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Rontee E.

Latus Resume

Mobile Phone: (385)-216-3424

Email Address:


I am a very strong minded, willing, and determined worker! I find myself to be very sociable and able to
work well with others. Teamwork is very imperative in my work history, and I strongly consider it to be a
part of my work place as well. I will constantly be available for work, and can handle any tasks given. I
take initiative to step up as a leader when needed, and focus on what needs to be accomplished. Im a
very reliable worker. I will always make sure the company is represented very well through my
performance. Adjusting to changes, different environments, or speeding up the work process will not be
complicating for me at all, I will always find a way to get the job done. I am the man for the job!


Quick Learner
Physically Strong
Good Listener
Machine Operative
Basic Computer Skills

Experiences: I have worked within construction work, customer service, and warehouses. I have ran
machines and operated forklifts. I have supervised as a lead at a previous job that I worked well with for
three years. I am currently working in a Gold refinery and been working with heavy machinery melting
metal in high temperatures. Also being crossed trained in two other departments. I have trained others
under me in that same department, and have taken initiative when needed.

Education: High School Diploma- Horizonte High School

Currently attending Salt Lake Community College

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