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Members: Diego Estay

Julian Olivares
Catalina Astudillo

3°rd grade

Date: October 24th

In this work, the information we use is what we obtained during our visit to the
botanical garden.

We will talk about the botanical garden located in Viña del Mar and the plants
that are conserved and cared there.

We also include climate change and how it has affected the flora and fauna of
the world and with this, how it affects us as humans.

We saw different problems related to the environment, the most notable

among them were 2, the threat of flora and fauna and also the damage that
this caused to the planet and the whole ecosystem.

All this creates a chain of problems in which we can mention the fact that at
the time of extinction of a species the whole food chain of that place is
affected and with this problem the environment begins, that is, there are
more droughts, considering this, the fact of cultivating is impossible, forcing
people to migrate to other places and even countries
The botanic garden and many more scientists give the solution with the
preservation of different species from different parts of the world creating a
space for plants (mostly) according to the needs they need to feel "at home".

So that later after the time they can reinsert them into their habitat and try to
reverse what the human has achieved with their unconsciousness.

In spite of being an arduous job, the value of this is insurmountable, since in

this botanical garden anyone can enter and enjoy what has been achieved,
one case is the Chilean palm, which thanks to them is being tried repopulate
the place where they existed to bring them “back to life”
In conclusion, the problems that are trying to solve are caused by humans,
who without being aware of what they do, only abuse the flora and fauna
causing disasters worldwide, which can later be observed in massive
immigration and countries which were beautiful before but thanks to humans
they were ruined.

Thanks to what the botanical garden does, you can at least continue to
observe species that without their help would already be extinct and could
never be seen again.

The work they do is immense and must be valued, and what better way than
taking care of our environment.

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