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Teaching practice

Today is 10 of October, the first day of teaching practice. I had 3C and 3D. I met my Mentor
School Teacher her name is Aminah. I interduce myself to the students and the reason for being
at the school, to help the weak children, support them, encourage them if they do very well. I
have two special need in class 3C, their disabilities are autism and they have an assistant
teacher she always makes sure they are on the task and understand what Ms. Amainh explain.
The teacher gives a lesson about living creatures and how they live in the desert. And after that,
she gives each child a paper divided to four sections to write their favorite animal, what the
animal eats, where they want to live, at what time they want their animal sleep (during the day
or at night). I try to participate with one weak student his name is Mohauer I notice that he can
solve a math problem and he is very smart but his problem he is very hyperactive.

This is the 11 of October, the second day of my teaching practice. My mentor School Teacher
has many strategies to control her class such as class, class, class and the pupils respond by yes,
yes, yes. This strategy is very useful if the teacher heard many of the students are talking
without being on the task. Furthermore, she can control them by clapping and they do as the
teacher do. In this case, she can get their attention very fast without shouting or using her
voice. The students use their finger to take permission from the teacher if they need water,
using the bathroom, go to the doctor or need a tissue, one finger means they want to drink a
water, two ginger they need to use the toilet, three fingers they need to go to the doctor and
four fingers mean they need a tissue. The teacher uses this strategy to keep her class quiet, not
to interrupting the lesson
Some of the pictures. the student gives a dojo point for the one who’s on
the task.
The drawing is for student work.

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