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Fin Optimization Project

James Page
MEGR 3116
Spring 2017
Given conditions:
Dimensions of surface: 0.5 m by 0.5 m.
Isothermal Surface
Tb = 100C
T = 20C
u = 3 m/s

Taking flow into consideration:

Assessing flow conditions of the air outside the plate can yield an accurate value for the heat
transfer coefficient, h. Since our fluid is air, the properties of the system are found in Table A.4 in
Introduction to Heat Transfer by Incropera [1].
T = 20C = 293K.
For the sake of simplicity the properties of air at 300K will be used for this system.
For air at 300K:
= 1.1614 kg/m^3;
cp = 1007 J/kg*K;
= 184.6*10^-7 N*s/m^2;
k = .00263 W/m*K;
Pr = .707;
Now Reynolds number can be solved for with , u, x, and . In this context x = 0.5m, the length
of the flat surface.
u x
x =

(1.1614 ) (3 )( .5 )
x = 7

x =94371.6

This value for Reynolds number is less than the value of 5*10^5 required for laminar flow to
transition into turbulent flow. Since this value is taken on the trailing edge, it is assumed that the
flow of the air remains laminar over the surface of the flat, isothermal surface.
Now with this value and the Prandtl number for air at 300 K the Nusselt number Nu can be
found at the trailing edge.
Nux = .332Re1/2Pr1/3
.5 .3333
Nu x =.332( 94371.6 ) ( .707 )

Nu x =90.85
With Nusselt number found, the convection coefficient at the trailing edge can be found.

k f Nu x

(.00263 )( 90.85 )

h x =4.7787

Convection over the entire plate will simply be equal to twice the value of the coefficient at the
trailing edge.

h=2h x =2 ( 4.7787 )=9.5574 W / m2 K

Design for fin array base

For the purposes of saving on cost and weight a triangular fin design has will be the foundation
for the fin array design [2]. This array will consist of a single row of triangle fins, with every
other fin reaching a length of 0.5 m and the ones in between are 0.25 m in length. Each base fin
will have a thickness of 0.02 m and will be 0.5 m in width. The space between the fins will be
connected a small circular shaft that runs through each fin at about .250 m into the array.
[Figure 1: Fin Array System]

1. Triangular Fin of Length 0.5m

For a triangular fin with varying cross-sectional area:
L = 0.5 m; w = 0.5 m; t = 0.02 m;
Lc = L = 0.5 m;
( 0.5 m )( .02 m )
A p= =
=.005 m
2 2

2 9.5574 2 ) =1.8676 m
(274 mK )(.02 m)
m K 1

Note here k = 274 for an aluminum material. Aluminum has been chosen for this fin array for its
relatively low cost, high thermal conductivity, and light weight [3].
Now using Figure 3.19 in Introduction to Heat Transfer, the value of the factor on the abscissa is
found [4].
3/ 2
L m=( 0.5m ) 2 ( 1.8676 m1 ) =.6603

According to the figure, this will correspond to an efficiency of about 84%

f =.84

Surface area for the fin is found by:

2 1/ 2 1/ 2
( .02m )2
A f =2 w L + (
) ( 2
=2 ( 0.5 m ) ( 0.5 m) +
4 ) =.50 m

So now maximum heat transfer can be found by assuming a uniform temperature for the fin:
q f , max=h A f ( T bT )= 9.5574
( 2
m K )
( 50 m2 ) ( 10020 ) =382.37 W

With efficiency, the actual heat transferred by the fin will be:
q f =f q f , max= (.84 ) ( 382.37W )=321.2 W

To find effectiveness first heat transfer at the base as if there were no fin is found:
q no fin=h A b ( T bT ) = 9.5547
( 2
m K )
( ( .02m ) ( 0.5 m) ) ( 80 K )=7.64 W

Effectiveness then is the ratio of the actual heat transferred to the heat transfer with no fin:
qf 321.2W
= = =42
qno fin 7.64 W

From what is shown, it is clear that from this design, the fin is very efficient and effective.

2. Triangular Fin of Length 0.25m

These smaller fins have the same thickness and width as the previous ones but have half the
length. The value of m will also be the same since t, h, and k remain the same.
Lc = 0.25 m;
m = 1.8676 m-1;
L3/c 2m=( 0.25m ) 2 ( 1.8676 m1 ) =.23345

Using Figure 3.19 as before, the efficiency is considerably high as it is around 95%.
f = .95;
Again the surface area of the fin is found:
1/ 2 1/ 2
t2 (.02 m )2
A f =2 w L +
) (
=2 ( 0.5 m ) ( 0.25m ) +
4 ) =.250 m 2

Once again the area will be used to find maximum heat transfer and then the efficiency will be
used to find actual heat transfer from the fin to the surroundings.
q f , max=h A f ( T bT )= 9.5574
( 2
m K )
( 0.25m2 ) ( 10020 )=191.1W

q f =f q f , max= (.95 )( 191.1 W )=181.5 W

To find effectiveness in this case the heat transferred from the base with no fin is found.
q no fin=h A b ( T bT ) = 9.5547
( m2 K )
( ( .02m ) ( 0.5 m) ) ( 80 K )=7.64 W
qf 191.1W
= = =25.0
qno fin 7.64 W

For the reduced length fin, efficiency increases but effectiveness decreases. However, both are
still very high and indicate a fin that will perform well as part of the array.

3. Circular Rod to Increase Heat Transfer

In between the triangular fins is a single rod connecting the array together. This rod will be
treated as a pin fin with a constant cross-sectional area. Calculations begin with measuring
perimeter and area.
P=D= ( .025 m )=.0785 m

2 2
D ( .025 m )
A c= = =.00049m2
4 4

With this information and the same values for k and h, calculations can be made for m and M:

( 247 mKW ) .00049 m 2

( 9.5574
m K)
( .0785 m )
k Ac
=2.49 m


M = hPk A c b=
( 9.5574 mWK ) (.0785 m ) (247 mKW )( 0.00049 m ) ( 100 20 )

M =24.1 W

Because the tips are covered in this example, this rod will be treated as an adiabatic tip fin.

q f =Mtanh ( mL )=( 24.1W ) tanh ( ( 2.49 m1 ) ( .500 ) ) =20.4 W

Now effectiveness and efficiency of the rod can be assessed:

qf 20.4 W
= = =54.5
h A c, b b W
( )
9.5574 2 (.00049 m2 )(100 20 )
m K
qf 20.4 W 20.4
f = = = =.70
h A f b W 30.0
(9.5574 2 )( (.025 m)(.50 m))(100 20 )
m K

This data supports that effectiveness and efficiency are still high with this rod and that it will
support the thermal integrity of the array.

Overall Surface Efficiency of the Array

With all the pieces laid out and justified, calculations can be made for the overall heat transfer of
this fin array and the overall efficiency.
To calculate these parameters, total surface area must be found by adding the areas exposed to
convective heat transfer on both the fins and the base.
A f = Alarge fin + Asmall fin + A shaft

A shaft =8 ( ) (.025 m ) ( .500 m) =.314 m

2 2 2
A large fin =5 ( .50 m (.025 m ) ) =2.49 m

2 2 2
A small fin=4 ( .25 m ( .025 m ) ) =.992m

A f =2.49+.992+.314=3.796 m

A base=8 ( .060 m ) ( 0.5 m) =.24

A Total = A f + Abase=3.796 m2 +.24 m2=4.036 m2

With are found the next step is to add up all the convective heat transfer to the multiple fins and
add it with the base.
q t=( 5 ) 321.2W + ( 4 ) 181.5 W +20.4 W + 9.5547
( 2
m K )
( 0.24 m2 ) ( 100 20 )

q t=2535.85 W

With these values overall efficiency can be found for the entire fin array:
qt 2535.85 W
o = = =.822
hA t b W 2
(9.5547 2 )(4.036 m )(80 K)
m K

This system therefore efficiently transfers heat to its surroundings through the use of fin arrays.

With the given conditions for the problem, all requirements have been satisfied. The material
choice of aluminum and the use of triangular fins cuts out the use of excess metal for
constructing the array.
The volume of the object as a whole is summed up from the volumes of each fin in the array:
8 D2
w ( big , f + Llittle ,f )+ (.060 m)
V t= t

V t = (.020 m ) ( 0.5 m) ( 0.5 m+0.25 m )+ 2 ( .025m )2 ( .060m )=.00399m3

Density of aluminum will calculate the mass needed and therefore the cost:
m Al=V t= 2700
( m3 )
( .00399 m3 )=10.76 kg

With aluminum prices as of today (05/03/2017) being around $1.94 per kg [5], the estimated cost
of this fin array will be:
cost= 1.94
kg )
( 10.76 kg )=$ 20.9

Cited Sources:
1. Incropera, Frank P., Bergman, Theodore L., Lavine, Adrienne S., Dewitt, David P.,
Introduction to Heat Transfer John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 6th Edition. 2011. P. 911.
2. Talukdar, Prabal. Heat Conduction through Fins. IIT Delhi. Web. 17, Apr.
3. Chung, D.D.L. Materials for Thermal Conduction. Composite Materials Research
Library, State University of New York at Buffalo. 31 Jan. 2001. Web. 22 Apr. 2017.
4. Incropera, Frank P., Bergman, Theodore L., Lavine, Adrienne S., Dewitt, David P.,
Introduction to Heat Transfer John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 6th Edition. 2011. P. 166
5. 5 Year Aluminum Prices and Price Charts. Investmine. Web. 03 May, 2017.

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