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Flowers for Algernon Part 1 Questions

(Due Tuesday November 8)

Directions: Please answer the following questions in FULL sentences.

Makes sure your answers are in a different color so that it is easy to

differentiate between the questions and answer. If a questions asks for
TEXTUAL EVIDENCE, please make sure you add a page #.

RL.8.1 Cite the textual evidence that most strongly supports an analysis of
what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.
RL.8.6 Analyze how differences in the points of view of the characters and
the audience or reader (e.g., created through the use of dramatic irony)
create such effects as suspense or humor.
Review THIS PRESENTATION before you start reading. The story begins on
page 672, and part 1 ends on page 686. Part 1 is due on Tuesday November 8!


1. Why does Charlie say I never tell lies? What is he talking about?
Because he always gets caught telling lies and he doesnt anymore
2. What does this say about his personality and intelligence?
That he knows that lying is bad even if you're just making something up for a
3. Who is Algernon?
Algernon is aw white mice that their testing with charlie


4. What were Dr. Nemur and Dr. Strauss arguing about?
They were arguing about using Charlie
5. Charlie will be the first human being to ever have something happen to
him. What is it?
An operation


6. Dr. Strauss tells Charlie not to worry about the operation. What is his
reasoning for this?
Because he doesnt want him to be stressed
7. Dr. Strauss wants Charlie to concentrate on what in his journal entries?
What he thinks and feels


8. What is Charlies opinion of Algernon now? Why does it change?
He dosent like him because he keeps beating him. It changed because the
operation didnt work and wasnt making him smarter
Text Evidence #1:I hate that mouse. He always beats me
page #678
9. Charlie says Joe and Frank are friends and they like him. What are Joe and
Frank really doing to Charlie?
They were making fun of him


10. What is a victory for Charlie?
He became smarter
Text Evidence #1: He said my brain is lerning when I sleep and that helps me
when Ms. Kinnian starts lessons in the hospital
page #681
11. Why did Mrs. Kinnian run out of the room? What does this tell you about
how she feels about Charlie?
She felt bad for Charlie
12. List 3 improvements in Charlies intelligence from the beginning until the
end of Part I.
He beat Algernon
Text Evidence #1: I dint even know I beat him till burt the tester told me
page #682
He learned how to spell better
Text Evidence #2: Ms. Kinnian teaches me to spell better
page# 683

He learned how to write better with punctuation

Text Evidence #3: Today I lerned the comma. Ms. Kinnian says its importent
because it makes writing better,
page # 684
13. What does it mean to pull a Charlie Gordon? How does Charlie react
when he realizes this? It means to act dumb or clumsy and he realizes it
when everyone was laughing at him once he tripped
Text Evidence #1: All the time I was tripping because somebodys foot was
always sticking out
page #686

Flowers for Algernon Part 2 Questions

(Due Wednesday November 9)
Directions: Please stop reading after each b
olded section below and answer
the following questions demonstrating your knowledge of
. Part 2 is due on Wednesday November 9!

After page 695:

1. Provide a one sentence summary of these four pages:
Charlie is getting smarter and smarter but he still doesnt understand something. He is
doing great at work but thinks it is getting lonely because no one will talk to him.
2. How does Charlie view himself?
Charlie still thinks he is not very smart and thinks he doesnt understand many things
Text Evidence: I dont feel intelligent. There are so many things I dont understand
Page #: 695
3. How do OTHERS view Charlie?
The people at work are scared of him because he is so smart. The people at the lab are in
awe of him a little.

Text Evidence: Youre accomplishing in days and weeks what it takes normal people
to do in half a lifetime When I went over to Amos Borg and tapped him on the shoulder,
he jumped up into the air.
Page #: 694

After page 699:

1. Provide a one sentence summary of these four pages: Charlie has become
more intelligent and more aware of the things around him.
2. How does Charlie view himself?
Now that he is getting very intelligent, people that he loved dont want anything to do
with him. O he feels sad and lonely about himself
Text Evidence: Now Im more alone than ever before..
Page #: 697
3. How do OTHERS view Charlie? A lot of people now thinks he is unhuman or a
know it all. He talks about so much complicated stuff people cant understand him. He
doesnt work well with people any more
Text Evidence: How was I to know that a highly respected psycho experimentalist
like Nemur was unacquainted with Hindustani and Chinese? I find that I dont
communicate with people much anymore
Page #: 699

After page 703:

1. Provide a one sentence summary of these four pages:
Algernon is getting sick and not himself. Everyone now is scared for what might happen
to charlie. Charlie is now working in the lab to see if he can fix what is wrong with

2. How does Charlie view himself?

Algernon is acting up; not eating or corrupted and acting very strange. This is why
Charlie is scared and wants to find out when this will happen to him
Text Evidence: Suddenly, time has become very important to me
Page #: 703
3. How do OTHERS view Charlie? People start to think something might happen to
him because the mouse is going a little crazy
Text Evidence: Theyve been feeding Algernon, who now refuses to work the
shifting-lock problem. Everyone identifies me with Algernon.
Page #: 703

After page 707:

1. Provide a one sentence summary of these four pages:
Charlie now stands up for other people with disabilities.
2. How does Charlie view himself?
Text Evidence: I have decided to use my knowledge and skills to work i the foeld of
increasing human intelligence levels.
Page #: 702
3. How do OTHERS view Charlie?
Text Evidence: Id picture of the old Charlie Gordon from myelf because now that I was
intelligent it was omething that had to be pushed out of my mind.
Page #: 701

After page 711:

1. Provide a one sentence summary of these four pages:

Charlie becomes dumber and dumber and finally goes back to work and Joe and Frank
start being actually nice to him and stick up for him. He finally cant stand being this
dumb and moves away.
2. How does Charlie view himself?
Charlie is very upset that he is losing his intelligence rapidity but he still wants to keeping
trying to learn things and thought he help all the dumb people like him
Text Evidence: So I gess its like I did it for all the dumb pepul like me.
Page #: 711
3. How do OTHERS view Charlie?
They feel bad for him and how he used to be so smart and now his is really dumb. Joe and
Franks start being really nice to him.
Text Evidence: I felt bad but Joe Carp came over and grabbed him by the shirt and
said leave him alone you lousy cracker. I dont want Miss Kinnian to feel sorry for me.

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