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McKenzie Farnsworth

Multiple intelligences

My top 3 intelligences were 1) Social (interpersonal) 2) Kinesthetic and 3) self

(intrapersonal), having taken a strengthsfinder test before it was interesting to see that my

strengths had not really changed except for their order. I have always had those as my top 3 but

normally intrapersonal was first and social was last, but as I have grown older I have found

myself coming out of my shell more and becoming more social. As I read the descriptions listed

on this site, I could identify greatly with each of my top 3 and could pinpoint specific parts of

myself that reminded me of the strength.

Knowing these will be helpful in everyday life to know how I like to learn and can

change my study habits for school, and I will be able to make sure that in my future classroom I

will be able to help those with my same strengths. What I like about knowing the different

multiple intelligences is that as a future teacher I want to be able to not only help students with

my strengths but also accommodate the students with different strengths than me. Being able to

learn more about my strengths will be able to help me help students learn about their strengths

and how they can benefit from knowing the strengths that they have. I hope that in my future

classroom students will be able to see me using my strengths and this will encourage them to

want to know their strengths as well.

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