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EDC274 Mini-Lesson Plan Template

Name: Kristin Ingram Pima Course: EDC274 Instructor: Dr. Eagleton

Subject: ELA Topic: Quoting From the Text Grade Level: 5 Duration: 10 minutes
When Drawing Inferences
List of Materials, Handouts, Rubrics, and other Docs:
- Inference Task Cards

Purpose (kid-friendly): This lesson will help me become a better reader and writer, because I will be able to make stronger
inferences by backing them up with quotes from the text.

Components Description of Plan

Content Standard
Choose ONE AZCCR standard and type RI.5.1: Quote accurately from a text when explaining what the
it out along with the number
text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.

Learning Objective Blooms Level: Application

Choose ONE level of complexity
from Blooms Revised Taxonomy Objective: SWBAT quote from the text when making inferences.
Write ONE objective that is ONE
simple sentence with ONE carefully
Kid-Friendly Version: I can quote from the text to back up my inference.
chosen verb
1-2 Anticipatory Set Teacher will (TW): Students will (SW):
A quick "hook" to grab the 1. TW first tell the students a 1. SW will individually think about
student's attention quick riddle by writing a the answer to the riddle without
Activates prior knowledge of sequence of clues on the telling a neighbor when the
the objective board (see Appendix 1) teacher has gotten to the last
Requires active participation 2. TW explain to the students that clue, the students will discuss
from ALL learners we just made inferences. TW their answers with their table
Students MUST engage with ask students to discuss at their groups and each talk about
tables what an inference is. one reason why they decided
3. TW explain that an inference is on their answer
even stronger when you are 2. SW discuss at their tables what
able to back it up with a quote an inference is.
from the text like the students 3. SW engage with the objective
just did in their group. by saying it chorally with the
4. TW review the objective with teacher.
the students.
1-3 Teaching-Input/Modeling Teacher will: Students will:
Provides information and 1. TW will first have the students 1. SW review the definitions with
vocabulary in multiple review the definitions of a partner and refer to the word
modalities inference, text evidence and wall if they need a reminder.
Teacher models how to do quotes by sharing with a 2. SW answer the first question
the Active Involvement partner. on the whiteboards.
2. TW pull up the first Inference 3. SW answer the second
Task card on the projector question on the white boards.
(Appendix 2). TW read the task 4. SW share their text evidence
card aloud and ask the and quotes with each other
students to write down their after the teacher writes down a
answer to the first question couple examples on the board.
(What did Katie clean up?) on 5. SW give a fist to 5 to show
their white boards. their understanding on the task
3. TW write on the board, Katie cards.
EDC274 Mini-Lesson Plan Template

cleaned up eggs based on

students responses. TW
emphasize how important the
how do you know is and ask
the students to write this on
4. TW continue the sentence on
the board in different variations
based on student responses
- Katie cleaned up eggs
because the author says,
breakfast wasnt ruined after
- Katie cleaned up eggs
because the author says,
Katie pulled out the carton,
after something fell and went
splat and I know eggs come in
- Etc.
5. TW let students know that they
will now practice their
inferences by working on three
more task cards. TW remind
students that the strongest
inferences are backed up by
quotes and text evidence, just
like our examples.
6. TW ask for a fist to five to
gauge students understanding
on the task cards.
5-8 Teacher will: Students will:
Active Involvement 1. TW hand out the next three 1. SW individually complete the
task cards to each student and next three task cards on the
Describes highly engaging they will have 6 minutes to back of the cards. They will
strategies complete them. make sure to answer both
Includes various checks for 2. TW circulate and assist questions using text evidence
understanding students. and quote and can refer to the
3. TW have the students get into board if they have difficulties.
groups of three after 6 minutes 2. SW get into groups of three
and each student will each and they will each have about
present one task card to their 30 seconds to present to their
group while explaining their group one of the three task
quotes and text evidence. cards and describe their quotes
that backed up their
1-2 Closure Students will:
ALL students must engage in 1. SW write on a notecard in their own words why they think it is important to
brief closure activity to use quotes when making inferences.
cement learning and 2. SW engage by also rewriting the objective on their notecard and ranking
optimize transfer. their understanding of the objective from a 0-5.
Students MUST re-engage
EDC274 Mini-Lesson Plan Template

Connections One connection of my mini lesson to the daily 5 is the check-ins (p. 50). A check in
Explain connections & include page is used after the teaching-input/modeling with a fist to five, as well as in the closure
numbers from Linders work, Daily 5, on their notecards where students rank their understanding of the objective. I think
Math Daily 3, writing samples, etc. they also must take responsibility and have accountability in their active
Please check assignment prompt for involvement, because they must present their findings to their group members. I
hope this lesson also instills a sense of urgency in the students as well, as the
purpose shows that they will be able to become better readers and writers by doing

Appendices (insert materials/links/screenshots below):

Appendix 1:

Appendix 2:
EDC274 Mini-Lesson Plan Template

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