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EA 1.

2: Creating an Illustrated Myth ​Name: _________________________________________________________

Assignment: ​Your assignment is to create an original myth that explains a belief, custom, or natural phenomenon through the actions of gods or heroes. Be
sure that your myth teaches a lesson or a moral.

Scoring Criteria Exemplary Proficient Emerging Incomplete

Plot Structure ● Seamlessly ● Implements all ● Includes only some ● Does not follow a plot
W.7.3a/W.7.3b encompasses all elements of the plot elements of a plot structure
elements of the plot structure of a story structure
structure of a story

Elements of a Myth ● The Myth describes ● The Myth explains a ● The myth may tell about ● The myth does not tell
W.7.3a/W.7.3e how a natural natural phenomenon a natural phenomenon about a natural
phenomenon was and teaches a lesson but does not explain a phenomenon or teach a
formed and clearly ● Leads to a resolution natural phenomenon or lesson
states a choice being teach a lesson ● Lacks a resolution
made while teaching ● Attempts to resolve the
readers a lesson. myth
● Leads to a satisfying

Dialogue ● Effectively uses ● Uses dialogue to ● Attempts to use ● Attempts to use

W.7.3b dialogue to develop develop characters or dialogue without dialogue but does so
more than one move the plot moving the plot incorrectly.
character ​AND​​ move forward. forward.
the plot forward.

Transitions ● Expertly uses ● Uses some transitions ● Includes few, if any, ● Includes no transitions
W.7.3c transitions to move to move between ideas transitions
between ideas in a
cohesive way

Descriptive ● Includes at least three ● Includes at least two ● Includes at least one ● Details are confusing
Details/Sensory different sensory different sensory sensory detail that and do not enhance the
Language details that enhance details to enhance the enhances the descriptions of
W.7.3d the description of descriptions of description of characters and setting
characters and characters and setting. characters or setting.
settings through the
use of descriptive
details and vivid
sensory language.

Scoring Criteria Exemplary Proficient Emerging Incomplete

Visuals ● Includes thought ● Includes visuals that ● Visuals may not connect ● Has no visuals to
W.7.3d provoking visuals that connect the ideas in the to the ideas in the myth support the myth or
serve as effective myth demonstrate ideas
symbolism for the ideas
in the myth

Conventions ● Has few or no errors in ● Contains few errors in ● Contains mistakes in ● Contains errors in
L.7.1/L.7.2 grammar, spelling, grammar, spelling, grammar, spelling, grammar, spelling,
punctuation, or punctuation, or punctuation, and punctuation, and
capitalization. capitalization and they capitalization that capitalization that
do not detract from detract from meaning. interfere with
meaning. meaning.

You were amazing. Pat yourself on
the back, champ!

_____ /100
You were amazing. However, how
can you improve?

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