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Wycombe Wenches WI

Wednesday 13th September 2017 at 8pm

Meeting Minutes
1. Welcome (Dawn) There were 3 visitors, Dee, Sue and Sylvia. This was Sylvias first visit since she
was diagnosed with cancer last year

2. Apologies Tracey, Alison, Simone and Linda

3. Brief explanation of the evening:

Our speaker this month was Angeline Gore who talked to us about Jam Jerusalem and Porridge
Jan collected the monies in Traceys absence and sold the raffle tickets (1 a strip, 3 strips for

4. Before the refreshment break:

Members were asked to check out the signup sheets for Additional Activities
The latest course brochure for Denham was on the side table
Members were asked to buy raffle tickets during the break

5. Refreshment Break Refreshments made by Marion H & Liz S with 3 varieties of lovely cake made
by Marion H

6. Wycombe Wenches Internal Business:

Minutes of last meeting A copy is on the information table and on the website.
As Tracey is ill and is on holiday when we have the AGM the accounts and financial statement
have been emailed out to all members. Members were asked to email any queries to Tracey
before she goes on holiday so that the accounts can be signed off at the AGM. Judith pointed
out that some activities looked as if they had run at a loss but that was because some monies
had been collected in the previous financial year.
Dawn asked members to agree to a sum of money being put onto the budget so that a fund-
raising event could be run in conjunction to forth coming National Resolutions. After some
discussion, this was agreed.

7. Events since the last meeting

Thanks to the 10 members helped at the Totteridge Family Fun Day and all those who made or
provided cake. 108 was raised for the Community Centre. A big thank you to Jean for
organizing this event.
Treasure Hunt. Gill A reported on the treasure hunt saying she had really enjoyed it and learnt
so much about Wycombe and saw things that she had never noticed before. She was in the
winning team with Heather A and Marion B. The event finished with a meal at the Works.
Thanks to Tracey and Judith for organising it.

8. Forthcoming Events

a) The Craft Group The craft group for 14th September is cancelled. The next date is due to be
26th October and will be at Liz Hs
b) Book Club Next meeting 25th Sept at Gill As house. The new book is Pinocchio Brief by Abi Silver.
c) Supper Club- this event has had to be cancelled as the host was ill
d) Kwik Fit Workshop on Thursday 21st September at 6.30pm. To be held opposite the cricket ground in
Wycombe. 6 places still available, see Judith if you want to go.
e) Autumn Walk followed by lunch on Friday October 6th at 11am. Details on the Wycombe Wenches
f) A tour of the Poppy Factory on Tuesday 28th November in the morning. Further details will be sent to
those going in due course
g) Friday 1st December Christmas Meal at the Red Lion.
h) WI theatre offer to see Agatha Christies Witness for the Prosecution at London County Hall
on 20th February 2018. Minimum of 10 required and tickets are 42.50 instead of 58.50. Add
you name to the list if you are interested.
i) Judith was asked if there was anything she wanted to say about Additional Activities and she
just added that Members need to complete the AA feedback sheet so that the AA
subcommittee could discuss it at their next meeting on 28th September

9. Next Meeting, 11th October, will be the AGM. At this meeting all the current committee, including
the President, Treasurer & Secretary will be standing down. A complete new committee will need
voting in. Nomination forms were available at the meeting and will be again at our next meeting.
Dawn said that she had been reading the information regarding the running of the AGM and that it
was preferable if the nominations were done at the September meeting and not left until October,
however no nominations were forthcoming.
At the AGM, we will be having nibbles provided by Wycombe Wenches (Chris B will liaise with the
October meeting Refreshment team to make sure that this is done) and we will finish the meeting
with an activity on the snowflake theme to support the Christmas Tree Festival in December.

10. BFWI
Members were told if they had requested a paper BFWI newsletter then their copy was
available on the table
Members were told that there were sign-up sheets for 3 BFWI events on the table.
Members were told that tickets are still available for A Sparkling Afternoon with John
Benjamin on 29th September detail on BFWI newsletter. Please apply direct.
Members were told that the shop at Stuart Lodge is now open on Tuesday mornings after their
summer break
Members were told that there is a special entry voucher to the Halloween Event at
Waddesdon Manor on the BFWI newsletter

11. NFWI

12. AOB

Members are reminded that over allocated events are always balloted
Dawn and Judith had attended the Bucks County Show. Judith was on the WI stall.
Liz H asked for members to sign up on the Refreshment Rota and the Meet and Greet list.
Jean had received an email from the Tigers Marshall Art group who are putting on a fun raising
event called Autumn Fest on 5th Nov to raise money to help pay for repairs to the Community
Centre roof. (This email was forwarded to CB & D on 7th Sept, too late for the committee
meeting) As event advertising is already in hand I added to the meeting AOB so that Jean could
respond as to whether WW could do the refreshments.
Jean also showed dresses made for the Dress a Girl Around the World charity that members
had made.
The fruit raffle made 34 and was won by Jean, Chris B & Gill A

Next Meeting AGM 11th October

22 members present and 3 guests

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