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In this exercise, your task is to provide constructive feedback for the instructor
in the video.

Attend to and describe the instructor’s specific actions as well as his or her
overall instructional strategies. Focus also on student reactions and
engagement; student reactions may be indications of the lesson’s
effectiveness, and practicing attending to student reactions may help you
better recognize cues from your own students.

Please do not respond to each question independently, but rather provide an

overall critique that incorporates your responses in a single, coherent body of

No. Video Critique Guide Comments

1. Did the instructor state the instructional

objectives of the lesson and summarize
the lesson’s main ideas?

Objektif pengajaran dan membuat rumusan.

2. What techniques, if any, did the instructor

use to ensure that the presentation followed a
clear logic, including transitions between
topics, and did/how did the instructor convey
the organization to students? (e.g. Did the
presentation include an outline showing the
relationships between different concepts? Did
the instructor summarize the main ideas?)

Teknik penyampaian.

3. Was the instructor’s vocabulary

appropriate for the audience, reflecting a
sensitivity to the prior knowledge of the

Penggunaan Bahasa.
4. Did the instructor incorporate a variety of
instructional strategies to reach the
instructional objectives? If so, which
strategies did he/she use? (given the brief
nature of the video clip, the instructor may
only have used one strategy [e.g. lecture,
discussion, small group activity, independent
writing assignment, etc.])

Strategi pengajaran dan pembelajaran

5. Was the content and depth of that content

appropriate for the audience and
instructional objectives? Did the instructor
define new terminology, provide concrete
examples of abstract concepts, and present
multiple perspectives from different theories
or backgrounds?

Kesesuaian isi kandungan

6. Was the presentation paced so that the

audience had sufficient time to process new
information and integrate it with their prior

Pengurusan masa

7. How did the instructor use audiovisual

aids to complement the material presented?
Did the instructor provide adequate time for
processing of audiovisual materials?

Penggunaan alat audiovisual

8. In what ways did the instructor use

questions to assess students’ prior
knowledge, understanding, or ability to apply
their knowledge? What techniques did the
instructor use to encourage students to ask
questions to advance the conversation?

Kaedah menyoal

9. What did the instructor do particularly
well? What strategies, techniques, or
materials did the instructor use that was novel
or innovative?

Aspek yang terbaik

10. What might you have done differently

from this instructor and why do you think that
would have better facilitated student learning?

Aspek yang perlu penambahbaikan


Video Critique Team:

Title of the Presentation:



Rate the teams’ video critique on the following scale:

1 = Needs Attention

2 = Developing

3 = Proficient

0 = n/a

1. Organization

1 Did the video critique team comment on the 1 2 3 0

degree to which the teacher clearly articulated
the instructional objectives and the presentation
followed a single, coherent logic? Discuss.

2. Did the video critique team describe and 1 2 3 0

discuss the transitions the teacher used (or
failed to use) to shift between topics?

3. Did the video critique team note whether the 1 2 3 0

presenter summarized main ideas, including by
referring to an outline during the presentation
and summarizing main ideas?

Discussion of Teachers’ Organization 1 2 3 0

2. Language

1 Did the video critique team comment on the 1 2 3 0

appropriateness of the presenter’s vocabulary
for the audience’s prior knowledge?

Discussion of Teachers’ Language 1 2 3 0

3. Strategy

1 Did the video critique team identify the different 1 2 3 0

instructional strategies the teacher used to
reach the instructional objectives? Describe.

2. Did the video critique team discuss the 1 2 3 0

appropriateness of the amount and depth of
content for the students’ prior knowledge?

Discussion of Teachers’ Instructional Strategies 1 2 3 0

4. Diversity

1 Did the video critique team comment on 1 2 3 0

whether the presenter defined new terms and
used examples from multiple theories and

2. Did the video critique team comment on and 1 2 3 0

describe the teacher’s use of examples from
multiple theories and cultural perspectives, as
well as concrete examples of abstract

Discussion of Teachers’ Attention to Diversity 1 2 3 0

5. Audiovisual

1 Did the video critique team critically evaluate the 1 2 3 0

degree to which the audiovisual aids
complemented the material presented rather
than replacing it?

2. Did the video critique team comment on the 1 2 3 0

orientation of the presenter in the presence of
the AV aids (i.e. whether the presenter
continued to face the audience, rather than the
AV aids, when the aids were presented)?

3. Did the video critique team discuss whether the 1 2 3 0

AV aids contained too much content for the
audience to attend to them and maintain their
attention on the presenter?

Discussion of Teachers’ Audiovisuals 1 2 3 0

6. Time Management

1 Did the video critique team note whether the 1 2 3 0

presentation maintained a consistent pace from
beginning to end and concluded within the
allotted time?

2. Did the video critique team note whether the 1 2 3 0

presenter provided the students with sufficient
time to process new information and integrate
with their prior knowledge?

3. Did the video critique team make note of 1 2 3 0

whether the presenter provided sufficient time to
include and address audience questions during
the presentation, afterward, or both?

Discussion of Teachers’ Time Management 1 2 3 0

7. Active Inquiry

1 Did the video critique team note whether the 1 2 3 0

presenter used questions to assess students’
prior knowledge and understanding of the
material being presented?

2. Did the video critique team note whether the 1 2 3 0

presenter handled all questions openly and

Discussion of Teachers’ Use/Handling of 1 2 3 0


8. Delivery

1 Did the video critique team comment on the 1 2 3 0

presenter’s deliberate versus unconscious body
movement to engage the audience? Describe.

2. Did the video critique team comment on the 1 2 3 0

presenter’s use of his/her voice to engage the
audience, as well as refraining from using
audible pauses (e.g. “um,” “uh”)? Describe.

Discussion of Teachers’ Content Delivery 1 2 3 0


1. Organization

2. Language

3. Strategy

4. Diversity

5. Audiovisuals

6. Time Management

7. Active Inquiry

8. Delivery

Total Score


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