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Teacher Candidate: Jennifer Jenkins Date: 11/15/2017

Cooperating Teacher: _________________________________________________ Coop. Initials: ________________
Group Size: _______________ Allotted Time: 40 minutes Grade Level: 3rd Grade
Subject or Topic: Classifying Animals Unit (Lesson Five) Section: _____________________

STANDARD: (PA Common Core):

Standard - 3.1.3.A1

Describe characteristics of living things that help to identify and classify them.

I. Performance Objectives (Learning Outcomes)

Students will be able to relay information that they learned in the last week through a
poster, a kahoot game, and a summative assessment.

II. Instructional Materials

Summative assessment (see attached)

III. Subject Matter/ Content (prerequisite skills, key vocabulary, big idea)
o Working a I-pad
o Basic animal classification knowledge
o Knowledge on how to use kahoot
Key Vocabulary
o Vertebrate- Animals with a backbone.
o Invertebrate- Animals without a backbone.
o Spinal column- is part of the skeleton that runs down your back and is made up
of vertebras.
o Vertebra- bones that make up the spinal column
o Cervical curvature is a part of the spine made up of 7 vertebrae in your neck
o Thoracic curvatures is a part of the spine made up of 12 vertebrae in your
upper back.
o Lumbar curvatures is a part of the spine made up of 5 vertebrae in your lower
o Intervertebral Disks cartilage that is in-between each vertebrae to help the
spine move.
o Reptile a cold blooded animal with scales that breaths air
o Amphibian a cold blooded animal that live in water when its young and land as
an adult
o Bird an animal coved in feathers and lays eggs
o Mammal an animal who gives birth to live young, produces milk, and has hair
or fur
o Fish an animal that lives in water and has gills
o Young a baby
o Fat- storage that can be used for energy
o Omnivorous animals that eat meat and plants
o Hibernation when an animal goes into a sleep for the Winter
Big Idea:
o Applying all new knowledge
o In this lesson the students will apply everything they have learned in the past
week including vertebrates and invertebrates, the characteristics of reptiles,
mammals, amphibians, fish, birds, and black bears.

IV. Implementation

A. Introduction
The teacher will transition into science.
The teacher will say Today in science we will be reviewing everything we
learned in our classifying animals unit. First, I would like you to get a poster
board form the front of the room. You may either draw or write about what
you learned this week.
o Can be one or many topics on each poster
o Give students 15 minutes to complete
The teacher will direct the students to tape their posters to the black board and
say a few words about the poster they made.

B. Development
The teacher will direct the students to get out their I-Pads and to log into Kahoot.
The teacher will use this kahoot

The teacher will play though the kahoot with the students.
o Save the results before logging off to use as an assessment of the students
The teacher will now hand out the summative assessment (Classifying Animals
Unit Test)
o Teacher will read the directions out loud to the students while using the
document camera.
Teacher will direct the students to pull apart their desks and to start the test
o The teacher will walk around and observe students during test.

C. Closure
The teacher will collect the summative test
The teacher will say This week you became scientists and learned about the
classification of animals. Next week we will be learning about the solar
system and how it functions. Until then lets get out our math books and turn
to page 75.

D. Accommodations / Differentiation
o Child: I.J.- Low vision
They will be give large print test.
o Choice on whether to write or draw a picture on the poster
E. Assessment/Evaluation plan
1. Formative: Kahoot Answers
a. Evidence: Number of questions each student got right
Poster the students create
2. Performance: Poster
a. Evidence: Their understanding of what they put on the
i. See attached rubric
3. Summative: Unit Test
a. Evidence: Students are graded based on the percentage
of questions answered correctly (see attached)

V. Reflective Response

A. Report of Students Performance in Terms of States Objectives

a. Reflect after lesson is taught

B. Remediation Plan

C. Personal Reflection Questions

Did I make the test to hard?
Was the Kahoot game entertaining and helpful?

VI. Resources
Kahoot game was found on Kahoot website.

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