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1 My Life

-- How do you do? How are you? Nice to meet you.

- What do you do ? (/) How old are you? (


-Yes-No Questions Yes,No Yes

No Are there a lot of people in your family ?//Yes,there are (10 )

No,only my parents and me.

- BE ( is, am,are) ( has,have,had,did,will,would)

Harryd like to meet you.( would)

- Family members

-Present Simple ( S+V1 *V s ,es S He She It )

Dogs have Four legs.

Peter wakes up at 6 A.M. every day.

We have study at STOU.

Nick loves playing football.

- water the plants

2 Talking English Lessons

-Wh-Question What Where Why When How

- S+ BE + ADJ I am OK./ I am happy/I am worried

S+ feel +ADJ I feel bad.

-Giving Suggestions should () /could (...) You should go to the


-Telling necessity must , need to I must read more.

- (noun)

3 Fun Times

-Requests 139**

-Offers , 140**

-Suggestions 141**

Id like to introduce you to// Have you met..?//Id like to introduce..// Let me introduce...( 157)

-Present continuous tense

Look! John is talking to Laura over there.

We are studying English for Communication this semester.

Ann is coming here tomorrow.

-Tag questions 2 (173**)

It was a lovely party last night ,wasnt

4 A Visit Outside Bangkok

-Past simple tense

Many years ago, Before ( 197 **)

-Comparative degree 199**

-Preposition among (), between()


-Affixes 2 prefix suffix

prefix ( 241) unusually , disarm

suffix ( 241) powerful ,wooden, reality

5 Facing the Challenge

- 1-4 282

6 Nine to Five

- ( 332-337)

- 0 zero 0
00 zero zero 0 oh 00 double oh

- ( 342)

- E-mail E-mail

- I have some good news. Well all be given a ten percent raise
next year.( ) ( 373)

-Past continuous tense

was/were + V ing
:I /He/She/ it+ was + v -ing // You/We//They +were + v -ing

:I/He/She/It + was not +V-ing // You /We/They+were not +V-ing

: Was I/he/she/it +V-ing //Were you/we/they+V-ing


Past continuous tense + when+ Past simple When she arrived, we were working

She arrived Past simple

We were working Past continuous

7 Taking Clients Out

A: How do you do?

B: How do you do ?

- Appearance

look like

What does he look like ? Hes handsome.

BE + ADJ Hes tall and handsome /Hes middle- aged.

have/have got + noun Hes got dark eyes.

BE in Shes in her mid-thirties.

BE in Shes in a red suit.


Shes the one with short hair and glasses. ( Shes got short hair and shes wearing glasses)
quite () ,really ( ),very () ADJ ADJ
She tall Shes very tall

- S+BE +ADJ , S +look +ADJ

Pakorn is helpful// Nang looks serious.

- Appearance

- direct indirect questions ** 426

- // // **

8 Keeping Up to Date

-() Present perfect tense (S+V to have +V3)

Present perfect continuous tense(S + V to have +been +V ing)

9 Moving On

- Asking for advice **63

- Giving advice **63

- **83

- 107-109

10 Meeting the Challenge

- Note
-Preposition of time At 6 oclock ,In 2oo9 ,On October

- present simple

-future simple S+will,shall +V1

11 Out and About

- ( ) 198

- 200

- What make is it ?

What is its brand name?

- to ,so as to ,for ,so that 233

12 Sports Day

- Would you like to + V ( 265)

-If-cause 268

-Modal verbs can, may ,might,must ,ought to 289-292

13 Time To Relax

- Shall we? /Let

- Film buff

-present continuous 355

14 A Trip Abroad

- A young man from the Philippines is a Filipino. (394)

-Future expressions 406

- What color is your bag ?

What does your bag look like ?

15 Beating the Challenge

- 1-14

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