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1. Reference
1.UU No 1 years 1970 Occupational health and safety
2.UU No 13 years 2013 about employment
3.PP No 50 years 2012 about Implementation of Occupational
Safety and Health Management System.
4. Permenaker No.26 Tahun 2014 about. implementation of
assessment of management system application OHS
2. Definition
a. SMK3 is Part of the overall corporate management system required for the development,
implementation, achievement, assessment and maintenance of OHS policies in the context of
risk control related to work activities for the creation of safe, efficient and productive workplaces.
b. SMK3 is certification audit which Conduct by ministry of labour department
3. Criteria company obligate to get SMK3
a. Companies with employing a workforce of at least 100 people or more
b. Company with high potential hazards
c. Audit external every 3 years use PJK3 (certified body) each category and internal very 6 month or a years
4. Element of SMK3 5 Principle 12 Element

1.Determination of Policy SHE [1] Development & Maintenance Commitment

2.SHE Planning [2] Making & Documentation Health and
3.Implementation of Plan SHE Safety Plan
4.Monitoring performance & [3] Design Control & Contract Control,
evaluation of SHE [4] Document Control,
5.Review & improvement of SMK 3 [5] Product Purchase & Control,
performance [6] Safety Work based on SMK3,
[7] Monitoring Standards
5. Ratings and Rewards [8] Reporting and Corrective action
[9] Material Management & Control,
Company Level Of Implementation Achievement
Category [10] Data Collection & Use,
0-59% 60-84% 85-100% [11] SMK3 Inspection
Initial level Level assessment of Assessment of the Assessment of the
[12] Skills & Knowledge Development
category (64 the implementation implementation level implementation level is
criteria) of less = Law is good = Silver satisfaction = Gold
Sanction Certificate Certificate
Transition level assessment of Assessment of the Assessment of the CERTIFICATE
Level category the implementation implementation level implementation level is
of less = Law is good = Silver satisfaction = Gold AND FLAG
(122 criteria)
Sanction Certificate Certificate REWARD
Advanced Level level assessment of Assessment of the Assessment of the
category (160 the implementation implementation level implementation level is SMK3
criteria) of less = Law is good = Silver satisfaction = Gold
sanction Certificate + Silver Certificate + Gold Flag

6. Sanction
The explanation of the sanctions is regulated in Law No. 13 of 2003 on employment
a. administrative sanctions,
b. Verbal Warning;
c. Written warning;
d. Restrictions on business activities;
e. Suspension of business;
f. Cancellation of approval;
g. Cancellation of registration;
h. Temporary discharge of some or all of the means of production;
i. Revocation of permit.

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