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Canada is one of the most important countries with different characteristics. Its
identity according to them refers to the unique culture and the early French
settlement. It has town official languages: French and English.
National icons:
Maple leaf: is the most widely recognized national symbol of Canada.
The beaver
The Maple Leaf Tartan

The country has 2 main sports:



Canada has many types of dishes.

 Poutine: The dish originated in the Centre-du-Québec area in the late 1950s
 Butter tarts: is a type of small pastry tart
 Kraft dinner: typical Kraft Macaroni & Cheese Dinner

The countryside has beautiful places and offers seaside and rural charms around
the country for example: Montreal, the Rockie Mountains, Quebec, etc.

There are several famous vacations. One of them is the ski destination resort town
of Whistler, has two amazing mountains and The Niagara Falls, the most powerful
waterfall in North America.

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