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(Objectives, Constructs & Activities)

Program Goal(s) Theory/Model Facilitator Start/End

Aid in developing realistic goals in order to improve exercise habits of the [Construct] /Instructor Dates
older adults in St. Francis Commons.

Intervention strategies: 1. HBM-perceived

1. Health communication and education susceptibility
2. Behavior modification
2. SCT- self-control
3. Incentives
3. HBM- cues to action

OBJECTIVE # 1:Impact Learning objective(s) By the end of the program, week 1

65% of the older adults in St. Francis Commons will have improve their
exercise habit as well as permanently thrown away bad habits.

Activity HBM- perceived Leslye Caba

Introduction presentation outlining the risk factors of an over-sedentary lifestyle, susceptibility Matt Hunter
and displaying the benefits of adopting a more active lifestyle. perceived benefit Isaac Adu-Agyei
Josh Janiszewski

Activity SCT- self-control Leslye Caba

Group-led exercise classes that start off easing participants into an exercise Matt Hunter
routine and gradually gets more difficult as it progresses. Isaac Adu-Agyei
Josh Janiszewski

Activity HBM-cues to action Leslye Caba

Lay out a reward system that gives participants incentive to participate and give Matt Hunter
their best effort. Isaac Adu-Agyei
Josh Janiszewski

OBJECTIVE # 2 week 2
Learning Objective- Knowledge Level
During the survey, at least 65% of the program participants will be able to
identify ways they can reduce their sedentary lifestyle.
Activity HBM- perceived Leslye Caba
We could hold classes in which we will discuss the risk factors of living a susceptibility Matt Hunter
Isaac Adu-Agyei
sedentary lifestyle and the tolls it takes on their overall health and body.
Josh Janiszewski

Activity 1. SCT - Leslye Caba

We could hand out materials that contain various workouts that could be behavioral Matt Hunter
capability Isaac Adu-Agyei
performed with light weights toy incorporate active learning.
2. HBM- Josh Janiszewski
Activity 1. HBM - Leslye Caba
We could hold seminars where the elderly could learn the appropriate perceived Matt Hunter
seriousness Isaac Adu-Agyei
knowledge needed in order to perform workouts properly without injuring
2. PAPM - stages Josh Janiszewski
themselves. These would be motivational seminars where we would encourage
being more physically active.
OBJECTIVE # 3: week 3
Learning Objective - Attitude Level
During the survey, at least 65% of program participants will start to look forward
to and become motivated by the program
Activity 1. SCT - Leslye Caba
reinforcement Matt Hunter
We could have guest speakers come in and talk about how light-intensity
2. TPB - attitude Isaac Adu-Agyei
weight training and the transition from a sedentary lifestyle to a more active toward the Josh Janiszewski
one helped improve their overall health.
Activity 1. SCT - Leslye Caba
We could hold a panel discussion where the elderly could bring in any questions reinforcement Matt Hunter
2. TPB - attitude Isaac Adu-Agyei
that they have in regards to being physically active, the program, and light-
toward the Josh Janiszewski
intensity weight training. behavior

Activity 1. ELM - central Leslye Caba

We could hold classes educating the elderly on the importance of physical route Matt Hunter
activity and how it could improve their overall health. We could also incorporate 2. TTM- Isaac Adu-Agyei
the benefits of weight training such as the increase in bone density and more.
decisional Josh Janiszewski
OBJECTIVE # 4: week 4

Learning Objective- Skill development level

Adults who are older than 65 years of age, roughly spend about 12-13 hours a
day sitting, which qualifies them as living a sedentary lifestyle. During the
survey, at least 65% of the program participants can say they have learned new
simple daily exercises that can decrease their risk of living a sedentary lifestyle.

Activity 1. SCT- Self Leslye Caba

Stretching has been known to decrease a persons risk for sedentary living by control Matt Hunter
almost half. There are various stretching techniques that improve your muscle Isaac Adu-Agyei
action and can have a positive effect on muscle tension.
Josh Janiszewski
Activity 1. HBM cues to Leslye Caba
Light standing yoga is also widely known to lower sedentary living levels and action Matt Hunter
provide for lower blood pressure levels as well as decrease chronic pain in any Isaac Adu-Agyei
forms. There are various exercises that can be performed that can increase
Josh Janiszewski
flexibility and provide for healthier living, as well as get the participants on their

Activity 1. HBM cues to Leslye Caba

Non Exercise Activity Thermogenesis or NEAT is a worldwide phrase that action Matt Hunter
suggest you perform strategic non exercise movements for at least 10 minutes 2. HBM perceived Isaac Adu-Agyei
for every hour that you are awake during the day. These movements are easily
completed during your daily tasks , ones such as twisting and turning, stretching, susceptibility Josh Janiszewski
and simple muscle movements. Fidgeting and simply standing are also
suggested by the National Institute of Health as NEAT strategies. We could use
some of these movements and explain to the seniors how they are performed
and how essential it is that we need to have at least 10 minutes of these types of
simple movements daily.
OBJECTIVE # 5: week 5

Impact - Environmental objective

to develop a more socially supportive and active environment among the
older adults.

Activity 1:SRT- positive Leslye Caba

we can take them to different shows and events every time they show reinforcement Matt Hunter
improvement in their physical activity 2:HBM--perceived Isaac Adu-Agyei
benefits Josh Janiszewski
3: PMT- extrinsic
Activity 1:TRA-subjective norm Leslye Caba
Having fun active social nights where they are moving and talk to one another 2:PMT- intrinsic Matt Hunter
example: bowling night rewards Isaac Adu-Agyei
Josh Janiszewski
Activity 1: HBM- self efficacy Leslye Caba
Playing the Wii game system and having friendly competition to keep things Matt Hunter
Isaac Adu-Agyei
Josh Janiszewski
OBJECTIVE # 6: week 6
Impact - behavioral objective

At least 65% program participants will incorporate static stretching and getting
up and playing the wii system 3x per week

Activity Leslye Caba

Lead the participants in stretching at the beginning of every session to stress its Matt Hunter
importance Isaac Adu-Agyei
Josh Janiszewski

Activity Leslye Caba

Make sure everyone gets a chance to participate in the game and gets up and Matt Hunter
Isaac Adu-Agyei
Josh Janiszewski

Activity Leslye Caba

Do stretching and other exercises on the side for people waiting while other Matt Hunter
participants are playing the game Isaac Adu-Agyei
Josh Janiszewski

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