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Mathematics Worksheet Name ___________________________ Class ____ No ___

Let us recall the algorithm of the division. For that, you should bear in mind t
he multiplication table of multiplication. You may, if in doubt, consult the tab
le of double entry to multiplication you have in your daily diary. We begin with
the determination of a quotient of two numbers where the divisor has only one d
igit: Now trying to calculate the following ratios by applying the algorithm of
division you just remember:
Escola EB 2,3 de Gondomar
(1) The leftmost digit of the dividend is 4, which
475:5 = 95 475 25 0 5 95
is less than 5, the divisor value, then instead of considering the four we consi
der the number 47.
Looking up (the multiplication of the multiplication table 5) that a number mult
iplied by 5 gives 47 or less than 47, 9 X 5 = 45. It is also said in May 47 how
many times there. In our case, there are nine. Now the product of 9 by 5 is 45,
hence making the difference to 47, the dividend amount, 47-45 = 2, put the numbe
r 2 underneath the numeral 7.
120:4 = 120 4
"Low is" the right of the figure 7, the dividend for the next two, so we get the
number 25. We return to our five times table to find a number that multiplied b
y 5 gives 25 or less. The number is 5. 5 X 5 = 25; finding the difference, 25-25
= 0. Write 0 if below the number 5.
In the following case the divisor is represented by a two-digit number: 8 June 7
, 4187 0 3 2 5, 0 May 17 2000
2112:6 = 2112 6
This time (1) consider the two-digit number represented the far left, because th
e splitter has also taken two algarismos.O number is 86 because it is larger tha
n 34.
The aim now is a number that multiplied by 34 give 86 or less than 86. You can a
lso try numbers whose product only three (of the tens digit of the divisor) is 8
or less than 8 (in this case takes into account also the product of these numbe
rs by 4). We tried the product for two: multiply successively by 2 by 4 and 3. 2
X 4 = 8; indicates the difference between (a) 6-8 = 8, write the number 8 under
6. Then 2 X 3 = 6. The difference now is up to seven instead of eight. In pract
ice it is used, "and goes a" this way: 2 X 3 = 6, 6:01 7, 8-7 = 1, which is writ
ten below the eighth. "Low-if" with the numeral 7 to 18 thus obtaining the numbe
r 187. Resumes the process. At 18, there are many times 3? Although 6 X 3 = 18,
number 6 can not be considered because the multiply 6 by 4, the units digit of t
he divisor, 6 X 4 = 24 "and go two." So we use the number below, 5. 5 X 4 = 20,
indicating the difference, (2) 70-20 = 7, we write down the 7 (number of units o
f 187). We say now that "and go two." Finding the product of 5 by 3, 5 X 3 = 15
and with two coming from the previous product, 15:02 17th, 18-17 = one who write
s under 8.
11 575: 25 = 25 11 575
= 105:75
(4) At this point the ratio obtained is 25 and the rest 17. If you want to conti
nue to obtain a
quotient exact or closer will have to "add" a zero after the inclusion of a comm
a immediately after the units digit of the dividend. "Downloading" 0 for 17 from
the 170 to get the number which I will apply the procedure we already know. The
rest end is zero and can represent the exact quotient. The number of decimal pl
aces (digits following the decimal point) of the quotient is the difference betw
een the number of decimal places of the dividend and the divisor. In our case 1-
0 = 1 corresponds to a decimal in the quotient.

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