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Name : Regina Puspasari Paulina

NIM : 14031041 English II Practicum

How To Get A Member Card Of UMBYs Library

Hello guys. As a college student, we cant avoid both

the book and the library. Cause we need to facilitate our
learning and doing tasks from lecturer. The book is
important, but why also the library? Maybe one or some of
you think that the book is expensive. Especially for college
student who live in boarding house like me. Why dont we
use the library to borrow the book? Its cheaper than buying
the book. What we need to borrow the book is having the
member card first. So, in this time I would like to give you information about how to get a
library member card.
First, you should prepare the required such as color photographs 23, one photocopy of
stundents member card and money as much as 5000 rupiah. After that, you go to library and
come to librarian in regristration and lending section. Then talk to librarian that you want to
create a member card and she will give you the regristration form. Next, you should fill it
according to your actual information needed. Now you can submit the required and the
regristation form to her. Before the regristation complete, you
still have one fill that is fur list of member card maker which
given by her.
Finally, the regristation complete. You should come to
librabry about a week after the regristration to get your card
member. But you can borrow maximum 2 books while waiting
for the card.
Name : Regina Puspasari Paulina
NIM : 14031041 English II Practicum

Photographs 2x3

photocopy of Go to library Regristration

Start stundents
member card

5000 rupiah

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