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Ichak Adizes - BIOGRAFIJA (Januar 2016)

Dr Isak Kalderon Adižes jedan je od vodećih svetskih eksperata u

oblasti organizacije i menadžmenta. Njegov pola veka dug naučni i pedagoški
rad dao je izuzetan doprinos razvoju teorije i prakse nauke o organiaciji i
nauke o menadžmentu, a posebno njihovim savremenim oblastima,
menadžmentu promena i menadžmentu ljudskih resursa. U fokusu njegovih
brojnih naučnih istraživanja i uopštavanja najčešće se nalaze problemi
pokretanja radnih procesa, razvojnih ciklusa preduzeća, liderstva,
beskonfliktnog organizacionog ponašanja, i drugi. U savremenom naučnom
svetu posebno je prepoznatljiv njegov jedinstveni pristup upravljanju
organizacionim promenama zasnovan na načelu izgradnje uzajamnog
uvažavanja, poštovanja i poverenja među zaposlenima, kao i harmoničnih
odnosa menadžera i njihovih saradnika.

Dr Isak Adižes je dugogodišnji profesor postdiplomskih studija

menadžmenta Kalifornijskog univerziteta u Los Anđelesu – UCLA; gostujući
profesor i predavač na Stenford univerzitetu, Univerzitetu Tel Aviva i
Hebrejskom univerzitetu u Jerusalimu. Posebno je čest predavač na Katedri
za menadžment Kolumbija univerziteta kao i najuglednijih univerziteta Ruske
Federacije. Dr Adižes je osnivač i akademski dekan Adizes Graduate School
u Santa Barbari.

Do sada je objavio 18 knjiga koje su štampane u više izdanja i u

velikim tiražima, a prevedene su na preko 20 najznačajnijih svetskih jezika.
Takođe je snimio veliki broj predavanja i edukacionih filmova među kojima je
najpopularnija serija od 34 filma pod nazivom “Top Leadership Forum“. Izveo
je više istraživanja i objavio nekoliko stotina radova i eseja u prestižnim
naučnim i stručnim publikacijama i na uglednim skupovima. Radovi dr
Adižesa su prikazani u visoko rangiranim časopisima, revijama i katalozima
kao što su: Inc. Magazine, Fortune, California Management Review, Business
Week, The New York Times, London Financial Times i Nation's Business…

Posebno je bogat i značajan njegov konsultantski angažman. Dr

Adižes svoja predavanja drži na četiri jezika: engleskom, srpskom,
hebrejskom i španskom. Nastupio je pred više od 100.000 menadžera, u
preko 50 zemalja sveta. Odlikuje ga dinamičan i energičan stil izlaganja i
permanentna interakcija sa auditorijumom. Sadržaji njegovih izlaganja su
bogato ilustrovani neočekoivanim obrtima, osobennim humorom i probranim
anegdotama od koji su neke već postale antologijske.

Dr Isak Adižes je 1975. godine osnovao Institut za razvoj

menadžmenta i organizaciona istraživanja koji od 1979. nosi svetski poznato
ime “Adižesov institut”. Sedište instituta je u Santa Barbari u Kaliforniji a pored
ekspozitura u SAD, Institut ima ispostave u 14 drugih zemalja među kojima su
najaktivnije one u zemljama Skandinavije, Kanadi, Brazilu, Izraelu, Kini, i
druge. Od 1994. Godine, poslovni prostor jugoistočne Evrope pokriva
Adižesov institut u Novom Sadu. Referentni klijenti Adižesovog instituta,
izmedu ostalih su Royal Dutch Shell, Bank of America, Domino's Pizza,
Northtrop Aviation, Franklin Mint, Applied Materials, The Body Shop, Porsche,
Sibur, Sberbank …

Adižesov metod su posebno uspešno primenjivale kompanije koje su

se brzo razvijale i koje su prelazile sa preduzetničkog na profesionalni
menadžment, a isto tako i birokratizovane organizacije koje su pokušavale da
se revitalizuju. Adizes Institute je do sada primenio svoju teoriju o upravljanju
promenama u kompanijama širom sveta, a korisnici su ne samo korporacije,
već i neprofitna preduzeća, koje po broju zaposlenih variraju od 20 do čak
100.000 radnika. Pored privrednih organizacija i neprofitnih ustanova dr
Adižes je radio i kao konsultant vlada Izraela, Brazila, Gane, Meksika,
Švedske, itd. Dr Adižes je do sada držao predavanja u preko 50 zemalja. O
njegovom radu pisali su Fortune Magazine, California Management Review,
Business Week, Inc., The New York Times, London Financial Times i drugi
značajniji časopisi i publikacije.

Krajem 2011.god. američki magazin Leadership Excellence Journal je,

u kategoriji velikih konsultantskih kuća, rangirao Adizes Institute među prvih
10 svetskih kompanija u oblasti programa za profesionalni razvoj lidera
(Leadership Development Programs).

Dr Isak Adižes je nosilac većeg broja prestižnih nagrada, priznanja I

zvanja. Leadership Excellence Journal ga je izabrao za jednog od vodećih
mislilaca u oblasti liderstva Amerike. Executive Excellence Journal ga je
svrstao među prvih trideset konsultanata Amerike. Ekskluzivni je saradnik
Međunarodne akademije za menadžment. Imenovan je za počasnog naučnog
savetnika za IBS – Akademije za ekonomiku Ruske Federacije. Za svoj
doprinos čovečanstvu, Fondacija nacionalna koalicija organizacija (Neco)
imenovala ga je za “primaoca 2010. Ellis Island Medal of Honor”. Biro
američkih predavača i govornika “All American Speakers“ dr Isaka Adižesa je
uvrstio u “ekskluzivnu klasu predavača današnjice”.

Dr Adižes je do sada je stekao petnaest počasnih doktorata uglednih svetskih

univerziteta i dva počasna državljanstva. Nosilac je izuzetno retkog civilnog
priznanja, počasnog čina majora izraelske vojske,

Isak Adižes je rođen 22. oktobra 1937. godine u trgovačkoj porodici

sefardskih Jevreja u Skoplju. Tokom Drugog svetskog rata porodica je bila
internirana u Skopski koncentracioni logor odakle su nakon proboja pobegli u
Albaniju gde su preživeli ratne strahote, a krajem 1944. godine se sele u
Beograd. U Beogradu započinje osnovno školovanje, u prva četiri razreda
sadašnje osnovne škole “Vuk Karadžić”. Često kaže da je snažni pečat u
njegovom vaspitanju i obrazovanju ostavio beogradski učitelj Vukadinović koji
je kod dece razvijao osećaj međusobnog poverenja i poštovanja, što je dr
Adižes mnogo kasnije ugradio u svoj naučni princip o upravljanju promenama
i teoriju životnih ciklusa preduzeća.

Krajem 1948. godine sa porodicom se seli u Izrael, gde nastavlja

osnovno i srednje školovanje. Godine1963. diplomirao je na Ekonomskom
fakultetu državnog Univerziteta u Jerusalimu. Dalje školovanje nastavlja u
Americi gde je magistrirao, a 1968. godine i odbranio doktorat na prestižnom
Kolumbija univerzitetu. Aktivno govori engleski, srpski, španski i hibru jezik, a
služi se i makedonskim, bugarskim i italijanskim jezikom. Poseban odnos ima
prema srpskom jeziku zahvaljujući majci koja mu je prenela ljubav prema
srpskim lirskim i epskim pesmama, književnosti i tradicionalnoj narodnoj
muzici. Iz istih izvora je i njegova umešnost sviranja na harmonici kojom često
zna da oduševi prijatelje i poznanike, a na izvođačkom repertoru mu je i
nekoliko srpskih kola i veći broj naših pesama. Svoj 70. rođendan je proslavio
u Beogradu a gosti su mu bili prijatelji iz celog sveta.

Doktorska disertacija profesora Adižesa je svojevrsna “studija slučaja”

nekadašnjeg jugoslovenskog samoupravnog socijalizma, zasnovanog na sve
aktuelnijoj ideji parcitipativnog menadžmenta. Centralni problem disertacije, a
on se proteže i u nizu uporednih istraživanja izvedenih tokom šezdesetih i
sedamdesetih godina, jeste zašto participativni menadžment ne daje onakve
rezultate kakvi se od njega očekuju uprkos dobrim humanističkim

Najvažnije knjige dr Isaka Adižesa prevedene su i na naš jezik: "Upravljanje

promenama", "Upravljanje životnim ciklusima preduzeća – kako preduzeća
rastu i umiru i kako ih izlečiti", "Dijagnoza stilova upravljanja", “Težnja ka top
formi"…. Za poslednje dve decenije u Srbiji je održao 10 velikih predavanja za
menadžere, profesore i studente. U njegovoj radnoj sobi se na policama
nalaze knjige profesora beogradskih fakulteta (Vlastimira Matejića, Stjepana
Hana, Slavka Marjanovića, Stevana Kukoleče, Najdana Pašića i drugih) koje
smatra svojim učiteljima.

Skrommna biblioteka Fakulteta organizacionih nauka u Beogradu

raspolaže sa 20 primeraka njegovih najznačajnijih knjiga. Ove publikacije su
deo preporučene literature na više nastavnih predmeta osnovnih, master i
doktorikih studijskih programa.
Prilog 1.
Najvažnije knjige dr Isaka Adižesa (navedene hronološkim redom kako su

1. Industrial Democracy - Yugoslav Style

2. Self-Management: New Dimensions to Democracy (Editor and
3. How to Solve the Mismanagement Crisis
4. Corporate Lifecycles
5. Mastering Change
6. The Pursuit of Prime
7. Managing Corporate Lifecycles
8. Management / Mismanagement Styles
9. Leading the Leaders
10. The Ideal Executive
11. How to Manage in Times of Crisis
12. Insights on Management
13. Insights on Policy
14. Insights on Personal Growth
15. Food for Thought: 3-book Series (Management / What Counts in Life /
Change and Leadership)
16. Insights on Management Vol. II
17. Insights on Policy Issues Vol. II
18. Insights on Personal Growth Vol. II
Prilog 2 – Kratak pregled knjiga dr Isaka Adižesa

Books Written by Dr. Ichak Adizes

These books, all of which were written by Dr. Ichak Kalderon Adizes, reflect
over 45 years of study in the fields of management and organizational
change. They provide the reader with an explanation of Corporate Lifecycles,
address the philosophical nature or management and offer insights into the
inner workings of management systems.

Insights on Management Vol. II

Dr. Adizes has spent much of the past forty plus years thinking about
management. He has conducted research and written books on the subject; consulted to
organizations, corporate and governmental, and tussled with concrete and very real problems
surrounding issues and ideas related to management; and awakened in the middle of the
night, unable to sleep, as ideas and theories about managing organizations, large and small,
played out in his mind. The result is the second volume of management insights, frequently
written in response to a sudden idea or newspaper headline.

Insights on Policy Issues Vol. II

A blog has many sources and many reasons for being, but usually only
one voice. And that voice makes it distinctive. In this book on Policy Insights, Dr. Adizes’ voice
is sometimes contrarian and controversial, sometimes that of a curmudgeon, and at other
times the cry of a passionate populist. It is almost always informed by his experiences and
travels in foreign lands.
Insights on Personal Growth Vol. II

As he travelled the world, Dr. Adizes wrote down his personal

observations. Hence this book, which is the second volume of personal insights and covers
his experiences and thoughts derived from them since 2012.

Food For Thought: 3-Book Series

An exclusive set of three elegantly produced books,

sharing Dr. Adizes’ wisdom and insights gained from his 45-year career as
one of the world’s leading experts in transformational management. These are
collections of illuminating quotes:
 On Management
 On What Counts in Life
 On Change and Leadership
Each nugget of learning has space below for readers to scribble their own
introspective thoughts. Thereby every book states that it is written by Dr
Adizes and YOU the reader.
Insights on Policy

Book Insights on Policy is a compilation of essays by

Ichak Kalderon Adizes, PhD. dealing with governmental policy both within and
among nations. Conceived as a monthly newsletter called Insights, the essays
evolved over time into a weekly blog posted on the Adizes website. They offer a
fascinating close-up of how nations around the globe have dealt with the
phenomenon of globalization.

Insights on Management

In this book - the second in a series of three - all of the

essays deal with managing organizations. The ideas often evolved out of
something I saw, heard, or felt as I consulted to hundreds of companies,
governments, and other organizations around the world. Then, in light of the
response from readers, I often rethought my Insights, re-edited, rewrote, or
updated them.
Insights on Personal Growth

In this book - the third in a series of Insights collections -

all of the essays deal with personal growth, which Dr. Adizes has come to
believe, is closely related to professional development. The ideas for these
columns often evolved out of something he saw, heard or felt as he met with
people around the world, observing how often their family problems echoed
the organizational problems he was there to repair.

How to Manage in Times of Crisis

In Dr. Adizes’ newest book, “How to Manage in Times of

Crisis,” you will learn how to prepare for approaching challenges so that you
can navigate your company through the tumultuous times of crises. Within the
book, you will learn:
• Recommendations for how to manage during times of crisis and what
companies must do in order to survive times of crisis,
• Methods to avoid the common mistakes companies make during times of
• The importance of analyzing and changing your organization’s structure
according to a changing environment,
• How to deal with extremely rapid change in business and create a
sustainable internal culture.
• The two vital things that all companies must preserve to keep your business
alive during times of crises.
Leading the Leaders

This book was written to help you discover your basic

management style and compensate for your weaknesses so you can work
better with others – subordinates, peers, and those you report to – whose
management styles are different from your own. It does this by providing
prescriptions to follow for each management style, notes from the
battleground based on my experiences in coaching executives around the
world for the past 30 years.

Management/Mismanagement Styles

"Management/Mismanagement Styles" is Dr. Adizes' latest

book on Management Styles. It takes a much deeper and extensive look at
Dr. Adizes' Management Styles first introduced in the classic "How To Solve
the Mismanagement Crisis."
The Ideal Executive: Why You Cannot Be One and What to Do About It

Dr. Adizes’ premise, developed in this book, is that the

ideal leader, manager, or executive - ideal in the sense that he can fulfill by
himself all the roles necessary for the long-and short-term effectiveness and
efficiency of an organization - does not and cannot exist. And that is the
problem with contemporary management literature: it presents what the
executive should do, (because that is what the organization needs) even
though no one can do it.

Pursuit of Prime

Drawing on his thirty years of applying the principles

presented in this book, Dr. Adizes offers common sense, practical advice on
how to recognize the danger signs and abnormal problems associated with
the various stages of the corporate lifecycle, and most importantly, how to turn
normal problems into opportunities.
Managing Corporate Lifecycles: An updated and expanded look at the Corporate

In his newest book, Managing Corporate Lifecycles, Dr. Ichak Adizes carries
forward the analysis of corporate birth, development and decline pioneered in
his 1988 classic, Corporate Lifecycles: How and Why Corporations Grow and
Die and What to Do About It.
Offering many fresh insights and refinements to his powerful tools for
enhancing organizational problem solving capability, the book is a practical
guide for companies on the path to Prime -- the balance of creativity and
control required for maximum efficiency.
Bringing readers up-to-date on his theory and practice, Dr. Adizes presents
practical strategies for achieving Prime while avoiding the normal problems of
growth. He offers proactive measures for maintaining focus and vision,
nurturing a climate of mutual trust and respect and avoiding the onset of aging
in corporate structures. With Dr. Adizes´ strategies to anticipate and ease the
normal, predictable problems of growth, every organization can reach Prime --
and stay there.

Mastering Change

The book addresses many issues which are critical to our

future, both individually and collectively -- what to do about change, why
conflict is necessary, how to make quality decisions, and how to create mutual
trust and respect in the company, the home and in society -- to name only a
How to Solve the Mismanagement Crisis

A management bestseller with a fresh analysis of how to

manage for profits and growth. Printable in other languages!

Self-Management: New Dimensions to Democracy

This book focused on the participation of workers in

decision making as a means to democratize society, provide for economic
growth, and improve the quality of life.

Industrial Democracy: Yugoslav Style

Published in 1971, this book was one of Dr. Adizes's first

books. The book presents case studies of two Yugoslav companies, which
were observed in operation during the spring of 1967.

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