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Electronics and Computers Training Labs

//) ) ) ) ))
) ) ) @_@) Core Electronics Course Day 1 Notes
((( = ) [July 2010]
) ) ) - (_ __
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Core Electronics Course

Resistor Applications: 1-L-Section Attenuator

The schematic:
The attenuators properties:
1-Input Resistance [Equivalent Resistance between the two
terminals of the attenuator when connected to the load must =R

Where R is the Source Resistance= Load Resistance

Why? to make the [L-section + The Load] receives the maximum

power from the source + minimize the reflections of the
radiation come out from the source [ Reflections in the light
occurs due to passing through different materials , in
electromagetic circuits ;it is occurred when passing through
different resistances[Impedance in general]

2-The ratio between the output voltage to the input voltage is the
attenuation ratio =1/k
K=Inverse of the attenuation ratio.
=> In dB [Decibel] notation
dB=10*log (Power Ratio)
dB=20*log (Voltage Ratio)
Pin Vin2 /RSource
[As 10*log = 10*log
Pout Vout2 /RLoad
{Here RSource =RLoad and generally we do
Resistance normalization (Assume that R=1) }
Pin Vin2 Vin
So 10*log = 10*log = 20*log ]
Pout Vout 2
Applying KCL @ the input node:
IRg =IR1
IRg =current through the source resistance
IR1 =current through the first attenuator resistance
Vg -Vin Vin -Vout
So : =
R R1
as Vg =2Vin so the numenator in
the first fraction =Vg -Vin = 2Vin -Vin =Vin
Vin Vin -Vout V -V V
So = So R1 =R* in out But K= in
R R1 Vin Vout
So dividing both numenator and denumenator by Vout
R1 = R*
Applying KCL @ the output node:
IR1 = IR2 +IRout
IR1 =current through the first attenuator resistance
IR2 =current through the Second attenuator resistance
IRout =current through the load resistance
Vin -Vout Vout Vout
So : = +
R1 R2 R
But K=
So dividing both sides by Vout
k-1 1 1
= +
R1 R2 R
But R1 =R* So
k-1 1 1
= + then
k-1 R2 R
K 1 1 K-1 1 R
= + So = So R2 =
R R2 R R R2 K-1

The final deduction : Given values of k[1/Attenuation

factor] and R[ source=load resistance]
K-1 R
R1 =R * and R2 =
K K-1
The homework
[for those who don’t get the hardcopy material]
Prove for a [L-Section Type B] attenuator as shown in the following figure;

Values of R1 and R2 are ;represectively ; equal =>

R1 =R ( )
R2 =R (K-1)
where K=Inverse of the attenuation ratio.
K= =10 dB = 3.16 Absolute.
and R= Load Impedance = Source Impedance=50 Ohm.

Then verify for attenuation value=10dB

R1= 73.12 Ohm
R2=108.11 Ohm

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