to arouse delight
3. excellent; flawless
4. acutely perceptive or discriminating
5. intense; keen
tawdry exquisite
tawdry ; , gaudy and cheap in
nature or appearance
extant [ekstnt, kstnt] a.
: still in existence; not destroyed, lost, or extinct
extant extinct, lost, missing, destroyed
extemporize [ikstmpriz] v.
: to do or perform (something) without prior preparation or
* extempore adv. adj. ,
* extemporaneous adj. ,
juggernaut : unstoppable :: extemporization : spontaneous
juggernaut ;
spontaneous ; ,
extemporization : rehearsal :: honesty : guilt :: voluntary : coercion (A
B )
extemporization : unrehearsed :: (POSITIVE)
extempore : rehearsal :: voluntary : coercion
extemporize : spontaneous :: pontificate : dogmatic () (boast :
dishonest )
extemporize follow a script, prescribe
prescribe ( ) , ; ,
extemporaneous planned, scripted
extensive [ikstnsiv] , (), , () ,
, , .
1. large in extent, range, or amount
2. of or relating to the cultivation of vast areas of land with
a minimum of labor or expense
insubstantial extensive, firm, objective, pithy, significant
insubstantial , , ,
interminable : lengthy :: boundless : extensive

[ikstnjuit] v.t. , :
: to lessen or to try to lessen the seriousness or extent of by
making partial excuses
moderate : intensify :: extenuate : seriousness
moderate to lessen the violence, severity, or extremeness of
extenuating aggravating




: to get rid of by destroying completely; extirpate

extinct [ikstkt] a. ;
1. no longer existing or living
2. no longer burning or active
3. no longer in use
extinct extant, resuscitated
resuscitate , to restore consciousness, vigor, or
life to
extinction perpetuation

[ikstgwi] v.t. ; ( ) :
1. to put out (a fire, for example); quench
2. to put an end to (hopes, for example); destroy
3 to obscure; eclipse
4. (law) a. to settle or discharge (a debt) b. to nullify
extinguish kindle, ignite

extol [ikstul] v. : GLORIFY

: to praise highly; exalt
extol, praise lavishly censure, despise, vilify, deprecate, disparage,
condemn, impugn, detract, malign, rail, deplore, impugn, excoriate,
calumniate, defame, slander, asperse, castigate, decry, censure
vilify , to make vicious and defamatory statements
about disparage to speak of in a slighting way; belittle; to reduce in
esteem or rank
impugn , to attack as false or questionable;
challenge in argument
malign , to make evil, harmful, and often
untrue statements about
calumniate ~
extort [ikstrt] v.t. , : WRING
: to obtain from another by coercion or intimidation
sycophant : flattery :: extortionist : intimidation
extort : coercion :: wheedle : cajolery
extract [ikstrkt] v. ,
extract embed
hybrid of unmixed extraction
extraneous [ikstrinis] a. , ,
1. not constituting a vital element or part
2. inessential or unrelated to the topic or matter at hand;
3. coming from the outside
extraneous : essence :: achromatic : hue (A lack B)
extraneous requisite (rational, commonplace, prohitive )
extraneous essential, apposite, relevant, intrinsic
apposite , strikingly appropriate and relevant
extravagant [ikstrvgnt] a. , ,
1. given to lavish or imprudent expenditure
2. exceeding reasonable bounds
3. extremely abundant; profuse
4. unreasonably high; exorbitant
rebellious : antiestablishment :: extravagant : undue
undue , ; , ;

extravagance : expenditure :: loquaciousness : talk
frugality extravagancy, extravagance
extravagant parsimonious
thrift extravagance
extricate [kstrkit] v. ()
:to free or remove from an entanglement or difficulty;
* extricable a.


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)
faade nature ,
faade essence

extricate enmesh, entangle, embroil

embroil (, ) , ()
extricable entangled


[fss] a. , , :
: playfully jocular; humorous
facetious : speech :: antic : behavior
antic , a ludicrous or extravagant act or
facetious earnest, lugubrious, ingenuous
lugubrious () ,

extrinsic [ekstrnsik] a. , ;
1. not forming an essential or inherent part of a thing;
2. originating from the outside; external
extrinsic intrinsic, immanent, inherent, ingrained, elemental, innate
immanent ,
ingrained easily to change, extrinsic
ingrained , ; ,

extrovert [kstrouvrt] n.
extrovert : outgoing :: perfectionist :: exacting
[igzbrnt] a. (, , ),
1. full of unrestrained enthusiasm or joy
2. lavish; extravagant
3. extreme in degree, size, or extent
4. growing, producing, or produced abundantly; plentiful
exuberant : happy :: soaked, drenched : wet, damp :: frigid : cool (A
>> B)
exuberant depressed, down, unexcited
ennui exuberance
ennui [:nwi] , ,


exude [igzd, iksd]

: to ooze forth
exude absorb, take in


exultant [igzltnt] a. : JUBILANT

: marked by great joy or jubilation; triumphant
exult : satisfaction :: crave : longing
exult , to rejoice greatly; be jubilant or
exultant abject, crestfallen, dejected, lugubrious
abject , ; ; ,
exultation lamentation

fable [fibl] n.
: a usually short narrative making an edifying or cautionary
point and often employing as characters animals that
speak and act like human beings
edify ,
fable : tale :: ditty : song
ditty , a simple song
fabricate [fbrikit] v.t. , ;
1. to make; create
2. to construct by combining or assembling diverse,
typically standardized parts
3. to concoct in order to deception
discompose : pacific, placid :: fabricate : authentic (OPPOSITE)
discompose ,
irritate : pacific :: fabricate : ingenuous
ingenuous , ;
fabricate annihilate, destroy (, )
fabricate tell the truth, be authentic, be genuine
fabrication true story
faade () , () , ;



facile [fsil / fsail] , , ; ,

1. done or achieved with little effort or difficulty; easy
2. working, acting, or speaking with effortless ease and
3. arrived at without due care, effort, or examination;
4. readily manifested, together with an aura of insincerity
and lack of depth
facile arduous, profound
facilitate [fsltit] v.t. ;
: to make easy or easier
facilitate impede, hamper, obstruct, thwart
hamper , to prevent the free movement, action, or
progress of
thwart , (hinder)
faction [fkn] n. : CLIQUE
1. a group of persons forming a cohesive, usually contentious
minority within a large group
2. conflict within an organization or nation; internal
expedition : foot-dragging :: consensus : factionalism :: clarity :
confusion (OPPOSITE)
law : criminality :: consensus : factionalism (A prevent B, B lack A)
factional disinterested, ecumenical
1. free of bias and self-interest; impartial
2. a. not interested; indifferent
b. having lost interest
ecumenical ,
factionalism cohesion, concensus
cohesion [kouh:n] ; ,
faction unity, disinterestedness
factious cooperative
factitious [fkts] a. , , ;
1. produced artificially rather than by a natural process
2. lacking authenticity or genuineness; sham
factor to figure in
factorable irreducible

[feid] v.
: To lose brightness, loudness, or brilliance gradually; dim

faddish [fdi] adj.

1. Having the nature of a fad.
2. Given to fads.
faddish classic
classic : a. Belonging to the highest rank or class. b.
Serving as the established model or standard: a classic example of
colonial architecture. c. Having lasting significance or worth; enduring.
fail-safe [filsif] a. ; 2
1. capable of compensating automatically and safely for a
failure, as of a mechanism or power source


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

2. acting to discontinue a military attack on the occurrence
of any of a variety of predetermined
3. guaranteed not to fail
fail-safe : malfunction :: precarious : stabilize (A prevent B)
failing [fili] n. ;
1. the act of a person or thing that fails; a failure
2. a minor fault
quibble : failing :: rift : breach
quibble a petty distinction or an irrelevant objection

[feint] a. ,
: lacking strength or vigor; performed, offered, or
accomplished weakly or languidly
stentorian faint
stentorian () extremely loud
nicety : precision :: illusion : fantasy (EQUAL)
nicety , ;
fanatic [fntik] n.
: a person marked or motivated by an extreme, unreasoning
enthusiasm, as for a cause
fanatic : admirer :: zealot : adherent (A >> B)
fanatic : enthusiastic :: obstinate : firm :: imperious : authoritative
fanatic : devoted :: prude : proper (A >> B)
fang [f] n. (, )
fang : tooth :: finger : digit
fantasy [fntsi] n. ,
illusion : fantasy :: nicety : precision (EQUAL)

faint-hearted [feinthrtid] a. , : TIMID

:deficient in conviction or courage; timid

far-fetched [frftt] a. : IMPROBABLE

: not readily believable because of improbable elements
far-fetched natural

fallacious [flis] a. , ; ,
1. containing or based on a fallacy
2. tending to mislead; deceptive
fallacious sound, valid, veracious, verifiable, veritable
1. honest; truthful
2. accurate; precise
veritable; being truly so called; real or genuine

farce [frs] n.
* farcical , ,
farce : performance :: limerick : poem
farce ; ,
limerick 5 ()
farcical serious

fallacy [flsi] n. ,
1. a false notion
2. a statement or an argument based on a false or an
invalid inference
3. incorrectness or reasoning or belief; erroneousness
4. the quality of being deceptive
disabuse : fallacy, miscomprehension :: cure : disease
disabuse () to free from a falsehood or
fallacy valid argument, valid reasoning, verity
fallacious verifiable, veritable, sound, valid, veracious
veritable being truly so called; real or genuine
verifiable possible to verify
veracious , ;
fallibility inerrancy
fallible ;
inerrancy freedom from error or untruths; infallibility

fascinate [fsnit] v.t.

1. to hold an intense interest or attraction for
2. to hold motionless; spellbind
fascination : interest :: adoration : fondness (A >> B)
enchant : fascinate ::
fascination disinterest, repulsion, aversion
fascinated indifferent
fascinating repellent
repellent a. ,

[fst, fst] n. a. ; ,
Firmly fixed or fastened: a fast grip.
fast : eat, eating :: respite : labor :: moratorium : activity, act : brake :
speed (A B )
respite (, ) , ; a usually short
interval of rest or relief
moratorium (, ) A suspension of an
ongoing or planned activity: a moratorium on the deployment of a new

fast : consumption :: moratorium : activity :: repose : work :: repose :
fast loosely attach
secure unfasten
fast not to be fixed

fallow [flou] a. () ;
1. plowed but left unseeded during a growing season
2. characterized by inactivity
fallow in use
falsehood [flshd] n.
corroborate : evidence :: calumniate : falsehood
corroborate to strengthen or support with other evidence;
make more certain
calumniate , to make maliciously or knowingly
false statements about
falter [fltr] v.t. , () ; ,
1. to be unsteady in purpose or action, as from loss of
courage or confidence; waver
2. to speak hesitatingly; stammer
3. a. to move ineptly or haltingly; stumble b. to operate or
perform unsteadily or with a loss of effectiveness
falter : act :: stammer : speak
falter proceed without hesitation

[fntsi, -zi]

n. ,

fasten [fsn, fsn] v.t. ;

1. to attach firmly to something else, as by pinning or nailing
2. a. to make fast or secure b. to close, as by fixing firmly in
3. to fix or direct steadily
4. to place; attribute
5. to impose (oneself) without welcome
lathe : shape :: clasp : fasten (A = B )
lathe [lei]
clasp , ; ,
fastidious [fstdis, fs-] a. ,
1. possessing or displaying careful, meticulous attention to
2. difficult to please; exacting
3. excessively scrupulous or sensitive, especially in matters


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

of taste or propriety
devoted : zealous :: careful : fastidious (A << B)
dapper : fastidious :: (A << B)
dapper , ;
fastidious easygoing, cursory, uncritical, coarse, indiscriminate,
lenient, undemanding, sloppy, uncouth, slovenly
cursory , , performed with haste and scant
attention to detail
fastidiousness carelessness, slovenliness
fastness [fstnis|f:st-] n. , ; (, ; , )
1. the condition or quality of being fast, especially: a.
firmness; security b. rapidity; swiftness
2. the quality or condition of color retention; colorfastness
3. a. a secure or fortified place; a stronghold b. a remote,
secret place
colorfast having color that will not run or fade with
washing or wear
fastness unsecured place, deliberate action
fateful [fitfl] a. ;
: involving momentous consequences
fateful inconsequential
consequential ; ;
fathom [fm] v. ;
1. to determine the depth of; sound
2. to penetrate to the meaning or nature of; comprehend
recondite : fathom :: tenacious : eradicate
erudite : fathom :: oblivious : neglect
erudite , characterized by erudition; learned
oblivious ;
comprehensible : fathom ::
uninformative : fathom :: (A B .)
fathom find impenetrable
measurable unfathomable
fathom confuse, be unaware of, misunderstand
occult bare, patent, readily fathomable
occult , ;
patent ; ,
fatigue [ftg] n.
* indefatigable ,
fatigue : repose, rest :: dehydration : water
fatigue : repose :: guilt : expiation
expiate ( ) , to make amends or
reparation for; atone
atone , to make amends, as for a sin or fault
repose ; ,
fatigue : tireless :: guile : nave
fatigue energetic
indefatigable soon tired
indefatigable [ndiftgbl] , tireless
fatuous [ftus] a. , : SILLY
1. vacuously, smugly, and unconsciously foolish
2. delusive; unreal
fatuous acute, astute, sagacious, sensible, judicious, prudent
astute ,
fatuity sagacity
fatuousness sensibleness
favor tease(), thwart, hurt, impede, prevent, criticize
favor derogation, hinder, dislike, object to
favorable a.
1. advantageous; helpful
2. encouraging; propitious
3. manifesting approval; commendatory
4. winning approval; pleasing
5. granting what has been desired or requested
6. indulgent or partial
favorable untoward
untoward , ; (improper)
favoritism [fivritzm] n. ,
1. A display of partiality toward a favored person or group.
2. The state of being held in special favor.
nepotism : favoritism :: embezzlement : fraud
embezzlement : fraud :: cronyism : favoritism
fawn [fn] v. n.
1. to exhibit affection or attempt to please, as a dog does by
wagging its tail, whining, or cringing
2. to seek favor or attention by flattery and obsequious
condescending : patronize :: obsequious : fawn
obsequious , full of or exhibiting servile compliance;
imperiousness : fawn :: self depreciatory : swagger
depreciatory , diminishing in value; disparaging;
swagger ;
fawn : hauteur :: self depreciate : swagger :: elaborate : sketchy
hauteur [hut:r] , haughtiness in bearing and attitude;
fawn : imperiousness :: equivocate : directness :: elaborate : sketchy
sycophant : fawn :: pundit : opine :: miser : hoard
obsequious : fawn :: compliant : yield :: condescending : patronize
parsimonious : spend :: peremptory : fawn
peremptory , ;
reprobate : misbehave:: sycophant : fawn
reprobate a morally unprincipled person
misbehave to behave badly
eaglet : bird :: fawn : mammal
fawning : attentive :: garish : colorful (A >> B)

[feiz] v.t. , : DISCONCERT,

: to disrupt the composure of; disconcert
embolden abash, faze, cow
fazed undisturbed

fealty [f:lti] n. , ,
fealty perfidy
feasible [f :zbl] adj. , , ~
feasible impossible
featureless [f:trlis] adj. , ,
featureless distinctive, exceptional, prominent, singular, discernable

[fklis] a. , , : WEAK,
1. lacking purpose or vitality; feeble or ineffective
2. careless and irresponsible
feckless responsible (feckless responsive !)

faultfinder [f:ltf`aind:r] n.
: one who is given to petty criticism and constant complaint
faultfinder : criticize :: arbitrator : mediate
favor [fivr] n. , v. .
1. A gracious, friendly, or obliging act that is freely granted
2. To perform a kindness or service for; oblige

fecund [fknd, fk-] a. ; : PROLIFIC,

1. capable of producing offspring or vegetation; fruitful
2. marked by intellectual productivity


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

* infecund
fecund barren, unproductive, short, meager
fecundity aridity
infecund prolific, productive, effective
feeble [fbl] a. ; , ; ()
1. a. lacking strength; weak b. indicating weakness
2. lacking vigor, force, or effectiveness; inadequate
feeble : strength :: disquiet : composure
feeble active, hale, hardy, vigorous
forceful feeble (deferential )
feign [fein] v. , ... ; ,
1. a. to give a false appearance of b. to represent falsely;
pretend to
2. to imitate so as to deceive
3. to fabricate
virtuoso : mediocre :: impostor : unfeigned
mediocre , moderate to inferior in quality; ordinary
impostor one who engages in deception under an assumed
name or identity
feigned plain spoken, genuine
feisty [fisti] adj. ,
1. touchy; quarrelsome
2. full of spirit or pluck; frisky or spunky
felicity [filsti] n.
1. Great happiness; bliss.
2. An instance of great happiness.
felicity misery
[fndr] n. ( ) ; ; ( )

1. a. a guard over each wheel of a motor vehicle, for

example, that is shaped and positioned so as to block
the splashing of water or mud b. a device at the front
end of a locomotive or streetcar designed to push aside
2. a cushioning device, such as a bundle of rope or a piece
of timber, used on the side of a vessel or dock to absorb
impact or friction
3. a screen or metal framework placed in front of a ireplace
to keep hot coals and debris from falling out
fender : collision ::
ferment tranquility
ferrous [frs] a. ,
ferrous containing no iron
aqueous : water :: ferrous : iron
( : :: : )
fertilize [frtliz] v.t.
fertilize : grow :: immunize : resist
glue : seal :: manure : fertilize
manure ,
fervent [f:r:v:nt] a. , ; ,
1. having or showing great emotion or zeal; ardent
2. extremely hot; glowing
fervent dispassionate, languid
fervid [frvid] a.
1. marked by great passion or zeal
2. extremely hot; burning
fervid restrained, impassive
fervor [frvr] n.
1. great warmth and intensity of emotion
2. intense heat
ennui : enthusiastic :: fervor : apathetic (OPPOSITE)
fervor : zealot :: improvidence : spendthrift :: doubt : skeptic
improvident ; not providing for the future;
fervor, effervescence : feeling :: fury : anger
fervor : dispassionate :: temerity : timid
zealotry lack of fervor
fervor, favor indifference, apathy



[frl] a. ; : WILD
1. a. existing in a wild or untamed state b. having returned
to an untamed state from domestication
2. of or suggestive of a wild animal; savage
wilderness : feral :: (CHARACTER)
feral cultivated, domesticated

fester heal

[ftid, ftid] a.
: having a heavy offensive smell
fetid : smell :: grating : sound :: ugly : appearance :: cacophonous ::
discordant : sound
fetid : odor :: sentimental : feeling (DEFECTIVE)
fetid having a pleasant smell

fetching [fti] a. ,
fetching unattractive
[ftr] n. ; , v. ~ ~

1. a chain or shackle for the angles or feet

2. something that serves to restrict; a restraint

1. To put fetters on; shackle.

2. To restrict the freedom of.
enfranchise, liberate enfetter
enfranchise ; ( )
liberalistic enfetterist
fetter release, loose, set free, free, let go, unfasten, emancipate
management unfettered liberty


ferocious [frus] a. , ,
* ferocity n. , the state or quality of being
* ferocious a. , ,
ferocity meekness
[frment] v. n. , ; , () :
: a state of unrest
1. something, such as a yeast, a bacterium, a mold, or an
enzyme, that causes fermentation
2. fermentation
3. a. a state of agitation or of turbulent change or
development b. an agent that precipitates or is capable
of precipitating such a state


v. () ; ;

feudal [fj:dl] a. ,
1. of, relating to, or characteristic of feudalism( )
2. of or elating to lands held in fee or to the holding of such
fiasco [fiskou] n.
: a complete failure
fiasco a notable success, eclat, unalloyed success
clat [eikl:] , ; ,



a. , ; ,

GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

characterized by erratic changeableness or instability,
especially with regard to affections or attachments;
fickle : constancy :: naive : sophistication
fickle constant, invariable, firm
fickleness steadfastness
fictitious [fikts] a. : IMAGINARY
1. of, relating to, or characterized by fiction; imaginary
2. a. accepted or assumed for the sake of convention b.
adopted or assumed in order to deceive
3. not genuinely believed or felt; sham
fictitious factual, authentic, genuine
fidelity [fidlti, fai-] n. ,
1. faithfulness to obligations, duties, or observances
2. exact correspondence with fact or with a given quality,
condition, or event; accuracy
respect : baseness :: trust : infidelity, perfidiousness (OPPOSITE)
baseness the quality or state of being contemptible, mean-spirited, or
fidelity apostasy, perfidy
apostasy ;
fidget [fdit] v. , n.
1. to behave or move nervously or restlessly
2. to play or fuss; fiddle
fidget : nervousness :: cringe : dread
cringe ; ,
figurative [fgjrtiv] a. : EMBLEMATIC
1. a. based on or making use of figures of speech;
metaphorical b. containing many figures of speech;
2. represented by a figure or resemblance; symbolic or
3. of or relating to artistic representation by means of
animal or human figures
figurative literal
figurine [fgjur:n.] n.
: a small molded or sculptured figure; a statuette
figurine : status :: twig : branch :: vestige : remainder
filibuster [flbstr] n.
: the use of obstructionist tactics, especially prolonged
speechmaking, for the purpose of delaying legislative
filibuster : delay :: hoax : deceive
filibuster : delay :: prevarication : deceive
hoax , ;
filibuster : legislation :: blockade : commerce
blockade ,
filibuster : delay :: anodyne : relieve
anodyne ,
filigree [flgr] n. (, ) ()
: an intricate, delicate, or fanciful ornamentation
chiaroscuro : contrast :: tapestry : intricacy
chiaroscuro [ki:rskjrou] ()
chiaroscuro : contrast :: filigree : delicacy, intricacy
filigree : wire :: lace : thread
filing [fili] n.
filing : metal :: shaving : wood
filly : horse :: pullet : chicken
filter [fltr] n.
winnow : chaff :: filter : impurities
mosquito : netting :: impurity : filter
filthy [fili] a. , , , ,
filthiness : pristine :: (OPPOSITE)
finale [finli] n. ;
finale beginning, genesis, inception, initiation, opening scene, origin,
prologue, rise, root, source, start
genesis ; the coming into being of something; the origin
inception , the beginning of something, such as an
undertaking; a commencement
finch [fint] [, ]
finch : bird :: aspen : tree :: lizard : reptile :: orange : fruit :: eagle :
bird :: firefly : insect (A B )
aspen (, )
finesse [fins] n. ,
1. refinement and delicacy of performance, execution, or
2. skillful, subtle handling of a situation; tactful, diplomatic
gauche : finesse :: spontaneous : planning (OPPOSITE)
gauche [gou] , ; ,
finesse ineptitude, heavy-handedness
inept , ;

[fniki] a. (, ) , ,

insisting capriciously on getting just what one wants;
difficult to please; fastidious
; A finicky eater
meticulous : finicky :: fluent : glib
finicky undiscriminating
undiscriminating 1. Lacking sensitivity, taste, or judgment.
2. Indiscriminate.

fir [f:r] n.
fir : tree :: wool : fiber (A B ) (lawn : grass )
fiscal [fskl] adj. ,
fiscal : finance :: pedagogical : teaching (political : law )
fissure [fr] n. , , , , v. ()
fissure unity
fit [fit] ,
fit inappropriate
fitful [ftfl] a. , , ; ()
: occurring in or characterized by intermittent bursts, as of
activity; irregular ; periodic
fitful continuous, constant, stable, steady, equable, appropriate,
decide, enduring
fitful : irregularity :: passive : inaction
fitful : discontinuity :: everlasting : permanence
fixed [fikst] a. , ,
1. firmly in position; stationary
2. determined; established; set
3. not subject to change or variation; constant

[fli] n.
: a young female horse


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

illegible : read :: fixed : move

freeze : fixed :: soil : unclean ( : :: :
fixed mobile, vagrant, adjustable, broken, damaged
fixed adjustable, flexible, conditional, equivocal, adaptable

: to compliment excessively and often insincerely, especially

to win favor
flattery : praise :: loquaciousness : talkativeness (A >> B)
loquacious; very talkative; garrulous
talkative; marked by or having a disposition to talk
garrulous; given to excessive and often trivial or rambling talk;
tiresomely talkative
sycophant : flattery :: extortionist : intimidation
extortion , ; ( )
extort; to obtain from another by coercion or intimidation
toady : flatter :: extortionist : intimidation :: querulous person :
toady a person who flatters or defers to others for self-serving
reasons; a sycophant
sabbatical : leave :: flattering : infatuation
sabbatical ;
infatuation , ; /
castigate, excoriate, invective flatter

flabby [flbi] adj. () , ,

flabby firm

[flksid] a. , ; ; FLABBY,
1. lacking firmness, resilience, or muscle tone
2. lacking vigor or energy
flaccidity : firmness :: durable : weariness (OPPOSITE)
durable ,
weary , ; ,
flaccidity firmness


[flg] v. , , , ()
1. to hang limply; droop
2. to decline in vigor or strength
3. to decline in interest
flag : country :: trademark : company
flag : vigor :: waver : resolution
banner : flag :: (A is a kind of B)
flag wax
wax , , (, )

flagging [flgi] a. , : LANGUID, WEAK

1. declining; weakening
2. languid; drooping
languid , , ; ,
flagging growing vigorously, thriving, vibrant, vivacious, hale(0706)
vibrant , ; vigorous, lively, and vital
unflagging fading

[fligrnt] adj. (, ) ,
; ,
1. Conspicuously bad, offensive, or reprehensible
2. Obsolete Flaming; blazing.
flagrant hidden, concealed, obscure, subtle

flam [flm] n. ,
1. a lie or hoax; a deception
2. nonsense; drivel
flam true story
flamboyant [flmbint] a. , ; showy
1 highly elaborate; ornate
2. richly colored; resplendent
3. marked by striking audacity or verve
4. given to ostentatious display; showy
furtive : openness :: flamboyant : reserve
flamboyant modest, restrained, plain, humble, understated,
subdued (1)
understated; exhibiting restrained good taste
subdued (, , ) ,
flamboyant natural (2)
flange [flnd] n. ; ()
: a protruding rim, edge, rib, or collar, as on a wheel or a
pipe shaft, used to strengthen an object, hold it in place,
or attach it to another object

flaunt [fl :nt] v. ,

to exhibit ostentatiously or shamelessly
flaunt : exhibit ::

[fl] n. , v. ,
1. an imperfection, often concealed, that impairs soundness
2. a defect or shortcoming in something intangible
3. a defect in a legal document that can render it invalid
glitch : flaw :: peccadillo : error, sin, offense
glitch a minor malfunction, mishap, or technical problem
impeccable : flaw :: ingenuous : guile (OPPOSITE)
impeccable ; having no flaws; perfect
ingenuous , ; ,
flawed impeccable

flax [flks]
clay : porcelain :: flax : linen (A = B )
fledge [fled] v.t.( ); () ;
1. to take care of (a young bird) until it is ready to fly
2. to cover with or as if with feathers
3. to provide (an arrow) with feathers
* fledgling n. , adj. young, new, or
* fledged a. ,
* full-fledged
fledge molt
molt ,
fledgling experienced practitioner(), mature()
full-fledged defective
full-fledged incipient, nascent

[fli:] v. ;
1. to run away, as from trouble or danger
2. to pass swiftly away; vanish
flee plod

fleeting [flti] a. ,
: passing quickly; ephemeral
fleeting : pass ::
perennial fleeting
perennial , ;

[flksbl] a. s; , :
1. a. capable of being bent or flexed; pliable b. capable of
being bent repeatedly without injury or
2. susceptible to influence or persuasion; tractable
3. responsive to change; adaptable
* inflexible adj. , ,


[flnl] n. [ ]; (pl.)

flannel : cloth :: linen : fabric :: tin : metal
linen , ; ()





GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

inflexible : alteration ::
adamant : flexibility :: refractory : control
limber : flexibility :: spindly : frailty (EQUAL)
limber ,
spindly slender and elongated, especially in a way that
suggests weakness
frail , ;
static : moving :: pliable : inflexible (OPPOSITE)
flexibility : spinelessness :: courage : daredevilry, foolhardiness (A <<
spineless ; , ; lacking
courage or willpower daredevil recklessly bold
calcification flexibility
flexible mulish
flighty [fliti] a. ,
1. a. given to capricious or unstable behavior b.
characterized by irresponsible or silly behavior
2. easily excited; skittish
sedate flighty, roil
flicker [flkr] v.
: to move irregularly or unsteadily : FLUTTER
flicker shine steadily
flimsy [flmzi] a. , , (, , )
, ,
light, thin, and insubstantial / lacking solidity or strength /
lacking plausibility d
flimsy substantial, plausible, convincing
substantial ,
flinch [flint] v. ,
1. to start or wince involuntarily, as from surprise or pain
2. to recoil, as from something unpleasant or difficult;
grisly : flinch :: droll : laugh
grisly ; inspiring repugnance; gruesome
droll , amusingly odd or whimsically comical
solicitude : concern :: startle : flinch ( : , A B)
solicitude , care or concern, as for the well-being of
1. to move about rapidly and nimbly
2. to move quickly from one condition or location to another
nimble , ; ,
flit : move :: blurt : utter
blurt to utter suddenly and impulsively
flit plod, move ponderously, trudge
plod ;
flock [flk / flk] n. [, , ]
clique, coterie : intimates :: flock : sheep
herd : animals :: flock : birds
flock segregate
segregate /; ( )
floppy [flpi|flpi] a. ( ) , ( ) ,

tending to flop; loose and flexible; LIMP

floppy taut, inflexible
florid [fl(:)rid] a. , ; ,
1. flushed with rosy color; ruddy
2. very ornate; flowery
florid solemn
flounder [flundr] vi.
1. to make clumsy attempts to move or regain one's balance
2. to move or act clumsily and in confusion
flounder : process ::
flounder slide, act gracefully, move gracefully
slide to move over a surface while maintaining smooth, continuous
flounder move nimbly
nimble : , ,

[flri, flri] vi. : THRIVE, ,

1. to grow well or luxuriantly; thrive
2. to do or fare well; prosper
3. to be in a period of highest productivity, excellence, or
4. to make bold, sweeping movements
: to wield, wave, or exhibit dramatically

1. an embellishment or ornamentation: signed her name with

a distinctive flourish; a long speech with many rhetorical
2. n ostentatious act or gesture: a flourish of generosity
flourish wither, waste away, wilt, lose out
flourish lack of embellishment

flint [flint] n. ; ;
pestle : grind :: flint stone : spark
pestle , mortar
flippant [flpnt] a. ,
: marked by disrespectful levity or casualness; pert
pert , ,
flippant : respect, sincerity :: nonchalant : concern
nonchalant , ; , seeming to be coolly
unconcerned or indifferent
flip : respect :: nonchalant : concern (A=B )
flippancy seriousness, gravity, sobriety, austerity, solemnity
sobriety [sbriti] , ; ,
flippant reverential, earnest, grave, serious
[flrt] n. v.
(n.) v.
1. to make playfully romantic or sexual overtures
2. to deal playfully, triflingly, or superficially with
3. to move abruptly or jerkily
flirt : decency ::
decency , ; ,
supplicant : beseeching :: coquette : flirtatious ( : ::
: )






[flaut] v. (, , ) ,
: to show contempt for; scorn
; flout a teachers advice
flout : disregard :: taunt : challenge (A B )
taunt , to reproach in a mocking, insulting, or
contemptuous manner
flout heed, flatter, praise, compliment, comply

fluctuate [flktuit] vi.

1. to vary irregularly
2. to rise and fall in or as if in waves
pristine : decay :: stable : fluctuation
pristine ; ,
partial : equalize :: constant : fluctuate (OPPOSITE)
fluctuate remain steady, stabilize
fluctuation invariance
fluent [flnt] a. : POLISHED
1. a. able to express oneself readily and effortlessly b.
flowing effortlessly; polished


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

2. flowing or moving smoothly; graceful
3. flowing or capable of flowing; fluid
fluent : glib :: meticulous : finicky
glib ,
finicky ,
fluent halting
fluke [fluk] n. ,
1. a stroke of luck
2. a chance occurrence; an accident
fluke predicted/expected occurrence
flurry [flri, flri] n.
: a gust of wind, a brief light snowfall

[fl] v. (, ) ; ,

1. to turn red, as from fever, embarrassment, or strong
emotion; blush
2. to glow, especially with a reddish color
3. to flow and spread suddenly and abundantly, as from
containment; flood
4. to be emptied or cleaned by a rapid flow of water, as a
galvanize : stimulate :: irrigate : flush
irrigate , ;

fluster [flstr] v.
: to make or become nervous or upset
flustered calm
fluvial [flvil] a. ; ()
1. of, relating to, or inhabiting a river or stream
2. produced by the action of a river or stream
fluvial : river :: sidereal : star :: arboreal : tree :: sylvan : forest ::
terrestrial : earth (aerial : star )
sidereal ,
sylvan , ;
flux n. , v. , , , FLOW
flux stability, solidity, stasis
focus [fuks] v. , ~ ,

focus radiate
foible [fib-l] n. , : WEAKNESS
1. a minor weakness or failing of character
2. the weaker section of a sword blade, from the middle to
the tip
squabble : dispute :: foible : failing (A << B)
squabble : quarrel :: foible : failing (A << B)
tiff : squabble :: foible : failing (A << B)
tiff , ;
foible : fault, flaw :: quibble : objection

n. , () v. , ;
v. 1. to prevent from being successful; thwart
2. to obscure or confuse (a trail or scent) so as to evade
foil : metal :: veneer : wood
foil abet, alleviate, implement, soothe
plumage : bird :: foliage : bush
plumage (), ; ()

[fli / fli] n. ,
1. a lack of good sense, understanding, or foresight
2. a. an act or instance of foolishness b. a costly undertaking
having an absurd or ruinous outcome
folly sagacity
sagacity , the quality of being discerning, sound in judgment,
and farsighted

foment [foumnt] v.t. : ROUSE, INCITE

1. to promote the growth or development of; incite
2. to treat (the skin, for example) by fomentation
conducive : foment :: tonic : invigorate
conducive , tending to cause or bring about;
disseminate : information :: foment : discontentment
disseminate , ; ,
foment defuse, quell
defuse ; () to make less
dangerous, tense, or hostile
foment pacify, allay, alleviate, placate, quash, soothe, suppress,
quell, squelch foment, instigate, rouse
fondness [fndnis / fnd-] n.
1. warm affection or liking
2. a strong inclination or preference; a taste
fascination : interest :: adoration : fondness (A >> B)
foolproof [f:lpr`u:f] a. ,
1. designed so as to be impervious to human incompetence,
error, or misuse
2. effective; infallible
foolproof : fail :: airtight : leak
foolhardy [flhrdi] a. : RASH
: unwisely bold or venturesome; rash
foolhardy wise, circumspect
footloose [ftls] a.
: having no attachments or ties; free to do as one pleases
dauntless : trepidation :: footloose : attachment :: unversed : familiarity
(A = B )
trepidation , , ,
unversed ,
footloose attached
forage [f(:)rid] n. , v. ,
forage : sustenance :: canvass : support (A B )
(question : poll )
grazing : forager :: stalking : hunter
forebear [frbr] n. ANCESTOR
: a person from whom one is descended; an ancestor
forebear descendants


foliage [fuliid] n. ;
1. a. plant leaves, especially tree leaves, considered as a
group b. a cluster of leaves
2. an ornamental representation of leaves, stems, and
flowers, especially in architecture

forbearance [fo:rb':rns]
forbearance impatience

n. , ; ;

forbidding [frbdi] a. , ; ,
1. tending or threatening to impede progress
2. unpleasant; disagreeable


[frd] n.
: a shallow place in a body of water, such as a river, where
one can cross by walking or riding on an animal or in a

GRE 6.0 (2008 7)
formidable : intimidate :: (A B)
overcome : formidable ::
formidable comforting, simple, reassuring, enticing, genial, negligible,

ford : river :: pass : mountain

pass , ; , ;
forerunner [f:rrn:r] n. ; ,
1. a. one that precedes, as in time; a predecessor b. an
ancestor; a forebear
2. a. one that comes before and indicates the approach of
another; a harbinger b. a warning sing or symptom
forerunner adherent
forestall [frstl] v. , ;
1. to delay, hinder, or prevent by taking precautionary
measures beforehand
2. to deal with or think of beforehand; anticipate
3. to prevent or hinder normal sales in (a market) by
buying up merchandise, discouraging persons from
bringing their goods to market, or encouraging an
increase in prices in goods already on sale
forestall abet, precipitate
forestry [f()ristri, fr-] n. ,
1. a. the science and art of cultivating, maintaining, and
developing forests b. the management of a forestland
2. a forestland
tree : forestry :: flower : horticulture
forest : tree :: fur : hair
foreword [frwrd] ,
: a preface or an introductory note, as for a book, especially
by a person other than the author
foreword : introductory :: appellation : designative
appellation [plin] , , ;
forfeit [f:rfit] n. ; ; ,
something surrendered or subject to surrender as
punishment for a crime, an offense, an error, or a breach
of contract
forgery [frdri] n.
: the act of forging, especially the illegal production of
something counterfeit
plagiarism : ideas :: forgery : documents () ( 10)
plagiarism [plidirzm] ;
forger : metal :: miller : grain
forger ;
forgo [f :rgu] v. (, ) , ~ , ~
, . to abstain from, relinquish
forgo : disuse :: forget : oblivion
forlorn [frl:rn] a. , , , ,
1. a. Appearing sad or lonely because deserted or
abandoned. b. Forsaken or deprived: forlorn of all hope.
2. Wretched or pitiful in appearance or condition.
3. Nearly hopeless; desperate; despondent.
forlorn cheerful, hopeful

[frmidb-l] a. , ,
, ,
1. arousing fear, dread, or alarm
2. inspiring awe, admiration, or wonder
3. difficult to undertake, surmount, or defeat

formulaic [f:rmjulik] a. (); ; ,

formulaic innovative, original

formulaic improvised
forsake [f:rsik] v. ;
1. to give up (something formerly held dear); renounce
2. to leave altogether; abandon
forsake uphold
forswear [f :rsw$r] v. ~ ,
1. a. to renounce or repudiate under oath.
b. to renounce seriously
2. to disavow under oath; deny
3. to make (oneself) guilty of perjury
forswear adhere to, admit, approve, tell the truth

[f:rtei] n. , ; ( foible)
1. something in which a person excels
2. the strong part of a sword blade, between the middle and
the hilt(, )
forte weak point

forthright [frrit] a. ,
: direct and without evasion; straightforward
acrid : gentleness :: forthright : guile
acrid ( ) ;
furtive open, forthright, brassy
brassy ; ; ,
deceive be forthright
forthright backhanded
backhanded ; , oblique or
fortify [frtfi] v.t. : ENCOURAGE
: to make strong
debilitated fortified
vitiate fortify
vitiate ,
enervate, vitiate fortify, strengthen
vitiate ; /
fortuitous [f :rtj(:)its] a. ,
1. Happening by accident or chance: accidental.
2. Usage Problem. a. Happening by a fortunate accident or
chance. b. Lucky or fortunate.
fortuitous planned in advance, planned ahead, previously planned
foster [f()str, fs-] v.t. : ENCOURAGE
1. to bring up; nurture
2. to promote the growth and development of; cultivate
3. to nurse; cherish
cherish , ; ( )
foster retract, stifle, thwart
stifle , ; , ; ; ()

[fundr] v.t. ; ; , ()
1. to sink below the water
2. to cave in; sink
3. to fail utterly; collapse
foundation : building :: root : tree
founder stay aloft, keep afloat
aloft in or into a high place; high or higher up



GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

founder succeed
foundry [fundri] n. ;
mill : grain :: foundry : metal
blacksmith : foundry :: artist : studio :: chemist : lab
fracas [friks / frk] (), ,
: a noisy, disorderly fight or quarrel
fracas peaceful discussion
fractious [frks] a. , , ,

: inclined to make trouble; unruly

: having a peevish nature; cranky
fractious : umbrage :: ( , )
umbrage; (), ,
fracture [frktr] v. : RUPTURE, TEAR
1. to cause to break
2. to disrupt or destroy as if by breaking
3. to abuse or misuse flagrantly, as by violating rules
flagrant ; conspicuously bad, offensive, or
rupture , ; ( ) to break open
cement fracture
fragile [frdl / -dail] a. , ; ;
1. easily broken, damaged, or destroyed; frail
2. lacking physical or emotional strength; delicate
3. lacking substance; tenuous or flimsy
fragile : break :: porous : penetrate :: flammable : burn
porous ;
limber : flexibility :: spindly : frailty
limber , ; ,
spindly slender and elongated, especially in a way that
suggests weakness
frail , ; ,
fragility strength
fragile robust
fragment [frgmnt] v.
: to break or separate (something) into fragments
fragment coalesce

fraternizing unrelated to
fraternize estrange, shun
fraud [fr :d] n. , ; , ; ,
1. a deception deliberately practiced in order to secure unfair
or unlawful gain
2. a piece of trickery; a trick
3. a. one that defrauds; a cheat b. one who assumes false
pose; an impostor
fraudulent [frdulnt] a. , : DECEITFUL
1. engaging in fraud; deceitful
2. characterized by, constituting, or gained by fraud
authenticity : fraudulent :: sincerity : hypocritical (OPPOSITE)
hoax : fraudulent :: paragon : excellent
hoax () ;
fraught [fr :t] a. , ...(, )
1. filled with a specified element or elements; charged
2. fully provided
marked by distress; upsetting
fraught : placid :: baffling : perspicuous (OPPOSITE)
placid , ,
fraught devoid, lacking, calm, hale, robust, vigorous
freak [frik] n.
1. a sudden and odd or seemingly pointless idea or turn of
the mind
2. a seemingly capricious action or event
freckle [frkl] n. , ,
freckle : skin, face :: pinstripe : fabric
freelancer [frlnsr, -lnsr] n.
: a person who pursues a profession without a long-term
commitment to any one employer
freelance n.
freelance(r) : employer :: nomad : domicile
nomad ;
domicile , ; 1. a residence; a home 2. one's legal
[frhwl] vi. ( )
1. to continue turning or spinning after disengagement from
the drive mechanism
2. to live or move freely and sometimes aimlessly or
3. to operate independently or free of restraints


fragrant [frigrnt] adj.

: having a sweet or pleasant smell. synonyms see
fragrant fetid

[freil] a. ; , ;
1. physically weak; delicate
2. not strong or substantial; slight
3. easily broken or destroyed; fragile
4. easily led astray; morally weak
spindly : frailty :: limber : flexibility
spindly slender and elongated, especially in a way that
suggests weakness
frail not easy to crumb, firm, hale
frailty hardness, stamina, sinew

frangible [frndbl] adj. ,

* infrangible , ,
infrangible : broken :: inestimable : counted
fraternize [frtrniz] ,
1. to associate with others in a brotherly or congenial way
2. to associate on friendly terms with an enemy or opposing
group, often in violation of discipline or orders

frenetic [frintik] a. ,
: wildly excited or active; frantic; frenzied
* frenetic = frantic
energetic : frenetic :: firm : obdurate :: firm : obstinate :: careful :
meticulous :: frugal : penurious (A << B)
obdurate ,
interrogatory ,
frenetic, frantic composed, uninterested, sober, composed
frenetic moderate
frenzy [frnzi] n. ,
1. a state of violent mental agitation or wild excitement
2. temporary madness or delirium
3. a mania; a craze
convulsion : contraction :: frenzy : emotion
convulsion ; ; (, ) ,
calm : frenzy :: serene : tumultuous (OPPOSITE)
calmness : frenzy :: abandon : inhibition
abandon n. a complete surrender of inhibitions


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

energetic : frenetic, frenzied :: firm : obdurate, obstinate (A << B)

agitated : frenetic :: literate : erudite (A << B)
calm frenzy

soaking : damp :: frigid : cool (A >> B)

sweltering frigid
sweltering ; oppressively hot and humid

frequency [fr:kwnsi] n. , ; , ;
* frequent v.t. , ; .
; He enjoys sports, and frequents the gym.

: to pay frequent visits to; be in or at often
frequency : pitch :: wavelength : color
frequent avoid, shun, visit rarely (), stay away from
frequency rarity

frill [fril] n. , , v.
frill : superfluity :: void, vain : vacuity, vanity, absence :: germane :
pertinency (A B )
frill : luxurious ::
frill economy, thrift, austerity, frugality

fresco [frskou] n.
fresco : wall :: parquetry : floor
parquetry ( )
[fret] v. ,
: to become vexed or worried
draconian : inclemency :: fretting : vexation
inclement [inklmnt] , ;
fret assuage

fringe [frind]
fringe center

n. () ; , ,

fritter [frtr] v. , n. ,
: to spend or waste bit by bit, on trifles, or without
commensurate return - usually used with away
fritter conserve


fretful [frtfl] a. ,
1. inclined to be vexed or troubled; peevish
2. marked by worry and distress; troublesome
fretful displaying equanimity, equanimous, pleasing, conciliating,
equanimity; , (calmness)
fretwork [frtw:rk] n.
1. ornamental work consisting of three-dimensional frets;
geometric openwork
2. such ornamental work represented two dimensionally by
fretwork : ornamentation :: oil : lubricant (A B )
friable [frib-l] a.
: easily crumbled; brittle
friable : crumble :: malleable : alter :: lucid : comprehend
malleable ( ) ; ,
impervious : friable :: nonflammable : combustible (OPPOSITE)
impervious , ;
combustible ;
friable not easily crumbled, resistant to be pulverized, substantial,
difficult to be crumbled, unable to crumble, hard to be pulverized
pulverize , to pound, crush, or grind to a
powder or dust; to demolish
friction [frk-n] n.
1. the rubbing of one object or surface against another
2. conflict, as between persons having dissimilar ideas or
interests; clash
friction : oil, lubricant :: mobility : splint (B A )
abraded : friction :: desiccated : dehydration :: vaporized : heat
friendship [frndp]
friendship hostility

n. , ,

frieze [friz] n. ()
frieze : building :: illumination : manuscript
manuscript ;
frieze : ornament :: pillar : support
frigid [frdid] a. ; ,
1. extremely cold
2. lacking warmth of feeling
3. stiff and formal in manner
4. persistently averse to sexual intercourse

frivolous [frvls] a. ;
1. unworthy of serious attention; trivial
2. inappropriately silly
frivolous : gravity :: brash : discretion (OPPOSITE)
brash , ; ,
frivolous somber, grave, sober, temperate
somber ; ; serious; grave
sober ; ; ,
temperate ,
frivolousness temperance, grandeur
temperance , , ,
grandeur , ,

[frnd] n. (, )
: fern :: needle : pine

: leaf :: boulder : rock (A B )

frothy [fri / fri]

a. ,
1. made of, covered with, or resembling froth; foamy
2. playfully frivolous in character or content
frothy weighty
weighty ; ; (influential)
forward [fruwrd] adj. , ,
: stubbornly contrary and disobedient; obstinate
forward : control :: intrepid : discourage :: firm : obdurate
frowsy, frowzy [fruzi] a. , ;
1. unkempt; slovenly
2. having an unpleasant smell; musty
dapper frowzy
dapper , , a. neatly dressed; trim b. very
stylish in dress
frowzy original, striking
fructuous [frktus]
: fruitful
fructuous barren


frugal [frg-l] a. ,
1. practicing or marked by economy, as in the expenditure of
money or the use of material resources
2. costing little; inexpensive
parsimony : frugality :: hubris : pride (A >> B)
hubris , overbearing pride or presumption; arrogance
frugal : penurious :: deferential : sycophantic :: firm : obdurate ::
complaint : obsequious (A << B, B )
frugal : miserly :: confident : arrogant :: wary : paranoid (A << B, B
frugal : parsimonious :: attentive : obsequious
frugal : stingy :: (combative : aggressive lenient : lax


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

frugal prodigal, sumptuous
sumptuous , ; ,
frugality extravagancy, prodigality
frustrate [frstreit] v.
1. a. to prevent from accomplishing a purpose or fulfilling a
desire; thwart b. to cause feelings of
discouragement or bafflement in
2. to make ineffectual or invalid; nullify
frustrate abet
full-bodied [flbdid / -bd-] a. ;
1. having richness and intensity of flavor or aroma
2. rich and intense
full-bodied : flavor :: resonant : sound : topical : currency ::
germane : pertinency
resonant () , ;
fulminate [flmnit] v. ;
1. to issue a thunderous verbal attack or denunciation
2. to explode or detonate
* fulmination n.
fulminate : criticize :: adulate : flatter
adulate to praise or admire excessively; fawn on
flatter to compliment excessively and often insincerely, especially to
win favor
fulminate : denunciation :: prevaricate : misrepresentation
fulmination praise

1. characterized by stealth; surreptitious

2. expressive of hidden motives or purposes; shifty
caprice : whimsical :: stealth : furtive :: discontent : unsatisfied ( :
furtive : open :: flippant : reserved :: flamboyant : reserved
flippant , marked by disrespectful levity of casualness
furtive : openness :: flamboyant : reserve
flamboyant () ; , ;
furtive open, forthright, brassy, aboveboard, candid, sublime,
shamelessly bold, overt, unhidden
brassy ; , , cheap and showy;
sublime , ; ,
overt , (obvious)
furtively candidly, openly
[fj-ri] n. , ; ,
1. violent anger; rage
2. violent, uncontrolled actin; turbulence
effervescence : feeling :: fury : anger
effervesce [frvs] ; ,



[fju:z] v. , ,
1. to liquefy or reduce to a plastic state by heating; melt
2. to mix (constituent elements) together by or as if by
melting; blend
fuse rend
rend ,

fulsome [flsm, fl-] a. ( ) ,
1. offensively flattering or insincere
2. offensive to the taste or sensibilities
courageous : bravado :: complimentary : fulsomeness (A << B)
bravado ;
fumble [fmb-l] v. ;
1. to touch or handle nervously or idly
2. to grope awkwardly to find or to accomplish something
3. to proceed awkwardly and uncertainly; blunder
fumble : maladroit ::
fumble handle adroitly
fungible [fndb-l] adj.
: being of such a nature that one part or quantity may be
replaced by another equal part or quantity in the
satisfaction of an obligation
fungible unique
fungus [fndai, fgai]
fungi : ecologist

n. (, )
:: motivation : psychologist

furnace [frnis] n. (), ;

1. an intensely hot place
2. severe test or trial
furnace : heat :: generator : electricity :: fan : blow

[fs] v. , ;
1. to trouble or worry over trifles
2. to be excessively careful or solicitous
3. to get into or be in a state of nervous or useless
4. to object; complain
assert : belabor :: tend : fuss (A << B)
: :: , : ,

garrulous : talkative :: fussy : careful (A >> B)

garrulous given to excessive and often trivial or rambling talk;
tiresomely talkative

fustian [fstn|-tin] n. () a. , (
fustian : bombast :: vile : turpitude
turpitude n. ,
fusty [fsti] a. ; ,
: rigidly old-fashioned or reactionary
1. smelling of mildew( ) or decay; musty
2. old-fashioned; antique
musty , ; , ;
fusty fresh
fusty : freshness :: plebeian : prestige
plebeian a. , n. ,

[fjutlti] n. , , ; / :
1. the quality of having no useful result; uselessness
2. lack of importance or purpose; frivolousness
3. a futile act
bootless : futility :: effulgent : resplendence :: void : empty (EQUAL)
bootless , without advantage or benefit; useless
effulgent , shining brilliantly; resplendent
interesting : intriguing :: bootless : futile (EQUAL)
futile efficacious, wholesome
futility effectiveness

furor [fjrr, fjrr] n. ,

1. a general commotion; public disorder or uproar
2. violent anger; frenzy
3. a fashion adopted enthusiastically by the public; a fad
4. a state of intense excitement or ecstasy
furor, havoc serenity
havoc ,
furrow [f:rou|fr-] n. v. () , ,
furrow smooth, iron out

[frtiv] a. , : SURREPTITIOUS,


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

gadfly [gdfli] n.
1. a persistent, irritating critic; a nuisance
2. one that acts as a provocative stimulus; a goad
nuisance , ; one that is inconvenient,
annoying, or vexatious; a bother
gadfly : goad :: humorist : amuse
goad n. ; v. ; ,
annoying : gadfly :: rude : churl
churl ; a rude, boorish person
gadget [gdit] n. ;
: a small specialized mechanical or electronic device
gadgets : tools :: trinkets : jewelry
trinket ;
gaffe [gf] n. ,
: a clumsy social error; blatant mistake or misjudgment
gaffe : social :: malapropism : verbal
malapropism ludicrous misuse of a word, especially by confusion with
one of similar sound
gaffe : tactless :: exploit : heroic (CHARACTER)
exploit , ,
tact ,
miscalculation : judgment :: gaffe : decorum
decorum , ;
illusion : perception :: gaffe : judgment
gainful [ginfl] a. , ;
: providing a gain; profitable
gainful unremunerative
remunerative , (profitable);
gainsay [ginsi] v. ,
1. to declare false; deny
2. to oppose, especially by contradiction
; There is no ~ing his innocence
gainsay affirm, conform, confirm, assent to, aver, speak in support
of, concur, validate
aver; to affirm positively; declare

[geit] n. ,
1. a particular way or manner of walking or moving on foot
2. rate or manner of proceeding
gait : walk :: parlance : speak :: mnemonic : remember
parlance , ;

galaxy [glksi] n.
galaxy : stars :: archipelago : island
archipelago [:rkplgu] ; ,
gall [go:l] v. () ; n. ,

1. to make (the skin) sore by abrasion

2. to damage or break the surface of by or as if by friction;
3. to irk or exasperate; vex
gall pacify, appease, assuage, calm, lull, placate, mollify, soothe
lull , ;
galling mollifying
gallant [glnt] a. ; , ; ,
1. smartly or boldly stylish; dashing
2. a. unflinching in battle or action; valiant
b. nobly or selflessly resolute
3. stately; majestic

stately , ,
gallant craven, pusillanimous
gallantry cowardliness, rudeness, discourtesy, insult
galley [gli] n. ; ,
: the kitchen of an airliner or a ship
galley : ship :: kitchen : house
galling [gli] a. : VEXING
: causing extreme irritation or chagrin; vexing
galling placating, pacifying, appeasing, mollifying
placate , ; () to ally the anger of,
especially by making concessions
galvanize [glvniz] v. ; ;

1. to stimulate or excite as if by an electric current
2. to arouse to awareness or action; spur
3. to coat (iron or steel) with rust-resistant zinc
galvanize : stimulate :: irritate : flush
flush () ; ()
irritate to rouse to impatience or anger; annoy
galvanize lull, allay
allay ( ) ; ()
gamble [gmbl] v. ; ,

: to engage in reckless or hazardous behavior
adamant : yield :: cautious : gamble
adamant , impervious to pleas, appeals, or reason;
stubbornly unyielding
gambol [gmbl] v.
: to leap about playfully; frolic
gambol plod, slog
plod , ;
gangling, gangly [ggli] a.
: awkwardly tall or long-limbed; rangy
rangy ,
gangly stalwart
gangway [gwi] n. ; (, )
gangway : ship :: drawbridge : castle
garble [grbl] v. ; ,
1. to mix up or distort to such an extent as to make
misleading or incomprehensible
2. to scramble (a signal or message), as by erroneous
encoding or faulty transmission
correct : accurate :: garble : unintelligible
ramshackle : soundness :: garbled : clarity
ramshackle ; ;
garbled : comprehend :: obscured : recognized
garble elucidate, report accurately, report exactly
elucidate to make clear or plain, especially by explanation; clarify
gargantuan [grgntun] a. ,
: of immense size, volume, or capacity; gigantic
gargantuan : large :: excruciating : painful (A >> B)
minute, minuscule gargantuan
minuscule ; ,
gargoyle [g:rg il] n. . ,
gargoyle : grotesque :: (A B )
garish [gri] a.
1. a. marred by strident color or excessive ornamentation;
gaudy b. loud and flashy


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

2. glaring; dazzling
garish : color ::
prying : inquisitive :: garish : colorful :: fawning : attentive ::
bumptious : assertive (A >> B)
bumptious , crudely or loudly assertive; pushy
stridency : sound :: garishness : appearance (DEFECTIVE)
strident () loud harsh, grating, or shrill;
garish muted
garment [grmnt] n.
: an article of clothing
hem : garment :: ruffle : shirt :: molding : cabinet :: brim, rim : vessel
hem () ,
ruffle , ; ; ,
molding , ;
toga : garment :: (A B )
tarpaulin : covering :: raincoat : garment
tarpaulin [ta:rp:lin]
garner [g:rn:r] v. , ; ,
1. to gather and store in or as if in a granary
2. to amass; acquire
garnish [g:rni] v.
garrulous [grjls] a. ;
1. given to excessive and often trivial or rambling talk;
tiresomely talkative
2. wordy and rambling
garrulous : talkative :: cloying : sweet :: fussy : careful :: garish :
bright (A >> B)
garrulous, loquacious : words, talk :: prodigal, profligate : money
garrulity taciturnity
garrulous taciturn, reticent

[g] n.
1. a long, deep cut
2. a deep flesh wound
cleft : chasm :: cut : gash (A << B)

gasification [gsfikin] n. ,
gasification, vaporization solidification
gauche [gou] a. : CRUDE
: lacking social experience or grace; tactless
gaucherie , , , ,
gauche : finesse :: spontaneous : planning (A B , :)
cacophony : voice :: gaucherie : skill
gaucheness polish, graceful
polish ,
gaudy [gdi] a. ()
: showy in a tasteless or vulgar way
gaudy : apparel :: grandiloquent : speak, language
grandiloquence pompous or bombastic speech or
[geid] v. ,
1. to measure precisely
2. to determine the capacity, volume, or contents of
3. to evaluate or judge
4. to adapt to a specified measurement
5. to mix (plaster) in specific proportions
6. to chip or rub (bricks or stones) to size
immeasurable : gauge :: inexorable : stop (irrealizable : describe
scale : weight :: measure : dimensions :: calibrate : diameter :: plumb :
depth :: gauge : pressure
gaunt a. (, ) , ,
gaunt hale, corpulent, obese, portly
portly () ,
gawky [gki] adj.
: awkward, clumsy
gawky adept
gear [gir] n.
gear : tooth :: screw : thread (A B)
gelid [dlid] adj.
: extremely cold : ICY
gelid steamy
genealogy [dnildi, -l-, dn-] n. , ; ,
1. a record or table of the descent of a person, family, or
group from an ancestor or ancestors; a family tree
2. direct descent from an ancestor; lineage or pedigree
3. the study or investigation of ancestry and family histories
pedigree , ; , ,
generality [dnrlti] n.
* generic a. ,
ecumenical : generality :: entire : integrity
ecumenical , of worldwide scope or applicability;
generic specific
generosity [dnrsti] n. ,
1. liberality in giving or willingness to give
2. nobility of thought or behavior; magnanimity
3. amplitude; abundance
4. a generous act
generosity stinginess
genial [dnjl, -nil] a. , , ; ,
1. having a pleasant or friendly disposition or manner; cordial
and kindly
2. conducive to life, growth, or comfort; mild
resourceful : inventiveness :: philanthropic : geniality
genial : bonhomie :: diplomatic : tact
bonhomie [bnm:] ,
genial : joviality :: diplomatic : tact (A B )
genial caustic, dyspeptic, mordant, truculent, bellicose
dyspeptic ;
mordant , bitingly sarcastic; bitingly painful
truculent , ; ,
caustic palliating, genial
dour congenial, genial
genteel [dentl] a. ; , POLITE
1. refined in manner; well-bred and polite
2. free from vulgarity or rudeness
3. elegantly stylish
4. a. striving to convey a manner or an appearance of
refinement and respectability b. marked by affected and
somewhat prudish refinement
genteel : vulgarity :: intrepid : fear : unscrupulous : qualm (A
B )
intrepid , resolutely courageous; fearless
truculent : gentleness :: unregenerate : remorse
truculent , ; ,
unregenerate (unrepentant),


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

remorse , moral anguish arising from repentance for
past misdeeds; bitter regret
genteel loutish, churlish, vulgar, boorish
loutish ; awkward, stupid, and boorish
churlish ,
genuine [dnjuin] a. ; : ACTUAL, TRUE
genuine : authenticity :: entire : integrity
spurious genuine
spurious lacking authenticity or validity in essence or origin;
not genuine; false
germane [drmin] a. : FITTING
: being both pertinent and fitting
cogent : validity :: germane : pertinence (A B )
germane irrelevant, inappropriate
gerrymander [drim`nd:r] v.
gerrymander : district :: rig : contest
rig ; , ; ( )

gesture [dstr] n.
parody : style :: mime : gesture (A = B )
geyser [gizr] n.
geyser : water :; volcano : lava
ghastly [gstli / gst-] a. , ;
1. inspiring shock, revulsion, or horror by or as if by
suggesting death; terrifying
2. suggestive of or resembling ghosts
3. extremely unpleasant or bad
4. very serious or great
ghastly : unpleasant :: (A >> B)
[daib] v. /
: to deride or tease with taunting words
apologize : regret :: gibe : derision ( : )
condolence : sympathy, compassion :: gibe : derision
condolence , sympathy with a person who has
experienced pain, grief, or misfortune
gist trivial point, tangential point
glacial [glir, glisjr] a. ; ;

1.a. Of, relating to, or derived from a glacier. b. Suggesting
the extreme slowness of a glacier
; Work proceeded at a glacial pace.
2.a. Characterized or dominated by the existence of glaciers.
Used of a geologic epoch. b. Pleistocene.
3.Extremely cold; icy: glacial waters. See synonyms at cold.
4.Having the appearance of ice.
5.a. Lacking warmth and friendliness: a glacial stare.
b. Coldly detached: a glacial composure
glacier; a huge mass of ice slowly flowing over a land mass,
formed from compacted snow in an area where snow
accumulation exceeds melting and sublimation
glacial : slow :: glacial : cold :: labyrinth : complicate
glacier : ice :: inferno : heat(fire)
glacier : ice :: sea : water
glade [gleid] n.
: an open space surrounded by woods
1. an open space in a forest
2. an everglade
everglade a tract of marshland, usually under water and covered
in places with tall grass
oasis : desert :: glade : wood
gladiator [gldiitr] n. ;
gladiator : arena :: lawyer : courtroom

[glmriz] v.t. ; :
1. to make glamorous
2. to treat or portray in a romantic manner; idealize or glorify
glamorous , ;


glance [glns, glns] n. v. a brief or

cursory look
blurb : notice :: gloss : explanation :: glance : look :: cameo :
appearance (A B )
peck : kiss :: glance : look
peck () ; ;

gibberish [dbri, gb-] n. /

: unintelligible or meaningless language:
1. a technical or esoteric language
2. pretentious or needlessly obscure language


giddy [gdi] a. , ; : FRIVOLOUS

1. a. having a reeling, lightheaded sensation; dizzy b.
causing or capable of causing dizziness
2. frivolous and lighthearted; flighty
giddiness graveness
giddy serious, grave, staid, sober
gild [gild] v. ~ , ~
ginger [dndr] n.
ginger : spice :: (A B)
girder [g:rdr] n. ;
: a horizontal beam, as of steel or wood, used as a main
support for a building or bridge
truss, girder : support :: ballast : stability

[glri] a. , ; ; , ;

1. shining intensely and blindingly

2. tastelessly showy or bright; garish
3. conspicuous; obvious
4. staring with anger, fierceness, or hostility
glaring unnoticeable

glaze [gleiz] v. , ;
: to give a smooth, lustrous surface to
glaze : porcelain :: varnish : wood
varnish , , ; ,
glaze rumple
rumple , to wrinkle or form into folds or creases

[gli] ,
: jubilant delight; joy
glee lamentation, mourning, sadness


[dist] n. : ESSENCE
1. the center idea; the essence
2. (law) the grounds for action in a sit


[glib] a. , ;
1. a. performed with a natural, offhand ease b. showing little
thought, preparation, or concern
2. marked by ease and fluency of speech or writing that often
suggests or stems from insincerity, superficiality, or

GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

fluent : glib :: meticulous : finicky

maladroit : skill :: glib : profundity (LACK)
a. ,
glib labored, awkward, taciturn
a. () , , ,
glide [glaid] v. n. ,
1. To move in a smooth, effortless manner.
2. To move silently and furtively.
3. To occur or pass imperceptibly.
4. To fly without propulsion. Used of an aircraft.
5. Music. To blend one tone into the next; slur.
Linguistics. To articulate a glide in speech.
. the act of gliding
glide : effort :: wander : purpose (A B )
glimmer [glmr]
1. to emit a dim or intermittent light
2. to appear faintly or indistinctly ,

glisten [glsn] v.
: to shine by reflection with a sparkling luster
dingy : glisten :: slippery : adhere
dingy , ; ,
glitch [glit] n. ,
: a minor malfunction, mishap, or technical problem
glitch : flaw :: peccadillo : error, sin, offense
glitch : malfunction, problem :: peccadillo : error
gloat [glout] vi.
: to feel or express great, often malicious, pleasure or selfsatisfaction
primp : vain :: gloat : smug
primp to dress or groom (oneself) with meticulous or
excessive attention to detail
vain , ; ,
smug ,
gloomy [glmi] a. : MELANCHOLY
1. partially or totally dark, especially dismal and dreary
2. showing or filled with gloom
3. a. causing or producing gloom; depressing b. marked by
hopelessness; very pessimistic
despondent : depressed :: saturnine : gloomy :: masterful : skilled
despondent , = dejected
saturnine [strnin] ; melancholy or
glorify [glrfi] v.t. ,
1. to give glory, honor, or high praise to; exalt
2. to cause to be or seem more glorious or excellent than is
actually the case
3. to give glory to, especially through worship
gloss [gls, gls / gls] n. , ; , ;
v. / ; , ~ ,

1. a. a brief explanatory note or translation of a

difficult or technical expression usually inserted in the
margin or between lines of a text or manuscript b. a
collection of such notes
2. an extensive commentary, often accompanying a text or
3. a purposefully misleading interpretation or explanation
1. to give a bright sheen or luster to
2.To provide (an expression or a text) with a gloss or

3.To give a false interpretation to.

blurb : notice :: gloss : explanation
blurb ( , )
scrutinize : gloss :: delve : skim
varnish : glossy :: sand : smooth
annotate : commentary :: gloss : definition
glossary [glsri, gl()s-] n. ()
a list of difficult or specialized words with their definitions,
often placed at the back of a book
glossary : text :: legend : map
glossy [gl()si, glsi] a. , ; ,

1. having a smooth, shiny, lustrous surface

2. superficially and often speciously attractive; showy
varnish : glossy :: sand : smooth
sand /
glut [glt] v. , ; :
1. to fill beyond capacity, especially with food; satiate
2. to flood (a market) with an excess of goods so that supply
exceeds demand
glut dearth, paucity
dearth , ; a scare supply; shortage of food; famine
glutinous [gltns] a. , : GUMMY, STICKY
: of the nature of or resembling glue; sticky
* agglutinated, agglutinate ,
etch : corrosive :: glue : adhesive
agglutinated disaggregated
glutinous non viscous
viscous ,
glutton [gltn] n. ;
1. a person who eats or consumes immoderate amounts of
food and drink
2. a person with an inordinate capacity to receive or
withstand something
avarice : money :: gluttony : food
glutton : appetite :: zealot : passion
glutton : overindulgence :: ascetic : self denial
ascetic ;
gluttonous : restraint :: pristine : taint (A B )
gluttonous abstemious
gnarled [nrld] adj.
: full of knots or gnarls : KNOTTY
: crabbed in disposition, aspect, or character
gnarled smooth

[goud] v.t. : SPUR

: to prod or urge with or as if with a long pointed stick
command : entreaty :: goad : enticement (A >> B)
entreaty , an earnest request or petition; a plea
gadfly : goad :: humorist : amuse
goad check, curb, lull
curb , ;

gobble [gbl / gbl] v.t.

1. to devour in large, greedy gulps
2. to take greedily; grab
gulp , ; ,
quaff : sip :: gobble : nibble :: swill : sip
swill to drink greedily or grossly
gobble : eat :: guzzle : drink
go-getter [gugtr] n. ,


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

go-getter inactive, apathetic, boring, weak, impotent person

goggle [ggl / ggl] n.
goggles : eyes :: gloves : hands :: earmuff : ear

[gouldbrk] n. , ;
to shirk one's assigned duties or responsibilities
evade : answer :: goldbrick : work

goodwill [gdwl] n. , ; ,
1. an attitude of kindness or friendliness; benevolence
2. cheerful acquiescence or willingness
3. a good relationship, as of a business enterprise with its
customers or a nation with other nations
goodwill spleen, rancor
spleen , ; , = ill temper
rancor ; bitter, long-lasting resentment; deep-seated ill will
gorge [grd] vi. () : GLUT
1. to stuff with food; glut
2. to devour greedily
reticent : talk :: abstemious : gorge
reticent , ;
gossamer [gsmr / gs-] n. a. ()
: something light, delicate, or insubstantial

1. a soft, sheer, gauzy fabric

2. something delicate, light, or flimsy
3. a fine film of cobwebs often seen floating in the air or
caught on bushes or grass

sheer, light, delicate, or tenuous; airyfli

gossamer weighty, ponderous, substantial, strong, opaque
gouge [gaud] v.
n. 1. a chisel with a rounded, troughlike blade
2. a. a scoping or digging action, as with such a chisel b. a
groove or hole scooped with or as if with such a chisel
3. (informal) a large amount, as of money, exacted or
hack : carve :: gouge : engrave (A >> B)
hack ;
gourmand [g:rmnd] n. , ;
1. a lover of good food
2. a gluttonous eater
gourmand : food :: aesthetic : art (sage : wisdom )
gourmand : appetite :: skinflint : thrift
gourmet [grmei, --] n.
a connoisseur of fine food and drink
connoisseur ( ) ; ,
bibliophile : books :: gourmet : food :: aesthete : art :: cineast : film
bibliophile ,
aesthete [si:t]
cineast [snist]
connoisseur : art :: gourmet : cuisine
gourmet : eat :: bookworm : read

[grft, grft] v. ,
1. a. to unite (a shoot or bud) with a growing plant by
insertion or by placing in close contact b. to join (a plant
or plants) by such union
2. to transplant or implant (living tissue, for example)
surgically into a bodily part to replace a damaged part or
compensate for a defect

3. to join or unite closely

graft disjoin
grandeur [grndr, -dur] n. , : MAGNIFICENCE
1. the quality or condition of being grand; magnificence
2. nobility or greatness of character
grandeur :: mean :: (OPPOSITE)
grandeur frivolousness, shabbiness
frivolous , ; unworthy of serious attention;
inappropriately silly
grandiloquence [grndlkwnt] n.
: pompous or bombastic speech or expression
gaudy : apparel :: grandiloquent : speak
gaudy ; ; showy in a tasteless or vulgar
grandiloquent secretive
secretive having or marked by an inclination to secrecy; not
open, forthright, or frank
grandiose [grndius] a. ; ,
1. characterized by greatness of scope or intent; grand
2. characterized by feigned or affected grandeur; pompous
ephemeral : longevity :: grandiose : humility (OPPOSITE)
grandiose humble, trivial, modest
humble ; ,
grandstand [grndstnd] v. ( )

to perform ostentatiously so as to impress an audience

grandstand : impress :: equivocate : deceive :: proselytize : convert
granite [grnit]
hydrogen : atom :: granite : rock
grant [grnt, grnt] v.t.
1. to consent to the fulfillment of
2. to accord as a favor, prerogative, or privilege
3. a. to bestow; confer b. to transfer (property) by a deed
4. to concede; acknowledge
concede refuse to grant
withhold grant
withhold ; to keep in check; to refrain from giving,
granting, or permitting
grapevine [gripvin] n. ; ,
1. a vine on which grapes grow
2. a. the informal transmission of information, gossip, or
rumor from person to person b. a usually unrevealed
source of confidential information
grapevine official news
n/v. /
grapple [grpl]
: the act or an instance of grappling, a hand-to-hand struggle,
a contest for superiority or mastery
grate [greit] v. , ; ;
1. to reduce to fragments, shreds, or powder by rubbing
against an abrasive surface
2. to cause to make a harsh grinding or rasping sound
through friction
3. to irritate or annoy persistently
grating : sound :: acrid : odor :: fetid : smell
acrid (, ) , ;
fetid , having an offensive odor
grate soothe
grating soothing
gratify [grtfi] v.t.
1. to please or satisfy


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

2. to give what is desired to; indulge
gratify : desire :: slake : thirst
slake (, ) ; , ;
aggrieve, irk, rile, nettle, displease gratify
aggrieve ;
irk , to be irritating, wearisome, or vexing
rile ; to stir to anger; to stir up
nettle ; to irritate; vex
gratis [gritis, grt-]
: without charge

a. : FREE

[grtjts] a. , (unwarranted),
1. given or granted without return or recompense;
2. given or received without cost or obligation; free
3. unnecessary or unwarranted; unjustified
gratuitous : justification ::
gratuitous earned, paid
gratuitous based, well-founded
gratuitous justified, warranted, justifiable, merited, deserved
warrant , ; ,
deserved ,



[greiv] n. , a. , ; ; ;
1. requiring serious thought; momentous
2. fraught with danger or harm
3. dignified and somber in conduct or character
4. somber or dark in hue
grave insignificant, trivial
grave flippant, giddy, droll
giddy ,

[grv:l] n. () v. ,
, a.
* gravelly , , a gravelly
gravel : pebble :: crowd : person : bouquet : flower
gravel, gravelly mellifluous
gravelly mellifluous
gravelly ( )
experience : green :: pelf : impecunious
pelf , ()
inexperience : green :: pertinacity : refractory
pertinacious , ,
gregarious [grigris] a. , : SOCIAL
1. seeking and enjoying the company of others; sociable
2. tending to move in or form a group with others of the
same kind
poseur : sincerity :: recluse : gregariousness
poseur [pouz:r]
recluse; a person who withdraws from the world to live in seclusion and
often in solitude
gregarious aloof, prefer solitude, reserved, unsociable, antogonistic
aloof , distant physically or emotionally; reserved and
grievous [grvs] a. , ,
1. causing grief, pain, or anguish
2. serious or dire; grave
grieve to cause to be sorrowful; distress
dire , ; ,
smart : pain :: grieve : sorrow
smart ;
solace : grief :: pacification : anger
solace [sls] ( ) comfort in sorrow, misfortune, or
distress; consolation
grievous slight, joyous
grift [grift] v. ()

[grvs] v. ;
: to question intensely
1. to broil on a gridiron()
2. to torture or afflict as if by broiling
3. (informal) to question relentlessly; cross-examine
4. to mark or emboss with a gridiron
question : grill :: (A << B)


gravity [grvti] n. ; , ; ,
1. grave consequence; seriousness or importance
2. solemnity or dignity of manner
frivolous : gravity :: brash : discretion
frivolous , ; ,
brash ; ,
droll, insignificant grave
droll , amusingly odd or whimsically comical
flippancy, giddiness gravity
flippant ; marked by disrespectful levity or
casualness; pert
giddy , ;
greedy [gri:di]
1. excessively desirous of acquiring or possessing,
especially wishing to possess more than what one needs
or deserves
2. wanting to eat or drink more than one can reasonably
consume; gluttonous
3. extremely eager or desirous
greed aversion, distaste, temperance
greedy generous

a. ; ; , ; , ;

grim [grim] , UNRELENTING

grimace [grms, grimis] n.
: a sharp contortion of the face expressive of pain, contempt,
or disgust
contortion : body :: grimace : face :: chagrin : mind
contortion (, ) , ;
contort; to twist, wrench, or bend severely out of shape
chagrin ,
grimace : pain :: chortle : amusement (A shows B) (flinch : fear )
flinch ,

[grin] vi. ,
: to draw back the lips and bare the teeth, as in mirth or good
pout grin
pout ,

gripe [graip] v.t. ,

: to irritate; annoy
1. (informal) to irritate; annoy
2. to cause sharp pain in the bowels of
3. to grasp; seize
4. to oppress or afflict
gripe : discontent :: praise : admiration
grisly [grzli] a.
: inspiring repugnance; gruesome
gruesome , causing horror and repugnance;
frightful and shocking


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

grisly : flinch :: droll : laugh
droll [droul] , amusingly odd or whimsically
groove [gruv] v.
grooved : striation :: braided : strand
strand () , ( )
striated : groove :: dappled : spot
grotesque [groutsk] a. : FANCIFUL, BIZARRE
1. characterized by ludicrous or incongruous distortion, as
of appearance or manner
2. outlandish or bizarre, as in character or appearance
3. of, relating to, or being the grotesque style in art or a
work executed in this style
grotto [grtou / grt-] n.
: a small cave or cavern
grotto : cavern :: arroyo : channel
arroyo [riou] ;
grouch [graut] v. , n. ,

1. a habitually complaining or irritable person

2. a grumbling or sulky mood: in a grouch about the long
line for tickets
3. a complaint; a grudge: had only one grouch against the
: To grumble or sulk
grouch : irritable :: wag : droll
wag v. , / n. ,
growl : guttural ::
grudge [grd] n. , ,
: a deep-seated feeling of resentment or rancor
grudge goodwill
grueling [grli] ; ,
: physically or mentally demanding to the point of exhaustion
grueling effortless, easy, pleasing
effortless : ,
gruesome [gr:sm] , ; GHASTLY,
: causing horror and repugnance; frightful and shocking: a
gruesome murder
gruesome : repugnance :: sublime : awe (A B )
gruff [gr f] a. , ,
1. brusque or stern in manner or appearance: a gruff reply
2. hoarse; harsh: a gruff voice
gruffness : convival ::
gruff : congenial ::
gruff amenable
grumble [grmbl] v. ,
1. to complain in a surly manner; mutter discontentedly
2. to rumble or growl
grumble : discontent :: crow : exultation (warn : danger, snub : envy
guarantee [grnt] v.t.
vouch refuse to guarantee
vouch ;

groundless [grundlis] adj. (, ) ,

groundless substantial, well-founded, persuasive, justifiable,
logical, justified

guffaw [gf, g-] v. () n.

: to laugh heartily and boisterously(
growl : guttural :: (A B )

grouse [graus] (grumble),

: to complain; grumble
grouse rejoice


[gail] n. , : DUPLICITY
: treacherous cunning; skillful deceit
* guileless
acrid : gentleness :: forthright : guile (OPPOSITE)
acrid (, ) ;
blemish : impeccable :: guile : artless (OPPOSITE)
blemish , , to mar or impair by a flaw
impeccable : flaw :: ingenuous : guile (OPPOSITE)
guile : artless :: blemish : flawless (OPPOSITE)
gullible : chicanery :: servile : domination
gullible , easily deceived or duped
chicanery , deception by trickery or sophistry
guile : naif :: tardy : prompt :: sensibility : boor :: purpose : aimless
naif, naive ; ,
artless cunning, guile
guileless manipulative, artful, disingenuous
manipulative ;

grove [grouv] n. ;
1. a small wood or stand of trees that lacks dense
2. a group of trees planted and cultivated for the
production of fruit or nuts
grove : trees :: archipelago : islands

[grvl, grvl / grvl] vi. ; ,

1. to behave in a servile or demeaning manner; cringe

2. to lie or creep in a prostrate position, as in subservience
or humility
3. to give oneself over to base pleasure
pluck : quit :: pride : grovel (A B )
pluck v. , n.
minion : dependent :: groveler : petitionary
minion , ;
petition ,
imperious : grovel :: (OPPOSITE)
groveling supercilious, imperious, arrogant, domineering
supercilious ,
domineering ,


[gilt] n. , : SELF-REPROACH
1. the fact of being responsible for the commission of an
2. (law) culpability for a crime or lesser breach of regulations
that carries a legal penalty
3. a. remorseful awareness of having done something wrong
b. self-reproach for supposed inadequacy or wrongdoing
4. guilty conduct; sin
narcissism : love :: guilt : blame (A >> B)
blame , ; ( )
guilt : expiation :: fatigue : repose
expiation ( /)

v. , , ;
1. to emit a low, guttural sound or utterance
2. to speak in an angry or surly manner


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

innocence guilt
gullible [glbl] a.
: easily duped or cheated
compliant : servile :: trusting : gullible (A << B)
gullible : chicanery :: servile : domination
gullibility : discernment :: ambivalence : commitment :: misconduct :
rectitude (deft : competence )
gullible : credulity ::
vigilant : entrapped :: exacting : satisfied :: wary : gulled (A = B
wary , on guard; watchful; characterized by caution
gullible suspicious, untrusting

[gli] n. , ;
: a deep ditch or channel cut in the earth by running water
after a prolonged downpour
mountain : gully ::
gully : erosion :: callus : friction (dewdrop : evaporation )

1. a. a recurrent, often unconscious pattern of behavior that

is acquired through frequent repetition
b. an established disposition of the mind or character
2. customary manner or practice
3. an addiction, especially to a narcotic drug
4. physical constitution
5. characteristic appearance, form, or manner of growth,
especially of a plant or crystal
6. a. a distinctive dress or costume, especially of a religious
order b. a riding habit ()
habit unwonted behavior
habitable [hbtbl] a.
: suitable to live in or on; inhabitable
potable : beverage :: habitable : dwelling
untenable habitable
untenable () ;

[hk] v. , ; (, ) , ;
( ) ,
1. to cut or chop with repeated and irregular blows
2. to break up the surface of (soil)
n. a person who works solely for
mercenary reasons
mercenary : soldier :: hack : writer
mercenary ; ( )
hack : carve :: gouge : engrave (A >> B)
engrave ,

gulp [g lp] v. , ; ,
1. to swallow greedily or rapidly in large amounts
2. to choke back by or as if by swallowing
gum [gm] n.
resin : tree :: gum : rubber plant
resin ;

[g] n. v. ()
1. to flow forth suddenly in great volume
2. to emit a sudden and abundant flow, as of tears
3. to make an excessive display of sentiment or enthusiasm
blast : whiff :: gush : trickle
whiff ,
trickle () , ; ,

gush : effusive :: rage : irate :: fulminate : irate ( : )

irate extremely angry; enraged
fulminate ;


[gst] n.
1. a strong, abrupt rush of wind
2. a sudden burst, as of rain or smoke
3. an outburst of emotion
gust : wind :: cloudburst : rainfall :: flare : light :: yank : pull (
suddenly B =A)
cloudburst ; a sudden, heavy rainstorm; a downpour

guttural [gtrl] adj. (throat), (harsh,

throaty); [] ,
1. Of or relating to the throat.
2. Having a harsh, grating quality, as certain sounds
produced in the back of the mouth.
3. Linguistics. Velar.
growl : guttural ::
growl : to emit a low, guttural sound
guzzle [gzl] v. ;
: to drink greedily or habitually; to consume to excess
complain : carp :: drink : guzzle (A << B)
carp , to find fault in a
disagreeable way; complain fretfully
fretful ,



hackneyed [hknid] a.
: overfamiliar through overuse; trite; lacking in freshness or
windy : concise :: hackneyed : original (OPPOSITE)
windy ; , ; , ;

equivocation : misleading :: bromide, cliche : hackneyed

bromide ; a commonplace remark or
notion; a platitude
hackneyed fresh, offbeat, singular, original, new, noteworthy,
offbeat n. a. not conforming to an ordinary type or
pattern; unconventional
singular , ,
bromide unhackneyed person
unhackneyed trite
trite; lacking power to evoke interest through overuse or repetition;
haggard [hgrd] a. , GAUNT n.
hairbreadth, hairsbreadth, hair's-breadth [h$rbred] n. adj.
; extremely close
hairbreadth ample margin, widely margin
halcyon [hlsin] a. ; n.
1. peaceful; tranquil
2. prosperous; golden
halcyon tempestuous, stormy, miserable, turbulent, violent, ominous,
excited, dark, tumultuous, miserable

[heil] a. , : SOUND
: free from defect, disease, or infirmity; sound
hale infirm, effete, blighted, wan, anemic, decrepit, frail, gaunt
effete [if:t] ,
blight ; ,
wan [wan] , ; , ; ( )
anemic ;

half-baked [hfbikt, hfbikt]

1. only partly baked


a. ; ,

GRE 6.0 (2008 7)
1. to cut the hamstring of (an animal or a person) and
thereby cripple
2. to make ineffective or powerless; to destroy or hinder the
efficiency of; frustrate
hamstring : effectiveness, efficaciousness :: enervate : vitality,
strength :: retard : process (B A )
hamstring mafke efficient

2. (informal) insufficiently thought out; ill-conceived

3. (informal) exhibiting a lack of good judgment or
common sense
half-baked well thought of, complete
halfhearted [hfhrtid, hfhrtid] a.
exhibiting or feeling little interest, enthusiasm, or
heart; uninspired
halfhearted enthusiastic
hallmark [h:lm:rk] n. , ; ,
1. a mark indicating quality or excellence
2. a mark used in England to stamp gold and silver articles
that meet established standards of purity
3. a conspicuous feature or characteristic
hallmark uncharacteristic feature
hallow [hlou] v. ;
1. to make or set apart as holy
2. to respect or honor greatly; revere
hallow desecrate
desecrate [dskrit] , to violate the
sacredness of; profane
hallucination [hlsnin] n. , ; ,
: false perception
1. a. false or distorted perception of objects or events with
a compelling sense of their reality, usually resulting from
a mental disorder or as a response to a drug b. the
objects or events so perceived
2. a false or mistaken idea; a delusion
delusion : thought :: hallucination : perception
delusion , ; a false belief or opinion
halting [hlti] a. , ,
1. hesitant or wavering
2. imperfect; defective
stammer : halting :: drone : monotonous
halting glib, fluent
ham-handed [hmhndid] a. ;
1. clumsy; maladroit; heavy-handed
2. having unusually large hands
ham-handed deft, adroit
hammer [hm:r] v. , ;
1. to hit, especially repeatedly, with or as if with a hammer;
2. to beat into a shape with or as if with a hammer
3. to put together, fasten, or seal, particularly with nails, by
4. to force upon by constant repetition
hammer : anvil :: pestle : mortar
hammer : carpenter :: knife : butcher
hammering [hmri] adj. ()
: to make repeated efforts ; to reiterate an opinion or
hamper [hmpr] v.t. : IMPEDE
: to prevent the free movement, action, or progress of
n. ;
damage : ruin :: hamper : thwart (A=B)
laundry : hamper :: mail : mailbox
seminal hampering further development
seminal ; (creative);
hamper facilitate, help, allow, unfetter, liberate
facilitate , to make easy or easier


v.t. ( ) ;

handle [hndl] v.t.

cumbersome easy to handle
cumbersome , , difficult to handle
because of weight or bulk

[hd()g, hdg] a. ; : SAD,

1. shamefaced or guilty
2. downcast; intimidated
hangdog buoyant, elated, merry, sprightly, cheerful

hankering [hkri] n. , : YEARN

: a strong or persistent desire
hanker v. to have a strong, often restless desire
hankering lack of desire, aversion, hate, odium
haphazard [hphzrd] a. ,
: dependent upon or characterized by mere chance
haphazard : planning :: gauche : finesse
haphazard systematic, methodical, orderly, planned
methodical , , ,
hapless [hplis] a. luckless; unfortunate
hapless fortunate, lucky, fortuitous
1. characterized by good luck; fortunate
2. enjoying, showing, or marked by pleasure, satisfaction, or
3. being especially well-adapted; felicitous
4. cheerful; willing
happy infelicitous
infelicitous , ;
harangue [hr] v. n. , ,
1. a long, pompous speech, especially one delivered before a
2. a speech or piece of writing characterized by strong feeling
or expression; a tirade
harangue : mollify ::
harangue speak temperately
harass [hrs, hrs] v. ,
1. to irritate or torment persistently
2. to wear out; exhaust
3. to impede and exhaust (an enemy) by repeated attacks or
haunt : familiar :: morass, harass : irritating
haunt ;
morass ; ,
harass delight, soothe, gratify
harbinger [hrbindr] n. , : PRECURSOR
: one that indicates or foreshadows what is to come; a
harbinger : presage :: archetype : exemplify
presage , ,
archetype ,
harbor [hrbr]
n. v.
: to give shelter to; to provide a place, home, or habitat for


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

harbor evict, fail to shelter

hard-bitten [hrdbtn] a.
: toughened by experience
hard-bitten tender
hard-boiled [h:rdbild] a. ,
1. cooked by boiling in the shell to a solid consistency.
Used of eggs
2. callous; unfeeling
3. unsentimental and practical; tough
hard-boiled impractical, sentimental
hardheaded [hrdhdid]
1. stubborn; willful
2. realistic; pragmatic

a. ;

hard-line [hrdlin]
: firm and uncompromising, as in policy, position, or stance
hard-liner compromise
hardy [hrdi] a. ; , ;
1. being in robust and sturdy good health
2. courageous; intrepid
3. brazenly daring; audacious
4. capable of surviving unfavorable conditions, such as cold
weather or lack of moisture
hardy feeble, tender, infirm, whimsical
hardness frailty
harebrained [hrbrind] a. , : FOOLISH
foolish; flighty
harebrained deliberate, sober, patient, grave, judicious, sensible,
harmonious [hrmunis] a.
1. exhibiting accord in feeling or action
2. having component elements pleasingly or appropriately
3. characterized by harmony of sound; melodious
* harmony n.
harmony : congruity :: clandestine : secrecy
harmonious acrimonious, cacophonous
acrimonious , , bitter and sharp in language
or tone; rancorous
harmony discord, contention
harness [hrnis] v.t. () ;
1. a. to put a harness on b. to fasten by the use of a harness
2. to bring under control and direct the force of
harness fail to utilize

assuage, relieve, soothe

harried untroubled
harsh [hr] a.
1. unpleasantly coarse and rough to the touch
2. disagreeable to the senses, especially to the sense of
3. extremely severe or exacting; stern
barb : caustic :: pan : harsh
harshen soften
encomium harsh criticism
encomium warm, glowing praise; a formal expression of praise; a
mollycoddle treat harshly
mollycoddle ,
paean harshly lampoon
paean [p:n] ,
lampoon , to ridicule or satirize in or as if in a
harsh serene
hasten [hisn] v.t.
: to move or act quickly
hasten slow the progress of, check, retard
hasty [histi] a. ,
1. characterized by speed; rapid
2. done or made too quickly to be accurate or wise; rash
3. easily angered; irritable
* haste n. , ,
haste sluggishness, foot-dragging, dilatoriness
hasty characterized by deliberation, well considered, deliberate
hatch [ht] n. ( ) ; ;
1. a. an opening, as in the deck of a ship, in the roof or floor
of a building, or in an aircraft b. the cover for such an
opening c. a hatchway
2. the hinged rear door of a hatchback
3. a floodgate
hatchway ,
door : room :: hatch : hold
haughty [h:ti] a. (),
haughty humble, modest, self-effacing, unassuming, obliging
haughtiness humility

[hnt, hnt] v.t. ; :

1. to inhabit, visit, or appear to in the form of a ghost or
other supernatural being
2. to visit often; frequent
3. to come to mind continually
4. to be continually present in; pervade
haunt : familiar :: morass, harass : irritating
morass ; something that hinders, engulfs, or overwhelms
persecute : injure :: haunt : remember
persecute ;
haunt shun, infrequency
shun to avoid deliberately; keep away from
shunt () n. (switch)
frequent avoid

harp [hrp] n.
horn : blow :: harp : pluck
harrow [hrou] v. () /; ,

1. to break up and level (soil or land) with a harrow

2. to inflict great distress or torment on
harrow mollify, assuage, soothe

[hri] v. ; () ; n. ,
My publisher is ing me to write another book.
1. to disturb or distress by or as if by repeated attacks;
2. to raid, as in war; sack or pillage
harry : pacific ::
harry comfort, mollify, untrouble, appease, leave undisturbed,

hauteur [houtr] n. : ARROGANCE, HAUGHTINESS

: haughtiness in bearing and attitude; arrogance
fawn : hauteur :: self depreciate : swagger
swagger ;
hauteur humility, humbleness



, ;

GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

1. a harbor or an anchorage; a port
2. a place of refuge or rest; a sanctuary
haven : danger :: nirvana : suffering
haven unsafe place, dangerous place
havoc [hvk] n.
1. widespread destruction; devastation
2. disorder or chaos
furor, havoc serenity

[heiz] n. ; ( )
1. a. atmospheric moisture, dust, smoke, and vapor that
diminishes visibility b. a partially opaque covering
2. a vague or confused state of mind

headlong [hedl / hedl] a. ;

1. with the head leading; headfirst
2. in an impetuous manner; rashly
3. at breakneck speed or with uncontrolled force
headlong : deliberation ::
headlong deliberate
headstrong [hedstr, hedstr] a.
1. determined to have one's own way; stubbornly and often
recklessly willful
2. resulting from willfulness and obstinacy
headstrong : willfulness ::
willful , ; , obstinately bent on
having one's own way
headstrong :advice :: secretive : scrutiny (callous : sympathy )
headstrong tractable
hectic calm
hedge [hed] n. ; ( )
1. a row of closely planted shrubs or low-growing trees
forming a fence or boundary
2. a linen of people or objects forming a barrier
3. a. a means of protection or defense, especially against
financial loss b. a securities transaction that reduces the
risk on an existing investment position
4. an intentionally noncommittal or ambiguous statement
* hedgerow
hedgerow : fence :: arbor : shelter (A B, A B )
hedge : loss :: quarantine : contamination
quarantine ( ) ;
safeguard : accident :: hedge : loss
hedonism [hdnzm] n.
: pursuit of or devotion to pleasure, especially to the
pleasures of the senses
* hedonist; a person whose life is devoted to the pursuit of
pleasure and self-gratification
* hedonic [hidnik] a. ,
1. of, relating to, or marked by pleasure
2. of or relating to hedonism or hedonists
hedonist : pleasure :: recluse : privacy :: narcissist : self
hedonistic ascetic
hedonic, hedonist ascetic
hedonism, indulgence ascetism
heed [hi:d] v. (~) n. , ,
heed flout (demur, linger, insult )

hearken, harken [hrkn] v. ,

: to listen attentively; give heed
hearken ignore

hegemony [hidmni] n. ; ; , ,
: the predominant influence of one state over others
hegemony lack of authority

heart [hrt] v.t.

: to encourage; hearten
mollify : anger :: heart, hearten : dejection

heinous [hins] a. , : ABOMINABLE

: grossly wicked or reprehensible; abominable
heinous : laudable ::
heinous admirable
heinous commendable, laudable, venial
venial , () easily excused or forgiven;

hearten [h:rtn] v. / ; /
: to give strength, courage, or hope to; encourage
* enhearten = hearten
hearten : dejected ::
enhearten, hearten dampen, weaken
dismay, daunt hearten
daunt , ;
heart-rending [hrtrndi] a.
: causing anguish or deep distress; arousing deep sympathy
heartrending : sad :: deafening : loud :: earsplitting : loud (A >> B)
earsplitting loud and shrill enough to hurt the ears
heartsick [h:rtsik] adj. , ,
heartsick blithe, spirited
heated [htid] adj. /
: marked by anger or passion
heated temperate, tempered
heckle [hkl] v. , ,
: to harass and try to disconcert with questions, challenges,
or gibes : BADGER synonyms see BAIT (PP2 )
heckle assuage, mollify, pacify

heirloom [rlm] n.
: a valued possession passed down in a family through
succeeding generations
heirloom : ancestor :: bequest : testator
bequest ;
bequeath ; ,
testator one who has made a legally valid will before death
helmet [hlmit] n. ,
helmet : injury :: amulet : evil
helter-skelter [heltersklter] adv. , a.
, n. ,
helter-skelter moderate, orderly, steadfast, calm, steady, ordered,
organized, systematic, methodical, prudent

hectic [hktik] adj. ,

1. Characterized by intense activity, confusion, or haste.
2. Medicine. Of, relating to, or being a fever that fluctuates
during the day, as in tuberculosis or septicemia.
3. Consumptive; feverish.
4. Flushed.


[hem] n. ; v. , ,

1. an edge or a border on a piece of cloth, especially a

finished edge, as for a garment or curtain, made by folding
the selvage edge under and stitching it down
2. the height or level of the bottom edge of a skirt, dress, or
coat; a hemline

1. to utter a hem

GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

2. to hesitate in speech
selvage (, )
hemline (, )
hem : garment :: ruffle : shirt :: molding : cabinet :: brim, rim : vessel
hem speak directly, release, let go
hemostatic [hmsttik, hm-] a.
: acting to arrest bleeding or hemorrhage
styptic ,
stanch (, ) ; ,
herald [hrld] v.t. : ANNOUNCE, PROCLAIM
unabashed : embarrassment :: unheralded : announcement
unherald proclaim
herbicide [hrbsid] n. : WEED-KILLER
insect : pesticide :: plant : herbicide
hereditary [hirdtri / -tri]
hereditary acquired


heretic [hrtik] n. , a. (=heretical)

: a person who holds controversial opinions, especially one
who publicly dissents from the officially accepted dogma
of the Roman Catholic Church
* heresy [hrsi] n. ,
1. a. an opinion or a doctrine at variance with established
religious beliefs, especially dissension from or denial of
Roman Catholic dogma by a professed believer or
baptized church member
b. adherence to such dissenting opinion or doctrine
2. a. a controversial or unorthodox opinion or doctrine, as
in politics, philosophy, or science
b. adherence to such controversial or unorthodox opinion
heresy : orthodoxy ::
apostasy : faith :: recantation : heresy (B = A)
apostasy ; , ,
recant to make a formal retraction or disavowal of
heretic : nonconformity :: apologist : defend :: generous : liberality
(authority : superiority )
heretic : dissent :: connoisseur : excel (A B )
(authentication : superior )
heresy dogma, orthodoxy
dogma ,
heretic purist
purist one who practices or urges strict correctness, especially in the
use of words
doctrine : heretical :: course : errant
generous : liberality :: heretical : unconformity
hermetic [h:rmtik] a. , ; ,
1. completely sealed, especially against the escape or entry
of air
2. impervious to outside interference or influence
3. often Hermetic (mythology)
a. of or relating to Hermes Trismegistus or the works
ascribed to him
b. having to do with the occult sciences, especially
alchemy; magical
hermetic easily comprehended
hermit [hrmit] n. : RECLUSE
: a person who has withdrawn from society and lives a
solitary existence; a recluse
* hermitage n. ,
vegetarian : meat :: hermit : society
hermitage : secluded :: landmark : conspicuous
seclude , to set or keep apart, as from social
contact with others

landmark ;
herpetology [hrptldist / -tl-] n.
salmon : ichthyologist :: chameleon : herpetologist
ichthyology [kildi]
herpetology [hrptldist / -tl-] n.
salmon : ichthyologist :: chameleon : herpetologist
hesitance, hesitancy [hztns] n. , ;
impetuous : hesitating :: irrepressible : servile
impetuous ;
irrepressible ; difficult or impossible to
control or restrain
parsimonious : profligacy :: impetuous : hesitance
profligate ;
impetuous : hesitate :: irrepressible : servile
hesitation : reluctance :: hubris : pride
hubris overbearing pride or presumption; arrogance
alacrity, impetuosity dilatoriness, hesitance
dilatory ; intended to delay; tending to postpone
or delay
impetuosity hesitance, vacillation
heterodox [hetrdks / -dks] a.
1. not in agreement with accepted beliefs, especially in
church doctrine or dogma
2. holding unorthodox opinions
heterodox : nonconformity :: authority : superiority (A have B)
doctrinal : heterodox :: spontaneous : studied (OPPOSITE)
heterodox : convention :: (OPPOSITE)
heterodox : orthodox ::
heterodox conventional, orthodox
heyday [hidi] n. , ,
heyday lowest point, nadir (pandemonium )
hiatus [haiits] n.
1. a break in or as if in a material object : GAP
2. a gap or passage in an anatomical part or organ
hiatus nexus
hidebound [hidbund] a. ,
: stubbornly prejudiced, narrow-minded, or inflexible
contumacious : authority :: reactionary, hidebound, conservative :
change, innovation, novelty
contumacious , obstinately disobedient or rebellious;
hidebound : conservative :: maniac : interested, excited (A >> B)
mania; an excessively intense enthusiasm, interest, or desire; a craze
hidebound : innovation :: parsimonious : expenditure
hidebound : flexibility :: carefree : responsibility
hidebound flexible, liberal
hideous [hdis] a. , ; () ,

1. repulsive, especially to the sight; revoltingly ugly

2. offensive to moral sensibilities
pulchritude ugliness, hideousness
pulchritude [plkritj:d] great physical beauty and appeal
affinity aversion, hideousness

[hai] v.t. : HASTEN

: to go quickly
hie dawdle
dawdle ,

hierarch [hi:r`:rk] n. , ;
1. one who occupies a position of authority in a religious


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

2. one who occupies a high position in a hierarchy
hierarch egalitarian
hierarchy [hirrki] n.
echelon : hierarchy ::
echelon [ln] (, ) ; (, ) ,

hierarchical unranked
hieroglyph [hirglf] n. ;
1. a picture or symbol used in hieroglyphic writing
2. something that suggests a hieroglyph
decipher : hieroglyph :: break : code
(B( ) A() :: (code) (break)
break the code )
character : hieroglyph :: book : manual
character; a symbol used in secret writing; a cipher or code. A mark
or symbol used in a writing system. (ideograph)(
() , letter );
, ; <> ( ) ; [] (),
. Greek s . musical s . an
inscription in Chinese s (). character
manual a small reference book
hieroglyphic [hairglifik] a. , ;
1. a. of, relating to, or being a system of writing, such as
that of ancient Egypt, in which pictorial symbols are
used to represent meaning or sounds of a combination
of meaning and sound b. written with such symbols
2. difficult to read or decipher
high-strung [histr] adj. , , ,

high-strung easygoing, tranquil, laid-back

[haik] n. ;
v. 1. to go on an extended walk for pleasure or exercise
2. to rise, especially to rise upward out of place
backset hike
backset , ;

hilarious [hilris, hai-] a.

: characterized by or causing great merriment
hilarious : laughter :: contemptible : disdain
hoary : old :: hilarious : funny (A >> B)
hoary ;
hinder [hnd:r] v.
1. to be or get in the way of
2. to obstruct or delay the progress of
hinder further, facilitate, speed, succor
further , ,
hinge [hind] n. ( ) ; ,
: a point or circumstance on which subsequent events
[hint] n. : CLUE
1. a slight indication or intimation
2. a. a brief or indirect suggestion; a tip
b. a statement conveying information in an indirect fashion;
a clue
3. a barely perceptible amount
nuance : distinction :: hint : suggestion (A << B)
hirsute hairless

[hstrinik / -n-] a. , , :
1. of or relating to actors or acting
2. excessively dramatic or emotional; affected
histrionic : actor :: pedantic : scholar

hitch [hit] v. ( ) , ; ,
1. to fasten or catch temporarily with or as if with a loop,
hook, or noose
2. to connect or attach, as to a vehicle
3. to move or raise by pulling or jerking

[haiv] n. ;
1. a. a structure for housing bees, especially honeybees
b. a colony of bees living in such a structure
2. a place swarming with activity
tumultuous : bedlam :: active : hive
tumultuous ,
bedlam , a place or situation of noisy uproar and

hoard [hrd] v. ; (, ) n.
v. To gather or accumulate a hoard. To keep hidden or private.
n. a hidden fund or supply stored for future use; a cache
miser : hoard :: dandy : preen :: sycophant : fawn :: pundit : opine ::
shirk : malinger
dandy a man who affects extreme elegance in clothes and
preen ( ) ;
malinger to feign illness or other incapacity in order to
avoid duty or work
shirk v. (, ) n. ,
hoard : money ::
lavish hoard
lavish ; ,
hoard distribute, squander, dwindle, scatter, disperse
hoarse [ho:rs] a. () , ;
1. rough or grating in sound
2. having or characterized by a husky, grating voice
hoarse honeyed, mellifluent, mellifluous, smooth
hoary [hri] a. () ; : ANCIENT
1. gray or white with or as if with age
2. covered with grayish hair or pubescence
3. so old as to inspire veneration; ancient
pubescence ;
puberty ,
hoary : old :: hilarious : funny :: saturated : wet (A >> B)
hilarious ; characterized by or causing great

[houks] n. : IMPOSTURE
1. an act intended to deceive or trick
2. something that has been established or accepted by
fraudulent means
hoax : fraudulence :: paragon : excellence
fraudulent ,
hoax : deceive :: filibuster : delay


[hbl / hbl]/[hbl / hbl] n. () be in a

hobble /
v. ,
: to walk or move along haltingly or with difficulty; limp.
: to cause to limp
1. a hobbling movement
2. to cause to limp; make lame; CRIPPLE


hirsute [h:rsju:t] a. , ,
1. covered with hair; hairy
2. botany. covered with stiff or coarse hairs


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)
hone blunt
blunt; adj. v.

hobble : halting :: slink : furtive

hobble move fluidly, move quickly
hodgepodge [hdpd / hdpd] n. : JUMBLE
: a mixture of dissimilar ingredients; a jumble
hodgepodge : uniformity :: cliche : originality
items : hodgepodge :: people : rabble
rabble , ;
rioter : hodgepodge :: interpreter : translation :: illuminator :
illuminator ; ,
v. ,
hoist [hist]
: to raise or haul up with or as if with the help of a
mechanical apparatus
bolster : support :: tackle : hoist (A is a tool for B)
tackle , ; , ; ( )
hoist lower
hollow [hlou|hl-] adj. , , ,

hollow substantial
homage [hmid / hm-] n. , : RESPECT
1. ceremonial acknowledgment by a vassal of allegiance to
his lord under feudal law
2. special honor or respect shown or expressed publicly
vassal (), ; ,
feudal , ,
counsel : advice :: laud : homage (A = B )
homage disrespect
homely [humli] a. ; ;
1. not attractive or good-looking
2. lacking elegance or refinement
3. of a simple or unpretentious nature; plain
4. characteristic of the home or of home life
pulchritude ugliness, hideousness, homeliness
hideous [hdis] , ; ,
homily [hmli / hm-] n. ,
1. a sermon, especially one intended to edify a
congregation on a practical matter and not intended to
be a theological discourse
2. a tedious moralizing lecture or admonition
parable : story :: homily : lecture (A B )
parable ; a simple story illustrating a moral or religious
homily : edifying ::
homogenize [hmdniz, houm-/-m-] v.t.
: to make homogeneous
* homogeneous adj.
* homogeneity [houmdn:ti|h -] n.
miscellaneous : homogeneity ::
homogenize : uniform :: putrefy : rotten (A B)
homogeneous motley, differential, disparate
stratify homogenize
stratify ;

[houn] v. ; : WHET
1. to sharpen on a fine-grained whetstone
2. to perfect or make more intense or effective

honorarium [nrrim / n-] n.

: a payment given to a professional person for services for
which fees are not legally or traditionally required
amenity : comfortable :: honorarium : grateful ( :
amenity /;
hoodwink [hdwk] v.
: to take in by deceptive means; deceive
hoodwink disabuse
horn [hrn] n. ; : TRUMPET
horn : blow :: harp : pluck ( )
hortative, hortatory [hrttiv] a. ,
: marked by exhortation or strong urging
didactic : teach :: hortatory : urge ( : )
hortative : encourage :: exculpatory : absolve :: motivational : stir ::
didactic : teach
exculpatory ,
exculpate to clear of guilt or blame
horticulture [hrtkltr] n.
tree : forestry :: flower : horticulture
hourly [uerli] a. , , adv. ,
hovel [hvl, hv-] n. : HUT
1. a small, miserable dwelling
2. an open, low shed
palatial : hovel :: bucolic : city, metropolis

[hb] n. () ; ()
1. the center part of a wheel, fan, or propeller
2. a center of activity or interest; a focal point
spoke : hub :: radius : center

hubris [hjbris] n.
: overbearing pride or presumption; arrogance
parsimony : frugality :: hubris : pride, self-confidence (A >> B)
hesitation : reluctance :: hubris : pride :: flattery : praise
hubris humility, self-effacement, subservience, self-doubt,
humbleness, self-abasement
hue [hju:] n.
1. The property of colors by which they can be perceived as
ranging from red through yellow, green, and blue, as
determined by the dominant wavelength of the light.
2. A particular gradation of color; a shade or tint.
3. Color: all the hues of the rainbow.
4. Appearance; aspect: a man of somber hue.
hue : beige :: metal : iron ()
achromatic : hue :: extraneous : essence :: transitory : permanence (A
B )
hulking [hlki] ;
: unwieldy or bulky; massive
hulking ethereal, gossamer, lively
ethereal ;
hull [hl] n. , , v. ~
hull kernel
humane [hju(:)min] a. , ;
1. characterized by kindness, mercy, or compassion
2. marked by an emphasis on humanistic values and concerns


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

misanthropist : humane :: ascetic : voluptuary (OPPOSITE)

voluptuary a person whose life is given over to luxury and
sensual pleasures; a sensualist

1. the outer membranous or green envelope of some fruits or

seeds, as that of a walnut or an ear of corn
2. a shell or outer covering, especially when considered
3. a framework serving as a support
seed, corn : husk :: orange : rind :: banana : peel :: peanut : shell
rind ;
husk core, vital part, kernel

humanitarian [hjumntrin] n. :
one who is devoted to the promotion of human welfare and
the advancement of social reforms; a philanthropist
humble [hmbl] a. ; ,
1. marked by meekness or modesty in behavior, attitude, or
spirit; not arrogant or prideful
2. showing deferential or submissive respect
3. low in rank, quality, or station; unpretentious or lowly
dour : geniality :: bumptious : humbleness
dour ,
bumptious , crudely or loudly assertive; pushy
impetuous : vacillation, hesitation :: bumptious : humbleness
humility : supplicant :: resistance : adversary
humble fustian
supercilious, bumptious humble
supercilious , feeling or showing haughty disdain
panache, hauteur humility
panache [pn] ( ) ; , ,
hauteur , haughtiness in bearing and attitude; arrogance
humility [hju:mlti] n. , ;
: the quality or condition of being humble
humility hauteur, panache
hauteur ,
panache ; , ; , (display),
humor [hjmr] v.t. , ;
1. to comply with the wishes or ideas of
2. to adapt or accommodate oneself to
chide : pillory :: humor : mollycoddle (A << B)
chide , to scold mildly so as to correct or
improve; reprimand
pillory ( ) ; to expose to
ridicule and abuse
[hrl] v.t. , ; ( )
1. to throw with great force; fling
2. to send with great vigor; thrust
3. to throw down; overthrow
4. to utter vehemently
scowl : displeasure :: kiss : affection :: hurl : disgust
scowl [skaul] to wrinkle or contract the brow as an
expression of anger or disapproval


hurricane [hrkin, hri- / hrikn] n.

fire : inferno :: storm : hurricane (A << B)
rain : deluge :: wind : hurricane (A << B)
snow : precipitation :: hurricane : cyclone (snow precipitation
, hurricane cyclone( cyclone
) )

husky [hski] a.
: hoarse or rough in quality
husky delicate
hustle [hsl] n. v. ; ;

1. to jostle or shove roughly
2. to convey in a hurried or rough manner
3. to cause or urge to proceed quickly
4. to gain by energetic effort
hustle stillness, tranquility
hybrid [hibrid] a. : COMPOSITE
1. (genetics) the offspring of genetically dissimilar parents or
stock, especially the offspring produced by breeding
plants or animals of different varieties, species, or races
2. a. something or mixed origin or composition b. something,
such as a computer or power plant, having two kinds of
components that produce the same or similar results
3. a word whose elements are derived from different
hybrid of unmixed extraction, purebred
hymn [him] n. , ; PAEAN v.
1. a song of praise or thanksgiving to God or a deity
2. a song of praise or joy; a paean
hymn : praise :: elegy : sorrow :: dirge : grief :: madrigal : love (A show
hymn execrate( swear, curse), deprecate (,
hyperbole [haiprbli] n.
: a figure of speech in which exaggeration is used for
emphasis or effect
exaggerating : hyperbole :: malicious : ill-will :: diligent : effort
anger : tirade :: exaggeration : hyperbole
playful : banter :: exaggerated : hyperbole
banter , good-humored, playful conversation
pompous : bombast :: exaggerated : hyperbole
exaggerated : hyperbole :: nonsensical : drivel
drivel [drvl] ;
hyperbolic factful, tactful
hyperbole understatement

husbandry [hzbndri] n. , ; : ECONOMY

: careful management or conservation of resources;
husbandry : dissipate :: alacrity : procrastinate
procrastinate to put off doing something, especially out of
habitual carelessness or laziness
husband squander
squander to spend wastefully or extravagantly; dissipate
husbandry prodigality, waste
husbandry mismanagement, squandering

hypnotic [hipntik / -nt-] a. n. , : SOPORIFIC

1. a. of or relating to hypnosis b. of or relating to hypnotism
2. inducing or tending to induce sleep; soporific
* hypnosis [hipnousis]
n. (),
1. a sleeplike state usually induced by another person in
which the subject may experience forgotten or suppressed
memories, hallucinations, and heightened suggestibility(
2. hypnotism()
3. a sleeplike condition
hypnotic, unwitting conscious
hypnotic stimulant(, ), bracing( ,
), rousing (, )
bracing ; invigorating or refreshing;


hypocrisy [hipkrsi|-pk-] n. ( )


n. : SHELL


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)
ignite douse, extinguish, quench
douse ,
combustible : ignite :: malleable : shape

1. the practice of professing beliefs, feelings, or virtues that

one does not hold or possess; falseness
2. an act or instance of such falseness
hypocritical [hpkrtikl] a.
authenticity : fraudulent :: sincerity : hypocritical
hypocritical ingenuous, honest
hypothetical [hiptikl] a.
1. of, relating to, or based on a hypothesis
2. a. suppositional; uncertain b. conditional; contingent
hypothetical proven

ichthyology [kildist / -l-] n.
salmon : ichthyologist :: chameleon : herpetologist
iconoclast [aiknklst|-kn-] n. , ()

1. one who attacks and seeks to overthrow traditional or

popular ideas or institutions
2. one who destroys sacred religious images
iconoclast : attack :: philosopher : cogitate
iconoclast : challenge :: gadfly : annoy (CHARACTER)
idealize [aid(:)laiz] v. / ()
idealize : esteem :: ( : ()) ::
idealize view reality, show realistically
idealize blame, condemn, criticize, denounce, mar, worsen, spoil,
degrade, dishonor, lower
idiosyncrasy [idisikrsi] n. ,
1. a structural or behavioral characteristic peculiar to an
individual or a group
2. a physiological or temperamental peculiarity
3. an unusual individual reaction to food or a drug
idiosyncratic [disikrtik] adj.
: characteristic peculiarity
idolater [aidltr / -dl-] n. ;
1. one who worships idols
2. one who blindly or excessively admires or adores
reverent : idolater :: trusting : dupe (A << B, DEFECTIVE)
esteem : idolize :: favor : bribe (A << B, DEFECTIVE)

[idl] n. , ; /
1. a. a short poem or prose piece depicting a rural or
pastoral scene, usually in idealized terms
b. anarrative poem treating an epic or romantic theme
2. a scene or an event of a simple and tranquil nature
3. a. a carefree episode or experience
b. a romantic interlude
idyll : carefree :: ordeal : difficult
ordeal ,
idyll experience fraught with tension
idyllic urbane


[ignit] v.t. ; () :
1. a. to cause to burn b. to set fire to
2. to subject to great heat, especially to make luminous by
3. to arouse the passions of; excite

ignoble [ignubl] a. , ; ,
1. not noble in quality, character, or purpose; base or mean
2. not of the nobility; common
ignoble eminent
ignominy [gnmni] n. , ,
1. great personal dishonor or humiliation
2. shameful or disgraceful action, conduct, or character
bring ignominy to ones family
(ex. )
* ignominious [gnmnis] a. , ;

1. marked by shame or disgrace

2. deserving disgrace or shame; despicable
3. degrading; debasing
ignominious honorable, lofty, eminent, respectable, admirable
ignominy eminence(, ), glory(, ), esteem(,
), respect(,), honor(, /), honorable conduct
ignorant [gnrnt] a.
1. lacking education or knowledge
2. showing or arising from a lack of education or knowledge
3. unaware or uninformed
subtle : ignore :: salient : observe (A = B )
salient , ;
erudite smattering of knowledge, ignorant, unlettered
ignore v. ~ , , ,
To refuse to pay attention to; disregard.
* , ( 10
3 15)
ill-bred [ilbrd] a. ; : IMPOLITE
: badly brought up; impolite and crude
ill-bred : impolite ::
illiteracy [iltrsi] n.
1. the condition of being unable to read and write
2. an error, as in writing or speech, made by or thought to be
characteristic of one who is illiterate
illiteracy : education :: inequity : redistribution
inequity , injustice; unfairness
erudition illiteracy
erudition deep, extensive learning
illuminati [ilmnitai, -nti] n. ()

: persons who are or who claim to be unusually enlightened

interpreter : translate :: illuminati : instruct
illumination [ilmnin] n. ; ; /
frieze : building :: illumination : manuscript
stylus : mark :: lamp : illumination :: apron : protect
stylus ; () a sharp, pointed instrument used for
writing, marking, or engraving
therapeutic : hospital :: illuminating : school
illuminate : darkness :: educate : ignorance
squall : commotion :: flash : illumination (A = brief B)
squall , ; a brief, sudden, violent windstorm, often
accompanied by rain or snow
commotion , ; , ; ,
obfuscate elucidate, illuminate, explain clearly
obfuscate ,
illicit [ilsit] a. , UNLAWFUL


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

illicit : permission :: abrupt : warning (sordid : justification )

illusory [ilsri] a.
: produced by, based on, or having the nature of an illusion;
maelstrom : turbulent :: mirage : illusory
maelstrom ; , a violent or turbulent
nicety : precision :: illusion : fantasy (EQUAL)
illusion : perception :: gaffe : judgment :: cunning : truth
gaffe [gf] , a clumsy social error; a blatant mistake or
illustrate [lstrit, ilstreit] v. , ( )
1. a. to clarify, as by use of examples or comparisons
b. to clarify by serving as an example or comparison
2. to provide (a publication) with explanatory or decorative
to present a clarification, an example, or an
heal : ailing :: illustrate : complex
illustrate : pictures :: particularize : details
particularize ; to mention, describe, or treat
imbibe [imbib] v. ;
1. to drink
2. to absorb or take in as if by drinking
3. to receive and absorb into the mind
thirsty : imbibe :: exhausted : rest
imbroglio [imbruljou]
n. ,
1. a. a difficult or intricate situation; an entanglement
b. a confused or complicated disagreement
2. a confused heap; a tangle
imbroglio harmony
imbue [imbj:] v.t. ( ) ; (, )
, , ~ .
1.To inspire, permeate, or invade: work imbued with the
revolutionary spirit. See synonyms at charge.
2.To stain or dye deeply.
the skin with moisture .
He d me with the feeling that I had some sort of talent.
imbue drain, dehydrate
imbued unaffected
imitate [miteit] v.t. , ~
1. to use or follow as a model
2. a. to copy the actions, appearance, mannerisms, or
speech of; mimic b. to copy or use the style of
3. to copy exactly; reproduce
4. to appear like; resemble
* imitation [mtin] n.
exemplary : imitation :: culpable : blame :: venerable : reverence
paragon, paradigm : imitate :: reverence : regard
immaculate [imkjlit] a. ; : PURE
1. impeccably clean; spotless
2. free from stain or blemish; pure
3. free from fault or error
4. having no markings
squalid immaculate
squalid , ; ,
immanent [mnnt] a. ;
1. existing or remaining within; inherent
2. restricted entirely to the mind; subjective

immanent explicit, extrinsic

immaterial [mtril] a. ; /
1. of no importance or relevance; inconsequential or
2. having no material body or form
immaterial : relevance :: peripheral : center :: circuitous : directness
immaterial : touch :: infinite : exhaust
immaterial corporeal(, ), consequential(),
pertinent, relevant, significant
immature [imt:jr, -t:r] a. ,
1. not fully grown or developed
2. marked by or suggesting a lack of normal maturity
immature : developed :: incipient : realized
incipient , ,
immemorial [mimril] a.
: extending or existing since beyond the reach of memory,
record, or tradition
immemorial recent
immerse [im:rs] v.t. ; ;
1. to cover completely in a liquid; submerge
2. to baptize by submerging in water
3. to engage wholly or deeply; absorb
immerse dehydrate, dry
immerse distract, draw away, withdraw
imminent [mnnt] a.
: about to occur; impending
imminence : forthcoming :: ( : )
forthcoming; about to appear or take place; approaching
imminent distant, far in the future
immune [imjn] a. ;
1. not subject to an obligation imposed on others; exempt
2. not affected by a given influence; unresponsive
fertilize : grow :: immunize : resist
soporific : sleep :: vaccinating : immunity
soporific , ;
vaccination : immune :: overexposure : jaded (A B )
immune having no resistance, susceptible
immunity susceptibility
suscepibility ( ) ,
immure [imjr] v.t. ;
1. to enclose within or as if within walls; imprison
2. to build into a wall
3. to entomb in a wall
immure release, liberate
immutable [imjtbl] a. (),
: not capable of or susceptible to change
immutable laws :
. mutable ,
evanescent : endure :: immutable : change
immutable : altered :: implacable : propitiated (A B )
implacable , ; impossible to placate
or appease
propitiate , conciliate; appease
transitory : endure :: immutable : change (A B )
immutable variable, vicissitudinous, labile, instable, inconstant
vicissitudinous (vicissitude )

[imp] n. , ; : URCHIN
1. a mischievous child
2. a small demon
mischievous ; ,


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

insensitive : boor :: mischievous : imp

: to

[impr] v.t.
cause do diminish, as in strength, value, or quality
revise (endorse )


[implpb:l] a. , ;
1. not perceptible to the touch; intangible
2. difficult to perceive or grasp by the mind
impalpable clear

impassive [impsiv] a. , ; ,
1. devoid of or not subject to emotion
2. revealing no emotion; expressionless
3. incapable of physical sensation
4. motionless; still
impassive : perturb :: voracious : satisfy :: avaricious : satisfy (A
B )
voracious ,
callous : impassivity :: dupe : duplicity (EQUAL)
():():::() (:
callous : a. v. , n.
impassive , ; ,
dupe v. , ... n.
impassive emotional, excitable, fervid, perfervid, overwrought
perfervid extremely or extravagantly eager; impassioned or
impeachable [imptbl] adj. (, )
1. capable of being impeached: venal, impeachable public
2. being such as to make one liable to impeachment: an
impeachable offense
* unimpeachable [nimptbl] a. ,

1. difficult or impossible to impeach

2. beyond reproach; blameless
3. beyond doubt; unquestionable
* impeach v.t.
impeachable : blame ::
impeachable : denunciation :: invariant : prediction
impeachable blameless, inculpable
unimpeachable open to question
impeccable [impkbl] a. ;
1. having no flaws; perfect
2. incapable of sin or wrongdoing
blemish : impeccable :: guile : artless
blemish , to mar or impair by a flaw
impeccable : flaw :: ingenuous : guile
ingenuous , , ; ,
rectitude : transgressive :: keenness : obtuse :: impeccability : flaw
rectitude , ;
transgress ( ) , ;
impeccable : flaw :: indolent : stir
indolent , disinclined to exert oneself; habitually lazy
restive : calmness :: impeccable : flaw :: sterile : germ
sterile , ; ,
germ ,
impeccable : faulted :: (OPPOSITE)
impeccable faulty, blemished, defective, flawed, tarnished
impecunious [mpikjnis]
: lacking money; penniless


foolish : discretion :: impecunious : money

pelf : impecunious :: experience : green
pelf , wealth or riches, especially when dishonestly acquired
impecunious wealthy, prosperous, affluent, lavish
impede [impd] v.
: to retard or obstruct the progress of
blandishment : cajole :: obstacle : impede :: explanation : enlighten
cajole to urge with gentle and repeated appeals,
teasing, or flattery
impede : encumbrance :: divert : distraction
abet thwart, impede
impede facilitate, promote, foment, nurture, assist, cultivate, aid,
cheer, expediate, abet
speed impede, hinder
encumber remove impediment
encumber ; ,
impel [impl] v. ; ,
1. to urge to action through moral pressure; drive
2. to drive forward; propel
impel restrain, curb, rein
impending [impndi] a.
: to be about to occur
impending remote
impenetrate [impnitreit] v. ~ ()
impenetrate : permeable :: ( : )
impenetrable [impntrbl] a. , ,
1. impossible to penetrate or enter
2. impossible to understand; incomprehensible
3. impervious to sentiment or argument
pierce : impenetrable :: profane : inviolable :: change : immutable
profane ; ,
inviolable , secure from violation or profanation
juggernaut : unstoppable :: enigma : impenetrable
juggernaut ;
enigma ;
porous impenetrable
impenitent [impntnt] a. ;
: not feeling or expressing humble or regretful pain or sorrow
for sins or offenses
* penitent , feeling or expressing remorse
for one's misdeeds or sins
penitent : obdurate :: skeptic : credulous (OPPOSITE)
obdurate ;
impenitent : remorse ::
impenitent rueful, contrite, remorseful
rueful [r:fl] , ;
contrite; ; feeling regret and sorrow for
one's sins or offenses; penitent

[imprtiv] a. , ; (n.
=imperativeness ex. social imperatives)
1. expressing a command or plea; peremptory
2. having the power or authority to command or control
3. impossible to deter or evade; pressing
4. urgent ()
It is that you attend the meeting.
. An immediate operation is .
question : interrogative :: order : imperative (A=B)
interrogative [ntrgtiv] , asking a question or
being of the nature of a question
imperative obedient




a. ,

GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

1. impossible or difficult to perceive by the mind or senses
2. so subtle, slight, or gradual as to be barely perceptible
imperceptible : detection :: recondite : fathom
imperceptible : hidden :: (A B )
appreciable imperceptible
appreciable ; possible to estimate,
measure, or perceive
imperial [impril] a. ; ,
1. of, relating to, or suggestive of an empire or a sovereign,
especially an emperor or empress
2. ruling over extensive territories or over colonies or
3. a. having supreme authority; sovereign b. regal; majestic
4. outstanding in size or quality
imperial obedient
imperious [impris] a. : DOMINEERING
1. arrogantly domineering or overbearing
2. urgent; pressing
fawn : imperiousness :: equivocate : directness :: elaborate : sketchy
imperious : fawn :: swagger : self depreciate (OPPOSITE)
swagger ; ,
imperious : servile, fawning :: rash : circumspective :: bellicose :
peaceable (OPPOSITE)
imperious : diffident :: (OPPOSITE)
imperious humble, obeisant, servile, obsequious, deferential,
flattering, subservient, meek
obeisance , ; ,
imperiousness flattery
impertinent [imprtnnt] a. ,
1. exceeding the limits of propriety or good manners;
improperly forward or bold
2. not pertinent; irrelevant
impertinent : propriety :: keen : obtuseness (OPPOSITE)
perturbed : serenity :: impertinent : propriety
impertinence respect, relevance, obeisance
imperturbable [mprtrbbl] a. , : SERENE
: marked by extreme calm, impassivity, and steadiness
* imperturbability n.
imperturbable : nettle :: intractable : lead :: adamant : move (A B
restive, ticklish calm, imperturbable
restive , ; ,
imperturbability volatility, testiness
diffidence ; ,
testy ,
impervious [imprvis] a. , ,
1. incapable of being penetrated
2. incapable of being affected
impervious : damaged :: indomitable : subdued :: indefensible :
indomitable , incapable of being overcome,
subdued, or vanquished
subdued , () / subdue
impervious : friable :: nonflammable : combustible (:
friable readily crumbled ; brittle
impervious : penetrate :: ineluctable : avoid :: precarious : stable ::
irrevocable : repeal :: implacable : appease
ineluctable [nilktbl] , not to be avoided or
escaped; inevitable
impervious : damaged :: indefensible : excused :: precarious : stable
indefensible ;
precarious (a livelihood ),
(a assumption )
impervious : damage :: unassailable : refute
unassailable ,
impervious easy to penetrate
impervious of light translucent
impetuous [imptus] a. , ; ,
1. characterized by sudden and forceful energy or emotion;
impulsive and passionate
2. having or marked by violent force
) an temperament . regret one's decision
impetuous : vacillation, hesitation :: bumptious : humbleness
bumptious , crudely or loudly assertive
parsimonious : profligacy :: impetuous : hesitance :: irrepressible :
servility (, : , , )
profligate , ;
restive : calmness :: impetuous : patience
restive , ; ,
impetuosity hesitance, vacillation
impetuous prudent, deliberate (a. , , /
, v.)
impious [mpis] a. ;
1. lacking reverence; not pious
2. lacking due respect or dutifulness
impiety [impiti] n. : IRREVERENCE
impiety devoutness
devout , ;
implacable [implkbl, -plik-] a. ;
: not capable of being appeased, significantly changed, or
immutable : altered :: implacable : propitiated :: inalienable :
propitiate , ; to conciliate (an
offended power); appease
inalienable ,
implacable : compromise :: honest : swindle
implacable : appease :: indomitable : subdue : impervious : penetrate
implausible [impl:zbl] a. ,
: difficult to believe; not plausible
implausible believable
implement [mplmnt] v. , /
: to give practical effect to and ensure of actual fulfillment by
concrete measures
implement foil
foil ,
implicate [mplkit] v.t. ; : ENTWINE
1. to involve or connect intimately or incriminatingly
2. to have as a consequence or an inference; imply
implicated palpable
implicit [implsit] a. , ( explicit),
1. implied or understood though not directly expresed
2. contained in the nature of something though not readily
3. having no doubts or reservations; unquestioning
implicit overt, manifest
implode [implud] v.
: to collapse inward violently as if from external pressure
collapse : implode :: divide : sunder :: steep : immerse (A << B)
sunder , to break or wrench apart
steep a. , ; , v. () ;


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

implosion rapid outward movement

2. spoken, performed, done, or composed with little or no
preparation; extemporaneous
ad-lib : impromptu :: aside : divergent
impromptu : rehearsal :: unheralded : announcement :: honesty :
duplicity (OPPOSITE)
impromptu : rehearsal :: caprice : deliberation :: honesty : duplicity
impromptu carefully rehearsed, planned

imply [impli] v. , ;
1. to involve by logical necessity; entail
2. to express or indicate indirectly
imply affirm, assert, declare, express, state
impolitic [implitik|-pl-] a. ,
impolitic shrewdly tactful
importune [mprtjn, imprtn] v.
1. to beset with insistent or repeated requests; entreat
2. to annoy; vex
accost : approach :: importune : quest (A >> B)
imposing [impuzi] a. ,
: impressive, as by virtue of size, bearing, or power
imposing modest
impostor [impstr / -ps-] n.
: one who engages in deception under an assumed name or
identity ,
The dentist was an impostor.
impostor : identity :: usurper : authorization
usurp (, ) ;
virtuoso : mediocre :: impostor : unfeigned
mediocre , , 2
impotent [mptnt] a. ;
1. lacking physical strength or vigor; weak
2. lacking in power, as to act effectively; helpless
clout impotence
clout ;
imprecise [mpris is]
: not precise
nice imprecise

a. ,

impregnable [imprgnbl] a. ,
(, )
1. impossible to capture or enter by force
2. difficult or impossible to attack, challenge, or refute with
impregnable unjustifiable
impresario [mpris:riou] n. (, ) , ;
1. one who sponsors or produces entertainment, especially
the director of an opera company
2. a manager; a producer
impresario : entertainment :: broker : trade
impressionable [imprnbl] a. ,
1. readily or easily influenced; suggestible
2. capable of receiving an impression; plastic
impressionable : influence ::
improbity [imprubti, + -prb-]
: lack of probity; dishonesty
improbity honesty

n. ,

[imprmptju / -prm-] a. , :
IMPROVISED, adv. , n.

1. something, such as a speech, that is made or done

2. Music. a short lyrical composition especially for the

1. prompted by the occasion rather than being planned in

imprudent [imprdnt] a. , , ,
: unwise or indiscreet; not prudent
imprudent circumspect
circumspect , , ,
judicious imprudent
judicious , having or exhibiting sound judgment;
improvident [imprvdnt / -prv-] a. ;
1. not foreseeing and providing for the future; thriftless
2. rash; incautious
improvident prudent
improvise [mprviz] v.t. ;
1. to invent, compose, or recite without preparation
2. to make or provide from available materials
score : improvise :: text : extemporize
improvised [mprvizd] a.
rite improvised act
rite , ; ,
improvisational a. , (, , )
=impromptu, extemporaneous
impudent [mpjdnt] a. , : INSOLENT
characterized by offensive boldness; insolent or impertinent
impudent : brazen :: deadpan : impassive
brazen (a, v) Marked by flagrant and insolent audacity
deadpan ;
impassive , ; ,
impudent : brazenness :: recalcitrant : stubbornness (EQUAL, : )
recalcitrant ,
impudent deferential, respectful, obeisant, reverent, deferent,
judicious, courteous
deference ; ,
obeisance , ; (deference),
impugn [mpjn] v. ,
: to attack as false or questionable; challenge in argument
extol condemn, impugn, detract
impugn approve, support, champion, endorse, vindicate, extol,
uphold, compliment, laud
champion , to fight for, defend, or support as a
vindicate ; ,
impuissance [impjisns] n. : POWERLESSNESS
: lack of power or effectiveness; weakness
clout impuissance
impulsive [implsiv] a.
1. inclined to act on impulse rather than thought
2. motivated by or resulting from impulse
3. having force or power to impel or incite; forceful
impunity [impjnti] n.
: exemption from punishment, penalty, or harm


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

impute [impjt] a. ,
1. to charge with the fault or responsibility for
2. to attribute; credit
inadvertent [ndvrtnt] a. ; :
1. not duly attentive
2. marked by unintentional lack of care
inadvertent intentional
advertent inattentive
inadvertence careful attention
inalienable [iniljnbl] a.
: that cannot be transferred to another or others
inalienable : transfer :: ungovernable : manage
inalienable : surrendered :: implacable : propitiated :: immitigable :
implacable ( ) ; impossible to
placate or appease
propitiate , ; ;
inalienable separable, transferable
inane [inin] a. , , ( , )
: lacking sense or substance; empty; meaningless
inane : sagacity ::
inane substantial, expressive, meaningful, pregnant, significant,
weighty, substantiated, intelligent
pregnant , , (a
phrase pregnant with meaning ), , ,

expressive , ; ; full of
expression; significant
weighty ; ;
inane sagacious
inanimate [innmit] a. , ,
1. not having the qualities associated with active, living
organism; not animate
2. not animated or energetic; dull
ephemeral : enduring :: inanimate : living (OPPOSITE)
inanimate : consciousness :: anemic : strength
inappreciable [npr:ib:l] a. ,
: too small to be noticed or make a significant difference;
inappreciable ponderable
inapt [inpt] a. ; inappropriate; inept
inapt : clumsy ::
inaugurate [ingjrit] v. ,
1. to induct into office by a formal ceremony
2. to cause to begin, especially officially or formally
3. to open or begin use of formally with a ceremony
inaugurate : official ::
inaugurate : president :: install : official :: crown : king
install ; , to induct into an office, a
rank, or a position
inauguration : official :: matriculation : student
matriculate ()
cease inaugurate, commencement
[no:sps] a. , ;
: not favorable; not auspicious
inauspicious favorable, propitious
incandescent [nkndsnt] a. ;
1. emitting visible light as a result of being heated
2. shining brilliantly; very bright
3. characterized by ardent emotion, intensity, or brilliance
incandescent dull
incantation [nkntin] ; , ;
1. ritual recitation of verbal charms or spells to produce a
magic effect
2. a. a formula used in ritual recitation; a verbal charm or
spell b. a conventionalized utterance repeated without
thought or aptness; a formula
incantation : utterance :: talisman : object (A is a kind of B+(magic)
talisman An object marked with magic signs and believed to
confer on its bearer supernatural powers or protection.
incapacity [nkpsti] n. , ; ,
1. inadequate strength or ability; lack of capacity
2. a defect or handicap; a disability
incarcerate [inkrsrit] v. /
1. to put into jail
2. to shut in; confirm
incarcerate liberate, enfranchise
incarnate [inkrneit] a. , (, )
1. invested with bodily nature and form
2. embodied in human form; personified
incorporeal incarnate
incorporeal , , lacking material form or
incendiary [insndiri] a. ; ,
: tending to excite or inflame; inflammatory
1. a. causing or capable of causing fire b. of or containing
chemicals that produce intensely hot fire when exploded c.
of or involving arson(())
2. tending to inflame; inflammatory
insurgent : rebel :: incendiary : agitate
insurgent ,
incendiary calming, moderating
incense [nsens] v.t.
: to arouse the extreme anger or indignation of; infuriate
incense : anger ::
propitiate incense
incentive [insntiv] n. ,
something, such as the fear of punishment or the expectation
of reward, that induces action or motivates effort
incentive deterrent
inception [inspn] n. : COMMENCEMENT
: the beginning of something, such as an undertaking; a
inception : undertaking ::
inception : termination :: matriculation : graduation
matriculate ()
inception end, conclusion, finale, termination
incessant [inss:nt] a. : UNCEASING
: continuing without interruption
incessant interrupted

[int] vi. /
: to move or cause to move slowly or by small degrees
inch : move :: drawl : speak : nibble : eat
drawl to speak with lengthened or
drawn-out vowels
accrete : growth :: inch : advance
accrete , to make larger or greater, as by
increased growth


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

inchoate [inkuit / nkouit] a. , : FORMLESS
1. in an initial or early stage
2. imperfectly formed or developed
immature : developed :: incipient, inchoate : realized (OPPOSITE)
incipient , beginning to exist or appear
inchoate : organize :: volatile : stabilize
inchoate fully formed, organized, explicit, enduring, fully realized,
incinerate [insnrit] v.t.
: to cause to burn to ashes
singe : incineration :: erode : destruction
singe ,
incipient [inspint] a. ,
: beginning to come into being or to become apparent
immature : developed :: incipient, inchoate : realized
incipient : realized :: indefinite : tangible (OPPOSITE)
incipient : realized :: hypothetic : proved :: irregular : classified
incipient : commencement :: ( : )
incipient full-blown, full-realized, plentiful, full-fledged
incisive [insisiv] a. , ;
: penetrating, clear, and sharp, as in operation or
incite [insit] v. ,
: to provoke and urge on
instigator : incite :: bully : browbeat
browbeat to intimidate or subjugate by an overbearing
manner or domineering speech
exhortation : motivate :: persiflage : incite
exhortation , ;
persiflage , ; ,
incite pacify
incitant insensible
inclement [inklmnt] a. ;
1. stormy
2. showing no clemency; unmerciful
draconian : inclemency :: fret : vexation (EQUAL)
fret , ,
inclement balmy, mild
balmy ; ,
incogitant [inkdtnt / -kd-] a.
: thoughtless, inconsiderate
incogitant : thoughtful :: restive : calm (OPPOSITE)
restive , ; ,
incompetent [inkmpitnt|-km-] a. ,
1. not qualified in legal terms
2. inadequate for or unsuited to a particular purpose or
3. devoid of those qualities requisite for effective conduct
or action
incomprehensible [ink mprihnsbl] adj. ,
incomprehensible intelligible
inconclusive [inknkl:siv] a. ,
inconclusive decisive
incongruent [inkgrunt, nkngr- / -k-] a.
: not congruent; incongruous
incongruent : conform :: recalcitrant : obey (OPPOSITE)
recalcitrant ,
incongruent : conform :: scattering : overlap (OPPOSITE)
incongruent corresponding
incongruence, disagreement, disaccord, conflict correspond
inconsequential [inknsikwnl / -kn-] a. ;
1. lacking importance
2. not following from premises or evidence; illogical
inconsequential : illogical :: apocalyptic : prophetic (EQUAL)
crucial inconsequential
crucial ,
inconsonant [inknsnnt / -kn-] a.
: lacking harmony, agreement, or compatibility; discordant
inconsonance : concord :: scatter : overlap
inconsonant in agreement
incontestable [nkntstbl] a. (, ) ,
; indisputable
incontestable uncertain, questionable, unreliable, dubious (unfair
incontrovertible [inkntrvrtbl, inkn- / nkn-] a.
: impossible to dispute; unquestionable
incontrovertible : disputed :: untenable : defended
untenable ,
incontrovertible : disputed :: matchless : equaled
incontrovertible : refute :: optimal : improve (A B )
(negligible : perceive )
incontrovertible, irrefutable deniable, disputed, questionable, dubious
controvert substantiate
controvert , to raise arguments against; voice
opposition to
substantiate ; , to support with proof
or evidence; verify
incorporeal [nko:rp:ril] a. ;
: lacking material form or substance
incorporeal incarnate
incorporeal : substance :: (A B )
incorrigible [inkridbl] a. , :
1. incapable of being corrected or reformed
2. firmly rooted; ineradicable
3. difficult or impossible to control or manage
incorrigible : reformed :: inscrutable : understood :: adamant : moved
inscrutable ; ; difficult to fathom or
understand; impenetrable
incorrigible : amend :: ineradicable, irradicable : remove :: ineluctable :
avoid :: intractable : lead (A B )
tractable, manageable incorrigible
tractable ; ,
incriminate [inkrmnit] v.t.
1. to accuse of a crime or other wrongful act
2. to cause to appear guilty of a crime or fault; implicate
incrimination exoneration
exonerate to free from blame; to free from a responsibility, obligation,
or task
incubator [nkjbitr] n. ,
* incubation n. , , ( ) (=incubation
incubator : infant :: greenhouse : plant
inculcate [inklkeit, ---] v.t.
1. to impress (something) upon the mind of another by
frequent instruction or repetition; instill


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

2. to teach (others) by frequent instruction or repetition
hammering : inculcate ::
hammer ; ;
, to force upon by constant repetition
inculpate [inklpeit, ---] v.t.
: to incriminate
absolve, exculpate, exonerate inculpate
exculpate to clear of guilt or blame
[inkrn, -n] n. , ; ; , :
1. an aggressive entrance into foreign territory; a raid or an
2. the act of entering another's territory or domain
3. the act of entering or running into
incursion retreat


indecorous [indkrs, ndikrs] a. ; ,

: lacking propriety or good taste
indecorous proper
indefatigable [ndiftigbl] a. , :
: incapable or seemingly incapable of being fatigued;
indefatigable : tired :: incorrigible : reformed (impractical : practiced
indefatigable soon tired, tired, lethargic, lazy, fragile, worn out
indefensible [ndifnsbl] a. ;
1. inexcusable; unpardonable
2. invalid; untenable
3. vulnerable to physical attack
impervious : damaged :: indefensible : excused (A = B )
[indlbl] a. : UNFORGETTABLE,
1. impossible to remove, erase, or wash away; permanent
2. making a mark not easily erased or washed away
indelible : forget :: astounding : expect
indelibility : erasure :: impermeability : passage
indelible erasable


[indlikit] a. ; , ;

1. offensive to established standards or propriety; improper
2. marked by a lack of good taste; coarse
3. lacking in consideration for the feelings of others
enable one to live without working
independent inclined
indict [indit] v.t. , ;
: to accuse of wrongdoing; charge
indict : accuse :: sanction : approve (A=B) (extol : countenance )
sanction n. v. ,
absolve indict
indifferent [indfrnt] a. , : APATHETIC
embrace : affection :: shrug : indifference
fervor, zealot, avid, enraptured indifferent
enrapture , to fill with rapture or delight
indigenous [inddns] a. , ;
1. originating and growing or living in an area or
2. intrinsic; innate
nonnative, exotic, foreign, acquired indigenous
indigent [ndidnt] a. ,
: experiencing want or need; impoverished
* indigence n.
indigent : wealth :: redundant : indispensability (OPPOSITE)
employ : indigence :: submerge : buoyancy
indigent affluent, wealthy
indigence wealth
indigestible [ndidstbl, -dai-] a. ;

: difficult or impossible to digest

[indgnnt] adj. : irate, outraged,

enraged, irritable, irascible, peevish, petulant, cranky,
indignant happy

indiscriminate [ndiskrmnit] a. , ; ,

1. a. not making or based on careful distinctions; unselective

b. widespread; wholesale
2. random; haphazard
3. confused; chaotic
4. unrestrained or wanton; profligate
wanton ; , ; ,


indemnity [indmnti] n. , ; ,
1. security against damage, loss, or injury
2. a legal exemption from liability for damages
3. compensation for damage, loss, or injury suffered
mollification : soothe :: indemnity : secure
independent [ndipndnt] a. ; , ,

1. not governed by a foreign power; self-governing

2. free from the influence, guidance, or control of another
or others; self-reliant
3. not determined or influenced by someone or something
else; not contingent
4. affiliated with or loyal to no one political party or
5. not dependent on or affiliated with a larger or controlling
group or system
6. a. not relying on others for support, care, or unds; selfsupporting b. providing or being sufficient income to

indispensability [ndispnsblti] n. : ESSENTIAL

indigent : wealth :: redundant : indispensability
indigent a. , experiencing want or need; impoverished
indispensable [ndispnsb:l] a.
1. not to be dispensed with; essential
2. obligatory; unavoidable
indispensable trivial
indivisible [ndivzb:l] a. ;
1. incapable of undergoing division
2. Math. incapable of being divided without a remainder
indivisible easily fragmented, fracturable
indoctrinate [indktrnit / -dktr-] v. (, )
1. a. to instruct in a body of doctrine or principles b. to
initiate by means of doctrinal instruction
2. to imbue with a partisan or ideological point of view
stickler : exacting :: pedagogue : indoctrinating (DEFECTIVE)
stickle ( ) ;
exacting ; ,
pedagogue , ;



a. ,

GRE 6.0 (2008 7)
indurate soften

1. a. disinclined to exert oneself; habitually lazy b.

conducive to inactivity or laziness; lethargic
2. a. causing little or no pain b. slow to heal, grow, or
develop; inactive
rectitude : transgress :: impeccable : flaw :: indolent : stir
impeccable , ;
stir , ; ,
indolent : shirk :: miserly : hoard
shirk (, ) to avoid or neglect (a duty or
indolent industrious

a. ,
: assiduous in work or study; diligent
industriousness : activity :: fastidiousness : selectivity
inebriant [inbrint] a.
: serving to intoxicate
inedible [indbl] a.
: unfit to be eaten; not edible
edible : eat :: portable : drink :: admissible : allow
inedible : food ::

indubitable [indjbtbl] a.
: too apparent to be doubted; unquestionable
indubitable : questioned :: resolute : sway (OPPOSITE)
indubitable doubtful
inducement [indjsmnt] n. ,
1. something that helps bring about an action or a desired
result; an incentive
2. the act or process of inducing
3. (law) an introductory or background statement
explaining the main allegations in a proceeding
inducement deterrence
deter ; to prevent or discourage from acting, as
by means of fear or doubt
induct [indkt] v.
1. to place ceremoniously or formally in an office or a
position; install
2. a. to admit as a member; receive
b. to admit to military service c. to introduce, as to new
experience or knowledge; initiate
induct discharge

[indld] v. , : GRATIFY,
1. to yield to the desires and whims of, especially to an
excessive degree; humor
2. a. to yield to; gratify b. to allow (oneself) unrestrained
gratify ,
humor ;
embarrass : mortify :: indulge : mollycoddle (A << B)
mortify ,
lassitude : stir :: appetite : indulge (A B )
lassitude ; a state or feeling of weariness, diminished
energy, or listlessness
abstemious : indulge :: austere : decorate
indulge : ascetic :: restrain : libertine

indulgent [indldnt] a. : LENIENT

: showing, characterized by, or given to indulgence; lenient
abstemious : indulge :: austere : decorate (OPPOSITE)
indulgent : adherent :: slovenly : dapper (OPPOSITE)
slovenly () ; ( )
dapper , ;
glutton : overindulgence :: ascetic : self-denial
Spartan Sybaritic, indulgent, voluptuous, luxurious
voluptuous ; , ;
draconian indulgent, mild
draconian exceedingly harsh; very severe
martinet indulgent person
martinet ,
indulgent ascetic

ineffable [infbl] a.
1. incapable of being expressed in words; indescribable or
2. not to be uttered; taboo
ineffable : description :: ineradicable, irradicable : obliteration ::
incorrigible : amend :: indefeasible : annul
ineffable : inexpressive ::
ineffable : express, depict :: ineradicable : remove
irradicable; impossible to uproot or destroy; ineradicable
indefeasible ,
ineluctable [nilktbl] a. : INEVITABLE
: not to be avoided or escaped; inevitable
ineluctable : avoid :: impervious : penetrate :: irrevocable : repeal ::
insufferable : tolerate :: incorrigible : amend : intractable : govern
ineluctable, inevitable : avoid :: untenable : defend
untenable ( ) ;
serendipitous : effort :: ineluctable : chance
serendipity the faculty of making fortunate
discoveries by accident
ineluctable avoided, escaped
inept [inpt] a. ; ; ,
1. not apt or fitting; inappropriate
2. a. displaying a lack of judgment, sense, or reason; foolish b.
bungling or clumsy
competence, adroitness : inept :: difficult : simplicity (OPPOSITE)
inept deft, adroit, skilled, proficient, masterful, judicious, adept
proficient , having or marked by an advanced degree of
judicious ,
finesse ineptitude
ineptness adroitness
ineptitude [inpttjd] n., : INCOMPETENCE
finesse ineptitude
finesse , ; ,
inequity [inkwti] n. , (unfairness)
1. injustice; unfairness
2. an instance of injustice or unfairness
inequity : fair :: (A B )
inequity disinterestedness, rectitude
rectitude (righteousness, integrity),
disinterested ;
n. /
: freedom from error or untruths; infallibility
inerrancy fallibility
[inrt] a.
1. unable to move or act
2. sluggish in action or motion; lethargic
ephemeral : endure :: inert : react (LACK)
reactant inert material


indurate [ndjurit] v.t.

1. to make hard; harden
2. to inure, as to hardship or ridicule
3. to make callous or obdurate


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

inert active, actively moving, dynamic, fast moving, move quickly
inertia [in:r:i] n. ;
1. (physics) the tendency of a body to resist acceleration;
the tendency of a body at rest to remain at rest or of a
body in motion to stay in motion in a straight line unless
acted on by an outside force
2. resistance or disinclination to motion, action, or change
persistence : vacillate :: inertia : react
inertia activity, tendency to change motion
inestimable [instmbl] a. ;
too valuable or excellent to be measured or appreciated
inevitable [invitbl] a. ;
1. impossible to avoid or prevent
2. invariably occurring or appearing; predictable
ineluctable, inevitable : avoid :: untenable : defend :: impervious :
ineluctable not to be avoided or escaped; inevitable
inevitable : chance :: absolute : variability (OPPOSITE)
inevitable : prevent ::
inexorable [inksrbl] a. , , ,
: not to be persuaded or moved by entreaty;
inexorable : dissuasion :: indomitable : conquest (A B
inexorable relenting, pliant, yielding, acquiescing, flexible
relent , to become more lenient,
compassionate, or forgiving
inexorable flexible
infamy [nfmi] n.
1. evil fame or reputation
2. the condition of being infamous
3. an evil or criminal act that is publicly known
infamy good repute
infatuate [inftuit] v.t. ,
1. to inspire with unreasoning love or attachment
2. to cause to behave foolishly
sabbatical : leave :: flattering : infatuation ( : )
sabbatical ;
odium infatuation
odium , ; ,
odious arousing or meriting strong dislike, aversion, or intense
infelicitous [nflsits] a. ;
1. inappropriate; ill-chosen
2. not happy; unfortunate
happy infelicitous
infelicity [nfilsti] n. ,
1. the quality or condition of being infelicitous
2. something inappropriate or unpleasing
infelicity appropriateness
[infr] v.t. : GUESS, SURMISE
1. to conclude from evidence or premises
2. to reason from circumstance; surmise
3. to lead to as a consequence or conclusion
4. to hint; imply
tacit : infer :: encoded : decode, decipher
tacit ; ,
intimate : communicate :: allude : infer
intimate ; /

inferno [infrnou] n. ;
1. a place or condition suggestive of hell, especially with
respect to human suffering or death
2. a place of fiery heat or destruction
fire : inferno :: storm : hurricane (A << B)
infiltrate [infltreit, ---] v. , /
1. a. to pass (troop, for example) surreptitiously into enemyheld territory b. to penetrate with hostile intent
2. to enter or take up positions in gradually or urreptitiously,
as for purposes of espionage or takeover
3. to cause (a liquid, for example) to permeate a substance
by passing through its interstices or pores
4. to permeate (a porous substance) with a liquid or gas
infiltrate : enter :: conspire : plan :: insinuate : say :: stalk : follow ::
plot : plan :: purloin : take
insinuate , ;
infinite [nfnit] a. , : INEXHAUSTIBLE
1. having no boundaries or limits
2. immeasurably great or large; boundless
infinite : exhaust :: discrete : overlap
unique : precedent :: infinite : end
infinite : large :: interminable : long, lengthy (A>>B)
interminable; tiresomely long, endless
infinity bounded space
infinitesimal [nfinitsml] a. , , , ,

infinitesimal : small :: momentous : important (KIND+DEGREE)

infirm [infrm] a. , ;
1. weak in body, especially from old age or disease; feeble
2. lacking firmness of will, character, or purpose; irresolute
3. not strong or stable; shaky
* infirmity , , ,
infirmity : treatment :: conservatory : instruction (A B )
(observatory : discovery )
infirm hale, vigorous, stalwart, robust
infirmary [inf :rmri] n. , , ,
infirmary : treatment :: conservatory : instruction
inflame [inflim] v. ,
1. to arouse to passionate feeling or action
2. to make more violent; intensify
3. a. to cause (the skin) to redden or grow hot, as from
strong emotion or stimulants b. to turn red or make glow
4. to produce inflammation in (a tissue or an organ)
5. to set on fire; kindle
inflame assuage, subdue
subdue , ; ,
inflate [inflit] v. , ; ( deflate)
1. to fill (something) with air or gas so as to make it swell
2. a. to enlarge or amplify unduly or improperly; aggrandize b.
to raise or expand abnormally or improperly
3. to cause (a currency or an economy) to undergo inflation
inflate : volume :: proliferate : number (A B )
inflate minimize
influx [nflks] n. ; ,
1. a flowing in
2. a mass arrival or incoming
exodus influx

a. , , , ,

infraction [infrkn] n. (, , ) , ,


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

infraction obedience, observance

infuriate [infjriit] v.
: to make furious; enrage
infuriate : rage :: commend : esteem
commend ;
infuriate : rage :: nonplus : perplexity
nonplus , to put at a loss as to what
to think, say, or do; bewilder
perplexity ,
infuriate soothe, please
infuse [infjz] v. , : INSPIRE, ANIMATE
1. to put into or introduce as if by pouring
2. to fill or cause to be filled with something
inspire : infuse :: obliterate : remove (EQUAL, obliterate remove
infuse drain away/out, refuse, extract, draw out
ingenious [indnjs] a. ;
1. marked by inventive skill and imagination
2. having or arising from an inventive or cunning mind;
* ingenuity n. , ,
ingenious awkward, prosaic, lack of inventiveness
prosaic ; , ;
ingenuity prosaism

[indnjus] a. , ; :
1. lacking in sophistication or worldliness; artless
2. openly straightforward or frank; candid
ingenuous : guile :: impeccable : flaw :: delicate : offense (LACK)
ingenuous : dissemble :: raffish : preen :: polite : snub
dissemble , to disguise or conceal behind a false
raffish , , ;
tawdry , , gaudy and cheap in
nature or appearance
rakish ; , ; dashingly or sportingly stylish;
preen ( ) , ; ,

snub , ; to ignore or behave coldly

toward; slight
fabricate : ingenuous :: discompose : placid
discompose ,
ingratiating : win favor :: disingenuous : deceive
ingratiating , ; ,
pernicious : injure :: disingenuous : mislead
pernicious , ;
ingenue : sophistication :: cynic : trustfulness
ingenue [nn:] an artless, innocent girl or young
ingenuous deceptive, devious, artful
ingenuous, honest hypocritical, cunning, sly, calculating, worldly
disingenuousness guilelessness, candor

ingest [indst] v. ,
: to take into the body by the mouth for digestion or
ingest expel
ingrained [ingrind, --] a. ,
1. firmly established; deep-seated
2. worked deeply into the texture or fiber
ingrained easily to change, extrinsic, superficial
extrinsic ,


: an ungrateful person
ingrate thankful person
[ingriiiti] v. , ;
1. pleasing; agreeable
2. calculated to please or win favor
* ingratiate [ingriiit] v. ,
: to bring (oneself, for example) into the favor or good graces
of another, especially by deliberate effort
flatter : ingratiate :: smother : choke
ingratiating : win favor :: disingenuous, fraudulent : deceive
inherent [inhrnt] a.
: existing as an essential constituent or characteristic;
inherent extrinsic
inhibition [inhibn] n. ,
1. the act of inhibiting or the state of being inhibited
2. something that restrains, blocks, or suppresses
* inhibit v.
inhibit further, provide
inhibitor catalyst
further (, , ) , ,
inimical [inmikl] a. ;
1. injurious or harmful in effect; adverse
2. unfriendly; hostile
inimical friendly, amiable, amicable, amenable
amenable ( ) , responsive to advice,
authority, or suggestion; tractable
inimitable [inmitbl] a. ;
: defying imitation; matchless
indubitable : question :: inimitable : copy
inimitable commonplace, ordinary
iniquity [inkwti] n. , , : WICKEDNESS
1. gross immorality or injustice; wickedness
2. a grossly immoral act; a sin
iniquity rectitude, justice, saintliness, disinterestedness
rectitude , ; , (correctness)
initial [inl] a. ,
: of, relating to, or occurring at the beginning; first
eccentric : conventional :: doyen : uninitiated
doyen , , a man who is the eldest or senior
member of a group
initial : realized :: irregular : classified :: tangible : indefinite :: tenable :
undefended (OPPOSITE)
tenable , ; /
initial following
initiate follow up
initiate [iniit] v. ,
1. to set doing by taking the first step; begin
2. to introduce to a new field, interest, skill, or activity
3. to admit into membership, as with ceremonies or ritual
catalyst : initiate :: supervisor : oversight
eccentric : conventional :: doyen : initiated (OPPOSITE)
initiate follow up
inveterate uninitiated
initiative [intiv] n. , ; , : ENTERPRISE,
1. the power or ability to begin or to follow through
energetically with a plan or task
2. a beginning or introductory step; an opening move


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)
2. lacking sensibility; unfeeling
3. a. lacking sense or the power to reason b. foolish; witless
insensate conscious

initiative : entrepreneur :: impartiality : arbiter

arbiter ,
inkling [kli] n. ,
1. a slight hint or indication
2. a slight understanding or vague idea or notion
inkling : knowledge :: modicum : quantity
inkling : indication :: lapse : error (A << B)
lapse () ; () , ; () ,
innocent [nsnt] a. ; : BLAMELESS
innocent culpable, guilty

[inkjus / ink-] a. ; , :
1. having no adverse effect; harmless
2. not likely to offend or provoke to strong emotion; insipid
placebo : innocuous :: salve : unctuous :: venom : toxic
salve [sv] , ; ;
unctuous [ktus] , ;
venom , ; ,
wholesome, sanitary, innocuous noxious, injurious
sanitary ; ,
innocuous objectionable

innovation [nouvin] n.
1. the act of introducing something new
2. something newly introduced
contumacious : authority :: reactionary, hidebound, conservative :
change, innovation, novelty
contumacious ; obstinately disobedient or
rebellious; insubordinate
novelty , , ; ; //
innuendo [njundou] n.
an indirect or subtle, usually derogatory implication in
expression; an insinuation
derogatory ( ) ;
insinuate ; ,
innuendo : suspicion ::
inquiry [inkwiri, ---, nkwri] n.
1. the act of inquiring
2. a question; a query
3. a close examination of a matter in a search for
information or truth
confidence : arrogant :: inquiry : interrogatory
interrogatory , asking a question; of the
nature of a question; interrogative

[inkwzitiv] a. , ;

1. unduly curious and inquiring

2. inclined t investigate; eager for knowledge
inquisitive : curious :: painful : agonizing (A >> B)

insalubrious [nsl:bris] a. ,
: not promoting health; unwholesome
insalubrious wholesome
insatiable [insibl] a.
: impossible to satiate or satisfy
insatiable : satisfy :: ineluctable : avoid
insatiable : sate :: unsalvageable : repair :: unexceptionable : oppose
insatiable : slake :: inevitable : avoid
insatiable slakable
slake (, ) , ; ;
insensate [insnseit] a. ;
1. a. lacking sensation or awareness; inanimate b.

insensitive [insnstiv] a. , ;
1. not physically sensitive; numb
2. a. lacking in sensitivity to the feelings or circumstances of
others; unfeeling b. lacking in responsiveness
* insentient devoid of sensation or consciousness;
insensitive tender (, )
insentient perceiving, conscious, animated, lively, stirring (volatile
insert [insrt] v.
insert remove, tear
insidious [insdis] a. , ; ;
1. working or spreading harmfully in a subtle or stealthy
2. intended to entrap; treacherous
3. beguiling but harmful; alluring
insight [nsait] n. , ; ,
1. the capacity to discern the true nature of a situation;
2. the act or outcome of grasping the inward or hidden
nature of things or of perceiving in an intuitive manner
insight : discern :: mettle : endure
mettle , ; ,
insight : discerning :: deadpan : impassive
insightful obtuse
insinuate [insnjueit] v. , ;
1. to introduce or otherwise convey (a thought, for example)
gradually and insidiously
2. to introduce or insert (oneself) by subtle and artful means
insipid [inspid] a. , : DULL, FLAT
1. lacking flavor or zest; not tasty
2. lacking excitement, stimulation, or interest; dull
insipid : invention :: prosaic : imagination
insipid exciting, fascinating, piquant
insolent [nslnt] a. : IMPUDENT
1. presumptuous and insulting in manner or speech; arrogant
2. audaciously rude or disrespectful
perfunctorily : inspiration :: insolently : veneration (LACK)
insolent polite, courteous, respectful, elegant
courteous , ,
insouciant [inssint] a. : NONCHALANT
: marked by blithe unconcern; nonchalant
insouciant : worry :: tenacious, pertinacious : yield (A=not B)
tenacious , ;
pertinacious , ,
insouciant, nonchalant : concern :: tenacious : yield :: magnanimous :
begrudge (A B , A B )
magnanimous a. , ,
begrudge , , ,
insouciant distressed, worried, anxious, troubled (immoderate
inspired [inspird] a. ,
: outstanding or brilliant in a way or to a degree suggestive
of divine inspiration
pedestrian inspired
pedestrian ; , (prosaic) undistinguished;


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)
insubstantial extensive, firm, objective, pithy, significant, sound,
extensive , , ,

install [inst:l] v. /; , ; ,

1. to set in position and connect or adjust for use
2. to induct into an office, a rank, or a position
3. to settle in an indicated place or condition; establish
install remove
instate [instit] v.t.
: to establish in office; install
instate oust
oust , to eject from a position or place; force out
instigate [nstgit] v.t. : PROVOKE
1. to urge on; goad
2. to stir up; foment
instigator : incite :: bully : browbeat
browbeat to intimidate or subjugate by an overbearing manner or
domineering speech; bully
quell foment, instigate, rouse
instill [instl] v. ,
1. to introduce by gradual, persistent efforts; implant
2. to pour in (medicine, for example) drop by drop
instill drain away/out, remove, press down
instinct [nsti:kt] n. ;
1. an inborn pattern of behavior that is characteristic of a
species and is often a response to specific environmental
2. a powerful motivation or impulse
an innate capability or aptitude
* instinctive , Arising from impulse,
spontaneous and unthinking
instinct learned response
instinctive deliberate
institute [nsttjt] v.t. : ORGANIZE
1. a. to establish, organize, and set in operation b. to
initiate; begin
2. to establish or invest in an office or a position
rescind, abrogate, efface institute
rescind // to make void; repeal or annul
abrogate () to abolish, do away with, or annul,
especially by authority
instrumentalist : orchestra :: actor : troupe
instrumentalist : symphony :: dancer : ballet
insubordinate [nsbrdnit] a.
: not submissive to authority
insubordinate : submissive :: disaffected : contented :: capricious :
disaffected , resentful and rebellious,
especially against authority
tractable insubordinate, intransigent, incorrigible, obstinate
incorrigible ; ,
insubordinate tractable
insubstantial [nsbstn:l] a. ; ; ,
1. lacking substance or reality
2. a. not firm or solid; flimsy
b. delicate; fine

insufferable [insf:rb:l] a. ,
:(unbearable) difficult or impossible to endure; intolerable
insufferable tolerable
insufferable : tolerate ::
insular [nslr, -sj-] a. ; ,
1. a. of, relating to, or constituting an island
b. living or located on an island
2. a. suggestive of the isolated life of an island
b. circumscribed and detached in outlook and experience;
narrow or provincial
insular ecumenical, cosmopolitan
insularity refinement
insularity cosmopolitanism
insulate [nslit, -sj-] v. /; /
1. to cause to be in a detached or isolated position
2. to prevent the passage of heat, electricity, or sound into or
out of, especially by surrounding with a nonconducting
insulate expose
insurgent [insrdnt] a. n.
: rising in revolt against civil authority or a government in
power; rebellious
parsimony : miser :: rebelliousness : insurgent
insurgent : rebel :: incendiary : agitate
incendiary ; , ;
insusceptible [nssptb:l] a. (insensible);

insusceptible responsive, susceptible
intact [intkt] a. , ;
1. remaining sound, entire, or uninjured; not impaired in any
2. having all physical parts
riven intact
rive , ; ()
intangible [intndbl] a. ; :
1. incapable of being perceived by the senses
2. incapable of being realized or defined
impracticable : effected :: intangible : known :: indemonstrable : proven
(B A )
tangible unable to perceive
intangible readily perceived, corporeal, palpable
integral [ntigrl] a. ;
1. essential or necessary for completeness
2. possessing everything essential; entire
integral superfluous, redundant, tangential, peripheral, unnecessary
tangential ; ; ,
integrate [ntgrit] v. UNIFY
1. to make into a whole by bringing all parts together; unify
2. a. to join with something else; unite b. to make part of a
larger unit
3. to open to people of all races or ethnic groups without
restriction; desegregate
* disintegrate : v. , /,
disintegrated : cohesive :: (OPPOSITE)
integrate fragment, separate, taint
taint ; ;


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

disintegrate amalgamate
disintegration amalgamation
integrity [intgrti] n. , ; : COMPLETENESS
1. steadfast adherence to a strict moral or ethical code
2. the state of being unimpaired; soundness
3. the quality or condition of being whole or undivided;
ecumenical : generality :: entire : integrity :: genuine : authenticity
ecumenical , of worldwide scope or applicability;
taint integrity, wholesomeness
taint , ; ; /; ()

integrity incompleteness
intelligible [intldbl] a.
1. capable of being understood
2. capable of being apprehended by the intellect alone
correct : accurate :: garble : unintelligible
garble ; ,
intemperate [intmprit] a. ; ; ;
: not temperate or moderate; excessive, especially in the
use of alcoholic beverages
intemperate : restraint :: lethargy : energy
intemperate constrained, equable
equable , ;
intensify [intnsfi] vi. : STRENGTHEN
1. to make intense or more intense
2. to increase the contrast of (a photographic image)
expand : extent :: intensify : degree
moderate : intensity :: extenuate : seriousness
extenuate ;
abate : intensity :: taper : width
alleviate : intensity :: abate : tax
abate, assuage, attenuate intensify, promote
[intr] v.t. ,
: to place in a grave or tomb; bury
inter : burial :: obliterate : removal :: install : inauguration


intercede [ntrsd] vi. : MEDIATE

1. to plead on another's behalf
2. to act as mediator in a dispute
intercessor : mediate :: augur : prediction :: translator : interpret
interdict [ntrdkt]
1. to prohibit or place under an ecclesiastical or legal
2. to forbid or debar, especially authoritatively
3. a. to cut or destroy (a line of communication) by
firepower so as to halt an enemy's advance
b. to confront and halt the activities, advance, or entry of
interdict authorize
interim [ntrim] a. ,
: belonging to, serving during, or taking place during an
intermediate interval of time; temporary
respite : labor :: interim : concert
interim continuous, permanent, certain, definite, continuing
interlock [ntrlk / -lk] v. , ;
1. to unite or join closely as by hooking or dovetailing
2. to connect together (parts of a mechanism, for example)
so that the motion or operation of individual parts affect
each other
dovetail ()
interlocking independent
interloper [ntrlupr] n.
: one that interferes with the affairs of others, often for
selfish reasons; a meddler
interlude [ntrld] n. ; : INTERVAL
1. an intervening episode, feature, or period of time
2. a. a short farcical entertainment performed between the
acts of a medieval mystery or morality play
b. a 16th-century genre of comedy derived from this
c. an entertainment between the acts of a play
3. (music) a short piece inserted between the parts of a
longer composition
interminable [intrmnbl] a. , ;
1. being or seeming to be without an end; endless
2. tiresomely long; wearisome
countless, innumerable, myriad, untold : number :: everlasting,
interminable : duration
myriad constituting a very large, indefinite number;
untold ; ; ,
interminable : lengthy :: boundless : extensive : fathomless : deep
interminable : length :: fathomless : depth
intermittent [ntrmtnt] a.
1. stopping and starting at intervals
2. alternately containing and empty of water
intermittent constant, continued
interpose [intrpouz] v. ~ , , , ,
interpose overlook, ignore, disregard, avoid
interregnum [ntrgnm] n. / ;
( )
1. the interval of time between the end of a sovereign's reign
and the accession of a successor
2. a period of temporary suspension of the usual functions of
government or control
3. a gap in continuity
interregnum : government :: hibernation : activity
interrogate [intrgit] v.t. ,
: to examine by questioning formally or officially
interrogate : probe ::
probe ;
confidence : arrogant :: inquiry : interrogatory
question : interrogative :: order : imperative
imperative , ;
usurp : seize :: interrogate : examine (A >> B)
usurp to seize and hold (the power or rights) by force and
without legal authority
interrogative [ntrgtiv|-rg-] a. , ; ,

1. asking a question or being of the nature of a question
2. of, relating to, or being an element or construction used to
ask a question
a. ;
asking a question; of the nature of a question; interrogative
intervene [ntrvn] vi. ;
1. to come, appear, or lie between two things
2. to come or occur between two periods or points of time
3. to occur as an extraneous or unplanned circumstance
4. a. to come in or between so as to hinder or alter an action
b. to interfere, usually through force or threat of force, in the


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)
intrigue [intr:g] vi. ;
1. to engage in secret or underhand schemes; plot
2. to arouse the interest or curiosity of
intriguing [intrgi] a. ; :
interesting : intriguing :: bootless : futile (EQUAL)
bootless without advantage or benefit; useless
intrigue, interest pall
pall ,

affairs of another nation

intimate [ntmit] n.
[ntmeit] v. ,
1. to make known subtly and indirectly; hint
2. to announce; proclaim
clique : intimates :: flock : sheep
intimate : close :: engrossed : absorbed :: obsessed : attracted (A >>
intimate : communicate :: allude : infer ()
allude to make an indirect reference

intrinsic [intrnsik] a. ,
: of or relating to the essential nature of a thing; inherent
intrinsic extraneous

intimidate [intmdit] v.t. ,

1. to make timid; fill with fear
2. to coerce or inhibit by or as if by threats
sycophant : flattery :: extortionist : intimidation
extortion , ;
dauntless : intimidate :: irrepressible : restrain
irrepressible , difficult or impossible
to control or restrain
coward : intimidate :: perplexed : obfuscate
obfuscate ;
cowardice : intimidate :: choler : antagonize :
:: :
sabotage : subvertness :: bull : intimidation

intuitive [intj:itiv] a.
1. of, relating to, or arising from intuition
2. known or perceived through intuition
3. possessing or demonstrating intuition
inundate [nndit] v. , ;
1. to cover with water, especially floodwaters
2. to overwhelm as if with a flood; swamp
inundate drain
inundation [nndin, -nn-] n.
: to cover with a flood : OVERFLOW

intractable [intrktb:l] a. , ,
1. difficult to manage or govern; stubborn
2. difficult to mold or manipulate
3. difficult to alleviate, remedy, or cure
* intractability n.
intractable : control :: (A=B )
intractable : govern ::
intractable obeisant, governable, yielding, manageable
intractability governability

inure [injr] v.t. ( )

: to habituate to something undesirable, especially by
prolonged subjection; accustom
inured : tolerance :: addicted : dependency
addict ( ) ,
invariant [inv$(:)rint] a. ,
: not varying; constant
invariance fluctuation

intransigent [intrnsdnt] a. :
: refusing to compromise or to abandon an extreme
position or attitude
firm : intransigent :: concerned : obsessed (A << B)
obsess to preoccupy the mind of excessively
intransigent : acquiesce :: deferential : offend
intransigent : control :: resolute : oscillate
intransigent open to compromise, complaisant, yielding
complaisant , , ,
docile, pliant, tractable insubordinate, intransigent, incorrigible,
obstinate, intractable
intransigence docility, pliancy, tractability
intrepid [intrpd] a. ,
: resolutely courageous; fearless
genteel : vulgarity :: intrepid : fear (A B )
genteel , ;
fear : intrepid :: qualm : unscrupulous (B A )
intrepid : deter :: rapt : distract (A B)
deter ; to prevent or discourage from acting, as
by means of fear or doubt
rapt , ;
intrepid apprehensive
intrepidness craven
intricacy [ntriksi] n.
* intricate adj.
intricate : complexity ::
intricate simple, straightforward
chiaroscuro : contrast :: tapestry : intricacy
chiaroscuro [ki:rskjrou] n.

invective [invktiv] n. a. ()
. 1. denunciatory or abusive language; vituperation
2. denunciatory or abusive expression or discourse
. of, relating to, or characterized by denunciatory or
abusive language
exhortation : motivate :: invective : discredit (A = B )
exhortation , ,
exhort to urge by strong, often stirring argument, admonition, advice,
or appeal
polemic : disputatious :: invective : abusive
polemic , ;
invective accolade, approbation, compliment, exaltation, extolment,
flattery, laud, laudatory speech/words, encomium, praise, adulation
eulogy, eulogium : invective :: (OPPOSITE, : )
inveigh [invi] vi. ,
: to protest or complain bitterly or vehemently
inveigh verbally provide support
inveigle [invgl, -vi-] v. ;
1. to win over by coaxing, flattery, or artful talk
2. to obtain by cajolery
plot : plan :: inveigle : interest (DEFECTIVE)
inveigle request directly, openly seek to persuade
inventory [nvntri / -tri] n. ;
1. a detailed, itemized list, report, or record of things in one's
possession, especially a periodic survey of all goods and
materials in stock
2. the process of making such a list, report, or record
3. the items listed in such a report or record
4. the quantity of goods and materials on hand; stock
5. an evaluation or a survey, as of abilities, assets, or


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

census : population :: inventory : stock
inventory : merchandise :: manifest : cargo
manifest n. ; a list of cargo or passengers
carried on a ship or plane
investigate [invstgit] v. ,
: to observe or inquire into in detail; examine
investigate : probe :: cavil : criticize
inveterate [invtrit] a. ,
1. firmly and long established; deep-rooted
2. persisting in an ingrained habit; habitual
inveterate casual, uninitiated
a. , n.
invidious [invdis] a. ; ,
1. tending to rouse ill will, animosity, or resentment
2. containing or implying a slight; discriminatory
3. envious
invidious beneficial
invigorate [invgrit] v. : STIMULATE
: to impart vigor, strength, or vitality to; animate
conducive : foment :: tonic : invigorate
conducive , tending to cause or bring about;
tonic : invigorate :: analgesic : deaden
analgesic a medication that reduces or eliminates pain
invigorate weaken, debilitate, demoralize, enfeeble, enervate,
emaciate, sap
debilitate to sap the strength or energy of; enervate
emaciate / ; ( )
invincible [invnsbl] a. ,
: incapable of being overcome or defeated; unconquerable
invincible : conquer :: optimal : improve :: impermeable : penetrate (A
= B ) (corrupt : compromise )
invincible : subdue :: impervious : damage
impervious ;

1. a detailed list of goods shipped or services rendered, with

an account of all costs; an itemized bill
2. the goods or services itemized in an invoice
consignment : invoice ::
consignment , ;
consign , ; , ; ,
invoke [invuk] v.t.
1. to call on (a higher power) for assistance, support, or
2. to appeal to or cite in support or justification /
3. to call for earnestly; solicit
invoke suspend
invulnerable [invlnrbl] a., ;
1. immune to attack; impregnable
2. impossible to damage, injure, or wound
impregnable , ;
euphemism : offend :: invulnerable : injure
untenable : defense :: invulnerable : injury
untenable being such that defense or maintenance is impossible
irascible [irsbl, air-] a.
1. prone to outbursts of temper; easily angered
2. characterized by or resulting from anger
accessible : approach :: irascible : enrage
irascible : placate :: insensate : conscious
insensate ; (unfeeling), (brutal);
affable irascible
affable ; easy and pleasant to speak to; gentle
and gracious

[ireit, --] a.
1. extremely angry; enraged
2. characterized or occasioned by anger
gush : effusive :: rage : irate
gush ,

ire [ir] n. , v. ~
ire placate
irenic [airnik|-r:n-] a. ()

inviolable [invilb:l] a. , ;
1. secure from violation or profanation
2. impregnable to assault or trespass; invincible
pierce : impenetrable :: profane : inviolable
profane ; ,
inviolate [invilit] a. : PURE
: not violated or profaned; intact
intact , ,
pierce : impenetrable :: profane : inviolate :: penetrate :
impermeable :: comprehend : obscure
profane ;
inviolable, inviolate profane, impure, conteminated
impure ,
inviolated contaminated

iridescence [rdsns] n.
* iridescent
1. producing a display of lustrous, rainbow-like colors

2. brilliant, lustrous, or colorful in effect or appearance

iridescent monochromatic
[rk] v. : VEX, IRRITATE
: to be irritating, wearisome, or vexing to
irk : enrage :: suggest : urge (A << B)
enrage to put into a rage; infuriate
pest : irksome :: expert : proficient
pest , //; , ; ,
irk act defensively, cause to pleased, gratify, make someone pleased,


invite [invit] v. : ENTICE, PROVOKE

1. to ask for the presence or participation of
2. to request formally
3. to welcome; encourage
4. to tend to bring on; provoke
5. to entice; tempt
invite ward off
ward off ,
1. to turn aside; parry
2. to try to prevent; avert

irradicable [irdikbl] a. ,
: impossible to uproot or destroy; ineradicable
ineffable : description :: irradicable : obliterate
ineffable ,
incorrigible : amend :: irradicable, ineradicable : remove




n. , ; ( )

ironclad [irnkld] a. ; ,
: rigid; fixed; so firm or secure as to be unbreakable
jammed : full :: ironclad : firm :: brilliant : smart (EQUAL)




GRE 6.0 (2008 7)
stanza : line :: volume : issue (issue : , volume : )
episode : series :: issue : periodical
issue withdraw

: impossible to reduce to a desired, simpler, or slammer

form or amount
factorable irreducible
factor, factorize

isthmus [sms] n.
: a narrow strip of land connecting two larger land areas
isthmus : land :: strait : water
strait ; ,

irrelevant [irlvnt] a. : INAPPLICABLE

: unrelated to the matter at hand
irrelevant : pertain ::
immaterial : relevance :: peripheral : center :: circuitous : directness
immaterial ; ,
germane irrelevant
germane ;
immaterial relevant
immaterial , ; , ; ,

itinerary [aitnr`eiri] n. , ; /
1. a route or proposed route of a journey
2. an account or a record of a journey
3. a guidebook for travelers
itinerary : trip :: syllabus : course


[irzlt] a. : VACILLATING,
1. unsure of how to act or proceed; undecided
2. lacking in resolution; indecisive
* irresolution
demur : qualms :: waver : irresoluteness
demur , to voice opposition; object
qualm , ; ,
irresolute, daunted undeterred
irresolution determination, perposefulness, will, willfulness

jabber [dbr] v.
: to talk rapidly, unintelligibly, or idly
jabber speak slowly
jaded [deidid] a. , : EXHAUSTED
1. worn out; wearied
2. dulled by surfeit; sated
overexposure : jaded :: vaccination : immune
jaded keen, enthusiastic
keen , , ,

irreverent [irvrnt] a.
1. lacking or exhibiting a lack of reverence; disrespectful
2. critical of what is generally accepted or respected;
irreverent respectful, courteous, gracious
awe irreverence

jammed [dmd] a.
jammed : full :: ironclad : firm
ironclad ; ,

irrevocable [irvkbl] a. ,
: impossible to retract or revoke
irrevocable : rescind ::
rescind / to make void; repeal or annul




irritate [rtit] v.
: to rouse to impatience or anger; annoy
antidote : poisoning :: balm : irritation
haunt : familiar, similarity :: harass : irritating
haunt ( ) , ; ( )

irritate : pacific :: fabricate : ingenuous

fabricate ; ,
ingenuous , ; ,
balm, salve irritant
salve , ; , ( )

jargon [drgn / -gn] n. ;

1. nonsensical, incoherent, or meaningless talk
2. a hybrid language or dialect
3. the specialized or technical language of a trade, profession,
or similar group
vernacular : place :: jargon : profession

[deip] v.
: to joke or quip, taunt
quip , ,
revere jape at

[rgit] v., , : WET,

: to supply (as land or crops) with water by artificial means
: to flush (a body part) with a stream of liquid (as in
removing a foreign body or medicating)
irrigate : flush :: galvanize : stimulate (A():B)

[dr] n. , vi. ; ()
1. to make or utter a harsh sound
2. to be disturbing or irritating; grate
3. to shake or shiver from impact
4. to clash or conflict
puncture : deflated :: jar : unsettled (A = B )

isomorph [ism:rf] n.
isomorph dissimilarity, different structure, heterogeneity,
disparateness, structure of dissimilarity
issue [u / sju] n. ; ( ) v.
debate : issue :: bargain : price (A = B )
retort : repartee :: debate : issue :: correspond : letter (conversation :
language )
repartee [rprt:] ,
retort , ;

jar [d:r] v. , ; ,
1. to make or utter a harsh sound
2. to be disturbing or irritating; grate
3. to shake or shiver from impact
4. to clash or conflict
malodorous : smell :: jarring : sound
melodious jarring
melodious ; ,

[dndis, dn-] n. , v.
; ( )
: to affect with envy, jealousy, prejudice, or hostility
jaundice speak favorably
jaundiced disposed favorably, unprejudiced, candid



[dnti, dn-]

a. () ; ( )

GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

1. having a buoyant or self-confident air; brisk
2. crisp and dapper in appearance; natty
staid jaunty
staid ,
jazz [dz] n.
portrait : painting :: jazz : music
jealousy [dlsi] n.
attentive : meddlesome :: envious : jealous (A << B)
jejune [didn] a. , , : DULL
1. not interesting; dull
2. lacking maturity; childish
3. lacking in nutrition
jejune : interest :: labyrinthine : simplicity :: clich : originality
jejune thought provoking
jeopardy [dprdi] n. ()
: risk of loss or injury; peril or danger
uninformative : fathom :: jeopardous : overcome (A = B )
jocular lachrymose, serious
jocund [dknd, duk- / dk-] a.
: sprightly and lighthearted in disposition, character, or
jocund dreary, morose, dour, serious, depressed, grave, dismal,
dreary , ; ;
morose , sullenly melancholy; gloomy
dour ; ,
dejection jocundity
jocund, jocular lachrymose
lachrymose ; ,
jog [dg, dg] v.
jog : exercise :: barter : trade
barter to trade goods or services without the exchange
of money

[douk] n.
* jocose a. , ,
joke : punch line :: plot : denouement
punch line (, )
denouement [dinu:m] ;
pun : joke :: supernova : star
jocose grave, morose

[drk] v. , , ( )
1. to give a quick suddenly arrested push, pull, or twist to
2. to utter abruptly or sharply


[dest] n. , ; ,
1. a playful or amusing act; a prank
2. a frolicsome or frivolous mood
3. an object of ridicule; a laughingstock
4. a witty remark
prank , a mischievous trick or practical joke
frolicsome , ; , full of high-spirited fun; frisky
and playful
jeer : derision :: reprimand : censure (EQUAL)
jest solemn speaking/utterance, solemnity

jettison [dtsn, -zn] v. ( ) ;

() n.
: to cast overboard or off
: a voluntary sacrifice of cargo to lighten a ship's load in
time of distress
jettison retain
jettison salvage

[daib] v. /, gibe
: to be in accord; agree
: = gibe
jibe conflict

jingoist [dgouist] n.
n. ,
: one who vociferously supports one's country, especially
one who supports a belligerent foreign policy; a
chauvinistic patriot
nepotism : kinship :: jingoist : nationality (A = B )
nepotism , , ()
dove, pacifist warmonger, jingoist
dove ; , , ; ,
jitter [dtr] v. ,
: to be nervous or uneasy; fidget
fidget , ,
jittery resolute
jocular [d3kjl:r] a. ,
: characterized by joking; given to joking


[doult] vi. ;
1. to move or dislodge with a sudden, hard blow; strike
heavily or jarringly
2. to cause to move jerkily
3. to put into a specified condition by or as if by a blow
4. to make suddenly active or effective
5. to disturb suddenly and severely; stun
jolt : move :: check : stop (A = B)
check to arrest the motion of abruptly; halt


[dt / dt] v.t.

: to write down briefly or hastily
nip : eat :: jot : write
nip to sip (alcoholic liquor) in small amounts
jot : write :: skim : read

jovial [duvil] a. ,
: marked by hearty conviviality and good cheer
jovial mournful, drab, morose, saturnine, maudlin, lachrymose,
drab ; ; ,
saturnine ; ,
maudlin , effusively or tearfully sentimental
lugubrious () ,
joviality moroseness
morose , sullenly melancholy; gloomy
joyous [dis] a. ,
: feeling or causing joy; joyful
joyous grievous
jubilant [dblnt] a. : EXULTANT
: exultingly joyful; expressing joy
dolorous jubilant
dolorous , marked by or exhibiting sorrow, grief, or pain
judge [d d] n. , v.
judge : law :: umpire : rule (B A )
umpire : ( )



a. , , :

GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

: having or exhibiting sound judgment; prudent
; judicious handling of the situation
miser : stingy :: sage : judicious
sage ,
judicios crass, daft, unwise, imprudent
crass , , ,
daft ; 1. mad; crazy 2. foolish; stupid
polite injudicious
judiciousness indiscretion
juggernaut [dgrnt] n. ,
1. something, such as a belief or an institution, that elicits
blind and destructive devotion or to which people are
ruthlessly sacrificed
2. an overwhelming, advancing force that crushes or seems
to crush everything in its path
juggernaut : unstoppable :: enigma : impenetrable ::
extemporization : spontaneous
juggernaut : stoppable :: exacting : satisfied (A=B )
juggernaut : crush :: quisling : betray :: charlatan : deceive
siren : unresistant :: juggernaut : unstoppable
siren ()
[ ]; ,
; ,
jumble [dmbl] vi. ,
1. to mix in a confused way; throw together carelessly
2. to muddle; confuse
mixture : jumble ::
justify [dstfi] v.t. ;
1. to demonstrate or prove to be just, right, or valid
2. to declare free of blame; absolve
justify argue against
juxtapose [dkstpuz, / ---] v.t. (, )
: to place side by side, especially for comparison or contrast

kangaroo [kgr] n.
kangaroo : marsupial :: squirrel : rodent
marsupial [ma:rsj:pil]

[ken] n. ; ,
1. perception; understanding
2. a. range of vision
b. view; sight
earshot : hear :: ken : see
earshot hearing distance

kidnap [kdn`p] v. ,
: to seize and detain unlawfully and usually for ransom
kidnapping : detainment :: bribery : inducement
2006 8 30 / 200705,06..
kidnapping : detainment
A wiretapping : entrapment :
B larceny : theft
C plundering : destruction
: ,
D bribery : inducement
E extortion : retribution
the unlawful taking and removing of another's personal
property with the intent of permanently depriving the owner; theft.
the act or an instance of stealing; larceny.
wiretap v.
bribery an inducement that influences a public official to perform
his/her duties in a manner contrary to the course that would otherwise be
kindle [kndl] v.t. , : AROUSE
1. a. to build or fuel (a fire) b. to set fire to; ignite
2. to cause to glow; light up
3. to arouse (an emotion, for example)
extinguish, squelch kindle, rekindle

[kndrid] n. , ; ; , a.
, , , ,
1. of the same ancestry or family
2. having a similar or related origin, nature, or character
kindred unsimilarity
kindred dissimilar


[kik] n. , ; () , ; ,
1. a tight curl, twist, or bend in a length of thin material, as
one caused by the tensing of a looped
section of wire
2. a painful muscle spasm(), as in the neck or back; a
3. a difficulty or flaw that is likely to impede operation, as in
a plan or system
4. a mental peculiarity; a quirk
5. an unusual or eccentric idea
crick , , a painful cramp or muscle spasm, as in the
back or neck

kiss [kis] v.t.

scowl : displeasure :: kiss : affection :: hurl : disgust
scowl to wrinkle or contract the brow as an
expression of anger or disapproval
hurl ; ( )
knack [nk] n. ,
1. a clever, expedient way of doing something
2. a specific talent for something, especially one difficult to
explain or teach
redundant : necessity :: clumsy : knack
knack ineptitude, awkwardness
knack foolish
knave [neiv] n. , ,
1. an unprincipled, crafty fellow
2. a. a male servant b. a man of humble birth
crafty , skilled in or marked by underhandedness,
deviousness, or deception
sage : judgment :: knave : deceit
sage , , one venerated for experience,
judgment, and wisdom
knave : rogue :: jack : man (EQUAL)
rogue , , ;
jack ; , ; , ;
knead [nid] v.t. , ; ( )
1. to mix and work into a uniform mass, as by folding,
pressing, and stretching with the hands
2. to make or shape by or as if by folding, pressing, and
stretching with the hands
3. to squeeze, press, or roll with the hands, as in massaging
knead : malleable :: penetrate : permeable
malleable ;
permeable that can be permeated or penetrated,
especially by liquids or gases


[nit] vi. , ; ,
1. to make (a fabric or garment) by intertwining yarn or
thread in a series of connected loops either
by hand with knitting needles or on a machine

GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

2. to form (yarn or thread) into fabric by intertwining
3. to join closely; unite securely
4. to draw (the brows) together in wrinkles; furrow
furrow , ; ;
knit : yarn :: plait : hair
(study : reconditeness )
yarn () ;
plait (, ) / (braid)
recondite , not easily understood; abstruse
needle : knit :: loom : weave
loom , ;
ravel knit
ravel , ;
knotty [nti / nti] a. ;
1. tied or snarled in knots
2. covered with knots or knobs
3. difficult to understand or solve; puzzlingly intricate
snarl , ; ,
knotty : resolve, solve :: (A B )
knotty easy, simple
kudos [kjds / kjds] n. ,
: acclaim or praise for exceptional achievement
kudos disparagement

labile [libil, -bail] a. , : UNSTABLE
: open to change; adaptable
labile stable, immutable, permanent
labored [librd] a. , ; ,
a labored joke ( )
1. produced or done with effort
2. lacking natural ease; strained
glib labored
glib , ; ,
labyrinth [lbrn] n. , :INTRICACY,
1. a. an intricate structure of interconnecting passages
through which it is difficult to find one's way; a maze
b. (Greek mythology) the maze in which the Minotaur was
2. something highly intricate or convoluted in character,
composition, or construction
labyrinthine : simplicity :: jejune : interest (OPPOSITE)
jejune , ; ,
threadbare, timeworn : novelty :: labyrinthine : directness (OPPOSITE)
threadbare (worn-out); (shabby)
timeworn , ; ,
ribald : seemly :: labyrinthine : direct (OPPOSITE)
ribald , characterized by or indulging in vulgar, lewd
lewd ,
a. preoccupied with sex and sexual desire; lustful
b. obscene; indecent
seemly , ;
labyrinth : tortuous :: ornament : decorative
tortuous (winding); (devious);
labyrinth directness, simplicity, straightforward path
labyrinthine simple
lacerate [lsrit] v. , ; (, )
1. to rip, cut, or tear
2. to cause deep emotional pain to; distress
lacerate mitigate, soothe
lachrymose [lkrm`ous] a. ; ,
1. weeping or inclined to weep; tearful
2. causing or tending to cause tears
lachrymose jocund, jocular, glad, cheerful, jovial, joyful
[lklstr] a. / , : DULL,
: lacking brightness, luster, or vitality; dull
* luster [lstr] n. v.t.
reinforce : strength :: polish : luster
lackluster charisma
lackluster radiant, resplendent, refulgent, burnish
resplendent , ; splendid or dazzling in
appearance; brilliant
refulgent shining radiantly; resplendent
burnish ,


laconic [lknik / -kn-] a. ,

: using or marked by the use of few words; terse or concise
audacious : trepidation :: laconic : volubility (OPPOSITE)
audacious ; ,
trepidation , ; , ,
aspiration ; ,
laconic : speech :: austere : design
laconic loquacious, voluble, garrulous, verbose, prolix, wordy, lengthy,
laconism verbosity
voluble taciturn, laconic, succinct, reticent
ladle [lidl] n. , ,
soup : ladle :: flour : scoop
lag [lg] v. , n. ,
lag forge ahead
laggard [lgrd] n. , , a. ,

laggard : dilatory :: rascal : mischievous (A B )

rascal , , a.,
laggard prompt, vigorous, taut, brisk

[lmbist] v.t. , : CENSURE,

1. to give a thrashing to; beat
2. to scold sharply; berate
berate to rebuke or scold angrily and at length
lambaste extol, laud

lame [leim] a. ; ; , ,
1. disabled so that movement, especially walking, is difficult
or impossible
2. marked by pain or rigidness
3. weak and ineffectual; unsatisfactory
lament [lmnt] v. ,
1. to express grief for or about; mourn
2. to regret deeply; deplore
lament : grief ::
lament : elegy ::
lamentable : repentance ::
celebrate : lament :: slight : show respect (OPPOSITE)
lamentable [lmntb-l] a. : MOURNFUL
: inspiring or deserving of lament or regret; deplorable or
lamentable : pity :: reprehensible : censure
reprehensible , deserving rebuke or censure;


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)
languid effervescent, energetic, vivacious, vehement
vivacious , full of animation and spirit; lively
vehement ;

celebration :: lamentable :: slight :: respectful (OPPOSITE)
laminate [lmnit] v. /
1. to beat or compress into a thin plate or sheet
2. to divide into thin layers
laminate : divide ::
lampoon [lmpn] n.
1. a broad satirical piece that uses ridicule to attack a
person, a group, or an institute
2. a light, good-humored satire
panegyric : eulogize :: lampoon : satirize
panegyric /; a formal eulogistic composition
intended as a public compliment
satire : lampoon :: diligence : effort
paean harshly lampoon
paean [p:n] ,
landfill [lndfl] n.
cistern : liquids :: landfill : refuse
cistern , ;
landlord [lndlrd] n. ,
1. a person who owns and rents land, buildings, or dwelling
2. a man who runs a rooming house or an inn; an innkeeper
landmark [lndm :rk] n. ;
1. a prominent identifying feature of a landscape
2. a fixed marker, such as a concrete block, that indicates a
boundary line
3. an event marking an important stage of development or
a turning point in history
4. a building or site that has historical significance,
especially one that is marked for preservation by a
municipal or national government
hermitage : secluded :: landmark : conspicuous
seclude , to set or keep apart, as from social
contact with others
landslide [lndslid] n. ; ( )
1. a. the downward sliding of a relatively dry mass of earth
and rock
b. the mass that slides
2. a. an overwhelming majority of votes for a political party
or candidate
b. an election that sweeps a party or candidate into office
3. a great victory
droplet : deluge :: pebble : landslide
landslide debacle
debacle , ;

[lein] n. ; ,
1. a. a narrow country road
b. a narrow way or passage between walls, hedges, or
2. a narrow passage, course, or track, especially:
a. a prescribed course for ships or aircraft
b. a strip delineated on a street or highway to accomodate
a single line of vehicles


[lgwid] a. ( , ) ; :
1. lacking energy or vitality; weak
2. showing little or no spirit or animation; listless
3. lacking vigor or force; slow
languid : energy :: desultory : plan
desultory , ;

languish [lgwi] v. ; n. ,

1. to be or become weak or feeble; lose strength or vigor

2. to exist or continue in miserable or disheartening
3. to remain unattended or be neglected
4. to become downcast; pine
5. to affect a wistful or languid air, especially in order to gain
languish : vitality :: depreciate : value
languish effervesce, thrive
thrive ,
languor [lgr] n. ; , ;
1. lack of physical or mental energy; listlessness
2. a dreamy, lazy mood or quality
3. oppressive quiet or stillness
languor alacrity, thriveness

[lk] a. : SLENDER, THIN

1. long and lean
2. long, straight, and limp
lank, slender, slim, spindly stalwart
stalwart , ; ,
lanky squat

lapse [lps] n. () ; ; ,
: a slight error typically due to forgetfulness or inattention
1. the act or an instance of lapsing, as:
a. a usually minor or temporary failure; a slip
b. a deterioration or decline c. a moral fall
2. a break in continuity; a pause
3. a period of time; an interval
lapse : error :: misbehavior : criminality :: misdemeanor : crime (A <<
inkling : indication :: lapse : error (A << B)
misdemeanor , a misdeed
inkling a slight hint or indication
larder [lrdr] n. : PANTRY
1. a place, such as a pantry or cellar, where food is stored
2. a supply of food
larder : food :: wardrobe : clothes :: reservoir :: water
larder : provisions :: vault : valuables :: reservoir : water
vault ; ,
larder : food :: armory : munitions
munition ( -s) , ; ,
largesse, largess
[lrds, lrdis] n. ,
1. a. liberality in bestowing gifts, especially in a lofty or
condescending manner
b. money or gifts bestowed
2. generosity of spirit or attitude
largesse parsimony, penuriousness, stinginess, miserliness
penuriousness /
larval [l:rvl] a. , ; ()
mature : larva ::
larval mature
lariat [lrit] n. , : LASSO
lariat : wrangler :: crook : shepherd
wrangler / ;
crook , ; () , (
) ()


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)


[l] v. , ,
(, ) , to secure or bind, as with a rope,
cord, or chain
lash unbind
stint , to restrict or limit, as in amount or number; be
sparing with
impecunious ,

lassitude [lsitjd] n. ,
: a state or feeling of weariness, diminished energy, or
lassitude : stir :: appetite : indulge (A B )
arrogance : defer :: lassitude : stir
defer , to submit to the opinion, wishes, or
decision of another through respect or in recognition of his or her
authority, knowledge, or judgment
lassitude vim, animation, verve, vitality, ebullience, effervescence,
a feeling of vigor, heartener, vigor, liveliness, fascination
vim , , ebullient vitality and energy
verve ,
latent [lit-nt] a.
: present or potential but not evident or active
latency : response :: incubation : disease (. A B
latent manifest
lathe [lei] n.
lathe : shape :: clasp : fasten
latitude [lttjd] n. ; (, )
1. a. the angular distance north or south of the earth's
equator, measured in degrees along a meridian, as on a
map or globe
b. a region of the earth considered in relation to its
distance from the equator
2. (astronomy) the angular distance of a celestial body
north or south of the ecliptic
3. freedom from normal restraints, limitations, or
latitude strict constraint, tight restraint, restraint, limitation
laudatory [ldtri / -t-ri] a. /
: expressing or conferring praise
* laud v.t. ~
counsel : advice :: laud : homage (EQUAL, : )
laud : admire :: lionize : admire :: vituperate : despise
commendable, laudable execrable, dispicable, blameworthy,
repugnant, unworthy, reprehensible
execrable ,
reprehensible , ,
pejorative, execrable laudatory, laudable
pejorative ,
execrable ,
laud revile, blame, deprecate, malign
revile , to assail with abusive language; vituperate
laud belittle
laudable despicable, blameworthy, repugnant, unworthy,
lavish [lvi] a. ; , v.t.
adj. 1. characterized by or produced with extravagance and
2. immoderate in giving or bestowing; unstinting
v.t. to give or bestow in abundance; shower: lavished
attention on his customers
unstinting bestowed liberally
excoriate extol, praise lavishly
excoriate ; to censure strongly;
lavish, prosperous mean, stint, penurious, austere, economical,
parsimonious, impecunious, stark, thrifty
stark ,

[lks] a. , ,
1. lacking in rigor, strictness, or firmness
2. not taut, firm, or compact; slack
3. loose and not easily retained or controlled
lax taut, stringent, strict, careful, attentive, conscientious
laxity intensification

layover [liouvr] n. (stopover)

layover : journey :: pause : action
layperson [liprsn] n. , , ,
(layman, laywomen)
1. a man who is not a cleric
2. a man who is a nonprofessional
layperson : expertise :: novice : experience

[leiz] v. ,
: to be lazy; loaf
laze travail
travail n. , ; , ; ; v. ,

leaden [ldn] a. () ,
1. made of or containing lead
2. a. heavy and inert b. listless; sluggish
3. lacking liveliness or sparkle; dull
4. downcast; depressed
5. dull, dark gray in color
leaden vivacious, buoyant, spirited, animated
vivacious , full of animation and spirit; lively
leakage [lkid] n. ,
seal : leakage :: lubricate : abrasion
lean [li:n] a. , v. , , ,

lean fat
lean straighten
leaning [l:ni] a. ; , ;
: an inclination, a tendency, or a preference
leaning disinclination
leaven [lv-n] v.t. ;
1. an agent, such as yeast, that causes batter or dough to rise,
especially by fermentation
2. an element, influence, or agent that works subtly to
lighten, enliven, or modify a whole
leaven : volume :: distill : purity
lectern [lktrn] n. ,
1. a reading desk with a slanted top holding the books from
which scriptural passages are read during a church service
2. a stand that serves as a support for the notes or books of a
ledger [ldr] n.
: a book in which the monetary transactions of a business are
posted in the form of debits and credits
[lir] ,
to look with a sidelong glance, indicative especially of sexual
desire or sly and malicious intent
stare : leer :: peruse : smattering (A >> B)
peruse ; , to read or examine,
typically with great care



GRE 6.0 (2008 7)


[l-ri] a. : SUSPICIOUS, WARY

: suspicious or distrustful
wary ,
leery showing no doubt, imprudent

publicity : attention :: leverage : advantage (EQUAL)

leverage impuissance, lack of ability
impuissance lack of power or effectiveness; weakness
leviathan [[livin]] n. ,
1. Something unusually large of its kind, especially a ship.
2. A very large animal, especially a whale.
3. Bible. A monstrous sea creature mentioned in the Old
leviathan : massive :: juggernaut : inexorable :: phoenix : immortal

legacy [lgsi] n. ,
1. money or property bequeathed to another by will
2. something handed down from an ancestor or a
predecessor or from the past
legacy : predecessor :: gift : donor
legacy : predecessor :: endowment : patron
legend [ld-nd] n. ; ;
: an explanatory list of the symbols on a map or chart
glossary : text :: legend : map
legendary obscure
legendary ; extremely well known; famous or

levity [lvti] n. ,
1. lightness of manner or speech, especially when
inappropriate; frivolity
2. inconstancy; changeableness
3. the state or quality of being light; buoyancy
levity gravity, seriousness

legerdemain [ldrdmin] n. , , / ,
magician : legerdemain :: acrobat : tumbling :: acrobat : gymnastics


[lvi] v. (collect), (impose);

(enroll); ,
1. to impose or collect (a tax, for example)
2. to draft into military service
3. to declare and wage (a war)
levy, legislate rescind

legible [ldb-l] a. ; , : PLAIN

1. possible to read or decipher
2. plainly discernible; apparent
legible : decipher ::
legion [ld-n] n.
: a large number; a multitude
legion lack in number
lenient [lnint, -njnt] a.
: inclined not to be harsh or strict; merciful, generous, or
martinet : leniency :: dabbler : dedication
draconian lenient
lethal [l-l] a. : DEVASTATING
1. capable of causing death
2. of, relating to, or causing death
3. extremely harmful; devastating
disagreeable : hateful :: harmful : lethal (A << B)
lethargy [lrdi] n. , ;
1. a state of sluggishness, inactivity, and apathy
2. a state of unconsciousness resembling deep sleep
* lethargic adj.
antidote : poison :: tonic : lethargy
lethargic : stimulate :: skeptical : convince (OPPOSITE)
lethargy : energy :: intemperate : restraint (LACK)
lethargy vigor, animation, alert, alertness, effervescence
lethargic animated, energetic, ebullient, vigorous, invigorating
levee [lvi] n.
levee : river :: cordon : crowd (A = B )
cordon , a line of people, military posts, or ships
stationed around an area to enclose or guard it
rampart : invasion :: levee : flood (A protect B)
rampart ;
padding : damage :: levee : flooding
levelheaded [lv-lhdid] a. : SENSIBLE
: characteristically self-composed and sensible
levelheaded foolish
leverage [lv-rid, lv-] n. ;
1. a. the action of a lever b. the mechanical advantage or a
2. positional advantage; power to act effectively

lexicographer [lkskgrfr / -kg-] n.

cartographer : map :: lexicographer : dictionary :: weaver : cloth
liability [liblti] n. ,
exempt : liability :: pardon : penalty
exempt (, )
asset liability
liability immunity
liaison [lzn, liizn / liiz] n. , ;
1. a. an instance or a means of communication between
different groups or units of an organization, especially in
the armed forces b. one that maintains communication
2. a. a close relationship, connection, or link
b. an adulterous relationship; an affair
libel [libl] v. , n. ,
libel : criticize :: denounce : reject
liberal [lb-rl] a. , ; : OPENHANDED
* liberality n. ,
nefarious : wickedness :: generous : liberality
nefarious , , infamous by way of being extremely
psarsimonious : liberal :: obtuse : keen (OPPOSITE)
liberal parsimonious, meager, enfettered
meager , ; ; ,
liberalist enfetterist
liberality unkindness, stinginess, disservice, disapproval, intolerance,
liberate [lbrit] v. : FREE
: to set free, as from oppression, confinement, or foreign
liberate shackle, fetter, deprive of freedom, impede
libertine [lbrtn] n. , ;
1. one who acts without moral restraint; a dissolute person
2. one who defies established religious precepts; a
libertine : licentious :: caviler : carping
cavil; to find fault unnecessarily; raise trivial objections
licentious [laisns] ,


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

libertine : dissolute :: dupe : credulous :: sycophant : obsequious ::

buffoon : ludicrous :: wag : humorous
dissolute , lacking moral restraint; indulging in
sensual pleasures or vices
buffoon [bf:n] ;
wag (, ) ; ,
emotion : effusive :: liberty : licentious
emotion : effusive :: manner : grandiose (DEFECTIVE)
effusive , ; ,

grandiose [grndius] ; ,
libertine ascetic
liberty [lbrti] n.
management unfettered liberty
management , ; ,
libretto [librtou] n.
libretto : opera :: lyrics : song
licentious [laisns] a. ,
1. lacking moral discipline or ignoring legal restraint,
especially in sexual conduct
2. having no regard for accepted rules or standards
caviler : carping :: libertine : licentious
voluble : speech :: licentious : dissoluteness
dissolute , lacking moral restraint; indulging in
sensual pleasures or vices
licentious morally restrained, virtuous, moral
licentiousness moral restraint, restraint person

[lin, lin] n.
: the right to take and hold or sell the property of a debtor
as security or payment for a debt or duty
lien : claim :: subpoena : command
subpoena [sbp:n]

lighthearted [lith:rtid] adj. () , , ,

lighthearted morose, careworn
lightheartedness solemnity, sobriety, graveness
[likn] v.t. : COMPARE
: to see, mention, or show as similar; compare
liken : similarity :: discriminate : difference
liken contrast, controvert, differentiate, discriminate


limber [lmbr] a. : FLEXIBLE, PLIABLE

1. bending or flexing readily; pliable
2. capable of moving, bending, or contorting easily; supple
limber : flexibility :: spindly : frailty
spindly slender and elongated, especially in a
way that suggests weakness

mansion : residence :: limousine : automobile


[limp] a. , SPIRITLESS
1. to walk lamely, especially with irregularity, as if favoring
one leg
2. to move or proceed haltingly or unsteadily
limp : walk :: stutter : talk
stutter ,
limp firm

limpid [lmpid] a. , , : PELLUCID

1. characterized by transparent clearness; pellucid
2. easily intelligible; clear
3. calm and untroubled; serene
clear, pellucid, limpid murky, unclear, nebulous, turbid, obscure,
nebulous , ; ,
murky , ;

[lnin] n. , ; ()
: thread or cloth spun from flax
clay : porcelain :: flax : linen
flannel : cloth :: linen : fabric :: tin : metal
[ , ]

linger [lgri] , ;
1. to be slow in leaving, especially out of reluctance; tarry
2. to remain feebly alive for some time before dying
3. to persist
4. to proceed slowly; saunter
5. to be tardy in acting; procrastinate
lingering fleeting
linoleum [linulim] n.
varnish : wood :: wax : linoleum
lint [lint] n. ;
lint : bleeding :: brake : motion
lint : covering :: tarpaulin : garment
tarpaulin ;
[lin`aiz] v.
: to look on or treat (a person) as a celebrity
lionize denigrate, subjugate, disparage, slight, trivialize, mock,
condemn, disgrace
lissome [lsm] a. , ; ,
1. easily bent; supple
2. having the ability to move with ease; limber
lissome : lithe :: (EQUAL)
lithe [lai] ,
lissome ungainly, sordid
ungainly , , ;

limelight n. (), ()
1. a focus of public attention
2. a. an early type of stage light in which lime was heated
to incandescence producing brilliant illumination
b. The brilliant white light so produced. In this sense, also
called calcium light
limelight obscurity, anonymity
obscurity , ()


limerick [lmrik] n. 5
farce : performance :: limerick : poem
farce ()
limerick : poem :: lampoon : satire (A B)
lampoon ()



loath [lou] a. ,
: unwilling or reluctant; disinclined

[lmzn, ---]


[list] n.
: an inclination to one side, as of a ship; a tilt
list upright


[lai] a. ,
1. readily bent; supple
2. marked by effortless grace
lithe awkward, inelastic, stiff, oafish, ponderous

[lvid] a. ; ;
1. discolored, as from a bruise; black-and-blue
2. ashen or pallid
3. extremely angry; furious
livid : angry :: despondent : discouraged (A >> B)


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

loath amusing, amusive, amusable, eager

loathe [lou]
: to dislike (someone or something) greatly; abhor
castigation : reproof :: loathing : dislike (A >> B)
castigate ; to inflict severe punishment on; to
criticize severely
dislike : loathing :: pleasure : bliss
loathe amuse
loathsome [lusm] a. , (nauseating)
: arousing loathing; abhorrent
loathsome delectable
delectable ,

[loud] n. ;
: a rich source or supply
shaft : lode :: well : aquifer (A B )
shaft []
aquifer [kwfr]
[ ]

lofty [lfti / lfti] a. ; , ; ,

1. of imposing height
2. elevated in character; exalted
3. affecting grandness; pompous
4. arrogant; haughty
lofty : respect
lofty mean, casting down, ignominious, ignoble, sordid, obsequious
ignominious [gnmnis] ;
sordid (dirty, squalid); ,
log n. , v.
ship : log ::

[ll / ll] v. , /
1. to move, stand, or recline in an indolent or relaxed
2. to hang or droop laxly
loll move vigorously


[landvti] n. ; ; ,
1. a. long life; great duration of life
b. length or duration of life
2. long duration or continuance, as in an occupation
longevity brief duration

longing [l()i, l-] n.

: a strong persistent yearning or desire, especially one that
cannot be fulfilled
longing : pine :: remorse : rue (EQUAL, : )
rue , to feel regret, remorse, or sorrow for
lopsided [lpsidid / lp-] a. ;
1. heavier, larger, or higher on one side than on the other
2. sagging or leaning to one side
lopsided evenhanded
loquacious [loukwis] a.
: very talkative; garrulous
loquacious : word :: profligate : money
profligate , ;
loquacious : talkative :: rash : adventurous :: reckless : adventurous ::
cloying : sweet (A >> B)

loquacious : succinct :: adroit : ungainly (OPPOSITE)

garrulous, loquacious : words :: prodigal, profligate : money
flattery : praise :: loquacious : talkativeness (A >> B)
loquacious taciturn, laconic, reticent, restrained, diffuse
reticent , ; ,
loquacity disinclination to speak, reluctance to speak, reticence
lottery [ltri / lt-]
1. (game) a contest in which tokens are distributed or sold,
the winning token or tokens being secretly predetermined
or ultimately selected in a random drawing
2. a selection made by lot from a number of applicants or
3. an activity or event regarded as having an outcome
depending on fate
lottery : raffle :: ticket : admission ( ,
raffle a
lottery in which a number of persons buy chances to win a prize
lounge ,
1. to move or act in a lazy, relaxed way; loll
2. to pass time idly

[laur] v. ,
: to look sullen : FROWN

loutish [luti] a. ;
: having the characteristics of a lout; awkward, stupid, and
lout , a person regarded as awkward and stupid; an oaf
loutish : grace :: coltish : discipline
coltish ;
genteel loutish, vulgar
genteel , ,
loyal [lil] a. ; ; ,
exorbitant : moderation :: perfidious : loyalty (OPPOSITE)
perfidious , treacherous
snub : disdain :: double cross : disloyalty
snub , ; ;
lubricate [lbrikit] v. ;
1. to apply a lubricant to
2. to make slippery or smooth
oil : lubricate :: antiseptic : disinfect
lubricate : abrasion :: seal : leakage (A prevent B)

[lsid] a. , ;
1. easily understood; intelligible
2. mentally sound; sane or rational
3. translucent or transparent
lucid : perceive :: transparent : understand :: prominent : notice
lucid murky, vague, obfuscated

lucubrate [lu:kjbreit] v. ,
: to write in a scholarly fashion; produce scholarship
lucubration [lkjubrin] n.
: laborious study or meditation
lucubration cursory consideration
cursory , , performed with haste and scant
attention to detail


[lg] v. ( )
1. to drag or haul (an object) laboriously
2. to pull or drag with short jerks
3. to cause (an engine, for example) to run poorly or hesitate
haul ,

GRE 6.0 (2008 7)
2. a. luxurious; opulent
b. extremely pleasing to the senses
c. voluptuous or sensual
3. overelaborate or extravagant
lush withered, sere
sere ,

lug : carry :: trudge : walk

trudge to walk in a laborious, heavy-footed
way; plod
lugubrious [lugjbris] a. ( )
: mournful, dismal, or gloomy, especially to an exaggerated
lugubrious cheerful, jovial, facetious, sunny, merry, exultant,
facetious , ; , humorous
lugubriousness cheerfulness
lukewarm [l:kw:rm] a. , ; , ,

1. mildly warm; tepid
2. lacking conviction or enthusiasm; indifferent


v. , , : SOOTHE n.
, ,
1. to cause to sleep or rest; soothe or calm
2. to deceive into trustfulness
lull hectic period, fastest period
hectic , characterized by intense activity,
confusion, or haste
lull intense discussion
lull revive, startle, gall, galvanize, increase activity, vehemence,

lustrous [lstrs] a. ; , ;
1. having a sheen or glow
2. gleaming with or as if with brilliant light; radiant
numb : insensible :: burnish : lustrous
lustrous : polish :: pure : refine
luxuriant [lgrint, lkr-] a. , ; ;
1. a. characterized by rich or profuse growth
b. producing or yielding in abundance
2. excessively florid or elaborate
3. marked by or displaying luxury; luxurious
ascetic : luxury :: teetotaler : alcohol
teetotaler one who abstains completely from alcoholic beverages
luxuriant spartan, meager (inexpensive )

[lg:ris] a. , , (splendid);
; (opulent); (florid),
1. fond of or given to luxury
2. marked by or contributing to luxury
3. of a sumptuous, costly or rich variety
sumptuous , ; ,
luxurious simple, austere, poor, worthless, unrefined

lullaby [llbi] n. ;
lullaby : song :: diatribe : discourse
lumber [lmbr] v. ; ( )
1. to walk or move wit heavy clumsiness
2. to move with a rumbling noise
lumber : grace :: waver : resolution (LACK)
lumber glide
lumen [lu:mn] n. [ ]
lumen : light :: decibel : sound :: volt : electricity :: watt : power
luminary [lmnri/-nri] n. ; , ;
1. an object, such as a celestial body, that gives light
2. a person who is an inspiration to others
3. a person who has achieved eminence in a specific field
master, maven : experience :: luminary : eminence
luminary nonentity, nobody, ordinary person
lung [l] n.
lung : respire :: tooth : masticate
masticate (chew)
lurch [lrt] v.
: to stagger; to roll or pitch suddenly or erratically
lurch progress smoothly
lurid [lj(:)rid] adj. ,
lurid : terrify ::
lurk [lrk] v. ; ; : SKULK, SNEAK,
1. to lie in wait, as in ambush
2. to move furtively; sneak
3. to exist unobserved or unsuspected
lurk : wait :: abscond : depart :: hoard : save (A B )
lurk : concealment :: purloin : appropriation
lurk reveal, disclose, divulge, let out, tell, uncover

[l] a. ,
1. a. having or characterized by luxuriant vegetation
b. abundant; plentiful c. extremely productive; thriving

lyric [lrik]
a. ;
lyric : poem :: ballad : song :: comedian : actor

macabre [mkbr-] a. ,
1. suggesting the horror of death and decay; gruesome
2. constituting or including a representation of death
macabre : shudder :: hilarious : laugh
shudder ,
macabre jocund
macerate [msrit] v. ()
: to make soft by soaking or steeping in a liquid
macerate harden by drying
machination [mknin] n. , , ,
1. the act of plotting
2. a crafty scheme or cunning design for the accomplishment
of a sinister end; conspiracy
reminiscence : recollect :: machination : plot
maculate [mkjlit] v. adj. , , ,

: to spot, blemish , or pollute

maculated unspotted
maculate pristine
maculate purify
madcap [mdkp] a. , n.
madcap sober, thoughtful
maelstrom [milstrm] n. ;
1. a violent or turbulent situation
2. a whirlpool of extraordinary size or violence


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

maelstrom : turbulent :: mirage : illusory
magnanimity [mgnnmti] n. , ,
magnanimity grudge
grudge , a deep-seated feeling of resentment or rancor
magnanimous [mgnnms] a. ;
1. courageously noble in mind and heart ,

2. generous in forgiving; eschewing resentment or revenge;

magnanimous mean, selfish, unkind
magnificent [mgnfsnt] a.,, ,
1. splendid in appearance; grand
2. grand or noble in thought or deed; exalted
3. outstanding of its kind; superlative
magnificent base
magniloquent [mgnkwnt] adj. (, ) , ,
* magniloquence n.
magniloquent humble, understated, plain
maladroit [mldrit] a. : INEPT
: marked by a lack of adroitness; inept
maladroit : skill :: glib : profundity
maladroit : deft :: voluble : terse
voluble marked by a ready flow of speech; fluent
complaisance : intractable :: adeptness : maladroit (OPPOSITE)
maladroit deft, dextrous, skillful, graceful
maladroitness grace
malady [mledi] n. ,
malady healthy condition, haleness, benefit, advantage, wellness
malaise [mliz, m-] n. ; ,
1. a vague feeling of bodily discomfort, as at the beginning
of an illness
2. a general sense of depression or unease
malaise cheerful feeling, health, well-being, power, strength, vigor,
comfort, pleasure
malcontent [mlkntnt] a. / :
DISCONTENTED dissatisfied with existing conditions
dilatory : procrastinate :: malcontent : complain
dilatory , intended to delay
procrastinate to put off doing something, especially out of
habitual carelessness or laziness
daredevil : ? :: malcontent : dissatisfaction
daredevil , recklessly bold
sycophant : fawn :: malcontent : complain
malicious [mls] a.
: having the nature of or resulting from malice; deliberately
harmful; spiteful
malicious : ill-will :: exaggerating : hyperbole :: diligent : effort
expansive malicious
expansive ; ; ,
malfunction [mlfk-n] n.
: failure to function; faulty or abnormal functioning
fail-safe : malfunction ::
fail-safe ( )
malign [mlin] a. v. ,
: to make evil, harmful, and often untrue statements about
malign : ill will :: diligent : effort
extol, laud malign


: to feign illness or other incapacity so as to avoid duty or
malinger : ail :: flatter : appreciate (DEFECTIVE)
ail , to feel ill or have pain
parsimony : skimp :: malingering : shirk
skimp ;
shirk (, ) to avoid or neglect (a duty or
hoard : miser :: malinger : shirker
malinger : work :: shirk : duty
malinger : duty :: camouflage, dissemble : detection :: recluse :
malleable [mlib-l] a. ( ) ;
1. capable of being shaped or formed, as by hammering or
2. easily controlled or influenced; tractable
3. able to adjust to changing circumstances; adaptable
friable : crumble :: malleable : alter
friable readily crumbled; brittle
knead : malleable :: penetrate : permeable
knead ,
malleable : shape :: irresolute : opinion
malleable : flexible :: (A=B)
malleable hard to shape
malodorous [mludrs] a.
: having a bad odor; foul
malodorous : smell :: cacophonous : sound :: jarring : sound
cacophony : sound :: malodor : scent
manacle [mnkl] n. : fetter
: a shackle for the hand or wrist : HANDCUFF
management [mnidmnt] n. ,
management ineffectiveness, unfettered liberty
manageable intractable, incorrigible
mandatory [mndtri / -t-ri] a.
1. required or commanded by authority; obligatory
2. of, having the nature of, or containing a mandate
mandatory : comply :: forbidden : abstain
discretionary mandatory
discretionary left to or regulated by one's own discretion or
maneuver [mn:vr] vi. (, ) ;
1. to carry out a military or naval maneuver
2. to make a controlled series of changes in movement or
direction toward an objective
3. to shift ground; change tactics
4. to use stratagems in gaining an end
maneuverable [mnv-rb-l] a. ;
maneuverable intractable
mangle [mg-l] v. ,
1. to mutilate or disfigure by battering, hacking, cutting, or
2. to ruin or spoil through ineptitude or ignorance
mutilate v.t. ,
mangle praise extravagantly
mangy [mindi] a. ; ,
1. affected with, caused by, or resembling mange
2. having many worn spots; shabby
3. rundown and filthy; squalid
4. mean; contemptible


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

mangy sleek, decorous

sleek , ; ;

b. to begin to move in such a manner

2. a. to proceed directly and purposefully
b. to progress steadily onward; advance
3. to be arranged in an orderly fashion that suggests steady,
rhythmical progression
4. to participate in an organized walk, as for a public cause
march boggle
boggle , ;

maniac [mnik, mi-] a. , ,

1. suggestive of or afflicted with insanity: a maniacal

2. characterized by excessive enthusiasm or excitement: a

maniacal interest in gambling

hidebound : conservative :: maniac : interested, excited (A >> B)
hidebound , stubbornly prejudiced, narrowminded, or inflexible
enthusiasm : mania :: suspicion : paranoia (A << B)
paranoia ,
mania : enthusiasm :: doting : fondness
manifest [mnfst] n. a. ,
1. a list of passengers or an invoice of cargo for a vehicle
(as a ship or plane)
2. an invoice of goods carried on a truck or train
3. a list of railroad cars according to owner and location
manifest : cargo :: inventory : merchandise
clearly apparent to the sight or understanding; obvious
manifest : perceive :: brittle : break :: transparent : understand
audible : stentorian :: discernible : manifest (A << B)
manifest latent, occult, inapparent, obscure, implicit, indiscernable
manipulate [mnpjlit] v. ,
1. to operate or control by skilled use of the hands; handle
2. to influence or manage shrewdly or deviously
3. to tamper with or falsify for personal gain
dexterous : manipulate :: prescient : predict
prescience , , (foresight)
manipulative guileless
mannered [mn:rd]
1. having manners of a specific kind
2. a. having or showing a certain manner b. artificial or
3. of, relating to, or exhibiting mannerisms
mannered natural
mansion [mn-n] n. ,
mansion : residence :: limousine : automobile
manumit [mnjmt] v.
: to free from slavery or bondage; emancipate
emancipate; to free from bondage, oppression, or restraint; liberate
* manumission n.
manumit enslave, detain
detain ; to keep from proceeding; delay or
manumission enslavement
manuscript [mnjskrpt] n. //; ,
edit : manuscript ::
archive : manuscript :: arsenal : weapon
arsenal [:rsnl] ,
[mr] v.
1. to inflict damage, especially disfiguring damage, on
2. to impair the soundness, perfection, or integrity of; spoil
burnish : dull :: mar : flawless
burnish , ;
mar enhance


march [m:rt]
1. a. to walk steadily and rhythmically forward in step with

marginal [mrdn-l] a. ; , ;
1. of, relating to, located at, or constituting a margin, a
border, or an edge
2. being adjacent geographically
3. written or printed in the margin of a book
4. barely within a lower standard or limit of quality
marginal pivotal
marsh [m:r] n. ,
an area of soft, wet, low-lying land, characterized by grassy
vegetation and often forming a transition zone between
water and land
marsh : sodden :: desert : arid
sodden thoroughly soaked; saturated
arid ; ,
marshy arid
marshal [mr-l] v. , n.
: to place in proper rank or position
: a high official in the household of a medieval king, prince, or
noble originally having charge of the cavalry but later
usually in command of the military forces
marshal jumble
marshy [mri]
marshy arid

a. ; ;

marsupial [mrspil / -sj-]

kangaroo : marsupial :: squirrel : rodent


a. , ;
martial [mr-l]
1. of, relating to, or suggestive of war
2. relating to or connected with the armed forces or the
profession of arms
3. characteristic of or befitting a warrior
martial : military :: runic : mysterious
runic ;
rune ; ,
martial peaceful, pacific
martinet [mrt-nt, ---] n.
1. a rigid military disciplinarian
2. one who demands absolute adherence to forms and rules
martinet : discipline :: pedant : learning
(gourmet : food, hack : writing )
(A) illusionist: misdirection
(B) dilettante: commitment
(C) renegade: allegiance
(D) martinet: discipline
(E) hack: writing
stickler : exacting :: martinet : discipline
martinet : leniency :: dabbler : dedication (hypocrite : ingenuity )
leniency , ,
lenient; inclined not to be harsh or strict; merciful, generous, or
indulgent , , = lenient


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)
ommencement matriculation
commencement , , ;

martinet : rigorous :: dilettante :: superficial

martinet : strict ::
martinet indulgent person

matter-of-fact [mtrvfkt] adj. , , ,

matter-of-fact emotional, enthusiastic, fervid, gentle, polite

matter-of-fact vague, inaccurate

marvel [mrv-l] n. , v.
1. one that evokes surprise, admiration, or wonder
2. strong surprise; astonishment
* marvelous; of the highest or best kind or quality; firstrate
marvel : quotidian ::
quotidian a. , , n.
marvel mean, indifference, calmness, triviality
marvelous mean
Ignoble; base: a mean motive, Low in quality or grade;
inferior. Low in value or amount; paltry; Common or poor in
appearance; shabby
pedestrian marvelous
pedestrian ,

mattress [mtris] n.
tablecloth : table :: sheet : mattress
maturity [mtj(:)rti] n. ,
aimless : purpose :: childish : maturity (A B )
maudlin [mdlin] a. ,
: effusively or tearfully sentimental
maudlin : sentimental :: obsequious: deferential (A >> B)
maudlin : sentiment :: pedantic : scholarship
maudlin unsentimental, jovial

masquerade [mskrid] v. , ;

1. a costume party at which masks are won; a masked ball
b. a costume for such a party or ball
2. a. a disguise or false outward show; a pretense b. an
involved scheme; a charade
charade [rid] ; ( )
dissemble : information :: masquerade : feeling
dissemble ,

maven [mivn] n.
: a person who has special knowledge or experience; an
maven : experience :: luminary : eminence (HAVE)
(augur : prediction DO )

massive [msiv] a. , ;
1. consisting of or making up a large mass; bulky, heavy,
and solid
2. large or imposing, as in quantity, scope, degree, intensity,
or scale
3. large in comparison with the usual amount
massive slight
master [mstr,mstr] n.
master : experience :: luminary : eminence
luminary ; ,
eminence , a position of great distinction or superiority
masterful [mst:rfl, m:s-] a. , ;
1. given to playing the master; imperious or domineering
2. fit to command
3. revealing mastery or skill; expert
masterful inept
inept , ;
masticate [mstkit] v. ,
1. to chew (food)
2. to grind and knead (rubber, for example) into a pulp
lung : respire :: tooth : masticate
(eye : envision, ear : resonate )
envision , to picture in the mind; imagine
resonate ,
matchless [mtlis] a. : PEERLESS
: having no match or equal; unsurpassed
matchless equal
matriculate [mtrkjlit]/[mtrkjlit] v.
: to admit or be admitted into a group, especially a college
or university
inauguration : official :: matriculation : student
inauguration (); ;
inception : termination :: matriculation : graduation (OPPOSITE)
inception , , the beginning of something, such as an
undertaking; a commencement

maverick [mv-rik] n. ; ,
: one that refuses to abide by the dictates of or resists
adherence to a group; a dissenter
dissenter : orthodox :: maverick : group
dissent to differ in opinion or feeling; to withhold
assent or approval
maverick : conformity :: extrovert : reserve
maverick follower, conformist, member
mawkish [mki] a. ;
excessively and objectionably sentimental; sickening or insipid in taste
mawkish : sentiment :: pedantic : scholarship
mawkish : sentimental :: stodgy : conservative :: foolhardy :
adventurous :: gullible : trusting (A >> B)
(peeved : annoyed (EQUAL))
stodgy , ; ,
peeve; to cause to be annoyed or resentful
mawkish unsentimental, hard-boiled, austere, dry, unsentimental
hard-boiled , , callous, unfeeling
meadow [mdou]
n. /
: land in or predominantly in grass; especially
moist low-lying usually level grassland
meadow : grass :: forest : tree

: a tract of

meager [mgr] a. ,
1. deficient in quantity, fullness, or extent; scanty
2. deficient in richness, fertility, or vigor; feeble
3. having little flesh; lean
amplitude meagerness
liberal meager
meager luxurious, luxuriant
mean [min] a. , ;
1. a. selfish in a petty way; unkind b. cruel, spiteful, or
2. ignoble; base
3. miserly; stingy
4. a. low in quality or grade; inferior b. low in value or
amount; paltry
5. common or poor in appearance; shabby
6. low in social status; of humble origins
7. humiliated or ashamed
8. in poor physical condition; sick or debilitated


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)
conflicting parties
2. to bring about (a settlement, for example) by working with
all the conflicting parties
3. to effect or convey as an intermediate agent or mechanism
intercessor : mediate :: translator : interpret :: augur : predict
mediation : compromise :: prosecution : conviction
prosecute , ; ,

9. extremely unpleasant or disagreeable

mean : largesse :: (OPPOSITE)
mean : prodigality :: meek : arrogance
meek , ;
noble, lavish mean
meander [mindr] v. ,
1. to follow a winding and turning course
2. to move aimlessly and idly without fixed direction
waft : plummet :: meander : dash (OPPOSITE)
waft ,
meander move purposively
dash meander

mediocre [mdiukr] a. : ORDINARY

: of moderate or low quality, value, ability, or performance
virtuoso : mediocre :: imposter : unfeigned
virtuosity mediocrity
meditate [mdtit] v. ; ,
1. to reflect on; contemplate
2. to plan in the mind; intend

measly [mzli] a.
: contemptibly small
measly : contemptibly :: puny : weakly
puny , , of inferior size, strength, or
significance; weak
measly grand, prodigious

medley [mdli] n.
montage : images :: medley : songs

measured [mrd] a. , ; ;
1. determined by measurement
2. careful; restrained
3. calculated; deliberate
4. regular in rhythm and number
5. slow and stately
6. written in meter()
* measure
* measurable = mensurable
measure : dimensions :: analyze : nature
mensurable : measure :: ameliorable : improve
measured reckless, inappropriate, irregular, extreme, unreasonable,
measurable unfathomable
mechanical [mknikl]
1. of or relating to machines or tools
2. operated or produced by a mechanism or machine
3. of, relating to, or governed by mechanics
4. performed or performing in an impersonal or machinelike
manner; automatic
5. relating to, produced by, or dominated by physical forces
mechanical emotional
meddlesome [mdlsm] a.
: inclined to meddle or interfere
*meddle v. , ; ,

1. to intrude into other people's affairs or business;

2. to handle something idly or ignorantly; tamper
officious : meddle :: disaffected : rebel (EQUAL, , )
officious ,
attentive : meddlesome :: envious : jealous (A << B)
attentive : meddlesome :: laconic : curt
curt , ; ,
meddlesome : pry :: contentious : argue
pry () ;
contentious / quarrelsome;
meddle leave alone, withdraw, ignore
media [mdi] n.
plantation : tobacco :: media : bacteria
plantation , ;
mediate [mdiit] v.
1. to resolve or settle (differences) by working with all the

meek [mi:k] a. , ; (spiritless)

1. showing patience and humility; gentle
2. easily imposed on; submissive
meek unyielding
meet [mit] a.
: fitting; proper
meet unfit, unsuitable, inappropriate
melancholy [mnk li|-kli] n. , , , adj. ,

melancholy cheerful, agreeable, sunny


[meld] v. ,
: to cause to merge
meld divide, separate

meliorism [mljrzm, -li-] n.

the belief that society has an innate tendency toward
improvement and that this tendency may be furthered
through conscious human effort
meliorism : progress :: egalitarian : equity
mellifluous [mlflus] a.
1. flowing with sweetness or honey
2. smooth and sweet
mellifluous : music :: ambrosial : food
mellifluous : hear :: savory : taste
mellifluous : sound :: savory : taste
savory , ;
mellifluous raspy, cacophonous, grating, harsh, strident
raspy , ; rough; grating
melodious [mludis] a.
1. of, relating to, or containing a pleasing succession of
sounds; tuneful
2. agreeable to hear
melodious : hear :: savory : taste
melodious jarring, cacophonous
jar n. , v. ; ,
melody [mldi] n. : TUNEFULNESS
1. a pleasing succession or arrangement of sounds
2. musical quality
melody : song ::
cacophony : melody :: genteel : churl
genteel ; ,
churl ; , ()


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

melodious jarring

mercenary : money :: vindictive : revenge

vindictive ,
mercenary : soldier :: hack : writer
hack , ()

melodrama [mldr`:m] n. ,
melodrama : subtlety :: chimera : authenticity (LACK)
membrane [mmbrein] n.
pore : membrane :: door : wall :: eyelid : eye
cell : membrane :: seed : hull
n. ,
memoir [mmwr, -wr]
: An account of the personal experiences of an author.
memoir narrative
menace [mns] n. , , v. /
1. to utter threats against
2. to constitute a threat to; endanger
odious : disgust :: menacing : fear :: blatant : arrest (A B
odious : repugnance :: menacing : fear (A B )
odious , arousing or meriting strong dislike,
aversion, or intense displeasure
menace safeguard, yield, praise, help

mercurial [mrkjril] a. , ; , ;
mercurial : mood :: whimsical : behavior :: fickle : affection
fickle ,
profligate : solvent :: mercurial : committed
(profligate solvency() , mercurial
commitment(, ) )
scurrilous : propriety :: mercurial : constancy (LACK)
scurrilous ,
mercurial constant
merited [mritid] a. ,
: deserved, be worthy of or entitled or liable to
condign undeserved, unmerited
condign deserved; adequate
unsuitable, gratuitous merited
gratuitous , ; /

mend [mend] v. ,
1. to make repairs or restoration to; fix
2. to reform or correct
mend rend, worsen, deteriorate, break
rend , ;

mesh [me] v. ; ;
1. to catch in or as if in a net; ensnare
2. to cause to become engaged
3. to cause to work closely together; coordinate
disengage mesh

mendacious [mendis] a. ;
1. lying; untruthful
2. false; untrue
mendacious : probity :: archaic : currency
ambiguous : clarity :: mendacious : truth
mendacious honest, veracious, truthful, upright, straightforward,
candid, frank, authentic
veracious ,
1. honest; truthful
2. accurate; precise

mesmerism [mzmrzm, ms-] n. :

1. a strong or spellbinding appeal; fascination
2. hypnotic induction believed to involve animal magnetism
3. hypnotism
hypnotism [hpntzm] ,
zeal : dedication :: mesmerism : interest (A >> B)

mendacity [mendsti ] n. ,
1. the condition of being mendacious; untruthfulness
2. a lie; a falsehood
mendacity honesty, truthfulness, candor, veracity
veracity , ;
mendicant [mndknt] adj. n.
mendicant : beg ::
menial [mnil, -njl]
adj. /
: of or relating to servants : LOWLY
: appropriate to a servant : HUMBLE, SERVILE
: lacking interest or dignity *a menial task*
menial aristocratic, lofty
[mntr, -tr] n. a wise and
trusted counselor or teacher
instruction : mentor :: opposition : adversary (B= A
mentor : guidance :: oracle : prophecy :: prevaricator : deceive
oracle , ; ,
mentor : guide :: charlatan : deceive :: juggernaut : crush
charlatan [:rltn] , ,


[mrsnri] a. , ; (
) n.
1. motivated solely by a desire for monetary or material
2. hired for service in a foreign army


mesmerize [mzmraiz] v. ;
1. to spellbind; enthrall
2. to hypnotize
exhaustive : careful :: mesmerized : interesting (A >> B)
exhaustive , ; /
messy [msi] a. ,
1. disorderly and dirty
2. exhibiting or demonstrating carelessness
3. unpleasantly difficult to settle or resolve
metamorphose [mtmrfouz, -fous] v.
: to change into a wholly different form or appearance;
metamorphose remain unaltered, remain the same
metamorphosis continuation without change
metaphor [mtfr, -fr] n. ;
1. a figure of speech in which a word or phrase that ordinarily
designates one thing is used to designate another, thus
making an implicit comparison
2. one thing conceived as representing another; a symbol
* metaphoric(al) adj.
metaphor : literal :: melody : spoken (A = B + alpha)
euphemism : offense :: ambiguity : comprehension (A B )
(metaphor : description (A B ) )
metaphoric, metaphorical literal
metaphysical [metfzikl] a.
* metaphysics n.


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

insect : butterfly :: philosophy : metaphysics (A B)

metaphysical concrete (plausible )
meteoric [mti()rik, -r-] a. ;
1. of, relating to, or formed by a meteoroid
2. of or relating to the earth's atmosphere
3. similar to a meteor in speed, brilliance, or brevity
meteoric : constancy :: archaic : currency :: evanescent : permanence
meteoric plodding, gradual, perpetual
plod ;
meteorology [mtirldi / -rl-] n.
demography : population :: meteorology : weather :: pathology :

tiff a fit of irritation; a petty quarrel

miff : quarrel :: foible : flaw (A << B)
miff appease, please
migratory [migrtri / -tri] a.
1. characterized by migration; undergoing periodic migration
2. of or relating to a migration
3. roving; nomadic
nomadic , ( )
migratory rooted, sedentary
mill [mil] n.
refinery : petroleum :: mill : grain
petroleum [ptrulim]

[milk] v. ; ,
1. to press out, drain off, or remove by or as if by milking
2. (informal)
a. to draw out or extract something from, as if by milking
b. to obtain money or benefits from, in order to achieve
personal gain; exploit
milk : extract :: exploit : utilize (A >> B)
exploit ( ) ; /; /

methodical [mdikl/mid-] a. , ,
1. arranged or proceeding in regular, systematic order
2. characterized by ordered and systematic habits or
methodical slipshod, haphazard
haphazard , dependent upon or
characterized by mere chance
slipshod (, ) , ,
meticulous [mtkjls] a.
1. extremely careful and precise
2. extremely or excessively concerned with details
firmness : obdurate :: carefulness : meticulous (A << B)
obdurate ,
interested : agog :: careful : meticulous (A << B)
agog , (... )
meticulous : careful :: bumptious : assertive :: garish : colorful
meticulous : cursory :: artless : cunning (OPPOSITE)
meticulousness : cursory ::
meticulous : ineptness ::
fluent : glib :: meticulous : finicky
glib , ;
meticulous careless, negligent, cursory
metrical [mtrikl] a. , ;
1. of, relating to, or composed in poetic meter
2. of or relating to measurement
scan : metrical :: parse : grammatical
scan ; to analyze (verse) into metrical
mettle [mtl] n. , ; ,
1. courage and fortitude; spirit
2. inherent quality of character and temperament
insight : discern :: mettle : endure (if someone has A, then B)
mettlesome craven
craven coward
miasma [mizm] n. ,
microscopic [maikrskpik|-kp-] adj. ,
1. a. too small to be seen by the unaided eye but large
enough to be studied under a microscope
b. of, relating to, or concerned with a microscope
2. exceedingly small; minute
3. characterized by or done with extreme attention to detail
microscopic elephantine

[mif] n. ;
1. a petulant, bad-tempered mood; a huff
2. a petty quarrel or argument; a tiff
petulant , ;
huff , a fit of anger or annoyance; a pique

mime [maim] v.
1. to ridicule by imitation; mimic
2. to act out with gestures and body movement
parody : style :: mime : gesture
charade : word :: mime : story
charade ( )
mimicry [mmikri] n. , ;( )
1. a. the act, practice, or art of mimicking b. an instance of
2. (biology) the resemblance of one organism to another or
to an object in its surroundings for concealment and
protection from predators
mimicry : camouflage :: mutation : variation
mutation , ; , ;
minaret [mnrt] n.
spire : church :: minaret : mosque
spire ; ;
minatory [mntri / -tri] a.
: of a menacing or threatening nature; minacious
minatory reassuring, non-threatening, welcoming
reassure , ;
mince [mins] v. , ; ,

1. to walk with very short steps or with exaggerated
2. to speak in an affected way
sip : drink :: mince : walk
quaff : sip :: stride : mince : punch : hit
mind [maind] v. , , , , ,
, ,
1. to bring (an object or idea) to mind; remember
2. to become aware of; notice
3. to heed in order to obey
4. to attend to
5. to be careful about
6. a. to care about; be concerned about b. to object to; dislike
7. to take care or charge of; look after


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

mind like
mind : obedience ::
a. , , (attentive)
: attentive; heedful
mindful unaware, oblivious
mingle [mgl] v. , : INTERMIX
1. to mix or bring together in combination, usually without
loss of individual characteristics
2. to mix so that the components become united; merge
mingle separate
sequester permit to mingle
sequester ; ,
minion [mnjn] n. , ;
1. an obsequious follower or dependent; a sycophant
2. a subordinate official
3. one who is highly esteemed or favored; a darling
underling one of lesser rank or authority than another; a
minion : dependent :: groveler : petitioner (A = B )
grovel , ; ,
minion mastermind
mastermind ,

[mint] n. ;
1. a place where the coins of a country are manufactured
by authority of the government
2. a place or source of manufacture or invention
3. an abundant amount, especially of money
strike : medal :: mint : coin
strike 1 a quantity of coins or medals struck at the
same time
mint modicum

minuscule [mnskjl]
a. , ;

1. very small; tiny
2. of, relating to, or written in miniscule
small : minuscule :: moist : saturated (A << B)
minuscule : letter :: minnow : fish
minnow ( )
minute [mainjt, mi-] n. a. ,
1. exceptionally small; tiny
2. beneath notice; insignificant
3. characterized by careful scrutiny and close examination
minute : agenda :: log : itinerary ( )
minute gargantuan
gargantuan [ga:rgntjun] of immense size, volume, or
capacity; gigantic
minutia, minutiae [minji, mai-] n.
: a small or trivial detail
minutia : details :: quibbles : objections
minutia essential point, crucial aspect, highlight, major concern,
lengthy account, lengthy document, main concern, vital feature,
critical elements, major point, major aspect
miracle [mrkl] n.
prodigy : person :: miracle : occurrence
prodigy , ; ,
ordinary miraculous
mirage [mir] n. , ,
1. an optical phenomenon that creates the illusion of water,
often with inverted reflections of distant objects, and
results from distortion of light by alternate layers of hot

and cool air

2. something illusory or insubstantial
maelstrom : turbulent :: mirage : illusory
maelstrom ; , a violent or turbulent situation
[mair] n. , , v. ;

1. a. to cause to sink or become stuck in or as if in mire

b. to hinder entrap, or entangle as if in mire
2. to soil with mud or mire
mire extricate, free, release, disentangle, simplify
extricate , to release from an entanglement or
difficulty; disengage
mire dry ground, answer, solution


mirth [mr] n.
: gladness or gaiety, especially when expressed by laughter
mirth : laughter :: approval : applause
misanthropy [misnrpi] n.
: hatred or mistrust of humankind
misanthrope : humane :: ascetic : voluptuary
humane , ;
misanthrope : people :: xenophobe : strangers
xenophobe ()
beneficent : misanthropist :: ? : daredevil
daredevil () recklessly bold
misbehave [msbihiv] v.t.
: to behave badly
disapproval : castigation :: misbehavior : crime (A << B)
castigate , ;
lapse : error :: misbehavior : criminality (A << B)
lapse () , ; () ,
reprobate : misbehave :: sycophant : fawn
reprobate , a morally unprincipled person
mischievous [mstivs] a. ; ,
1. causing mischief
2. playful in a naughty or teasing way
3. troublesome; irritating
4. causing harm, injury, or damage
insensitive : boor :: mischievous : imp
imp ; ,
tightfisted : parsimonious :: brattish : mischievous (EQUAL)
tightfisted close-fisted; stingy
brat a child, especially a spoiled or ill-mannered one
rapscallion : mischievous :: sluggard : lazy
rapscallion ,
misconstrue [misknstr:] v. , /
: to mistake the meaning of; misinterpret
misconstruction n. ,
misconstruction : interpret :: delusion : belief (disguise : identity,
misprint : revision )
misconstrue : interpret :: misjudge : assess
miscreant [mskrint] n. a. , ;
: one who behaves criminally or viciously
miscreant : criminal :: temporizer : compromising
miscreant : villainous :: recidivist : relapsing :: sybarite : self-indulgent ::
equivocator : evasive
miscreant law-abiding individual, saint
misdemeanor [msdimnr] n. ,
1. a misdeed
2. (law) an offense less serious than a felony
* misdemean v.t. n.


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

crime : misdemeanor :: commitment : decision (A >> B)
commitment , ; ,
misdemeanor : crime :: lapse : error (A << B)
misdemean behave
miser [mizr] n.
1. one who lives very meagerly in order to hoard money
2. a greedy or avaricious person
miser : munificent :: zealot : blase
munificent ,
blase [bla:zi] ;
miser : parsimonious :: spendthrift : prodigal
miser : hoard :: dandy : preen :: sycophant : fawn :: pundit : opine
parsimony : miser :: rebelliousness : insurgent
insurgent ,
miser : stingy :: sage : judicious
sage ; , one venerated for experience,
judgment, and wisdom
miser : thrift :: chauvinist : patriotism (A >> B)
thrift ,
spendthrift miser
spendthrift one who spends money recklessly or wastefully
miserly [mizrli] a. ,
: of, relating to, or characteristic of a miser; avaricious
frugal : miserly :: confident : arrogant :: wary : paranoid (A << B, B
misfortune [misfrtn] n.
1. a. bad fortune or ill luck b. the condition resulting from
bad fortune or ill luck
2. a distressing occurrence
boon misfortune
boon , ,
misgiving [misgvi] n. , ,
: a feeling of doubt, distrust, or apprehension
misgiving certainty
compunction absence of misgiving
compunction , a strong uneasiness caused by a
sense of guilt
mishap [mshp, --] n. MISFORTUNE
: bad luck; an unfortunate accident
; With a little care you could have avoided this mishap
catastrophe : mishap :: humiliation : embarrassment (A >> B)
mishap : accident :: peccadillo : offence, offense :: foible : fault
(A<<B + ) (windfall : advantage )
oxymoron : contradictory :: mishap : catastrophic
[an open secret ]
mishap fortune, good luck
mislead [misld] v. ;
1. to lead in the wrong direction
2. to lead into error of thought or action, especially by
intentionally deceiving
mislead disabuse
disabuse , to free from a falsehood
or misconception
misnomer [misnumr] n. ,
1. an error in naming a person or place
2. a. application of a wrong name b. a name wrongly or
unsuitably applied to a person or an object

[misrd] v. ;
1. to read inaccurately
2. to misinterpret or misunderstand
misread interpret correctly
misrepresent [msrepriznt] v.t.
1. to give an incorrect or misleading representation of
2. to serve incorrectly or dishonestly as an official
representative of
tamper : adjust :: misrepresent : communicate
tamper , ;

[mait] n. , , ()
1. a. a very small contribution or amount of money
b. a widow's mite
2. a very small object, creature, or particle
3. a coin of very small value
mite : creature :: speck : amount
speck , ; a tiny amount

mitigate [mtgit] v.
: to moderate (a quality or condition) in force or intensity;
* unmitigated adj. , ,
mitigate : severe :: qualify : general
mitigate : intensity :: abbreviate : length
mitigate exacerbate, aggravate
exacerbate ;
unmitigated attenuated
mnemonics [nimniks / -m-] n.
: a system to develope or improve the memory
hygienics : health :: mnemonics : memory :: regimen : health
hygienics ;
regimen , ; , ,
mnemonics : remember :: staff : walk
mobility [moublti] n. ;
1. the quality or state of being mobile
2. the movement of people, as from one social group, class,
or level to another
splint : mobility :: ballast : instability :: purchase : slippery (PREVENT)
purchase a grip applied manually or mechanically to move something or
prevent it from slipping
splint : immobilize :: duct : convey (A is for B)
splint : immobilize :: sling : support
sling ;
mockery [mkri, m()k-] n.
1. scornfully contemptuous ridicule; derision
2. a specific act of ridicule or derision
3. an object of scorn or ridicule
4. a false, derisive, or impudent imitation
5. something ludicrously futile or unsuitable
diatribe : abuse :: burlesque : mockery
burlesque , ()
patronize : condescension :: deride : mockery
patronize , ; /;

mock : imitate :: taunt : challenge ()
mockery tribute
moderate [m-d-rit / md-] a. ,
1. being within reasonable limits; not excessive or extreme
2. not violent or subject to extremes; mild or calm;
3. a. of medium or average quantity or extent b. of limited or
average quality; mediocre
4. opposed to radical or extreme views or measures,
especially in politics or religion
* immoderate adj. , , ,


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

exorbitant : moderation :: perfidious : loyalty (OPPOSITE)
exorbitant , exceeding all bounds, as of custom
or fairness
perfidious , treacherous
perfidy deliberate breach of faith; calculated violation of trust;
moderate : intensify :: extenuate : seriousness
moderate severe
immoderate temperate, modest, mild, sensible, reasonable,
modest [mdist|md-] adj. , ; ; ;
1. having or showing a moderate estimation of one's own
talents, abilities, and value
2. having or proceeding from a disinclination to call
attention to oneself; retiring or diffident
3. observing conventional proprieties in speech, behavior,
or dress
4. free from showiness or ostentation; unpretentious
5. moderate or limited in size, quantity, or range; not
scholarly : pedantic :: modest : prudish (A << B)
modest brazen, cavalier, epic, flamboyant, haughty, imposing,
modesty ostentation, rant
pontificate speak modestly
immodest coy
majestic modest, abject, pathetic
modicum [mdikm / md-] n.
: a small, moderate, or token amount
inkling : knowledge :: modicum : quantity
inkling , ;
modicum mint, large amount, abundance
mint ; ; , an abundant amount,
especially of money
mogul [mugl, --] n. ,
: a very rich or powerful person; a magnate
magnate , a powerful or influential person, especially in
business or industry
mogul nonentity
nonentity ; ,
molar [mulr] n.
rib : bone :: molar : tooth
molding [muldi] n. , ;
1. the act or process of molding
2. something that is molded
3. an embellishment in strip form, made of wood or other
structural material, that is used to decorate or finish a
surface, such as the wall of a room or building or the
surface of a door or piece of furniture
* mold n. , v.t.
mold : malleable ::
hem : garment :: ruffle : shirt :: molding : cabinet :: brim, rim : vessel
hem () ,
ruffle , ; ; ,
rim ( ) ,
mollify [mlfi / m-] v. : APPEASE
1. to calm in temper or feeling; soothe
2. to lessen in intensity; temper
3. to reduce the rigidity of; soften
mollification : soothe :: indemnity : secure
indemnity , ;
mollify : anger :: heart : dejection (OPPOSITE)
mollify rouse, vex, rankle, antagonize, ire, pique, nettle, discomfit,
exacerbate, exasperate, bait, disaffect, rankle, chafe, enrage, incite to
anger, provoke, madden, aggravate, intensify, make worse
rankle ; , to cause persistent irritation or
ire ~
pique ; to cause to feel resentment or
indignation; to provoke or arouse
nettle ; to irritate; vex
discomfit /; , ;
disaffect , ,
rankle ;
mollifying provoking, belligerent, caustic, harsh
mollification inflammation
mollycoddle [mlikdl / mlikdl] v.t.
: to be overprotective and indulgent toward
chide : pillory :: humor : mollycoddle (A << B)
chide , to scold mildly so as to correct or improve;
pillory ; to expose to ridicule and
mollycoddle treat harshly

[moult] n. v. () : ECDYSIS
: to shed periodically part or all of a coat or an outer covering,
such as feathers, cuticle, or skin, which is then replaced by
a new growth
ecdysis [kdisis] (, )
molt : feathers :: shed : hair
molt : bird :: slough : snake
slough [slf] ( ) ;
fledging molt
fledge ( ) ;

momentous [moumnts] a. : IMPORTANT,

: of utmost importance; of outstanding significance or
* moment n. , ,
atrocious : bad :: momentous : important (A >> B)
atrocious [trus] ;
moment triviality, unimportance
momentum [moumntm] n. , , ; , ;
() ,
1. (physics) a measure of the motion of a body equal to the
product of its mass and velocity
2. a. impetus of a physical object in motion b. impetus of a
nonphysical process, such as an idea or a course of events
3. (philosophy) an essential or constituent element; a
oscillation : swing :: momentum : scooter (2002 ) (A B
momentum Physics. A measure of the motion of a body equal to the
product of its mass and velocity. ALSO CALLED LINEAR MOMENTUM.
mongrel [mgrl, m-] n. ;
: an individual resulting from the interbreeding of diverse
breeds or strains; especially
: one of unknown ancestry
mongrel purebred
monochromatic [mnkroumtik / mn-]
iridescent monochromatic
chromatic colorless
chromatic ;



GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

monocle [mnkl / mn-] n.
: an eyeglass for one eye
monocle : eye ::
monologue [mnl (:)g|mn-] n. ; ;
1. a. a dramatic soliloquy
b. a literary composition in the form of a soliloquy
2. a continuous series of jokes or comic stories delivered by
one comedian
3. a long speech made by one person, often monopolizing a
opera : aria :: play : monologue
monopolize [mnpliz / -np-] v.t.
1. to acquire or maintain a monopoly of
2. to dominate by excluding others
monopolize share
monotone [mntun / mn-] a. : MONOTONIC
1. characterized by or uttered in a monotone
2. of or having a single color
vociferous reticent, monotone
vociferous , making, given to, or marked
by noisy and vehement outcry
monotonous [mntns] a., ;
1. sounded or spoken in an unvarying tone
2. tediously repetitious or lacking in variety
stammer : halting :: drone : monotonous
monotonous piebald, multifarious, vociferous
piebald spotted or patched, especially in black and white
multifarious ; , having great
variety; diverse
vociferous , making, given to, or marked
by noisy and vehement outcry
montage [mnt / mn] n.
1. a. a single pictorial composition made by juxtaposing or
superimposing many pictures or designs
b. the art or process of making such a composition
2. a. a rapid succession of different images or shots in a
b. the use of such successive images as a cinematic
3. a composite of closely juxtaposed elements
montage : images :: medley : songs
zigzag : turns :: montage : images
mop [mp / mp]

v. /

morale [mrl|m r:l] n. ,

: the state of the spirits of a person or group as exhibited
by confidence, cheerfulness, discipline, and willingness
to perform assigned tasks
dispirit : morale :: enervate : strength
dispirit to lower in or deprive of spirit; dishearten
morass [mrs] n. ; ,
1. an area of low-lying, soggy ground
2. something that hinders, engulfs, or overwhelms
haunt : familiar :: morass, harass : irritating
haunt ;
moratorium [m()rtrim, mr-] n. ,
1. (law) a. an authorization to a debtor, such as a bank or
nation, permitting temporary suspension of payments
b. an authorized period of delay in the performance of an
2. a suspension of an ongoing or planned activity
moratorium : activity :: reprieve : punishment
n. v. (), ,
fast : consumption : repose : labor : moratorium : activity
fast : eat :: moratorium : act
moratorium : activity :: respite : labor :: repose : work :: tourniquet :
bleeding :: brake : speed
respite , ; ()
morbid [mrbid] a. ; ,
1. a. of, relating to, or caused by disease; pathological or
b. psychologically unhealthy or unwholesome
2. characterized by preoccupation with unwholesome
thoughts or feelings
3. gruesome; grisly
morbid wholesome, hale, salubrious
hale , free from infirmity or illness; sound
[mrd-nt] a. , , :
1. a. bitingly sarcastic
b. incise and trenchant
2. bitingly painful
3. serving to fix colors in dyeing
incisive , ; penetrating, clear, and sharp, as in
operation or expression
mordant genial, amicable, flattering
genial , ,


moribund [m()rbnd, mr-] a. , ,

1. approaching death; about to die
2. on the verge of becoming obsolete
moribund beginning, nascent, increasingly vital, current, hale,
nascent , coming into existence; emerging
morose [mrus] a. ,
: sullenly melancholy; gloomy
morose cheerful, sanguine, jovial, jocund, rejoicing, lighthearted,
sanguine , cheerfully confident; optimistic
jovial , , marked by hearty conviviality and good
jocund , sprightly and lighthearted in disposition,
character, or quality
mortar [mrtr] n.
hammer : anvil :: pestle : mortar
mortar : grind :: canvas : paint :: vat : dye
vat /;
mortify [m:rtfai] v. , ; ,

1. to cause to experience shame, humiliation, or wounded

pride; humiliate
2. to discipline (one's body and physical appetites) by selfdenial or self-inflicted privation
embarrass : mortify :: indulge : mollycoddle (A << B)
mosaic [mouziik] n. ()
mosaic : ceramic :: patchwork : cloth (B A ) (Real 19-5 10)
piece : jigsaw puzzle :: tile : mosaic :: pixel : image
jigsaw puzzle
mosque [msk / msk] n.
spire : church :: minaret : mosque
minaret ( )


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

mosquito [msktou] n.
mosquito : netting :: impurity : filter (B prevent A)
moth-eaten [m()tn] a.() ; ,
a theory
1. eaten away by moth larvae
2. old and timeworn; stale
3. shabby; decrepit
larva [l:rv] (pl. -vae [-vi:]) ,
moth-eaten fresh and new, vigorous
motile [mutil / -tail] a. ;
: moving or having the power to move spontaneously
motility stasis
stasis ; a condition of balance among various forces;
motivate [mutvit] v.
: to provide with an incentive; move to action; impel
exculpatory : absolve :: motivational : stir
exhortation : motivate :: invective : discredit
exhortation , ,
exhort to urge by strong, often stirring argument, admonition, advice,
or appeal
invective , ,
fungi : ecologist :: motivation : psychologist
motley [mtli / mt-] a. ;
1. having elements of great variety or incongruity;
2. having many colors; variegated; parti-colored
motley colorless, unique, unvaried, homogeneous, harmonious,
uniforn, identical
mottle [mtl / mtl] v.t.
: to mark with spots or blotches of different shades or
striated : groove :: mottled, dappled : spot
mottle blanch
blanch , ; (, )
mottled homogeneous, solid
solid acting together; unanimous
[mrnfl] a. ; , :
1. feeling or expressing sorrow or grief; sorrowful
2. causing or suggesting sadness or melancholy
jovial mournful
revelry mournfulness
revelry ; boisterous merrymaking


movement [mvmnt] n.
stanza : poem :: movement : symphony
muddy [mdi] a. , ; ,
1. full of or covered with mud
2. a. not bright or pure b. not clear; cloudy, as with
3. lacking luster; dull
4. confused or vague
muddy clear
muffle [mf-l] v.t. ( )
1. to wrap up, as in a blanket or shawl, for warmth,
protection, or secrecy
a. to wrap of pad in order to deaden the sound
b. to deaden (a sound)
3. to make vague or obscure
4. to repress; stifle

muffle : sound :: assuage : grief

muffled plangent, resonant
plangent ,
mulish [mjli] a. ; ,
: stubborn and intractable; recalcitrant
mulish : persuade :: phlegmatic : move :: callous : move (A B
despicable : value :: mulish : flexibility
despicable , deserving of contempt or scorn; vile
mulish pliant, flexible

[ml] v. : PONDER
: to go over extensively in the mind; ponder

multifarious [mltf-ris] a. ;,

having great variety; diverse

multifarious monotonous, lacking diversity
mumble [mmb-l] v.
1. to utter indistinctly by lowering the voice or partially
closing the mouth
2. to chew slowly or ineffectively without or as if without
enunciate mumble
enunciate () ; ,

[mndein, --] a. , ; :
1. of, relating to, or typical of this world; secular
2. relating to, characteristic of, or concerned with
commonplaces; ordinary
secular ,
mundane : originality :: lassitude : stir
mundane exotic, extraordinary, unusual, spiritual, unearthly
mundane inspired, fabulous, uncommon, remarkable
inspired () of such surpassing brilliance or excellence
as to suggest divine inspiration: an inspired musician; an inspired

municipality [mjunsplti] n. (, ) ;

1. a political unit, such as a city or town, incorporated for
local self-government
2. a body of officials appointed to manage the affairs of a
local political unit
munificent [mjunfs-nt] a. ,
1. very liberal in giving; generous
2. showing great generosity
miser : munificent :: zealot : blase
blase ,
munificent parsimonious
munificence stinginess
munificent mean, ungenerous, niggardly
mural [mj-rl] n.
a very large image, such as a painting or an enlarged
photograph, applied directly to a wall or ceiling
petrograph, petroglyph : rock :: mural : wall
murky [mrki] a. , , ;,
1. dark, dim, or gloomy
2. a. heavy and thick with smoke, mist, or fog; hazy
b. darkened or clouded with sediment
3. lacking clarity or distinctness; cloudy or obscure
murky clear, limpid, lucid, pellucid
pellucid , ; , transparently clear in style or


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

murmur [mrmr] v. ; ,
1. to make a low, continuous, indistinct sound or
succession of sounds
2. to complain in low mumbling tones; grumble
croon : sing :: murmur : speak
glimmer : dazzle :: murmur : resound (A << B)
glimmer ,

nadir [nidr, -dir]

n. ; ,
: the lowest point
nadir summit, acme, topmost point, peak, apogee, zenith, pinnacle,
acme , the highest point, as of perfection



[mru()m] n. a. () vi. ;

1. to multiply, grow, or expand rapidly
2. to swell or spread out into a shape similar to a
mushroom : fungus :: (A B() ) ::

[ng] v. ;
1. to annoy by constant scolding, complaining, or urging
2. to torment persistently, as with anxiety or pain
torment , ,


[nv] a., ; ,
1. a. lacking worldliness and sophistication; artless
b. simple and credulous as a child; ingenuous
2. lacking critical ability or analytical insight; not subtle or
3. a. not previously subjected to experiments b. not having
previously taken or received a particular drug
* naivete n. , ,
guileful : naive :: tardy : prompt
nave worldly, disingenuous, calculating, experienced, sophisticated,
worldly , ,
naivete deception, guileness, artfulness, disingenuity

mutation [mjuti-n] n. , ; , ;
1. the act or process of being altered or changed
2. an alteration or change, as in nature, form, or quality
mimicry : camouflage :: mutation : variation
mutate remain the same
mutable [mj:tbl] adj. , ,
* mutability n.
mutability constancy, stability

[mjut] v.t. ; adj. ,

1. to soften or muffle the sound of

2. to soften the tone, color, shade, or hue of
muted : color :: muffled : sound
mute : sound :: dim : light
mute amplify, clarion

narcissism [nrsiszm] n.
: excessive love or admiration of oneself
narcissist : self-absorbed :: sycophant : obsequious
narcissism : love :: guilt : blame (A >> B)

mutinous [mjt-ns] adj.

1. disposed to or being in a state of mutiny : REBELLIOUS
mutinous obedient

narrative [nrtiv] n. ,
1. a narrated account; a story
2. the art, technique, or process of narrating
abbreviation : sentence :: synopsis : narrative (A = B )

mutter [mt:r] v. ,
1. to speak indistinctly in low tones
2. to complain or grumble morosely
mutter : indistinct :: drone : monotonous
mutter speak distinctly

narrow [nrou]
1. of small or limited width, especially in comparison with
2. limited in area or scope; cramped
3. lacking flexibility; rigid
4. barely sufficient; close
5. painstakingly thorough or attentive; meticulous
narrow catholic, ebullient

myopia [maiupi] n. ,
: lack of discernment or long-range perspective in thinking
or planning
* myopic a.
myopic discerning, farseeing, shrewd, farsighted, prescient
shrewd , ;
myopia prescience
prescience [pr:ins] , knowledge of actions or events
before they occur; foresight
myriad [mrid] a.
1. constituting a very large, indefinite number; innumerable
2. composed of numerous diverse elements or facets
countless, innumerable, myriad, untold : number :: everlasting,
interminable : duration
myriad : number :: everlasting : duration
myriad few, scarce, scanty

a. , ,
nascent [nsnt, ni-]
: coming into existence; emerging
nascent moribund, fully established, mature, developed
moribund , ; ,
natty [nti] a. : SMART
: neat, trim, and smart; dapper
dapper ,
natty slovenly, sloppy, frowzy
slovenly , ; ,
sloppy , ;
frowzy , ;

[nziit, -i-, -si-, -i-] v. ;

1. to feel or cause to feel nausea

2. to feel or cause to feel loathing or disgust
* nausea
n. ,
1. a feeling of sickness in the stomach characterized by an
urge to vomit
2. strong aversion; disgust

mysterious [mistris]
1. of, relating to, or being a mystery
2. simultaneously arousing wonder and inquisitivenss, and
eluding explanation or comprehension
mysterious scrutable


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)
neophyte : experience :: boor : sensitivity

vertigo : nauseate :: treat : cure (A << B)

vertigo ;
naysay [nisei] v. //
: to say no to; deny or oppose
* naysayer [niseir] n.
1. one who is assertively negative in attitude
2. one who critically disagrees
naysay concur

[nbjls] a. ; , ; :
1. cloudy, misty, or hazy
2. lacking definite form or limits; vague
3. of, relating or, or characteristic of a nebula
nebulous distinct, unambiguous, clear, limpid, pellucid
limpid , ; ,

needy [ndi] a. , : POVERTY-STRICKEN

: being in need; impoverished
affluent needy
nefarious [nifris] a. , : EVIL
: infamous by way of being extremely wicked
nefarious : wickedness :: generous : liberality
nefarious above reproach, virtuous, exemplary, beneficial, beyond
virtuous ,
exemplary , ; worthy of imitation;

nepotism [nptzm] n. ,
: favoritism shown or patronage granted to relatives, as in
nepotism : relative :: cronyism : friend
cronyism favoritism shown to old friends without regard for their
qualifications, as in political appointments to office
nepotism : favoritism :: embezzlement : fraud
embezzle / to take (money, for example) for one's own
use in violation of a trust
nepotism : relative :: jingoism : nationality
chauvinism ; ( , )
nepotism : kinship :: jingoism : nationality
nepotism : kinship :: egalitarianism : equality
nerve [nrv] v.t.
: to give strength or courage to
* nervy adj. ,
appall embolden, nerve
appall to fill with consternation or dismay
nervy diffident, self-effacing
nervy , ,
diffident , , ,

negate [nigit] v. , ; /
1. to make ineffective or invalid; nullify
2. to rule out; deny
* negative [ngtiv] n.
negation affirmation

nestle [ns-l] v.
1. to settle snugly and comfortably
2. to lie in a sheltered position
3. to draw or press close, as in affection; snuggle
snuggle , ,
nestle flinch, recoil, shrink
flinch ,
recoil ; ,
shrink ; ; , to avoid or neglect (a
duty or responsibility)

negligent [nglidnt] a. ,
1. characterized by or inclined to neglect, especially
2. characterized by careless ease or informality; casual
negligence care

adj. /
nether [nr]
: situated down or below : LOWER
: situated or believed to be situated beneath the earth's
nether aloft, upper/uprose

negotiate [niguiit] vi.

: to confer with another or others in order to come to terms
or reach an agreement
clog : drainage :: stalemate : negotiations
clog ,
stalemate ,
negotiator : agreement :: mediator : compromise
tenacious negotiable
tenacious ,

nettle [ntl] v. ; ,
1. to string with or as if with a nettle
2. to irritate; vex
imputable : nettle ::
imputable () possible to impute or ascribe;
impute , ,
nettle conciliate, gratify, mollify

nemesis [nmisis] n. , ,
nemesis benefactor
neologism [ni:ldzm|-l-] n.
1. a new work, expression, or usage
2. the creation or use of new words or senses
neologism archaism, well-established expression
neophyte [nfit] n. ; , : PROSELYTE
1. a recent convert to a belief; a proselyte
2. a beginner or novice
proselyte [prslit] , a new convert to a doctrine or
inexperience : neophyte :: irresponsibility : wastrel
wastrel [wistrl] ; ,

neutralize [njtrliz] v. ;
1. to make neutral
2. to counterbalance or counteract the effect of; render
neutralize : effectiveness :: (A remove B)
nexus [nkss] n. , ;
1. a means of connection; a link or tie
2. a connected series or group
3. the core or center
nexus disconnected components, hiatus
nexus trivial point
nibble [nb-l] v.
1. to bite at gently and repeatedly
2. to eat with small, quick bites or in small morsels
3. to wear away or diminish bit by bit
nibble : eat :: sip : drink :: glean : acquire (whine : talk, grin : smile


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

quaff : sip :: gobble : nibble
gobble ,
swill : sip :: gobble : nibble
swill to drink greedily or grossly
nibble gobble, guzzle
nicety [nis-ti] n. ;
1. the quality of showing or requiring careful, precise
2. delicacy of character or feeling; fastidiousness;
3. a fine point, small detail, or subtle distinction
4. an elegant or refined feature; an amenity
nicety : precision :: illusion : fantasy
nicety : distinction :: intimation : communication (A << B)
intimation , ;
nicety : distinction :: spoof : parody
spoof ( )
nice imprecise, inexact
nicety impreciseness
nomad : domicile :: freelancer : employer
domicile [dmsil] ,
nomadic settled

[nmnl / nm-] a. , , :
1. a. of, resembling, relating to, or consisting of a name or
b. assigned to or bearing a person's name
2. existing in name only
3. insignificantly small; trifling
nominal : significance :: disjunctive : unity
nominal : figurehead :: absolute : autocrat
autocrat ,


[nn-lnt, nn-lnt/nn-] a. , ,
: seeming to be coolly unconcerned or indifferent
* nonchalance n. ,
anonymous : identify :: nonchalant : excite :: unplumbed : depth ::
unpredictable : vagary
nonchalance perturbation
perturbation , ,
nonchalant affected, perturbed, anxious, concerned, attentive

niggard [ngrd]
niggard generous

[nil] n. () nothing; zero

nil : quantity :: vacuum : matter

nimble [nmbl] a. , ; ,
1. quick, light, or agile in movement or action; deft
2. quick, clever, and acute in devising or understanding
nimble : clumsiness ::
nimble clumsy, awkward, inept, maladroit, sluggish, lethargic,
fumbling, bumbling

[nip] v.
: to sip (alcoholic liquor) in small amounts
nip : drink :: jot : write
jot , to write down briefly or hastily

noncommittal [nnkmtl / nn-] a. ,

refusing commitment to a particular opinion or course of
action; not revealing what one feels or thinks
noncommittal confirmative, decisive, reckless, outgoing
nondescript [nndiskrpt / nndiskrpt] a. ,
lacking distinctive qualities; having no individual character or
nondescript : note :: rare : collect
nondescript conspicuous, striking, remarkable, outstanding

nitpick [ntpk] v.
: to be concerned with or find fault with insignificant
nitpick : criticize :: cavil : object ( : ::
: )
cavil ; to find fault
unnecessarily; raise trivial objections
nitpicker : criticize :: quibbler : cavil
quibble ; /
nitpicker : criticize :: preacher : sermon

nonentity [nnntti / nn-] n. /;

1. a person regarded as being of no importance or
2. nonexistence
3. something that does not exist or that exists only in the
dilettante : commitment :: nonentity : consequence (A lack B)
dilettante , ,
nonentity mogul, luminary, something
mogul [mugl] ,

nocturnal [nktrnl / nk-] a. ;

1. of, relating to, or occurring in the night
2. (botany) having flowers that open during the night
3. (zoology) most active at night
diurnal, happening during daytime nocturnal
diurnal ; ,

nonflammable [nnflmb-l / nn-] a. ,

: not flammable, especially not readily ignited and not rapidly
impervious : friable :: nonflammable : combustible
impervious , incapable of being
penetrated or affected

noisome [nism] a. ,
1. offensive to the point of arousing disgust; foul
2. harmful or dangerous
noisome : repugnance :: (A B )
noisome beneficial, pleasant, healthy, appealing, attractively
fragrant, savory

nonplus [nnpls, -- / nn-, --] v. : QUANDARY

: to put at a loss as to what to think, say, or do; bewilder n.
, ,
quandary , , a state of uncertainty or
If you are in a quandary, you have to make a decision but cannot
decide what to do.
nonplus : perplexity :: infuriate : rage

nomad [numd] n. WANDERER

1. a member of a group of people who have no fixed home
and move according to the seasons from place to place
in search of food, water, and grazing land
2. a person with no fixed residence who roams about; a

nonsense [nnsens / nns-ns, -sens] n.

nonsensical : drivel :: pompous : bombast
drivel ;


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

nostrum [nstrm / ns-] n. ,

1. a medicine whose effectiveness is unproved and whose
ingredients are usually secret; a quack remedy
2. a favorite but untested remedy for problems or evils
notch [nt / nt] n. V ; ,
1. a. a V-shaped cut
b. such a cut used for keeping a record
2. a narrow pass between mountains
3. (informal) a level or degree
serrated without notches, smooth
serrate ; ()
notoriety [noutriti] n. , ,
notoriety anonymity, low profile, obscurity
nourish [n:ri|nr-] v.t. ~
1. to provide with food or other substances necessary for
life and growth; feed
2. to foster the development of; promote
3. to keep alive; maintain
nourish : food :: finance : money
finance; ~
novel [nvl|nv-] n.
ballad : stanza :: novel : chapter :: dance : step
novelist : book :: cartographer : map (conductor : symphony )
novelty [nv-lti /nv-] n. , ; ,
1. the quality of being novel; newness
2. something new and unusual; an innovation
3. a small mass-produced article, such as a toy or trinket(
threadbare, timeworn : novelty :: labyrinthine : directness (OPPOSITE)
timeworn, banal novel
noxious [nks / nk-] a.
1. harmful to living things; injurious to health
2. harmful to the mind or morals; corrupting
noxious, injurious beneficial, salubrious, harmless, innocuous,
sanitary, wholesome
salubrious conducive or favorable to health or wellbeing
nuance [njns, --] n. , ,
1. a subtle or slight degree of difference, as in meaning,
feeling, or tone; a gradation
2. expression or appreciation of subtle shades of meaning,
feeling, or tone
nuance : distinction :: hint : suggestion (A << B)
nuance patent difference, obvious difference, lack of subtleness,
sharp distinction, literal meaning
nuanced patent
nucleate [njkliit] v. : CLUSTER
1. to bring together into a nucleus
2. to act as a nucleus for
3. to provide a nucleus for
nucleate disseminate, scatter
nudge [nd] v. () ,
: to push against gently, especially in order to gain
attention or give a signal
doze : sleepiness :: nudge : prod
prod ,
nudge : push :: (A << B)
butt : head :: nudge : elbow
nugatory [njgtri / -t-ri] a. ;
1. of little or no importance; trifling

2. having no force; invalid

nugatory : worth :: capricious : deliberation (A B , :)
nugatory : worth :: banal : originality
nugatory consequential
nuisance [nj:sns] n. (), ,
nuisance help, pleasure, comfort
numb [nm] a. , ,
1. deprived of the power to feel or move normally; benumbed
2. emotionally unresponsive; indifferent
benumbed : feel :: immobilized : move
numb sensate
sensate [snseit]
nurture [nrtr] v.t. ; ,
1. to nourish; feed
2. to educate; train
3. to help grow or develop; cultivate
nurture : child :: cultivate : crop
nurturing : growth ::
nurture withhold sustenance from, disregard, stunt, impede, fail to
sustenance , ; ,
stunt , to check the growth or development of

oafish [ufi] a.
oaf [ouf] , : BOOB a person regarded as stupid or clumsy
[ouisis] n.
glade : wood :: oasis : desert

[ou] n. , ; , ; ,
1. a. a solemn, formal declaration or promise to fulfill a
pledge, often calling on God or a sacred object as witness
b. the words or formula of such a declaration or promise
c. something declared or promised
2. an irreverent or blasphemous use of the name of God or
something held sacred
3. an imprecation; a curse
oath : promise :: contract : agreement

[bd:jurit] a. ,
1. a. hardened in wrongdoing or wickedness; stubbornly
b. hardened against feeling; hardhearted
2. not giving in to persuasion; intractable
firmness : obdurate :: carefulness : meticulous
meticulous ,
energetic : frenetic :: firm : obdurate :: frugal : penurious (A << B, B
frenetic wildly excited or active; frantic; frenzied
penitent : obdurate :: skeptic : credulous (OPPOSITE)
penitent , feeling or expressing remorse for one's
misdeeds or sins
obdurate : budge :: lachrymose : cheer (OPPOSITE)
budge , ()
obdurate : move :: irrepressible : quell (OPPOSITE)
obdurate, intransigent amenable, complaisant, flexible, pliable, easily
swayed, tractable, pliant, toward, yielding, swayable, compliant
toward; favoring success or a good outcome; propitious.
obedient [oubdint] a.
: dutifully complying with the commands, orders, or
instructions of one in authority


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

* obedience n. ,
obedience : deference ::
deference , ,
imperial, contumacious obedient
contumacious , obstinately disobedient or
rebellious; insubordinate
obedience archness, resistance, defiance, nonconformity
obedient willful
[oubisns, -b-] n. , ; , :
1. a gesture or movement of the body, such as a curtsy,
that expresses deference or homage
2. an attitude of deference or homage
obeisance : esteem :: embrace : affection (SIGN)
obeisant impertinent, impudent, imperious
impertinent , ; , ;
impudent , characterized by offensive boldness;
insolent or impertinent
imperious , ; ,



[o:ubi] v. , ; ... ;
(, )
1. to carry out or fulfill the command, order, or instruction
2. to carry out or comply with (a command, for example)
obey : deference ::
obey break, command, disregard, order, transgress, violate

obfuscate [bfskit, bfskit / bfskit] v.

1. to make so confused or opaque as to be difficult to
perceive or understand
2. to render indistinct or dim; darken
equivocation : truth :: euphemism : offense :: obfuscation : clarity (A
= B )
(metaphor : description )
coward : intimidate :: perplexed : obfuscate
headstrong : willfulness :: obfuscating : confusing (EQUAL)
willful , ;
obfuscate : confusion :: dedicate : devotion
rationalization : plausible :: obfuscation : indiscernible
plausible ;
cowardice : intimidate :: perplexity : obfuscate
obfuscate elucidate, illuminate, explain clearly, clarify, demystify
obfuscated, obfuscatory explicit, lucid
delineate obfuscate, muddle, cloud, confuse
obituary [oubturi] n.
: a notice of a person's death usually with a short
biographical account
roster : staff :: obituary : death
roster ;

[blgeit|b-] v.t. ~ adj. ,

* obligation n. , , , ,
* obligatory [blgtri, blig- / blgtri, blig-] a.
1. morally or legally constraining; binding
2. imposing or recording an obligation
3. of the nature of an obligation; compulsory
obligation betrayal, treason, disobedience
discretionary, selective, elective obligatory
discretionary ,

oblige [blid] v. , ; () ;

1. to constrain by physical, legal, social, or moral means
2. to make indebted or grateful
3. to do a service or favor for
elected : obliged ::
obliging [blidi] a. : ACCOMMODATING
: ready to do favors for others; accommodating
accommodate , ; ,
visionary : idealistic :: officious : obliging (A >> B)
visionary , , ; ,
officious ;
discommode oblige
discommode / to put to inconvenience; trouble
oblique [blk, ou-] a. , : INDIRECT, OBSCURE
oblique direct, straightforward, linear, truthful, open, honest,
obliterate [bltrit] v. ;
1. to do away with completely so as to leave no trace
2. to wipe out, rub off, or erase (writing or other markings)
obliterate : remove :: distract : confuse :: inspire : infuse
infuse (, )
inter : burial :: obliterate : removal
inter; to place in a grave or tomb; bury
obliterate : remove :: saturate : wet (A >> B)
ineffable : description :: irradicable : obliterate
ineffable incapable of being expressed;
indescribable or unutterable
unexpurgated obliterated
expurgate (, ) ;
obliterate create, preserve, validate, restore, establish
oblivious [blvis] a. , ;
1. lacking all memory; forgetful
2. lacking conscious awareness; unmindful
* oblivion n. ( )
erudite : fathom :: oblivious : neglect
oblivious : attentive :: (OPPOSITE)
forget : oblivion :: forgo : disuse
forgo , to abstain from; relinquish
disuse , the state of not being used or of being no longer in
oblivious aware, vigilant, mindful, cognizant
cognizant , full informed; conscious
fame oblivion, obscurity (unpopular )
obloquy [blkwi / b-] n. ; ,
1. abusively detractive language or utterance; calumny
2. the condition of disgrace suffered as a result of abuse or
vilification; ill repute
adulation, veneration obloquy
obnoxious [bnks|bnk-] a. , ; ,

1. very objectionable; odious

2. exposed to harm, injury, or evil
disarming obnoxious
obscene [bsn] adj.
1. disgusting to the senses : REPULSIVE
2. a. abhorrent to morality or virtue; specifically :
designed to incite to lust or depravity
b. containing or being language regarded as taboo in polite
usage *obscene lyrics*
c. repulsive by reason of crass disregard of moral or ethical
principles *an obscene misuse of power*
d. so excessive as to be offensive *obscene wealth*
*obscene waste*
obscenity decency



a. , ; , :

GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

obscure : clarify ::
legendary, explicit, manifest obscure
obscure clarify, elucidate, define, distinct, unequivocal
obscure famous, obvious
elucidate; to make clear or plain, especially by explanation; clarify
obscurity celebrity, certitude, clarity, limelight
limelight A focus of public attention
celebrity , ;
obsequious [bskwis] a. ,
: full of or exhibiting servile compliance; fawning
condescending : patronize :: obsequious : fawn (EQUAL, :)
condescending displaying a patronizingly superior
libertine : dissolute :: sycophant : obsequious :: narcissist : self
dissolute , lacking moral restraint; indulging in
sensual pleasures or vices
frugal : penurious :: deferential : obsequious (A << B)
sycophantic : obsequious :: rebellious : resurgent
obsequious : attentiveness :: parsimonious : frugality (A >> B)
obsequious : fawn :: compliant : yield
obsequious : servile :: belligerent : assertive (B A, A B
querulous : complaint :: obsequious : flattery
querulous ;
obsequious supercilious, imperious, assured
supercilious , feeling or showing haughty disdain
observable [bz:rvbl] adj. , ,

observable indiscernable

obstinate : preserve :: tactless, insensitive : offend

unflappable : upset :: obstinate : persuade
flappable easily excited or upset
firm : obstinate :: supple : spineless :: thin : emaciated (A << B)
tractable insubordinate, intransigent, incorrigible, obstinate
obstinacy tractability
obstreperous [bstrprs] a. ; : UNRULY
1. noisily and stubbornly defiant
2. aggressively boisterous
obstreperous : control :: resolute : dissuade (A B )
obstreperous disciplined
guileless : cunning :: obstreperous : restraint
obstruct [bstrkt] v. : IMPEDE
1. to block or fill (a passage) with obstacles or an obstacle
2. to impede, retard, or interfere with; hinder
3. to get in the way of so as to hide from sight
obstruct : progress :: stunt : growth
stunt to check the growth or development of
obstruct facilitate, abet
occluded unobstructed
occlude , , to cause to become closed; to prevent
the passage of
obstructed unoccluded
obstructionist one who facilitates
obtrusive [btrsiv] adj.
obtrusive : ignore :: elusive : capture :: ambiguous : understand
[btjs] a. , ; , :
1. lacking quickness of perception or intellect
2. not sharp, pointed, or acute in form; blunt
rectitude : transgressive :: keenness : obtuse
rectitude , ; moral uprightness; righteousness
transgress ( ) ; ( )
restive : calm :: keen : obtuse
restive , ; ,
parsimonious : liberal :: obtuse : keen (OPPOSITE)
parsimonious excessively sparing or frugal
impertinent : propriety :: keen : obtuseness
obtuse : perspicuity ::
obtuse acute, keen, insightful, perspicacious, precise
perspicacious , ,
obtuseness acumen


observant a. , ,
observatory [bzrvtri / -tri]
observatory : astronomy ::


obsess [bss] v.t.

: to preoccupy the mind of excessively
agonized : distress :: obsessed : concern (A >> B)
agonize ;
firm : intransigent :: concerned : obsessed (A << B)
obsessed : attracted :: rash : adventurous :: intimate : close (A >> B)
focus : obsession :: (A << B)
obsolete [bslt, --- / bslt] a. ,
1. no longer in use
2. outmoded in design, style, or construction
* obsolescence n.
obsolete under consideration
obsolescence currency
obstacle [bstkl / b-] n.
: one that opposes, stands in the way of, or holds up
blandishment : cajole :: obstacle : impede :: explanation : enlighten
blandish ,
cajole to urge with gentle and repeated appeals,
teasing, or flattery; wheedle
wheedle ,

obviate [bviit / b-] v.t. ,

: to anticipate and dispose of effectively; render unnecessary
; obviate the necessity of doing it.
obviate : unnecessary :: whet : sharp (A B )
emulate : exemplary :: obviate : unnecessary (A B /B
A )
emulate ,
obviate : unnecessary :: reduce : smaller
obviate make necessary, necessitate
occlude [kld / k-] v.t. , : OBSTRUCT
1. to cause to become closed; obstruct
2. to prevent the passage of
occluded unobstructed
obstructed unoccluded

[klt, klt / klt] a. , ; :

1. of, relating to, or dealing with supernatural influence,
agencies, or phenomena
2. beyond the realm of human comprehension; inscrutable
3. available only to the initiate; secret
4. hidden from view; concealed

obstinate [bstnit / b-] a. , , ()

1. stubbornly adhering to an attitude, an opinion, or a
course of action; obdurate
2. difficult to manage, control, or subdue; refractory
3. difficult to alleviate or cure


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

occult bare, patent, readily fathomable, manifest, apparent, clear,
bare ; ,
occurrence [krns, kr-] n.
1. the act or an instance of occurring
2. something that takes place
prodigy : person :: miracle : occurrence
prodigy , ; /,
ode [oud] n.
ode : poetry :: spoof : parody
spoof ( ) , a gentle satirical imitation; a light
odious [udis] a. ,
: arousing or meriting strong dislike, aversion, or intense
blatant : arresting :: odious : disgusting (A B )
blatant ;
odious : disgust :: menacing : fear
odious : repugnance :: menacing : fear
odious : loathe :: reputable : respect (A B )
reputable ,
odious : pejorative ::
odiousness esteem
odium [udim] n. , ,
1. the state or quality of being odious
2. strong dislike, contempt, or aversion
3. a state of disgrace resulting from hateful or detestable
odium esteem, hankering, infatuation, homage, respect, reverence
hankering ,
hanker; to have a strong, often restless desire
infatuation ,
off-key [(:)fki:] a. ; , ;

1. (music) pitched higher or lower than the correct notes of

a melody
2. being out of accord with what is considered normal or
off-key dulcet, at the proper pitch
offbeat [fbt] a. : ECCENTRIC
: not conforming to an ordinary type or pattern;
offbeat conventional, hackneyed, bathetic
bathetic (bathos);
offend [fnd] v.
1. to cause displeasure, anger, resentment, or wounded
feelings in
2. to be displeasing or disagreeable to
3. a. to transgress; violate b. to cause to sin
deferential : offend :: scornful : respect
equivocation : truth :: euphemism : offense :: obfuscation : clarity
obfuscate ,
euphemism : offend :: invulnerability : injure
invulnerable , ;
euphemism : offensive :: aphorism : diffuse
diffuse ;
glitch : flaw :: peccadillo : error, sin, offense
glitch , a minor malfunction, mishap, or
technical problem
intransigent : acquiesce :: deferential : offend
obstinate : preserve :: tactless, insensitive : offend
pliant : influence :: ticklish : offend
ticklish ; , ,
politic : offend :: aloof : associate
politic , ; ;
peccadillo : offense :: cameo : sculpture :: knoll : hill :: creek : river ::
hillock : mountain
offhand [()fhnd, f-] ad.
: without preparation or forethought; extemporaneously
offhand premeditated

[fs] a. , :
1. marked by excessive eagerness in offering unwanted
services or advice to others
2. informal; unofficial
attentive : officious :: refined : snobbish (A << B + excess)
(absorbed : engrossed (EQUAL) )
engross () , to occupy exclusively; absorb
officious : meddle :: disaffected : rebel (EQUAL, : )
meddle ;
visionary : idealistic :: officious : obliging (A >> B)
obliging , ready to do favors for others;
officious : attentive :: parsimony : frugal (A >> B)
officious pertinent, unobtrusive

offish [()fi, f-] a. : STANDOFFISH

: inclined to be distant and reserved; aloof
standoffish , ; aloof or reserved
offish, standoffish : aloof ::
offish sociable
olfaction [lfkn| l-] n. ()
1. the sense of smell
2. the act or process of smelling
olfaction : odor :: gustation : flavor
gustation ;
ominous [mns / m-] a. ,
1. menacing; threatening
2. of or being an omen, especially an evil one
auspicious ominous
auspicious ,
omnipotent [mnptnt / m-] a.
: having unlimited or universal power, authority, or force; allpowerful
omnipotent powerless
omnipresent [mnprznt / m-] a.
: present everywhere simultaneously
omniscient [mnnt / m-] a. ,
: having total knowledge; knowing everything
vacuous omniscient
vacuous , ; , ; ,
onerous [nrs, u- / n-] a. ,
1. troublesome or oppressive; burdensome
2. (law) entailing obligations that exceed advantages
onerous requiring little effort, effortless, easy, unexacting
onset [nst, ()n-]
onset termination
termination , ,
onset desisting, end



n. ,

GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

1. the quality or state of being opaque
2. something opaque
3. a. obscurity; impenetrability b. dullness of mind
opacity : light :: impermeability : fluid
opacity transparency, clarity
opaque [oupik] a. ,
: hard to understand or explain
1. a. impenetrable by light; neither transparent nor
b. not reflecting light; having no luster
2. impenetrable by a form of radiant energy other than
visible light
3. a. so obscure as to be unintelligible
b. obtuse of mind; dense
airproof : air :: opaque : light :: soundproof : noise (A B
slack : tension :: opaque : translucence
opacity : light :: impermeability : fluid :: nonporous : liquid
opaque diaphanous, transparent
diaphanous [daifns] , ,
opaque clarify
opine [oupin] v.t.
: to hold or state as an opinion
augur : predict :: pundit : opine :: recidivist : relapse
augur ,
opportune [prtjn / pr-] a. ,
1. suited or right for a particular purpose
2. occurring at a fitting or advantageous time
opportune : convenience :: impermanent : transience (EQUAL, :
opportune inconvenient, untimely, inappropriate
oppose [puz] v.t.
1. to be in contention or conflict with
2. to be resistant to
3. to place opposite in contrast or counterbalance
4. to place so as to be opposite something else
oppose : thwart :: treat : cure (A << B)
thwart ,
oppression [prn] n. , ; ,
1. a. the act of oppressing; arbitrary and cruel exercise of
b. the state of being oppressed
2. something that oppresses
3. a feeling of being heavily weighted down in mind or body
oppress [prs] v. , ,
1. to keep down by severe and unjust use of force or
2. to weigh heavily on
oppression : disagreement :: (A >> B)
opprobrious [prubris] a. , :
1. expressing contemptuous reproach; scornful or abusive
2. bringing disgrace; shameful or infamous
opprobrious : blameless ::
opprobrious irreproachable
opprobrium good repute
optimal [ptml / pt-] a. ,
: most desirable or satisfactory; optimum
optimization [ptmzin] n.
optimization : improve ::
invincible : conquer :: optimal : improve
invincible; incapable of being overcome or defeated; unconquerable
opulent [pjlnt / p-] a. ,
1. possessing or exhibiting great wealth; affluent
2. characterized by rich abundance; luxuriant
opulent spartan
oracle [()rkl, r-] n. , ; ,
mentor : guidance :: oracle : prophecy
mentor a wise and trusted counselor or teacher
oration [rin] n.
1. a formal speech, especially one given on a ceremonial
2. a speech delivered in a high-flown or pompous manner
oration : hear :: novel : read
orator : address :: preacher : sermon
orchestra [rkstr] n.
orchestra : musician, violinist s:: pack : wolf
pack , ; (, ) , ,
pilot : ship :: conductor : orchestra
instrumentalist : orchestra :: actor : troupe
troupe [tru:p] ( ) , ()
ordinary [rdnri / dnri] a.
1. commonly encountered; usual
2. a. of no exceptional ability, degree, or quality; average
b. of inferior quality; second-rate
3. having immediate rather than delegated jurisdiction, as a
ordinary miraculous, inimitable
miraculous , = preternatural, phenomenal
inimitable defying imitation; matchless
ore [ :r] n. ,
: a mineral or an aggregate of minerals from which a valuable
constituent, especially a metal, can be profitably mined or
mine : ore :: quarry : rock, stone
orient [:rint] v. ; () ;
orient confuse
original [rdnl] a.
1. preceding all others in time; first
2. a. not derived from something else; fresh and unusual b.
showing a marked departure from previous practice; new
3. productive of new things or new ideas; inventive
4. being the source from which a copy, reproduction, or
translation is made
babble : sense :: parrot :: originality
babble ,
parrot ;
hodgepodge : uniformity :: cliche : originality (OPPOSITE)
hodgepodge a mixture of dissimilar ingredients; a jumble
banal, commonplace, trite original
pastiche original work
pastiche [pst:] ; (hodgepodge)
a. , (stubborn); , (low,
vile); (common)
mean-spirited, disagreeable, and contrary in disposition;
cantankerous , (quarrelsome); ,
ornery benign, expansive
expansive (, , ) , , ,
disposed to be open, communicative, and generous; outgoing




[rnldi / -l-]


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)
oust instate
instate , (install) to establish in office; install

ornithology : eaglet, eagle :: astronomy : planet

orthodox [:rd ks|-dks] a. , ;
; () ,
1. adhering to the accepted or traditional and established
faith, especially in religion
2. adhering to the Christian faith as expressed in the early
Christian ecumenical creeds
3. Orthodox
a. of or relating to any of the churches or rites of the
Eastern Orthodox Church
b. of or relating to Orthodox Judaism
4. adhering to what is commonly accepted, customary, or
orthodox : doctrine ::
orthodoxy [rdksi / -dksi] n. ,
religion : devoutness :: canon : orthodoxy
dissenter : orthodox :: maverick : group
dissenter ; (Nonconformist)
oscillate [slit / s-] v.t. ; ,
oscillation : swing :: momentum : scooter (2002 ) (A B
momentum Physics. A measure of the motion of a body equal to the
product of its mass and velocity. ALSO CALLED LINEAR MOMENTUM.
oscillation imperturbation, absence of variation
oscillate remain static, remain in still
ossify [sfi / s-] v. ,
1. to change into bone; become bony
2. to become set in a rigidly conventional pattern
depreciation : value :: ossification : flexibility
ligneous : wood :: osseous : bone
ligneous [lgnis] ,
osseous [sis] , ()
ossify transcend conventions, make pliant
ossified amenable to change

[stnsbl / s-] a. , / ,
: represented or appearing as such; ostensive
ostensible substantial, genuine, inward, real, actual, authentic
ostensible inapparent, hidden, questionable, doubtful, uncertain,

ostentatious [stentis / s-] a. ,

= pretentious
: ostentation pretentious display meant to impress others;
boastful showiness
ostentatious : adornment ::
ostentatious : pretentious ::
ostentation modesty, artlessness, austerity
ostentatious meek, modest, unassuming, unobtrusive,
unpretentious, quiet, humble
unassuming (unpresuming), (modest)
ostracize [strsaiz] v. ; /
1. to exclude from a group
2. to banish by ostracism, as in ancient Greece
* ostracism [strszm / s-] n. ,
pariah : ostracize :: prisoner : confine
pariah [pri] ; ,
ostracize take in, welcome, include, embrace, invite to join, accept
ostracism acceptance to a group

[aust] v. ;
1. to eject from a position or place; force out
2. to take the place of, especially by force; supplant

outgoing [utgui] a. , : EXTROVERTED

1. a. going out or away; departing
b. retiring from or relinquishing a place, a position, or an
c. addressed for sending
2. sociable and responsive to others; friendly
3. intended to be taken out, as from a restaurant
extrovert : outgoing :: perfectionist : exacting
outlandish [autlndi] a. ; , ;
1. conspicuously unconventional; bizarre
2. strikingly unfamiliar
3. located far from civilized areas
outlandish conventional
outlaw [utl :] n. v.t. ,
outlaw : illegal ::
outmaneuver [utmnvr] v.
1. to overcome (an opponent) by artful, clever maneuvering
2. to excel in maneuverability
outmaneuver yield
outmoded [utmudid] a.
1. not in fashion; unfashionable
2. no longer usable or practical; obsolete
outmoded original, current, usable, acceptable, in style, futuristic
outset [utset] n. ,
1. the beginning; the start
2. an initial stage, as of an activity
outset termination
outshine [utin] v. , (excel)
1. a. to shine brighter than
b. to be more beautiful, splendid, or flamboyant than
2. to surpass in obvious excellence; outdo
outstanding [utstndi] adj. , , ,
outstanding mediocre, unexceptional, least, worst, minor, ordinary
outwit [utwt] v. ~ : OUTSMART
: to surpass in cleverness or cunning; outsmart
taunt : provoke :: plot : outwit (A B )
taunt , to reproach in a mocking, insulting, or
contemptuous manner
provoke to incite to anger or resentment
overbearing [uvrbri] a. ,
1. domineering in manner; arrogant
2. overwhelming in power or significance; predominant
unassuming, meek overbearing
unassuming ; ,
meek , ;
overdose [uvrdus] n.
: an excessive dose, especially of a narcotic()
overdose : prescription :: indiscretion : convention
indiscretion , , ;
dose : medicine :: sentence : punishment
dose : medicine :: current : river
overexposure [uvrekspur] n.
1. to expand or disperse beyond a safe or reasonable limit
2. to obligate (oneself) beyond a limit, especially a financial


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)
equivocation : ambiguous :: oxymoron : incongruous
oxymoron : contradictory :: mishap : catastrophic

overexposure : jaded :: vaccination : immune

overhaul [uvrhl] v. ; /;
1. a. to examine or go over carefully for needed repairs
b. to dismantle in order to make repairs
2. to make extensive renovations or revisions on; renovate
3. to catch up with; overtake
overhaul : revision :: scrutinize : inspection
overhaul skim
overlap [uvrlp] v.t.
1. to lie or extend over and cover part of
2. to have an area or a range in common with
infinite : exhaust :: discrete : overlap (OPPOSITE)
inconsonant : concord :: scatter : overlap (OPPOSITE)
oversee [ouvrs:] v. ,
1. to watch over and direct; supervise
2. to subject to scrutiny; examine or inspect
overt [uvrt, --] a. , : MANIFEST
1. open and observable; not hidden, concealed, or secret
2. of, relating to, or being military or intelligence
operations sanctioned or mandated by Congress
clandestine : secretly :: overt : openly (EQUAL)
overt : surreptitious :: (OPPOSITE)
overt shadowy, surreptitious
surreptitious , ,
overture [uvrtr, -tjr] n. : PROPOSAL
1. (music) a. an instrumental composition intended
especially as an introduction to an extended work, such
as an opera or oratorio b. a similar orchestral work, such
as one written as a concert piece or an introduction to a
2. an introductory section or part, as of a poem; a prelude
3. an act, an offer, or a proposal that indicates readiness to
undertake a course of action or open a relationship
overture : introduction :: anthem : praise
veto : prohibitive :: overture : introductory
veto ; ,
overture, prelude : introductory :: caveat : warning, cautionary
caveat [kivit] ,
preamble : introductory :: caveat : cautionary
preamble ,
overture : symphony :: preface : book
overture : opera :: preamble : statute
preamble , (foreword)
statute , ; ,
coda overture
overwhelm [uvrhwlm] v.t. ;
1. to surge over and submerge; engulf
2. a. to defeat completely and decisively b. to affect deeply
in mind or emotion
3. to present with an excessive amount
4. to turn over; upset
overwrought [uvrrt] a. ; :
AGITATED (wrought : work ())
1. excessively nervous or excited; agitated
2. extremely elaborate or ornate; overdone
oxymoron [ksimrn / ksimrn] n.
a rhetorical figure in which incongruous or contradictory
terms are combined [ex. crowded solitude]
apophasis : claim :: oxymoron : paradox

pachyderm [pkidrm] n. (,, )
pachyderm : animal :: ant, aphid : insect
pacify [psfi] v.t. : SOOTHE
1. to ease the anger or agitation of
2. to end war, fighting, or violence in; establish peace in
pacify : infuriate :: (OPPOSITE)
solace : grief :: pacification : anger
solace [sls] , ; , comfort in sorrow, misfortune,
or distress; consolation
tantrum pacification
tantrum , a fit of bad temper
rankle, incite, vex, gall pacify, appease, soothe
rankle () ; , to cause persistent
irritation or resentment
gall () ;
discommode pacificate, ease, mollify
discommode , to put to inconvenience;
pacific truculent, choleric
truculent , , ; ,
pack [pk] n. , ; (, ) , ,
orchestra : musician :: pack : wolf

[pkt] n. , ; ,
1. a formal agreement, such as one between nations; a treaty
2. a compact; a bargain
compact an agreement or a covenant
covenant a binding agreement; a compact

padding [pinztiki, pins-] n. /;

1. the act of stuffing, filling, or lining
2. a soft material used to make pads or a pad
3. extraneous material added to written work, such as a
speech, to make it longer
padding : damage :: disguise : recognition
padding : damage :: dam : flood :: levee : flooding
paean [pn] n. : ENCOMIUM, TRIBUTE
1. (music) a song of joyful praise or exultation
2. a fervent expression of joy or praise
3. an ancient Greek hymn of thanksgiving or invocation,
especially to Apollo
paean : song :: elegy : poem
paean : joy :: dirge : grief :: madrigal : love
paean harsh lampoon
lampoon ()
painstaking [pinztiki, pins-] a.
: marked by or requiring great pains; very careful and diligent
pain : analgesic :: symptom : palliative
cursory painstakingly thorough
cursory performed with haste and scant attention to detail
painstaking slipshod, careless
slipshod ,
palatable [pltbl] a. , ;
:agreeable to the palate or taste
1. acceptable to the taste; sufficiently agreeable in flavor to
be eaten
2. acceptable or agreeable to the mind or sensibilities
palatable : savory :: discernable : manifest (A << B (


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

palate : mouth :: ceiling : room
palate [plit] , ; ; ,
palatable vapid, unsavory
palatial [plil] a. ; ,
1. of or suitable for a palace
2. of the nature of a palace, as in spaciousness or
palatial : hovel :: bucolic : city, metropolis (OPPOSITE)
hovel ;
palatial : hovel :: bucolic : metropolis
palette [plit]
n. ;
1. the range of colors used in a particular painting or by a
particular artist
2. the range of qualities inherent in nongraphic art forms
such as music and literature
palette : color :: repertoire : play (index : book )
[pl] v. ,
1. to become insipid. boring, or wearisome
2. to have a dulling, wearisome, or boring effect
3. to become cloyed or satiated
cloy to cause distaste or disgust by supplying with
too much of something originally pleasant, especially something rich or
sweet; surfeit
pall interest, intrigue
palpitate : beat :: skyrocket : ascend
palpitate be calm, steady
palter [pltr] vi. : EQUIVOCATE
: to talk or act insincerely or misleadingly
1. to talk or act insincerely or misleadingly; equivocate
2. to be capricious; trifle
3. to quibble, especially in bargaining
quibble , ;
palter : candor :: budge : diehard (A lack B)
budge ; () to move or stir slightly; to
alter a position or attitude
die-hard stubbornly resisting change or clinging to a seemingly
hopeless or outdated cause
palter : candor :: betray : loyalty
palter : equivocate :: (A=B)
palter candor

[pltri] a. , ; , : INFERIOR,
1. lacking in importance or worth; trivial
2. wretched or contemptible
paltry : covet :: despicable : admire, adore
paltry : significance :: random : predictability
paltry significant, important, substantial, considerable


palliate [pliit] v. : ABATE

1. to make (an offense or crime) seem less serious;
2. to make less severe or intense; mitigate
3. to relieve the symptoms of a disease or disorder
symptom : palliative :: pain : analgesic
enervate : vigor :: palliate : nerve
palliate : angry :: enfeeble : vigorous
enfeeble to deprive of strength; make feeble
caustic palliating, genial
palliate exacerbate, worsen, increase intensity
exacerbate to increase the severity, violence, or bitterness of;
pallid [plr] a. , ; /
1. having an abnormally pale or wan complexion
2. lacking intensity of color or luminousness
3. lacking in radiance or vitality; dull
* pallor [pl:r] n. , : extreme or
unnatural paleness
pallid rubicund, piquant, sparkling, robust, sanguine, rosy, colorful,
vivid, fresh

[pmi] a. ; : FLOURISHING,
palmy : prosperity :: draconian : severity

[plpbl] a. , :
1. capable of being handled, touched, or felt; tangible
2. easily perceived; obvious
* palpability n.
palpable : touch :: pliable : mold : eatable : eat
palpable subtle, elliptical, imperceptible
elliptical, elliptic ; (); ,

palpability intangibility, obscurity, distortion

impalpable clear


[pn] n. v. ,
n. (informal) severe criticism, especially a negative review
ex. gave the film a pan / on the pan ( )
v. To criticize or review harshly
pan : harsh :: barb : caustic
pan rave, extol, eulogize
rave ;


[pn, -n] n. ; , :
: dash or flamboyance in style and action
dash ; , ; , ; a spirited quality in action
or style; verve
verve ( ) ,
panache humility, unremarkable behavior, dullness

pancreas [pnkris, p-] n.

insulin : pancreas :: bile : liver
bile ; ,
pandemic [pndmik] a. / n.
a. 1. widespread; general. 2. epidemic over a wide
geographic area: pandemic influenza.
n. a pandemic disease
pandemic : disease :: conflagration : fire
pandemic limited
pandemic endemic
endemic a. ,
n. ,
pandemic : disease :: conflagration : fire
conflagration , (, )


palpitate [plptit] v.
: to beat rapidly and strongly : THROB

pandemonium [pndmunim] n. , ; :
TUMULT a very noisy place; wild uproar or noise
pandemonium serenity
pander [pndr] v. ;, ()
1. to act as a go-between or liaison in sexual intrigues;
function as a procurer
2. to cater to the lower tastes and desires of others or exploit
their weakness
panegyric [pndrik, -di-] n.
1. a formal eulogistic composition intended as a public


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

2. elaborate praise or laudation; an encomium

panegyric : complimentary :: (CHARACTER)
panegyric : eulogize :: lampoon : satirize
panegyric : praise :: valediction : farewell
valediction , ;
panegyric anathema, condemnation, denunciation
anathema ,
panorama [pnrm, -rm] n. ;
1. an unbroken view of an entire surrounding area
2. a comprehensive presentation; a survey
3. a picture or series of pictures representing a continuous
scene, often exhibited a part at a time by being unrolled
and passed before the spectator
4. a mental vision of a series of events
* panoramic a.
panoramic narrow
pantechnicon [pntknikn, -kn/ -kn]
pantechnicon : furniture ::

n. ;

pantry [pntri] n.
1. a small room or closet, usually off a kitchen, where food,
tableware, linens, and similar items are stored
2. a small room used for the preparation of cold foods
pantry : comestible, food :: armory : weapons :: closet, wardrobe :
comestible n. ,
armory, arsenal
parable [prbl] n. ;
: a simple story illustrating a moral or religious lesson
parable : story :: homily : lecture (A B)
homily ,
paradigmatic [prdigmtik] adj.
: example, pattern
: an outstandingly clear or typical example or archetype
paradigm n. : EXAMPLE, PATTERN
1. an example that serves as pattern or model
2. a list of all the inflectional forms of a word taken as an
illustrative example of the conjugating or declension to
which it belongs
paradigm, paragon : imitate :: reverence : regard
corrective : amend :: paradigm : exemplify
paradise [prdais] n. , ;
pleasurable : paradisical :: tiring : grueling (A << B)
paradox [prdks / -dks] n. ,
1. a seemingly contradictory statement that may
nonetheless be true
2. one exhibiting inexplicable or contradictory aspects
3. an assertion that is essentially self-contradictory, though
based on a valid deduction from acceptable premises
4. a statement contrary to received opinion
apophasis : claim :: oxymoron : paradox
apophasis allusion to something by denying that it will be
paradox : contradictory :: epigram : wise
paradoxical congruent, common
paragon [prgn, -gn] n. ,
: a model of excellence or perfection of a kind; a peerless

paragon : excellent :: hoax : fraulent

paragon : exemplary :: amendment : corrective
paragon : imitate :: reverence : regard
paragon : mediocre :: martinet : lenient (A B + OPPOSITE)
mediocrity , ; ()
mediocre [m:diukr] , , 2 moderate to inferior in
quality; ordinary
travesty paragon
travesty (), ;
paralyze [prliz] v.
1. to affect with paralysis
2. to make powerless or ineffective
paralyze invigorate, enable, strengthen
paramount [prmunt] a. , : SUPREME
1. of chief concern or importance
2. supreme in rank, power, or authority
painful : agonizing :: important : paramount (A << B)
agonize ;
paramount : importance :: farthest : remoteness (A >> B, :)
paramount unimportant, ancillary, lowliest
ancillary ,
1. subordinate
2. auxiliary; helping
paranoia [prni] n.
1. a psychotic disorder characterized by delusions of
persecution or grandeur, often strenuously defended with
apparent logic and reason
2. extreme, irrational distrust of others
enthusiasm : mania :: suspicion : paranoia :: admiring : idolatrousness
paraphrase [prfriz] v.
1. a restatement of a text or passage in another form or other
words, often to clarify meaning
2. the restatement of texts in others words as a studying or
teaching device
paraphrase : verbatim :: approximate : precise (OPPOSITE)
verbatim [vrbitim] using exactly the same words;
corresponding word for word
parch [prt] vi. ; ,
1. to make extremely dry, especially by exposure to heat
2. to make thirsty
3. to dry or roast (corn, for example) by exposing to heat
steep parch
steep a. , v. () ,
parenthesis [prnsis] n. () ; ,
enclose : parentheses :: separate : comma
parenthesis : explanation :: ellipsis : omission
pariah [pri, pri] n. ; ,
: a social outcast
: outcast one that has been excluded from a society or
pariah : ostracize :: prisoner : confine
parity [prti] n. , ; ,
1. equality, as in amount, status, or value
2. functional equivalence, as in the weaponry or military
strength of adversaries
3. the equivalent in value of a sum of money expressed in
terms of a different currency at a fixed, official rate of
4. equality of prices of goods or securities in two different
parity : equivalent :: symbiosis : interdependent
symbiosis ()


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

parity : equable :: (A=B, :)
parity inequality, incommensurateness
commensurate , ; ,
n. , : IDIOM
parlance [prlns]
1. a particular manner or speaking; idiom
2. speech, especially a conversation or parley
parley , ,
gait : walk :: parlance : speak
n. ,
parliament : legislation :: court : appeal
parochial [prukil] a. ; ,
1. of, relating to, supported by, or located in a parish
2. narrowly restricted in scope or outlook; provincial
parochial ecumenical
ecumenical , , ;
(ecumenical movement)
parody [prdi] n.
parody : style :: mime : gesture
ode : poetry :: spoof : parody
spoof ( ) ,
paroxysm [prkszm] n. (, ) : OUTBURST
: a sudden outburst of emotion or action
paroxysm : sudden :: ruse : deceptive (A B )
ruse , a crafty stratagem; a subterfuge
subterfuge , a deceptive stratagem or device
curt : words :: parsimonious : resource
curt , ; ,
parsimonious : waste :: taciturn : speak
parsimony : waste :: teetotaler : alcohol
miser : parsimonious :: spendthrift : prodigal
parsimonious : save :: prodigal : spend
parsimony : skimp :: malingering : shirk
skimp ;
parsimonious : spend :: peremptory : fawn
peremptory , ; ,
parsimony : miser :: rebellious : insurgent
insurgent ,
parsimony : frugality :: hubris : pride (A >> B)
hubris , overbearing pride or presumption; arrogance
tightfisted : parsimonious :: brattish : mischievous (EQUAL)
brat a child, especially a spoiled or ill-mannered one
mischievous , ; ,
parsimonious : profligacy :: impetuous : hesitance (OPPOSITE)
profligate , ;
parsimonious : liberal :: obtuse : keen (OPPOSITE)
hidebound : innovation :: parsimonious : expenditure
parsimony : frugality :: hubris : self-confidence (A >> B)
parsimonious : prodigal :: (OPPOSITE)
largesse parsimony
largesse [la:rds] , generosity of spirit or
parsimonious wasteful, liberal, profligate, prodigal, munificent, lavish,
generous, extravagant

[p:r:l] a. , ; (biased),
1. of, relating to, being or affecting only a part; not total;
2. favoring one person or side over another or others; biased
or prejudiced
3. having a particular liking or fondness for something or
partial dispassionate
dispassionate ; ,

parquetry [prkitri] n. ()
fresco : wall :: parquetry : floor (A decorate B)
parquet : wood :: mosaic : glass
parrot [prt] v.
: to repeat or imitate, especially without understanding
babble : sense :: parrot : originality (LACK)
parry [pri] v. ,
1. to deflect or ward off (a fencing thrust, for example)
2. to deflect, evade, or avoid
duty : shirk :: question : parry
parry : question :: deflect : criticism :: shirk : duty
deflect , to turn aside or cause to turn
aside; bend or deviate

partiality [prilti] n. , , : BIAS

1. the state of being partial
2. favorable prejudice or bias
3. a special fondness; a predilection

parse [prs] v. ;
1. to break (a sentence down) into its component parts of
speech with an explanation of the form, function, and
syntactical relationship of each part
2. to describe (a word) by stating its part of speech, form,
and syntactical relationships in a sentence
3. to examine closely or subject to detailed analysis,
especially by breaking up into components
scan : metrical :: parse : grammatical
specimen : dissect :: sentence : parse
specimen ;
dissect , ; /


parsimony [prsmuni / -mni] n. : THRIFT

1. unusual or excessive frugality; extreme economy or
2. adoption of the simplest assumption in the formulation
of a theory or in the interpretation of data, especially in
accordance with the rule of Ockham's razor
* parsimonious adj.
craven : hero :: parsimonious : spendthrift
craven , characterized by abject fear; cowardly

particularize [prtkjlriz] v. ;
1. to mention, describe, or treat individually; itemize or
2. to make particular as opposed to general or universal
illustrate : pictures :: particularize : details
[prtzn / prtizn] n. , ; ,

1. a fervent, sometimes militant supporter or proponent of a

party, cause, faction, person, or idea
2. a member of an organized body of fighters who attack or
harass an enemy, especially within occupied territory; a
authoritativeness : pundits :: allegiance : partisans
allegiance , ;
patriot : country :: partisan : cause
partisan : moderate :: rash : circumspect
circumspect heedful of circumstances and potential
consequences; prudent

partition [p:rt:n]
partition unity

n. , ; ; ;


a. , , ;



GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

1. capable of, having, or dominated by powerful emotions

2. wrathful by temperament; choleric
3. marked by strong sexual desire; amorous or lustful
4. showing or expressing strong emotion; ardent
5. arising from or marked by passion

patriot : country :: partisan : cause

patriotic : chauvinistic :: receptive : gullible
patron [pitrn] n. , ;
patron : support :: apologist : defend
apologist , ,

pastiche [pst] n. ; (hodgepodge)

pasticcio [pst:tou] = pastiche [pst:]
1. a dramatic, literary, or musical piece openly imitating the
previous works of other artists, often
with satirical intent
2. a pasticcio of incongruous parts; a hodgepodge
pastiche original work

patronize [pitrniz, pt-] v.t. /; ,

1. to act as a patron to; support or sponsor
2. to go to as a customer, especially on a regular basis
3. to treat in a condescending manner
condescend ;
condescending : patronize :: obsequious : fawn
patronize : condescension :: deride : mockery
patronizing : condescending :: peeved : annoyed (EQUAL)
patronize boycott

pastoral [pstrl|p:s-] a. n.
pastoral urban
pat [pt] adj. , , adv.
pat not suitable, unrehearsed

paucity [psti] n. ,
1. smallness of number; fewness
2. scarcity; dearth
paucity slew, profusion, plethora, abundance, excess, glut
slew a large amount or number; a lot

patchwork [ptw:rk] n. ; ;
1. needlework consisting of varicolored patches of material
sewn together, as in a quilt
2. a collection of miscellaneous or incongruous parts; a

[ptnt, pit-] a. ; , : OBVIOUS,

1. a. protected or conferred by a patent or letters patent b.
of, relating to, or dealing in patents
2. obvious; plain
accessible, patent abstruse, not evident, occult, recondite
patent vague, hidden, disguised, ambiguous
nuance patent difference
occult bare, patent
occult , , ;
patent not evident, recondite, abstruse
recondite ;

pathogen [pdn] n.
: an agent that causes disease, especially a living
stimulation : arousal :: pathogen : diseasing (A cause B)
pathology [pldi / -l-] n. ;
1. the scientific study of the nature of disease and its
causes, processes, development, and
2. a departure or deviation from a normal condition
pathological a.
pathological normal

paunchy [pnti, pnti] a. ,

: having a potbelly
svelte paunchy and awkward
svelte , ; slender or graceful in
figure or outline; slim
pauper [ppr] n. ,
1. one who is extremely poor
2. one living on or eligible for public charity
eligible , ,
pebble [pbl] n.
: a small usually rounded stone, especially one worn smooth
by erosion
droplet : deluge :: pebble : landslide
landslide ; ;
peccadillo [pkdlou] n.
: a small sin or fault
glitch : flaw :: peccadillo : error, sin, offense
glitch ,
peccadillo : sin :: admonishment : castigation (A << B)
peccadillo : offense :: cameo : sculpture :: mishap : accident :: creek ::
river :: knoll : hill :: hillock : mountain (A B)
peccadillo : offense :: cameo : role
crime : peccadillo :: quarrel : tiff ()

[ptn] n. ( ) ; ( ) ,
1. a thin greenish layer, usually basic copper sulfate, that
forms on copper or copper alloys, such as bronze, as a
result of corrosion
2. the sheen on any surface, produced by age and use
3. a change in appearance produced by long-standing
behavior, practice, or use
the patina of wealth : the attractive or impressive
appearance of wealth ()
patina essential quality

[pek] v. () , ;
: to kiss briefly and casually
peck : kiss :: glance : look
peck : kiss :: peep : sound
peep ( )
to peek furtively; steal a quick glance



[pdgg, -gg] n. , ;

1. a schoolteacher; an educator
2. one who instructs in a pedantic or dogmatic manner
pedagogue : instruct :: exponent : advocate
stickler : exact :: pedagogue : indoctrinate
indoctrinate , ( )

patrician [ptrn] n. ,
base partician

n. , (book learning and formal

1. one who pays undue attention to book learning and formal

patriot [pitrit, -t / ptrit] n.
: one who loves, supports, and defends one's country


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

2. one who exhibits one's learning or scholarship

pedant : learning :: martinet : discipline :: dandy : dress (chicanery :
trickery )
mawkish : sentiment :: pedantic : scholarship
mawkish ; ()
scholarly : pedantic :: modest : prudish (A << B)
moralistic : principled :: pedantic : learned (A >> B)
moralistic () marked by a narrow-minded morality
outspoken : saucy : erudite : pedantic (A << B)
saucy ,
erudition deep, extensive learning
pedantic : scholar :: histrionic : actor
histrionic , ; excessively dramatic or
emotional; affected
pedantic hasty
hasty; done or made too quickly to be accurate or wise, impetuous

peeved : annoy :: saturated : wet

placate peeve
peevish [pvi] a. ,
1. a. querulous or discontented b. ill-tempered
2. contrary; fractious
peevish good-natured, simple
pejorative [pidrtiv,-dr-, pd-, pd-] a.
1. tending to make or become worse
2. disparaging; belittling
pejorative laudatory, meliorative
meliorate to make better; improve

[pelf] n. ,
: wealth or riches, especially when dishonestly acquired
pelf : impecunious :: experience : green

pell-mell [plml] adv. a. n.

pell-mell orderly

pedestal [pedstl] n. ( ) , ; , ;

1. an architectural support or base, as for a column or

2. a support or foundation
3. a position of high regard or adoration
pedestal : statue :: foundation : house

pellucid [pl:sid] a. ;
1. admitting the passage of light; transparent or translucent
2. transparently clear in style or meaning
venial : excuse :: pellucid : understand
venial ; , easily excused or forgiven;
murky pellucid, clear, limpid
limpid , ;

predestine [pri:dstin] v. ,
: to fix upon, decide, or decree in advance; foreordain
predestine leave to chance
pedestrian [pdstrin] a. ; ,
1. of, relating to, or made for pedestrians
2. going or performed on foot
3. undistinguished; ordinary
pedestrian : surprise :: (A B )
pedestrian admirable, inspired, imaginative, uncommon, marvelous,
rarefied, noble, inspired
pediatrics [p:ditriks] n.
pediatrics : children :: dermatology : skin

[pip] v. ( )
1. to utter short, soft, high-pitched sounds, like those of a
baby bird
2. to speak in a hesitant, thin, high-pitched voice
to peek furtively; steal a quick glance
peep : sound :: peck : kiss :: pinch : quantity


[pi:r] n. , ;
1. a person who has equal standing with another or others,
as in rank, class, or age
2. a. a nobleman b. a man who holds a peerage by descent
or appointment
peer a subordinate person

[pirlis] a. , (matchless)
: being such as to have no match; incomparable
peerlessness equality

[piv] v. : ANNOY to cause to be

annoyed or resentful
pontificating, patronizing : condescending :: peeved : annoyed
pontificate ;

pen [pen] n.
swan : pen :: sheep : ewe
penalty [pnlti] n. ,
1. a punishment established by law or authority for a crime
or an offense
2. something, especially a sum of money, required as a forfeit
for an offense
3. the disadvantage or painful consequences resulting from
an action or a condition
exempt : liability :: pardon : penalty
exempt (, )
penchant [pntnt] n. , : LIKING
: a definite liking; a strong and continued inclination
penchant aversion, dislike, repugnance
penetrate [pntrit] v. , , ,
1. To enter or force a way into; pierce.
2. a. To enter into and permeate: The insistent rhythm of
piano practice penetrated each room of the house. b. To
cause to be permeated or diffused; steep.
3. To pierce or enter into something; make a way in or
through something.
*. impenetrate : v.t.~ ()
impervious : penetrate :: ineluctable : avoid
ineluctable , not to be avoided or escaped;
knead : malleable :: penetrate : permeable
penetrating obtuse
penetrating , , ,
penitent [pntnt] a. , : REPENTANT
: feeling or expressing remorse for one's misdeeds or sins
penitent : obdurate :: skeptic : credulous (OPPOSITE)
penitent : contrition :: belligerent : aggression
penitent : remorse :: (EQUAL, : )
remorse moral anguish arising from repentance for past


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

misdeeds; bitter regret

rueful, contrite, remorseful impenitent
rueful ,
rue , to feel regret, remorse, or sorrow for
contrite ;
penitence obduracy
penitent obdurate
pensive [pnsiv] a. ;
1. deeply, often wistfully or dreamily thoughtful
2. suggestive or expressive of melancholy thoughtfulness
lamentable : pensive :: museful : ruminative (EQUAL)
muse ,
ruminate ;
penury [pnjri] n.
1. extreme want or poverty; destitution
2. extreme dearth; barrenness or insufficiency
frugal : penurious :: firm : obdurate (A << B)
incognizance : knowledgeable :: penury : wealthy
incognizant , lacking knowledge or
awareness; unaware
penury, penuriousness affluence, largesse
penurious lavish, spendthrift

[pep] n.
: brisk energy or initiative and high spirits
pep languor, enervation

perambulate [prmbjleit] v. , ;
1. to walk through
2. to inspect (an area) on foot
foot : perambulate :; eye : observe
perceivable [prs:vbl] adj. () ,
perceivable : discernable :: impulsive : spontaneous
perceive neglect
perceptible [prsptbl] a. /
capable of being perceived by the senses or the mind
relevant : crucial :: perceptible : obvious (A << B)
perceptible : hidden :: (B A )
perceptible : discernable :: impulsive : spontaneous
percipient [prspint] adj. (), n.
percipient : discernment ::
perdition [prdn] n.
1 a archaic : utter destruction b obsolete
2 a . eternal damnation
perdition salvation

peremptory [prmptri, prmptri] a. ,

1. putting an end to all debate or action
2. not allowing contradiction or refusal; imperative
3. having the nature of or expressing a command; urgent

4. offensively self-assured; dictatorial

parsimonious : spend :: peremptory : fawn
peremptory : dispute :: prohibitive : purchase (A B )
prohibitive () ,
peremptory open to challenge, humble, modest, self-effacing

perfervid [prfrvid] a. , : IMPASSIONED

: extremely or extravagantly eager; impassioned or zealous
perfervid impassive, tepid
perfidy [prfdi] n. () : TREACHERY
1. deliberate breach of faith; calculated violation of trust;
2. the act or an instance of treachery
* perfidious adj.
exorbitant : moderation :: perfidious : loyalty (OPPOSITE)
perfidious : trust :: disreputable : esteem (impatient : calmness )
perfidy : credibility ::
perfidious faithful, loyal, trustworthy
perfidy fealty, faithfulness, fidelity, loyalty, honesty
fealty ,
perforate [prfrit] v.
: to pierce, punch, or bore a hole or holes in; penetrate
perforate : hole :: pleat : fold :: stipple : dot
pleat ~
perforate caulk
caulk [k:k] to make watertight or airtight by filling or sealing
perfunctory [prfktrli] a. , ; ,

1. done routinely and with little interest or care

2. acting with indifference; showing little interest or care
perfunctory : depth :: insolent : veneration
perfunctory : depth :: obstinacy : flexibility
perfunctorily : inspiration :: insolently : veneration
insolent ,
perfunctory enthusiastic, careful, meticulous, conscientious(0706)
perigee [prd] n.
1. the point in the orbit of an object (as a satellite) orbiting
the earth that is nearest to the center of the earth
2. the point nearest a planet or a satellite (as the moon)
reached by an object orbiting it - compare APOGEE
perigee apogee

[prl] , () ;
1. a. imminent danger
b. exposure to the risk of harm or loss
2. something that endangers or involves risk
peril security


peregrinate [pregreneit] v.
peregrinate stick to one place


1. lasting or active through the year or through many years
2. a. lasting an indefinitely long time; enduring
b. appearing again and again; recurrent
perennial fleeting
fleeting; passing quickly; ephemeral

a. , ; ,

perilous [prls] a.
: full of or involving peril; dangerous
perilous : danger :: impartial : mediator
perimeter [prmitr]
n. ,
1. (mathematics) a. a closed curve bounding a plane area b.
the length of such a boundary
2. the outer limits of an area
3. a fortified strip or boundary usually protecting a military
country : border :: circle : perimeter
periodical [piridikl|-d-] n. ( ) ,
1. periodic
2. a. published at regular intervals of more than one day
b. of or relating to a publication issued at such intervals


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

magazine : periodical :: mystery : fiction (A B)

* impermeable adj. ,
knead : malleable :: penetrate : permeable
opacity : light :: impermeability : fluid
impenetrate : permeable ::
impenetrate : ~ ()
penetrate : impermeable :: change : immutable :: profane : inviolable
inviolable ,
waterproof permeable
impermeable easily penetrated
diaphanous impermeable of light


[prpttik] a. ;
: walking about or from place to place; traveling on foot
peripatetic stationary, rooted, sedentary

peripheral [prfrl] a. ; , ; ,
1. related to, located in, or constituting an outer boundary
or periphery
2. perceived or perceiving near the outer edges of the
3. of minor relevance or importance
4. auxiliary
* periphery n.
immaterial : relevance :: peripheral : center (OPPOSITE)
immaterial , ; ,
peripheral : pivotal ::
crux peripheral element
peripheral central, in essence, crucial, vital, pivotal, intrinsic,
periphery important part, core, center, central area

permissive [prmsiv] a. , ; ,
1. granting or inclined to grant permission; tolerant or lenient
2. permitting discretion; optional
permissiveness intolerance
permute [prmj:t] v. ~ , ,
To change the order of
permute : rearranged :: condense : abridged
permute make stable, keep consistently
pernicious [prns] a. , ; : DEADLY
1. tending to cause death or serious injury; deadly
2. causing great harm; destructive
pernicious : injure :: disingenuous : mislead
disingenuous , not straightforward or candid;
pernicious, virulent salutary, salubrious
salutary , ,

perish [pri] v. ; ,
1. to die or be destroyed, especially in a violent or untimely
2. to pass from existence; disappear gradually
perish survive
perjure [p :rd3:r] v.
: to render (oneself) guilty of perjury by deliberately
testifying falsely under oath
perjure depose, attest
depose /;

perorate [prrit] v. ;
1. to conclude a speech with a formal recapitulation
2. to speak at great length, often in a grandiloquent manner;
peroration : speech : coda : sonata

perjury [prdri] n. ();

1. (law) the deliberate, willful giving of false, misleading, or
incomplete testimony under oath
2. the breach of an oath or a promise
oath : false swearing :: perjury : deposition (OPPOSITE)
deposition , ; , ;
calumny : assertion :: perjury : testimony (OPPOSITE)
calumny , ,
perjury truthful deposition, testimony
deposition , ; , (); , ;
permanent [prmnnt] a. , ;
1. lasting or remaining without essential change
2. not expected to change in status, condition, or place
evanescent : permanence :: archaic : currency (WITHOUT
archaic , ; ;
heroic : craven :: erratic : permanent (OPPOSITE)
erratic , ;
opportune : convenience :: impermanent : transience
opportune ;
transitory : permanence :: achromatic : hue
extinction perpetuation, permanence
interim, ephemeral, labile permanent, perpetual
interim , an interval of time between one event, process,
or period and another
labile [libil] (changeable), (unstable); ,

transience permanence
permanent transitory
permeable [prmibl] a. : PENETRABLE
: that can be permeated or penetrated, especially by liquids
or gasses
* permeate / To spread or flow throughout;

perpetual [prptul] a. , : EVERLASTING

1. lasting for eternity
2. continuing or lasting for an indefinitely long time
3. instituted to be in effect or have tenure for an unlimited
4. continuing without interruption
5. flowering throughout the growing season
constant : perpetuate :: transient : vanish ( : )
perpetual : eternity :: fretful : discontinuity
perpetuity : time ::
perpetuation extinction
transitory, transient, ephemeral, intermittent permanent, perpetual
transient ,
transitory existing or lasting only a short time; short-lived or temporary
debunk perpetuate to sham
debunk ,
perpetual transitory, ephemeral, transient
perpetuity short in time, transitoriness
perplex [prplks] v, , (entangle)
1. to confuse or trouble with uncertainty or doubt
2. to make confusedly intricate; complicate
perplex clarify, enlighten
[prsikjt] v.t. , ; ,

1. to oppress or harass with ill-treatment, especially because

of race, religion, sexual orientation, or beliefs
2. to annoy persistently; bother
persecute : injure :: haunt : remember (A >> B)
haunt ; ( )




[prsvr] vi. (, )

GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

: to persist in or remain constant to a purpose, an idea, or a

task in the face of obstacles or discouragement
persevere : enduring ::
persevere give up
perseverance cessation of effort
persiflage [prsfl, prsifl] n. , , ;
1. light good-natured talk; banter
2. light or frivolous manner of discussing a subject
frivolous , ;
persiflage : frivolous ::
persiflage : incite :: exhortation : motivate
exhortation , ; ,
persistence [prsstns] n. , ; , ()
persistence : tenacious :: urbaneness, urbanity : sophiscated
persistence inconstancy, transience
personable [prsnbl] a. : ATTRACTIVE
: pleasing in personality or appearance; attractive
personable unattractive
perspective [prspktiv] n. , ; , ,
1. the technique of representing 3-D objects and depth
relationships on a 2-D surface
2. a. a view or vista
b. a mental view or outlook
3. the appearance of objects in depth as perceived by
normal binocular vision
4. a. the relationship of aspects of a subject to each other
and to a whole
b. subjective evaluation of relative significance; a point of
c. the ability to perceive things in their actual nterrelations
or comparative importance
perspicacious [prspkis] a. , : KEEN
: having or showing penetrating mental discernment; clearsighted
perspicacity : hidden ::
perspicacity : dupe :: rectitude : corruptionist (A B
) (timidity : accost )
rectitude , ,
perspicacious : discernment ::
perspicacity : acumen :: (CHARACTER)
perspicacious obtuse, undiscerned, dull, lack of discernment,
lackluster, inattentive, imperceptive, unclear, vague, ambiguous
perspicacity indiscernment
perspicuous [prspkjs] a. ,
: clearly expressed or presented; easy to understand
perspicuous dull
perspicuity opacity

[prt] a.,,;(, )
1.trim and stylish in appearance; jaunty
2. high-spirited; vivacious
3. impudently bold; saucy

pertain [prtin] v. ;
1. to have reference; relate
2. to belong as an adjunct, part, holding, or quality
3. to be fitting or suitable
pertain be irrelevant
pertinacious [prtnis] a. ,
1. holding tenaciously to a purpose, belief, opinion, or
course of action
2. stubbornly or perversely persistent
* pertinacity n. , , , ,

pertinacious : capitulate :: forthright : dissimulate

inexperience : green :: pertinacity : refractory
pertinacity : yield ::
pertinacious tractable, pliable, irresolute, capricious, pliant
pertinacity vacillation
pertinent [prtnnt] a. ,
: having logical, precise relevance to the matter at hand
pertinent : relevance :: redundant : superfluity
immaterial pertinent, relevant
immaterial , ; ,
pertinent irrelevant, immaterial
pertinence lack of relevance
cogent : validity :: germane : pertinence (A B )
perturb [prtrb] v.t. , : DISQUIET
1. to disturb greatly; make uneasy or anxious
2. to throw into great confusion
impassive : perturb :: voracious : satisfy
impassive , ; , ;
voracious ;
stoic : perturb :: avaricious : satisfy
avaricious ; immoderately desirous of wealth or
gain; greedy
perturb : serenity :: reassure : doubt :: console : grief
perturbation serenity, equanimity
equanimity , ; the quality of being calm and eventempered; composure
peruse [pr:z] v. /; ,
: to read or examine, typically with great care
peruse : smattering :: stare : leer
leer ,
peruse glance at
pervade [prvid] v.t. , ,
: to be present throughout; permeate
* pervasive adj.
permeate ; to spread or flow throughout; pervade
pervasive : avoid :: rigid : bend
pervade relieve, empty, withdraw, leave
pervasive not widely distributed, narrowed
pervasiveness limited distribution
perverse [prv :rs] a. , ; ; ,
1. directed away from what is right or good; perverted
2. obstinately persisting in an error or a fault; wrongly selfwilled or stubborn
3. a. marked by a disposition to oppose and contradict b.
arising from such a disposition
4. cranky; peevish
cranky ; ;
pervert [prv:rt] v. , ; /
1. to cause to turn away from what is right, proper, or good;
2. to bring to a bad or worse condition; debase
3. to put to a wrong or improper use; misuse
4. to interpret incorrectly; misconstrue or distort
pessimism [psmzm] n. ,
1. a tendency to stress the negative or unfavorable or to take
the gloomiest possible view
2. the doctrine or belief that this is the worst of all possible
worlds and that all things ultimately tend toward evil
3. the doctrine or belief that the evil in the world outweights
the good




GRE 6.0 (2008 7)
philanthropist : beneficence :: comedian : humor
resourceful : inventiveness :: philanthropic : geniality :: philanthropic :
philanthropist : endow :: prevaricator : mislead
philanthropist : eleemosynary ::
eleemosynary [lmsnri] ,

: a chemical used to kill pests, especially insects

insect : pesticide :: plant : herbicide
herbicide (weed-killer)
pestle [pstl] n.
1. a club-shaped, hand-held tool for grinding or mashing
substances in a mortar
2. a large bar moved vertically to stamp or pound, as in a
press or mill
hammer : anvil :: pestle : mortar
awl : pierce :: pestle : hash
awl [:l]
pestle : grind :: flint stone : spark :: spice : flavor :: whetstone :
sharpen :: spoon : stir

philately [filtli] n. /(stamp collecting)

philatelist : stamps :: numismatist : coins
numismatics [nj:mizmtiks] /
philistine [flstn, filstin, flistin] n. (,
) , , a. , ,
dawdler : punctilious :: philistine : cultivated (A B +B A
dawdle , ,
punctilious ,
philistine aesthete
aesthete ,

petition [pitn] v. / : SOLICIT

: to make a request, especially formally
minion : dependent :: groveler : petitionary
minion , ;
grovel , ;

philippic [filpik] n. , []
( Demosthenes Macedonia Philip 2
12 )
: a verbal denunciation characterized by harsh, often
insulting language; a tirade
brevity : epigram :: condemnation, vituperation : philippic

petrify [ptrfai] v. , ; ;

1. to convert (wood or other organic matter) into a stony

replica by petrifaction
2. to cause to become stiff or stonelike; deaden
3. to stun or paralyze with terror; daze
petrify : stone :: evaporate : vapor

philosophical [flsfikl / -sf-] a. ; ,

1. of, relating to, or based on a system of philosophy
2. characteristic of a philosopher, as in equanimity,
enlightenment, and wisdom

petroglyph, petrograph [ptrglif] n. ( )

: a carving or line drawing on rock, especially one made by
prehistoric people
petroglyph, petrograph : rock :: mural : wall


[pti] a. , ; :MINOR, SUBORDINATE,

1. of small importance; trivial
2. marked by narrowness of mind, ideas, or views
3. marked by meanness or lack of generosity, especially in
trifling matters
4. secondary in importance or rank; subordinate
petty : notice :: contemptible : respect (A = B )

[flegmtik] a. , ; , :
: having or suggesting a calm, sluggish temperament;
intractable : manage :: phlegmatic : provoke (A = B )
phlegmatic : unsettled :: (OPPOSITE)
phlegmatic : arouse :: (A = B )
phlegmatic : vivid ::
phlegmatic unsettled, spirited, vivacious, sprightly, lively, vivid,


petulant [ptlnt] a. , , ;
1. unreasonably irritable or ill-tempered; peevish
2. contemptuous in speech or behavior
peevish ; ,
phantom [fntm]
phantom actual

n. , adj. , ,

phenomenal [finmnl / -nm-] a. , :

1. of, relating to, or constituting phenomena or a
2. extraordinary; outstanding
3. (philosophy) known or derived through the senses rather
than through the mind
phenomenal ordinary, unexceptional, commonplace
philanthropic [flnrpik / -rp-] a. , :
1. of, relating to, or marked by philanthropy; humanitarian
2. organized to provide humanitarian or charitable

piddling [pdli] a. , : TRIVIAL, PALTRY

: so trifling or trivial as to be beneath one's consideration
paltry , ; , lacking in importance or worth;
wretched or contemptible
restive : calm :: piddling : considerable (OPPOSITE)
restive , ; ,
piebald [pibo:ld] a.
: spotted or patched, especially in black and white
piebald monotonous
pied solid-colored
pied , patchy in color; splotched or piebald
pigment [pgmnt] n.
albino : pigment :: prairie : tree (LACK)
albino [lbinou] ,
pigment : color :: spice : flavor
pilfer [plfr] v. ,
: to steal (a small amount or item)
abscond : depart :: pilfer : take :: lurk : wait (DEFECTIVE)
pillar [plr] n. , ; , : POST
1. a. a slender, freestanding, vertical support; a column
b. such a structure or one similar to it used for decoration
2. one who occupies a central or responsible position


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

colonnade : pillar :: queue : person
stockade : enclosure :: pillar : support
stockade ;
derelict pillar of society
derelict ; ,
pillory [plri] n. , v. ;
: a wooden framework on a post, with holes for the head
and hands, in which offenders were formerly locked to
be exposed to public scorn as punishment
1. to expose to ridicule and abuse
2. to put in a pillory as punishment
punish : pillory :: tell : proclaim (B A )
pillory : ridicule :: guillotine : execute (A = B )
pillory exalt, praise publicly
exalt () ; ; /
pilot [pilt] n. , () : HELMSMAN
helmsman [hlmzmn] a person who steers a ship
pilot : ship :: conductor : orchestra
pinch [pint] n. , , (nip); , ;
1. the act or an instance of pinching
2. an amount that can be held between thumb and
3. a painful, difficult, or straitened circumstance
4. an emergency situation
pinch abundant amount

[pain] vi. , ()
1. to feel a lingering, often nostalgic desire
2. to wither or waste away from longing or grief
longing : pine :: remorse : rue
remorse , moral anguish arising from repentance for past
misdeeds; bitter regret
rue , to feel regret, remorse, or sorrow for
needle : pine :: leaf : oak
pine show disinterest, become invigorated

pinion [pnjn] v.
1. to disable or restrain by binding the arms
2. to bind fast : SHACKLE
pinion emancipate
pinnacle [pnkl] n. ; ,
1. (architecture) a small turret or spire on a roof or buttress
2. a tall, pointed formation, such as a mountain peak
3. the highest pint; the culmination
pinnacle nadir, lowest point
nadir ; (, ) ,

[pnpint] n. () (); v.
() a. ,
: something extremely small or trifling / a very small
or sharp point / a point on a map marking a precise
location or target
: To locate or identify with precision. /To take precise
aim at: pinpoint a target. /To direct attention to: We
pinpointed the flaws in his argument.
: Meticulously precise: measured the line with
pinpoint accuracy/Extremely small; minuscule: pinpoint
pinpoint approximation, exam cursorily, imprecision
pinpoint colossal, crop, elephantine, enormous, gargantuan,
prodigious, tremendous
colossal [klsl] (gigantic),
gargantuan [ga:rgntjun] ,

[pknt] a. () , ; , :
1. pleasantly pungent or tart in taste; spicy
2. a. appealingly provocative b. charming, interesting, or
piquant : insipid :: (OPPOSITE)
piquant : pallid ::
piquant flat, vapid, insipid, pallid, balmy, bland, dull
vapid ( ) , ; , ,
pallid ,

pique [pik] v. , ;
1. to cause to feel resentment or indignation
2. to provoke; arouse
3. to pride (oneself)
pique mollify, gratify, calm, appease, compliment, assuage, flatter
pirate [pirt] n. ; ;
1. a. one who robs at sea or plunders the land from the sea
without commission from a sovereign nation
b. a ship used for this purpose
2. one who preys on others; a plunderer
3. one who makes use of or reproduces the work of another
without authorization
4. one that operates an unlicensed, illegal television or radio
plunder /;
pirate : take :: forge : copy
pitch [pit] n. ; , ; , ;
pitch : sound :: color : light
pitfall [ptf :l] n. ,
1. an unapparent source of trouble or danger; a hidden
2. a concealed hole in the ground that serves as a trap
pitfall safety

[pi] n. ,
: the essential or central part; the heart of essence
pith unimportant point, superficial element, insignificant part

pithy [pi] a. ,
1. precisely meaningful; forceful and brief
2. consisting of or resembling pith
pithy : concise :: replete : abundant
pithiness : aphorism :: exaggeration : caricature
pithy prolix, verbose, diffuse, wordy, insubstantial, insignificant,
loquacious (unsubstantial )
prolix ,
circumlocution pithy utters
pithy incoherently prolix
pitiless [ptilis] a. ,
: having no pity; merciless
pitiless clement
clement , ; ,
pittance [ptns] n. ;
1. a meager monetary allowance, wage, or remuneration
2. a very small amount
pittance : allowance :: rivulet : stream (A << B)
rivulet , a small brook or stream; a streamlet
pittance : money, allowance :: rivulet : stream (A = small B)
cornucopia, abundance, crop lack, pittance
pixel [pksl] n.
image : pixel :: mosaic : tile


[plikeit, plk-]

v.t. ,

GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

: to allay the anger of, especially by making concessions;
inalienable : surrendered :: implacable : propitiated (B A
inalienable that cannot be transferred to another or
propitiate , to conciliate (an offended power);
irascible : placate :: insensate : conscious (OPPOSITE)
irascible ,
placating galling
gall () ;
placate peeve, rile, antagonize, disconcert, surprise, gall, foment,
peeve , to cause to be annoyed or
1. to stir to anger
2. to stir up (liquid); roil
disconcert ,
placebo [plsbou] n. ;
1. a. (medicine) a substance containing no medication and
prescribed or given to reinforce a patient's expectation
to get well
b. an inactive substance or preparation used as a control in
an experiment or test to determine the effectiveness of
a medicinal drug
2. something of no intrinsic remedial value that is used to
appease or reassure another
3. (Roman Catholic Church) the service or office of
vespers( ) for the dead
placebo : innocuous :: salve : unctuous
innocuous , ; ,
salve [sv] , ; ;
unctuous [ktus] ; , ()
placebo : painkiller :: backdrop : vista
backdrop ;
vista , ; ; () , () ,
placebo : innocuous :: venom : noxious
venom ; ,
noxious , ;
placid [plsid] a.,;(calm, tranquil, serene)
1. undisturbed by tumult or disorder; calm or quiet
2. satisfied; complacent
placid disordered, chaotic, pell-mell
pell-mell , ; ,
plagiarize [plidiriz, -dj-]
v. ,
1. to use and pass off as one's own (the ideas or writings of
2. to appropriate for use as one's own passages or ideas
from (another)
plagiarism : ideas :: forgery : documents () ( 10)
plague [pleig] n. , , v. ( ) ,

plague comfort
plainspoken [pleinspukn] a. ;
: frank; straightforward; blunt
feigned plainspoken
plaintive [plintiv] a. , , ,
expressing sorrow; mournful or melancholy
plaintive : sorrow ::
plangent [plndnt] a. ;
1. loud and resounding
2. expressing or suggesting sadness; plaintive
plaintive , expressing sorrow; mournful or melancholy
plangent muffled, muted
plantation [plnti:n] n. , ;
1. an area under cultivation
2. a group of cultivated trees or plants
3. a large estate or farm on which crops are raised, often by
resident workers
4. a newly established settlement; a colony
plantation : tobacco :: media : bacteria
plasticity [plststi] n. ,
plasticity rigidity
plateau [pltu] n. , ;
1. an elevated, comparatively level expanse of land; a
2. a relatively stable level, period, or state
plateau : change :: respite : activity (LACK)
platitude [plttjd] n. ; ,
1. a trite or banal remark or statement, especially one
expressed as if it were original or significant
2. lack of originality; triteness
postulate : presumed :: platitude : banal (EQUAL)
postulate ;
equivocation : ambiguous :: platitude : banal
platitude original observation
plaudit [pldt] n. (); ,
: enthusiastic expression of praise or approval
plaudit disapprobation, harsh criticism, unfavorable criticism
plausible [plzbl] a. ,
1. seemingly or apparently valid, likely, or acceptable;
2. giving a deceptive impression of truth, acceptability, or
reliability; specious
; a plausible storyteller
* implausable adj. , ,
rationalization : plausible :: obfuscation : indiscernible (rationalize = to
make plausible. obfuscate = to make indiscernible)
rationalize ~ , (, )
implausible believable, credible
plausible unlikely, equivocal, far-fetched, improbable, unsubstantial,
plausible, reasonable incoherent, incredible
incoherent ( ) , ,
playbill [plibil] n. ,
A poster announcing a theatrical performance
playbill : cast :: letter : signature :: recipe : ingredient (A have B)
playbill : actor :: letter : signature :: recipe : ingredient (A have B)
pleat [pli:t] n.
: a fold in cloth made by doubling the material upon itself and
then pressing or stitching it into place
perforate : hole :: pleat : fold
plebeian [plb:n] a. , , , n. ,
fusty : freshness :: plebeian: prestige
plenitude [plnitu:d] n. , ;
1. an ample amount or quantity; an abundance
2. the condition of being full, ample, or complete
plenitude dearth
n. / /
pleonasm [plnzm]
: the use of more words than those necessary to denote mere


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

sense (as in the man he said) : REDUNDANCY
pleonasm succintness
plethora [plr] n. ,
: a superabundance; an excess
plethora dearth, shortage, paucity, scarcity, scantiness
pliable [plib:l] a. , ; ,
1. easily bent or shaped
2. receptive to change; adaptable
3. easily influenced, persuaded, or swayed; tractable
pliable : influence :: testy : annoy
pliable : influenced :: censorious : condemnatory (A = easily B)
censorious , highly critical; expressing censure
condemnatory ; ,
pliable : inflexible :: static : move
pliable : manipulate :: marketable : sell
pliable rigid, pertinacious
pliant [plint] a. , ;
1. easily bent or flexed; pliable
2. easily altered or modified to fit conditions; adaptable
3. yielding readily to influence or domination; compliant
pliant : influence :: ticklish : offend
ticklish ; ,
pliant : indomitable :: modular : differentiated (OPPOSITE)
indomitable incapable of being overcome, subdued, or
vanquished; unconquerable
modular ( )
pliant : yield :: evanescent : disappear
pliant unyielding, mulish. obdurate, obstinate, intransigent,
intractable, incorrigible, unbending, rigid, inflexible, inelastic
plight [plait] n. , ; ,
: a situation, especially a bad or unfortunate one
plight favorable condition

[pld / pld] v. ;
1. to move or walk heavily or laboriously; trudge
2. to work or act perseveringly or monotonously; drudge
drudge to do tedious,
unpleasant, or menial work
plod flit
flit , to move about rapidly and
nimble , ; ,
plodding easy and light, meteoric


[plt / plt] v. , ; ,

cabal : association :: plot : plan

cabal [kbl]
joke : punch line :: plot : denouement
choreography : dance :: plot : story (A = B )
taunt : provoke :: plot : outwit (A B )
taunt , to reproach in a mocking, insulting, or
contemptuous manner
outwit to surpass in cleverness or cunning;
infiltrate : enter :: plot : plan (DEFECTIVE)
infiltrate ,
plot : plan :: inveigle : interest
inveigle , ()
cajole to urge with gentle and repeated appeals,
teasing, or flattery; wheedle
wheedle ,

pluck [plk] v. , ,
n. , ;
v. 1. to remove or detach by grasping and pulling abruptly
with the fingers; pick
2. to pull out the hair or feathers of
3. to remove abruptly or forcibly
4. to give an abrupt pull to
n. resourceful courage and daring in the face of difficulties;
* plucky , , ,
pluck : quit :: pride : grovel (A B )
grovel , ;
horn : blow :: harp : pluck( )
pluck cowardice, coward, spinelessness
pluck insert
plucky craven
plucky , , having or showing courage and
spirit in trying circumstances
plumage [pl:mid] n. () ; ,
1. the covering of feathers on a bird
2. feathers used ornamentally
3. elaborate dress; finery
plumage : bird :: foliage : bush
plumb [plm] v. , a. ,
1. to determine the depth of with a plumb; sound
2. to test the verticality or alignment of with a plumb
3. to straighten or make perpendicular
4. to examine closely or deeply; probe
plumb : depth :: assess : value :: verify : accuracy
assess [ss] ( ) to estimate the value of
(property) for taxation
plumb : depth :: measure : dimensions :: calibrate : diameter :: survey :
poll :: gauge : pressure
unplumbed : depth :: unpredictable : vagary : anonymous : identity
unplumbed (unfathomed)
vagary an extravagant or erratic notion or action
plumb examine cursorily/superficially
plumb horizontal
plummet [plmit] v. ;
1. to fall straight down
2. to decline suddenly and steeply
fall, descend : plummet :: move : dart :: utter : blurt (A << B)
dart , to move suddenly and rapidly
plummet : fall :: swerve : turn (A >> B)
swerve , to turn aside or be turned aside from a
straight course
waft : plummet :: meander : dash (OPPOSITE)
waft ( ) to cause to go gently and smoothly through
the air or over water
plummet : ascend :: (OPPOSITE)
plummet ascend, rise sharply
plump [plmp] a. , ;
1. well-rounded and full in form; chubby
2. abundant; ample
svelte plump
svelte , ; slender or graceful in
figure or outline; slim
plurality [plurlti] n. ,
1. the state or fact of being plural
2. a large number or amount; a multitude
plurality rarity
plutocracy [plu:tkrsi] n. ; ,
1. government by the wealthy
2. a wealthy class that controls a government
3. a government or state in which the wealthy rule
plutocracy : wealth :: gerontocracy : age
gerontocracy ,


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

podiatry [pditri] n.
podiatrist : feet :: dermatologist : skin

polymorphous invariant
pompous [pmps / pm-] a. ,; ,
1. characterized by excessive self-esteem or exaggerated
dignity; pretentious
2. full of high-sounding phrases; bombastic
* pomp n.
pompous : bombast :: nonsensical : drivel :: exaggerated : hyperbole
bombast , grandiloquent, pompous speech or
pompous : confident :: garish : colorful (A >> B)
pontificate : pompous :: scoff : derisive :: drawl : slow :: bluster :
loud :: prate : aimless
scoff , to mock at or treat with derision
bluster ;
prate to talk idly and at length; chatter
pomp simplicity, modesty, unpretentiousness
pompous modest

podium [pudim]
n. /
1 : a low wall serving as a foundation or terrace wall: as
a. one around the arena of an ancient amphitheater serving
as a base for the tiers of seats
b. the masonry under the stylobate of a temple
2 a. a dais especially for an orchestral conductor
polarize [pulriz] v. ;
1. to induce polarization in; impart polarity to
2. to cause to concentrate about two conflicting or
contrasting positions
* polarity n. , ,
polarity coalescence, reconciliation, accord, connection
polarize make compatible, unify, coalesce
coalesce , ,
polemic [plmik, pou-] n. , ;
1. a controversial argument, especially one refuting or
attacking a specific opinion or doctrine
2. a person engaged in or inclined to controversy, argument,
or refutation
polemic : disputatious :: invective : abusive
invective , ,
polemical compromising, conciliatory, congruent
conciliate , ;
poach [pout] v.
to cook in a boiling or simmering liquid
poach : cook :: (A B )
polish [pli / pl-] v. , ; ;
1. to make smooth and shiny by rubbing or chemical action
2. to remove the outer layers from(grains of rice) by
rotation in drums
3. to free from coarseness; refine
4. to remove flaws from; perfect or complete
rustic, untutored, gauche polished
rustic ; , ; , ,
gauche , ; , lacking social polish;
politic [plitik / pl-] a. , ; , ;
1. using or marked by prudence, expedience, and
shrewdness; artful
2. using, displaying, or proceeding from policy; judicious
3. crafty; cunning
politic : offend :: aloof : associate
politic unsophisticated, injudicious, officious, tactless, maladroit,
officious ,
pollster [pulstr] n.
: one that takes public-opinion surveys; polltaker
exponent : advocate :: pollster : canvass
exponent ; one that speaks for, represents, or
advocate / to speak, plead, or argue in favor of
canvass ; ;
pollyanna [plin / pl-]
: a person regarded as being foolishly or blindly optimistic
polymorphous [p lim:rfs|p -] a. ,

ponder [pndr|pn-] v. ,
: to reflect or consider with thoroughness and care
ponder : consider :: scrutinize : observe (A>>B)
ponderable [pnd:rb:l] a. ; ,

: considerable enough to be weighted or assessed;
ponderable inappreciable
ponderous [pndrs / pn-] a. ; ,
1. having great weight
2. unwieldy from weight or bulk
3. lacking grace or fluency; labored and dull
ponderous ethereal, gossamer, lively, slight
ethereal [iril] , ; , ; ,
ponderous vibrant, brisk, graceful and light, frisky
vibrant , ; ( ) , ;
brisk , ;
frisky , energetic, lively, and playful

[pntfikit / pn-] v. ,
1. to speak or express opinions in a pompous or dogmatic
2. to administer the office of a pontiff
dogma , ; , ;
pontificate : pompous :: scoff : derisive :: drawl : slow :: bluster :
loud :: prate: aimless
scoff , , an expression of derision or scorn
bluster ;
prate , to talk idly and at length;
pontificate : speak :: strut, swagger : walk
strut to walk with pompous bearing; swagger
swagger ;
pontificate : dogmatic :: swagger : rodomontade
pontificating : condescending :: peeved : annoyed (EQUAL)
peeve , to cause to be annoyed or resentful
pontificate : dogmatic :: swagger : rodomontade
rodomontade n. a. v. , ,
swagger ;
pontificate comment tentatively, suggest diffidently, speak tentatively,
speak modestly, speak calmly, speak diffidently
tentative , ; ,
diffident , ; ,
pontifical humble, meek
meek , ; ,





GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

clay : porcelain :: flax : linen ()
glaze : porcelain :: varnish : wood :: veneer : furniture
glaze ; ,
veneer [vnr] ; ,
pore [pr] n. ,
pore : membrane :: door : room
porcine [p:rsain] a. , ,
porcine : pig :: leonine : lion
porous [prs] a. ; ,
1. full of or having pores
2. admitting the passage of gas or liquid through pores or
3. easily crossed or penetrated
fragile : break :: porous : penetrate
porous : liquid :: transparent : light
porous impenetrable
portentous [prtnts] a. , ; ,
1. of the nature of or constituting a portent; foreboding
2. full of unspecifiable significance; exciting wonder and
* portent [p:rtent] n. () , ; /

1. an indication of something important or calamitous

about to occur; an omen
2. prophetic or threatening significance
3. something amazing or marvelous; a prodigy
portentous regular, insipid, insignificant, inconsequential
portfolio [po:rtfuliou] n. ;
1. a. a portable case for holding material, such as loose
papers, photographs, or drawings
b. the materials collected in such a case, especially when
representative of a person's work
2. the office or post of a cabinet member or minister of
3. a group of investments
portfolio : securities :: dossier : reports
security , ; , ; , ; , ;
(stocks and bonds)
portrait [prtrit, -treit] n.
portrait : painting :: jazz : music :: biography : history
portrait : person :: seascape : ocean
seascape / a view or picture of the sea
poseur [pouzr]
: one who affects a particular attitude, character, or
manner to impress others
poseur : sincerity :: recluse : gregariousness (LACK)
stickler : derelict :: poseur : unaffected
stickler ; ()
derelict , ; ,
poseur sincere person, sincerity

[pzit / pz-] v. , ; :
1. to affirm or assume the existence of; postulate
2. to put forward, as for consideration or study; suggest
3. to place firmly in position
posit, postulate deny as false, deny

posterity [pstrti / ps-] n. ,

1. future generations
2. all of a person's descendants
postulate [pstlit / ps-] v. ;
1. to make claim for; demand
2. to assume or assert the truth, reality, or necessity of,
especially as a basis of an argument
3. to assume as a premise or axiom; take for granted
postulate : presumed :: platitude : banal (CHARACTER)
postulate deny as false
posture [pstr /ps-] v. ;
1. to assume an exaggerated or unnatural pose or mental
attitude; attitudinize
2. to assume a pose
attitudinize / to assume an affected attitude
posturer : unaffected :: bigot : tolerant (A=B )
posture behave naturally
pot [pt / pt] n. , ;
lobster : pot :: (B = A )
potable [putbl] a. : DRINKABLE
: fit to drink
water : potable :: meat : edible
potable : beverage :: habitable : dwelling
habitable , suitable to ive in or on;
potable undrinkable
potboiler [ptbilr|pt-] n. ( ) /
: a literary or artistic work of poor quality, produced quickly
for profit
doggerel : verse :: potboiler : article
potentate [putntit] n. , ; ,
1. one who has the power and position to rule over others; a
2. one who dominate or leads a group or an endeavor
virtuoso : skill :: potentate : power (A have B)
potentate subject, powerless person
subject , , ; ;
potentiate [poutniit] v. ,
1. to make potent or powerful
2. to enhance or increase the effect of (a drug)
3. to promote or strengthen (a biochemical or physiological
action or effect)
deactivate potentiate

[paut] v. , ; () :
1. to exhibit displeasure or disappointment; sulk
2. to protrude the lips in an expression of displeasure or
sulk , to be sullenly aloof or withdrawn, as in
silent resentment or protest
sullen , ; ,
wince : pain :: smile : pleasure :: pout : displeasure :: sneer : contempt
wince , to shrink or start involuntarily, as in pain
or distress
pout grin
grin to draw back the lips and bare the teeth, as in mirth or
good humor
mirth , gladness and gaiety, especially when expressed by

pragmatic [prgmtik] adj. ()

* practical adj. , , ,


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

starry-eyed : pragmatic :: (OPPOSITE)
impractical realized
prairie [prri] n. ( )
: an extensive area of flat or rolling, predominantly treeless
grassland, especially the large tract or plain of central
North America
albino : pigment :: prairie : tree
albino [lbinou] ,
prate [preit] vi. : CHATTER
: to talk idly and at length
pontificate : pompous :: scoff : derisive :: drawl : slow :: bluster :
loud :: prate : aimless
scoff , to mock at or treat with derision
prate : talk :: cavil : object (A= B )
prate : speak :: saunter : walk
saunter to walk at a leisurely pace; stroll
preach [prit] v. , ;
1. to proclaim or put forth in a sermon
2. to advocate, especially to urge acceptance of or
compliance with
3. to deliver (a sermon)
nitpicker : criticism :: preacher : sermon :: quibbler : cavil
nitpick to be concerned with or find fault
with insignificant details
preamble [pr: b:l] n. , ,
1. a preliminary statement, especially the introduction to a
formal document that serves to explain its purpose
2. an introductory occurrence or fact; a preliminary
[prikris] a. , ; ;

1. dangerously lacking in security or stability

2. subject to chance or unknown conditions
3. based on uncertain, unwarranted, or unproved premises
precarious : stability :: spent : efficacy (A lack B)
spent ; ; ( )
efficacy , ( ) power or capacity to produce a
desired effect; effectiveness
impervious : penetrable :: precarious : stable
precarious stable, safe, secure, firmly grounded, certain
* precipitous
precipice : steepness :: defile : narrowness
defile v. , ; , n. /
precipitous level, gradual sloping
level ,
precipitant [prispitnt] a. ; n.
n. a substance that causes a precipitate to form when it is
added to a solution
solvent precipitant

[prisptit] v. ; a.
1. to throw from or as if from a great height; hurl downward
2. to cause to happen, especially suddenly or prematurely
precipitate retard, dilatory, deliberate, impede, forestall

precipitation [prisptin] n. , ; , ; ,

snow : precipitation :: hurricane : cyclone (snow precipitation

, hurricane cyclone( cyclone
) )
precipitous [prispts] a. , ;
1. resembling a precipice; extremely steep
2. having several precipices
3. extremely rapid, hasty, or abrupt; precipitate
precipice , ;
plateau : precipitous :: (OPPOSITE)
plateau [pltu] ; a relatively stable level, period, or
precipitous level, gradually sloping, slope slowly, guadual


1. an action taken in advance to protect against possible
danger or failure; a safeguard
2. caution practiced in advance; forethought or
precedent [prsdnt] n. a.
n. 1. a. an act or instance that may be used as an example
in dealing with subsequent similar instances
b. (law) a judicial decision that may be used as a standard
in subsequent similar cases
2. convention or custom arising from long practice
preempt : precedence :: acquire : possession
preempt ; ()
unique : precedent :: unexceptionable : oppose :: infinite : end
unexceptionable : opposition :: unique : precedent
unexceptionable , beyond any
reasonable objection; irreproachable
precede v. , ,
precede ensue
precipice [prspis] n. , ; ,
1. an overhanging or extremely steep mass of rock, such as
a crag or the face of a cliff
2. the brink of a dangerous or disastrous situation


[prikld] v. , , ()
1. to make impossible, as by action taken in advance; prevent
2. to exclude or prevent (someone0 from a given condition or
preclude to make possible
preclude enclose (, , )

precocity [priksti / -ks-] n.

1. exceptionally early in development or occurrence
2. exhibiting mature qualities at an unusually early age
precursor [prikrsr, prkr-] n. ;
1. one that precedes and indicates, suggests, or announces
someone or something to come
2. one that precedes another; a forerunner or predecessor
precursory derivative
precursor sequel, sequela, sucessor, descendant, offspring
sequel [s:kwl] , ; ,
sequela [sikw:l]
predecessor [prdissr, ---- / prdissr ] n. ;
1. one who precedes another in time, especially in holding an
office or a position
2. something that has been succeeded by another
legacy : predecessor :: gift : donor
predestine [pridstin] v.
1. to fix upon, decide, or decree in advance; foreordain
2. (theology) to foreordain or elect by divine will or decree
foreordain [f:r:rdin] to determine or appoint
beforehand; predestine
predestine leave to chance
predilection [prdlkn, pred-] n.
: a partiality or disposition in favor of something; a


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)
prefiguration derivative
derivative a. n. ,

predilection propensity to dislike
propensity , an innate inclination; a tendency
predicate [prdkeit] v. ~ ~ , ~ ()
[prdkit] adj. ,
1. to base or establish (a statement or an action, for
example): He predicates his argument on the facts.
2. to state or affirm as an attribute or a quality of
something: The sermon predicated the perfectibility of
3. to carry the connotation of; imply
4. logic. to make (a term or an expression) the predicate of
a proposition
5. to proclaim or assert; declare
preeminent [primnnt] a. , :OUTSTANDING
: superior to or notable above all others
* preeminence , , ,
preeminence : importance :: preponderance : weight
preponderance , superiority in weight, force, importance,
or influence
efface bring to preeminent
preeminent negligible, subsidiary
preeminence neligibility, unimportance
preempt [primpt] v. ; ()
1. to appropriate, seize, or take for oneself before others
2. a. to take the place of; displace
b. to have precedence or predominance over
3. to gain possession of by prior right or opportunity,
especially to settle on (public land) so as to
obtain the right to buy before others
preempt : precedence :: acquire : possession

[prin] v. ( ) , ; :
1. a. to smooth or clean (feathers) with the beak or bill
b. to trim or clean (fur) with the tongue, as cats do
2. to dress or groom (oneself) with elaborate care; primp
3. to take pride or satisfaction in (oneself); gloat
preen : self-satisfaction :: fume : anger (A = B )
fume (, ) ; ,
ingenuous : dissemble :: raffish : preen :: polite : snub
dissemble ,
raffish , , ,
snub ;
miser : hoard :: dandy : preen :: sycophant : fawn :: pundit : opine
preen ruffle, rumple
ruffle , , ; ,

rumple to wrinkle or form into folds or creases

preface [prfis] n.
1. a. a preliminary statement or essay introducing a book
that explains its scope, intention, or background and is
usually written by the author
b. an introductory section, as of a speech
2. something introductory; a preliminary
preface : book :: overture : symphony
preface epilogue, afterword, conclusion, appendix
prefatory conclusive
preference [prfrns] n. ,
preference : insistence ::
prefigure [prifgjr] v. ,
1. to suggest, indicate, or represent by an antecedent form
or model; presage or foreshadow
2. to imagine or picture to oneself in advance

pregnant [prgnnt] a. ;,,;

1. carrying developing offspring within the body
2. a. weighty or significant; full of meaning
b. of great or potentially great import, implication, or
3. filled or fraught; replete
4. having a profusion of ideas; creative or inventive
5. producing results; fruitful
fraught , ...
replete , ;
inane expressive, meaningful, pregnant, significant, weighty
inane , ; , lacking sense or substance;
prehensile [prihnsil, -sail]
prehensile unable to grasp


prejudice [prddis] n. , v.
1. a. an adverse judgment or opinion formed beforehand or
without knowledge or examination of the facts
b. a preconceived preference or idea
2. the act or state of holding unreasonable preconceived
judgments or convictions
3. irrational suspicion or hatred of a particular group, race, or
4. detriment or injury caused to a person by the preconceived,
unfavorable conviction of another or others
prejudiced disinterested
preliminary [prilmnri / -nri] a. , ,
: prior to or preparing for the main matter, action, or
business; introductory or prefatory
premeditated [primdtitid] a.
: characterized by deliberate purpose, previous consideration,
and some degree of planning
premeditated impulsive, offhand, extemporized, accidental,
spontaneous, unintentional, inadvertent, chance
chance a. ,
premonition [primnn] n. ,
1. a presentiment of the future; a foreboding
2. a warning in advance; a forewarning
preoccupation [pri:kjpi:n] n. , ; ,
1. the state of being preoccupied; absorption of the attention
or intellect
2. something that preoccupies or engrosses the mind
3. occupation of a place in advance; preoccupancy
impartial : preoccupation ::
preoccupation unconcern
preponderant [pripndrnt / -pn-] a. ,
: having superior weight, force, importance, or influence
* preponderance
preeminence : importance :: preponderance : weight
preeminent , superior to or notable above all others;
preponderant commensurate, secondary, subordinate, unimportant,
subsidiary, insignificant, concomitant, negligible, minor, lesser
(subsequent )
commensurate , ; ; ,

subsidiary , ; ;
concomitant ; occurring or existing concurrently;


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

preponderance minor, lesser, insignificance

prepossessing [prpzsi] a. : ATTRACTIVE
: serving to impress favorably; pleasing
unprepossessing entrancing, winsome
entrance n. , v. ,
trance , ; ,
winsome , ; charming, often in a
childlike or naive way
preposterous [pripstrs / -ps-] a. ,
: contrary to nature, reason. or common sense; absurd
preposterous commonsensical, reasonable, logical, rational
prerogative [prirgtiv|-g-] n. , ; ( )
1. an exclusive right or privilege held by a person or group,
especially a hereditary or official right
2. the exclusive right and power to command, decide, rule,
or judge
3. a natural gift or advantage that confers superiority
4. characteristic superiority; preeminence

[prsid, prisid] n. ; ; v. () :
1. an indication or a warning of a future occurrence; an
2. a feeling or an intuition of what is going to occur; a
3. prophetic significance or meaning
harbinger : presage :: archetype : exemplify
harbinger ; , one that indicates or foreshadows
what is to come; a forerunner
archetype , ,

prescience [prins, pr-] n. ,

: knowledge of actions or events before they occur;
dexterous : manipulate :: prescient : predict (clairvoyant : oversee
prescience : future :: erudition : esoteric
prescience : myopia :: mercurial : commitment
prescience : foresee ::
prescience myopia
myopia ; ,
prescription [priskrpn] n.
* prescribe v. , , ; ;
overdose : prescription :: indiscretion : convention
indiscretion , ,
prescribe divest, relieve, follow
presentiment [prizntmnt] n. , : PREMONITION
: a sense that something is about to occur; a premonition
premonition ,
preservative [prizrvtiv] n.
censorship : communication :: preservative : decay :: seal : leakage
preservative : decay :: anchor : drift, shift

eclipse : prestige :: enfeeble : vigor

abase : prestige :: damp : ardor
presumptuous [prizmptus] a. ,
INSOLENT : going beyond what is right or proper;
excessively forward
transgression : morality :: presumption : propriety
transgress (, ) ; ( )
propriety , , ,
presumptuous : unruly ::
unruly , difficult or impossible to
discipline, control, or rule
presumptuous humble
pretend [pritnd] v. , ;
1. to give a false appearance of; feign
2. to claim or allege insincerely or falsely; profess
3. to represent fictitiously in play; make believe
4. to take upon oneself; venture
* pretense [pritns] n. , ; ,
* pretentious adj.
pretense : deceive :: admonition : reprove
pretentious unaffected, unassuming
preternatural [prtrntrl]
a. ,
1. out of or being beyond the normal course of nature;
differing from the natural
2. surpassing the normal or usual; extraordinary
3. transcending the natural or material order; supernatural
preternatural ordinary, prosaic

[privil] vi. , ; :
1. to be greater in strength or influence; triumph
2. to be or become effective; win out
3. to be most common or frequent; be predominant
4. to be in force, use, or effect; be current
prevail yield

prevalent [prvlnt] a. ,
: widely or commonly occurring, existing, accepted, or
prevalent unusual, absent
prevalence absence, rareness
prevaricate [privrkit] vi. : EQUIVOCATE
: to stray from or evade the truth
blandishment : coax :: prevarication : deceive
equivocation : clarity :: prevarication : truth
prevaricator : mislead :: philanthropist : endow
prevaricate : candid ::
prevarication veracity
veracity ; ,
prickly [prkli] a. ; , ;
1. having prickles
2. marked by prickling or tingling or smarting
3. a. causing trouble or vexation; thorny b. bristling or
prickly smooth

press [pres] v. ; (iron); ( ) ,

, ()
press withdrawal

prim [prim] adj. , ,

prim improper/informal

prestige [prestd, prstid] n. , ; ,

1. the level of respect at which one is regarded by others;
2. a person's high standing among others; honor or esteem
3. widely recognized prominence, distinction, or importance

prime [praim] a. , , ; , ;
1. first in excellence, quality, or value
2. first in degree or rank; chief
3. first or early in time, order, or sequence; original


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

prime uninitial
primordial [praimrdil] a. ,
1. being or happening first in sequence of time; original
2. primary or fundamental
primordial most recent
primp [primp] v.
: to dress or groom (oneself) with meticulous or excessive
attention to detail
primp : vain :: gloat : smug
gloat to feel or express great, often malicious,
pleasure or self-satisfaction
smug , ; ,
principal [prnspl] a. , n. () ,
1. first, highest, or foremost in importance, rank, worth, or
degree; chief
2. of, relating to, or being financial principal, or a principal
in a financial transaction
queen : monarch :: principal : administrator
principal subordinate

proclivity aversion, antipathy, disinclination

procrastinate [proukrstnit] v. ,
: to put off doing something, especially out of habitual
carelessness or laziness
dilatory : procrastinate :: malcontent : complain
malcontent , dissatisfied with existing conditions
husbandry : dissipate :: alacrity : procrastinate (OPPOSITE)
husbandry , , ; ,
procrastinate hasten, rush
procrastination diligence
procure [proukjr, pr-] v.t.
: to get by special effort; obtain or acquire
1. to get by special effort; obtain or acquire
2. to bring about; effect
3. to obtain for another (a person) for sex acts
procure relinquish

[prd / prd] v.t. ; , : STIR

1. to jab or poke, as with a pointed object
2. to goad to action; incite
doze : sleepiness :: nudge : prod
doze ,
nudge ;
rein prod
rein ; , ; ,

principled [prnspld] a. , , ~
principled unscrupulous
prissy [prsi] a. , : FINICKY
: excessively or affectedly prim and proper

[prstin, -tain] a. , ;
, : PURE
1. a. remaining in a pure state; uncorrupted by civilization
b. remaining free from dirt or decay; clean
2. of, relating to, or typical of the earliest time or condition;
primitive or original
pristine : decay :: stable : fluctuation :: still : movement
adulterate : pristine :: dismantle : united
pristine : blemish ::
blemish n. v. , , to mar or impair by a flaw
pristine tainted, squalid, contaminated, corrupted by civilization,
taint , ; , ; , to become affected with
decay or putrefaction; spoil
squalid , ;

privation [praivin] n. , ; ,
1. a. lack of the basic necessities or comforts of life
b. the condition resulting from such lack
2. an act, condition, or result of deprivation or loss
privation repletion
repletion , ,
privilege [prvlid] n. : PREROGATIVE
prerogative , ; ( )
probe [proub] v.
1. to explore with or as if with a probe
2. to delve into; investigate
probity [prubti, prb-] n. ,
: complete and confirmed integrity; uprightness
probity : disingenuous :: :
probity mendacity, unscrupulousness, shiftiness, duplicity,
shiftiness, crookedness (impertinence )
scrupulous , ; ,
shifty , ; , ;
proclivity [prouklvti] n.
: a natural propensity or inclination; predisposition

prodigal [prdigl / prd-] a. : LAVISH

1. rashly or wastefully extravagant
2. marked by rash or wasteful extravagance
3. giving or given in abundance; lavish or profuse
generosity : prodigality :: courage : rashness
mean : prodigality :: meek : arrogance
mean , () ; ; , ; ,

meek ; ,
miser : parsimonious :: spendthrift : prodigal
prodigal : conserved :: (OPPOSITE)
parsimonious : save :: prodigal : spend (A >> B)
parsimonious () excessively sparing or frugal
prodigality : spending :: gluttony : eating
prodigality husbandry, penury
prodigal frugal, parsimonious, economical, thrifty, stingy, conserved
[prdds] a. , (enormous);
1. impressively great in size, force, or extent; enormous
2. extraordinary; marvelous
prodigious slight
prodigy [prddi / prd-] n. , ; /
1. a person with exceptional talents or powers
2. an act or event so extraordinary or rare as to inspire
3. a portentous sign or event; an omen
prodigy : person :: miracle : occurrence
mediocrity : prodigy :: (OPPOSITE)
mediocrity , ; ()
mediocre moderate to inferior in quality; ordinary
prodigious : amaze ::
profane [prfin, prou-] v. ; / :
1. to treat with irreverence
2. to put to an improper, unworthy, or degrading use; abuse
profane : inviolable :: pierce : impenetrable :: change : immutable
inviolable , secure from violation or profanation
profane, impure inviolable, unviolated, treat reverently, moral,


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)
prolific barren, unproductive

reverent, gracious
proffer [prfr / prfr] v. : TENDER, OFFER
: to offer for acceptance; tender
tender to offer formally
proffer retain, withhold
proficient [prfnt] a.
: having or marked by an advanced degree of competence,
as in an art, vocation, profession, or branch of learning
proficient inept, incompetent

[prfligit, -git / prf-] a. , :

1. given over to dissipation; dissolute
2. recklessly wasteful; wildly extravagant
profligate : solvent :: mercurial : committed
(profligate solvency() , mercurial
commitment(, ) 3 sec3 16)
loquacious, garrulous : words :: profligate : money
parsimonious : profligacy :: impetuous : hesitance
profligate parsimonious, frugal, economical, thrift, economized,
provident ,
profligacy temperance, frugality, stinginess
temperance , , ,

profundity [prfndti] n. , ; , ; (abyss)

1. great depth
2. depth of intellect, feeling, or meaning
3. something profound or abstruse
* profound a.
profundity superficiality
shallowness profundity
facile arduous, profound
profuse [prfj:s] a. ,
1. plentiful; copious
2. giving or given freely and abundantly; extravagant
* profusion [prfjn] n. ;
1. the state of being profuse; abundance
2. lavish or unrestrained expense; extravagance
3. a profuse outpouring or quantity
profuse stinting
profusion paucity, scanty, skimpy
paucity ; ,
1. smallness of number; fewness
2. scarcity; dearth
scanty ; barely sufficient or adequate;
insufficient, as in extent or degree
prohibitive [prouhbtiv] a. ; ()
1. prohibiting; forbidding
2. so high or burdensome as to discourage purchase or use
3. so likely to win as to discourage competition
veto : prohibitive :: overture : introductory (CHARACTER)
prohibitive : purchase :: peremptory : dispute
peremptory , ; (dispute )
prohibitive reasonable
projection [prdktn]
projection concavity

prolix [proulks] a. ,
1. tediously prolonged; wordy
2. tending to speak or write at excessive length
* prolixity n.
aphorism : prolix :: euphemism : offensive
concise, pithy, succinct, taciturn, terse prolix
prolixity succinctness, conciseness, extreme brevity, rereness
prologue [prul:g] v. , ; ,
1. an introduction or a preface, especially a poem recited to
introduce a play
2. an introduction or introductory chapter, as to a novel
3. an introductory act, event, or period
prologue : novel :: preamble : statute
prologue epilogue
prolong [proul, -l] v.t.
1. to lengthen in duration; protract
2. to lengthen in extent
prolong truncate

[prmnnt / prm-] a. ; ; ,
1. projecting outward or upward from a line or surface;
2. immediately noticeable; conspicuous
3. widely known; eminent
prominent : notice :: lucid : understand
eclipse make more prominent, bring to more prominent
prominence unimportance, triviality, obscurity (fraudulence )
prominent inconspicuous

promiscuous [prmskjus] adj. , ,

abstinence : drunkenness :: celibacy : promiscuity
promote [prmut] v.t. , : FURTHER
1. a. to raise to a more important or responsible job or rank
b. to advance (a student) to the next higher grade
2. to contribute to the progress or growth of; further
3. to urge the adoption of; advocate
4. to attempt to sell or popularize by advertising or publicity
5. to help to establish or organize (a new enterprise), as by
securing financial backing
abate intensify, promote
promulgate [prmlgit, proumlgeit / prmlgit] v.
1. to make known (a decree, for example) by public
declaration; announce officially
2. to put (a law) into effect by formal public announcement
promulgate keep secrete, hide
proofread [pr:fr:d] v.
: to read (copy or proof) in order to find errors and mark
proofread : document :: reconcile : account
diagnose : treat :: proofread : correct

[prpgit / prp-] v.t. ; ,

, , ( ); EXTEND
1. to cause (an organism) to multiply or breed
2. to breed (offspring)
3. to transmit (characteristics) from one generation to
4. to cause to extend to a broader area or larger number;
5. to make widely known; publicize

n. , ; ; ,

proliferate [proulfrit] v. ;
1. to grow or multiply by rapidly producing new tissue,
parts, cells, or offspring
2. to increase or spread at a rapid rate
proliferate dwindle, decrease in amount
dwindle to become gradually less until little remains


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

propagate check, fail to multiply

propagation extirpation
extirpate , ,


1. a. consisting or characteristic of prose b. matter-of-fact;
2. lacking in imagination and spirit; dull
prosaic : extraordinary ::
prosaic exceptional, imaginary, exciting, extraordinary, ingenious,
preternatural, inspired
preternatural , ,


[prpnsti] n.
: an innate inclination; a tendency
propensity aversion, antipathy, distaste

prophecy [prfisi|prf-] n. (); ()

1. a. an inspired utterance of a prophet, viewed as a
revelation of divine will
b. a prediction of the future, made under divine inspiration
c. such an inspired message or prediction transmitted orally
or in writing
2. the vocation or condition of a prophet
3. a prediction
* prophetic [prftik] a. , :
* prophet
apocalyptic : prophetic :: inconsequential : illogical
mentor : guidance :: oracle : prophecy
prophet : prognostication :: :
prophylactic [pruflktik, prf- / prf-] adj.
1 : guarding from or preventing the spread or occurrence of
disease or infection
2 : tending to prevent or ward off : PREVENTIVE
prophylactic causing
prolific [prlfik] a. , ;
1. producing offspring or fruit in great abundance; fertile
2. producing abundant works or results

[prpiit] v.t. , : APPEASE,

: to conciliate (an offended power); appease
immutable : altered :: implacable : propitiated (OPPOSITE)
inalienable : surrendered :: implacable : propitiated
inalienable that cannot be transferred to another or
propitiate incense, antagonize, denounce, arouse hostility
incense to cause to be extremely angry; infuriate

propitious [prps] a. , : BENEVOLENT

1. presenting favorable circumstances; auspicious
2. kindly; gracious
* unpropitious adj. ,
unpropitious favorable and anticipated, fortunate, auspicious,
propitious, fortunate
unfavorable, inauspicious propitious
auspicious ,
dire pleasant, fortunate, propitious, favorable
proponent [prpunnt] n. , ;
: one who argues in support of something; an advocate
proponent detractor
proposal [prpuzl] n. ; , ;
1. the act of proposing
2. a plan that is proposed
3. an offer of marriage

[prpriti] n. , ; ,
1. the quality of being proper; appropriateness
2. conformity to prevailing customs and usages
indecorous : propriety :: boorish : sensitivity
propriety impertinentness



proscribe [prouskrib] v. , : PROHIBIT

1. to denounce or condemn
2. to prohibit; forbid
3. a. to banish or outlaw (a person)
b. to publish the name of (a person) as outlawed
* proscribed
proscribed : permitted :: (OPPOSITE)
proscribe sanction
proscribed permitted
proscription permission
prosecute [prskj :t|prs-] v. , ; ( )
, ;
1. (law) a. to initiate civil or criminal court action against
b. to seek to obtain or enforce by legal action
2. a. to pursue (an undertaking, for example) until
completion; follow to the very end
b. to chase or pursue (a vessel)
3. to carry on, engage in, or practice
mediation : compromise :: prosecution : conviction (A B)
prosecution [prskjn / pr-] n.
1. the act or process of prosecuting; specifically
2. the institution and continuance of a criminal suit involving
the process of pursuing formal charges against an
offender to final judgment
proselytize [prsltiz / prs-] v. /()
- to induce someone to convert to one's own religious faith
- to induce someone to join one's own political party or to
espouse one's doctrine
- to convert from one belief, doctrine, cause, or faith to
proselytizer : convert :: mediator : reconcile
reconcile ;
salesperson : buy :: proselytizer : convert :: swindler : cheat
proselytize : convert :: grandstand : impress
prospect [prspkt] v. ( )
: to search for or explore (a region) for mineral deposits or oil
prospect : mineral :: investigate : information (A seek B)
investigate to observe or inquire into in detail; examine systematically
prosperous [prsprs / prs-] a. ; : PALMY
1. having success; flourishing
2. well-do-do; well-off
3. propitious; favorable
palmy : prosperity :: draconian : severity (EQUAL)
palmy ; / prosperous; flourishing
impecunious wealthy, prosperous, affluent
impecunious , lacking money; penniless
prosperous depressed

[prstreit/prstrit] v., , a.
1. to make (oneself) bow or kneel down in humility or
2. to throw down flat
3. to lay low; overcome
prostrate erect, upright, strengthen, uphold, stand upright, stand

a. , : DULL,


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)
divine direction

protagonist [proutgnist] n. (, ) , ;
1. the main character in a drama or other literary work
2. in ancient Greek drama, the first actor to engage in
dialogue with the chorus, in later dramas playing the
main character and some minor characters as well
3. a. a leading or principal figure
b. the leader of a cause; a champion
4. a proponent; an advocate
protean [prutin, proutn] a. : VERSATILE
1. readily taking on varied shapes, forms, or meanings
2. exhibiting considerable variety or diversity
circular : asymmetrical :: protean : rigid (OPPOSITE)
protean static
protest [prtst] v. ;
1. to object to, especially in a formal statement
2. to promise or affirm with earnest solemnity
3. (law) to declare (a bill) dishonored or refused
protest : dissuade :: supplicate : entreat (A >> B)
supplicate / to ask for humbly or earnestly, as by
entreat ;
1. to make an earnest request of
2. to ask for earnestly; petition for
protocol [prutkl, -kl / -kl] n. ;
1. a. the forms of ceremony and etiquette observed by
diplomats and heads of state
b. a code of correct conduct
2. the first copy of a treaty or other such document before
its ratification
3. a preliminary draft or record of a transaction
4. the plan for a course of medical treatment or for a
scientific experiment
protocol : blunder :: bumper : damage
grammar : language :: protocol : conduct
protract [proutrkt] v. ,
: to draw out or lengthen in time; prolong
protract : length :: throng : number
protract curtail, truncate, abridge, abbreviate, summarize, shorten,
protracted transient, curt
protrude [pro:utr:d] v. ,
: to push or thrust outward
protrude concave
protrusion [proutrn] n.
1 : the act of protruding : the state of being protruded
2 : something (as an anatomical part or excrescence) that
synonyms see PROJECTION
protrusion deep recess
protuberant [proutjbrnt] a. ; , :
: swelling outward; bulging
protuberant depressed, recessed
protuberance concavity, depression
providence [prvidns|prv-] n. , ;
1. care or preparation in advance; foresight
2. prudent management; economy
3. the care, guardianship, and control exercised by a deity;

[prvdnt / pr-] a. ; :
1. providing for future needs or events
2. frugal; economical
provident profligate, spendthrift
profligate , ;


providential [prvdnl / pr-] a. ,

1. of or resulting from divine providence
2. happening as if through divine intervention; opportune
providence n. , ;
providential unfortunate, mishap
provincial [prvnl] a. , ; , ;
1. of or relating to a province
2. of or characteristic of people from the provinces; not
fashionable or sophisticated
3. limited in perspective narrow and self-centered
bigot : tolerant :: provincial : cosmopolitan
provincial, factionalism ecumenical
ecumenical , of worldwide scope or applicability;
provincial refined
provisional [prvnl] a. : TEMPORARY
: provided or serving only for the time being
definitive provisional
proviso [prvizou] n. ,
: a clause in a document making a qualification, condition, or
provisory [prvizri] a.
: depending on a proviso; conditional
provisory unconditional
provoke [prvuk] v.t. : EVOKE
1. to incite to anger or resentment
2. to stir to action or feeling
3. to give rise to; evoke
4. to bring about deliberately; induce
suppress : stimulate :: calm : provoke (OPPOSITE)
taunt : provoke :: plot : outwit (A B )
provoke : anger ::
choleric difficult to provoke
choleric , easily angered; bad-tempered
jejune thought provoking
jejune ; , ; ,
prowess [pruis] n. ;
1. superior skill or ability
2. superior strength, courage, or daring, especially in battle
prowess timidity
prowl [praul] v., ,
: to roam through stealthily, as in search of prey or plunder
prowl : prey :: reconnoiter : information :: canvass : votes
reconnoiter ; /
proximal [prksml] a. ,
: nearest; proximate
proximal distal, distant
distal [dstl] ,
proximal distinctive
proximity [prksmti / prks-] n. (, )
: the state, quality, sense, or fact of being near or next;


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

proximity distance
proximate remote

1. belonging to childhood; juvenile

2. immature; childish
puerile mature, prudent, (venerable)

prude [prud] n. ,
: one who is excessively concerned with being or appearing
to be proper, modest, or righteous
fanatic : devoted :: prude : proper (A >> B)

pugnacious [pgnis] adj.

: having a quarrelsome or combative nature : TRUCULENT
synonyms see BELLIGERENT
pugnacious pacific, agreeable, peaceful, conciliatory, attractive

prudent [prdnt] a. ; : DISCREET

1. wise in handling practical matters; exercising good
judgment or common sense
2. careful in regard to one's own interests; provident
3. careful about one's conduct; circumspect
prudence : daredevil :: sagacity : simpleton
sagacity , the quality of being discerning, sound in
judgment, and farsighted; wisdom
fool prudent

puissance [pjisns, pwsns] n. , POWER, MIGHT

clout impuissance
clout (, ) ; , ()
puissance powerlessness

prudish [prdi] a. : PRIGGISH

: marked by or exhibiting the characteristics of a prude;
prig ,
scholarly : pedantic :: modest : prudish (A << B)
prudish : propriety :: finicky : quality
prune [prun] n.
prune : plum :: raisin : grape
prune [pru:n.] v. , , ; ,
1. to cut off or remove dead or living parts or branches of (a
plant, for example) to improve shape or growth
2. to remove or cut out as superfluous
3. to reduce
prune : hedge :: trim : hair
[prai] v.
: to look or inquire closely, curiously, or inquisitively, often
in a furtive manner
prying : inquisitive :: garish : colorful :: importune : request (A >> B)
garish , ;
pry : watch :: connive : cooperative

pulchritude [plkrtjd] n. ,
: great physical beauty and appeal
pulchritude ugliness, hideousness, homeliness, unsightliness,
hideous , ; ,
homely , ; , ; ,
unsightly , ,
pulchritudinous hideous
pullet [plit] n.
filly : horse :: pullet : chicken
filly ; () a lively, high-spirited girl
pulverize [plvriz] v. ;
1. to pound, crush, or grind to a powder or dust
2. to demolish
pulverable : crumbed :: lucid : comprehended
pulverize solidify, make whole

[pn] n. ( ) ,
: a play on words, sometimes on different senses of the same
word and sometimes on the similar sense or sound of
different words
pun : joke :: supernova : star :: termite : insect
termite (white ant)


psalm [sam] n. , , ()
psalm : poem :: church : building
pseudonym [s:d:nim] n. , , (pen name)
: a fictitious name assumed by an author; a pen name
pseudonym : name :: mask : face
psychology [saikldi / -kl-] n.
fungi : ecologist :: motivation : psychologist
pucker [pkr] v. ,
: to gather into small wrinkles or folds
astringent : pucker :: coagulant : congeal
pucker : mouth :: squint : eye

punch line [pnt lain] n.

: the climax of a joke or humorous story
joke : punch line :: plot : denouement
punctilious [pktlis] a. (, ) ,
1. strictly attentive to minute details of form in action or
2. precise; scrupulous
dawdler : punctilious :: philistine : cultivated (OPPOSITE) philistine
punctilious remiss, slipshod, careless, easygoing, negligent, casual
remiss , ; ,
puncture [pktr] v. , ;
puncture : deflated :: jar : unsettled
jar n. v. , ; ; ( )


pundit [pndit] n. ,
authoritativeness : pundits :: allegiance : partisans
allegiance , ,
pundit : opine :: miser : hoard :: dandy : preen :: sycophant : fawn ::
recidivist : relapse :: augur : predict
recidivism /
relapse ( ) ;

puddle [pdl] n. , v. ,
puddle : lake :: (A<<B)

pungent [pndnt] a. () ; : CAUSTIC

1. affecting the organs of taste or smell with a sharp, acrid
2. a. penetrating, biting, or caustic
b. to the point; sharp

[pki] a. ; , : IMPISH,
puckish sober, grave, staid, serious
staid ,
grave , , , ,


[pjril, -ril]



GRE 6.0 (2008 7)
winnow : chaff :: filter : impurities
winnow : grain :: purify : water
distill : purity :: leaven : volume (A B )
leaven ;
alloy : purity :: thinness : density (OPPOSITE)
inviolable profane, impure
inviolable ,

3. pointed
pungent : odor :: caustic : comment
pungency blandness
punitive [pjntiv] adj.
: inflicting, involving, or aiming at punishment
punitive rewarding

[pjni] a. , : WEAK
: of inferior size, strength, or significance
measly : contemptibly :: puny : weakly
measly ; , ;
puny enormous

[p :rts] v. n. ; , ;
) ; () ; ,
1. a. the act or an instance of buying
b. something bought
c. acquisition through the payment of money or its
2. a grip applied manually or mechanically to move
something or prevent it from slipping
3. a device, such as a tackle or lever, used to obtain
mechanical advantage
4. a position, as of a lever or one's feet, affording means to
move or secure a weight
5. a. a means of increasing power or influence
b. an advantage that is used in exerting one's power
splint : mobility :: ballast : instability :: purchase : slippery
peremptory : dispute :: prohibitive : purchase (A prevent B)

[prlju] n. , , ; :
1. an outlying or neighboring area
2. purlieus outskirts; the environs
3. a place that one frequents
taut : commodiousness :: extraordinary : purlieu (OPPOSITE)
taut ; ; ,
purlieu infrequently visited place, an unfrequent/unfamiliar place



purebred [pjurbrd] a.
: of or belonging to a recognized strain established by
breeding individuals of unmixed lineage over many
hybrid purebred
purgatory [prgtri/-tri] n. ; ;
( )
1. (Roman Catholic Church) a state in which the souls of
those who have died in grace must expiate their sins
2. a place or condition of suffering, expiation, or remorse
expiate , to make amends or reparation for;

purloin [prlin] v.
: to steal, often in a violation of trust
lurk : wait :: abscond : depart :: purloin : take :: ( A
defective, purloin : appropriate defective
lurk , ; ( ) ,
purvey [prvi] v. ,
1. to supply (food, for example); furnish
2. to advertise or circulate
vendor : purvey :: censor : expurgate
pusillanimous [pjslnms] a. , lacking
courage; cowardly
pusillanimous stouthearted, dauntless, valiant, gallant, heroic,
courageous, valiant
dauntless , incapable of being intimidated or
discouraged; fearless
brave; courageous
gallant , ,
pusillanimity, circumspection temerity, valiance
temerity , foolhardy disregard of danger; recklessness
valiance ,
putative [pjttiv] adj.
: commonly accepted or supposed
: assumed to exist or to have existed
putative undisputed

purist [pjrist] n. ,
one who practices or urges strict correctness, especially in
the use of words
stickler : approximation, imprecision :: purist : adulteration
heretic purist
purist radical, liberal
radical ; , ,

putrefaction [pjtrfkn] n.
1 : the decomposition of organic matter; especially : the
typically anaerobic splitting of proteins by bacteria and
fungi with the formation of foul-smelling incompletely
oxidized products
2 : the state of being putrefied : CORRUPTION

purity [pjrti] n. , ;
1. the quality or condition of being pure
2. a quantitative assessment of homogeneity or uniformity
3. freedom from sin or guilt; innocence; chastity
4. the absence in speech or writing of slang or other
elements deemed inappropriate to good style
chastity ,
purify : imperfection :: verify : doubtfulness
purification : dross :: desalinization : salt
desalinize, desalt
purist : adulteration :: stickler : approximation
mosquito : netting :: impurity : filter
synopsis : conciseness :: distillate : purity
distillate , , a purified form; an essence

quack [kwk] n. ; (charlatan)
1. an untrained person who pretends to be a physician and
dispenses medical advice and treatment
2. a charlatan; a mountebank
quack honest practitioner
quaff [kwf, kwf] v.
: to drink (a beverage) heartily
quaff : sip :: stride : mince
stride to walk with long steps, especially in a hasty or
vigorous way
mince vi. ;


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)
mine : ore :: quarry : rock, stone
quarry : marble :: mine : coal
aspirant : quarry :: hunter : prey (A = B )

quaff : sip :: delve : skim

delve , to search deeply and
quagmire [kwgmair] n. , , ,
quagmire : stuck ::

quartet [kwrtt] n. 4, 4; 4
quartet : singer :: score : note :: triptych : panel


quash [kw / kw] v. ,

: to put down or suppress forcibly and completely
quash, quell engender, foment
engender , ,

[kweil] vi. , : COWER

: to shrink back in fear
quail become resolute, give bold

quaint [kweint] a. : ODD

1. odd, especially in an old-fashioned way
2. unfamiliar or unusual in character; strange
quaint new, normal
qualified [kwlfid / kwl-] a. ;
1. having the appropriate qualifications for an office, a
position, or a task
2. limited, restricted, or modified
mitigate : severe :: qualify : general (OPPOSITE)
absolute, categorical, unreserved qualified, conditional
categorical ; , being without exception
or qualification; absolute
qualm [kwm, kwm] n. ; ,
1. a sudden feeling of sickness, faintness, or nausea
2. a sudden disturbing feeling
3. an uneasy feeling about the propriety or rightness of a
course of action
qualm : unscrupulous :: fear : dauntless (A B )
demur : qualms :: waver : irresoluteness
demur ; ,
quandary [kwndri / kwn-] n. ,
: a state of uncertainty or perplexity
quandary state of complete certainty, certitude, certainty
quandary : perplex ::
quarantine [kwrntn] n. ( )
1. a. a period of time during which a vehicle, person, or
material suspected of carrying a contagious disease is
detained at a port of entry under enforced isolation to
prevent disease from entering a country
b. a place for such detention
2. enforced isolation or restriction of free movement
imposed to prevent the spread of contagious disease
3. a condition of enforced isolation
4. a period of 40 days
embargo : commerce :: quarantine : contact
embargo ; , ,
hedge : loss :: quarantine : contamination :: safeguard : accident
hedge ,
quarrelsome [kw(:)rlsm] adj. , ,

quarrelsome agreeable, peaceable, pacific

[kwri / kwri] n. v. , (,
n. 1. a. a hunted animal; prey b. hunted animals considered
as a group; game
2. an object of pursuit
v. 1. to obtain (stone) from a quarry, as by cutting, digging,
or blasting
2. to extract (facts, for example) by long, careful searching

quatrain [kwtrein / kwt-] n. 4

: a stanza or poem of four lines
quatrain : stanza :: eulogy : speech
couplet 2 , triplet 3 , sextet 6 , octave 8
, sonnet 14
stanza (), () : one of the divisions of a poem,
composed of two or more lines usually characterized by a common
pattern of meter, rhyme, and number of lines
quaver [kwivr] v. ;
1. to quiver, as from weakness; tremble
2. to speak in a quivering voice; utter a quivering sound
3. (music) to produce a trill on an instrument or with the vice
voice : quaver :: hand : tremble
queasy [kw :zi] adj. ,
1. experiencing nausea; nauseated
2. easily nauseated
3. causing nausea; sickening: the queasy lurch of an airplane
during a storm
4. a. causing uneasiness b. uneasy; troubled.
* queasiness
queasiness : nauseating :: sleepiness : soporific

[kwel] v.t. ; ,
1. to put down forcibly; suppress
2. to pacify; quiet
irrepressible : quell :: obdurate : move
quell, quash, quench arouse, foment, instigate, rouse, incite, stir up

quench [kwent] v.t. ; ;

1. to put out (a fire, for example); extinguish
2. to suppress; squelch
3. to put an end to; destroy
4. to slake; satisfy
quench ignite
querulous [kwrjls] a.
1. given to complaining; peevish
2. expressing a complaint or grievance; grumbling
querulous : complain :: voluble : talk :: prodigal : spend
querulous : complaint :: obsequious, sycophantic : flattery
querulous : words :: profligate : money
query [kw(:)ri] n. , v. ~ ,
query answer


quest [kwest] n. ,
: the act or an instance of seeking or pursuing something; a
quest : reply :: command : action
questionnaire [kwstnr] n. ( ) (),

: a printed form containing a set of questions, especially one

addressed to a statistically significant number of subjects
as a way of gathering information for a survey




GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

: a waiting line especially of persons or vehicles

colonnade : pillar :: queue : person
person : queue :: scene : panorama
queue : people :: chain : link
quibble [kwbl] v. ;
1. to evade the truth or importance of an issue by raising
trivial distinctions and objections
2. to find fault or criticize for petty reason; cavil
n. a petty distinction or an irrelevant objection
quibble : objection :: minutia : details
quibble : carp :: nitpicker : cavil
quibbling : cavil :: faultfinding : criticize
encomiast : eulogize :: quibbler : cavil
nitpicker : criticize :: quibbler : cavil
nitpick; to be concerned with or find fault with insignificant details
quibble : failing :: rift : breach (A << B)
failing ;
rift ; ( ) ,
quibble speak straightforward
quill [kwil]
abacus : calculator :: quill : pen ( ( ))
quill :

[kwksnd] n. ,

1. a bed of loose sand mixed with water forming a soft,
shifting mass that yields easily to pressure and tends to
engulf any object on its surface
2. often quicksands a place or situation into which entry
can be swift and sudden but from which extrication can
be difficult or impossible

quiescent [kwaisnt] a.
: being quiet, still, or at rest; inactive
* quiescence n.
quietude, quiescence tumult, restless activity, action
quietude [kwitj:d] , tranquility
quiescent rambunctious
rambunctious , ,
quiescence, quietude action, restless activity, tumult
quietude , ,
[kwip] n. ; ; ; : GIBE
1. a clever, witty remark often prompted by the occasion
2. a clever, often sarcastic remark; a gibe
3. a petty distinction or objection; a quibble
4. something curious or odd
gibe , to make taunting, heckling, or jeering
quip remark solemn remark

1. a proportional share, as of goods, assigned to a group or to

each member of a group; an allotment
2. the maximum number, especially of people, that may be
admitted to a nation, a group, or an institution
quota unlimited number
[kwoutdin] a. , : COMMONPLACE,
1. everyday; commonplace
2. recurring daily
quotidian remarkable, striking, extraordinary, unusual


rabble [rb-l] n. ; , ; : MOB
1. a tumultuous crowd; a mob
2. the lowest or coarsest class of people
items : hodgepodge :: people : rabble
rabid [rbid] a. , : FURIOUS, FANATICAL
1. of or affected by rabies()
2. raging; uncontrollable
3. extremely zealous or enthusiastic; fanatical
* rabies n.
rabies : disease :: (A B )
rabid impassionate, detached, noncommittal
racketeer [rkitr] n. ,
: a person who commits crimes such as extortion,
loansharking(), bribery, and obstruction of
justice in furtherance of illegal business activities
raconteur [rknt :r|-k n-] n.
: one who tells stories and anecdotes with skill and wit
raconteur : storytelling :: wordsmith : writing

[risi] a. ; ,
1. having a distinctive and characteristic quality or taste
2. strong and sharp in flavor or odor; piquant or pungent
3. vigorous; lively
tame racy
tame ; ; ,


quisling [kwzli] n.
: a traitor who serves as the puppet of the enemy
occupying his or her country
puppet ; ,
juggernaut : crush :: quisling : betray (A B )

[kwikstik / -st-] a. ; ()

1. caught up in the romance of noble deeds and the pursuit

of unreachable goals; idealistic without regard to
2. capricious; impulsive
quixotic : idealistic :: touchy : sensitive
quixotic displaying consistently practical behavior, practical,



radical [rdikl] a. ; , ,
1. arising from or going to a root or source; basic
2. departing markedly from the usual or customary; extreme
3. favoring or effecting fundamental or revolutionary
changed in current practices, conditions, or institutions
purist radical, liberal
radical conventional
raffish [rfi] a. ,
1. cheaply or showily vulgar in appearance or nature; tawdry
2. characterized by a carefree or fun-loving
unconventionality; rakish
ingenuous : dissemble :: raffish : preen :: polite : snub (OPPOSITE)
dissemble , ,
snub , ;
raffish : decorum :: merciless : leniency (OPPOSITE, :)
lenient , inclined not to be harsh or strict; merciful,
generous, or indulgent
raffish august
raffle [rf-l] n.
: a lottery in which a number of persons buy chances to win a

n. ;


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)
rally disband
disband v. ,
rally : enthusiasm :: enchant : fascination (B(:) A(

lottery : raffle :: ticket : admission ( ,

rafter [rftr, rftr] n. ,
: one of the sloping beams that supports a pitched roof
roof : rafter :: table : leg

[reid] n.
1. a. violent, explosive anger b. a fit of anger
2. furious intensity, as of a storm or disease
3. a burning desire; a passion
4. a current, eagerly adopted fashion; a fad or craze
bigotry : dedication :: rage : anger (A >> B)
gush : effusive :: rage : irate (CHARACTER)
irate extremely angry; enraged
infuriate : rage :: nonplus : perplexity :: commend : esteem
nonplus to put at a loss as to what to think, say, or
do; bewilder

[rgid] a. , ;;
; ,
1. tattered, frayed, or torn
2. dressed in tattered or threadbare clothes
3. unkempt or shaggy
4. having an irregular surface or edge; uneven or jagged in
5. imperfect; uneven
6. harsh; rasping
tatter , ;
clothes : ragged :: furniture : rickety
rickety [rkiti] ( ) , ; ( )

ramble [rmb-l] vi. ;

1. to move about aimlessly
2. to walk about casually or for pleasure
3. to follow an irregularly winding course of motion or
4. to speak or write at length and with many digressions
draw : doodle :: travel : ramble
doodle , ,
ramble walk purposely
rambunctious [rmbks] a. : UNRULY
: boisterous and disorderly
rambunctious quiescent
quiescent being quiet, still, or at rest; inactive



[reil] vi.
: to express objections or criticisms in bitter, harsh, or
abusive language
rail : vehemence :: entreat : urgency ( : )
rail extol

raisin [riz-n] n.
prune : plum :: raisin : grape

[riki] a. , ; , , ;

1. (nautical) having a trim, streamlined appearance,

dashingly or sportingly stylish; jaunty
2. of the character of a rake; dissolute
jaunty , ,
rakish : restraint :: slothful : assiduity (LACK)
slothful , disinclined to work or exertion; lazy
assiduity , persistent application or diligence;
unflagging effort
rakish restraint
rakish dowdy, shabby, slovenly (slothful, sluggish :2) (weary,
slow )
dowdy , , /


[rli] v. , ( ) ,
, (rally oneself ), . n.
, v.t.()
1. to call together for a common purpose
2. to reassemble and restore to order
3. to rouse or revive from inactivity or decline: paused to
refresh themselves and rally their strength
1. a gathering, especially one intended to inspire
enthusiasm for a cause: a political rally
2. a sharp improvement in health, vigor, or spirits

ramification [rmfiki-n]
ramification antecedent


rampart [rmprt, -prt] n. ; : BULWARK

1. a fortification consisting of an embankment, often with a
parapet built on top
2. a means of protection or defense; a bulwark
parapet (, ) ; ()
bulwark , ; ,
tower : edifice :: rampart : barrier (A B)
edifice ; ,
rampart : invasion :: levee : flood
ramshackle [rmk-l] a. : RICKETY
: so poorly constructed or kept up that disintegration is likely
ramshackle : soundness :: garbled : clarity (OPPOSITE)
garble ; /
rancid [rnsid] a. : FETID, RANK
1. having the disagreeable odor or taste of decomposing oils
or fats
2. repugnant; nasty
fetid having an offensive odor
rancid fragrant
rancor [rkr] n.
: bitter, long-lasting resentment; deep-seated ill will
rancor good will, concord, charitableness, amity, geniality,
benevolence, amicability, friendliness, accord (calm )
charitable ,
rancorous amicable
randomize [rndmiz] v.
: to make random in arrangement, especially in order to
control the variable in an experiment
randomize systematize
systematize to formulate into or reduce to a system
range [reind] n. , , ; ,
range : mountain :: chain : link
ranger [rindr] n. ;
1. a wanderer; a rover
2. a member of an armed troop employed in patrolling a
specific region
3. a warden employed to maintain and protect a forest or
other natural area
ranger : forest :: curator : museum



a. ; / : RANCID

GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

: strong and offensive in odor or flavor

rankle [rk-l] v.
: to cause persistent irritation or resentment
1. to cause persistent irritation or resentment
2. to become sore or inflamed; fester
rankle pacify, calm, mollify, soothe, appease
rant [rnt] v. ,
n. , ,
: to speak or declaim in a violent, loud, or vehement
manner; rave
fear : cower :: anger : rant
rant : grandiloquence ::
rant modesty, restraint, humility
rant pacify, placate, forbear
rapacious [rpis] a. ;
1. taking by force; plundering
2. greedy; ravenous
3. subsisting on live prey
ravenous , ;
troubled : distraught :: covetous : rapacious (A << B)
distraught ; ,
covetous , ; ,
rapacity : covetous :: mania : enthusiastic

rarity : dense :: dilute : concentrative

plurality rarity
rare dense
rare affluent
rascal [rskl] n. , , a.,
rascal : mischievous :: laggard : dilatory (A B )

[r] a. ,
: characterized by or resulting from ill-considered haste or
obsessed : attracted :: rash : adventurous (A >> B)
obsess to preoccupy the mind of excessively
loquacious : talkative :: rash : adventurous (A >> B)
loquacious very talkative; garrulous
rash : circumspective :: imperious : servile
rash circumspective


[rspi, rspi] a. , ;
: HARSH, GRATING rough; grating
mellifluous raspy
mellifluous flowing with sweetness or honey; smooth and

rapport [rpr] n. ()
: relationship, especially one of mutual trust or emotional
rapport discord, dissension, antagonism, aversion

ratify [rtfi] v.t. / : CONFIRM

: to approve and give formal sanction to; confirm
repatriate : emigration :: repeal : ratification (OPPOSITE)
repatriate [ri:pitriit]
repeal ; to revoke or rescind, especially by an
official or formal act
license : allow :: ratify : approve (A=B)

rapprochement [rproum / rprm] n.

1. a reestablishing of cordial relations, as between two
2. the state of reconciliation or of cordial relations
estrangement rapprochement
estrangement , ; ,

ratiocination [risnin -/rtisi-]

: the process of exact thinking
n. /
: to reason methodically and logically
ratiocination : thinking :: articulation : talking

rapscallion [rpskljn] n. ,
rapscallion : mischievous :: sluggard : lazy
mischievous ; ,
(cavalier : arrogant (cavalier
()->arrogant ))

ration [r-n, ri-] n. () ,

: a food allowance for one day
1. a fixed portion, especially an amount of food allotted to
persons in military service or to civilians in times of
2. rations food issued or available to members of a group
dose : medicine :: ration : food
dose : medicine :: sentence : punishment


[rpt] a. , ; , :
1. deeply moved or delighted; enraptured
2. deeply absorbed; engrossed
intrepid : deter :: rapt : distract
intrepid , resolutely courageous; fearless
rapt distracted

a. ( ) ;
1. belonging to or reserved for a small, select group;
2. elevated in character or style; lofty
rarefied pedestrian, prosaic
rarefy [rrfi] v. ; /
1. to make thin, less compact, or les dense
2. to purify or refine
rarefy concentrate, condense, make denser
rarefaction condensation
rarity [r-rti] n. ,
1. something rare
2. the quality or state of being rare; infrequency of

n. , :

rationalize [r-nliz] v. (, )
1. to make rational
2. to interpret from a rational standpoint
3. to devise self-satisfying but incorrect reasons for (one's
rationalization : plausible :: obfuscation : indiscernible (A = B )
plausible seemingly or apparently valid, likely, or acceptable;
obfuscate ;
rational : fraudulent :: irreprehensible : blamable (OPPOSITE)
fraudulent , deceitful
reprehensible , deserving rebuke or censure;
raucous [rks] a. , , ,
1. rough-sounding and harsh
2. boisterous and disorderly


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

raucous : harsh :: dulcet : sweet (A B )

raucous melodious, subdued, placid, restrained, mellifluous
subdued , , , ,
placid , ,
[rnti, rn-] adj. ,
1 : SLOVENLY, DIRTY *a raunchy panhandler*; also
very smelly *raunchy sneakers*
2 : OBSCENE, SMUTTY *raunchy jokes*


[reiv] n. ; , ;
1. to speak wildly, irrationally, or incoherently
2. to roar; rage
3. to speak with wild enthusiasm
rave pan
pan ; () ; ,
to criticize or review harshly
raving reasonable utteration (unequivocal speech )

ravel [rvl] vi. ( ) : UNRAVEL

1. to separate the fibers or thread of (cloth, for example);
2. to clarify by separating the aspects of
3. to tangle or complicate
ravel knit
ravenous [rv-ns] a. ;
1. extremely hungry; voracious
2. rapacious; predatory
3. greedy for gratification
v. ,
1. to seize and carry away by force
2. to rape; violate
3. to overwhelm with emotion; enrapture
* ravishing ,
ravishing : attractive :: perspicacious : discerning (A >> B)
[reiz] v.t. ; : DEMOLISH
1. to level to the ground; demolish
2. to scrape or shave off
raze build, construct

ream [rim] n. [500]; ,

1. a quantity of paper, formerly 480 sheets, now 500 sheets
or, in a printer's ream, 516 sheets
2. often reams a very large amount
ream : paper :: cord : wood :: acre : land : volt : electricity :: quart :
[128 ]
reap [rip] v. , ; ( ) ,

1. to cut (grain or pulse) for harvest with a scythe, sickle(

), or reaper
2. to harvest (a crop)
3. to harvest a crop from
4. to obtain as a result of effort
reaper [ripr] n.
scythe : reaper :: axe : woodcutter
scythe [sai] ,
reap plant
reassure [rr] v. , ;
1. to restore confidence to
2. to assure again
3. to reinsure
reinsure ;
reassure : doubt :: perturb : serenity
feed : hunger :: reassure : uneasiness (A remove B)
formidable reassuring
rebellious [ribljs] a. ,
rebellious : insurgent :: sycophantic : obsequious
insurgent n. , a. , ,
rebuff [ribf] v.t. , : SNUB
1. to reject bluntly, often disdainfully; snub
2. to repel or drive back
rebuff approve, welcome, accept


reactant [rikt-nt] n.
: a substance participating in a chemical reaction,
especially a directly reacting substance present at the
initiation of the reaction
* reagent; a substance used in a chemical reaction to
detect, measure, examine, or produce other substances
reactant, reagent inert material
reactive inert
reactionary [riknri/--nri] a. , ,;

: characterized by reaction, especially opposition to

progress or liberalism; extremely conservative
contumacious : authority :: reactionary, hidebound, conservative :
change, innovation, novelty
contumacious , obstinately disobedient or
rebellious; insubordinate
hidebound , ; stubbornly prejudiced, narrowminded, or inflexible
recalcitrant, refractory : authority :: reactionary : change
recalcitrant ,
reactionary votary, politically progressive
votary [vutri] ; ,
readership [r:drip] n. (),
readership : newspaper :: audience : play : readership : book (A B

rebuke [ribj:k] v. , n. ,
rebuke compliment, praise
rebus [rbs] n.
: a representation of words in the form of pictures or symbols,
often presented as a puzzle
rebus : dissimulation ::
dissimulate ,
symbols : rebus :: notes: score
rebut [ribt] v. ,
rebut affirm, confirm, fortify, strengthen
recalcitrant [riklstr-nt] a. ,
: marked by stubborn resistance to and defiance of authority
or guidance
incongruent : conform :: recalcitrant : obey (OPPOSITE)
recalcitrant, refractory : authority :: reactionary : change
impudent : brazenness :: recalcitrant : stubbornness (EQUAL)
impudent characterized by offensive boldness
brazen ; , ,
recalcitrant amenable, submissive, tractable
recant [riknt] vi. (, ) : RENOUNCE
: to make a formal retraction or disavowal of (a statement or
belief to which one has previously committed oneself)
; Darwins final recantation
apostasy : faith :: recantation : heresy (B = A)
apostasy , ,
heresy , ;


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

recantation : error :: confession : crime

recantation : confess ::
recant reaffirm, declare, affirm, avow
avow ,

1. a. heedless or careless b. headstrong; rash

2. indifferent to or disregardful of consequences
circumspect, measured audacious, reckless, unscrupulous

recapitulate [r:kptlit|-tju-] v. ; ()

1. to repeat in concise form
2. (biology) to appear to repeat (the evolutionary stage of
the species) during the embryonic
development of the individual organism
recapitulate : summary :: enumerate : list
receipt [rist] n. ; ,
1. a. the act of receiving
b. the fact of being or having been received
2. often receipts a quantity or amount received
3. a written acknowledgment that a specified article, sum
of money, or shipment of merchandise has been
4. a recipe
receptacle [risptk-l] n. , ; ;
: a container that holds items or matter
bowl : receptacle :: bicycle : vehicle
recess [riss, r:ss] n. , , v. ~ ()
recess : halt ::
recessive [rissiv] a. , ; (),
: tending to go backward or recede
* recession n.
dominant recessive
dominant , ; , ; ()

recession boom, enlargement, expansion

recidivism [risdvz-m] n.
: a tendency to lapse into a previous pattern of behavior,
especially a tendency to return to criminal habits
recidivism : relapse :: rehabilitation : convalesce
rehabilitate ; , (, )

convalesce () to return to health and

strength after illness; recuperate
recuperate , to return to health or strength; to
recover from financial loss
recidivist : relapse :: pundit : opine :: sycophant : flatter
recidivism reformed behavior
reciprocate [risprkit] vi. ,
1. to give or take mutually; interchange
2. to show, feel, or give in response or return
reciprocating moving unidirectionally

[riklim] v. , : REFORM, TAME,

1. to bring into or return to a suitable condition for use, as
cultivation or habitation
2. to bring back, as from error, to a right or proper course;
3. to tame (a falcon, for example)

recluse [rikls, rklus] n.

: a person who withdraws from the world to live in seclusion
and often in solitude
poseur : sincerity :: recluse : gregariousness
poseur [pouz:r]
recluse : communicate ::
roisterer : carouse :: recluse : withdraw :: bigot : biased
roister ;
carouse [kruz] ,
recluse : sociable ::
turncoat : consistency : recluse : companion
turncoat ,
compassion ,
recluse : society :: shirk : duty :: reactionary : change (B A ,
Bigbook 13)
recluse : crowd :: claustrophobia : enclosure
recluse : solitude :: toady : favor (A B )
toady a person who flatters or defers to others for self-serving
reasons; a sycophant
reclusive : isolation :: toady : favor
recluse social
recoil [rikil] vi. , ; ,
1. to spring back, as upon firing
2. to shrink back, as in fear or repugnance
3. to fall back; return
recoil advance
reconcile [rknsil] v.t. , ;
1. to reestablish a close relationship between
2. to settle or resolve
3. to bring (oneself) to accept
4. to make compatible or consistent
rift reconciliation
rift ,

[rkndit, rikndait] a. , :
1. not easily understood; abstruse
2. concerned with or treating something abstruse or obscure
3. concealed; hidden
recondite : grasp :: inconspicuous : spot
recondite : fathom :: tenacious : eradicate :: captious : placate (A B
serpentine : directness :: recondite : pellucidity
serpentine , ; ,
respect : baseness :: study : reconditeness (B A )
recondite : comprehend :: knotty : solve (A B )
recondite widely understood, patent, self-explaining, self-evident,
easy, comprehensive, fathomable
patent ; ,

reciprocal [risprk-l] a. ; ,
1. concerning each of two or more persons or things
2. interchanged, given, or owed to each other
3. performed, experienced, or felt by both sides
4. interchangeable; complementary
reciprocal secund
secund (botany & zoology) arranged on or turned
to one side of an axis
v. ; ,
1. to give or take mutually; interchange
2. to show, feel, or give in response or return
reciprocating moving unidirectionally, unidirectional

reconnaissance [riknisns|-kn-] n. , ; ;
: an inspection or exploration of an area, especially one made
to gather military information




a. ,


[knitr, rk-]

vi. ,

GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

: to make a preliminary inspection of, especially in order to
gather military information
reconnoiter : information :: prowl : prey
prowl [praul] , to roam through stealthily, as in
search of prey or plunder
plunder ,
reconnoiter : information :: canvass : votes
reconstitute [rknsttjt] v.t. , /

1. to provide with a new structure

2. to bring (a liquid in concentrated or powder form) to
normal strength by adding water
reconstitute dehydrate
reconvene [ri:knv:n] v.
disperse : reconvene :: dismiss : reinstate
rectify [rktfai] v. : ADJUST
1. to set right; correct
2. to correct by calculation or adjustment
rectify : treaty :: confirm : hypothesis
treaty , ;
rectitude [rkttjd] n. , : RIGHTEOUSNESS
1. moral uprightness; righteousness
2. the quality or condition of being correct in judgment
3. the quality of being straight
rectitude : transgressive :: keenness : obtuse (OPPOSITE)
perspicacity : dupe :: rectitude : corruptionist
perspicacious having or showing penetrating mental
discernment; clear-sighted
rectitude inequity, improbity, dishonesty, unscrupulousness
inequity , , injustice; unfairness
improbity ,
recumbent [rikmbnt] a. ,
1. lying down, especially in a position of comfort or rest;
2. resting; idle
recumbent standing up
recuperative [rikjpritiv] a.
* recuperate [rikj:preit] v. ,
1. to return to health or strength; recover
2. to recover from financial loss
recuperative debilitating
debilitate to sap the strength or energy of; enervate
recur [rikr] v. ; ,
1. to happen, come up, or show up again or repeatedly
2. to return to one's attention or memory
3. to return in thought or discourse
* recurrent ,
periodic : recur :: evanescent : vanish
evanescent , ; , vanishing or
likely to vanish like vapor
recurrence happening one time
redolent : smell :: piquant : taste
redolent unscented, lack of odor, fetid
redoubtable [ridutb-l] a. , : FORMIDABLE
1. arousing fear or awe; formidable
2. worthy of respect or honor
formidable , ; ; ,
redoubtable : regard :: exemplary : imitation :: culpable : blame ::
credible : belief, trust
redoubtable : regard, awe :: despicable : scorn, contempt, disregard
regard ,
redoubtable not formidable, unimpressive, disregard
redress [r:dres|ridrs] n. , v. , ; ,
1. to set right; remedy or rectify
2. to make amends to
3. to adjust (a balance, for example)

[ridndnt] a. , , :
1. exceeding that is necessary or natural; superfluous
2. needlessly repetitive; verbose
indigent : wealth :: redundant : indispensability
indigent experiencing want or need; impoverished
redundant : necessity :: clumsy : knack
knack , ; ,
redundant : superfluity :: pertinent : relevance
redundant economical
redundance, redundancy conciseness, essentialness

reedy [r :di] , (shrill,

reel [ril] n. , , ,
reel : winding :: die : shaping
refectory [rifkt-ri] n.
: a room where meals are served, especially in a college or
other institution
referee [refr:] n. ; ,
: one to whom something is referred, especially for
settlement, decision, or an opinion as to the thing's quality
referee : field :: jude : courtroom
referee : whistle :: judge : gavel :: auctioneer : gavel (B A
gavel (, , )
refinery [rifinri] n. (, )
: an industrial plant for purifying a crude substance, such as
petroleum or sugar
refinery : petroleum :: mill : grain
petroleum [ptrulim]
refine : purification :: attenuate : rarefaction
crass refined
crass [krs] , ; ,
refine reduce purity

redeem [rid:m] a. (, ) , , ()

[riflktiv] a. , ; :
1. a. of, relating to, produced by, or resulting from reflection
b. capable of or producing reflection
2. characterized by or given to meditation or contemplation;
* reflect
* reflection

redistribute [ri:distrbju(:)t] v.
: to distribute again in a different way; reallocate
inequity : redistribution :: illiteracy : education
[rd-lnt] a. ; , :
1. having or emitting fragrance; aromatic
2. suggestive; reminiscent



GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

mirror : reflective :: raft : buoyant
reflection : light :: echo : sound
reflect absorb
unreflective ruminative

[rifrkt-ri] a. , , ,
1. obstinately resistant to authority or control
2. difficult to melt or work; resistant to heat
3. resistant to treatment
adamant : flexibility :: refractory : control (OPPOSITE)
adamant impervious to pleas, appeals, or reason; stubbornly
recalcitrant, refractory : authority :: reactionary : change
pertinacity : refractory :: inexperience : green
pertinacious ; ,
refractory responsive, docile, amenable
docile , ,

refresh [rifr] v.t. : REVIVE

1. to revive with or as if with rest, food, or drink; give new
vigor or spirit to
2. to give new freshness or brightness to; restore
3. to make cool, clean, or moist; freshen up
4. to renew by stimulation
5. to fill up again; replenish
disgruntle refresh
disgruntle to make discontented
refugee [rfjud, ---] n.
: one who flees in search of refuge, as in times of war,
political oppression, or religious persecution
refugee : asylum ::
asylum [silm] ; , ;
refulgent [rifldnt] a. ,
: a. shining radiantly; resplendent
refulgent lackluster
refuse [rfjus] n. : TRASH, GARBAGE
: items or material discarded or rejected as useless or
worthless; trash or rubbish
refuse valuable thing, useful material
refute [rifjt] v.t. ,
1. to prove to be false or erroneous; overthrown by
argument or proof
2. to deny the accuracy or truth of
* irrefutable adj. ()
refutation verification
refute verify, affirm, prove
refutable indisputable
irrefutable deniable
regard [rigrd] n. : ESTEEM
1. to look at attentively; observe closely
2. to look upon or consider in a particular way
3. to hold in esteem or respect
4. to relate or refer to; concern
5. to take into account; consider
exemplary : imitation :: culpable : blame :: redoubtable : regard
culpable deserving of blame or censure as being wrong,
evil, improper, or injurious
redoubtable ; worthy of respect or honor
flout : disregard :: taunt : challenge (A B )
flout , to show contempt for; scorn
taunt , to reproach in a mocking, insulting, or
contemptuous manner
redoubtable : regard, awe :: despicable : scorn, contempt, disregard
despicable , deserving of contempt or scorn; vile
regenerate [ridnrit] v. , ;
1. to reform spiritually or morally
2. to form, construct, or create anew, especially in an
improved state
3. to give new life or energy to; revitalize
truculent : gentleness :: unregenerate : remorse (OPPOSITE)
truculent [trkjlnt] ; ,
regimen [rdmn, -mn] n. , ; , ,
1. governmental rule or control
2. the systematic procedure of a natural phenomenon or
3. a. a regulated system, as of diet, therapy, or exercise,
intended to promote health or achieve another beneficial
b. a course of intense physical training
regimen : health :: mnemonics : memory
regimen : health :: budget : solvency
budget ; ,
solvency ;
regiment [rdmnt] n. army, , v. ~
, ~ ,
* regimentation n.
regimentation disorder, disorganization
regression [rigrn] n. , ,
1. reversion; retrogression
2. relapse to a less perfect or developed state
regressive forward
rehabilitate [rhbltit] v.;;/
1. to restore to good health or useful life, as through therapy
and education
2. to restore to good condition, operation, or capacity
3. to reinstate the good name of
4. to restore the former rank, privileges, or rights of
reinstate ; ; /
recidivism : relapse :: rehabilitation : convalesce
convalesce () to return to health and strength
after illness; recuperate
recycle : disposal :: rehabilitate : demolition (OPPOSITE)
building : restoration :: person : rehabilitation
rehabilitate debilitate, enervate
rehash [ri:h] v. ~ , ( ) n.
, ,
reshape : form :: rehash : concept, means (0702)
rehearsal [rih:rsl] n.
1. the act of practicing in preparation for a public
2. a session of practice for a performance, as of a play
3. a detailed enumeration or repetition
impromptu : rehearsal :: caprice : deliberate
reign [rein] n. , : SOVEREIGNTY
1. exercise of sovereign power, as by a monarch
2. the period during which a monarch rules
3. dominance or widespread influence
coronation : reign :: wedding : marriage


[rein] n. ; , , ; , v. ,

1. a means of restraint, check, or guidance

2. often reins a means or an instrument by which power is

GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

rein prod, impel

prod , ; /
reiterate [ritrit] v. ,
: to say or do again or repeatedly
digress : excursive :: reiterate : redundant (EQUAL)
excursive , of, given to, characterized by, or having
the nature of digression
rejoice [ridis] v.
: to feel joyful; be delighted
rejoice grouse, moroseness
grouse [graus] (grumble),
rejoiced sulky
relapse [rilps] vi. , n.
1. to fall or slide back into a former state
2. to regress after partial recovery from illness
3. to slip back into bad ways; backslide
recidivism : relapse :: rehabilitation : convalesce
recidivist : relapse :: pundit : opine
relapse advance, amendment, betterment, development,
maturation, progress, improvement
betterment , ,
release [rils] v.t.
constrain, immure, restrain release
immure , ;
relegate [rlgeit] v. ; (, )
, ;
1. to assign to an obscure place, position, or condition
2. to assign to a particular class or category; classify
3. to refer or assign (a matter or task, for example) for
decision or action
4. to send to a place of exile; banish
relentless [rilntlis] a. , ,
1. unyielding in severity or strictness; unrelenting
2. steady and persistent; unremitting
unrelenting , ;
unremitting , , never slackening;
inexorable relenting
inexorable ; , not capable of being persuaded
by entreaty; relentless
relentless clement
relentless lenient, merciful, yielding, pliant, acquiescing
relevant [rlvnt] a. ,
: having a bearing on or connection with the matter at hand
immaterial : relevance :: peripheral : center :: circuitous : directness
immaterial , ; ,
relevant : crucial :: perceptible : obvious (A << B)
relevant immaterial
irrelevant germane
germane ;
religion [rild-n] n.
religion : devoutness :: canon : orthodoxy
relinquish [rilkwi] v.t. (, ) ,
1. to retire from; give up or abandon
2. to put aside or desist from (something practiced,
professed, or intended)
3. to let go; surrender
4. to cease holding physically; release

relinquish : claim ::
relinquish assume, cling to, procure, reward, keep, retain
procure ,
relish [rli] v. , ,
1. to take keen or zestful pleasure in
2. to enjoy the flavor of
3. to give spice or flavor to
relish despise
a. , ,
1. unwilling; disinclined
2. exhibiting or marked by unwillingness
3. offering resistance; opposing
hesitation : reluctance :: hubris : pride
hubris ,
reluctance alacrity
loquacity reluctance to speak
reluctant enthusiastic
reminiscence [remnns] n. ,
reminiscence : recollect :: machination : plot
machination ( ) , The act of plotting
remiss [rims] a. , : LAX, CARELESS
1. lax in attending to duty; negligent
2. exhibiting carelessness or slackness
remiss scrupulous, punctilious, conscientious, painstaking, assiduous,
earnest (wary . 2006 9 painstaking wary
. wary ) (calculating )
punctilious , ;
earnest ,
painstaking , , (very careful and
remnant [rmnnt] n. ; ,
1. something left over; a remainder
2. a leftover piece of fabric remaining after the rest has been
used or sold
3. a surviving trace or vestige
4. often remnants a small surviving group of people
shred : remnant ::
remnant : residual ::
remodel [rimdl / -mdl] v.t. : REMAKE
: to make over in structure or style; reconstruct
construct : remodel :: compose : edit
remold [ri:muld] v. ~ , ~ , n.
remold : shape :: amend : content
remonstrance [rimnstr-ns / -mn-] n. ,
1. the act of remonstrating
2. an expression of protest, complain, or reproof, especially a
formal statement of grievances
remonstrance : oppose :: syllogism : disprove
syllogism [sldzm] ;
remonstrative : dissuade :: reprehensible : censure :: applicant : appeal
dissuade : ~
remonstrate [rimnstreit|rmn-] v. , ;
: to say or plead in protest, objection, or reproof
remorse [rimrs] n. : SELF-REPROACH
: moral anguish arising from repentance for past misdeeds;
bitter regret
longing : pine :: remorse : rue (EQUAL, : )
rue , to feel regret, remorse, or sorrow for


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

truculent : gentleness :: unregenerate : remorse (OPPOSITE)
truculent , ; ,
unregenerate ;
remorseless : compassion :: craven : courage (A B )
remorseful inpenitent, unrepentant
[rimut] a. , ; ; (
, ) ,
remote : affablility :: somber : levity (OPPOSITE)
remote impending
repartee [rprt] n.
1. a swift, witty reply
2. conversation marked by the exchange of witty retorts
retort , ,
retort :: repartee :: debate : issue :: correspond : letter (conversation :
language )


remunerate [rimjnrit] v.t. : RECOMPENSE

1. to pay (a person) a suitable equivalent in return for
goods provided, services rendered, or losses incurred;
2. to compensate for; make payment for
remuneration : service :: retaliation : injury
retaliate / to return like for like, especially evil for evil
remunerate deprive, forfeit, punish, fail to pay
remunerative unrequited
unrequited , , not reciprocated or
returned in kind
gainful unremunerative
[rend] v. , , ()
1. to tear or split apart or into pieces violently
2. to tear (one's garments or hair) in anguish or rage
3. to tear away forcibly; wrest
4. to pull, split, or divide as if by tearing
5. to pierce or disturb with sound
6. to cause pain or distress to
rend : tear :: dissipate : diminish :: rush : hurry
rend unite, mend, repair, fuse, make whole

repatriate [ripitriit] v.
: to restore or return to the country of birth, citizenship, or
repatriate : emigration :: repeal : ratification (OPPOSITE)
ratification , ,
ratify /; to approve and give formal sanction
to; confirm
repeal [ripl] v. ,
: to revoke or rescind, especially by an official or formal act
repatriate : emigration :: repeal : ratification
repatriate to restore or return to the country of
birth, citizenship, or origin
ratify , to approve and give formal sanction to;
repeal ratify
repeal authorization


renegade [rngeid] n. ,
: one who rejects a religion, a cause, an allegiance, or a
group for another; a deserter
renege v. , ()
renegade : allegiance :: apostate : faith
apostate [psteit] ,
apostasy abandonment of one's religious faith, a political party, one's
principles, or a cause
renounce [rinuns] vi. ; ,
1. to give up (a title, for example), especially by formal
2. to reject; disown
renounce : pledge :: rescind : order
pledge , ; ; ,
rescind /; ()
renounce claim, embrace, adhere to (exact from, clarify )
renovate [rnvit] v.t. ;
1. to restore to an earlier condition, as by repairing or
2. to impart new vigor to; revive
renovate cause to decay
renunciation [rinnsii-n, -i-] n. , ; , ;
(, )
1. the act or an instance of renouncing
2. a declaration in which something is renounced
renunciation adoption
reparation [rerin] n. ; , ;
1. the act or process of repairing or the condition of being
2. the act or process of making amends; expiation
3. something done or paid to compensate or make amends

repel [ripl] v.t. , , ;

1. to ward off or keep away; drive back
2. to offer resistance to; fight against
3. to refuse to accept; reject
4. to turn away from; spurn
5. to cause aversion or distaste in
6. to be resistant to; be incapable of absorbing or mixing with
repel lure, welcome, attract
court repel intentionally
court , ; /;
repelling entrancing, winsome
winsome , ; ,
repellent [riplnt] a. ;
1. a. serving or tending to repel
b. able to repel
2. inspiring aversion or distaste; repulsive
3. resistant or impervious to a substance ex. water-repellent
repellent : attract :: ephemeral : endure (OPPOSITE)
entrancing disappointing, disgusting, repellent, repulsive
entrancing ,
repertoire [rprtwr] n. ,
1. the stock of songs, plays, operas, readings, or other pieces
that a player or company is prepared to perform
2. the range or number of skills, aptitudes, or special
accomplishments of a particular person or group
palette : color :: repertoire : play
repertoire : performance :: agenda : meeting
repine [ripin] v.
1. to be discontented or low in spirits; complain or fret
2. to yearn after something
fret , to cause to be uneasy; vex
yearn , ;
repine express joy
replete [riplt] a. , ; ,
1. abundantly supplied; abounding
2. filled to satiation; gorged
3. complete
replete : affluent (CHARACTER)
replete : abundant :: (CHARACTER)
repletion want, emptiness, privation, deprivation
privation , ; ,


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

n. ;
1. the reporting of news or information of general interest
2. something reported
reportage : journalist :: ridicule : satirist
reportorial imaginative
repose [ripuz] n. , ; , ; ,
1. the act of resting or the state of being at rest
2. freedom from worry; peace of mind
3. calmness; tranquility
guilt : expiation :: fatigue : repose
expiation ,
expiate to make amends or reparation for; atone
reparation ; ,
atone , to make amends, as for a sin or fault
dehydrate : water :: fatigue : repose :: fade : brightness
breach : continuity :: disturb : repose
repose agitation, disequilibrium
disequilibrium ,
reportorial [rprtril]
reportorial imaginative

a. ,

reprehensible [rprihnsb-l] a. : CULPABLE

: deserving rebuke or censure; blameworthy
lamentable : pity :: reprehensible : censure :: despicable : contempt
censure : blameless :: approbation : reprehensible
approbation , ; ,
reprehensible praiseworthy, laudable, responsible
reprehension [rprihn-n] n. ,
: the act of rebuking or censuring; reproval
remonstrance : dissuade :: reprehension : censure
remonstrance , ; , ,
jeer : derision :: reprehend : censure
jeer , , to speak or shout derisively; mock
reprehend , to reprove; censure
repress [riprs] v. , ,
1. to hold back by an act of volition
2. to put down by force, usually before total control has
been lost; quell
* repression n. ,
unrepressed restrained
repress foster, license
license , (latitude of action) ,
repression openness, friendliness, abandon, indulgence

[riprv] v. ; (
1. to postpone or cancel the punishment of
2. to bring relief to
reprieve : punishment :: moratorium : activity

reprimand [rprmnd, -mnd] v.

: to reprove severely, especially in a formal or official way
reprove : reprimand :: blame : censure (A << B)
disapprove : reprimand :: (A << B)
reprisal [ripriz-l] n. ,
1. retaliation for an injury with the intent of inflicting at
least as much injury in return
2. forcible seizure of an enemy's goods or subjects in
retaliation for injuries inflicted
3. the practice of using political or military force without
actually resorting to war

2. to bring shame upon; disgrace

* reproachable adj.
* irreproachable adj. ,
irreproachable : blame ::
upbraid : reproach :: dote : like (A >> B)
upbraid to reprove sharply; reproach
reproach : reprimand :: blame : censure (B=official A)
reproachable : disapproval :: plaintive : sorrow
nefarious, scurvy, culpable above reproach, virtuous
nefarious , infamous by away of being extremely wicked
scurvy , , , mean; contemptible
opprobrious irreproachable
opprobrious , ; ,
reproach eulogize, praise publicly
reproachable exemplary, perfect, inculpable
reprobate [rprbit] n. , a. v. ,

n. a morally unprincipled person

a. morally unprincipled; shameless
v. to disapprove of; condemn
reprobate : misbehave :: sycophant : fawn
objectivity : partisan :: temperance : reprobate
reprobate righteous individual, a virtuous person
reprobation acclaim, acclamation
reprove [riprv] v. ,
1. to voice or convey disapproval of; rebuke
2. to find fault with
* reproof [riprf] n. : REBUKE
castigation : reproof :: loathing : dislike :: glorification : merit ::
soaking : damp (A >> B)
castigation : reproof :: denunciation : denial
reproof accolade, reassurance, compliment
pretense : deceive :: admonition : reprove (A << B)
pretense , , ; ;
reprove : reprimand :: blame : censure (A << B)
reptile [rptil|-tail] n. ;
lizard : reptile :: orange : fruit :: finch : bird :: aspen : tree :: eagle :
bird :: firefly, aphid : insect
[, ]
[, ]
repudiate [ripjdiit] v.t. ,
1. to reject the validity or authority of
2. to reject emphatically as unfounded, untrue, or unjust
3. to refuse to recognize or pay
4. a. to disown (a child, for example) b. to refuse to have any
dealings with
repudiate espouse, uphold
repudiation affirm

[ripgnnt] a. , ; ; ,

1. arousing disgust or aversion; offensive or repulsive
2. (logic) contradictory; inconsistent
odious : repugnance :: menacing : fear
cogent : convince :: repugnant : repel
cogent ; appealing to the intellect or powers of
reasoning; convincing
unpleasant : repugnant :: scanty : meager
repugnance affinity


[ripls] v. , ; : REPEL
n. , , , ,
1. to drive back; repel
2. to rebuff or reject with rudeness, coldness, or denial
* repulsive adj.

reproach [riprut] v. ,
1. to express disapproval of, criticism of, or disappointment
in (someone)


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

repulse captivate, entrance, amity
amity , ,
repulse intentionally court
dsappoint, disgusting, repellent, repulsive entrancing
entrancing , ,
repulsive amiable
repulsion attraction
repute [ripj:t] n. , ; ,
1. reputation
2. a good reputation
repute lack of distinction, challenge, doubt, question, obscurity,
requisite [rkwizit] a. ,
: required; essential
requisite unnecessary
requite [rikwit] v. ,
1. to make repayment or return for
2. to avenge
requite leave unrepaid/unpaid
rescind [risnd] v. ,
: to make void; repeal or annul
* rescission n. , , the act of rescinding
rescind : law :: withdraw : candidacy
irrevocable : rescind ::
irrevocable , impossible to retract or
rescind institute, enact, levy, legislate, enforce, ratify, validate,
levy (collect), (impose); /(enroll);
() ,
rescission enactment, ratification
resentment [rizntmnt] n. ; ,
: indignation or ill will felt as a result of a real or imagined
grievance ,
[rizrvd] a. ; ; ()

1. held in reserve; kept back or set aside

2. marked by self-restraint and reticence
furtive : openness :: flamboyant : reserve (OPPOSITE)
furtive : open :: flippant : reserved
flippant , marked by disrespectful levity or
casualness; pert
gregarious : reserved :: furtive : open
expansive reserved, diffident
diffident , ; ,
unreserved qualified


reservoir [rzrvw :r] n. ,

reservoir : water :: wardrobe : clothes
reservoir : water :: vault : valuables :: larder, pantry : food
residue [rzidju:] n. , ;
remainder : subtraction :: residue : evaporation
resign [rizin] v. ( ) ; : QUIT
1. to submit (oneself) passively; accept as inevitable
2. to give up (a position, for example), especially by formal
3. to relinquish (a privilege, right, or claim)
* resignation n.
abdicate : throne :: resign : office
resignation : official :: abdication : crown
resignation claim, face, defiance, dissent
resilient [rizljnt, -lint] a. ,
1. marked by the ability to recover readily, as from
2. capable of returning to an original shape or position, as
after having been compressed
* resilience n.
resilient unable to adjust, unable to recover, brittle, conservative
resilience inelasticity, inability of recover, rigidity
resin [rzin] n. ,
resin : tree :: gum : rubber plant
resolute [rzlt] a. , : RESOLVED
: firm or determined; unwavering
malleable : shape :: irresolute : opinion
indubitable : question :: resolute : sway
resolute : dissuade :: obstreperous : control
obstreperous , ; ,
resoluteness : will :: zeal : conviction
resolute : determined :: (EQUAL)
daunt make resolute
daunt , ; to abate the courage of;
jittery resolute
jittery , having or feeling nervous unease;
marked by jittering movements
jitter , to be nervous or uneasy
resolution vacillation, sway
resolute wavering, faltering
resonant [rz-nnt] a. ;
1. strong and deep in tone; resounding
2. continuing to sound in the ears or memory; echoing
3. having a prolonged, subtle, or stimulating effect beyond
the initial impact
full-bodied : flavor :: resonant : sound
full-bodied ; () , ; ()
resonant muffled, queit, mumbling, cacophonous, discordant, grating
resourceful [risrsfl, -zrs-] a.
: able to act effectively or imaginatively, especially in difficult
resourceful : inventiveness :: philanthropic : geniality, mercy
respire [rispir] v. , ;
1. to breathe in and out; inhale and exhale
2. to undergo the metabolic process of respiration
3. to breathe easily again, as after a period of exertion or
lung : respire :: tooth : masticate
respire choke, smother, stifle, suffocate
smother , ; , ; ,
respite [rspit] n. , : REPRIEVE
1. a usually short interval of rest or relief
2. (law) temporary suspension of a death sentence; a
reprieve ;
respite : labor :: interim : concert
interim [ntrim] , an interval of time between one event,
process, or period and nother
fast : eat :: respite : labor
plateau : change :: respite : activity
plateau [pltu] , ;


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)
rakish : restrain :: slothful : assiduity
rakish , ;
slothful ,
restrain release
bridled without restraint
bridle [bridl] ; ,
unrepressed, fervid restrained
fervid ;
1. marked by great passion or zeal
2. extremely hot; burning
theatrical restraint
theatrical ; , ;

moratorium : activity :: respite : labor

resplendent [risplndnt] a. ,
: splendid or dazzling in appearance; brilliant
bootless : futility :: effulgent : resplendence (EQUAL, :)
bootless without advantage or benefit; useless
effulgent , shining brilliantly; resplendent
bravura : performance :: resplendence : appearance
bravura ;
resplendent dull, lackluster, drab
lackluster , lacking brightness, luster, or
vitality; dull

[rispnsiv / -spn-] a. ; ,
1. answering or replying; responding
2. readily reacting to suggestions, influences, appeals, or
3. containing or using responses
dispassionate, feelingless responsive
dispassionate , devoid of or
unaffected by passion, emotion, or bias


[rstiv] a. ,
, ; , :
fidget((), / fidget with one's
wach .)
balky : ,
1. uneasily impatient under restriction, opposition, criticism, or delay
2. resisting control; difficult to control
3. refusing to move
restive : serenity :: impeccable : flaw :: sterile : germ
incogitant : thoughtful :: restive : calm :: piddling : considerable ::
keen : obtuse :: (OPPOSITE)
incogitant , thoughtless; inconsiderate
piddling , so trifling or trivial as to be beneath one's
restive : calmness :: keen : obtuseness :: impetuous : patience ::
impeccable : flaw (OPPOSITE)
restive calm, imperturbable, serene
restiveness contentment, serenity(,,,)
restiveness; / , ,
contentment , ,
serene , ,

restless [rstlis] a. , ; ,
1. marked by a lack of quiet, repose, or rest
2. not able to rest, relax, or be still
3. never still or motionless
restless : serenity :: deferential : insolent
insolent ,
restlessness composure
restore [ristrr] v.t. ,
dilapidated restored
dilapidate , to bring or fall into a state of
partial ruin, decay, or disrepair
disrepair , the condition of being in need of repair
eliminate restore
restrain [ristrin] v.t. , ;
1. a. to hold back or keep in check; control b. to hold (a
person) back; prevent
2. to deprive of freedom or liberty
3. to limit or restrict
temperate : restrain :: tenacious : persist (EQUAL)
temperate , , ; ( )
tenacious ;

resurgence [risrrdnt] n. , : RENAISSANCE

1. a continuing after interruption; a renewal
2. a restoration to use, acceptance, activity, or vigor; a
resurgence extinguishment, waning, decline, extinguishment
resurgent in decline
resuscitate [risstit] v. ; :REVITALIZE
:to restore consciousness, vigor, or life to
extinct resuscitated
resuscitation enervation
1. to maintain possession of
2. to keep or hold in a particular place, condition, or position
3. to keep in mind; remember
4. to hire (an attorney, for example) by the payment of a fee
5. to keep in one's service or pay
*retention , , ()
retain discard
retention forgetfulness, amnesia
retention release, liberation
retainer [ritinr] n. /; , : SERVANT
a. an employee, typically a long-term employee
b. a servant or an attendant, especially one in the household
of a person of high rank
retainer : retinue :: witch : coven
retinue () , the retainers or attendants
accompanying a high-ranking person
coven [kvn] ; () an assembly of 13
retaliate [ritliit] v. ,
: to return like for like, especially evil for evil
remuneration : service :: retaliation : injury
remunerate ,
retard [ritrrd] v.t. : IMPEDE
: to cause to move or proceed slowly; delay or impede
divert : shunt :: retard : brake
shunt , ; ( ) ()
expedite, catalyze, speed up retard
expedite ; ; ( )
(dispatch), (send out)
precipitate, catalyze, expedite, speed up retard, dilatory
dilatory , ; intended to delay; tending to
postpone or delay
reticent [rts-nt] a. ; , : RELUCTANT
1. inclined to keep one's thoughts, feelings, and personal
affairs to oneself
2. restrained or reserved in style
3. reluctant; unwilling
: be reticent about the matter ()


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

reticent : talk :: abstemious : gorge
gorge ; ,
reticent : voluble :: (OPPOSITE)
reticent effusive, talkative, vociferous, frank
frank , , , ,
vociferous reticent, monotone
vociferous ; , making, given to, or marked
by noisy and vehement outcry
voluble, talkative, fluent, glib taciturn, laconic, succinct, reticent
reticent frank
reticent communicative, garrulous, loquacious, prolix, voluble
communicative ,
retinue [rt-nj] n. () ,
: the retainers or attendants accompanying a high-ranking
retinue : attendant :: coven : witch retainer
retinue : attendant :: staff : officer :: suite : room
suite ; , ; ,
[ritrrt] n. , ; , :
v. 1. a. to reply, especially to answer in a quick, caustic, or
witty manner
b. to present a counterargument to
2. to return in kind; pay back
n. a quick, incisive reply, especially one that turns the first
speaker's words to his or her own disadvantage
retort : repartee :: debate : issue :: correspond : letter
repartee , a swift, witty reply
retort : response ::


retouch [ritt] v. ,
1. to add new details or touches to for correction or
2. to improve or change (a photographic negative or print),
as by adding details or removing flaws
3. to color (recent growth of hair) to match hair that was
tinted, dyed, or bleached at an earlier date
revise : manuscript :: retouch : picture
retract [ritrkt] v. ,
1. to draw back; disavow
2. to draw back or in
disavow , to disclaim knowledge of,
responsibility for, or association with
misunderstood : clarify :: erroneous : retract (10 section2 10)
retract : statement :: repeal : legislation
countermand : order :: revoke : license
countermand ,
retract foster, tender
tender ; ,
retreat [ritrt] n. , ;
1. a. the act or process of withdrawing, especially from
something hazardous, formidable, or unpleasant
b. the process of going backward or receding from a
position or condition gained
2. a place affording peace, quiet, privacy, or security
3. a. a period of seclusion, retirement, or solitude
b. a period of group withdrawal for prayer, meditation, and
4. withdrawal of a military force from a dangerous position
or from an enemy attack
incursion retreat
incursion , ; ()
retrench [ritrnt] v. , ;
1. to cut down; reduce
2. to remove, delete, or omit
retrenchment : expense :: deceleration : speed
attenuate : force :: simplify : complexity :: retrench : money
retrench enlarge, expand
retribution [retrbj:n] n. , ,
1. something justly deserved; recompense
2. something given or demanded in repayment, especially
3. (theology) punishment or reward distributed in a future
life based on performance in this one
retrograde [rtrgrid] a. ,
1. moving or tending backward
2. opposite to the usual order inverted or reversed
3. reverting to an earlier or inferior condition
retrograde progressive
retrogress [rtrgres] v. ,
1. to return to an earlier, inferior, or less complex condition
2. to go or move backward
retrogress move forward
retrospective [rtrspktiv] a. ,
1. looking back on, contemplating, or directed to the past
2. looking or directed backward
3. applying to or influencing the past; retroactive
4. of, relating to, or being retrospective
retroactive , influencing or applying to a period
prior to enactment
retrospective anticipatory
revamp [rivmp]
v. /
1. To patch up or restore; renovate.
2. To revise or reconstruct (a manuscript, for example).
3. To vamp (a shoe) anew.
revel [r vl] v. , n. ,
* revelry n. ,
revel act soberly
revelry mournfulness
revelation [rvli-n] n. , ; , ()
1. the act of revealing or disclosing
2. something revealed, especially a dramatic disclosure of
something not previously known or realized
revelation adumbration
adumbrate ; ()
foreshadow , to present an indication or a
suggestion of beforehand
revelry [rv-lri] n. ,
: boisterous merrymaking
revelry mournfulness
mournful ; ; ,
revenge [rivnd] n.
1. to inflict punishment in return for (injury or insult)
2. to seek or take vengeance for (oneself or another person);
mercenary : money :: vindictive : revenge
vindictive , disposed to seek revenge;
revere [rivr] v.
: to regard with awe, deference, and devotion
reverence : respect :: avidity : enthusiasm (A >> B)
avidity ,
1. ardent desire or craving; eagerness
2. keen interest or enthusiasm


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

reverent : idolater :: trusting : dupe
idolater ; one who blindly or excessively admires
or adores another
venerable : reverence :: despicable : scorn
despicable , deserving of contempt or scorn; vile
elegiac : sorrow :: devotional : reverence (EQUAL)
exemplary : imitation :: venerable : reverence
revere jape at, disparage, despise
jape , to joke or quip
quip , ,
reverence despise
reverent despicable, impudent, scornful
irreverent respectful
revere treat with indignity, profane, jape at (disgrace )
ribald : seemly :: labyrinthine : direct
ribald seemly, proper
seemly , , ,
rickety [rkiti] a. , : SHAKY
1. likely to break or fall apart; shaky
2. feeble with age; infirm
3. of, having, or resembling rickets()
clothes : ragged :: furniture : rickety
[ridr] n. ,
1. one that rides, especially one who rides horses
2. a. a clause, usually having little relevance to the main
issue, that is added to a legislative bill
b. an amendment or addition to a document or record
3. something, such as the top rail of a fence, that rests on or
is supported by something else
rider : bill :: endorsement : policy


revile [rivil] v.
: to assail with abusive language; vituperate
revile praise, adulate
revise [riviz] v.t.
1. to prepare a newly edited version of (a text)
2. to reconsider and change or modify
revise : manuscript :: retouch : picture
revive [riviv] vi. ,
1. to bring back to life or consciousness; resuscitate
2. to impart new health, vigor, or spirit to
3. to restore to use, currency, activity, or notice
4. to restore the validity or effectiveness of
5. to renew in the mind; recall
6. to present (an old play, for example) again
revert : prior :: revive : conscious (CHARACTER)
wither revive
lull , ; ,

ridicule [rdikjl] n. , , v. ,
: words or actions intended to evoke contemptuous laughter
at or feelings toward a person or thing
satire : ridicule :: elegy : sorrow
reportage : journalist :: ridicule : satirist
reportage ;
pillory : ridicule :: guillotine : execute
pillory to expose to ridicule and abuse; to put in a pillory as punishment
risible : ridicule :: impudent : brazenness
risible [rzbl] ; ,
ridicule : derision ::
sublime ridiculous
sublime [sblim] , ; ,

[raif] a. , : ABOUNDING
1. in widespread existence, practice, or use; increasingly
2. abundant or numerous
rife : sparse ::
rife sparse, scarce

revoke [rivuk] v. ,
: to void or annul by recalling, withdrawing, or reversing
empower revoke the authority
revue [rivj] n.
: a musical show consisting of skits, songs, and dances,
often satirizing current events, trends, and personalities
revulsion n. ( ) , , (~ ) ,
1.A sudden, strong change or reaction in feeling, especially
a feeling of violent disgust or loathing.
2.A withdrawing or turning away from something.
[riwrdi] a. , : VALUABLE,
1. offering or likely to offer satisfaction or gratification
2. affording profit; remunerative
3. constituting a reward
remunerative ; (profitable),
drudgery rewarding work
drudgery [drdri] / , tedious, menial, or
unpleasant work

riffraff [rfrf] n. ; ,
1. people regarded as disreputable or worthless
2. rubbish; trash
riffraff aristocrat, gentry, nobility, throne


1. a narrow fissure in rock
2. a break in friendly relations
faultfinding : criticize :: quibble : cavil (EQUAL, : )
quibble , , a petty distinction or an irrelevant objection
quibble : failing :: rift : breach (A << B)
rift reconciliation


rhapsodize [rpsdaiz] v.i. () v.t.

() , .
: to express oneself in an immoderately enthusiastic
: to recite (something) in the manner of a rhapsody
rhapsodize speak disimpassionately, speak calmly
ribald [rb-ld] a. , : CRUDE, OFFENSIVE
: characterized by or indulging in vulgar, lewd humor
lewd [lu:d] , a. preoccupied with sex and sexual
desire b. obscene; indecent


[rig] v.t. (, , )
: to manipulate dishonestly for personal gain
rig : contest :: gerrymander : district
gerrymander ;

rigid [rdid] a. , ; , ; ,
1. not flexible or pliant; stiff
2. not moving; fixed
3. marked by a lack of flexibility; rigorous and exacting
4. scrupulously maintained or performed
circular : asymmetrical :: protean : rigid
protean [prout:n]
rigid pliable, pliant
rigmarole [rgmrul] n. ; ,
1. confused, rambling, or incoherent discourse; nonsense
2. a complicated, petty set of procedure


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

rigmarole straightforward talk

rigorous [rg-rs] a. , ; ,
1. characterized by or acting with rigor
2. full of rigors; harsh
3. rigidly accurate; precise
[rail] v.t. , : UPSET
1. to stir to anger
2. to stir up (liquid); roil
choleric : rile :: volatile : rouse
choleric ,
rile conciliate, make calm, appease, placate, gratify, soothe, please

: a small brook or steam; a streamlet

pittance : allowance :: rivulet : stream
[roubst, rubst] a. , ; /
; ,
1. full of health and strength; vigorous
2. powerfully built; sturdy
3. requiring or suited to physical strength or endurance
4. rough or crude; boisterous
5. marked by richness and fullness; full-bodied
robust sick, decrepit, feeble, not strong



rind [raind] n. , ; ,
: a tough outer covering such as bark, the skin of some
fruits, or the coating on cheese or bacon

[rit] vi. ;
n. 1. a wild or turbulent disturbance created by a large
number of people
2. (law) a violent disturbance of the public peace by three
or more persons assembled for a common purpose
3. an unrestrained outbreak, as of laughter or passions
4. a profusion
5. a. unrestrained merrymaking; revelry b. debauchery
profusion ; ,
revelry ,
debauchery , ; , extreme indulgence in sensual
pleasures; dissipation
sedate riot
sedate , ; serenely deliberate, composed, and
dignified in character or manner

ripen [ripn] v. ( ) , ;
: to make or become ripe or riper; mature
ripen : maturity :: harden : solidity
ripen : mature :: drain : empty
risible [rzb-l] a. , : LAUGHABLE
1. relating to laughter or used in eliciting laughter
2. eliciting laughter; ludicrous
3. capable of laughing or inclined to laugh
risible : ridicule :: impudent : brazenness

[rait] n. ; ,
1. the prescribed or customary form for conducting a
religious or other solemn ceremony
2. a ceremonial act or series of acts
ritual n. a. ritualistic
informality : ritualistic :: (A B )
rite improvised act
improvise ,


[raiv] v.t. , ; () : REND

1. to rend or tear apart
2. to break into pieces, as by a blow; cleave or split asunder
3. to break or distress (the spirit, for example)
rend , ; ;
rive unite
riven intact
riven [rvn]
[rive ] ,
intact ,

rococo [rkukou] n. () adj. , ,

1. style of art, especially architecture and decorative art, that

originated in France in the early 18th century and is
marked by elaborate ornamentation, as with a profusion
of scrolls, foliage, and animal forms
2. a very ornate style of speech or writing
rococo simple
rodent [rud-n-t] n. (, )
kangaroo : marsupial :: squirrel : rodent
marsupial [ma:rsj:pil] (, )
rodomontade [rdmntid] n. ,
: pretentious boasting or bragging; bluster
pontificate : dogmatic :: swagger : rodomontade
swagger ,

v. ( ) ; ,

1. to make (a liquid) muddy or cloudy by stirring up sediment
2. to displease or disturb; vex
roil clarify, appease, settle, release, calm

roister [ristr] v. , : CAROUSE

1. to engage in boisterous merrymaking; revel noisily
2. to behave in a blustering manner; swagger
roisterer : carouse :: recluse : withdraw
carouse [kruz] ,
recluse a person who withdraws from the world to live in
seclusion and often in solitude
rookie [rki] n. ; ,
professional : rookie :: soldier : recruit
recruit ; ,
roster [rstr / rs-] n. ;
1. a list, especially of names
2. a list of the names of military officers and enlisted
personnel enrolled for active duty
roster : personnel :: slate : candidate
slate , ;
roster : staff :: obituary : death
obituary ( )
bibliography : publication :: roster : name (A B (list))
rostrum [rstrm] n. , ; DAIS
rostrum : orator :: bench : judge

[ruzi] a. ; () , ;
1. a. having the characteristic pink or red color of a rose
b. flushed with a healthy glow
2. consisting of, decorated with, or suggestive of a rose or
3. bright or cheerful; optimistic
roundabout a. : CIRCUITOUS, INDIRECT

riveting [rviti] a. ,
: wholly absorbing or engrossing one's attention;
riveting banal, vapid
rivulet [rvjlit] n. , (brook)






GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

1. marked by roundness : ROUNDED
2. marked by fullness of sound or cadence : OROTUND,
SONOROUS *a master of rotund diction*
3. notably plump : CHUBBY
* rotund adj.
rotund thin
rotundity slimness, thinness
ruddy anemic
anemic [n:mik] ; lacking vitality; listless and
listless , ; lacking energy or disinclined to
exert effort; lethargic

[ru] v. ,
: to feel sorrow, remorse, or regret for
* rueful [r:fl] a. , ; ,
1. inspiring pity or compassion
2. causing, feeling, or expressing sorrow or regret
longing : pine :: remorse : rue (EQUAL)
rue satisfy
rue exult in
rueful impenitent
impenitent ;

rouse [rauz] v.t.

1. to arouse from slumber, apathy, or depression
2. to excite, as to anger or actin; stir up
quell, mollify, move quietly foment, instigate, rouse
rowdy [rudi] n. , , a. ,

rowdy decorous
decorous , ,

royalty [rilti] n. ; ; ; ,
royalty : payment :: subpoena : writ (A B)
writ ;
rubicund [rbiknd] a. ,
: inclined to a healthy rosiness; ruddy
rubicund pale, pallid, wan
rubicundity pallor
pallor extreme or unnatural paleness
rubble [rb-l] n.
: a loose mass of angular fragments of rock or masonry
crumbled by natural or human forces.
rubble unbroken stone
rudder [rdr] n. ;
: a controlling agent or influence over direction; a guide
rude [rud] a. , , , ,

; be in rude health
1. Relatively undeveloped; primitive: a rude and savage


2. Lacking the graces and refinement of civilized life;

uncouth Lacking education or knowledge; unlearned. Illmannered; discourteous
3 Being in a crude, rough, unfinished condition: a rude
thatched hut. Exhibiting a marked lack of skill or
precision in work: rude crafts. In a natural, raw state:
bales of rude cotton. ,
annoying : gadfly :: rude : churl (B = A )
rude : churl :: intrusive : interloper
rude weak
rude civil, learned, experienced
civil , ; , ; ,
rude finished, refined, developed, sophiscated
rudiment [rdmnt] n. , ; ,
1. a fundamental element, principle, or skill, as of a field of
2. something in an incipient or undeveloped form
rudimentary fully developed, fully evolved, completely involved,
highly evolved, realized
rudimentary ; ,
incipient , , beginning to exist or appear
ruddy [rdi] a. ; (reddish)
1. having a healthy, reddish color
2. reddish; rosy



n. , : BULLY

[rf-l] v. ; / ; ()

1. to disturb the smoothness or regularity of; ripple
2. to pleat or gather (fabric) into a ruffle
3. to erect (the feathers). used of birds
4. to discompose; fluster
5. to flip through (the pages of a book)
fluster , to make or become nervous or
hem : garment :: ruffle : shirt :: molding : cabinet :: brim, rim : vessel
coolheaded excitable, nervous, agitated, ruffled
ruffle soothe, preen
ruminate [rmnit] v.
: to turn a matter over and over in the mind
museful : ruminative :: lamentable : plaintive (EQUAL)
muse , ;
plaintive , ,
ruminate : decide :: (A B)
ruminative unreflective
rumple [rmp-l] v. : FOLD, WRINKLE
: to wrinkle or form into folds or creases
rumple : shirt ::
rumple preen, glaze
preen (trim); ,

[rn] n.
: an unbroken sequence of theatrical performances
run : performance ::

rupture [rptr] n. , ; , ,
1. a. the process of breaking open or bursting
b. the state of being broken open
2. a break in friendly relations
rupture remain unbreakable

[ruz] n. ,
: a crafty stratagem; a subterfuge
paroxysm : sudden :: ruse : deceptive, deceived (A B )
paroxysm [prkszm] ; ,
ruse : honest ::
ruse trustful action

rustic [rstik] a. , ; : RURAL

1. of, relating to, or typical of country life or country people
2. marked by a lack of sophistication or elegance
3. appropriate for use in the country
polished, urbane rude, rustic
urbane polite, refined, and often elegant in manner


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

v. (, ) ;
1. to move with soft fluttering or crackling sounds
2. to move or act energetically or with speed
3. to forage food
4. to steal livestock, especially cattle
plagiarism : ideas :: forgery : documents ()
saddle unload


sabbatical [sbtikl] a. ;
sabbatical : leave :: flattering : infatuation
infatuation ,
sabotage [sbt, -tid] v.t. ,
n. 1. destruction of property or obstruction of normal
operations, as by civilians or enemy agents in time of
2. treacherous action to defeat or hinder a cause or an
endeavor; deliberate subversion
saboteur : disrupt :: apologist : defend
sabotage : subversion :: bully : intimidation (EQUAL)
subvert /; /
sabotage build, repair, construct, strengthen, rehabilitate, benefit
saccharine [skrin] a. ; ,
1. of, relating to, or characteristic of sugar or saccharin;
2. having a cloyingly sweet attitude, tone, or character
3. excessively sentimental
sugar : saccharine :: butter : margarine
margarine ,
acerbic saccharine
sacerdotal [sserdutel] a. ();
sacerdotal lay, secular, irreverent
sacrifice [skrfis] n. ;
1. a. the act of offering something to a deity in propitiation
or homage, especially the ritual slaughter of an animal
or a person
b. a victim offered in this way
2. a. forfeiture of something highly valued for the sake of
one considered to have a greater value or claim
b. something so forfeited
3. a. relinquishment of something at less than its presumed
b. something so relinquished
c. a loss so sustained
forfeit , ; ; ,
worship : sacrifice :: prediction : augury
sacrilege [skrlid] n.
: desecration, profanation, misuse, or theft of something
* sacrilegious adj. ,
* sacrosanct a.
sacrilege respect, reverence, pious action
pious , (religious, devout); ,
sacrilegious reverent, worshipful
sacrosanct vulnerable to disapprobation, vulnerable to reprobation
saddle[sdl]v. () ; (, ) ,

1. to put a saddle onto

2. to load or burden; encumber
encumber , ( ) ,

safeguard [sifgrd] n. ;
safeguard : harm ::
safeguard : accident :: hedge : loss :: quarantine : contamination
quarantine ( ) ; ,
sag [sg] v. , ; ,
1. to sink, droop, or settle from pressure or weight
2. to lose vigor, firmness, or resilience
3. to decline, as in value or price
saga [s:g] n. ,
saga : narrative :: epic : poem
saga anecdote
sage [seid] n. a.
* sagacious [sgis] a. (, ) ;
: DISCERNING : having or showing keen
discernment, sound judgment, and farsightedness
prudence : daredevil :: sagacity : simpleton :: constancy : turncoat
daredevil , () one who is recklessly
miser : stingy :: sage : judicious
sage / ; , one venerated for experience,
judgment, and wisdom
sage : judgment :: knave : deceit
knave [neiv] ,
sensitive : boor :: sagacity : simpleton (OPPOSITE)
constant : stalwart :: judicious : sagacious (EQUAL)
sage : wisdom :: veteran : experience :: philanthropist : benevolence
sagacious without wisdom, folly, fatuous
fatuous , ,
sagacity folly, simpleton
sage fool
salacious [slis] a. , ,
salacious chaste
salient [silint, -ljnt] a. , ; ,
1. projecting or jutting beyond a line or surface; protruding
2. strikingly conspicuous; prominent
3. springing; jumping
salient : ignore :: incomprehensible : understand
subtle : ignore :: salient : observe
salient inconspicuous, reentrant, unconspicuous
reentrant pointing inward
sallow [slou] adj.
: of a grayish greenish yellow color
sallow ruddy
sally [sli] v. (), ,
1. to rush out or leap forth suddenly
2. to issue suddenly from a defensive or besieged position to
attack an enemy
3. to set out on a trip or an excursion
sally move slowly, dawdle, move back
sally arrive, come
salmon [smn] n.
salmon : ichthyologist :: chameleon : herpetologist
ichthyology [kildi]
salubrious [slbris] a.
: conducive or favorable to health or well-being
salubrious : health :: instructive : comprehension
instructive conveying knowledge or information; enlightening
salubrious, salutary baneful, noxious, unhealthy, morbid, squalid,


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

deleterious, virulent, injurious
baneful ; , causing death, destruction,
or ruin; harmful
morbid , ;
squalid , ; , ;
deleterious [dlitris] having a harmful effect; injurious
virulent [vrjlnt] , ; , ;

salubrious unhealthy, deleterious

insalubrious wholesome
insalubrity healthfulness
salutary [sljtri / -t-ri] a. , : CURATIVE
1. effecting or designed to effect an improvement; remedial
2. favorable to health; wholesome
deleterious, unhealthy, baneful, deleterious salutary, salubrious
deleterious , having a harmful effect; injurious
salutation [sljti-n] n. (, ) ;
1. a. a polite expression of greeting or goodwill
b. greetings indicating respect and affection; regards
2. a gesture of greeting, such as a bow or kiss
3. a word or phrase of greeting used to begin a letter
salutation : welcome :: applause : praise
salute [slj:t] v. () , , ,
n. ,
salute : respect :: nod :assent
salvage [slvid] n. v.
1. to save from loss or destruction
2. to save (discarded or damaged material) for further use
salvage abandon
salve [s()v, sv] n. , ; ;
1. an analgesic or medicinal ointment
2. something that soothes or heals; a balm
3. flattery or commendation
placebo : innocuous :: salve : unctuous
unctuous ; ; ,

salve irritant
salving catalyst
salvo [slvou] n. ;
1. a. simultaneous discharge of firearms
b. the simultaneous release of a rack of bombs from an
c. the projectiles or bombs thus released
2. something resembling a release or discharge of bombs or
firearms, as:
a. a sudden outburst, as of cheers or praise
b. a forceful verbal or written assault
sanctify [sktfi] v.t. ; ,
1. to set apart for sacred use; consecrate
2. to make holy; purify
3. to give religious sanction to, as with an oath or a vow
4. to give social or moral sanction to
5. to make productive of holiness or spiritual blessing
desecrate sanctify, revere
desecrate to violate the sacredness of; profane
sanctuary [s:ktu`ri] n. , ,
sanctuary : protection :: utopia : perfection
sanctum ,
1. a sacred or holy place.
2. a private place where one is free from intrusion.
sanctum : ? :: refuge : offence
sanctimonious [sktmunis] a.
: feigning piety or righteousness
sanctimonious : devouted :: unctuous : earnest
unctuous ; ; ; ()

sanction [skn] v. , ,
1. to give official authorization or approval to
2. to encourage or tolerate by indicating approval
sanction refuse to tolerate, forbid, proscribe, reject
sanctuary [skturi / --ri] n. ; ,
sanctuary : protection :: utopia : perfection
sanctuary : protection :: wilderness : peril (A = B )
Something characterized by bewildering vastness,
PERILOUSNESS, or unchecked profusion: the wilderness of the city; the
wilderness of counterespionage.
peril , ;

[snd] v.
: to smooth or dress by grinding or rubbing with an abrasive
(as sandpaper)
varnish : glossy :: sand : smooth
sand : dune :: word : sentence
(water : canal )

sang-froid [s:frw:] n. ,
sang-froid : perturbation :: obstinancy : sway :: obstinancy : flexibility
sang-froid agitation

[sgwin] a. ; , :
1. a. (color) of the color of blood; red
b. of a healthy reddish color; ruddy
2. cheerfully confident; optimistic
sanguine : blooded :: confident : optimistic
sanguine despondent, morose, hopeless
despondent , , feeling or expressing
despondency; dejected
morose , sullenly melancholy; gloomy

sanitation [snti-n] n.
1. formulation and application of measures designed to
protect public health
2. disposal of sewage(, )
censorship : information :: sanitation : disease
noxious wholesome, sanitary, innocuous
sanitary ; ,
insanitation healthfulness

[sp] v. : UNDERMINE
1. to undermine the foundations of (a fortification)
2. to deplete or weaken gradually; devitalize
sap invigorate, fortify, bolster, revitalize, strengthen

sapient [sipint] a.
: having great wisdom and discernment
sapient foolish, witless
sapling [spli] n. /
: a young tree; specifically
: one not over four inches in diameter at breast height
sarcasm [s:rkz:m] n. , ,
1. a cutting, often ironic remark intended to wound
2. a form of wit that is marked by the use of sarcastic
language and is intended to make its victim the butt of
contempt or ridicule


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

3. the use of sarcasm
sarcasm praise
sartorial [srtril] a. ,
: of or relating to a tailor, tailoring, or tailored clothing
tonsorial : hair :: sartorial : apparel
tonsorial () of or relating to barbering or a barber

[seit] v. , ;
1. to satisfy (an appetite) fully
2. to satisfy to excess
sate starve, leave wanting


[siiit] v. ~ , ,

1. to satisfy (an appetite or a desire) fully

2. to satisfy to excess
satiated : food :: saturated : moisture
satiate tantalize, starve

sate [seit] v. = satiate

sate starve
satiety [stiti] n.
1 : the quality or state of being fed or gratified to or beyond
2 : the revulsion or disgust caused by overindulgence or
satiety emptiness
satire [stair] n. , ;
1. a. a literary work in which human vice or folly is attacked
through irony, derision, or wit
b. the branch of literature constituting such works
2. irony, sarcasm, or caustic wit used to attack or expose
folly, vice, or stupidity
panegyric : eulogize :: lampoon : satirize
panegyric /;
satire : ridicule :: elegy : sorrow :: expository : explain
satire : lampoon :: diligence : effort
reportage : journalist :: ridicule : satirist
reportage ;
limerick : poem :: lampoon : satire (A B)
limerick; 5
satirical : ridicule :: expository : explain (A B + A
B )
expository ()
satire comfort
[stisfktri] adj. , ,
satisfactory wanting
saturated [stritid] a.
1. unable to hold or contain more; full
2. soaked with moisture; drenched
satiated : food :: saturated : moisture
small : minuscule :: moist : saturated (A << B)
minuscule [mnskj:l] , ; very
small; tiny
obliterate : remove :: saturate : wet (A >> B)
saturated : wet :: peeved : annoy (EQUAL, : )
saturate : moisture :: thaw : warmth
saturated desiccated
[strnin] a. ; ,
1. having the temperament of one born under the supposed
astrological influence of Saturn
2. a. melancholy or sullen
b. having or marked by a tendency to be bitter or sardonic
3. produced by absorption of lead
sardonic , scornfully or cynically mocking
despondent : depressed :: saturnine : gloomy (EQUAL)
despondency depression of spirits from loss of hope, confidence, or
courage; dejection
saturnine jovial, genial, mercurial, effervescent
saucy [s:si] a. ,
1. a. impertinent or disrespectful
b. impertinent in an entertaining way; impossible to repress
or control
2. piquant; pert
impertinent , ; ,
pert , ; ( )
saunter [sntr, sn-] v.
: to walk at a leisurely pace; stroll
prate : speak :: saunter : walk
prate to talk idly and at length; chatter
savanna [svn] n. ,
: a flat grassland of tropical or subtropical regions
savanna slope
savant [svnt] n.
1. a learned person; a scholar
2. n idiot savant
savant unlearned person

[sivri] a. , ; ;
1. appetizing to the taste or smell
2. piquant, pungent, or salty to the taste; not sweet
3. morally respectable; inoffensive
mellifluous : sound :: savory : taste
unsavory : flavor :: discordant : sound
palatable : savory :: discernable : manifest (A << B(
savory noisome, acrid, unpalatable
noisome ; offensive to the point of arousing
disgust; harmful or dangerous
acrid (, ) , ;

savvy [svi] a.
: well informed and perceptive; shrewd
savvy simpleton, simplicity
savvy tactless
tactless ,
sawdust [s:dst] n.
soot : combustion :: sawdust : woodcutting
wood : sawdust :: metal : filing
sawdust : wood :: crumbs : bread
scabbard [skbrd] n. ( )
: a sheath, as for a dagger or sword
sheath [i:] ;
dagger : scabbard :: pistol : holster
scad [skd] n. ,
: a large number or amount. often used in the plural
scads paucity


scald [sk :ld] v. ; ;

1. to burn with or as if with hot liquid or steam
2. to subject to or treat with boiling water
3. to heat (a liquid, such as milk) almost to the boiling point


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

4. to criticize harshly; excoriate
scale [skeil] n. ,
gauge : pressure :: scale : weight
color : spectrum :: tone : scale
scale : weight :: yardstick : length
yardstick ; ,
color : spectrum :: tone : scale
scalpel [sklp-l] n.
a small, straight knife with a thin, sharp blade used in
surgery and dissection
scalpel : surgeon :: telescope : astronomer
tackiness : adhesive :: sharpness : scalpel
[skn] v.t.
1. to examine closely
2. to look over quickly and systematically
3. to look over or leaf through hastily
4. to analyze (verse) into metrical patterns
scan : metrical :: parse : grammatical
scheme [skim] v. ; : INTRIGUE
1. to plot
2. to contrive a plan or scheme for
follow : shadow :: plan : scheme
plan : scheme :: depart : abscond
schism [sz-m] n. ,
1. a separation or division into factions
2. a. a formal breach of union within a Christian church
b. the offense of attempting to produce such a breach
3. disunion; discord
schism : consensus :: interruption : continuity (OPPOSITE)
schism unity, concord, accord, unanimity, consensus
scission [sn, s-] n. , ,
scission unification


scant [sknt] a. , ;
1. barely sufficient
2. falling short of a specific measure
3. inadequately supplied; short
scant : considerable :: (OPPOSITE)
scant considerable, abundant, plenty, voluminous, profuse, myriad,
scanty [sknti] a. ,
1. barely sufficient or adequate
2. insufficient, as in extent or degree
voluminous scanty, scarce
myriad, profuse scanty
myriad constituting a very large, indefinite number;
scanty abundant
scapegoat [skipgut] n. ,
: one that is made to bear the blame of others
scarce [skrs] a. ,
1. insufficient to meet a demand or requirement; short in
2. hard to find; absent or rare
superfluity scarcity
myriad few, scarce
myriad constituting a very large, indefinite number;
scarce rife, abound, abundant
voluminous scanty, scarce, sparse, summarizing
scare [skr] v.
: to strike with sudden fear; alarm
scare : terrified ::
bully : scare ::
scarp [skrp] n.
: an escarpment
escarpment ,
scathing [skii] a. ,
1. bitterly denunciatory; harshly critical
2. harmful or painful; injurious
scathing politely/calmly complimentary

school [sku:l] n. ( )
: a large group of aquatic animals, especially fish, swimming
together; a shoal
school : fish :: flock : birds
scintillate [sntleit] v. ;
1. to throw off sparks; flash
2. to sparkle or shine
3. to be animated and brilliant
scintillate : flash ::
scintillating dull, fool
scion [sin] n. : DESCENDANT
: a descendant or an heir
scion ancestor
scission [s:n] n. , ,
: the act of cutting or severing; division or fission
scission unification
scissor [szr] (pl.) n.
pestle : grinding :: scissors : cutting
saw : carpenter :: scissors : tailor

[skf, skf] v. ,
: to mock at or treat with derision
pontificate : pompous :: scoff : derisive :: drawl : slow :: bluster :
loud :: prate : aimless
bluster ;
prate to talk idly and at length; chatter
scoff : contemptible :: thank : grateful
scoff : contempt :: thank : gratitude

scooter [sktr] n. v. ,
oscillation : swing :: momentum : scooter (2002 ) (A B
momentum Physics. A measure of the motion of a body equal to the
product of its mass and velocity. ALSO CALLED LINEAR MOMENTUM.
scorch [skrt] v. , ; : PARCH
1. to burn superficially so as to discolor or damage the
2. to wither or parch with intense heat
3. to destroy by or as if by fire (all land and buildings in one's
path) so as to leave nothing salvageable to an enemy
4. to subject to severe censure; excoriate
dampen scorch

schematic [ski()mtik] a. ,
of, relating to, or in the form of a scheme or diagram




GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

director : script :: conductor : score
script : writer :: score : composer
script : drama :: score : music
notes : score :: symbols : rebus
rebus [r:bs]
score : instrument ::
scorn [skrn] v.t.
1. to consider or treat as contemptible or unworthy
2. to reject or refuse with derision
scorn : reject :: adulate : flatter ( 3-3-15, ignore GRE
deferential : offend :: scornful : respect (OPPOSITE)
redoubtable : regard, awe :: despicable : scorn, contempt, disregard
redoubtable ; arousing fear or awe; worthy of
respect or honor
venerable : reverence :: despicable : scorn (EQUAL)
adulate, venerate scorn

[skt / skt] v. , ; ,
; ,
1. to put an abrupt end to
2. to injure so as to render harmless
3. to cut or score
4. to block (a whell) with a prop to prevent rolling or
scotch unfasten
scotch encourage ()

scour [skaur] v.t.

1. a. to clean, polish, or wash by scrubbing vigorously b. to
remove by scrubbing
2. to remove dirt or grease from (cloth or fibers) by means
of a detergent
3. to clean (wheat) before the milling process
4. to clear (an area) by freeing of weeds or other
5. to clear (a channel or pipe) by flushing
scour : wash ::
scourge [skrd] n. /
1. WHIP; especially : one used to inflict pain or
2. an instrument of punishment or criticism
3. a cause of wide or great affliction
scourge rewarding
scowl [skaul] vi.
:to wrinkle or contract the brow as an expression of anger
or disapproval
scowl : displeasure :: kiss : affection
scrap [skrp] v. ,
1. to break down into parts for disposal or salvage
2. to discard as worthless; junk
scrap retrieve
scrappy [skrpi] a.
1. quarrelsome; contentious
2. full of fighting spirit
scrappy timorous
timorous , full of apprehensiveness; timid
scrawl [skrb-l] v. , SCRIBBLE
: to write hastily or illegibly
scrawl carefully write

gear : tooth :: screw : thread (A = B )
scribble [skrbl]
1. to write hurriedly without heed to legibility or style
2. to cover with scribbles, doodles, or meaningless marks
tinker : adjust :: scribble : write :: mumble : talk
tinker ; / to make unskilled or
experimental efforts at repair
scrimp [skrimp] v. ~ , ()
scrimp squander, lavish
script [skript] n.
director : script :: conductor : score
script : drama :: score : music, symphony
scrupulous [skrpjls] a. , ; ,
1. conscientious and exact; painstaking
2. having scruples; principled
* scruple [skr:pl] n. ; , , ;
1. an uneasy feeling arising from conscience or principle that
tends to hinder action
2. ( 1.296g)
3. a minute part or amount
man of no scruples
without scruples ,
* unscrupulous adj. () ,
unscrupulous : integrity ::
unscrupulous principled, circumspect, measured
probity, integrity unscrupulousness
probity , , complete and confirmed integrity;
scrupulousity lack of conscience
scrutable [skrtb-l] a.
: capable of being understood through study and
observation; comprehensible
mysterious scrutable
scrutinize [skrt-niz] v. ,
: to examine or observe with great care; inspect critically
* inscrutable adj. , ,
scrutinize : gloss :: delve : skim
gloss ;
delve to search deeply and laboriously
scrutinize : glimpse, glance :: delve : skim
scrutinize : look :: contemplate : thought
contemplate , ,
observe : scrutinize :: question : grill (A << B)
headstrong : advice :: secretive : scrutiny, investigate (A = B )
scrutinize : examine :: delineate : describe
scrutinize : observe :: investigate : interrogate (A >> B)
investigate; to observe or inquire into in detail; examine systematically.
interrogate; to examine by questioning formally or officially.
scrutiny casual glance, cursory inspection
scrutinize gloss over, examine cursorily
inscrutable already proven

[skf] v.
: to scrape the feet while walking; shuffle
scuff : abrasion :: heat : vaporization

sculptor [sklptr]
* sculpt, sculpture



n. ()

GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

canvas : painter :: marble : sculptor
author : novel :: sculptor : marble
statue : sculpture :: ode : poem (A B)
scurrilous [skrls, sk-] a. ,
1. given to the use of vulgar, coarse, or abusive language;
2. expressed in vulgar, coarse, and abusive language
* scurrility n.
scurrilous : propriety :: mercurial : constancy (A B )
propriety ,
scurrilous noble, complimentary, inoffensive, decent, polite,
scurvy [skrvi] a. , , : DESPICABLE
:mean; contemptible
scurvy above reproach
scurviness simplicity
scythe [sai] n.
scythe : reaper :: axe : woodcutter

[smi] a. , ; , ;
1. sordid; base
2. having, marked with, or showing a seam
sordid , ; , ; ,
seamy decent and respectable

seascape [s:skeip] n. ; /
: a view or picture of the sea
portrait : person :: seascape : ocean
secluded [sikldid] a. ,
1. removed or remote from others; solitary
2. screened from view; sequestered
sequester , ; /
hermitage : secluded :: landmark : conspicuous
hermitage , ;
landmark , ;
secrete [sikrt] v.t. ; .
: to generate and separate (a substance) from cells or
bodily fluids
1. to conceal in a hiding place; cache
2. to steal secretly; filch
secrete absorb
secrete divulge
divulge , to make known (something private or
secretive [s:krtiv, sikri:-] a. ,
frank : secretiveness :: honest : theft
secretive : scrutiny :: headstrong : advice (A B )
secretiveness honest
secular [skjlr] a. , ;
1. worldly rather than spiritual
2. not specifically relating to religion or to a religious body
3. relating to or advocating secularism()
4. not bond by monastic restrictions, especially not
belonging to a religious order
monastic ; ,
secular : sacred ::
secular sacred, religious
secure [sikjr] v. (, ) ,
: if you secure an object, you fasten it firmly to another
secure unfasten
sedate [sidit] a. , v.
: serenely deliberate, composed, and dignified in character or
sedative : drowsiness :: anesthetic : numbness
sedative : pacify :: antiseptic : sterilize
sterilize /; ; ,
sedation riot
sedate flighty, roil, disturb, riot
flighty [fliti] ,
sedentary [sd-ntri / -t-ri] a. : SETTLED
1. characterized by or requiring much sitting
2. accustomed to sitting or to taking little exercise
3. remaining or living in one area, as certain birds; not
4. attached to a surface and not moving freely, as a
migratory, peripatetic sedentary, rooted
peripatetic , ;
sedition [sid-n] n. /
: incitement of resistance to or insurrection against lawful
seduce [sidjs] v.t. , ;
1. to lead away from duty, accepted principles, or proper
2. to induce to engage in sex
3. a. to entice or beguile into a desired state or position
b. to win over; attract
seduce discourage
sedulous [sduls] a. ,
: persevering and constant in effort or application; assiduous
sedulous : assiduous :: bootless : futile
sedulous : sacred ::
sedulous careless, lazy
sedulity lack of industriousness
seedy [s:di] a. ; , ;
1. having many seeds
2. resembling seeds or a seed
3. worn and shabby; unkempt
4. tired or sick; unwell
5. somewhat disreputable; squalid
seemly [smli] a. ; : DECOROUS
1. conforming to standards of conduct and good taste;
2. of pleasing appearance; handsome
ribald : seemly :: labyrinthine : direct (OPPOSITE)
ribald [rbld] , characterized by or indulging in
vulgar, lewd humor
seemly, sophisticated uncouth, ribald, indecorous
uncouth [nk:] , ; ,
seethe [si:] v. , , , n.
seethe serene ,
seethe calm down
segment [sgmnt] v. ,
: to divide or become divided into segments
segment make whole
segment : unify ::
segregate [sgrgeit] v. /; ( )


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

1. to separate or isolate from others or from a main body or
2. to impose the separation of (a race or class) from the
rest of society
selective [silktiv] a. , ; ,

1. of or characterized by selection; discriminating

2. empowered or tending to select
selective obligatory
self-abasement [selfbeismnt] n. (self-humiliation),
; (modesty);
: degradation or humiliation of oneself, especially because
of feelings of guilt or inferiority
self-abasement self-asserting, self-aggrandizement
semblance [smblns] n. ,;, ;
1. an outward or token appearance
2. a representation; a copy
3. the barest trace; a modicum
semblance authentic article
semblance dissimilarity
seminal [smnl] a. , ;,
1. of, relating to, or having the power to originate; creative
2. highly influential in an original way; constituting or
providing a basis for further development
seminal hampering further development
seminal derivative
seminary [smnri / -nri] n. ; ( )
1. a. a school, especially a theological school for the
training of priests, ministers, or rabbis
b. a school of higher education, especially a private school
for girls
2. a place or environment in which something is developed
or nurtured
conservatory : music :: seminary : theology
seminary : theologian :: conservatory : artist
senility [sinlti] n.
: the quality or state of being senile; specifically
: the physical and mental infirmity of old age
senility youth
1. perceived by a sense or the senses
2. having physical sensation
numb sensate
sensation [sensin] n. ;,;, ,
1. a. a perception associated with stimulation of a sense
organ or with a specific body condition
b. the faculty to feel or perceive; physical sensibility
c. an indefinite, generalized body feeling
2. a state of heightened interest or emotion
3. a. a state of intense public interest and excitement b. a
cause of such interest and excitement
analgesic : pain :: anesthetic : sensation
numb : sensation :: stiff : suppleness
supple ; ; ,
numb : insensible :: burnish : lustrous
lustrous ; , ;
bribe : incorruptible :: affect, rouse : insensible
sensation anesthesia, unnoticed event, numbness
anesthesia [nis:] ;
sensitive [snstiv] a. ,
obstinate : preserve :: tactless, insensitive : offend
insensitive : boor :: mischievous : imp
sensitization : allergic :: habituation : inured (EQUAL)
sensitivity : boor :: sagacity : simpleton
sensitive : boor :: sagacious : simpleton
quixotic : idealistic :: touchy : sensitive (A >> B)
tactile : touch :: sentient : emotion
tactile [tktil] ; tangible
sentient ;
sensitive numb
insensitive tender = sensitive
sentimental, sentient unconscious
sententious [sentns] adj. , ,
: terse, aphoristic, or moralistic in expression : PITHY,
sententious wordy
sentient [snnt] a. /
1. having sense perception; conscious
2. experiencing sensation or feeling
tactile : touch :: sentient : emotion
tactile [tktl] ;
sentient : consciousness ::
sentient, sentimental unconscious
insentient perceiving, animated
sentinel [sntnl] n. ,
: one that keeps guard; a sentry
sentinel : watchful :: epicure : discriminating
sentry [sntri] n. , ; ,
1. a guard, especially a soldier posted at a given spot to
prevent the passage of unauthorized persons
2. the duty of a sentry; watch
sepsis [spsis] n. ,
1. the presence of pathogenic organisms or their toxins in the
blood or tissues
2. the poisoned condition resulting from the presence of
pathogens or their toxins, as in septicemia
septic [sptik] a. ,
septic free of infection

[splkrl] a. ; : FUNEREAL,
1. of or elating to a burial vault or a receptacle for sacred
2. suggestive of the grave; funereal
; sepulchral visage(look)
mortuary ,
sepulchral merry

sequel [s:kwl] n. ,
1. something that follows; a continuation
2. a literary work complete in itself but continuing the
narrative of an earlier work
3. a result or consequence
sequela [sikwl] n. ;
1. a pathological condition resulting from a disease
2. a secondary consequence or result
precursor sequela
sequester [sikwstr] v.t. ,
1. to cause to withdraw into seclusion
2. to remove or set apart; segregate


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)
serried [srid] a. , : COMPACT
: pressed or crowded together, especially in rows
serried widely separated

sequester : seclusion :: endanger : jeopardy

jeopardy risk of loss or injury; peril or danger
sequester permit to mingle

servile [srvil, -vail] a. ; , ;

: abjectly submissive; slavish
compliant : servile :: trusting : gullible (A << B)
gullible : chicanery :: servile : domination
chicanery ,
1. deception by trickery or sophistry
2. a trick; a subterfuge
imperious : servile :: bellicose : peaceable (OPPOSITE)
bellicose warlike in manner or temperament; pugnacious
bigot : tolerant :: provincial : cosmopolitan
tolerant ,
impetuous : hesitate :: irrepressible : servile (OPPOSITE)
irrepressible difficult or impossible to control or
obsequious : servile :: belligerent : assertive (B A, A B
obsequious , full of or exhibiting servile compliance;

seraphic [sirfik] a. ;
seraphic dark, earthly, mundane (brittle )
diabolical seraphic
diabolic, diabolical , ; , satanic
[sir] a. ,
: withered; dry
sere lush, damp
lush , ,


serendipity [srndpti] n.
: the faculty of making fortunate discoveries by accident
serendipitous : effort :: ineluctable : chance
ineluctable , not to be avoided or
escaped; inevitable
serene [sir:n] a. , ; ,
1. unaffected by disturbance; calm and unruffled
2. unclouded; fair
perturb : serenity :: console : grief :: reassure : doubt (A remove B)
perturbed : serenity :: impertinent : propriety
impertinent , ;
disturb : serenity :: intrude : privacy
restless : serenity :: deferential : insolent
serene tumultuous, vociferous
serenity furor, havoc, pandemonium, tumult, bedlam, riot
furor [fj:r:r] ,
havoc [hvk] ,
1. widespread destruction; devastation
2. disorder or chaos
pandemonium ; a very noisy place; wild uproar or
bedlam , a place or situation of noisy uproar and

sever [sev:r] v. , ; ;
1. to set or keep apart; divide or separate
2. to cut off (a part) from a whole
3. to break up (a relationship, for example); dissolve
[sivr] a. , ; : STRINGENT,
mitigate : severe :: qualify : general (A = B )
mitigate to moderate (a quality or condition) in force or
intensity; alleviate
palmy : prosperity :: draconian : severity (EQUAL)
palmy , ; prosperous; flourishing


shabby [bi] a. , ; ,
1. wearing threadbare clothing
2. a. showing signs of wear and tear; threadbare or worn-out
b. dilapidated or deteriorated in condition, especially through
neglect; seedy
3. a. despicable; mean
b. not generous or just; unfair c. of mediocre or substandard
shabby smart
smart ;

sermon [s:rmn] n.
1. a religious discourse delivered as part of a church service
2. an often lengthy and tedious speech of reproof or
nitpicker : criticize :: preacher : sermon :: quibbler : cavil
homiletics : sermon :: logic : argument
homiletics the art of preaching
serfdom [srfdm]
serf : a member of a servile feudal class bound to the land
and subject to the will of its owner
serfdom lord
serfdom feudal lord
a. ; ,

1. of or resembling a serpent, as in form or movement;

2. subtly sly and tempting
serpent ( ) ; ()
serpentine : directness ::


serrate [srt, sreit] a. ,

1. having or forming a row of small, sharp, projections
resembling the teeth or a saw
2. having a saw-toothed edge or margin notched with
toothlike projections
* serration n.
serration smoothness
serrated smooth, without notches
notch ; ( ); ,

shackle [k-l] v. ; n. ,
1. to confine with shackles; fetter
2. to fasten or connect with a shackle
3. to restrict, confine, or hamper
shackle loose, free, unfasten, unfetter, untie, liberate, emancipate
( )
emancipate , to free from bondage,
oppression, or restraint; liberate
shadow [dou] v.t. ;
: to follow, especially in secret; trail
follow : shadow :: leave : abscond :: plot : scheme :: hear, listen :
scheme to make plans, especially secret or devious ones
shadowy overt, distinct, explicit
shadowy , ,
overt , open and observable; not hidden, concealed,
or secret
shaft, mineshaft [ft, ft] n.
: a long, narrow, often vertical passage sunk into the earth,
as for mining ore; a tunnel


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

shaft, mineshaft : lode :: well : aquifer
lode ;
aquifer [kwfr]
[ ]
shallow [lou] a. ; , : SUPERFICIAL
1. measuring little from bottom to top or surface; lacking
physical depth
2. lacking depth of intellect, emotion, or knowledge
shallowness profundity, realization
shallow profound

[m] n. , ; a. v. ()
, ~ ,
1. something false or empty that is purported to be
genuine; s spurious imitation
2. the quality of deceitfulness; empty pretense
3. one who assumes false character; an impostor
4. a decorative cover made to simulate an article of
household linen and used ver or in lace of it
debunk perpetuate to sham
debunk to expose or ridicule the falseness, sham,
or exaggerated claims of
sham genuine, debunk

shard [rd] n. () ;
shard : ceramic :: crumb : cake
shard : pottery :: shard : porcelain :: morsel : food :: fragment :
bone :: crumb : bread, cake (knob : door )
morsel [m:rsl] ; ,
[ltr] v. ; , :
conspicuous : sheltered :: (OPPOSITE)
hedgerow : fence :: arbor : shelter (A B, A B
arbor ,

parsimony : skimp :: malingering : shirk

parsimony unusual or excessive frugality; extreme
economy or stinginess
recluse : society :: shirked : duty
hoard : miser :: malinger : shirk
shirk pass through the center, face, confront, seek
shiver [v:r] v. ;
1. to shake with or as if with cold; tremble
2. to quiver or vibrate, as by the force of the wind
shiver calm
shoal [oul] n. ; , ; ( ) ,
1. a shallow place in a body of water
2. a sandy elevation of the bottom of a body of water,
constituting a hazard to navigation; a sandbank or
3. a large group; a crowd
4. a large school of fish or other marine animals
shoal deep
shoal suspicion
suspicion , ; , ; ,
shopworn [pwrn] a. ; ,
1. tarnished, frayed, faded, or otherwise defective from being
on display in a store
2. worn-out, as from overuse; trite
fray , ; ()
shopworn new


sheep [ip] n.
sheep : ewe :: swan : pen
ewe [ju:] cf. ram
shiftless [ftlis] a. ; : LAZY
1. a. lacking ambition or purpose; lazy
b. characterized by a lack of ambition or energy
2. lacking resourcefulness or efficiency; incompetent
shiftless : ambition :: ingenuous, nave : guile
ingenuous , ; ,
shifty [fti] a. , ; , ;
1. having, displaying, or suggestive of deceitful character;
evasive or untrustworthy
2. distinguished by frequent changes in direction
3. able to accomplish what is needed; resourceful
* shiftiness
shifty : straightforwardness ::
shiftiness probity
shipshape [peip] a. , ,
: marked by meticulous order and neatness; tidy
shipshape : disarray :: squalid : cleanliness
disarray ,
[rk] v. n. ,
(=shirker) ( Random House Unabridged
Dictionary 2006 )
: to avoid or neglect (a duty or responsibility)
duty : shirk :: question : parry :: crowd : recluse
parry ( ) , ; ( ) ,


shore [r] n. ; v.
: the land bordering a usually large body of water;
specifically : COAST
: to give support to : BRACE - usually used with up
shred [red] n. , ;
1. a long, irregular strip cut or torn off
2. a small amount; a particle
shred : remnant ::
remnant ; ,
shrewd [rud] a. ,
1. characterized by keen awareness, sharp intelligence, and
often a sense of the practical
2. disposed to artful and cunning practices; tricky
3. sharp; penetrating
* shrewdness
shrewd : naf, naive :: (OPPOSITE)
naf = nave
shrewdness obtuseness
shrewd foolish, naive, naif, myopic, lack of discern
mgyopia ; ,
shrine [rain] n. ; , ,
1. a container or receptacle for sacred relics; a reliquary
2. a. the tomb of a venerated person, such as a saint
b. a place at which devotion is paid to a venerated person
3. a site hallowed by a venerated object or its associations
shrine : pilgrim :: peak : climber
pilgrim () ; ,
shrink [rik] v. , ; ;
1. to become constricted from heat, moisture, or cold
2. to become reduced in amount or value; dwindle
3. to draw back instinctively, as from something alarming;
4. to show reluctance; hesitate
shrivel [rvl] v. , ,


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

1. to become or make shrunken and wrinkled, often by
2. to lose or cause to lose vitality or intensity
3. to become or make much less or smaller
shroud [raud]
n. , , v. () ,
, ,
n. 1. a cloth used to wrap a body for burial; a winding sheet
2. something that conceals, protects, or screens
v. 1. to wrap (a corpse) in burial clothing
2. to shut off from sight; screen ,
debunk shroud
shrug [rg] v
to raise (the shoulders), especially as a gesture of doubt,
disdain, or indifference
embrace : affection :: shrug : indifference :: blush : embarrassment ::
node : agreement
shrug : indifference :: bow : respect
shuffle [fl] v. , ;
1. to slide (the feet) along the floor or ground while
2. to move (something) from one lace to another; transfer
or shift
3. to put aside or under cover quickly; shunt
4. to mix together; jumble

[n] v.
: to avoid deliberately; keep away from
frequent, haunt shun
haunt [h:nt] ; ()
shun frequent, haunt, seek actively


[nt] v. , () n.
1. to turn or move aside or onto another course
2. to evade by putting aside or ignoring
3. to switch (a train or car) from one track to another
divert : shunt :: retard : brake


[tl] n. v. to go, move, or travel back

and forth by or as if by a shuttle

sibilant [sblnt] a. ; : HISSING

: of, characterized by, or producing a hissing sound
hiss : sibilant :: drone : monotonous
drone , ;
sidereal [said-ril] a. , : ASTRAL
1. of, relating to, or concerned with the stars or
constellations; stellar
2. measured or determined by means of the apparent daily
motion of the stars
arboreal : trees :: sidereal : stars
star : sidereal :: emotion : affective
affective concerned with or arousing feelings or emotions;
fluvial : river :: sidereal : star : terrestrial : earth
fluvial , ; ()
sidestep [sidstep] v. ;
1. to step aside
2. to dodge an issue or a responsibility
sidestep confront directly
sieve [siv] n.
sieve : devide :: staple : collate


v. /
signal [sgn-l] a. ; ,
: notably out of the ordinary
signal unremarkable
simper [smpr] v.
: to smile in a silly, self-conscious, often coy manner
simper : smile :: babble : talk
simpleton [smp-lt-n] n.
: a person who is felt to be deficient in judgment, good sense,
or intelligence; a fool
prudence : daredevil :: sagacity : simpleton :: constancy : turncoat
sagacity the quality of being discerning, sound in judgment, and
farsighted; wisdom
turncoat : constancy :: simpleton : prudent
simpleton sagacity
simplicity [simplsti] n. , ; , , ;
1. the property, condition, or quality of being simple or
2. absence of luxury or showiness; plainness
3. absence of affectation or pretense
4. a. lack of sophistication or subtlety
b. lack of good sense or intelligence; foolishness
5. a. clarity of expression b. austerity in embellishment
scurvy simplicity
scurvy , , mean; contemptible
simulate [smjlit] v.t. , : IMITATE
1. a. to have or take on the appearance, form, or sound of;
b. to make in imitation of or as a substitute for
2. to make a pretense of; feign
3. to create a representation or model of (a physical system
or particular situation, for example)
simulation authentic article
attest simulate
sin [sin] n.
peccadillo : sin :: admonishment : castigation (A << B)
castigate , to inflict severe punishment on; to
criticize severely
sincere [sinsr] a. : PURE
1. not feigned or affected; genuine
2. being without hypocrisy or pretense; true
authenticity : fraudulent :: sincerity : hypocritical
poseur : sincerity :: recluse : gregariousness
poseur [pouz:r]
poseur sincere person
badinage sincere conversation
badinage ,
sinecure [sinikjr, sni-] n. ,
: a position or office that requires little or no work but
provides a salary
sinecure arduous employment
arduous , ; ,
sinew [snju] n. , ; : POWER
1. a tendon
2. vigorous strength; muscular power
3. the source or mainstay of vitality and strength
* sinewy a.
a band of tough, inelastic fibrous tissue that connects a muscle with its
bony attachment


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

tendinous : sinewy ::
tendinous ; = sinewy [snju:i]
sinew weakness, frailty
sinewy flaccid

[sind] v.t. ; ; ;
( )
1. to burn superficially; scorch
2. to burn off the feathers or bristles of (a carcass of a bird
or an animal) by subjecting briefly to flame
3. to burn the ends of (hair, for example)
4. to burn the nap from (cloth) in manufacturing
carcass () ; ; ( )
singe : incinerate :: erode : destruction (A << B)
incinerate ,
[sgjlr] a. , ; , :
1. being only one; individual
2. being the only one of a kind; unique
3. being beyond what is ordinary or usual; remarkable
4. deviating from the usual or expected; odd
worldly singular


sinister [snistr] a. , ; ,
1. suggesting or threatening evil
2. presaging trouble; ominous
3. attended by or causing disaster or inauspicious
4. on the left side; left
sinister : welcome :: (OPPOSITE)

[snjus] a. ; ,
1. characterized by many curves or turns; winding
2. characterized by supple and lithe movements
3. not direct; devious
4. sinuate
*sinuate [snjuit, -eit]
: to bend or curve; wind in and out
sinuous direct

[sip] vi.
: to drink in small quantities
sip : drink :: mince : walk
mince , ;
swill, quaff : sip :: gobble : nibble :: quaff : sip :: stride : mince
quaff ,
swill to drink greedily or grossly
gobble ,
stride to walk with long steps, especially in a hasty or
vigorous way
ruthless : mercy :: insipid : flavor
swill sip
penitent : obdurate :: skeptic : credulous (OPPOSITE)
penitent , feeling or expressing remorse for one's
misdeeds or sins
skeptic votary, credence, optimist, believer
votary , ;
credence , ,
skeptical credulous
skepticism credulity, conviction
sketchy [skti] a. , ; , ;
1. resembling a sketch; giving only major points or parts
2. a. lacking in substance or completeness; incomplete
b. slight; superficial
* sketch
fawn : imperious :: elaborate : sketchy (B A )
sketch describe at length

[skju:] a. (oblique), (slanting);

1. placed or turned to one side; asymmetrical
2. distorted or biased in meaning or effect
3. having a part that diverges, as in gearing
skew aligned, straight, untwisting

skimp [skimp] v.
1. to deal with hastily, carelessly, or with poor material
2. to give inadequate funds to; be stingy with
parsimony : skimp :: malingering : shirk
skimpy liberal, profuse
skirmish [sk:rmi] n. ;
1. a minor battle in war, as one between small forces or
between large forces avoiding direct conflict
2. a minor or preliminary conflict or dispute
skirmish : insignificance :: duel : formality
duel () , ,
[skrt] v.t. ; ;
1. to lie along or form the edge of; border
2. to pass around rather than across or through
3. to pass close to; miss narrowly
4. to evade, as by circumlocution
circumlocution , ;
skirt seek, face, meet squarely
skirt pass the center directly, pass through the center of



siren [si-rn] n. ([ ) ; ,
; ,
siren : unresisting :: juggernaut : unstoppable
siren : heard :: beacon : seen
siren : sound :: beacon : light
beacon ;
skeleton [sklitn] n. , ; ; ,
skeleton : animal :: framing : building
rib : skeleton :: knuckle : finger :: lobe : ear
skeptic [skptik] a. n.
: one who instinctively or habitually doubts, questions, or
disagrees with assertions or generally accepted


[skit] n. ,
1. a short, usually comic dramatic performance or work; a
theatrical sketch
2. a short humorous or satirical piece of writing
skit : revue ::
vignette : scene :: skit : drama
vignette [vinjt] ( ) ;
skit : play :: anecdote : narrative
anecdote : story :: skit : play

skittish [skti] a. , ; , ,
1. moving quickly and lightly; lively
2. restlessly active or nervous; restive
3. undependably variable; mercurial or fickle
4. shy; bashful
skulk [sk lk] v. () , n.
skulk proceed openly (react, move rashly )
slacken [slkn] v. ,
1. to make or become slower; slow down


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

2. to make or become less tense, taut, or firm; loosen
3. to make or become less vigorous, intense, or severe;
slacken : tautness :: dilute : strength
slacken : tension :: blunt : sharpness
[slb] n. ; ( )
1. a broad, flat, thick piece, as of cake, stone, or cheese
2. an outside piece cut from a log when squaring it for
slab sliver
sleet [sli:t] n. , v.
soil : mud :: snow : sleet (B A )

[slu] n.
: a large amount or number; a lot
slew limited quantity, paucity


slack [slk] a. , ; (careless),

(indolent); , (sluggish);
1. moving slowly; sluggish
2. lacking in activity; not busy
3. not tense or taut; loose
4. lacking firmness; flaccid
5. lacking in diligence or due care or concern; negligent
6. flowing or blowing with little speed
slack taut
slacken tauten

[sleik] v.t. (, ) , :
1. to satisfy (a craving); quench
2. to lessen the force or activity of; moderate
3. to cool or refresh by wetting or moistening
slake : insatiable :: avoid : inevitable
slake : thirst :: gratify : desire :: satiate : hunger
gratify , to please or satisfy; to give what is
desired to
[slnt] v. ,
1. to give a direction other than perpendicular or horizontal
to; cause to slope
2. to present so as to conform to a particular bias or appeal
to a certain audience
slant assert without bias

slick [slik] a. , ; ,
1. smooth, glossy, and slippery
2. deftly executed; adroit
3. shrewd; wily
4. superficially attractive or plausible but lacking depth or
soundness; glib
viscid slick
viscid ,

[slait] a. , ; ; ;,
v. , ,
1. to treat as of small importance; make light of
2. to treat with discourteous reserve or inattention
3. to do negligently or thoughtlessly; scant
celebration : lament :: slight : show respect (OPPOSITE)
slight ponderous, grievous, prodigious, massive, unwieldy
prodigious , ; ,
unwieldy (, ) ;
slight show respect to, cosset, lionize, compliment, respect, pay
attention to
cosset , to pamper

sling [sli] n. ; ;
splint : immobilize :: sling : support

[slik] v. /
: to move in a quiet, furtive manner; sneak
slink strut, walk openly
strut; to walk wit pompous bearing; swagger


slapdash [slpd] a. : HAPHAZARD, SLIPSHOD

: hasty and careless, as in execution

[sleit] n. , ;
1. a fine-grained metamorphic rock that splits into thin,
smooth-surfaced layers
2. a. a piece of this rock cut for use as roofing or surfacing
material or as a writing surface
b. a writing tablet made of a similar material
3. a record of past performance or activity
4. a list of the candidates of a political party running for
various offices
roster : personnel :: slate : candidate
roster ;

sleazy [sl:zi] a. , ,
sleazy chaste
sleek [sli:k] a. , ; , ;
1. smooth and lustrous as if polished; glossy
2. well-groomed and neatly tailored
3. healthy or well-fed; thriving
4. polished or smooth in manner, especially in an unctuous
way; slick
unctuous ; ; ; ()

slippery [slpri] a. ; ,
1. causing or tending to cause sliding or slipping
2. tending to slip, as from one's grasp
3. not trustworthy; elusive or tricky
dingy : glisten :: slippery : adhere
dingy ,
glisten to shine by reflection with a sparkling luster
splint : mobility :: ballast : instability :: purchase : slippery
slippery : elude :: alluring : entice ( : )

[slipd] a. , : SLOPPY,
1. marked by carelessness; sloppy or slovenly
2. slovenly in appearance; shabby or seedy
slipshod assiduous, fastidious, painstaking, neat
assiduous , ;
fastidious ,

slog [slg|sl g] v. , ;
; ~ n. , ,
slog gambol (200509)
gambol , ,
slogan [slugn] n.
1. a phrase expressing the aims or nature of an enterprise, an
organization, or a candidate; a motto
2. a phrase used repeatedly, as in advertising or promotion
sloppy [slpi / slpi] a. , : SLIPSHOD
1. marked by a lack of neatness or order; untidy
2. marked by a lack of care or precision; slipshod


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

sloppy natty
[slou, sl] n. ,
: aversion to work or exertion; laziness; indolence
indolence , habitual laziness; sloth
slothful :: assiduity :: rakish : restraint
sloth industry
slothful assiduous
assiduous a. , ,

slur : speech :: smudge : writing

smudge , ;
slur pronounce clearly, enunciate, praise, absolve, flatter


slouch [slaut] v. ; ( )
1. to sit, stand, or walk with an awkward, drooping,
excessively relaxed posture
2. to droop or hang carelessly, as a hat
slouch stand erect
slovenly [slvnli] a., ; ,
1. untidy, as in dress or appearance
2. marked by negligence; slipshod
* sloven [slv-n] n.
: one who is habitually careless in personal appearance or
slovenliness : finical, finicky :: laxity : draconian
indulgent : adherent :: slovenly : dapper (B A )
To engage or take part, especially freely or avidly
indulgent ,
(,,,) , ,
slovenly tidy, natty, dapper
sluggard [slg:rd]
n. ,
: a slothful person; an idler
rapscallion : mischievous :: sluggard : lazy
sluggish [slgi]
a. , ; ; ,
1. displaying little movement or activity; slow; inactive
2. lacking alertness, vigor, or energy; inert or indolent
3. slow to perform or respond to stimulation
sluggish : torpor :: aloof : reserve
alacritous sluggish
sluggish active, brisk, sharp, diligent, prompt
slumber [slmbr] v. ;
1. to sleep
2. to be dormant or quiescent
quiescent ; being quiet, still, or at rest;
slumber awake

[sl mp] v. , , n. , ,
, ,
slump recover

sluice [slu:s] n. ( ) , , v.
n. an artificial channel for conducting water, with a valve or
gate to regulate the flow; A sluiceway. A long inclined
trough, as for carrying logs or separating gold ore
v. to flood or drench with or as if with a flow of released
water; to wash with water flowing in a sluice: sluicing
sediment for gold; to draw off or let out by a sluice:
sluice floodwater
sluice : water :: vent : air

[slr] v. , ; ; ,

1. to pronounce indistinctly
2. to speak slightingly of; disparage
3. to pass over lightly or carelessly; treat without due


[slai] a. ; , : DISSEMBLING
1. adept in craft or cunning
2. lacking or marked by a lack of candor
3. playfully mischievous; roguish
sly artless, ingenuous, candid, unassuming, uncalculating, nave,
guileless (shiftless )

smarmy [smrmi] a. ;
1. hypocritically, complacently, or effusively earnest;
2. sleek
smarmy earnest
[smrt] vi. , ; ;

1. a. to cause a sharp, usually superficial, stinging pain

b. to be the location of such a pain
c. to feel such a pain
2. to suffer acutely, as from mental distress, wounded
feelings, or remorse
3. to suffer or pay a heavy penalty

1. a. characterized by sharp, quick thought; bright

b. amusingly clever; witty
c. impertinent; insolent
2. energetic or quick in movement
3. canny and shrewd in dealings with others
4. fashionable; elegant
smart : pain :: grieve : sorrow
smart soothe
smart tatty, dumb, dowdy
tatty , , somewhat worn, shabby, or
dilapidate , to bring or fall into a state of
partial ruin, decay, or disrepair
dowdy , (shabby)


smattering [smtri] n. ;
1. superficial or piecemeal knowledge
2. a small, scattered amount or number
stare : leer :: peruse : smatter
leer , to look with a sidelong glance
peruse [pr:z] /, to read or examine, typically
with great care
erudite smattering of knowledge, ignorant, unlettered
smirk [smrk] v. , ()
n. ()
: to smile in an affected, often offensively self-satisfied
smirk : smugness :: sneer : derision
smug , ; ,
smoke [smouk] n.
smoke : pollutant :: backache : pain
smolder [smuldr] v. ( ) ()
, , n.
smother [smr] v.t. , ; ; ,

1. a. to suffocate (another)
b. to deprive (a fire) of the oxygen necessary for combustion
2. to conceal, suppress, or hide
3. to cover (a foodstuff) thickly with another foodstuff


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

4. to lavish a surfeit of a given emotion on (someone)
smother : choke :: (EQUAL)
smudge [sm d] v. , ;
1. to make dirty, especially in one small area
2. to smear or blur (something)
3. to fill (an orchard or another planted area) with dense
smoke from a smudge pot in order to prevent damage
from insects or frost
slur : speech :: smudge : writing
smug [smg] a. , ; ,
: exhibiting or feeling great or offensive satisfaction with
oneself or with one's situation; self-righteously
smirk : smugness :: sneer : derision
primp : vain :: gloat : smug
primp to dress or groom (oneself) with meticulous or
excessive attention to detail
gloat to feel or express great, often malicious,
pleasure or self-satisfaction
smug tatty, untidy
smuggle [smg-l] v.
1. to import or export without paying lawful customs
charges or duties
2. to bring in or take out illicitly or by stealth
collude : cooperate :: smuggle : convey
collude conspire
smuggler : import :: embezzler : appropriate
smuggler : tariff :: stowaway : fare
tariff (, )
smuggle transport openly


n. , ; ,

snare [sn:r] n. ;
1. a trapping device, often consisting of a noose, sued for
capturing birds and small mammals
2. something that serves to entangle the unwary
unwary , , not alert to danger or
[snrl] v. ; ,
1. to growl viciously wile baring the teeth
2. to speak angrily or threateningly
, to become tangled or confused
exoneration : blame :: disentangle : snarl (OPPOSITE)
snarl coo
coo () ; to talk fondly or
amorously in murmurs
snarl untangle, disentangle


sneak [sni:k] v. , ; ,

1. to go or move in a quiet, stealthy way
2. to behave in a cowardly or servile manner
sneer [snir] n. , ,
1. a scornful facial expression characterized by a slight
raising of one corner of the upper lip
2. a contemptuous facial expression, sound, or statement
smirk : smugness :: sneer : derision (A show B)
wince : pain :: smile : pleasure :: pout : displeasure :: sneer :
wince , to shrink or start involuntarily, as in
pain or distress; flinch
pout ,

[snb / snb] n.
: snobbish of, befitting, or resembling a snob; pretentious
attentive : officious :: refined : snobbish (A << B)


[snb] v. , ; ; n.
, , a.
1. to ignore or behave coldly toward; slight
2. to dismiss, turn down, or frustrate the expectations of
3. to stub out (a cigarette, for example)
dissemble : honesty :: snub : politeness
dissemble ,
ingenuous : dissemble :: raffish : preen :: polite : snub
raffish , , ;
snub : disdain :: double cross : disloyalty
court snub
court ; ; /
snub polite

snug [sn g] a. , , , , , v.
, adv.
snug unkempt, slovenly, untidy, disheveled
snug uncomfortable, insecure, (cramped)

[souk] v. , ; DRENCH
1. a. to make thoroughly wet or saturated by or as if by
placing in liquid b. to immerse in liquid for a period of time
2. to absorb (liquid, for example) through or as if through
pores or interstices
3. to remove (a stain, for example) by continued immersion
soaked, drenched : wet, damp :: exuberant : happy :: frigid : cool (A >>
exuberant , ; full of unrestrained
enthusiasm or joy
drenched : wet :: antithetic : different (A >> B)
antithetic ,
castigation : reproof :: soaking : damp (A >> B)

sober [subr] a. ; , ,
1. habitually abstemious in the use of alcoholic liquors or
drugs; temperate
2. not intoxicated or affected by the use of drugs
3. plain or subdued
4. devoid of frivolity, excess, exaggeration, or speculative
imagination; straightforward
5. marked by seriousness, gravity, or solemnity of conduct or
6. marked by circumspection and self-restraint
sumptuous, puckish, frivolous sober
sumptuous ; , of a size or splendor
suggesting great expense; lavish
puckish ; , mischievous; impish
frivolous , ; ,
sobriety [sbriti] n. , ;
1. gravity in bearing, manner, or treatment
2. moderation in or abstinence from consumption of alcoholic
liquor or use of drugs
sobriety sumptuousness, flippancy
sumptuous , ; ,
flippant , marked by disrespectful levity or casualness;
sodden [sdn / sdn] a.
: thoroughly soaked; saturated
marsh : sodden :: desert : arid
marsh ,
moist : sodden :: surprised : astonished (A << B)
sodden desiccated


[sgi, s()gi]

a. ;

GRE 6.0 (2008 7)
1. of, relating to, or affecting the body, especially as
distinguished from a body part, the mind, or the
environment; corporeal or physical
2. of or relating to the wall of the body cavity, especially as
distinguished from the head, limbs, or viscera()
3. of or relating to a somatic cell or the somatoplasm(
somatic nonphysical

1. saturated or sodden with moisture; soaked

2. lacking spirit; dull
solace [sls] n. /( )
: comfort in sorrow, misfortune, or distress; consolation
solace : grief :: pacification : anger
solder [sdr / sldr] n. ;
: to serve as a bond between; join
breach solder
solemn [slm / sl -] a. ,
1. deeply earnest, serious, and sober
2. somberly or gravely impressive
3. performed with full ceremony
4. invoking the force of religion; sacred
5. gloomy; somber
jest solemnity
jest , , ,
solicitous [slsts] a. ; : APPREHENSIVE
1. a. anxious or concerned
b. expressing care or concern
2. full of desire; eager
3. marked by or given to anxious care and often hovering
4. extremely careful; meticulous
* solicitude n. , ,
solicitude : concern :: startle : flinch :: truculent : bellicosity (A
B )
flinch ,
solicitous unconcerned
solicitude indifference
solidify [sldfai] v. , ; /
1. to make solid, compact, or hard
2. to make strong or united
pulverize solidify
soliloquy [slkwi] n. ; (monologue)
soliloquy : play :: aria : opera

[smbr / sm-] a. , ; ,
1. a. dark; gloomy
b. dull or dark in color
2. a. melancholy; dismal
b. serious; grave
somber cherubic, droll


somnolence [smnlnt] n. : SLEEPINESS

: a state of drowsiness; sleepiness
soporific , inducing or tending to induce sleep;
* somnolent [smnlnt|sm-] a. ;
1. drowsy; sleepy
2. inducing or tending to induce sleep; soporific
ennui : enthusiastic :: somnolence : alert (LACK)
insomnia : sleep :: dyslexia : read
dyslexia , (word blindness)
sonata [snt] n.
dessert : meal :: epilogue : play :: coda : sonata
sonnet [snt / sn-] n. , 14
sonnet : poet :: symphony : composer (B A )
sonnet : poem :: denim : fabric (A B)
biography : nonfiction :: sonnet : poem
sonnet : versemonger :: painting : daubster

solitude [s litju:d|sl-] n. , ; , (seclusion)

1. the state or quality of being alone or remote from others
2. a lonely or secluded place
recluse : solitude :: toady : favor
toady ,
solitude gregariousness, companionship, company


1. to calm or placate
2. to ease or relieve (pain, for example)
* soothing a.
soothing grating
nettle, vex, rankle, smart pacify, appease, soothe
rankle ; ( )
smart , ( )



[slv-nt] a. , ;

a. 1. capable of meeting financial obligations
2. (chemistry) capable of dissolving another substance
n. something that solves or explains
coagulant : thicken :: solvent : dissolve (A = B , : )
solvent : dissolve :: coagulant : clot (EQUAL, : )
profligate : solvent :: mercurial : committed
(profligate solvency() , mercurial
commitment(, ) 3 16)
regimen : health :: budget : solvency (A is for B)
regimen [rdmn] , ; ,
caustic : burn :: solvent : dissolve
solvent precipitant
precipitant a. ; , n.
bankruptcy solvency
insolvency ability to pay one's debts



a. ; (corporeal);

[sp / sp] v. n. ,
v. 1. to dip, soak, or drench in a liquid; saturate
2. to take up by absorption
n. 1. a piece of food soaked or dipped in a liquid
2. a. something yielded to placate or soothe
b. a bribe
sop : dampen :: frigid : cool
sop : conciliatory :: subsidy : supportive :: snub : disdainful
subsidy [sbsidi] ,
sopping : dampen :: frigid : cool (A >> B)

sophism [sfiz-m / sf-] n.

1. a plausible but fallacious argument
2. deceptive or fallacious argumentation
sophism : reasoning :: counterfeit : money :: quack : practitioner
alibi : exculpate :: sophism : deceive (A B )
sophistication [sfstki-n] n. :
ingenue : sophistication :: cynic : trustfulness (LACK)
ingenue [nn:] an artless, innocent girl or young


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

sophisticated : uncouth :: (OPPOSITE)
callow behaving with adult sophistication
callow , lacking adult maturity or experience;
politic unsophisticated
bucolic sophisticated
sophomoric [sfmrik / sf-] a. 2; ,
1. of or characteristic of a sophomore
2. exhibiting great immaturity and lack of judgment
sophomoric mature, experienced
soporific [sprfik] n. a.
: inducing or tending to induce sleep; drowsy
soporific : sleep :: vaccination : immunity :: inoculation : immunity
inoculate ; () ,
soporific : sleeping :: vaccination: immune
soporific : alertness :: analgesic : pain
soporific stimulant, provocative, invigorating, exhilarating, bracing,
energetic, vital
sordid [srdid] a. , ; : VILE
1. filthy or dirty; foul
2. depressingly squalid; wretched
3. morally degraded
4. exceedingly mercenary; grasping
sordid honorable, noble, wholesome
sound [saund] a. ,
ramshackle : soundness :: garbled : clarity
ramshackle ;
garble ; ,
tenable unjustified, unsound
decrepit sound
sparse [sprs] a.
: occurring, growing, or settled at widely spaced intervals;
not thick or dense
sparse rife, copious
rife , ;
Spartan [sprt-n] a. ;
1. of or relating to Sparta or its people
2. a. rigorously self-disciplined or self-restrained
b. simple, frugal, or austere
c. marked by brevity of speech; laconic
d. courageous in the face of pain, danger, or adversity
spartan sybaritic, indulgent, luxurious, luxuriant, sumptuous,
voluptuous, opulent, forgiving, profligate
sumptuous ; , of a size or splendor
suggesting great expense; lavish
voluptuous , ; ,
forgiving ,
spasmodic [spzmdik|-md-] adj. ,
spasmodic : persistent ::
spat [spt] n. (petty quarrel)
spate [speit] n. ; ,
: a sudden flood, rush, or outpouring
spate dearth, trickling flow, lack, abatement
spatula [sptl|-tju-] n , ,

scoop : concave :: spatula : flat (CHARACTER)



dabbler specialist
specific [spisfik] a. , ; (particular); ,

generic specific
specimen [spsmin] n. , ;
1. an individual, an item, or a part representative of a class,
genus, or whole
2. a sample, as of tissue, blood, or urine(), used for
analysis and diagnosis
specimen : dissect :: sentence : parse
dissect ; ,

[sps] a. , : SOPHISTIC,
1. having the ring of truth or plausibility but actually
2. deceptively attractive
exemplary : imitation :: specious : doubt
specious : genuineness :: illusory : reality
specious valid, veritable
veritable , being truly so called; real or genuine

speck [spek] n. , : BIT

1. a small spot, mark, or discoloration
2. a tiny amount; a bit
mite : creature :: speck : amount
mite ; , ()
spectator [spkteitr, ---] n.
: an observer of an event
epicure : discriminating :: spectator : watching
spectrum ; , (scope)
hue, color : spectrum :: tone : scale
speculate [spkjlit] vi. ; : REFLECT
1. to meditate on a subject; reflect
2. to engage in a course of reasoning often based on
inconclusive evidence
3. to engage in the buying or selling of a commodity with an
element of risk on the chance of profit
* speculative adj. , , ,
conjecture restrain from the speculation
speculative already proven
spendthrift [spndrft] n.
: one who spends money recklessly or wastefully
craven : hero :: parsimonious : spendthrift
craven , characterized by abject fear; cowardly
miser : parsimonious :: spendthrift : prodigal
spendthrift miser
spent [spent] a. , : EXHAUSTED
: used up; consumed
precarious : stability :: spent : efficacy (A lack B)
spent : efficacy :: dated : currency :: pass : popularity
precarious , ;
efficacy , power or capacity to produce a desired effect;
pass , ,
spent efficacious
efficacious producing or capable of producing a desired
spindly [spndli] a. ,
: slender and elongated, especially in a way that suggests


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)
2. v. to spend extravagantly or wastefully.
3. n. an extravagant display; an expensive indulgence; a
splurge : spend ::

limber : flexibility :: spindly : frailty

limber , ;
supple , ;
spineless [spinlis] a. / ; () / ,
1. lacking courage or willpower
2. (biology) a. having no spiny processes b. lacking a spinal
column; invertebrate
plucky spineless
[spini] a. ; , : THORNY;
1. bearing or covered with spines, thorns, or similar stiff
2. shaped ike a spine
3. difficult; troublesome
spiny smooth


[spil] v.t. ; , :
1. a. to impair the value or quality of b. to damage
irreparably; ruin
2. to impair the completeness, perfection, or unity of; flaw
3. to do harm to the character, nature, or attitude of by
oversolicitude, overindulgence, or excessive praise
cosseted unspoiled
cosset , to pamper


[spair] n. ,
1. a top part or point that tapers upward; a pinnacle
2. a structure or formation, such as a steeple, that tapers to
a point at the top
3. a slender, tapering part, such as a newly sprouting blade
of grass
taper /
spire : church :: minaret : mosque
minaret [mnret] ( )


spiritual [spritul|-tju-] adj. , ,

1. of, relating to, consisting of, or having the nature of
spirit; not tangible or material
2. of, concerned with, or affecting the soul
3. of, from, or relating to God; deific
4. of or belonging to a church or religion; sacred
5. relating to or having the nature of spirits or a spirit;
deific ;
spiritual corporeal
spleen [splin] n. , ; ,
: ill temper
spleen good-will
splendor [splndr] n. , ; , ; ,
1. great light or luster; brilliance
2. a. magnificent appearance or display; grandeur
b. something grand or magnificent
3. great fame; glory
squalor splendor
squalor , , , ,
splint [splint] n. v. to support or restrict or as if with a
splint : mobility :: ballast : instability :: purchase : slippery ::
lubricant : friction
splint : immobilize :: duct : convey
buttress : edifice :: splint : limb
edifice () , ; ,
crumb : bread :: splint : wood
splinter [splnt:r]
n. ,
: a sharp, slender piece, as of wood, bone, glass, or metal,
split or broken off from a main body
crumb : bread :: splinter : wood
splurge [spl:rd] v. , n. ,

1. to indulge in an extravagant expense or luxury; To be

showy or ostentatious.

spoke [spouk] n.
spoke : hub :: radius : center
spontaneous [spntinis] a. ; , :
1. happening or arising without apparent external cause;
2. arising from a natural inclination or impulse and not from
external incitement or constraint
3. unconstrained and unstudied in manner or behavior
4. growing without cultivation or human labor; indigenous
juggernaut : unstoppable :: extemporization : spontaneous
gauche : finesse :: spontaneous : planning
gauche , ; , lacking social polish;
spontaneous : planning :: (A B )
spontaneous premeditated
spoof [spuf] n. ,
1. nonsense; tomfoolery
2. a hoax
3. a gentle satirical imitation; a light parody
nicety : distinction :: spoof : parody
ode : poetry :: spoof : parody
sporadic [sprdik] a. ,
1. occurring at irregular intervals; having no pattern or order
in time
2. appearing singly or at widely scattered localities, as a
plant or disease
3. isolated; unique
sporadic regular, steady, chronic, frequent
chronic ,
sprain [sprein] n. (, ) ,
1. a painful wrenching or laceration of the ligaments of a
2. the condition resulting from s sprain
lacerate , ; ( ) ,
1. to rip, cut, or tear
2. to cause deep emotional pain to; distress
ligament [lgmnt] , ;
sprain : injury :: cold : contagion :: influenza : disease (A B)
sprightly [spritli] a. : SPIRITED
: full of spirit and vitality; lively; brisk
dodder : unsteady :: cavort : sprightly
dodder ;
cavort [kv:rt] ,
hangdog sprightly


[sprai] a. ,
: lively, active, and brisk; vigorous

GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

spry devastated
devastate ; ,
spunk [spk]
spunk timidity

squander : meager ::
conserve, hoard, husband waste, squander, exhaust
squander skimp, scrimp
skimp v. , a. ,


[spr] v.t. , , :
1. to urge (a horse) on by the use of spurs
2. to incite or stimulate
deter spur


spurious [spj-ris] a. ; : FALSE

1. lacking authenticity or validity in essence or origin; not
genuine; false
2. of illegitimate birth
spurious : authenticity :: (LACK)
spurious authentic, genuine
spuriousness authenticity
spurn [sprn] v. ,
1. to reject disdainfully or contemptuously; scorn
2. to kick at or tread on disdainfully
spurn : reject :: despise : ignore (A>>B)
spurn welcome willingly, want, desire, accept, court, crave,
embrace, uphold, seek, take willingly
court , ,
crave , ,
spurned beloved
squabble [skwb-l] v.
: to engage in a disagreeable argument, usually over a
trivial matter
squabble : dispute, quarrel :: foible : failing (A << B)
foible , ; forte
tiff : squabble :: foible : failing
tiff ; a fit of irritation; a petty quarrel
squalid [skwlid / skwl-] a. , ; ,
1. dirty and wretched, as from poverty or lack of care
2. morally repulsive; sordid
squalid, sordid pristine, immaculate, salubrious
pristine , ;
immaculate , ; ;
squall [skwl] n. , ; ,
1. a brief, sudden, violent windstorm, often accompanied
by rain or snow
2. a brief commotion
squall : commotion :: flash : illumination
squalor [skwlr, skwl- / skwlr] n. ,
: a filthy and wretched condition or quality
squalor immaculateness, splendor, sincerity, ceremony, salubrity
immaculate , ; ;
splendor ; , ; ,
ceremony ; , ; strict observance of
formalities or etiquette
squander [skwndr] v.t. : DISSIPATE
: to spend wastefully or extravagantly; dissipate
squandering : spend :: gluttony : eat
proctor : supervise :: prodigal : squander
proctor () ; ,
squander : expend :: coercion : intimidate :: adulate : admire
coerce ,

squash [skwa] v. , ; ;
1. to beat, squeeze, or press into a pulp or a flattened mass;
2. to put down or suppress; quash
3. to silence or fluster, as with crushing words
squash foment
squat [skwt / skwt] a. ;
1. short and thick; low and broad
2. crouched in a squatting position
squat tall and thin, lean
squeamish a. () , ()
, , , ,

squeamish : disgust :: tractable : manage

squelch [skwelt] v. , : QUELL, SQUASH
1. to crush by or as if by trampling; squash
2. to put down or silence, as with a crushing retort
squelch, squash foment, kindle
squint, squiz [skwint] v. , , ;

1. to look with the eyes partly closed, as in bright sunlight
2. a. to look or glance sideways
b. to look askance, as in disapproval
3. to have an indirect reference or inclination
4. to be affected with strabismus([strbzms] , )
askance; a. , ,
squiz, squint : eye :: pucker : mouth
pucker [pkr] () , to gather into small
wrinkles or folds
stabilize [stibl`aiz] v. /;
1. to make stable or steadfast
2. to maintain the stability of (an airplane or sip, for
example) by means of a stabilizer
3. to keep from fluctuating; fix the level of
stabilize fluctuate, teeter
stability inconstancy
stagnant [stgnnt] a. ,
: motionless
stagnant flowing, moving

[steid] a. ; : SOBER, GRAVE

1. characterized by sedate dignity and often a strait-laced
sense or propriety; sober
2. fixed; permanent
staid jaunty, puckish, jocular
jaunty , ;

stain [stein] n. , ; , v. ,

1. to discolor, soil, or spot

2. to bring into disrepute; taint or tarnish ( )
3. to color (glass, for example) with a coat of penetrating
liquid dye or tint ,
4. to treat (specimens for the microscope) with a reagent or
dye that makes visible certain structures without affecting
dye : stain ::




GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

: a situation in which further action is blocked; a deadlock
clog : drainage :: stalemate : negotiations
clog ; ,
stalk [sto:k] v. /; ( , )

1. to walk with a stiff, haughty, or angry gait

2. to move threateningly or menacingly
3. to track prey or quarry
collude : cooperate :: stalk : follow :: infiltrate : enter
grazing : foragers :: stalking : hunter
stalwart [stlwrt] a. , () ,
1. having or marked by imposing physical strength
2. firm and resolute; stout
constant : stalwart :: judicious : sage ( : , EQUAL)
stalwart : irresolution :: (A B )
lank stalwart
lank ; long and lean; long, straight, and limp
stalwart timorous, infirm, irresolute, gangling
stamina [stmn] n. ,
: physical or moral strength to resist or withstand illness,
fatigue, or hardship
stamina frailty
startle lull, cause tranquil (-appease )
stasis [stisis] n. /
: a condition of balance among various forces;
stasis changing period, period of change, activity, moving,
disequilibrium, motility
static [sttik] a.
1. having no motion; being at rest; quiescent
2. fixed; stationary
static : movable :: pliable : inflexible
motile static
motile [mutl] moving or having the power to move
stature [sttr] n. , ; ; ,
1. the natural height of a human being or an animal in an
upright position
2. an achieved level; status
stature : tall :: sound, volume : loud
status [stits, stts] n. , ; ; () ,
1. position relative to that of others; standing
2. high standing; prestige
3. a state of affairs; situation
abase : status :: shorten : length, height

stammer [stmr] v. : HALT

: to speak with involuntary pauses or repetitions
falter : act :: stammer : speak
falter , ;
stammer : halting :: drone : monotonous

staunch [stnt, stnt] adj.

: steadfast in loyalty or principle
staunch irresolute / wavering

stanch [st :nt|st:nt] v. (, ) ;

1. to stop or check the flow of (blood or tears, for example)
2. to stop the flow of blood from (a wound)
3. to check or allay
stanch let it flow

steadfast [stdfst, -fst] a.

1. fixed or unchanging; steady
2. firmly loyal or constant; unswerving
swerve , to turn aside or be turned aside from a
straight course
capricious steadfast

standard [stndrd] n. , , , adj. ,

aberrant : standard :: digressive : topic
standard atypical
argot standard language, common verbalism

stealth [stel] n.
1. the act of moving, proceeding, or acting in a covert way
2. the quality of characteristic of being furtive or covert
caprice : whimsical :: stealth : furtive :: discontent : unsatisfied

stanza [stnz] n. , : STROPHE

: one of the divisions of a poem, composed of two or more
lines usually characterized by a common pattern of
meter, rhyme, and number of lines
ballad : stanza :: novel : chapter :: prose : paragraph :: novel :
paragraph :: symphony : movement
stanza : line :: volume : issue
stanza : poem, poetry :: movement : symphony :: paragraph : prose
prose verse
quatrain : stanza :: eulogy : speech
quatrain [kwtrein] 4
stark [strk] a. ; , ()
1. bare; blunt
2. complete or utter; extreme
3. harsh; grim
stark ornate, lavish, colorful, productive, indistinct, weak, subtle,
hidden (useful )
startle [strtl] v.t.
1. to cause to make a quick involuntary movement or start
2. to alarm, frighten, or surprise suddenly
solicitude : concern :: startle : flinch
solicitous ;

steep [stip] a. , ; ,
v. , ; ,
v. 1. to soak in liquid in order to cleanse, soften, or extract a
given property from
2. to infuse or subject thoroughly to
3. to make thoroughly wet; saturate
collapse : implode :: steep : immerse
immerse , ;
precipice : steepness :: defile : narrowness
precipice , ; ,
defile v. ; n. ,
steep parch
parch ; ,
stench [stent] n.
: a strong, foul odor; a stink
stench : nose :: din : ear
stencil [, , ]
stencil : lettering :: pattern : sewing
stentorian [stentrin] a.
: extremely loud
audible : stentorian :: discernable : obvious, manifest (A<<B)
stentorian faint


[stril / -rail]

a. ,

GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

1. not producing or incapable of producing offspring
2. a. not producing or incapable of producing seed, fruit
spores, or other reproductive structure
b. producing little or no vegetation; unfruitful
3. free from live bacteria or other microorganisms
4. lacking imagination, creativity, or vitality
5. lacking the power to function; not productive or
effective; fruitless
sterile : bacteria :: impeccable : flaws
impeccable ;
plain : austere :: clean : sterile (A << B)
verdant sterile
verdant , ; ,

[strl`aiz] v. /; ;
1. to make free from live bacteria or other microorganisms
2. to deprive (a person or an animal) of the ability to
produce offspring, as by removing the reproductive
3. a. to make incapable of bearing fruit or germinating
b. to render (land) unfruitful
4. to make inoffensive or innocuous
sedative : pacify :: antiseptic : sterilize
sterilize contaminate

stickle [stkl] v. ( ) ;
1. to argue or contend stubbornly, especially about trivial
or petty points
2. to have or raise objections; scruple
lavish stint
stingy [stndi] a.
1. giving or spending reluctantly
2. scanty or meager
miser : stingy :: sage : judicious :: loner : solitary
sage / ; ,
loner , , (lone
wolf) one who avoids the company of other people
insensible : boor :: stingy : miser
generosity stinginess
generously stingily
stipple [stp-l] v. //
1. to draw, engrave, or paint in dots or short strokes
2. to apply (paint, for example) in dots or short strokes
3. to dot, fleck, or speckle
stipple : dot :: striate : band :: penetrate : hole
v. ~ ()
stipulate [stpjleit] v. ,
1. a. to lay down as a condition of an agreement; require by
b. to specify or arrange in an agreement
2. to guarantee or promise (something) in an agreement
stipulation [stipjlein] n. ,
request : command :: propose : stipulate (A << B)
stipulation tacit requirement
[str] v. , ,
1. a. to pass an implement through (a liquid, for example) in
circular motions so as to mix or cool the contents
b. to introduce (an ingredient, for example) into a liquid or
c. to mix together the ingredients of before cooking or use
2. to alter the placement of slightly; disarrange
3. to take place; happen
4. to be capable of being stirred
5. to be roused or affected by strong feelings
exculpatory : absolve :: motivational : stir
dissipate : stir :: (A >> B)
impeccable : flaw :: indolent : stir
indolent ,
lassitude : stir :: appetite : indulge
appetite ; , a strong with or urge


stickler [stklr] n. ;
1. one who insists on something unyieldingly
2. something puzzling or difficult
stickler : approximation, imprecision :: purist : adulteration
stickler : exacting :: martinet : disciplinary :: defeatist : resigned
defeatist a person who surrenders easily or is subject to
stickler : exact :: pedagogue : indoctrinate
pedagogue , ;
stickler : imprecision :: prude : impropriety
prude ,
stickler : derelict :: poseur : unaffected
stiff [stif] a. , ; ; ,
numb : sensation :: stiff : suppleness
suppleness stiffness, rigidness
[stif-l] v.t. ; , ; :
1. to interrupt or cut off (the voice, for example)
2. to keep in or hold back; repress
3. to kill by preventing respiration; smother or suffocate
stifle foment, foster


stigma [stgm] n. : STAIN

1. a mark or token of infamy, disgrace, or reproach
2. a small mark; a scar() or birthmark
* stigmatize v.t. ~
stigmatize : contempt :: bemoan : regret
stigma mark of esteem

[stltid] a. , ; : POMPOUS,
: stiffly or artificially formal; stiff


[stint] v.
: to restrict or limit, as in amount or number; be sparing

stitch [stit] n. ,
: a single complete movement of a threaded needle in sewing
or surgical suturing
tile : mosaic :: stitch : sampler
sampler ; ()
stock [stk / stk] n. , ; a.
1. kept regularly in stock
2. repeated regularly without any thought or originality;
routine ,
census : population :: inventory : stock
stock unique
stockade [stkid / stk-] n. ,
1. a defensive barrier made of strong posts or timbers driven
upright side by side into the ground
2. a. a similar fenced or enclosed area, especially one used
for protection
b. a jail on a military base
stockade : enclosure :: pillar : support


[stdi / stdi] a. ; () ;
, ; ; () , ,

GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

1. a. dull, unimaginative, and commonplace
b. prim or pompous; stuffy
2. indigestible and starchy; heavy
3. solidly build; stocky
mawkish : sentimental :: mad : excited :: stodgy : conservative ::
foolhardy : adventurous (A >> B)
mawkish ;
stodgy exciting

[stuik] n. a. , ,
: one who is seemingly indifferent to or unaffected by joy,
grief, pleasure, or pain
stoic : perturb :: avaricious : satisfy
avaricious immoderately desirous of wealth or gain; greedy
stoic : perturb :: perfectionist : satisfy
stoic : perturbed :: buoyant : submerged
stoic liberal

stoke [stouk] v. ; ( )
1. to stir up and feed (a fire or furnace)
2. to feed fuel to and tend the fire of (a furnace)
stoke : fuel :: irrigate : water
stoke : fuel :: garnish : decoration
stolid [stlid / stl-] a. , : UNEMOTIONAL
: having or revealing little emotion or sensibility; impassive
stolid excitable, emotional
excitable ( ) ,
stomach [stmk] v. , , ; ,
: to bear; tolerate
stomach refuse to tolerate
stopgap [stpgp|stp-] n. adj. , ()
stopgap : temporary ::
stonewall [stounwl] v.
: (informal) a. to engage in delaying tactics; stall b. to
refuse to answer or cooperate
stonewall cooperate fully
stouthearted [stounwl] a.
: brave; courageous
pusillanimous stouthearted
pusillanimous , lacking courage; cowardly
straggle [strg-l] vi. , ;,
1. to stray or fall behind
2. to proceed or spread out in a scattered or irregular group
rove , to wander about at random, especially
over a wide area; roam
strait [streit] n. ; ,
1. a narrow channel joining two larger bodies of water
2. a position of difficulty, perplexity, distress, or need
isthmus : land :: strait : water
isthmus [sms] () a narrow strip of land connecting two
larger land areas
stratagem [strtdm] n. , ,
1. a military maneuver designed to deceive or surprise an
2. a clever, often underhand scheme for achieving an
stratagem : deceive :: concession : placate
stratify [strtfi] v.
1. to form, arrange, or deposit in layers
2. a. to arrange or separate into castes, classes, or social
b. to separate into a sequence of graded status levels
* stratification (), ,
stratification : layer :: perforation : hole
stratify homogenize
stray [strei] a. , ;
adj. 1. straying or having strayed; wandering or lost
2. scattered or separated
v. 1. a. to move away from a group, deviate from the correct
course, or go beyond established limits
b. to become lost
2. to wander about without a destination or purpose; roam
digressive : topic, subject :: stray : group
strength [strek] n.
slacken : tautness :: dilute : strength
slacken ,
dilute ;
strenuous [strnjus] a. , ;
1. requiring great effort, energy, or exertion
2. vigorously active; energetic or zealous
stress [stres] n.
: importance, significance, or emphasis placed on something
stress de-emphasis
strew [stru]
: to spread by scattering
strew collect
striate [strieit] v.t.
: to mark with striae or striations
grooved : striating :: braided : stranded
stipple : dot :: striate : band
striated : groove :: dappled : spot
stricture [strktr] n. , ;
1. a restraint, limit, or restriction
2. an adverse remark or criticism; censure
eulogy stricture
stride [straid] vi.
1. to walk with long steps, especially in a hasty or vigorous
2. to take a single long step, as in passing over an
quaff : sip :: stride : mince
strident [strid-nt] a.
: loud, harsh, grating, or shrill; discordant
stridency : sound :: acridity : odor :: garishness : appearance
acrid (, ) , ;
strike [straik] vi. ; (, )
strike : medal :: mint : coin
mint () ;
[strnd-nt] a. ; : TIGHT,
1. imposing rigorous standards of performance; severe
2. constricted; tight
3. characterized by scarcity of money, credit restrictions, or
other financial strain
stringent lax






GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

bedeck strip
bedeck to adorn or ornament in a showy fashion
[strt] v. n. ,
: to walk with pompous bearing; swagger
1. a pompous, self-important gait
2. a bar or rod used to brace a structure against forces
applied from the side
strut : walk :: pontificate : speak
strut : wing :: buttress : wall :: guy : pylon
guy ,

b. infernal; hellish
2. of or relating to the river Styx
stygian : dark :: abysmal : low (A>>B)


stubborn [stbrn] a. ,
1. a. unreasonably, often perversely unyielding; bullheaded
b. firmly resolved or determined; resolute
2. characterized by perseverance; persistent
3. difficult to treat or deal with; resistant to treatment or
studio [stj:diou] n.
studio : artist :: laboratory : scientist
stultify [stltfi] v.t. ,
1. to render useless or ineffectual; cripple
2. to cause to appear stupid, inconsistent, or ridiculous
stultify animate, stir, excite, remind, stimulate, enliven, inspire
enliven , ,
stultifying stimulating
stumble [stmb-l] v. ; , ;
1. a. to miss one's step in walking or running; trip and
almost fall
b. to proceed unsteadily or falteringly; flounder c. to act
or speak falteringly or clumsily
2. to make a mistake; blunder
3. to fall into evil ways; err
4. to come upon accidentally or unexpectedly
stumble win out

[stn] v.t. ; () : DAZE

1. to daze or render senseless, by or as if by a blow
2. to overwhelm or daze with a loud noise
3. to stupefy, as with the emotional impact of an
experience; astound
daze ,

stunt [stnt] v.
: to check the growth or development of
obstruct : progress :: stunt : growth
nurture stunt
stupefy [stjpfi] v. ;
1. to dull the senses or faculties of
2. to amaze; astonish
stupor [st:j:pr] n. ;
1. a state of reduced or suspended sensibility
2. a state of mental numbness, as that resulting from
shock; a daze
stupor : alert :: despair : hopeful
sturdy [strdi] a. ; ,
1. having or showing rugged physical strength
2. substantially made or built; stout
3. marked by resoluteness or determination; firm
4. vigorous or robust
sturdy decrepit, weak, feeble, powerless
stygian [stdin] a. , ;
1. a. gloomy and dark

stylus [stils] n. ;
1. a sharp, pointed instrument used for writing, marking, or
2. a phonograph needle
3. a sharp, pointed tool used for cutting record grooves
stylus : mark :: lamp : illumination
stylus : engraving :: shield : protecting
stymie [stimi] v. ,
: to thwart; stump
stymie abet, promote, foster
subdue [sbdj] v.t. , ; ~
(subdued : , ; , )
1. to conquer and subjugate; vanquish
2. to quiet or bring under control by physical force or
persuasion; make tractable
3. to make less intense or prominent; tone down
4. to bring (land) under cultivation
impervious : damaged :: indomitable : subdued (OPPOSITE)
impervious ;
subdue inflame, burgeon
subdued unruly, flamboyant
indomitable easily subdued
subject [sbdikt] n. , ;
1. one who is under the rule of another or others, especially
one who owes allegiance to a government or ruler
2. a. one concerning which something is said or done
b. something that is treated or indicated in a work of art
3. a course or area of study
4. a basis for action; a cause
5. a. one that experiences or is subjected to something
b. one that is the object of clinical study
c. one who is under surveillance
d. a corpse intended for study and dissection
potentate subject
potentate , ,
subjugate [sbdugit] v.t. : CONQUER
1. to bring under control; conquer
2. to make subservient; enslave
blur : definition :: subjugate : independence
subjugation liberation
subjugate enfranchise
enfranchise ; (emancipate)
sublime [sblim] a. ,
1. characterized by nobility; majestic
2. a. of high spiritual, moral, or intellectual worth
b. not to be excelled; supreme
3. inspiring awe; impressive
sublime : awe ::
sublime ridiculous, base, common, worthless, despicable, furtive,
laughable, not suitable, stealthy
subliminal [sblmnl] a.
1. below the threshold of conscious perception
2. inadequate to produce conscious awareness but able to
evoke a response
subliminal at a perceptible level
submerge [sbmrd] v.t. ;
1. to place under water
2. to cover with water
3. to hide from view; obscure


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)
groundless : substantial :: (OPPOSITE)
substantial trivial, diaphanous, vaporous, vague, tenuous
diaphanous [daifns] , ; ;
tenuous , , ; ,

submerge : buoyant :: bend : rigid :: dissolve : insoluble

submerge : water :: inter : earth
submissive [sbmsiv] a. ,
: inclined or willing to submit
insubordinate : submissive :: capricious : deliberate
submissive imperious
subordinate [sbrdnit] a. , : INFERIOR
1. belonging to a lower or inferior class or rank; secondary
2. subject to the authority or control of another
principal subordinate
tractable insubordinate, intransigent, incorrigible, obstinate
intransigent ,
subpoena [sbpn] n.
: a writ requiring appearance in court to give testimony
writ a written order issued by a court, commanding the party to
whom it is addressed to perform or cease performing a specified act
lien : claim :: subpoena : command
lien , the right to take and hold or sell the property
of a debtor as security or payment for a debt or duty
subpoena : witness :: conscript : soldier
subservient [sbs:rvint] a. , , ;
, ; ,
1. subordinate in capacity or function
2. obsequious; servile
3. useful as a means or an instrument; serving to promote
an end
willfulness : headstrong :: subservience : fawning
subservient : insubordinate
subside [sbsid] v. ; ,
1. to sink to a lower or normal level
2. to sink or settle down, as into a sofa
3. to sink to the bottom, as a sediment
4. to become less agitated or active; abate
subside withhold pressure, intensify
subside wax

[sbsdiri] n. , ,
1. serving to assist or supplement; auxiliary
2. secondary in importance; subordinate
3. of, relating to, or of the nature of a subsidy
preponderant subsidiary
preponderant , having superior weight, force,
importance, or influence

subsidy [sbsidi] n.
1. monetary assistance granted by a government to a
person or group in support of an enterprise regarded as
being in the public interest
2. financial assistance given by one person or government
to another
* subsidize v. ,
sop : conciliatory :: subsidy : supportive
sop ; ,
subsidy : support :: debt : obligation
subsidize hinder, impede, obstruct, reject, undermine
substantial [sbstnl] a. , ,
1. of, relating to, or having substance; material
2. true or real; not imaginary
3. solidly built; strong
4. ample; sustaining
5. considerable in importance, value, degree, amount, or
6. possessing wealth or property; well-to-do

substantiate [sbstniit] v.t. ; : VERIFY

1. to support with proof or evidence; verify
2. a. to give material form to; embody
b. to make firm or solid
3. to give substance to; make real or actual
substantiate disapprove, controvert
controvert , ; to raise arguments against;
voice opposition to
substantiated inane
inane , ; ,
unsubstantiated verified
substantiation disproof
substantive [sbstntiv] adj. ,
: substantive negotiations or issues deal with the most
important and central aspects of a subject. (formal)
substantive trivial
subterfuge [sbtrfjd] n. ,
: a deceptive stratagem or device
subterfuge : deceive :: decantation : pour
decant ()
candor : subterfuge :: brash : deliberate
subterfuge openness
subtle [stl] a. , : OBSCURE
1. a. so slight as to be difficult to detect or analyze; elusive
b. not immediately obvious; abstruse
2. able to make fine distinctions
3. a. characterized by skill or ingenuity; clever
b. crafty or sly; devious
c. operating in a hidden, usually injurious way; insidious
insidious , , ;

subtle : ignore :: salient : observe

salient , ; , strikingly conspicuous;
subtle : overlook :: tractable : lead
palpable, blatant, obvious subtle
blatant ; ,
subvert [sbvrt] v. /, ;
1. to destroy completely; ruin
2. to undermine the character, morals, or allegiance of;
3. to overthrow completely
sabotage : subvertness :: bull : intimidation
subversion : undermine :: acquisition : accumulate
subvert reinforce, establish, promote, ratify, uphold
succinct [skskt] a.
: characterized by clear, precise expression in few words;
concise and terse
loquacious : succinct :: adroit : ungainly (OPPOSITE)
adroit ; , dexterous; deft
babble express succinctly
succinctness verbosity, prolixity, circumlocution
voluble, prolix, verbose taciturn, laconic, succinct, reticent
reticent ; ,
circumlocution succinct expression
succinct lengthy, prolonged, unabridged, verbose, wordy, voluble,
loquacious, prolix
succor [skr] v.t. , : RELIEVE n. ,
n. 1. assistance in time of distress; relief


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)
summarily after long deliberation

2. one that affords assistance or relief to give assistance to

in time of want, difficulty, or distress
succor : relief :: caution : warning
succor aggravate, withdraw assistance, deny aid, hinder, impede,
oppose, prevent, undermine, discourage, inhibit

summit [smit] n. ,
1. the highest point or part; the top
2. the highest level or degree that can be attained
3. a. the highest level, as of government officials
b. a summit conference
crest : wave :: summit, peak : mountain
roof : room :: summit : mountain
nadir summit

succulent [skjlnt] a. , n.
: full of juice or sap
: highly interesting or enjoyable; delectable ,
* succulence
succulent desiccated, dry (languid )

[sfk`eit] v. ; ,

1. to kill or destroy by preventing access of air or oxygen
2. to impair the respiration of
3. to cause discomfort to by or as if by cutting off the
supply of fresh air
4. to suppress the development, imagination, or creativity
of; stifle
suffocate : oxygen :: starve : nutrients

suffuse [sfjz] v.
: to spread through or over, as with liquid, color, or light
tint : suffuse :: amble : wander (A << B)
candy : sugar :: tire : rubber
suggestible [sgdstbl] a.
: readily influenced by suggestion

[swit] n. ; , ; , ;

1. a staff of attendants or followers; a retinue
2. a. a group of related things intended to be used
together; a set
b. a set of matching furniture
3. a series of connected rooms used as a living unit
4. (music) an instrumental composition consisting of a
succession of dances in the same or related keys
retinue : attendant :: suite : room
retinue ;

sulky [slki] a. , ;
1. sullenly aloof or withdrawn
2. gloomy; dismal
sulky rejoicing
sullen [sln] a. , ;
1. showing a brooding ill humor or silent resentment;
morose or sulky
2. gloomy or somber in tone, color, or portent
3. sluggish; slow
sullen lively, affable, elated, bright, friendly

[sli] v. , ()
1. to mar the cleanness or luster of; soil or stain
2. to defile; taint
* sullied
sullied : cleanness ::
sully cleanse

summary [smri] n. a. , ; ,
a. 1. presenting the substance in a condensed form; concise
2. performed speedily and without ceremony
compendium : summary :: anthology : collection
aside : digression :: summary : excerpt
summary protracted
protract to draw out or lengthen in time; prolong

summon [smn] v.t. ,

1. to call together; convene
2. to request to appear; send for
3. (law) to order to appear in court by the issuance of a
4. to order to take a specified action; bid
5. to call forth; evoke
command : request :: summon : invite (A >> B)
summons : citation ::
summons , ; ,
citation , ; , ; ()
summon dismiss
sumptuous [smptus] a. , ; ,
of a size or splendor suggesting great expense; lavish
sumptuous ascetic, frugal, spartan, sober
sumptuousness sobriety
sobriety , , ; , gravity in bearing, manner, or
sunder [sndr] v. ,
: to break or wrench apart; sever
collapse : implode :: divide : sunder (A << B)
sunder connect, link, combine, bond, yoke, merge, coalesce, conjoin,
tether, unite, meld
yoke ; (, ) ; , ;

supercilious [sprslis] a.
: feeling or showing haughty disdain
supercilious : hauteur ::
supercilious obsequious, humble, groveling
groveling , , ,
superciliousness humility
superficial [sprfl] a. ; , ;
1. of, affecting, or being on or near the surface
2. concerned with or comprehending only what is apparent or
obvious; shallow
3. apparent rather than actual or substantial
4. trivial; insignificant
superficial central, profound
superfluous [suprflus] a. , : EXTRA
: being beyond what is required or sufficient
pertinent : relevance :: redundant : superfluity
terseness : superfluous :: transitory : permanent
superfluous : indispensable :: indigent : wealthy (OPPOSITE)
superfluous elemental, integral
superimpose [su:p:rimpuz] v. , ; ,

1. to lay or place (something) on or over something else

2. to add as a distinct feature, element, or quality
superimpose : above :: insert : between
supine [supin] a. ; ; ,
1. lying on the back or having the face upward


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

2. having the palm upward
3. marked by or showing lethargy, passivity, or
blameworthy indifference
4. inclined; sloping
vigilant oblivious, unalert, slack, negligible, supine
supplant [splnt|-pl:nt] v. , ; ( )

1. to usurp the place of, especially through intrigue or

underhanded tactics
2. to displace and substitute for (another)
supplant : replace :: snatch : take
supple [spl] a. , ; ,
1. readily bent; pliant
2. moving and bending with agility; limber
3. yielding or changing readily; compliant or adaptable
* suppleness n.
numb : sensation :: stiff : suppleness
firm : obstinate :: supple : spineless
spineless / ; ; ,
suppleness stiffness, rigidness
supplement [splmnt] n. , ; ,
1. something added to complete a thing, make up for a
deficiency, or extend or strengthen the whole
2. a section added to a book or document to give further
information or to correct errors
3. a separate section devoted to a special subject inserted
into a periodical, such as a newspaper
supplement : additional :: placebo : innocuous
supplicate [splkit] v. ,
1. to ask for humbly or earnestly, as by praying
2. to make a humble entreaty to; beseech
protest : dissuade :: supplicate : entreat (A >> B)
protest ; to express strong objection; to make an
earnest avowal or affirmation
supplicant : beseeching :: coquette :: flirtatious
beseech ,
coquette a flirt
supplicate demand
supposition [spz:n] n. , ; ,
1. the act of supposing
2. something supposed; an assumption
supposition certainty
suppress [sprs] v.t. : SUBDUE
1. to put an end to forcibly; subdue
2. to curtail or prohibit the activities of
3. to keep from being revealed, published, or circulated
4. to deliberately exclude (unacceptable desires or
thoughts) from the mind
5. to inhibit the expression of (an impulse, for example);
6. to reduce the incidence or severity of (a hemorrhage or a
cough, for example); arrest
suppress : stimulate :: calm : provoke
suppress stimulate, catalyze, unrestrain
surcharge [s :t:rd] n. , , ;;
1. an additional sum added to the usual amount or cost
2. an overcharge, especially when unlawful
3. an additional or excessive burden; an overload
4. a. a new value or denomination overprinted on a postage
or revenue stamp
b. the stamp to which a new value has been applied
surcharge shortfall
shortfall ,
[srfit] n. : EXCESS v. ,
: to feed or supply to excess, satiety, or disgust
surfeit deficiency, deprivation, insufficient supply, famish, starve,
dearth, depletion, lack, emptiness, thinness


surgeon [srdn] n.
: a physician specializing in surgery
scalpel : surgeon :: telescope : astronomer
scalpel [sklpl]
surmise [s:rmiz] v. , n. ,
surmise mention conclusively
surpass [srps|-p:s] v. ,
1. to be beyond the limit, powers, or capacity of; transcend
2. to be or go beyond, as in degree or quality; exceed
surrender [srndr] v. ; ;
1. to relinquish possession or control of to another because
of demand or compulsion
2. to give up in favor of another
3. to give up or give back (something that has been granted)
4. to give up or abandon
5. to give over or resign (oneself) to something, as to an
inalienable : surrendered :: implacable : propitiated
inalienable [iniljnbl] that cannot be transferred to
another or others propitiate to conciliate (an offended power); appease
surrender appropriate
surreptitious [srpts / sr-] a. , ;
1. obtained, done, or made by clandestine or stealthy means
2. acting with or marked by stealth
surreptitious : secrecy :: peril : danger
surreptitious barefaced, aboveboard, overt, open, forthright
surrogate [srgit] n. ;
1. one that takes the place of another; a substitute
2. a. a person or an animal that functions as a substitute for
another, as in a social or family role
b. a surrogate mother
For centuries animals have been used as surrogates for people in
experiments to assess the effects of therapeutic and other agents that
might later be used in humans. (PP)
suspend [sspnd] vi. ;, ;
1. to bar for a period from a privilege, office, or position,
usually as a punishment
2. to cause to stop for a period; interrupt
3. a. to hold in abeyance; defer
b. to render temporarily ineffective
4. to hang so as to allow free movement
5. to support or keep from falling without apparent
attachment, as by buoyancy
suspend erect, invoke, let fall, continue, sustain, begin, proceed,
resume, abet, aid, rise, admit, welcome
suspicion [sspn] n. , ; ; , :
1. the act of suspecting something, especially something
wrong, on little evidence or without proof
2. the condition of being suspected, especially of wrongdoing
3. a state of uncertainty; doubt
4. a minute amount; trace


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

enthusiasm : mania :: suspicion : paranoia
innuendo : suspicion :: (EQUAL)
innuendo , an indirect or subtle, usually
derogatory implication in expression
derogatory () , disparaging; belittling
sustain [sstin] v. ;,;,
1. to keep in existence; maintain
2. to supply with necessities or nourishment; provide for
3. to support from below; keep from falling or sinking; prop
4. to support the spirits, vitality, or resolution of;
5. to bear up under; withstand
6. to experience or suffer
7. to affirm the validity of
8. to prove or corroborate; confirm
9. to keep up (a joke or an assumed role, for example)
sustain exude, terminate
sustenance termination
sustain weaken, undermine
suture [str] n. ; ,
1. the process of joining two surfaces or edges together
along a line by or as if by sewing
2. the material, such as thread, gut, or wire, that is used in
this procedure
3. the line so formed
suture incision, avulsion
avulsion ,

[svelt] a. , ; :
: slender or graceful in figure or outline; slim
lithe ,
svelte plump, paunchy and awkward, chubby
plump ,
paunchy having a potbelly

swagger [swgr] v. ,
1. to walk or conduct oneself with an insolent or arrogant
air; strut
2. to brag; boast
blustering : speak :: swaggering : walk
fawn : hauteur :: self depreciate : swagger
hauteur [hout:r] , haughtiness in bearing and attitude;
imperious : fawn :: self-depreciatory : swagger
pontificate : speak :: swagger : walk
imperiousness : fawn :: self depreciatory : swagger
swagger : bravado :: caress : affection (A show B)
caress , ;
swamp [swmp / swmp] n. , ; ,
: a situation or place fraught with difficulties and
imponderable ; that cannot undergo
precise evaluation
swarthy a. (, ) , (0706)
swarthy pallid
swath [sw|sw :] n. ( , ) ;
accolade swearword
sweltering [swltri] a. ,
1. oppressively hot and humid; sultry
2. suffering from oppressive heat
sultry , ; ,
sweltering frigid
swerve [swrv] v. , : DEVIATE
: to turn aside or be turned aside abruptly from a straight
* unswerving , (, ) ,
unswerving : conciliate ::
unswerving : vacillatory :: capricious : deliberate
swerve maintain direction
unswerving changing, deviating, yielding

[swil] v. ; ;
( ) : GUZZLE
1. to drink or eat greedily or grossly
2. to flood with water, as for washing
3. to feed (animals) with swill
swill : sip :: gobble : nibble
gobble ,
swill sip

swindle [swndl] v. ,
1. to cheat or defraud of money or property
2. to obtain by fraudulent means
implacable : compromise :: honest : swindle
swindler : cheat :: proselytizer : convert
proselytize /
swing [swi] v. , ; n.
oscillation : swing :: momentum : scooter (2002 ) (A B
momentum Physics. A measure of the motion of a body equal to the
product of its mass and velocity. ALSO CALLED LINEAR MOMENTUM.

[sbrit] n. : VOLUPTUARY,
: a person devoted to pleasure and luxury; a voluptuary
sybarite : ascetic ::
Spartan Sybaritic, indulgent, voluptuous, luxurious
indulgent , showing, characterized by, or
given to indulgence; lenient
voluptuous , ; ,
sybarite ascetic

sycophant [skfnt] n.
: a servile self-seeker who attempts to win favor by flattering
influential people
sycophant : obsequious :: narcissist : self absorbed
obsequious , full of or exhibiting servile compliance;
sycophant : obsequious :: libertine : dissolute
dissolute , lacking moral restraint; indulging in sensual
pleasures or vices
sycophant : fawn :: miser : hoard :: dandy : preen :: pundit : opine ::
reprobate : misbehave :: skeptic : doubt (ruffian : tease )
reprobate a morally unprincipled person
sycophantic : obsequious :: pontificate : dogmatic (EQUAL)
sycophant : obsequiousness :: rival : competition :: extortionist :
intimidation :: malcontent : complaint
sycophant : flattery :: extortionist : intimidation
extortion , ,

swearword [sw:rw:rd] n. /
: an obscene or blasphemous word


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

sycophantic : obsequious :: rebellious : insurgent

frugal : penurious :: deferent : sycophantic (A << B)
querulous : complaint :: sycophantic : flattery
sycophant : flatter :: recidivist : relapse
syllabus [silbs] n. , ;
: an outline or a summary of the main points of a text,
lecture, or course of study
syllabus : course :: agenda : meeting
syllogism [sldz m] n. , 3
1. (logic) a form of deductive reasoning consisting of a
major premise, a minor premise, and a conclusion
2. reasoning from the general to the specific; deduction
3. a subtle or specious piece of reasoning
remonstrance : dissuade :: syllogism : disprove
remonstrance , ; ,
sylvan [slvn] a. , , n.
1. relating to or characteristic of woods or forest regions.
2. located in or inhabiting a wood or forest.
3. abounding in trees; wooded.
n. one that lives in or frequents the woods.
sylvan : forest :: fluvial : river :: sidereal : star :: terrestrial : earth ::
arboreal : tree
symbiosis [smbaiusis] n.
1. (biology) a close, prolonged association between two or
more different organisms of species that may, but does
not necessarily, benefit each member
2. a relationship of mutual benefit or dependence
* symbiotic
parity : equivalent :: symbiosis : interdependent
symbiosis agonizing association, unrelated growth
symbiotic independent
symmetry [smetri, -mi-]
symmetry disproportion

n. ; , ,

sympathetic [smptik] a.
1. of, expressing, feeling, or resulting from sympathy
2. favorable inclined
3. agreeably suited to one's disposition or mood; congenial
callous sympathetic
callous () ; , emotionally hardened;
symphony [smfni] n. ,
instrumentalist : symphony :: dancer : ballet
sonnet : poet :: symphony : composer
stanza : poem :: movement : symphony
symphony : conductor :: film : director
exhibition : painting :: concert : symphony
synchronous [skrns] v. ,
1. occurring or existing at the same time
2. moving or operating at the same rate
3. a. having identical periods b. having identical period and
synchronous uncontemporary, occurring at different times, out-ofphase
contemporaneous ,
[sinrdik] a. ; :
1. of or relating to synergy
2. producing or capable of producing synergy
synergic antagonistic



n. ,

1. the interaction of two or more agents or forces so that

their combined effect is greater than she sum of their
individual effects
2. cooperative interaction among groups, especially among
the acquired subsidiaries or merged parts of a corporation,
that creates an enhanced combined effect
a. ,
1. having the same or a similar meaning
2. equivalent in connotation
synonymous : meaning :: interchangeable : function
synopsis [sinpsis / -np-] n. : ABSTRACT
: a brief outline or general view, as of a subject or written
work; an abstract or a summary
synopsis : conciseness :: distillate : purity
distillate ;
synopsis : condensed :: appendix : supplementary
abbreviation : sentence :: synopsis : narrative
synopsis protraction
protract to draw out or lengthen in time; prolong
synoptic protracted
synthesis [snsis] n.
1. the combining of separate elements or substances to form
a coherent whole
2. the complex whole so formed
synthesis analysis
synthesize [snsiz] v. ,
1. to combine so as to form a new, complex product
2. to form or produce by chemical synthesis
synthesize break into parts, take apart, fragment
fragment , ~
systematic [sistmtik] a., ; ,
1. of, characterized by, based on, or constituting a system
2. carried on using step-by-step procedures
3. purposefully regular; methodical
4. of or relating to classification or taxonomy
systematic haphazard


[tsit] a. , ; ,
1. not spoken
2. implied by or inferred from actions or statements
tacit : infer :: encoded : decode, decipher
tacit expressly stated, directly expressed, explicit, communicative
stipulation tacit requirement
stipulation , ; ,

taciturn [strn] a. , ;
: habitually untalkative
taciturn : chatter :: insufferable : tolerate :: magnanimous : begrudge
begrudge , ; ( ) ,
taciturn : talk, word :: stingy : money (A=B () )
expansive, glib, prolix, loquacious, verbose, voluble taciturn, laconic,
succinct, reticent, withdrawn, limited
glib , ;
reticent , ; ,
verbosity, volubility, windbag taciturnity
windbag , ;
taciturn talkative, prolix, garrulous, loquacious
taciturnity garrulousness




GRE 6.0 (2008 7)
3. submissive; docile; fawning
4. insipid; flat
5. sluggish; languid; inactive
tame : tractable ::
tame fortify, strengthen
tame racy, wild, unmanageable
racy ; ,

bolster : support :: tackle : hoist

hoist ()
tacky [tki] a. , , ,
1. slightly adhesive or gummy to the touch; sticky
2. neglected and in a state of disrepair
tackiness : adhesive :: sharpness : scalpel
tacky appropriate, seemly, genteel, proper

[tkt] n. ,
: acute sensitivity to what is proper and appropriate in
dealing with others, including the ability to speak or act
without offending
tact : offensive :: money : poor (LACK)
gaffe : tactless :: (CHARACTER)

tactile [tktil, -tail] a. , : TANGIBLE

1. a. perceptible to the sense of touch; tangible
b. characterized by or conveying an illusion of tangibility
2. used for feeling
3. of, relating to, or proceeding from the sense of touch;
tactile : touch :: affective : emotion
affective , ;
tactile : touch :: sentient : emotion
sentient [snnt] ,
tactless [tktlis] a. ,
: lacking or exhibiting a lack of tact; bluntly inconsiderate
or indiscreet
gaffe : tactless ::
obstinate : preserve :: tactless, insensitive : offend
savvy tactless
savvy , well informed and perceptive; shrewd
tadpole [tdpoul] n.
tadpole : frog :: caterpillar : butterfly
tag [tg] n.
tag : identify :: canopy : cover
canopy ,
taint [teint] v.t. , ; , :
1. to affect with or as if with a disease
2. to affect with decay or putrefaction; spoil
3. to corrupt morally
4. to affect with a tinge of something reprehensible
taint integrity, wholesomeness, purity
tainted commendable, unspoiled, wholesome, pristine,
unadulterated, unblemished, uncontaminated, wholesome
blemish , to mar or impair by a flaw
talisman [tlismn, -iz-] n.
1. an object marked with magic signs and believed to
confer on its bearer supernatural powers or protection
2. something that apparently has magic power
incantation : utterance :: talisman : object (A is a kind of B+
incantation ; , Ritual recitation of verbal charms or
spells to produce a magic effect.

tamper [tmpr] vi. ,

1. to interfere in a harmful manner
2. to tinker with rashly or foolishly
3. to engage in improper or secret dealings, as in an effort to
tamper : adjust :: misrepresent : communicate
[tnd-nt] a. , ,
; ; ; ( )
1. of, relating to, or moving along or in the direction of a
2. merely touching or slightly connected
3. only superficially relevant; divergent: a tangential remark
tangential essential, central, vital, elemental


tangible [tndb-l] a. ; : PALPABLE

1. a. discernible by the touch; palpable
b. possible to touch
c. possible to be treated as fact; real or concrete
2. possible to understand or realize
initial, incipient : realized :: tangible : indefinite (OPPOSITE)
(moribund : dead )
incipient , , beginning to exist or appear
tangible unable to perceive, indefinite, immaterial
tang [t] n. , ; , ,
1. a distinctively sharp taste, flavor, or odor, as that of
orange juice
2. a distinctive quality that adds piquancy
3. a trace, hint, or smattering
4. a sharp point, tongue, or prong
tangy [ti] a.
tangy bland
tantalize [tntliz] v. ,
: to excite (another) by exposing something desirable while
keeping it out of reach
tease : tantalize ::
tantalize comfort, console, solace, alleviate, assuage, ease, relieve,
satiate, disgust, repulse, disenchant, compliment, respect
tantamount [tntmunt] a.
: equivalent in effect of value
tantamount incommensurate, different, not equivalent, opposite,
unequal, incomparable, unmatching
commensurate /; ,
tantrum [tntrm] n. ,
: a fit of bad temper
tantrum pacification

talon [tln] n. ()
talon : eagle :: claw : panther
panther ,

taper [tipr] vi. ;

1. to become gradually narrower or thinner toward one end
2. to diminish or lessen gradually
abate : intensity :: taper : width

tame [teim] a. ; ; , : INSIPID

1. brought from wildness into a domesticated or tractable
2. naturally unafraid; not timid

tapestry [tpistri] n.
: a heavy cloth woven with rich, often varicolored designs or
scenes, usually hung on walls for decoration and
sometimes used to cover furniture


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

chiaroscuro : contrast :: tapestry : intricacy :: filigree : delicacy

chiaroscuro ;
tardy [trdi] a. , : LATE, SLUGGISH
1. occurring, arriving, acting, or done after the scheduled,
expected, or usual time; late
2. moving slowly; sluggish
tardy : prompt :: guile : naif, naive :: fatigue : tireless (OPPOSITE)
tarnish [trni] v. , ;
1. to dull the luster of; discolor, especially by exposure to
air or dirt
2. a. to detract from or spoil; taint
b. to cast aspersions on
luster : tarnish :: abate : strength (strength : reinforce )
silver : tarnish :: iron : rust
tarnish : dull :: vitrify : smooth
vitrify to change or make into glass or a glassy
tarpaulin [trplin] n.
1. material, such as waterproofed canvas, used to cover
and protect things from moisture
2. a sheet of this material
tarpaulin : protect :: lock : secure (hinge : fasten )
tarpaulin : protection :: caveat : precaution
caveat [kivit] , ;
tarpaulin : covering :: raincoat : garment
tasty [tisti] a. , ;
1. having a pleasing flavor; savory
2. having or showing good taste; tasteful
tasty uninteresting, insipid

[tti] a. , , : SHABBY
: somewhat worn, shabby, or dilapidated
tatty smart(, , ), tidy, dapper, valuable, fresh

taunt [tnt, tnt] v. ;

1. to reproach in a mocking, insulting, or contemptuous
2. to drive or incite (a person) by taunting
taunt : insult ::
flout : disregard :: taunt : challenge (A B )
flout , to show contempt for; scorn
taunt : provoke :: plot : outwit (A B )

[tt] a. ; ; ,
1. pulled or drawn tight; not slack
2. strained; tense
3. a. kept in trim shape; neat and tidy
b. marked by the efficient, sparing, and concise use of
something, such as language or detail
slacken : tautness :: dilute : strength
taut : commodiousness :: extraordinary : purlieu (OPPOSITE)
purlieu [p:rlju:] , , ;
loosen, slacken, floppy tauten
taut slack, lax, loose, unfirm, negligent, floppy

tawdry [tdri] a.
: gaudy and cheap in nature or appearance
tawdry : garment :: grandiloquence : language
garment an article of clothing
tawdriness sophistication, nicety
tawdry elegant, refined, exquisite
exquisite , ; ; ,
taxing [tksi] a. , : ONEROUS, WEARING
: burdensome; wearing onerous troublesome or oppressive;

taxing light, easy
taxonomy [tksnmi|-sn-] n. /
1. the classification of organisms in an ordered system that
indicates natural relationships
2. the science, laws, or principles of classification;
3. division into ordered groups or categories
taxonomist : classify :: carpenter : build

[tr] v. ,
1. to pull apart or into pieces by force; rend
2. to make (an opening) by ripping
3. to lacerate (the skin, for example)
4. to separate forcefully; wrench
5. to divide or disrupt
tear tether, yoke, attach, fix, clinch, bolt
tether [tr] () ; to fasten or restrict with or as
if with a tether

tease [tiz] v.t. ,

: to annoy or make fun of someone persistently
tease : tantalize ::
tedious [tdis] a. , : BORING
: tiresome by reason of length, slowness, or dullness
tedious : energy :: disturbing : composure (A lack B)
discompose : pacific :: engage : tedious
tedious entertaining, absorbing, stimulating, interesting
tedium excitement
teem [tim] v.
: to be full of things; abound or swarm
teem be short, be scarce, lacking, want, need
teeter [ttr] v. , , : WOBBLE
1. to walk or move unsteadily or unsurely; totter
2. to alternate, as between opposing attitudes or positions;
3. to seesaw
wobble , ;
totter ; ,
teeter stabilize
: one who abstains completely from alcoholic beverages
* teetotalism n.
teetotalism intemperance
telling [tli] a. : EFFECTIVE, EXPRESSIVE
: having force and producing a striking effect
telling not effective, unconvincing, impotent, ineffective, meaningless
temerity [tmrti] n. , : RASHNESS
: foolhardy disregard of danger; recklessness
alacrity : apathetic :: temerity : timid (OPPOSITE)
temerity : diffidence :: (OPPOSITE)
fervor : dispassionate :: temerity : timid
temerity circumspection, cautious approach, pusillanimity, timidity,
caution, prudence
pusillanimity , ,
pusillanimous; lacking courage; cowardly
temperate [tmp-rit] a. , ; ( )
1. exercising moderation and self-restraint
2. moderate in degree or quality; restrained
3. characterized by moderate temperatures, weather, or
climate; neither hot nor cold


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

* temperance , , , , (sobriety)
* temper v. , ,
wantonness temperance
frivolousness temperance, grandeur
temperance luxury, profligacy, indulgence, debauchery,
wantonness, impatience, excess
objectivity : partisan :: temperance : reprobate
reprobate , ,
teetotalism intemperance
temperate : restrain :: tenacious : persist
tenacious ;
harangue speak temperately
temperate dissolute, immodest, extreme, frivolous, immoderate
temper aggravate
tempestuous [tempstus] a. ; ,
1. of, relating to, or resembling a tempest
2. tumultuous; stormy
tempestuous serene
[tmpriz] v. , ;

1. to act evasively in order to gain time, avoid argument, or
postpone a decision
2. to engage in discussions or negotiations, especially os as
to achieve a compromise or gain time
3. to yield to current circumstances or necessities; act to
suit the time
temporizing unwilling to compromise
b. easily chewed or cut
2. young and vulnerable
3. frail; delicate
4. sensitive to frost or severe cold; not hardy
5. a. easily hurt; sensitive b. painful; sore
6. a. considerate and protective; solicitous
b. characterized by or expressing gentle emotions; loving
c. given to sympathy or sentimentality; soft
tender hard-bitten, hardy, insensitive
hard-bitten ,
tender resist, retain, retract, withdraw, withhold, disengage, withhold
with consideration
tendinous [tndns] a. : SINEWY
tendinous : sinewy :: (EQUAL)
sinewy [snjui] , ; , strong and vigorous

[tnttiv] a. ; ,
1. not fully worked out, concluded, or agreed on; provisional
2. uncertain; hesitant
pontificate speak tentatively



[tnb-l] a. / : DEFENSIBLE,
1. capable of being maintained in argument; rationally
2. capable of being held against assault; defensible
ineluctable, inevitable : avoid :: untenable : defend
ineluctable , not to be avoided or escaped;
tenable unjustified, unjustifiable, unsound, indefensible,
unsupportable, specious, fallacious, fallible, undefended
fallacious ,
fallible capable of making an error; tending
or likely to be erroneous


[tnjus] adj. / : thin, slender, rare,

rarefied, meager, flimsy
: If you describe something such as a connection, a reason,
or someone's position as tenuous, you mean that it is very
uncertain or weak.
tenuous substantial

tepid [tpid] a. , : LUKEWARM

1. moderately warm; lukewarm
2. lacking in emotional warmth or enthusiasm; halfhearted
lukewarm ; ,
tepid fevered, ardent, feverish, ebullient
tepidity ardor
terminology [trmnldi / -nl-] n.
1. the vocabulary of technical terms used in a particular field,
subject, science, or art; nomenclature
2. the study of nomenclature
nomenclature , ;
terminology : language :: uniform : clothing (A B) (physiology : body

tenacious [tnis] a. ,
1. holding or tending to hold persistently to something,
such as a point of view
2. holding together firmly; cohesive
3. clinging to another object or surface; adhesive
4. tending to retain; retentive
* tenacity n.
beneficent : harm :: tenacious : yield
temperate : restrain :: tenacious : persist
tenacious : yield :: insouciant : worry
insouciant marked by blithe unconcern; nonchalant
tenacious irresolute, negotiable, tractable, yielding
tenacity vacillation, indifference, slackness, self-doubt

terminus [trmns] n. , ; , ; ,
1. the final point; the end
2. an end point on a transportation line or the town in which
it is located
3. a. a boundary or border
b. a stone or post marking a border
inception : termination :: matriculation : graduation (OPPOSITE)
inception , ;
matriculation ()
terminus : stop :: epilogue : story
outset termination
sustain terminate

tendentious, tendencious [tendns] a.

: marked by a strong implicit point of view; partisan
tendentious : objective :: (OPPOSITE)
tendentious unbiased, unprejudiced, disinterested, objective
tendency loathing

terror [trr] n.
1. intense, overpowering fear
2. one that instills intense fear
3. the ability to instill intense fear
4. violence committed or threatened by a group to intimidate
or coerce a population, as for military or political purposes
apprehension : terror :: affection : adoration (A << B)
terror : fear :: craving : desire (A >> B)

tender [tend:r] a. v. /;
: to offer formally
1. a. easily crushed or bruised; fragile

terse [trs] a.
: brief and to the point; effectively concise


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

terseness : voluble :: transitory : permanence

abandon : inhibition :: volubility : terseness (OPPOSITE)
abandon , ,
terse lengthy, prolix, wordy, verbose, windy
testator [tsteitr, ---] n.
: one who has made a legally valid will before death
heirloom : ancestor :: bequest : testator
heirloom [rl:m]
testify [tstfai] v. /; (declare on
1. to make a declaration of truth or fact under oath; submit
2. to express or declare a strong belief, especially to make a
declaration of faith
3. to make a statement based on personal knowledge in
support of an asserted fact; bear witness
4. to serve as evidence
testified unjustified
testimonial [tstmunil] n. ;
1. a statement in support of a particular truth, fact, or claim
2. a written affirmation of another's character or worth; a
personal recommendation
3. something given in appreciation of a persons's service or
achievement; a tribute
testimonial : appreciation :: confession : culpability (A express B)
culpable; deserving of blame or censure as being wrong, evil,
improper, or injurious
testimony [tstmuni / -mni] n. ,
1. a. a declaration by a witness under oath, as that given
before a court or deliberative body
b. all such declarations, spoken or written, offered in a
legal case or deliberative hearing
2. evidence in support of a fact or an assertion; proof
a public declaration regarding a religious expression
calumny : assertion, representation :: perjury : testimony (OPPOSITE)
calumny , ,
perjury ();
testy [tsti] a. , : IRRITABLE
: irritated, impatient, or exasperated; peevish
testy : annoy :: tractable : control, teach
testy good-humored, humorous, unable to irritate, affable,
imperturbable, amiable, pleasant, easygoing
testiness imperturbability, patience
tether [tr] n. , ; ,
v. ,
1. a rope or chain for holding an animal in place, allowing it
a short radius in which to move about
2. the extent or limit of one's resources, abilities, or
endurance to fasten or restrict with or as if with a tether
tether detach, loose, tear
theatric, theatrical [itrik-l] a. ; ,
; n. ( )
1. of, relating to, or suitable for dramatic performance or
the theater
2. marked by exaggerated self-display and unnatural
behavior; affectedly dramatic
theatrical natural, cherubic, sober, restrained, professional,
sober ; , ; , ;
theatricals professional

[ildi / -l-]

conservatory : music :: seminary : theology

therapeutic [rpjtik] a.
: having or exhibiting healing powers
therapeutic : hospital :: illuminating : school
therapeutic : injure ::
therapeutic, harmless, healing, adventageous, beneficial, benign
thorny [rni] a. ; ,
1. full of or covered with thorns
2. spiny
3. painfully controversial; vexatious
thorny : difficult :: equivocal : ambiguous
thorny smooth, refined, unproblematical
thoroughgoing [ro:ug`oui] a. ; ,
(complete, unqualified)
1. very thorough; complete
2. unmitigated; unqualified
thoroughgoing cursory, imcomplete, partial, shallow, slipshod,
superficial, unthorough, careless
thralldom [rldm] n.
: a state of servitude or submission
: a state of complete absorption
thralldom independence
threadbare [rdbr] a. , ; ,
1. having the nap worn down so that the filling or warp
thread show through; frayed or shabby
2. wearing old, shabby clothing
3. overused to the point of being worn out; hackneyed
shabby , ; ; ; ,
threadbare, timeworn : novelty :: labyrinthine : directness
thrive [raiv] vi. : FLOURISH
1. to make steady progress; prosper
2. to grow vigorously; flourish
grow : thrive :: move : bustle
languish, fail, languor thrive
languish ,
languor ; ,
wizened thriving
wizen [wzn] to dry up; wither or shrivel
shrivel , ,

[r(), r] vi. ;;
n. 1. a large group of people gathered or crowded closely
together; a multitude
2. a large group of things; a host
protract : length :: throng : number
throng : denseness ::


[ndrs] adj. ,
: noisy ::
: sound :: brilliant : light
settled, moderate, faint, weak (pleasant )

thwart [wrt] v. ,
1. to prevent the occurrence, realization, or attainment of
2. to oppose and defeat the efforts, plans, or ambitions of
oppose : thwart :: treat : cure (EQUAL)
thwart, impede abet, support, aid (effectively), enable, foster, bolster,
foment, facilitate, stir up, assist, implement



[tkli] a. , ; (,
) ;

GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

1. sensitive to tickling
2. easily offended or upset; touchy
3. requiring skillful or tactful handling; delicate
pliant : influence :: ticklish : offend
ticklish imperturbable, impervious, calm
[tidi] a. ,
: orderly and neat in appearance or procedure
sloven tidy
sloven one who is habitually careless in personal
appearance or work
tinged colorless
tinge bleach, blanch, discolor
tinker [tkr] v. ;
: to make unskilled or experimental efforts at repair; fiddle
tinker : adjust :: scribble : write



[tif] n. , ; , : SPAT
1. a fit of irritation
2. a petty quarrel
tiff : squabble :: foible : failing (A << B)
foible , ;
offense, crime : peccadillo :: quarrel : tiff

tightfisted [titfstid] a. close-fisted; stingy

tightfisted : parsimonious :: brattish : mischievous (EQUAL)
brat () a child, especially a spoiled or ill-mannered one
mischievous ; ; ,

[timlis] a. (),
: dated :: pristine : sullied (OPPOSITE)

timeworn [timwrn] a. , : HACKNEYED

1. showing the effects of long use or wear
2. used too often; trite
threadbare, timeworn : novelty :: labyrinthine : directness ::
convoluted : simplicity
timeworn novel
timid [tmid] a. ,
1. lacking self-confidence; shy
2. fearful and hesitant
* timidity
self-confident : timid :: open : shy (OPPOSITE)
timidity : dauntless :: taciturnity : talkative (A B )
timidity : dauntless : garrulity : taciturn
timid stalwart, dauntless, fearless, valiant, brash, swaggering,
timorous [tm-rs] a. , : FEARFUL
: full of apprehensiveness; timid
timorous : intrepidity :: (OPPOSITE)
timorous : confrontation ::
timorous intrepid, scrappy, stalwart, unflinching, valiant, brash,
swaggering, unabashed
intrepid , resolutely courageous; fearless
scrappy ,
stalwart , ; ,
unflinching , (steadfast, resolute) showing neither
fear nor indecision; resolute
tincture [tk r] n. ; (); v.
tincture : stain :: caustic : burn
tine [tain] n. ( )
tine : fork :: tooth : saw


[tint] n. v. ,
1. a shade of a color, especially a pale or delicate variation
2. a gradation of a color made by adding white to it to lessen
its saturation
3. a slight coloration; a tinge
4. a barely detectable amount or degree; a trace
tint : suffuse :: amble : wander (A << B)
suffuse , to spread through or over, as with
liquid, color, or light

tirade [tireid, tirid] n.

: a long angry or violent speech, usually of a censorious or
denunciatory nature; a diatribe
anger : tirade :: exaggeration : hyperbole :: burlesque : mockery
tirade dispassionate speech
tireless ,
tireless : fatigue (B A ) :: nave : guile
titanic [titnik] adj. ()
titanic puny
tizzy [tzi] n. ( )
toady [tudi] n. : SYCOPHANT
: a person who flatters or defers to others for self-serving
recluse : solitude :: toady : favor
toady : flatter :: (EQUAL)
toil [t il] n. , v. ~ , ~ ()
toil laze
token [tuk-n] n.
1. something serving as an indication, a proof , or an
expression of something else; a sign
2. something that signifies or evidences authority, validity, or
3. a distinguishing feature or characteristic
4. one that represents a group, as an employee whose
presence is used to deflect from the employer criticism or
accusations of discrimination
5. a keepsake or souvenir
6. a piece of stamped metal used as a substitute for currency
token : exchange :: clamp : compression (A B )
tolerant [tlrnt|tl-] a. , ; ()
1. inclined to tolerate the beliefs, practices, or traits of
others; forbearing
2. able to withstand or endure an adverse environmental
bigot : tolerance :: turncoat : constancy
inured : tolerance :: addicted : dependency
inure ;
posturer : unaffected :: bigot : tolerant
bigoted : tolerant :: provincial : cosmopolitan (OPPOSITE)
tolerant stringent, rigorous, demanding

[t(), t ] v.
: to seize, hold, or manipulate with tongs
tong : seize ::
tongs : grasping :: reel : winding

tinge [tind] v.t. ; : TINT

1. to apply a trace of color to; tint
2. to affect slightly, as with a contrasting quality

tongue-tied [ttaid] adj. () (, , )


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)
rotation to the point of application of the force
2. a turning or twisting force
torque : rotation :: tension : elongation

tongue-tied articulate
tonic [tnik] n. : REFRESHING
1. an agent, such as a medication, that restores or
increases body tone
2. an invigorating, refreshing, or restorative agent or
conducive : foment :: tonic : invigorate, stimulate :: analgesic :
tonic enfeebling, draining, debilitating
tonsorial [tnsril / tn-] a. ()
: of or relating to barbering or a barber
tonsorial : hair :: sartorial : apparel

: to sound a short blast
: to sound a note or call suggesting the short blast of a
wind instrument
toot : blast :: ?????? (<<)

toothsome [t:sem] adj. () , () ,

1. delicious; luscious: a toothsome pie.
2. pleasant; attractive: a toothsome offer.
3. sexually attractive or exciting
toothsome uncomely
topsoil [tut] ,
: the upper part of the soil
topsoil : erode :: paint : peel (A B)
topple [tp-l / tp-l] v. ,
: to fall from or as if from being top-heavy
topple : stable ::
topple build, place, withstand, rise
topsy-turvy [tpsitrvi / tp-] a. ,,,

1. with the top downward and the bottom up; upside-down
2. in a state of utter disorder or confusion
topsy-turvy tranquil

torrential [trn-l] a. ,
1. resembling, flowing in, or forming torrents
2. resulting from the action of fast-flowing streams
3. flowing or surging abundantly; wild
torrential trickling
trickle , ;
torrid [trid, tr- / tr-] a. , ; : ARDENT
1. parched with the heat of the sun; intensely hot
2. scorching; burning
3. passionate; ardent
4. hurried; rapid
torrid arctic, icy, frigid, tepid
torridness frigidity
[trtus] a. ; , :
1. having or marked by repeated turns or bends; winding or
2. not straightforward; circuitous; devious
3. highly involved; complex
tortuous direct, straightforward, forthright (benevolent )


totter [ttr|tt-] v. ; ,
1. a. to sway as if about to fall b. to appear about to collapse
2. to walk unsteadily or feebly; stagger
touchy [tti] a. ; ;
1. tending to take offense with slight cause; oversensitive
2. requiring special tact or skill in handling; delicate
3. highly sensitive to touch
4. easily ignited; flammable
quixotic : idealistic :: touchy : sensitive (A >> B)
tourniquet [trnikit] n.
tourniquet : bleeding :: brake : motion :: dam : flooding :: moratorium :

[taut] v. ; /
1. to solicit or importune
2. to obtain or sell information on (a racehorse or stable) for
the guidance of bettors
3. to promote or praise energetically; publicize
tout deprecate, denounce, cast aspersions on, criticize, impugn,
aspersion ,

tornado [t :rnidou] n. , ; ,
tornado : air :: whirlpool : water
torpid [trpid] a. ,
1. deprived of the power of motion or feeling; benumbed
2. dormant; hibernating
3. lethargic; apathetic
torpid vivacious, responsive, arduous, ardent, ebullient, animated
ebullient ;
animated ,

toxin [tksin / tk-] n.

toxin innocuous substance
toxic beneficial

torpor [trpr] n. , ;
1. a state or mental or physical inactivity or insensibility
2. lethargy; apathy
3. the dormant, inactive state of a hibernating or estivating
sluggish : torpor :: aloof : reserve
torpor : iciness ::
iciness ; ,
torpor zeal, animation, alert, ardor, ebullience, extreme excitability,
vigilance, vivacity


torque [to:rk] n. ;
1. the moment of a force; the measure of a force's tendency
to produce torsion and rotation about an axis, equal to
the vector product of the radius vector from the axis of

trace [treis]
n. /,
: a mark or line left by something that has passed;
: a minute and often barely detectable amount or indication

[tw:rd] a. ; ,
1. favoring success or a good outcome; propitious
2. happening soon; imminent
toward obdurate

toy [toi] v., ,;

1. to amuse oneself idly; trifle
2. to treat something casually or without seriousness
toy think over seriously


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

trace : amount :: sliver : piece
sliver n. v. ()

[trktb-l] a. , ; ()
1. easily managed or controlled; governable
2. easily handled or worked; malleable
complaisance : intractable :: adeptness : maladroit (OPPOSITE)
complaisance ; ,
tractable : manage :: squeamish : disgust (A B)
squeamish () ,
tractable : manage :: touchy : offend
subtle : overlook :: tractable : lead
testy : annoy :: tractable : control
testy , irritated, impatient, or
exasperated; peevish
tractable : control :: credulous : cozen
cozen ,
tame : tractable ::
tractable balky, pertinacious, incorrigible, insubordinate, obstinate,
intransigent, headstrong, obdurate, willful, unruly, inflexible,
balky ,
pertinacious , ,
intransigent ,
willful ,
tractability incorrigibility
pliant intransigent, intractable

trademark [tridm :rk] n. , v.t. ,

trademark : manufacturer :: seal : signatory
tranquility [trkwlti] n. , , serenity
tranquility : agitation :: abandon : inhibition
tranquility ferment, pandemonium
ferment , ; ,
transcend [trnsnd] v.t. , : OVERCOME
1. to pass beyond the limits of
2. to be greater than, as in intensity or power; surpass
3. to exist above and independent of (material experience or
the universe)
ossify transcend conventions
transfigure [trnsfgjr, -fgr] v.t.
1. to alter the outward appearance of; transform
2. to exalt or glorify
transfer : location :: transfigure : aspect (B()
(transcend : limit ! C B(limit) A(transcend:
to pass beyond the limits of) )
transfigure : appearance, aspect :: transfer : location

[trnsgrs] v.t. () ; , :
1. to go beyond or over (a limit or boundary); exceed or
2. to act in violation of (the law, for example)
rectitude : transgressive :: keenness : obtuse
rectitude , ;
transgression : morality :: presumption : propriety
trespass : boundary :: stray : path :: transgress : rules
transgress obey


[trnnt, -nt, -zint] a. , :

1. passing with time; transitory
2. remaining in a place only a brief time
opportune : convenience :: impermanent : transience (EQUAL, : )
opportune , ;
convoluted : complexity :: ephemeral : transience :: transient :
evanescence (EQUAL)
transient : vanish :: constant : perpetuate (EQUAL, : )
transience permanence, persistence
transient lasting, protracted, perpetual, rooted, eternal, permanent,
persistent, enduring, perennial
protract; to draw out or lengthen in time; prolong

traduce [trdjs]
1 : to expose to shame or blame by means of falsehood and
2 : VIOLATE, BETRAY synonyms see MALIGN
traduce extol
trail [treil] v. (, ) , ~ ;
, ~
trail lead


[trein] v. ;
1. to coach in or accustom to a mode of behavior or
2. to make proficient with specialized instruction and
3. to prepare physically, as with a regimen
4. to cause (a plant or one's hair) to take a desired course
or shape, as by manipulating
5. to focus on or aim at (a goal, mark, or target); direct
[treit] n. , ; (), ; ,
1. a distinguishing feature, as of a person's character
2. a stroke with or as if with a pencil b. a slight degree or
amount, as of a quality; a touch or trace

trammel [trml] v. ~ ()
trammel = entrammel
untrammeled ,
trance [trns|tr:ns] n. , ; ,
1. a hypnotic(), cataleptic, or ecstatic state
2. detachment from one's physical surroundings, as in
contemplation or daydreaming
3. a semiconscious state, as between sleeping and waking;
a daze

transition [trnzn] n. ,
1. passage from one form, state, style, or place to another
2. a. passage from one subject to another in discourse
b. a word, phrase, sentence, or series of sentences
connecting one part of a discourse to another
transition persistence, durability, perpetuity
transitory [trnstri, -z- / -t-ri] a.
: existing or lasting only a short time; short-lived or
transitory : endure :: immutable : change
achromatic : hue :: transitory : permanence
transitory durable, enduring, permanent, perpetual, persistent,
transitoriness duration, durability, endurance, permanence,
perpetuation, perpetuity, persistence
protract; v. , ,
translucent [trnsls-nt] a. ; , :
1. transmitting light but causing sufficient diffusion to
prevent perception of distinct images
2. clear; lucid


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)
b. the document in which such an agreement is set down
2. a contract or an agreement
rectify : treaty :: confirm : hypothesis
rectify ,
1. to set right; correct
2. to correct by calculation or adjustment

slack : tension :: opaque : translucence

translucent opaque, impervious of light, transparent
translucence opacity
transparent [trnsp-rnt] a. ,
1. capable of transmitting light so that objects or images
can be seen as if there were no intervening material
2. permeable to electromagnetic radiation of specified
frequencies, as to visible light or radio waves
3. so fine in texture that it can be seen through; sheer
4. a. easily seen through or detected; obvious b. free from
guile; candid or open
transparent : understand :: conspicuous : see
conspicuous ,
manifest, lucid : perceive :: transparent : understand
opacity transparency
transparent deceitful, delusive, opaque
transpire [trnspi:r] v. ; () , ;
vi. 1. to become known; come to light
2. to come about; happen or occur
3. to give off vapor containing waste products, as through
animal or plant pores
transpire dampen, moisturize
travail [trvil, trveil] n. , ; ,
1. work, especially when arduous or involving painful
effort; toil
2. tribulation or agony; anguish
3. the labor of childbirth
travail frolic, laze, loaf, dawdle
traverse [trvrs, trvrs] v.t.
: to travel or pass across, over, or through
diverge : apart :: traverse : across (CHARACTER)
travesty [trvsti] n. ,
1. an exaggerated or grotesque imitation, such as a parody
of a literary work
2. a debased or grotesque likeness
travesty paragon
treacherous [trt-rs] a. , ; :
1. marked by betrayal of fidelity, confidence, or trust;
2. not to be relied on; not dependable or trustworthy
3. marked by unforeseen hazards; dangerous or deceptive
treacherousness faithfulness
treasure [trr] n. , , , v. ~
, ,
n. 1.accumulated or stored wealth in the form of money,
jewels, or other valuables
2. valuable or precious possessions of any kind
3. one considered especially precious or valuable
v. 1. to keep or regard as precious; value highly; appreciate
2. to accumulate and store away, as for future use
treasure dross
treasure disparage, dislike, loathe, disregard

tremendous [trimnds] a. ;
1. extremely large in amount, extent, or degree; enormous
2. capable of making one tremble; terrible
tremulous [trmjls] a. , ,
1. marked by trembling, quivering, or shaking
2. timid or fearful; timorous
tremulous bold
trenchant [trnt-nt] a. ,
1. keen; incisive
2. forceful, effective, and vigorous
3. caustic; cutting
4. distinct; clear-cut
trenchant : insipid :: (OPPOSITE)
trenchant vague, dull, ambiguous, insipid
trendsetter [trndstr] n.
: one that initiates or popularizes a trend

[trpdi-n] n. , ; , , :
1. a state of alarm or dread; apprehension
2. an involuntary trembling or quivering
audacious : trepidation :: laconic : volubility
laconic ; , using or marked by the use of
few words; terse or concise
dauntless : trepidation :: footloose : attachment
footloose ,
trepidation aplomb, soberness
aplomb , ; self-confident assurance; poise
sober ; ; , ; ,
dauntless trepid
trepid; timid, timorous

trespass [trsps, -ps] vi. ,

1. to commit an offense or a sin; transgress or err
2. (law) to commit an unlawful injury to the person, property,
or rights of another, with actual or implied force or
violence, especially to enter onto another's land
3. to infringe on the privacy, time, or attention of another
infringe , ; to transgress or exceed the limits
of; violate
usurp : take :: trespass : enter
trespass : boundary :: transgress : rule
trespass obey, undo
undo ()
1. to unfasten something that is tied or wrapped
2. to try to remove the bad effects of something you have done
trial [tri-l] n.
trial : courthouse :: experiment : laboratory : commerce : emporium ::
game : stadium

treasurer [tr-rr] n.
: one who has charge of funds or revenues
treasurer : funds :: secretary : records

tribute [trbjut] n. , ; , : ENCOMIUM

tribute : praise :: (A=B)
tribute reprobation, denunciation
reprobate to disapprove of; condemn

treaty [trti] n. ; ,
1. a. a formal agreement between two or more states, as in
reference to terms of peace or trade

trickle [trk-l] n. ;
1. to flow or fall in drops or in a thin stream
2. to move or proceed slowly or bit by bit


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

blast : whiff :: gush : trickle

trickle : gush :: warm : sear
sear , ; ,

: a self-evident truth
truism unusual observation, complex explanation/method

[trmpri] n. , ; , adj.

1. Showy but worthless finery; bric-a-brac.
2. Nonsense; rubbish.
3. Deception; trickery; fraud.
trumpery honesty


[trait] a. ,
: lacking power to evoke interest through overuse or
trite unbanal, unhackneyed, fresh, original, novel

trim [trim] adj.

: exhibiting neatness, good order, or compactness of line or
trim messy
trinket [trkit] n.
: a small ornament (as a jewel or ring)
gadgets : tools :: trinkets : jewelry
trivial [trvil] a. , ;
: of little significance or value; ordinary or commonplace
trivial massive, substantive, grandiose, indispensable
trivial matters important characteristic, main point
trophy [trufi] n.
trophy : contestant :: honors : student
athlete : trophy :: soldier : medal
troupe [trup] n. , ()
: a company or group, especially of touring actors, singers,
or dancers
troupe : perform :: chorus : sing
orchestra : music :: troupe : drama
truant [trnt] n. ,
1. one who is absent without permission, especially from
2. one who shirks work or duty
truant : dutiful :: (OPPOSITE)
truant dutiful
truce [trus] n. , ,
1. a temporary cessation or suspension of hostilities by
agreement of the opposing sides; an armistice
2. a respite from a disagreeable state of affairs
truce resumed fighting

[trkjlnt] a. , ; , :
1. disposed to fight; pugnacious
2. expressing bitter opposition; scathing
3. disposed to or exhibiting violence or destructiveness;
pugnacious combative in nature; belligerent
truculent : gentleness :: unregenerate : remorse (OPPOSITE)
unregenerate unrepentant
truculent gentle, pacific, placid, genial, meek, peaceful,
cooperative, amiable, nice, civilized, agreeable, obedient, submissive,
truculence kindness, benevolence, tranquility

trumpet : horn :: tambourine : drum
truncate [trkeit] v. ,
1. to shorten by or as if by cutting off
2. to shorten (a number) by dropping one or more digits after
the decimal point
3. to replace (the edge of a crystal) with a plane face
truncate : extent :: simplify : complexity
truncate : length :: abridge : duration :: constrict : diameter
prolong truncate
truss [trs] n.
: a rigid framework, as of wooden beams or metal bars,
designed to support a structure, such as a roof
truss : support :: ballast : stability
tubby [tbi] a. ;
1. short and fat
2. having a dull sound; lacking resonance
tugboat [tgbout]
: a small powerful boat designed for towing or pushing larger
locomotive : flatcar :: tugboat : barge
[ ]
[tjmlt, -mlt] n. ; , ; , :
1. the din and commotion of a great crowd
2. a. a disorderly commotion or disturbance b. a tempestuous
uprising; a riot
3. agitation of the mind or emotions
* tumultuous adj.
tumultuous : bedlam :: active : hive
bedlam ; , a place or situation of noisy
uproar and confusion
hive ( );
calm : frantic :: serene : tumultuous (OPPOSITE)
tumult placation, placidity, quietude, quiescence, tranquility, serenity
tumultuous serene, tranquil, peaceful


[trbid] a. , ; () , ; ,
1. having sediment or foreign particles stirred up or
suspended; muddy
2. heavy, dark, or dense, as smoke or fog
3. in a state of turmoil; muddled


trudge [trd] v.t.

: to walk in a laborious, heavy-footed way; plod
lug : carry :: trudge : walk
lug to pull something with difficulty
cavort trudge
cavort () ;
caper ,
romp ;

turbulent [trbjlnt] a. ,
1. violently agitated or disturbed; tumultuous
2. having a chaotic or restless character or tendency
3. causing unrest or disturbance; unruly
turbulent : bedlam ::
maelstrom : turbulent :: mirage : illusory
maelstrom ; ,
turbulence serenity




n. ,



a. , ; : BOMBASTIC,

GRE 6.0 (2008 7)
4. threatening or ominous
5. a. likely to cause embarrassment or trouble b. marked by
or inclined to anger or bad feeling; cross or disagreeable
pulchritude ugliness, hideousness
pulchritude [plkritj:d] great physical beauty and appeal

1. excessively ornate or complex in style or language;
2. swollen or distended, as from a fluid; bloated
turgid simple
turmoil [trmil] n.
: a state of extreme confusion or agitation; commotion or
turmoil tranquility
turncoat [trnkut] n. : TRAITOR
: one who traitorously switches allegiance
bigot : tolerance :: turncoat : constancy :: recluse : companion ::
simpleton : sagacity
turncoat : constancy :: simpleton : sagacity
sagacity , the quality of being discerning, sound in
judgment, and farsighted; wisdom
constancy turncoat
turpitude [trpitjd] n. : DEPRAVITY, BASENESS
1. depravity; baseness
2. a base act
turpitude saintly behavior, probity
turquoise [t :rkw iz|-kw:z] n.
gem : turquoise :: flower : violet
turret [t rit] n. ;
castle : turret :: sea : beacon
tutor [tjtr] n.
: a person charged with the instruction and guidance of

[twig] n.
1. a young shoot representing the current season's growth
of a woody plant
2. any small, leafless branch of a woody plant
figurine : statue :: twig : branch (A << B)
twig : limb :: brook : river (A << B)


[tipou] n. ,
: a typographical error
typo : text :: bug : software

tyrant [ti-rnt] n. ,
1. an absolute ruler who governs without restrictions
2. a ruler who exercises power in a harsh, cruel manner
3. an oppressive, harsh, arbitrary person

[tirou] n.
: a beginner in learning something
tyro expert

umbrage [mbrid] n. ,
resentful : umbrage ::
fractious : umbrage :: ( , )
unaccountable [nkuntbl] adj. , ,
, ,
unaccountable explicable
unaffected [ nfktid] adj. , , ,
; ~ , ,

posturer : unaffected :: bigot : tolerant (A = B )
stickler : derelict :: poseur : unaffected (OPPOSITE, : )
unaffected refined, pretentious, insincere, artful, bombastic, imbued
unalloyed [nl`oid] a. (pure), ; ,
(unmixed, genuine)
1. not in mixture with other metals; pure
2. complete; unqualified
unalloyed adulterated
unanimous [ju:nnms] a.
unanimous dissident, inharmonious
unassailable [nsilb:l] a. , ,

1. impossible to dispute or disprove; undeniable
2. not subject to attack or seizure; impregnable
unassailable : refute :: impervious : damage
unassailable : attack :: imperturbable : nettle
unassailable assailable, assaultable, attackable, controversial,
deniable, refutable
unassuming [nsjmi] a. , : MODEST,
exhibiting no pretensions, boastfulness, or ostentation; modest
unassuming imperious, overbearing, ostentatious, arrogant,
presumptuous, assertive
unavailable [nveilbl] a. , ,
: not available, accessible, or at hand
unavailable useful
unavailing [nvili] a. : FUTILE, USELESS
: not availing; ineffectual or useless
unavailing useful

[nbndi] a. , (stiff, rigid);

1. not yielding; inflexible
2. aloof and often antisocial; extremely reserved
unbending pliant

ubiquitous [jubkwts] a.
: being or seeming to be everywhere at the same time;
ubiquitous : place :: perpetual : time
ubiquitous unique, rarely be encountered, extraordinary
ubiquity rarity


1. displeasing to the eye; unsightly
2. repulsive or offensive; objectionable
3. morally reprehensible; bad

unbridled [nbridld] adj.

1. unrestrained; uncontrolled: unbridled anger
2. not wearing or being fitted with a bridle
unbridled restrained
uncanny [nkni] a. , : EERIE, MYSTERIOUS
1. peculiarly unsettling, as if of supernatural origin or nature;
2. so keen and perceptive as to seem preternatural
eerie [ri] ;


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

uncanny ordinary, quotidian, everyday, normal, commonplace,

uncommitted [nkmtid] a. ;,

: not pledged to a specific cause or course of action
unconventional [nknvnnl] a. /
: not adhering to convention; out of the ordinary
hero : admirable :: eccentric : unconventional
unconventionality fidelity to custom
uncouth [nk] a. , ;
1. crude; unrefined
2. awkward or clumsy; ungraceful
uncouth : churl :: conspiratorial : conniver
churl ,
connive , ; ,
seemly, sophisticated uncouth
unctuous [ktus] a. , ;
1. characterized by affected, exaggerated, or insincere
2. having the quality or characteristics of oil or ointment;
3. containing or composed of oil or fat
4. abundant in organic materials; soft and rich
placebo : innocuous :: salve : unctuous
salve , ; ( );
unctuous : earnest :: sanctimonious : devout
sanctimonious feigning piety or righteousness
unctuous brusque
brusque , abrupt and curt in manner or
speech; discourteously blunt
underdog [ndrd()g, -dg] n. ,
1. one that is expected to lose a contest or struggle, as in
sports or politics
2. one that is at a disadvantage
underdog bully
undergird [ndrgrd] ,
: to support or strengthen from beneath
undermine undergird
1. to draw a line under; emphasize or cause to stand out;
2. to emphasize; stress
underline deemphasis, underplay
undermine [ndrmin] v. , ,
1. to weaken by wearing away a base or foundation
2. to weaken, injure, or impair, often by degrees or
imperceptibly; sap
3. to dig a mine or tunnel beneath
undermine undergird, reinforce
undergird , to support or strengthen from
underplay [ndrpli] v.
1. to act (a role) subtly or with restraint
2. to present or deal with subtly or with restraint; play
underscore [ndrskr]
1. to underline
2. to emphasize; stress

v. ;

underscore : emphasis :: brand : ownership

underscore de-emphasize, underplay, downplay, slight, understate
understate [ndrstit] v. ,
1. To state with less completeness or truth than seems
warranted by the facts.
2. To express with restraint or lack of emphasis, especially
ironically or for rhetorical effect.
3. To state (a quantity, for example) that is too low:
understate corporate financial worth.
understate vaunt
understated bombastic, flamboyant
understatement hyperbole
understudy [nd:rstdi] v. /
1. to study or know (a role) so as to be able to replace the
regular performer when required
2. to act as an understudy to
understudy : star :: deputy : sheriff
deputy , ;
sheriff ; ,
undeserved [ndiz:rvd] adj. , ,

: not merited; unjustifiable or unfair
undeserved moderate, reasonable, sensible, equitable, fair, just
condign undeserved, unmerited
undue [ndj:] a. , ;, ;

1. exceeding what is appropriate or normal; excessive
2. not just, proper, or legal
3. not yet payable or due
rebellious : antiestablishment :: extravagant : undue
unearth [nr] v. ,
1. to bring up out of the earth; dig up
2. to bring to public notice; uncover
unearth conceal
unequivocal [nikwvkl] a. , ,
unequivocation : ambiguity :: spotlessness : blemish (A B )
blemish , ,
unexceptionable [nikspnbl] a. :
beyond any reasonable objection; irreproachable
unexceptionable : oppose :: unsalvageable : repair :: unique : precedent
vile unexceptionable
unexceptional [nikspnl] a. : COMMONPLACE,

1. not varying from a norm; usual
2. not subject to exceptions
unfasten [nfsn / -fsn] v.
: to make loose
secure unfasten
scotch encourage {unfasten}
unfeigned [nfind] adj.
: not feigned or hypocritical : GENUINE synonyms see
unfeigned pretended
unflagging [nflgi]
1. to hang limply; droop


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

2. to decline in vigor or strength
3. to decline in interest
unflagging fading
unflappable [nflpbl] a.
: persistently calm, whether when facing difficulties or
experiencing success; not easily upset or excited
unflappable : upset, provocation :: obstinate : persuade
unflappable disturbed
ungainly [nginli] a. , : CLUMSY
1. lacking grace or ease of movement or form; clumsy
2. difficult to move or use; unwieldy
unwieldy (, ) ;
loquacious : succinct :: adroit : ungainly
ungainly dexterous, adroit, lissome
lissome [lsm] , ; ,
unhackneyed [nhknid] a. , , ,
unhackneyed trite
unheralded [nhrldid] a. , ; ,

unheralded : announcement :: rash : circumspection :: impromptu :
unherald proclaim
unkempt [nkmpt] a. , ;
1. a. not combed b. not properly maintained; disorderly or
2. unpolished; rude
unkempt dapper
dapper , ; ,
unlettered [nltrd] a. ,
1. a. not adept at reading and writing; deficient in the
knowledge that can be acquired from books b.
2. having no lettering
* lettered adj. , ,
erudite smattering of knowledge, ignorant, unlettered
learned unlettered
lettered : education :: mature : growth
unobtrusive [nbtr:siv] a. , (modest,
: not undesirably noticeable or blatant; inconspicuous
unobtrusive impetuous
unpalatable [npltbl] a. ; : DISTASTEFUL
1. not pleasing to the taste
2. not pleasant or agreeable
unprepossessing [npr:pzsi] a. ;

: failing to impress favorably; nondescript

unprepossessing attractive, entrancing, enticing, winsome, riveting
unpretentious [npritns] a. : MODEST
: lacking pretension or affectation; modest
bombastic unpretentious
unproductive [nprdktiv] a. ;
effectual unproductive
unrepentant [nripntnt] a.
: having or exhibiting no remorse
unrepentant remorseful, attritional, compunctious
attrition , ; , ;
unrequited [nrikwitid] a. ,
: not reciprocated or returned in kind
remunerative unrequited
remunerative ;
remunerate ,
unruly [nrli] a.
: difficult or impossible to discipline, control, or rule
unruly : authority :: refractory : change
unruly disciplined, subdued
unseemly [ns:mli] a., ;/
1. not in accord with accepted standards of good taste;
grossly improper
2. not suited to the circumstances; inappropriate
unseemly decorous
unseemliness decorum
unstable [nstib:l]
1. a. tending strongly to change b. not constant; fluctuating
2. a. fickle b. lacking control of one's emotions; characterized
by unpredictable behavior
3. not firmly placed; unsteady
unstable secure
unsubstantial [nsbstn:l] a.,;
1. lacking material substance; insubstantial
2. lacking firmness or strength; flimsy
3. lacking basis in fact
unsubstantial firm, realistic, practical, effective, strong, confirmed
unsubstantiated [nsbstnieitid] a. ,
unsubstantiated verified, confirmed
unsullied [nslid] adj.
unsullied tarnished
untactful [ ntktfl] adj. (, , )
untactful thoughtful, dexterous, skillful, discreet
untainted [ntintid] a. ;
untainted contaminated
untenable [nt nbl] a. ,
1. being such that defense or maintenance is impossible
2. being such that occupation or habitation is impossible
untenable : defense :: invulnerable : injury
invulnerable , ; ,
untenable : defended :: incontrovertible : disputed :: inevitable : avoided
incontrovertible , impossible to dispute;
inalienable : surrendered :: untenable : defended
inalienable ( ) that cannot be transferred to
another or others
untenable : defended :: inexorable : persuade
inexorable ; , not capable of being persuaded by
entreaty; relentless
untenable defensible
untenable habitable
untold [ntuld] a. ; :INCALCULABLE,
1. not told or revealed
2. beyond description or enumeration
countless, innumerable, myriad, untold : number :: everlasting,
interminable : duration
myriad constituting a very large, indefinite number; innumerable


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

untold able to quantify, quantifiable, calculable, able to be gauged,

[ntrd, nturd] a. , ; :
1. not favorable; unpropitious
2. troublesome; adverse
3. hard to guide or control; unruly
4. improper; unseemly
untoward, inauspicious, unpropitious favorable and anticipated,
fortunate, auspicious, propitious, fortunate
auspicious ,
propitious ; ; ,
toward obdurate
untoward proper, decorous, favorable and anticipated, yielding

3. to distress or perturb mentally or emotionally

4. to overthrow; overturn
5. to defeat unexpectedly (an opponent favored to win)
6. to make (a heated metal bolt, for example) shorter and
thicker by hammering on the end
unflappable : upset :: obstinate : persuade
unflappable ,


[ntjtrd] a. ; : NAIVE,
1. having had no formal learning or training
2. unsophisticated; unrefined
untutored polished


unwieldy [ nw:ldi] adj. (, , ) ,

* wield v. , ( ) ;
1. to handle (a weapon or tool, for example) with skill and
2. to exercise (authority or influence, for example)
unwieldy : carry :: intractable : govern
unwitting [nwti] a. , ; ,
1. not knowing; unaware
2. not intended; unintentional
conscious, intentional unwitting
unwonted [nwuntid] a.
1. not habitual or ordinary; unusual
2. not accustomed; unused
habit unwonted behavior
unwonted usual, habitual
upbraid [ipbrid] v.t.
: to reprove sharply; reproach
upbraid : reproach :: dote : like (A >> B)
upbraid : disapproval :: lament : grief (A shows B)
upbraid laud, extol, praise
uphold [dphuld] v.t.
1. to hold aloft; raise
2. to prevent from falling or sinking; support
3. to maintain or affirm against opposition
uphold abrogate, forsake
abrogate ; to abolish, do away with, or annul,
especially by authority
forsake ( ) to give up (something formerly held
dear); renounce
uphold impugn
impugn , to attack as false or questionable;
challenge in argument
uproar [prr] n. ,
1. a condition of noisy excitement and confusion; tumult
2. a heated controversy
placid uproarious
upset [pst] v.
1. to cause to turn or tip over; capsize
2. to disturb the functioning, order, or course of

uptight a. , , ; ,
uptight calm
urbane [rbin] a. , : POLISHED
: polite, refined, and often elegant in manner
* urbanity n.,
urbane : gaucherie :: guileless : chicanery
brutal : urbanity :: enigmatic : lucidity, elucidation (A B )
brute : urbanity ::
urbanity : coarse :: (A B )
coarse : , ,
urbane bucolic, rude, rustic
urbanity artlessness, oafishness
oaf ,
[rd] vi.
1. to force or drive forward or onward; impel
2. to entreat earnestly and often repeatedly; exhort
3. to advocate earnestly the doing, consideration, or approval
of; press for
4. to stimulate; excite
5. to move or impel to action, effort, or speed; spur
didactic : teach :: hortatory : urge
hortatory , marked by exhortation or strong urging


usurp [jusrp, -zrp] v.t. ,

1. to seize and hold (the power or rights of another, for
example) by force and without legal authority
2. to take over or occupy without right
usurp : take :: trespass : enter
impostor : identity :: usurper : authorization (A = B )
embezzle : funds :: usurp : power
usurp : seize :: interrogate : examine :: defame : disparage (EQUAL)
interrogate ; to examine by questioning formally
or officially
usurp assume rightfully
usury [j:ri|-uri] n. ();
1. the practice of lending money and charging the borrower
interest, especially at an exorbitant or illegally high rate
2. an excessive or illegally high rate of interest charged on
borrowed money
usury : interest :: gouging : price
gouge /; ( ) ,
[tr] v. a. ,
: complete; absolute; entire
flit : move :: blurt : utter
flit ; ,
blurt to utter suddenly and impulsively
exclaim : utter :: flare : shine
circumlocution pithy utters, utter concisely, straightforward utter
jest solemn utterance
jest , ;
utter partial


vacate [vikeit / vkit] v.
1. to cease to occupy or hold; give up


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)
5. indistinctly felt, perceived, understood, or recalled; hazy
vague well defined, trenchant, fixed
trenchant , ;

2. to empty of occupants or incumbents

vacate occupy
vaccinate [vksnit] v.
vaccinate : disease :: (A B )
overexposure : jaded :: vaccination : immune
soporific : sleep :: vaccinating : immunity
soporific ,

[vslit] a. , : FLUCTUATE,
1. to sway from one side to the other; oscillate
2. to swing indecisively from one course of action or
opinion to another
impetuous : vacillation, hesitation :: bumptious : humbleness
bumptious , crudely or loudly assertive;
vacillation : persistent :: inertia : reactant (OPPOSITE)
inertia ; ,
vacillate : persistent :: react : inert
vacillate : uncertain :: apologize : contrite
contrite ,
apologize : contrite :: vacillate : irresolute, hesitant
adamant vacillatory
impetuosity, pertinacity hesitance, vacillation
pertinacious , ;
vacillate equipoise, resolute, stand firm, resolve firmly
equipoise ,
vacillation constancy, decisiveness, impetuosity, pertinacity,
resolution, motionless balance
adamant vacillating


[vkjus] a. , ; , :
1. devoid of matter; empty
2. a. lacking intelligence; stupid b. devoid of substance or
meaning; inane c. devoid of expression; vacant
3. lacking serious purpose or occupation; idle
vacuous intelligent, substantial, omniscient, full of ideas
omniscient having total knowledge; knowing everything
vacuity plentitude

vagary [vigri, vgri] n. ,

: an extravagant or erratic notion or action
vagary : predict :: impossibility : execute, accomplish ::
indemonstrable : prove :: diehard : budge
vagary : predict :: acme : surpass
acme , the highest point, as of perfection
unplumbed : depth :: unpredictable : vagary ( : )
vagary : predict :: diehard : budge
diehard ,
vagarious fixed
vagary fixation

[vigrnt] n. , a. , ;
n. 1. one who wanders from place to place without a
permanent home or a means of livelihood
2. a wanderer; a rover
3. one who lives on the streets and constitutes a public
* vagabond ,
vagabond : wanderer ::
vagrant fixed

vague [veig] a. ,
1. not clearly expressed; inexplicit
2. not thinking or expressing oneself clearly
3. lacking definite shape, form, or character; indistinct
4. not clear in meaning or application

vain [vein] adj. , , , ,

1. not yielding the desired outcome; fruitless ,
2. lacking substance or worth
3. excessively proud of one's appearance or
accomplishments; conceited ,
vain successful, efficacious
vainglorious [veingl:ris] a.
1. characterized by or exhibiting excessive vanity; boastful
2. proceeding from vainglory
vainglorious : humility :: prodigal : thrift (A B )
vainglorious self-effacing, meek, humble
valediction [vldkn] n. , ;
1. an act of bidding farewell; a leave-taking
2. a speech or statement made as a farewell
panegyric : praise :: valediction : farewell
panegyric /,
valediction greeting
valiant [vljnt] a. , ; , :
1. possessing valor; brave
2. marked by or done with valor
valor , courage and boldness, as in battle; bravery
valiant coward, craven, pusillanimous, timorous
pusillanimous , lacking courage; cowardly

[vlid] a. ;
1. well grounded; just
2. producing the desired results; efficacious
3. having legal force; effective or binding
* validate v.t. ~ , ~

void : valid :: (OPPOSITE)

specious valid
specious , having the ring of truth or plausibility
but actually fallacious
fallacy valid argument
nullify validate, confirm, ratify
nullification validation

valorize [vlriz] v.
1. to establish and maintain the price of (a commodity) by
governmental action
2. to give or assign a value to
valorize fluctuate
valorous [vlrs] a.
: marked by or possessing great personal bravery; valiant
craven valorous
valorous timorous
vanish [vni] v.
1. to pass out of sight, especially quickly; disappear
2. to pass out of existence
evanescent : disappear, vanish :: pliant : yield :: periodic : recur (A = B
, )
(transparent : penetrate . (A = B , ))
evanescent : vanish :: consistent : perpetuate
perpetuate ; make perpetual; to prolong
the existence of
constant : perpetuate :: transient : vanish ( : )



v.t. ; ,

GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

1. a. to defeat or conquer in battle; subjugate b. to defeat
in a contest, conflict, or competition
2. to overcome or subdue (an emotion, for example);
attack : vanquished :: goad : provoked (A : B)
dominate : vanquished :: (OPPOSITE)
vanquish surrender, submit to
vapid [vpid] a. , ; , : FLAT,
1. lacking liveliness, animation, or interest; dull
2. lacking taste, zest, or flavor; flat
vapid zealous, riveting, inventive, piquant, bracing, zesty, lively,
riveting wholly absorbing or engrossing one's attention;
bracing ; invigorating or refreshing;
zest ; , ; ,
vaporize [vipriz] v.
: to convert or be converted into vapor
scuff : abrasion :: heat : vaporization
scuff ; ( ) to scrape the feet while
walking; shuffle
abraded : friction :: vaporized : heat
vaporization, gasification solidification
vaporous substantial
vaporous [viprs] a. ; ,
1. relating to or resembling vapor
2. a. producing vapors; volatile b. giving off or full of vapors
3. insubstantial, vague, or ethereal
4. extravagantly fanciful; high-flown
ethereal , , ; ; ,
vaporous substantial
[vrins] n. , ; , :
1. a. the act of varying b. the state or quality of being
variant or variable; a variation c. a difference between
what is expected and what actually occurs
2. the state or fact of differing or of being in conflict
immutable variable
variance congruity, uniformity, quantity with a fixed value


variegation [vrigin] n. ()
: the state of being variegated; diversified coloration
variegate v. ; ...
variegation : uniformity :: simplicity : difficulty
variegation uniform coloration, sameness, uniformity, homogeneity
varnish [vrni] n. v.
1. to cover with varnish
2. to give a smooth and glossy finish to
3. to give a deceptively attractive appearance to; gloss over
glaze : porcelain :: varnish : wood :: wax : linoleum
varnish : glossy :: sand : smooth

[vt] n.
: a large vessel (as a cistern, tub, or barrel) especially for
holding liquors in an immature state or preparations for
dyeing or tanning
mortar : grind :: vat : dye

vault [vlt] n. ()
larder : provisions :: vault : valuables :: reservoir : water
vault : valuables :: refrigerator : foods :: library : books
vaunt [vnt, vnt] v. , : BRAG n.
: to speak boastfully of; brag about
vaunt ones skill
vaunt deprecate, humble, self-deprecate, downplay, understate,
resign, (retire)
downplay to minimize the significance of; play down
vaunting meek ( 3)
vaunting ,
meek showing patience and humility
[vir] v.
1. to turn aside from a course, direction, or purpose; swerve
2. to shift clockwise in direction, as from north to northeast.
used of the wind
swerve , to turn aside or be turned aside from a
straight course
veer : direction :: convert : belief
topic : digress :: course : veer
veer maintain constant


vehement [vmnt] a. , : POWERFUL

1. characterized by forcefulness of expression or intensity of
emotion or conviction; fervid
2. marked by or full of vigor or energy; strong
vehement languid, apathetic, tepid, indifferent, unconcerned, easy
languid , ;
apathetic ; ,
vehemency, vehemence tepidity, lull
tepid ;
lull , ,
venal [vnl] a. , ; ,
1. a. open to bribery; mercenary b. capable of betraying
honor, duty, or scruples for a price; corruptible
2. marked by corrupt dealings, especially bribery
3. obtainable for a price
disinterested : partisanship :: venal : probity
disinterested , free of bias and self-interest;
probity , complete and confirmed integrity; uprightness
venal unsusceptible of bribe, incorruptible
vendor [vndr, vendr] n. ; ,
vendor : purvey :: censor : expurgate
veneer [vnr] n. (),
1. a thin surface layer, as of finely grained wood, glued to a
base of inferior material
2. any of the thin layers glued together to make plywood
3. a decorative facing, as of brick
4. a deceptive, superficial show; a facade
foil : metal :: veneer : wood
glaze : porcelain :: veneer : furniture :: baseboard : wall
baseboard a molding that conceals the joint between an
interior wall and a floor
venerate [vnrit] v.t. ,
: to regard with respect, reverence, or heartfelt deference
* venerable [vn:rb:l] a. ,
1. commanding respect by virtue of age, dignity character, or
2. worthy of reverence, especially by religious or historical
* veneration n. ,


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

venerable : respect ::
venerable despicable, disrespectable (scornful )
perfunctorily : inspiration :: insolently : veneration
perfunctory ,
insolent ,
venerable : reverence :: despicable : scorn
venerate despise, dishonor, scorn, disdain, desecrate, abhor
veneration contempt, dishonor, hatred, derision, disdain, despise,
scorn, obloquy (blame )
deride / to speak of or treat with contemptuous mirth
vengeful [vndfl] a. : REVENGEFUL
1. desiring vengeance; vindictive
2. indicating or proceeding from a desire for revenge
3. serving to exact vengeance
demanding : satisfy :: vengeful : forgive (A = B )
venial [vnil, -njl] a. ,
: easily excused or forgiven; pardonable
venial : excuse :: pellucid : understand
venial heinous, intolerant, inexorable, uncharitable, unforgiving,
unpardonable, unrelenting, unsparing
heinous , grossly wicked or reprehensible;
unsparing (liberal, profuse); , (hard,
veniality inexorability
venom [vnm] n. ; ,
1. a poisonous secretion of an animal, such as a snake,
spider, or scorpion, usually transmitted by a bite or sting
2. a poison
3. malice; spite
placebo : innocuous :: venom : toxic :: milk : nutrient
ventilate [vntlit] v.t. ;
1. to admit fresh air into (a mine, for example) to replace
stale or noxious air
2. to circulate through and freshen
3. to provide with a vent, as for airing
4. to expose (a substance) to the circulation of fresh air, as
to retard spoilage
5. to expose to public discussion or examination
6. to aerate or oxygenate (blood)

[vris] a. , ; : TRUTHFUL,
1. honest; truthful
2. accurate; precise
veracious : guile :: (OPPOSITE)
veracious mendacious, fallacious
1. lying; untruthful
2. false; untrue

veracity [vrsti] n. , ;
1. adherence to the truth; truthfulness
2. conformity to fact or truth; accuracy or precision
3. something that is true
veracity : dissembler :: agility : bungler
mendacity, prevarication veracity
verbalism [vrblzm] n.
1 a. a verbal expression: TERM
2. words used as if they were more important than the
realities they represent
3. a. a wordy expression of little meaning b. VERBOSITY
argot standard language / common verbalism
argot , a specialized vocabulary or set of idioms used by a
particular group
verbatim [vrbitim] a.
: using exactly the same words; corresponding word for word
paraphrase : verbatim :: approximate : precise
verbiage [v:rbiid] n. ,
verbiage terseness
verbose [vrbus] a. , : WORDY
: using or containing a great and usually an excessive
number of words; wordy
verbosity : words :: floridness : embellishments
florid , ; , ,
verbosity succinctness, laconism, terseness, pithiness, conciseness,
verbose succinct, concise, laconic (taciturn )
verdant [vrdnt] a. ;
1. green with vegetation; covered with green growth
2. (color) green in hue
3. lacking experience or sophistication; naive
verdant sterile, sere, barren
sere , withered; dry
verdict [vrdikt] n. ()
1. (law) the finding of a jury in a trial
2. an expressed conclusion; a judgment or an opinion
verify [vrfi] v.t. ,
1. to prove the truth of by presentation of evidence or
testimony; substantiate
2. to determine or test the truth or accuracy of, as by
comparison, investigation, or reference
verifiable : plausible :: obfuscating : indiscernible
obfuscate ,
plumb : depth :: verify : accuracy
refutation verification
refutation ,
unsubstantiated verified
unsubstantiated ,
verifiable fallacious, questionable, doubtful, unreliable, vague
verify refute
verisimilar [vrsmlr] a.
: appearing to be true or real; probable
verisimilar implausible
implausible , difficult to believe; not plausible
veritable [vrtbl] a. ,
: being truly so called; real or genuine
veritable specious
vermin [vrmin] n. ;
: person considered loathsome or highly offensive
vernacular [vrnkjlr] n. ; , ;
1. the standard native language of a country or locality
2. the everyday language spoken by a people as
distinguished from the literary language
3. the idiom of a particular trade or profession
4. an idiomatic word, phrase, or expression
5. the common, nonscientific name of a plant or an animal
vernacular : place :: jargon : profession
vernacular : local :: jargon : profession
jargon ;
versatile [vrstl / -til] a. , ,
1. capable of doing many things competently
2. having varied uses or serving many functions


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

3. variable or inconstant; changeable

versatile having limited application, unchangeable
verse [v:rs] n. ;
: to familiarize by study or experience
footloose : attachment :: unversed : familiarity
footloose having no attachments or ties; free to do as one pleases
versed [v:rst] a. ,
: acquainted through study or experience; knowledgeable
or skilled
versed inexperienced, clumsy, awkward, inept, uninformed
versemonger [vrsmgr]
versemonger : verbatim ::

n. /

vertex [v :rteks] n. , ; (zenith)

: the highest point; the apex or summit
vertex lowliness, nadir
vertigo [vrtigu] n. , ;
1. a. the sensation of dizziness b. an instance of such a
2. a confused, disoriented state of mind
hemorrhage : bleeding :: vertigo : dizziness
vertigo : nauseate ::
nauseate ;
tranquility vertigo
verve [vrv] n. , : VIVACITY
1. energy and enthusiasm in the expression of ideas,
especially in artistic performance or composition
2. vitality; liveliness
verve listlessness, lassitude
listless lacking energy or disinclined to exert effort; lethargic
lassitude : a state or feeling or weariness, diminished energy, or
vessel [vsl] n.
aqueduct : water :: pipeline : gas :: vessel : blood

2. to cause perplexity in; puzzle

3. to bring distress or suffering to; plague or afflict
4. to debate or discuss (a question, for example) at length
5. to toss about or shake up
* vexatious adj. , , , ,
* vexation n. , ,
draconian : inclemency :: fret : vexation
inclement , ;
1. stormy
2. showing no clemency; unmerciful
fret , to cause to be uneasy; vex
vex pacify, appease, soothe, mollify, conciliate, assuage, placate,
unable to incite, gratify (exhilarate )
vexatious placatory, conciliatory
vexing propitiatory, placating
vexation assuagement, conciliation, gratification, placation,
gratify , to please or satisfy; to give what is
desired to
viable [vibl] a. , ; /
1. capable of living, developing, or germinating under
favorable conditions
2. capable of success or continuing effectiveness; practicable
elastic : expand :: viable : live
elastic , ; ,
viability inability to live
via [vil] n.
vial : bottle ::
vibrant [vibrnt ] a. , ;
1. a. pulsing or throbbing with energy or activity
b. vigorous, lively, and vital
2. exhibiting or characterized by rapid, rhythmic movement
back and forth or to and fro; vibrating
3. produced as a result of vibration; resonant or resounding
flagging vibrant
ponderous lively, vibrant, brisk
[vaikris, vi-] a. , :
1. felt or undergone as if one were taking part in the
experience or feelings of another
2. endured or done by one person substituting for another
3. a. acting or serving in place of someone or something else;
substituted b. committed or entrusted to another, as
powers or authority; delegated
vicarious first-handed


vestige [vstid] n. , , ;
: a visible trace, evidence, or sign of something that once
existed but exists or appears no more
vestige : remainder :: figurine : statue
vestige fully developed
vestigial [vestdil] a. ,
vestige ,
a visible trace, evidence, or sign of something that once existed but
exists or appears no more
vestigial fully developed
veteran [vtrn] n. ,
1. a person who is long experienced or practiced in an
activity or a capacity
2. a person who has served in the armed forces
3. an old soldier who has been long service
cadet : veteran :: tadpole : frog
cadet [kdt] ,

[vtou] n. ; , : INTERDICTION
: an authoritative prohibition or rejection of a proposed or
intended act
veto : prohibitive :: overture : introductory
veto : enactment :: antiseptic : infection
veto consent


[veks] v.t. ,
1. to annoy, as with petty importunities; bother

vice [vais] n. , , ; (, , , ) ,

vice rectitude (sincerity )

vicious [vs] a. , : DEPRAVED
benign, benignant vicious
benignant , ;
vicissitude [visstjd] n. , ;
1. a. a change or variation
b. the quality of being changeable; mutability
2. often vicissitudes one of the sudden or unexpected
changes or shifts often encountered in one's life, activities,
or surroundings
vicissitudinous unchanging, immutable, invariant, constant
vicissitude immutability, unchangeability
victimize [vktmiz] v.t. : SWINDLE
1. to subject to swindle or fraud
2. to make a victim of


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

victimize treat fairly
vigilant [vdlnt] a. ,
: on the alert; watchful
vigilant : entrapped :: exacting : satisfied :: demanding : satisfied ::
wary : gulled, duped (A B )
wary ,
1. on guard; watchful
2. characterized by caution
vigilant : ambushed :: vigilant : waylaid :: wary : gulled
vigilant : danger :: thrifty : indigence
watchful : waylaid :: cunning : gulled
waylay to lie in wait for and attack from ambush
vigilant oblivious, unalert, slack, negligent, supine, torporific,
1. lacking all memory; forgetful
2. lacking conscious awareness; unmindful
supine ; ,
torporific ,
[vinjt] n. ( , )
; /
1. a decorative design placed at the beginning or end of a
book or chapter of a book or along the border of a page
2. an unbordered picture, often a portrait, that shades off
into the surrounding color at the edges
3. a. a short, usually descriptive literary sketch
b. a short scene or incident, as from a movie
vignette : scene :: skit : drama
vignette : book :: scene : movie
4. to defend, maintain, or insist on the recognition of (one's
right, for example)
5. to exact revenge for; avenge
vindicate : blame :: disabuse : miscomprehension
vindicate calumniate, impugn, inculpate, confirm guilt, blame
calumniate / to make maliciously or knowingly false
statements about
impugn /, to attack as false or questionable;
challenge in argument inculpate to incriminate
incriminate , ; ... ( )

implicate ;
vindictive [vindktiv] a. ; : VENGEFUL
1. disposed to seek revenge; revengeful
2. marked by or resulting from a desire to hurt; spiteful
mercenary : money :: vindictive : revenge
violate [vilit] v. : rape
: to do harm to the person or especially the chastity of


vigor [vgr] n. ,
1. physical or mental strength, energy, or force
2. the capacity for natural growth and survival, as of plants
or animals
3. strong feeling; enthusiasm or intensity
4. legal effectiveness or validity
decrepit vigorous
decrepit , ;

virile [vrl|-ail] , ; ,
1. of, relating to, or having the characteristics of an adult
2. having or showing masculine spirit, strength, vigor, or
* virility [virlti] n. , ,
: the quality or state of being virile
virtuoso [vrtuusou, -zou] n. , a. ( )
virtuoso : skill :: potentate : power :: genius : intelligence
potentate , , ,
virtuoso : mediocre :: impostor : unfeigned
mediocre [m:diukr] , moderate to inferior in quality;
impostor one who engages in deception under an assumed
name or identity
virtuoso mediocre, ordinary, unskillful person, beginner, novice
virtuosity mediocrity, beginner, novice


virtuous [vrtus] a. , : RIGHTEOUS

1. having or showing virtue, especially moral excellence
2. possessing or characterized by chastity; pure
depravity : virtue :: doldrums : energy
doldrums ; , ; ,
depravity , moral corruption or degradation; a depraved act
or condition
virtuous : basement ::
base virtuous
nefarious above reproach, virtuous
nefarious infamous by way of being extremely wicked


virulent [vrjulnt] a. ,
1. a. extremely infectious, malignant, or poisonous
b. capable of causing disease by breaking down protective
mechanisms of the host
2. bitterly hostile or antagonistic; hateful
3. intensely irritating, obnoxious, or harsh
obnoxious , ; (, )
virulent salubrious, harmless, genial, benign
salubrious conducive or favorable to health or well-being

[vail] a. , , ,
1. loathsome; disgusting
2. unpleasant or objectionable
3. a. contemptibly low in worth or account; second-rate
b. of mean or low condition
4. miserably poor and degrading; wretched
5. morally depraved; ignoble or wicked
vile noble, unexceptionable, unimpeachable
unexceptionable a. , ,
, (unobjectionable, irreproachable) Beyond any
reasonable objection; irreproachable.
[vlfi] v. : DEFAME
: to make vicious and defamatory statements about
vilify : laud ::
vilify extol, honor, commend, laud
vilification approbation, adulation, beautification


[vim] n.
: ebullient vitality and energy
lassitude, lethargy vim, animation, verve
verve ( ) , ; ,

vindicate [vndkit] v. (, )
1. to clear of accusation, blame, suspicion, or doubt wit
supporting arguments or proof
2. to provide justification or support for
3. to justify or prove the worth of, especially in light of later

visceral [vrl] a. ; ; , ,

1. relating to, situated in, or affecting the viscera
2. perceived in or as if in the viscera; profound
3. instinctive: visceral needs; instinctive


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

visceral exterior, outside, external

visceral conscious, intellectual, reasoning
visceral learned, refined
viscid [vsid] a.
1. thick and adhesive. used of a fluid
2. covered with a sticky or clammy coating
clammy ,
viscid slick
slick , ; ,
viscous [vsks] a. , : VISCID
1. having relatively high resistance to flow
2. viscid
glutinous nonviscous
glutinous ; of the nature of or resembling glue;

* vituperate v.
* vituperation n.
vituperation : philippic ::
lionize : admire :: vituperate : despise
vituperate admire, praise, adulate
vituperative adulatory, admirable, complimentary, laudatory
vivacious [vivis, vai-] a. , : SPRIGHTLY
: full of animation and spirit; lively
vivacious languid, phlegmatic, leaden
phlegmatic , ;
leaden [ldn] () ; ,

[vvid] a. : LIVELY
1. perceived as bright and distinct; brilliant
2. a. having intensely bright colors b. having a very high
degree of saturation
3. full of the vigor and freshness of immediate experience
4. a. evoking lifelike images within the mind; heard, seen, or
felt as if real b. active in forming lifelike images
* vivify v. ~ () ,
vivid : intensify ::
intensify to make intense or more intense
vivid weary
vivify inhibit, deaden, dampen

visionary [vnri / -nri] a. : UTOPIAN

visionary : idealistic :: officious : obliging (A >> B)
officious ,
obliging , ready to do favors for others;

[vst] n. , ; ; , : PROSPECT
1. a. a distant view or prospect, especially one seen
through an opening, as between rows or
buildings or trees b. an avenue or other passage affording
such a view
2. an awareness of a range of time, events, or subjects; a
broad mental view
placebo : painkiller :: backdrop : vista

vitality [vaitlti] n. , ;
1. the capacity to live, grow, or develop
2. physical or intellectual vigor; energy
3. the characteristic, principle, or force that distinguishes
living things from nonliving things
4. power to survive
* vitalize [vitlaiz] v. , ;

1. to endow with life; animate

2. to make more lively or vigorous; invigorate
attenuate : thickness :: enervate : vitality :: debase : value
dehydrate : water :: wither : vitality :: fade : brightness
arrest vitalize
arrest ; () ; /
vitality enervation, soporific
vitiate [viit] v. , : IMPAIR
1. to reduce the value or impair the quality of
2. to corrupt morally; debase
3. to make ineffective; invalidate
vitiate strengthen, fortify, invigorate, buttress
vitrify [vtrfi] vi.
: to convert into glass or a glassy substance by heat and
tarnish : dull :: vitrify : smooth
tarnish ~ , ,
vitriolic [vtrilik / -l -] a.
: bitterly scathing; caustic
* vitriol n. ,
vitriolic soothing
vitriol gentle word, soothing word, smooth word
vituperative [vaitjpritiv] a. ,
: using, containing, or marked by harshly abusive censure

vocal [vukl] adj. , ; ,

vocal reticent
vociferous [vousfrs] a.
: making, given to, or marked by noisy and vehement outcry
vociferous reticent, monotone, serene, still
vogue [voug] n. , : POPULARITY
1. the prevailing fashion, practice, or style
2. popular acceptance or favor; popularity
volatile [vltil / vltil] a. ;,
1. a. tending to vary often or widely, as in price
b. inconstant; fickle
c. lighthearted; flighty
d. ephemeral; fleeting
2. tending to violence; explosive
* n. volatility
instable : volatility :: harmonious : congruence
craven : heroic :: volatile : constant (OPPOSITE)
volatile : temper :: ready : wit ( : :: : )
ready ~ , ex. a ready wit

volatile : evaporate :: soluble : dissolve
volatile constant, stable
imperturbability volatility
volition [vouln] n. , : WILL
1. the act or an instance of making a conscious choice or
2. a conscious choice or decision
3. the power or faculty of choosing; the will
* volitional ,
volition inability to choose/select
volitional unintentional, compulsory, compelling, involuntary,
voluble [vljbl / vl-] a. ; : GLIB, FLUENT
1. marked by a ready flow of speech; fluent
2. turning easily on an axis; rotating
* volubility n. ,


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

voluble : verbosity :: licentious : dissoluteness

licentious ,
dissolute , lacking moral restraint; indulging in
sensual pleasures or vices
audacious : trepidation :: laconic : volubility (OPPOSITE)
maladroit : deft :: voluble : terse (OPPOSITE)
abandon : inhibition :: volubility : terseness (OPPOSITE)
voluble : talkative :: (A=B)
volubility taciturnity, reticence
voluble taciturn, succinct, reticent, laconic
voluminous [vlmns] a. ,
1. having great volume, fullness, size, or number
2. filling or capable of filling a large volume or many
3. ample or lengthy in speech or writing
4. having many coils; winding
voluminous scanty, scarce, sparse, summarizing
voluntary [vlntei|vlntri] a. ; ,
1. arising from or acting on one's own free will
2. acting, serving, or done willingly and without constraint
or expectation of reward
3. normally controlled by or subject to individual volition
4. capable of making choices; having the faculty of will
5. supported by contributions or charitable donations
rather than by government appropriations
voluntary coercion
volunteer [vlntr / vl-]
volunteer obligatory

a. ;

voluptuous [vlptus] a. ; ,
1. giving, characterized by, or suggesting ample,
unrestrained pleasure to the senses
2. devoted to or indulging in sensual pleasures b. directed
toward or anticipating sensual pleasure
3. arising from or contributing to the satisfaction of
sensuous or sensual desires
voluptuary ascetic
Spartan Sybaritic, indulgent, voluptuous, luxurious
voluptuous self contained, self denying
self-contained , (self-controlled)
self-denial ,
voluptuousness austereness
vomit [vmit / vm-] n. ; ,
2. to be discharged forcefully and abundantly; spew or gush
vomit : disgorge :: (EQUAL)
gorge ()
voracious [vouris] a. : INSATIABLE
1. consuming or eager to consume great amounts of food;
2. having or marked by an insatiable appetite for an activity
or a pursuit; greedy
impassive : perturb :: voracious : satisfy
voracious : food :: avaricious : money
voracity lack of appetite
voracious easily sated, abstemious
voraciousness abstemiousness
votary [vutri] n. ;
1. a. a person bound by vows to live a life of religious
worship or service b. a devout adherent of a cult or
religion; a committed worshiper
2. a person who is fervently devoted, as to a leader or an
ideal; a faithful follower
3. a person who is filled wit enthusiasm, as for a pursuit or

hobby; an enthusiast
votary skeptic, reactionary, apostate
vouch [vaut] vi. ,
1. to give personal assurances; give a guarantee
2. to constitute supporting evidence; give substantiation
vouch refuse to guarantee
vouchsafe [vautsif] v.
: to grant or furnish often in a gracious or condescending
vouchsafe prohibit
vulgar [vlgr] a. , : COARSE
1. of or associated with the great masses of people; common
2. spoken by or expressed in language spoken by the
common people; vernacular
3. a. deficient in taste, delicacy, or refinement b. marked by a
lack of good breeding; boorish c.
offensively excessive in self-display or expenditure;
4. crudely indecent
genteel : vulgarity :: intrepid : fear (A B )
genteel , ,
intrepid , resolutely courageous; fearless
vulgar noble, aesthetic, refined
vulgarian aesthete (altruist )
vulgarity polish (neatness )
vulnerable[vln:rb:l] a. , ,
1. a. susceptible to physical injury
b. susceptible to attack
c. open to censure or criticism; assailable
2. liable to succumb, as to persuasion or temptation
vulnerable safe
vulture [vltr] n. ,
vulture altruist

waddle [wdl|wdl] v. ;
1. to walk with short steps that tilt the body from side to side
2. to walk heavily and clumsily with a pronounced sway
slither : snake :: waddle : duck
slither [slr] , ()
waffle [wf-l / wf-l] vi. , : BLATHER
: to speak or write evasively
waffle : enunciate :: embed : disinter (OPPOSITE)
enunciate ,
disinter ,
waffle speak unequivocally, insist harshly, express succinctly

[wft, -:-] v. ,
1. to cause to go gently and smoothly through the air or over
2. to convey or send floating through the air or over water
waft : plummet :: meander : dash


[wg] n. (, ) ; : WIT, JOKER

: a humorous or droll person; a wit
ludicrous : buffoon :: dissolute : libertine :: humorous : wag
wag : humorous :: dolt : stupid :: buffoon : ludicrous :: libertine :
dolt , a person regarded as stupid
grouch : irritable :: wag : droll
grouch : , , ,


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)
aligned warped

waif [weif] n. ,
waif : pariah :: (A = B)

[wn / wn] a. , : SICKLY, PALLID,FEEBLE

1. unnaturally pale, as from physical or emotional distress
2. suggestive or indicative of weariness, illness, or
unhappiness; melancholy
wan hale, rubicund, intense, intensive, robust, sanguine, animated,
hale , free from infirmity or illness; sound
rubicund , inclined to a healthy rosiness;

wander [wndr / wn-]

1. to move about without a definite destination or purpose
2. to go by an indirect route or at no set pace; amble
3. to proceed in an irregular course; meander
4. to go astray
5. to lose clarity or coherence of thought or expression
wander move purposely

warrant [w()rnt, wr-] v.t./; /

1. to guarantee or attest to the quality, accuracy, or condition
2. to guarantee or attest to the character or reliability of;
vouch for
3. a. to guarantee (a product) b. to guarantee (a purchaser)
indemnification against damage or loss
4. to guarantee the immunity or security of
5. to provide adequate grounds for; justify
6. to grant authorization or sanction to (someone); authorize
or empower
warrant disallow, forbid, disapprove, deny
gratuitous warranted, merited
gratuitous , ; ,
merited ;

[w-ri] a. ,
1. on guard; watchful
2. characterized by caution
vigilant : entrapped :: exacting : satisfied :: wary : gulled (A=B
wary : gulled :: vigilant : ambushed (A B )
wary : paranoid :: confident : arrogant (A<<B)
vigilant : waylaid :: wary : duped
remiss scrupulous, wary, painstaking
remiss , ; ,
painstaking , ,

wanderlust [wndrlst / wn-] n.

: a very strong or irresistible impulse to travel
curiosity : know :: wanderlust : travel
wane [wein] v. , : DWINDLE, DIM
1. to decrease gradually in size, amount, intensity or
degree; decline
2. to exhibit a decreasing illuminated area from full moon
to new moon
3. to approach an end
emergence waning
burgeoning waning
resurgence waning vitally
wane wax, increase, escalate, intensify

wastrel [wistr-l] n. , ; , :PROFLIGATE

1. one who wastes, especially one who wastes money; a
2. an idler or a loafer
inexperience : neophyte :: irresponsibility : wastrel

want [w()nt, wnt] n.

repletion want
repletion ; ,

waterproof [wtrprf]
waterproof permeable



[w()nt-n, wn-] a. , ;
1. immoral or unchaste; lewd
2. a. gratuitously cruel; merciless b. marked by unprovoked,
gratuitous maliciousness; capricious and unjust
3. unrestrainedly excessive
4. luxuriant; overabundant
5. frolicsome; playful
6. undisciplined; spoiled
gratuitous ; ;
wantonness temperance

[wtrd] n. (); :
a critical point that marks a division or a change of course; a
turning point
watershed routine
(ambiguity )


[wks] v. , , n.
1. to increase gradually in size, number, strength, or intensity
2. to show a progressively larger illuminated area, as the
moon does in passing from new to full
3. to grow or become as specified
varnish : wood :: wax : linoleum
wax decrease, decline, diminution, diminish, dwindle, waste away,
flag, wane, ebb, shrink, fade, wither (relinquish )
wax subside

wardrobe [wrdrub] n. : CLOTHESPRESS

vocabulary : word :: wardrobe : garment (itinerary : journey )
larder : food :: wardrobe : clothes :: bookcase : books :: reservoir :
warmonger [wrmgr] n. : JINGO
: one who urges or attempts to stir up war
jingo ,
dove, pacifist warmonger, jingoist
dove ; ;
v. ; ;
1. to turn or twist (wood, for example) out of shape
2. to turn from a correct or proper course; deflect
3. to affect unfavorably, unfairly, or wrongly; bias
4. to arrange (strands of yarn or thread) so that they run
lengthwise in weaving


waylay [wili] v.
: to lie in wait for or attack from ambush
vigilant : waylaid :: wary : duped
watchful : waylaid :: cunning : gulled :: wary : duped (A
B )
gull a person who is easily tricked or cheated; a dupe
weary [w(:)ri] a. , ;
1. physically or mentally fatigued
2. expressive of or prompted by fatigue
3. having one's interest, forbearance, or indulgence worn out
4. causing fatigue; tiresome


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)
decadence, taint wholesomeness
decadence ,
wholesome, unspoiled deleterious, insalubrious, morbid, tainted,
salubrious conducive or favorable to health or well-being
morbid , ;
noxious wholesome, sanitary, innocuous
sanitary , ,

weasel [w:zl] v. , ,
weasel speak frankly
weather [wr] v. ,
1 : to expose to the open air : subject to the action of the
2 : to bear up against and come safely through
: to undergo or endure the action of the elements

a. , , , , ,
1. having considerable weight; heavy
2. burdensome; oppressive
3. of great consequence; momentous
4. having great power or influence
5. solemn; serious

wicked [wkid] a. : EVIL

1. evil by nature and in practice
2. playfully malicious or mischievous
3. severe and distressing
4. highly offensive; obnoxious
nefarious : wickedness :: generous : liberality (EQUAL)
nefarious , infamous by way of being extremely wicked


willful [wlfl] a. ; ; wilful()

1. said or done on purpose; deliberate
2. obstinately bent on having one's own way
willfulness : headstrong :: subservience : fawning (EQUAL, : )
subservient , , ; ,
willful : acquiesce :: (A B )
acquiesce ,
willful tractable

[weld] v. ; ,
1. to join (metals) by applying heat, sometimes with
pressure and sometimes with in intermediate or filler
metal having a high melting point
2. to bring into close association or union
weld : metal :: sew : fabric
weld divide

welter [wltr] n. ; ,
1. a confused mass; a jumble
2. confusion; turmoil
welter orderly arrangement
wheedle [hwdl] v.t.
1. to persuade or attempt to persuade by flattery or guile;
2. to obtain through the use of flattery or guile
wheedle : cajolery :: extort : coercion (EQUAL)
extort ,
coercion ,
whet [hwet] v.t. ; ( ) ,
1. to sharpen (a knife, for example); hone
2. to make more keen; stimulate
Whet : sharpness ::
whet : blunt :: (OPPOSITE)
whet dull, blunt
blunt a., v. , n.
whiff [hwif] n.
1. a slight, gentle gust of air; a waft
2. a. a brief, passing odor carried in the air b. a minute
3. an inhalation, as of air or smoke
waft ,
blast : whiff :: gush : trickle (A >> B)

willow [wlou] n.
* willowy ,
wilt [wilt] v.
to become limp or flaccid; droop:
wilt flourish, thrive

[wili] a. : CRAFTY, CUNNING

full of wiles

wince [wins] v. / : FLINCH

to shrink or start involuntarily, as in pain or distress
wince : pain :: smile : pleasure :: pout : displeasure :: sneer : contempt
pout , to exhibit displeasure or disappointment
windbag [wndbg]
windbag taciturnity

n. , ;

windy [windi] a. ; , ,
1. lacking substance; empty
2. given to or characterized by prolonged talk; verbose
windy : concise :: hackneyed : original (OPPOSITE)
windy terse, succinct
winnow [wnou] v. ;
winnow : chaff :: filter : impurities (A = B )
winnow : grain :: purify : water :: refine : oil (A = B )

whimsical [hwmzik-l] a. ;
1. determined by, arising from, or marked by whim or
2. erratic in behavior or degree of unpredictability
caprice : whimsical :: stealth : furtive :: discontent : unsatisfied ::
insight : discerning
mercurial : mood :: whimsical : behavior :: fickle : affection
whimsical : caprice :: insightful : penetration
whimsical constant, dependable

winsome [wnsm] a.
: charming, often in a childlike or naive way
* winning
adj. , ;
unprepossessing entrancing, winsome
prepossessing , serving to impress favorably;
winsome, winning repelling, repellent, unprepossessing, repugnant
unprepossessing; failing to impress favorably; nondescript

wholesome [hulsm] a. ,
1. conducive to sound health or well-being; salutary
2. promoting mental, moral, or social health
3. enjoying or marked by physical, mental, or moral
soundness; healthy

wistful [wstfl] a. , ,
: full of wishful yearning
: pensively sad, melancholy
; look with wistful eyes at the dolls in the window


GRE 6.0 (2008 7)

wistful : yearning :: effervescent : ebullience

[wit] n. ; : INGENUITY
1. the natural ability to perceive and understand;
2. a. keenness and quickness of perception or discernment;
ingenuity b. sound mental facilities; sanity
3. a. the ability to perceive and express in an ingeniously
humorous manner the relationship between seemingly
incongruous or disparate things
volatile : temper :: ready : wit
wit dullard
dullard , a person regarded as mentally dull; a dolt

raconteur : storytelling :: wordsmith : writing

raconteur [rkant:r]


witch [wit] n. : SORCERESS

retainer : retinue :: witch : coven
retainer ,
retinue () ,
coven an assembly of 13 witches
withdraw [widr, wi-] vi. ,
1. a. to take back or away; remove b. to remove (money)
from an account c. to turn away (one's gaze, for
example) d. to draw aside
2. a. to remove from consideration or participation b. to
recall or retract
roisterer : carouse :: recluse : withdraw
roister ;
carouse ,
press withdrawal
issue withdraw
tender withdraw
tender ~ , (, )
wither [wr] v.t. ,
1. to dry up or shrivel from or as if from loss of moisture
2. to lose freshness; droop
shrivel , ,
dehydrate : water :: wither : vitality :: fade : brightness
wither revive, burgeon
withered lush
withhold [wihuld, wi-] v.t. ,
1. to keep in check; restrain
2. to refrain from giving, granting, or permitting
withhold grant, proffer

wordy [w:rdi] a. , ; ,
1. relating to or consisting of words; verbal
2. tending to use, using, or expressed in more words than are
necessary to convey meaning
[wrldli] a. , ; , , :
1. of, relating to, or devoted to the temporal world
2. sophisticated; cosmopolitan
worldly singular, naive, spiritual, otherworldly


worship [wrip] n.
1. a. the reverent love and devotion accorded a deity, an idol,
or a sacred object b. the ceremonies,
prayers, or other religious forms by which this love is
2. ardent devotion; adoration
worship : sacrifice :: prediction : augury
[rg-lr] n. / ; :
1. one who wrangles or quarrels
2. a cowboy or cowgirl, especially one who tends saddle
saddle horse
lariat : wrangler :: crook : shepherd
lariat = lasso
crook , ; (, )


wretched [rtid] a. , ; , ;
1. in a deplorable state of distress or misfortune; miserable
2. characterized by or attended with misery or woe
3. of poor or mean character; dismal
4. contemptible; despicable
elation wretchedness
elation ,


[rai] a. , ; ,
1. dryly humorous, often with a touch of irony
2. temporarily twisted in an expression of distaste or
3. abnormally twisted or bent to one side; crooked
4. being at variance with what is right, proper, or suitable;
perverse ;
wry even, straight, true, direct, undeviating

wizen [wz-n] v.
: to dry up; wither or shrivel
shrivel [rvl] ; ,
wizened thriving, blooming, unwrinkled, moist, smooth, thick
wizen thrive
wobble [wb-l / wb-l] vi. ,
1. to move or rotate with an uneven or rocking motion or
unsteadily from side to side
2. to tremble or quaver
3. to waver or vacillate in one's opinions or feelings
wobble stabilize

[wu] v. ; , : COURT
1. to seek the affection of with intent to romance
2. a. to seek to achieve; try to gain b. to tempt or invite
3. to entreat, solicit, or importune

wordsmith [wrdsm] n.
1. a fluent and prolific writer, especially one who writes
2. an expert on words

[rit] n. ,
: (law) a written order issued by a court, commanding the
party to whom it is addressed to perform or cease
performing a specified act


[jt / jt]


yardstick [jrdstk] n. ; ( ) ,
1. a graduated measuring stick one yard in length
2. a test or standard used in measurement, comparison, or


[j] v. ,
1. (nautical) to swerve off course momentarily or temporarily
2. to turn about the vertical axis
3. to move unsteadily

GRE 6.0 (2008 7)
providence ; ,
miser : munificent :: zealot : blase (A B)
munificent ,
blase [bla:zi] , ;
zealous : dedication :: mesmeric : interest ( : )
mesmerism ; ()
zeal : dedicate :: rage : anger
fanatic : admirer :: zealot : adherent (A >> B)
zealous : enthusiastic :: idolatrous : devoted
idolatrous ;
torpor zeal
torpor , ,
zealotry lack of fervor
vapid zealous
vapid , ;
zealot indifference, indifferent person, skeptic

yawn [jn] v.
1. to open the mouth wide with a deep inhalation, usually
involuntarily from drowsiness, fatigue, or boredom
2. to open wide; gape
yawn : fatigue :: laugh : mirth (whistle : attention )
yawn : sleepiness :: blush : embarrassment
yearn [j:rn] v. , ; ,
1. to have a strong, often melancholy desire
2. to feel deep pity, sympathy, or tenderness

[jild] vi. , ; , ,
1. a. to give forth by or as if by a natural process, especially
by cultivation b. to furnish as return for effort or
investment; be productive of
2. a. to give over possession of, as in deference or defeat;
surrender b. to give up (an advantage, for example) to
another; concede
beneficent : harm :: tenacious : yield (OPPOSITE)
tenacious ,
tenacious : yield :: insouciant : worry (OPPOSITE)
insouciant , marked by blithe unconcern;
evanescent : disappear :: pliant : yield (A = B )
default : pay :: yield : resist (OPPOSITE)
default ( ) , ,
obsequious : fawn :: compliant : yield
adamant : yield :: cautious : gamble (OPPOSITE)
meek unyielding
meek , ; ,
dogged yielded
dogged , , stubbornly persevering; tenacious
outmaneuver yield

yoke [jouk] v.t. ; , ;

1. to fit or join with a yoke
2. a. to harness a draft animal to b. to harness (a draft
animal) to a vehicle or an implement
3. to join securely as if with a yoke; bind
4. to force into heavy labor, bondage, or subjugation
harness ; , ;
sunder, asunder combine, yoke, bond
sunder / to break or wrench apart; sever
asunder ; ,
sever /
yokel [juk-l] n.
: a rustic; a bumpkin
bumpkin an awkward, unsophisticated person; a yokel
yokel : sophistication :: coward : courage

zealous [zininis] a. , (ardent, fervent)

: filled with or motivated by zeal; fervent
zealous apathetic, apathetical
n. ; , ,
1. the point on the celestial sphere that is directly above the
2. the upper region of the sky
3. the highest point above the observer's horizon attained by
a celestial body
4. the point of culmination; the peak
zenith lowest point, nadir, lowliness, lack of fervor

[zest] n. : RELISH, GUSTO

1. a. flavor or interest; piquancy b. the outermost part of the
rind of an orange or a lemon, used as flavoring
2. spirited enjoyment; gusto
gusto , ; ;
zest vapidity
zesty vapid, bland, insipid


[zig] ,
1. to turn or change direction suddenly. Usually used in
contrast to zag
2. to behave erratically or indecisively. Usually used with zag
zig lineation

zigzag [zgzg] n.
zigzag : turns :: montage : images

zigzag lineate
zone [zoun] vi.
zoning : lands :: allocation : funds
zone amalgamate

zaniness [zininis] n. /
zany : 1. Ludicrously comical; clownish.
2. Comical because of incongruity or strangeness; bizarre.
zaniness gravity

[zil] n.
: enthusiastic devotion to a cause, an ideal, or a goal and
tireless diligence in its furtherance
* zealot n. ,
devoted : zealous :: careful : fastidious (A << B)
fastidious ;
zealot : passionate :: scrutinizer : observing
fervor : zealot :: improvidence : spendthrift
fervor , great warmth and intensity of emotion


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