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Written by

Jayasree Saranathan


Part 1:- Pre-Rainy season & GarbOttam.

Part 2:-Solar ingress

Part 3:- Immediate rainfall

Part 4:- Venus - Mercury transit

Part 5:- Planetary combinations

Part 6:-Stars and planets

Part 7:- Miscellany

Part 1

Pre-rainy season observation & GarbOttam

This is a series on astrological inputs on predicting rainfall in advance. I will write the articles
in such a way that any interested amateur meteorologist can make the recordings, interface
with meteorological maps and check whether the predictions do take place. I suggest that this
methodology must be recorded for atleast 5 years continuously to derive a reliable set of
factors for rainfall prediction. If anyone is doing this seriously, I request them to intimate me
the findings.


Rainfall prediction is considered as Purva Chitti – prior wisdom, by Vedic Thought. In the
ritualistic question and answer dialogue in the course of Ashvamedha yajna, one question is

"Who is called poorvachitti?"

The reply that follows is:-

"The rain falling is called poorva chitti".

It is because the rain falling in a place is formed very much in advance under certain
conditions, knowing which one can tell in advance whether it would rain or not. Reiterating
this Varahamihira says,

"The predictions of an astronomer who pays exclusive attention, both day and night to the
indications of rain afforded by pregnant clouds, will as little fail of success as the words of

What science can probably excel, in interest, the science relating to the prediction of rain, by
a thorough study of which one though ignorant in other matters passes for a great astrologer
in this Kaliyuga." (Brihad samhita, Chapter 21 – verses 3 &4)

The authors for rainfall prediction techniques.

Sages Garga, Parasara, Kasyapa, Vatsa and others.

Books :- Brihad Samhita (Chapter 21 to 28) and Prasna Marga (Chapter 25)

Things needed:-

 Knowledge of names of Lunar months and dates (thithi) and names of 27 stars of the
Vedic astrology.

 Astrology software or any source which will help one to know the star in which Sun
or Moon transits on a particular day.

 Round the clock observation or observation of the outside at regular intervals.

Period of observation.

From the Lunar month of Karthika until Shravana.

When to begin observation.

There are 3 dates given, two by Brihad Samhita and one by Prasna Marga. No explanation is
given by the authors for the differences. My interpretation is given in brackets.

1. The first day of the bright half of the lunar month of Karthika (Oct- Nov) – Siddhasena
School (Check for the breaking of South West Monsoon in Lakshadweep or Kerala.)

2. The day Moon transits Puravashada in the bright half of Margashira (Nov- Dec) – Sage
Garga (Check for the first rains in Middle or North India)

3. The day Sun enters the star Purvashada. This is occurs after 13-20 degrees in the Sign
Sagittarius. The period of 14 days starting from this is called the period of 'Conception of
rainfall' or GarbhOttam.

Importance of GarbhOttam.

The 14 day duration is the period taken by the Sun to transit the entire extent of Purvashada.
The extent of a star is 13 degrees and 20 minutes. Sun covers roughly 1 degree per day.
GarbhOttam period is the period of Sun in the entire extent of Purvashada.

Preliminary observation for the 14 day period of GarbhOttam is to check if the entire sky is
covered with dark clouds and the Sun is hidden behind the clouds.
The observation (or any observation that is being said in this article) is applicable for the
place of the observer. In olden days every village had astrologers doing that observation.
Today meteorology applies to vast regions, but the ancient Indian method helps to tell on a
day to day basis whether a particular locality would get rains or not. For that, the observer
must be available on the place continuously atleast from Margashira to Phalguni and on
specific days at other months.

If on the 1st day of GarbhOtta, there are dark clouds all over the sky and sun is hidden
behind, it will rain here and there and every now and then in the 14 day period when Sun will
be transiting Arudra (in Gemini)

Similarly if on the 2nd day of GarbhOtta, there are dark clouds all over the sky and sun is
hidden behind, it will rain here and there and every now and then in the 14 day period when
Sun will be transiting Punarvasu star (in Gemini and Cancer).

Similarly on the 3rd day of GarbhOtta, there are dark clouds all over the sky and sun is
hidden behind, it will rain here and there and every now and then in the 14 day period when
Sun will be transiting Pushya star (in Cancer).

Like this Sun's transit upto Moola star (prior to starting of the GarbhOtta) is noted for

The rationale is that each day of the GarbhOtta in Purvashada in Sagittarius will have
bearing for the duration of sun's stay in every star starting from Arudra in the month of Aani
(in tamil) / Gemini / lunar month of Jyeshta in the next year and goes upto Moola in next

The stars mentioned below indicate the 14 day transit of Sun in that star. Eg 1st day of
GarbhOtta will have an effect on 14 days of sun's transit in Arudra.

1st day – Arudra

2nd day – Punarvasu

3rd day – Pushya

4th day – Aslesha (Ayilyam)

5th day – Magam

6th day – Purva phalguni (Pooram)

7th day – Uttara Phalguni (Uttaram)

8th day – Hastha

9th day – Chithra

10th day – Swati

11th day – Vishaka

12th day – Anuradha (Anusham)

13th day – Jyeshta (Kettai)

14th day - Moola.

If the sky is completely overcast for the whole day in one of these days, predict rainfall from
the day Sun enters the corresponding star.

This year GarbhOtta started yester day (28-12-2012). The whole of yesterday, the sky was
overcast in Chennai, at my place where I did the observation, right from the morning and it
rained after midnight. Rains will mar the subsequent rains after 195 days. Therefore the first
level of prediction is that there will be scattered rainfall in my place for 7 days as soon as Sun
enters Arudra. Sun enters Arudra on the early morning hours of 22nd June 2013. Since for the
whole day the sky was overcast, it is predicted that the first half of Arudra (7 days) would
give rains. Since it rained in the night yesterday, we can expect a less wet or dry period in the
2nd half of the 14 day period starting from 22nd June. Cloud cover is good, but rains are not
good during GarbhOtta days. It could be a drizzle but not rains.

The cloud cover continues today also. Therefore we can expect good rains once again after
Sun enters Punarvasu star (After July 6th).

Whether there will be good rains or not can be assessed from the following factors.

Basics factors to observe:-

1. Winds

2. Rain
3. Lightening

4. Roar of thunder

5. Appearance of clouds

Now the next step:-

In all these 14 days, the above mentioned 5 points must also be observed. Then the
observation must be continued everyday for four months until lunar month of Phalguni is
over. If any single day has all the 5 factors present, good rainfall must be predicted on the
195th day from the day of observation.

In other words, one must note the thithi and paksha of the day of observation. Eg:
Observation is on Dwitheeya in the dark half of Margshira. Its resultant rainfall will be on
Dwitheeya on the bright half of Jyeshta. That is 6 and a half month from the month of

If noticed in a thithi in the Bright half of moon, the result will take place on the same thithi on
the dark half of moon 6 months later.

If noticed in the morning, the resultant rain will be in the evening on that day.

If winds or clouds are noticed in a direction, the resultant rain will be in the opposite direction
on that day. Keeping this in mind one must record not only the features but also the direction
and time of the day.

Now the features to be observed:-

Note:- Applicable on day to day basis. The prediction is for the corresponding day later, on
the 195th day..

1. Winds:-

Gentle and agreeable wind = Good rainfall

Cool breeze from North and Northeast = good rainfall.

Heavy winds = rain clouds would gather but be shattered

Dust storm = No rains

2. Rain

In Margashira, there will be no rains. If it rains heavily, rainfall on the corresponding day
would be affected. A gentle rain or drizzle would give good rainfall on the corresponding day
after 6 and a half months.

3. Lightening

Lightening = good rainfall

Rainbow in the morning or evening = good rainfall

4. Roar of thunder

Low, rumbling roar of thunder = good rainfall

Heavy sounding thunder = rain clouds would shatter away.

5. Clouds

Sky overcast with huge, bright, dense clouds = good rainfall

Needle shaped clouds or sword shaped clouds = good rainfall

Blood red clouds = good rainfall.


If one any day in the months from Margashira to Phalguni, all the above 5 factors are
present, the quantity of the subsequent rainfall will be 1 Drona. (Drona is equal to 200 phalas.
Quantification in today's terms is not known. Perhaps the rainfall on those days can be
recorded and cross checked with other days when similar conditions prevailed.)

Reduce the quantity by quarter for the absence of every one factor.

Three-some observation.

1. Terrestrial

2. Atmospheric

3. Planetary.
(I) Terrestrial factors to be observed.

1. Sweet chirpings of birds.

2. Animals moving relaxedly and making pleasant sounds

3. Kids making sweet sounds and playing

4. Trees with sprouts

5. Trees grow without diseases.

(II) Atmospheric factors to be observed.

1. Clouds resembling pearl or silver colour

2. Clouds in the shape of aquatic animal, huge and dense.

3. These clouds scorched by bright sun light

4. Gentle breeze (presence of 3 and 4 together would result in torrential rain on the 195th

5. Sun and the Moon encircled by glossy, bright and thick halo.

6. Sky filled with bulky clouds or smooth needle like clouds (cirrus), or in the shape of

7. Clouds appearing in red or blue tint.

8. Pleasant twilights in morning and evening.

9. Light rumbling thunder

10. Rainbow in the lower horizon.

11. Red glow in the horizon at dawn and sun set. This must be seen only in Margashira and
Pushya months. (Solar months also)

12. Clouds with halos

Month-wise observation

In Margashira –
· red sun in the morning and evening,

- sky in red colour before sunrise and after sunset.

· clouds surrounded by halos,

· very cold.

In Pushya -

 · red sun in the morning and evening,

 · clouds surrounded by halos,

 · excessive snowfall.

In Magha –

· strong wind,

· sun and moon must be dimmed by clouds or snowfall at sun rise and sun set,

· fog, mist, excessive cold

In Phalguna –

 · rough and violent storms

 · tawny colour of the sun,

 · broken and imperfect halos around the sun and the moon,

 · glossy clouds moving across the sky

The above ensure good 'conception of rainfall'.

In Chaitra and Vaishaka, sky marked by winds, clouds and halos ensure conception of rainfall
which will fall 195th day afterwards.

The following features in the 4 months from Margashira to Phalguni mar conception of

1. Meteor showers.
2. Thunderbolt

3. Dust storm

4. Appearance of city-like formation of clouds.

5. Unnatural phenomenon in the atmosphere in colour of sky, clouds etc and at sun rise
and sun set.

6. Rainfall

7. Sighting of comets

8. Eclipses

9. Spots in solar disc (sun spot maxima?)

(III) Planetary factors to be observed in the 4 month period.

Good for conception of rainfall

- Planets appearing with clear and bright disc at night

- Planets moving in Northern declinations

- Moon and stars must appear white

Planetary features marring conception of rainfall.

· Eclipses ( mar rainfall later on the corresponding day)

· Planetary war (where planets are close together in such a way one planet will be
crossing another.) (mars rainfall for several days in the corresponding period.)

Position of Moon during the above 4 month period.

When the above 3-some favourable features of conception are present in a day when Moon is
crossing Purvashada, Uttarashada, Purva bhadrapada, Uttarabhadrapada and Rohini, the
subsequent rainfall on the 195th day will be abundant.
When the above 3-some favourable features of conception are present in a day when Moon is
crossing Arudra, Aslesha, Magha , Swati and Satabhishak, the subsequent rains will go on for
many days. On the contrary, if the 3 some factors are marred, there will be dryness.

If Moon crosses all the above mentioned stars with 3-some factors being present and marring
factors being absent in Margashira - would give rainfall for 8 days later (after 195 days).

In Pushya - for 6 days

In Magha -16 days

In Phalguni – 24 days

In Chaitra – 20 days

In Vaishaka – 3 days.

Part 2

Solar ingress

In the first part, the methods of observation of meteorological factors were described.

Such observation must be done continuously on all days starting from

the solar month of Sagittarius or

the day the Sun enters Purvashada or

the day Moon transits Purvashada in the bright half of the month of Margashira.

This observation must go on until the solar month of Taurus (Tamil month of Vaikasi)

Of these the first 4 months from Sagittarius to Pisces have the bearing directly on the rainy
season of India starting from July to October. So meticulous observation is needed during
those four months for assessing the rainy season.
Now having come to the solar month of Aries, other observations begin.

In this article, I am going to tell about the effect and importance of Sun's entry into certain
signs of the zodiac and its entry into the star, Arudra. All these must be studied together to
assess the amount of rainfall.

1. First of all the Name of the New Year must be checked with its yearly predictions. The
predictions are told by the famous astrologer cum siddha of ancient days known by the name
"Idaik-kaattu siddhar" They are available in almanacs or in some Jyothish books. The yearly
prediction gives a broad outline of the nature and amount of rainfall in the ensuing year. For
example, for the present New Year Vijaya, abundant rainfall is expected. A good harvest is
also predicted ensuring a good rainfall.

2. The next step is to check the Solar ingress in Aries, In Gemini, in Cancer and in

These can be found in the Nava nayakas in the almanacs with their predictions. Though Nava
nayakas mean 9, we need to check 4 for rainfall prediction. They are as follows.

· Entry of Sun into Aries :- Mantri (name of the navanayaka) – for general rainfall

· Entry of Sun into Gemini :- Arghadhipathi – for prediction of price level of agricultural
products (since rainfall affect the agricultural produce, this is checked)

· Entry of Sun into Cancer :- Sasyadhipathi – for prediction of growth of crops. (reason
is same as above)

· Entry of Sun into Sagittarius :- Dhanyadhipathi – for prediction of grain production.

The day of the entry of Sun in these signs is to be noted. The day is from one sun rise to the
next sun rise.
If the day happens to be Monday, Thursday and Friday, very good rainfall and crop
production can be expected.

If the day happens to be Wednesday, undue winds would occur and scatter the clouds. As a
result less rains would be experienced and prices rise due to scarcity of food grains.

If the day happens to be Sunday, Tuesday and Saturday, medium rainfall would occur and
scarcity of food grains would happen as a result.

We have to check this for all the above 4 signs and arrive at the prediction connected with
each of them.

Checking for this Vijaya year, the solar ingress into Aries happened on Saturday. Though
Vijaya year assures bountiful rains, the entry of Sun on a Saturday reduces that. But we have
to see other factors too.

The entry of Sun into Gemini happens on early morning of Saturday, at 4-56 am. Since this
happens before sunrise, we have to count it as Friday only. Entry on Friday brings good rains
and the related feature namely stabilization of price level.

The entry of Sun into Cancer happens on Tuesday afternoon. This is not a favorable sign for
good rainfall.

The entry of Sun into Sagittarius happens on Sunday after midnight. This is also not a
favorable sign of good rainfall.

Of the 4, only one out of four is favorable. So less to medium rainfall can be expected as per
this rule.

3. The next rule that we have to check is the first day of the Lunar year. This day is called
Yugadhi, the day after the conjunction on Moon and the Sun that occurs before the Solar
New Year. The same rules of days as explained above must be checked for this too. In the
current year of Vijaya, the Lunar year started on a Thursday. This ensures good rainfall.
4. After this we have to check the entry of the Sun in the star Arudra. This is considered as
more important of all the entries mentioned so far. This is known as "Arudra Pravesham" . In
this in addition to day of entry, many other factors are checked. Let us see them one by one.

Day of the week:- same as explained above. This year it enters on early morning of Saturday,
before sunrise. That means the entry is on Friday. This is very good significator for good

Thithi at the time of entry:- 4,8,9,14 thithis give less rains. Amavasya also gives less rains.
This year 14th thithi will begin by the time Sun enters Arudra. This is not favourable.

Star at the time of entry:- Star means the star in which moon will be transiting at that time.
Bharani, Arudra, Aslesha, Magha, Chithra, Vishaka, Jyeshta are not favorable for good
rainfall. This year Anusha will be the star at that time. This is favourable.

Yoga at the time of entry:- This can be checked from the almanac. Atiganda, Shoola, Ganda,
Dhruvam, Vyagatam, Vyatipadam, Brahmam, Aindra and Vydhruthi are not favourable. This
year Siddham is the yoga at that time. It is favourable.

Karana at the time of entry:- Vishti, Sakuni, Chathushpaadam, Nagavam and Kimsthugnam
are not favourable. This year Thythula karanam will be running at that time. It is favourable
for good rainfall.

The Lagna at the time of entry:- This can be known from the astrology software. The lagnas
Taurus, Cancer, Libra and Pisces give good rainfall. Virgo gives stormy weather. Others are
not favourable for good rains.

The lagna must be checked for respective places. For Chennai, it is Taurus which ensures
good rainfall.

The Kala at the time of entry:- Day or night time must be checked. If it is sunset or mid-night,
there will be good rains. If it is noon or day time- less rains. If it is night - medium rainfall.
This year the entry happens at night and after mid night. More than medium rainfall is
assured by this.
Location of Moon at the time of entry:- If Moon is located at watery star, watery sign, watery
lagna and watery navamsa, there will be good rains.

Watery stars = Rohini, Mrigashira, Pushya, Uttara phalguni, Purvashada, Uttrashada, Uttara
Bhadrapada, Hastha, Anusha, Shravana, Dhanishta, Shatabhishak and Revathy.

Watery signs = Cancer, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces.

After doing these observations, we have to observe the transit of planets for predicting
rainfall. We will discuss that in the next part.

Part 3

Immediate rainfall

Starting from the month of Chiththrai (solar month of Aries), sudden pre-monsoon showers
can be expected. Though they also have a connection to the meteorological conditions that
were prevalent 195 days before, there are certain tips to find out whether sudden, instant rains
can be expected shortly before that in a given place. An over-cast sky is not a sufficient
indicator for rains. When the rains are impending, the flora and fauna will behave in certain
ways. Even small kids can pick up the change in the climate for an immediate rainfall.
Nature also would look differently. In this article we will see such features written in
astrological texts. These features are known as 'Nimittha' – the 'indicators'. These are relevant
in the thick of rainy season too, to know if it would rain in a few hours' time in a particular

· If the ants, when undisturbed and on their own accord leave their hole carrying their
eggs from place to place.

· Snakes climbing trees and having sexual intercourse.

· Snakes found to rest on grass blades.

· Cows running home to meet their claves.

· Cats scratching the ground.

· Chameleons seen on top of the tree, staring at the sky.

· Cows looking up at the sky or looking at the Sun.

· Cocks crowing in the day.

· Sheep reluctant to go out and shaking and raising their ears and kicking the ground
with their legs.

· Dogs going to the top of the house and looking at the sky and crying.

· Fish jump from water suddenly.

· Forward movement of fish (These two indicators by fish are told in tanks and ponds.
One has to observe in Fish tank.)

· Frogs croak suddenly in pre-monsoon period and incessantly in monsoon period.

· Birds found to bathe in watery particles/ patches.

· Tender leaves of plants and creepers found to grow with their heads (tips) pointed
towards sky.

· Small children run around merrily shouting.

· The cloud which appears in sun-rise or at sun-set is in the colour of peacock, parrot or
blue hues,

· Or glossy as China rose or lotus,

· Or in the shape of undulating waves, of mountains, of crocodiles, of bear, of fish (in

these shapes)

· Or float layer over layer .

· If cloud appears all around white like chalk or like the colour of the moon and in the
centre black like collyrium or glossy,

· Or appears in various shapes and presenting a shape of flight of stairs.

· If at the time of sun-rise and sun-set, there are seen rainbow, clouds in rod like shapes
and a mock sun.

· If at the time of sun-rise and sun-set, the colour of the sky is that of the wings of the
partridge and birds play around and make sound.
· If at the time of sun-rise and sun-set, white straight rays of the sun shoot out as if they
formed so many out-stretched arms from behind the hills suitable for observation in western
ghats or where there are hills.

· If at the time of sun-rise and sun-set, clouds near the horizon roar.

· Hills or mountains at a distance appearing to have a blue colouring.

· During the day, lightening appears in the north esat.

· Lightening appearing in the day time, red and straight like a rod.

· Appearance of a mock moon.

· Moon's disc having a circular red line.

· Moon's colour appearing to be that of honey or the eyes of parrot.

· In the rainy season, the rising sun appears dazzling or of the colour of molten gold or
glossy or bright as cat's eye (gem),

· Or if the mid-day sun is felt exceedingly hot, there will be immediate rains.

· In the rainy season, if water is without flavour, sky in the colour of cow's eye, or clear
without clouds, or if salt turns into water, or the atmosphere is still and there is no blow of
wind, there will be immediate rains.

Part 4

Venus- Mercury transits

Starting from the solar month of Aries (Chiththrai), the planetary transits must be noted.
Certain combinations of planets in certain locations of the zodiac can be seen to coincide with
excessive or lack of rainfall. The combinations for excessive rainfall are known as Ativrishti
yogas (अतिवष्ृ टि) and those that support lack of rainfall are known as AnAvrishti yogas
(अनावष्ृ टि). If AnAvrishti yogas prevail, there will be drought.

It is the planet that causes the rainfall or not is for the scientific researchers to find out, but a
correlation between rainfall and certain planetary combinations do exist and have been
noticed by our sages who have given it to us as knowledge. These combinations must be read
along with the meteorological conditions written in Part-1 of this series. If on the 196th day
after the favourable meteorological condition noticed (6 and a half months ago), planets are
seen in Ativrishti combinations, then there will certainly be rains. As the meteorological
conditions are different from place to place, the planetary yogas, though present in the sky,
may not cause good rains if the supportive meteorological conditions were not noticed on the
corresponding day earlier. That is why emphasis is laid on continuous observation from the
month of Sagittarius onwards.


Among the planets Venus has the foremost importance in causing plenty of rainfall. In
Sangam Tamil texts it has been told in many poems that if Venus is seen moving in the
South, there will be drought in the land. This is common wisdom that came up through
watching the sky for ages. What is told here is the movement of Venus in southern
declination. Declination is the region of the sky 24 degrees North and 24 degrees south of the
equator of the earth as seen in the sky. The planets move up and down within this region. .
Generally any planet would give favourable results if it moves in Northern declination.

Particularly with Venus, if it is seen transiting in the northern side of the path of the earth, it
will give good rains. It should NOT be moving in the south of the orbit during the rainy
season. Our ancestors had the knowledge of the earth's path by looking at the zodiac in the
sky and were able to say which is north or south of it. Today we depend on Declination maps
that are posted in the internet! A rain-prediction enthusiast must keep track of the declination
maps to see the location of Venus.

Declination map of planets for the month of April 2013 is shown below. Venus is moving in
the Northern declination and its direction is towards North in the coming months. This is a
prime factor to be present for Venus to be effective in giving rains. Venus can be identified
by this symbol in the map.
Combustion (Asthang / Asthamana)

The next feature to look for in Venus is whether it is combust or not. Combustion means too
close to the Sun in such a way that the planet cannot be seen. The combustion duration differs
from planet to planet. The degrees of combustion as per astrology are given below.

Mars = 17 degrees

Mercury = 14 degrees

Jupiter = 11 degrees

Venus = 10 degrees

Saturn = 15 degrees.

(How to use = For example Mars becomes combust at 17 degrees means, combustion period
starts when Mars is in 17 degrees before the Sun and ends when Mars is in 17 degrees after
the Sun. For Venus it is 10 degrees)

Any planet when it enters into combustion (known from the degree it occupies) usually
causes rainfall at that time. Similarly the day of re-emergence from combustion comes along
with rainfall. In the case of Venus, there are specific rules pertaining to the star in which
Venus re-emerges from combustion. In this scheme, the sky is divided into 6 Mandalas of
stars. They are as follows:

1st Mandala = Bharani, Krittikai, Rohini, Mrigashirsham (4 stars)

2nd Mandala = Arudra, Punarvasu, Poosam, Aslesha (next 4 stars)

3rd Mandala = Magha, Purva phalguni, Uttara Phalguni, Hastham, Chittrai (next 5 stars)

4th Mandala = Swathi, Vishaka, Anusha (next 3 stars)

5th Mandala = Jyeshta, Moola, Purvashada, Uttara shada, Sravana, (next 5 stars)

6th Mandala = Dhanishta or Avittam, Shathabhishak or Sadhayam, Purva bhadrapada, Uttara

Bhadrapada, Revathy, Ashwini (next 6 stars).

If Venus re-emerges after combustion in the 1st and 2nd Mandala, rains will be below average.
If it re-emerges after combustion in the 3rd and 5th Mandala, there will be little rain and
famine conditions will prevail.

If it re-emerges after combustion in the 4th and 6th Mandala, there will be copious rains.

At the time of writing this article, Venus is combust in Aries. It is going to re-emerge from
combustion in Krittika star on May 6th 2013. This happens in the 1st Mandala. This period
coincides with pre-monsoon showers. As per this rule, there will be less rainfall. This means
pre-monsoon showers will be less.

(The rules that I am writing here have not been tested by me personally. I request the
enthusiasts to test them atleast for 5 years and find out which of these work out. I am only
recording here whatever I have come across in the ancient texts.)

The re-emergence in a specific Mandala is given for Venus and not for other planets.
However the starting and ending of Combustion for other planets must be watched for rainfall
occurrence to check how far it works.

Budha – Shukra Saameephya (nearness of Mercury and Venus)

· Venus and Mercury will always be moving before and after the Sun. When all the three
– Sun, Mercury and Venus occupy the same sign (zodiacal sign), there will be rainfall. If they
happen to be in the same Navamsa, there will be heavy rainfall. If the sign and Navamsa
happen to be watery signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces), then the rains will be very heavy. One
has to judge accordingly.

· If Venus and Mercury occupy the same sign and the same Navamsa and in combustion,
and Venus happens to be behind Mars, there will be plentiful rains.

· If the Sun is an earthy sign (Taurus and Virgo are applicable for rainfall) and Moon,
Mercury and Venus occupy watery signs and watery navamsas, and if at that time rainbow is
seen in the western sky, there will be plentiful rains.
(A note on rainbow:- In the rainy season beginning from the breaking of Monsoon season, if
the rainbow is seen on any day in the West, it would rain. Rainbow must not be seen in the
east in this season. If seen, it means less rains.)

The closer are Mercury and Venus to each other, it indicates good rainfall. A maximum gap
of 30 degrees between them ensures copious rainfall. In their march around the zodiac, it is
better to have Venus moving in front of Mercury. If Mercury moves in front of Venus, rain
clouds would gather but would dissipate by wind currents. Fortunately throughout the rainy
season this year, Venus is moving ahead of Mercury. This is unlike last rainy season when
mercury often overtook Venus even though they were close to each other. Throughout the
current year (2013) Venus is moving in front of mercury. Only in the first week of January
2014, Mercury overtakes Venus.

Anywhere between 8 degrees to 30 degrees gap between Mercury and Venus is considered as
Budha- Shukra Sameepyam. This closeness is known as Bahu varsha period in astrology.
The closeness of these 2 planets is considered as a crucial factor in determining the rainfall
season. Compared to last year, this year's Budha- Shukra Sameepyam is long in the rainy
season thereby making the upcoming season a satisfactory one.

The following are the duration of this Sameepyam in 2013.

Between May 12 and July 11 (coincides with arrival of monsoon)

Between Aug 24 and sep 30 (this covers the main period of rainy season)

Between Dec 30 and Jan 11 (This coincides with snowfall / winter)

Between Feb 16 to end of Vijaya year (Coincides with winter)

Inference from the above is that

· though the pre-monsoon showers may be less and missing, the arrival of monsoon can
be expected on time as Budha- Shukra closeness happens without any hindrance.
· After a brief lull in the 2nd half of July and 1st half of August, the Monsoon revives.
One must combine the GarbOtta assessment and daily observation done in Margashira month
and till Phalguni to get accurate predictions.

· The figures show failure of South east Monsoon as the closeness of these planets is not
there in the 3 months of October, November and December. We will check other factors in
the next article to see if this is remedied.

· As far as Mercury-Venus closeness factor is concerned, the winter and snowfall

(wherever applicable) is severe. This will result is misty conditions in the GarbOtta period
next season and in the 4 month period after that. This will have a favourable effect on rainy
season in the year that follows.

In the immediate context, Mercury and Venus are coming closer starting from May 12th and
will be joined with Jupiter in the last week of May. Mercury – Venus – Jupiter conjunction
ensures good rainfall, according to Prasna Marga. This period coincides with the arrival of
Monsoon in Lakshadweep and Kerala. Thereafter, Mercury and Venus move one after
another without any hindrance from other planets, until September.

Part 5

Planetary combinations

In this part, we will know the planetary combinations that signify rainfall or lack of it. The
planetary combinations are common for all places. For a place to experience rainfall, the
meteorological factors as explained in Part-1 of this series must have been present 195 days
before the day of rainfall. These conditions and planetary combinations must be read together
to assess the arrival of rainfall in a particular place.

In the system of observation of planets, Mercury and Venus occupy prime place. We
discussed about it in the last part of this series. Of these two, if Mercury is in front of Venus,
there will be winds and the rain clouds would be scattered and dissipated. If Venus is in the
front it signifies plentiful rainfall.
Good news for the current year is Venus is leading in the front till the year end. However at
the time of expected arrival of the Monsoon in the last week of May, Mercury will be too
close to Venus and even leading in the front of Venus. But by 20th of June, Venus overtakes
it. It must be seen how the period between 28th of May and 20th of June works out for rainfall.
If serious research and recording of the rainfall with reference to the movement of planets is
done, at least for 9 years at a stretch, we will be able to develop reliable models for rainfall

Nine types of Clouds.

There is a cyclical 9-year period in rainfall prospects. The rainfall pattern is divided into 9
types of clouds for 9 years. This pattern is said to repeat continuously every 9 years. If
someone can have access to rainfall records for 9 years to 45 years in the past and test it with
the planetary movements, it would give a very reliable basis for near accurate prediction of
rainfall. The 9 year clouds are as follows:

1. Tamo megha (தம ோ ம கம்) – brings plentiful rains.

2. Vaayu megha (வோயு ம கம்) –less rains. Famine conditions prevail.

3. VaaruNa megha (வோருண ம கம்) – widespread and very heavy rains.

4. Neela megha (஥ீல ம கம்) – mixed trend. Rains heavily at one place but fails in
another place.

5. KaaLa megha (கோள ம கம்) –Rains accompanied with storms.

6. DroNa megha (தும ோண ம கம்) – Torrential rains causing floods.

7. Pushkala megha (புஷ்கல ம கம்) – Heavy rains.

8. Sangavartha megha (சங்க வர்த்த ம கம்)- Less rains – more winds.

9. Avarttha megha (ஆவர்த்த ம கம்)- scanty rainfall enough to wet the ground.

The type of cloud for a given year can be seen mentioned in the Almanac. Last year it was
Avarttha Megha which signifies scanty rainfall. (The year reckoning starts from Chiththrai /
Aries). This year (2013 Chitthrai onwards), it is Tamo Megha. This is supposed to bring
plentiful rainfall. One important feature of this Tamo Megha is that it is supposed to originate
in South east! This direction indicates Bay Depressions which benefit Tamilnadu!

During this time (of South east originating cyclonic storms) , that is, in the 3 month period of
October, November and December, Mercury- Venus proximity is not there. However there
are no interfering planets between them from October 10th onwards. This must be beneficial
for Tamo Megha coming from South east.

Even in the period of proximity of Mercury and Venus, Saturn comes in between in the 2nd
half of September. From September 18th to October 10th, the proximity of Venus and Mercury
is marred by Saturn in between. This period also must be watched on how it affects rainfall.

The above mentioned 9 types of clouds must be analysed for a minimum of one round (of 9
years) or a reasonable time scale of 5 rounds of 45 years along with planetary combinations
to arrive at a reliable model for rainfall prediction.

Let us now see the planetary combinations for Ativrishti and AnAvrishti.

Ativrishti (अतिवष्ृ टि)Yogas (plentiful rainfall)

· At the time of Solar ingress into Gemini, if Venus is in the 2nd (in front of the sun) or
12th (behind the sun) in such a combination when Moon transits watery navamsa (cancer,
Scorpio and Pisces), there will be copious rains on those days.

· Sun, Moon, Mars, Saturn and Rahu are in watery signs and Venus and Mercury
conjoin in a fixed sign (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius).

· When Sun, Mercury and Venus occupy the same sign and same Navamsa, there will be
heavy rains. If this sign or Navamsa happen to be watery, there will be very heavy rains.

· Mercury and Venus close to each other.

· Mercury and Venus in the same sign and same Navamsa and in combustion.

· In the above formation if Venus is behind Mars.

· Sun in earthy sign (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) and Moon, Mercury and Venus in
watery signs or Watery Navamsa and at that time a rainbow appears in the western sky.

· When Moon occupies watery sign or watery Navamsa and Mars and Saturn are in
earthy signs or earthy Navamsa, and at that time a rainbow is seen in the east.

· Mercury and Venus close to each other in the western sky (evening) or to the west of
Sun or in a fixed sign (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio) or in watery signs (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces)

· Setting of Mercury and rising of Venus.

· Mercury under retrogression and Venus coming to direct motion after retrogression.

· With this closeness, sun also joins them before or after in the same sign and in the
same navamsa.

· If the navamsa in the above combination (or for Mercury and Venus alone) falls in
watery signs (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces).

· In the above combination (Mercury and Venus close to each other with sun in the
front or behind) these two planets (or one) are in combustion. When Mercury is within 14
degrees on either side of the Sun, it is said to be combust. It is 10 degrees for combustion of

· In the above combination (of the three) Venus in front of Sun. That is, in the order
from east to west - Mercury, Venus and Sun.
· Mercury -Jupiter closeness or Venus – Jupiter closeness with no planets in between.

· In the rainy season, Mars coming in between Sun and Venus in Leo, Virgo and Libra.

· Mars in Leo with Venus behind it.

· Mars behind the sun.

· All planets behind the sun.

· All planets in front of the sun (note that sun coming in between planets spoil cloud
(rainfall) formation. When the above two happen in rainy season, heavy floods occur, when
they happen in winter, heavy snowfall occurs.)

· Sun, Mars and Saturn must be transiting alternate signs. When moon is transiting at
150 or 180 or 270 degrees from them there will be heavy rains for 2 days before and after
those degrees.

· Every new moon and Full moon must be observed. If it rains on a new moon day and
the next day, there will be no rains in the dark half.

· If it rains when the moon is within 8 to 15 degrees from the sun after conjunction
(New Moon) or opposition (Full moon), then it will rain for a month till moon reaches the
same position again. (In other words if it rains starting form the last 15 ghatis of Pratipat /
Pradhamai / first thithi until the first 15 ghatis of Dwitheeya / 2nd thithi, there will be rains for
the 2 pakshas or the full lunar month.) If there is scarce rain within these degrees, same
weather condition will be experienced for a month. If it does not rain during this period, there
is no rain for the rest of the month.

· On any day of the rainy season, if the sun rises with a halo around it and the midday
experiences intense heat, there will be rains later on that day.
Anavrishti (अनावष्ृ टि ) yogas:- (Combinations that show lack of rainfall)

· Mutual opposition of planets (180 degrees apart) spoils rains. In other words when the
planets are exactly at equal distance from each other, they result in reduced rainfall.

· Mutual opposition of Mars and Jupiter.

· Mutual opposition of Venus and Jupiter.

· Mutual opposition of Sun and Jupiter.

· Mutual opposition of sun and any other planet.

· Presence of Mars in Leo during the rainy season reduces rain-cloud formation.

· Mars in front of any planet including the Sun scorches the earth (in astrological
terminology we call it as Mars winning a planetary war.)

· Since Mercury and Venus are the sensitive planets helping in rainfall, outer planets
namely Jupiter or Mars or Saturn moving in front of them in rainy season causes famine like

· When Jupiter moves in front of Venus, famine-like conditions prevail.

· When Saturn is in front of Venus, there will be less rainfall.

· When Mars is in front of Venus, hot conditions will prevail.

· When Mercury is in front of Venus, windy conditions will prevail.

· Transit of Mars in Rohini, Arudra, Aslesha, Magha, Swati, Uttara phalguni,

Uttrashada, Uttara bhadrapada and Jyeshta

The Anavrishti yogas show that there is no mutual opposition between planets during the
rainy season this year. This is good for plentiful rainfall. However the combination of Saturn
and Rahu in Libra pose a hindrance to the march of Venus in September – October.

Apart from these there are other combinations of planetary transit in specific stars that help or
mar rainfall. We will discuss them in the next part.

Foot Note:-

Jaya varusha (2014 -15) has Vaayu megha. As per this, clouds move from South west
direction. This is on the other side of previous year's Tamo megha. Most of it will be in the
form of storms and would pour more rains on oceans than on land. That is why famine
conditions are predicted on land for this megha. By the name of it, it would be windy on land
or the winds would shatter rain clouds.

The impact of sun on wind currents has a cyclical recurrence. The following article shows
initial trends of research on that line. The general perception is that it is about 11 year cycle
based on sun spot activity. But the Megha concept is 9 year concept. The 60 year cycle of sun
presupposes a 60 year cycle of sun's impact on earth and climate.

From this link:-

"An interesting new theory among solar researchers and meteorologists is that the Sun can
control climate variations via the very large variations in UV radiation, which are partly seen
in connection with changes in sunspot activity during the Sun's eleven-year cycle. UV
radiation heats the stratosphere in particular via increased production of ozone, which can
have an impact on wind systems and thereby indirectly on the global ocean currents as well,"
says Associate Professor Knudsen. However, he emphasises that researchers have not yet
completely understood how a development in the stratosphere can affect the ocean currents
on Earth."

Part 6

Stars and planets

In the scheme of ancient wisdom of rainfall astrology, stars also play a role. The zodiac is
divided into 27 stars each with equal length of 13 degrees and 20 minutes. Each of this
distance is supposed to signify certain attributes. For example the star Krittika is supposed to
be a fiery star and is denoted by Agni as its Lord. In observational astronomy, the time Sun
passes through this star is indeed a fiery or the hottest time for India. Similarly the star Swati
is signified as a Windy star. In reality the days that Moon transits this star are found to be
windy. Like stars, the 12 signs also signify specific attributes. That is how the fiery signs,
watery signs etc have been assigned in astrology.

Star –planet combination

Our ancient seers have observed stars and planets and each aspect of Nature around us and
have framed them as simple rules to refer for prediction. In this way they have formed “Sapta
Nadi chakra” by grouping the stars into seven parts. The transit of planets in each of this
causes different effects on rainfall. This chakra must be one of the oldest rules of astrology
because this takes into account 28 stars and not the currently held 27 stars. The extra star
“Abhijit” is noted for a distance of 4 degrees 14 minutes, between 276 -40 degrees and 280-
54 degrees in the sign of Capricorn.

The planet – star combination makes or mars rainfall.

This chakra can be easily interpreted in the following way.

1 Vayu Nadi Kri, Vishaka, Saturn Windy,

Bharani No rains
2 Vayu Nadi Ro, Swati, Sun Windy,
Jyesh, Aswini

3 Dahana Nadi Mri, Chith, Mars Heat,

Revathy Dry weather

4 Sowmya Aru, Hastha, Mercury Windy,

Nadi P-dhada, U-
Bhadra Less rains

5 Nirjala Nadi Punar, Venus Cloudy,

U.Phal, U-
shada, P- But no rains

6 Jala Nadi Pushya, Jupiter Plentiful

Abhijit, rainfall

7 Amirtha Nadi Aslesha, Moon Excessive

Sravana, rainfall

Starting from Krittika, the stars are arranged in a systematic way. The transit of certain
planets in these stars signifies rainfall or other conditions. They have been noted in the far
right column. When Moon transits the Amritha Nadi stars, there will be good rains. If Moon
is joined with Jupiter and Venus in Amritha Nadi and Jala nadi, the rains will be plentiful. If
Sun and Mars join the stars of Dahana Nadi, there will be excessive heat and no rainfall. In
this way, the prediction must be done.

Stars and Moon

The transit of Moon across specific stars is noted for advanced prediction of rainfall in the
rainy season. Most important stars are Rohini and Swati. Rohini is noted in the lunar month
of Ashada and Swati is noted in the lunar months of Jyeshta and Ashada. (The lunar month
begins from the 1st day after New Moon / Amavasya and ends on the next New Moon.).
These observations starting from Jyeshta month help in deducing whether it will rain or not in
the upcoming days.

Rohini Yoga.

The transit of Moon across Rohini in the dark half of the lunar month of Jyeshta (June – July)
is considered to be the single day observation that can decide the nature of the next 4 months
of the rainy season. I don’t know how the meteorological scientists view this, but the single
day observation for 24 hours when Moon crosses Rohini has been given prime importance by
the sages. The features of this observation was first given by Narada to Brihaspathi from
whom it was transferred to Garga, Parasara, Kasyapa, Maya and others. It is worthy to check
the nature of this day scientifically.

The original features include three-day worship by way of Vedic Homa in the North east of
the town. I will write here only observational issues for rainfall enthusiasts. In the lunar
month of Ashada, Rohni rises before sunrise in the east. At that time the waning Moon also
rises. The observation starts form sunrise on that day until next sunrise. This duration is
divided into 8 parts of 3 hours each. Starting from sunrise, each of this part corresponds to
each fortnight starting from the lunar month of Shravana to Kaarthika month. In those days a
cloth was tied on top of a pole to watch the wind direction. Today this can be done by modern
instruments. So let me not explain about the fluttering of the cloth explained in Rohini Yoga.

Following are the features, if present on the Rohini day would signify plentiful rainfall in
each fortnight in accordance with which part of the 3 hour duration, it is noticed.

· The foremost observation is the wind. It must be a mild and gentle breeze and not
windy. The part of day (3 hour duration) when the wind is breezy, it signifies good rainfall
for the corresponding fortnight starting from lunar month of Sravana.

· A clear sky without clouds and the sun exceedingly hot.

· A clear sky at night with stars twinkling brightly.

· If clouds are present they must appear huge and white as snow. Their edges must
reflect sun light.

· Or serpent like clouds, clouds that appear to be twisted together.

· Or clouds in the shape of huge elephants with huge paraphernalia on its sides.

· The clouds must not be small in size or dispersed by wind.

· Clouds of various hues can appear.

· Or clouds appear in the colour of blue lotus or in the colour of Vishnu dressed in cloth
of gold, immediately before sunrise or after sun set.

· If black clouds are seen, rainbows also may appear, but the wind must be gentle.

One or many of these features must be present on the day Moon crosses Rohini. It will be all
the more good for a bountiful rainy season if these features are seen for the next 3 days after
Moon has crossed Rohini. On the next morning of Rohini day, Moon must rise ahead of
Rohini and in the northern side of Rohini, then the rainy season will be bountiful.

There are a few more observations to be done on Rohini day as follows:

· If first clouds appear from the east or west and not in other directions, the rainy season
will be very good.

· If first clouds appear from North, North east and North West, it is not a very good sign,
but there will be some rain in the rainy season.

· If the first clouds appear from other directions, less rains are predicted.
· It is better to have cloudless and hot day for the whole of Rohini day.

· If on that day, meteor showers, lightening, thunderbolts and unusual appearances

occur, they signify failure of the rainy season.

This year (2013) the Rohini day comes on July 5th. Moon starts transiting Rohini from the
early morning hours of Friday much before sunrise. But the observation is done from sun
rise. By next morning the Moon had crossed Rohini in advance and will rise before Rohini.
This is one of the features for good rainy season. The windiness and clouds must be watched
on this way.

Swati Yoga.

This observation must be done in the lunar months of Jyeshta and Ashada. The 4 stars
starting from Swati must be watched during these months. Usually when Moon crosses
Swati, Vishaka, Anusha and Jyeshta, there will be dry winds and dust storms. Even in
GarbOtta observation (Part 1 of this series), the days of these 4 stars must be windy. If it rains
on these days, the rainy season will be a failure.

In the case of these two months, the Swati days must be windy in the lunar month of Jyeshta
and rainy in the lunar month of Ashada. This kind of opposite combination must occur for a
bountiful rainy season. Only in the month of Ashada, it must rain in these 4 days. Otherwise
there will be scanty rainfall throughout the season.

The legend on Swati pearls have come from the peculiar nature of these days. The drizzle
swept by dusty winds is the special feature of Swati days in the lunar month of Ashada. The
droplets captured by oysters on these days are supposed to become the best pearls.

This year the Swati days of Jyeshta start from the afternoon of 19th June and end on pre-
sunrise time of 23rd June. These days must be dry and windy for good rainy season.
The Swati days of Ashada start before mid night of 16th July and ends on the afternoon of 20th
July. There must be rains or drizzles in all or one of these days.

Ashadhi yoga

This is about the transit of Moon in Ashada stars in the lunar month of Ashada. The
observation is done on the Full Moon day when moon transits Uttrashada.

· If on that day of Asahdhi Yoga (Full Moon), the wind blows form Northeast or North
west or East after sunset, that is an indication that the rainy season is on and bountiful. (22nd
July this year)

· If it rains on the 4th day (Chathurthi) after Full moon in the lunar month of Ashada,
then it is an indication that the rainy season will be prosperous. (26th July this year)

These three yogas, namely Rohini Yoga, Swati Yoga and Ashadhi yoga seem to form the last
leg of meteorological observation to make sure whether it will rain well in the ensuing rainy
season. There are many other features of these three yogas in Brihad Samhita on how to
assess beforehand the amount of rainfall, the extent of rainfall and the number of days of
rainfall at a stretch. They can be analysed with meteorological data of the past years and
refined for future use. Due to their voluminous nature, I am not producing them here. Anyone
wishing to research them can refer to Brihad samhita written by Varahamihira.

An important feature of this book by Varahamihira is that he says that this knowledge was
given by sages of the past. This shows that this knowledge was there in his times – about
1500 years before present. If they have been given by sages of the much earlier period, then it
shows the antiquity of this branch of knowledge. Only if they had observed the surroundings
for thousands of years, they could have given minute observations for every day application
as explained in all these articles.

Not only these, there are miscellaneous observations and month wise observations which
even a common man was aware of in olden days. We will finish this series by writing them in
the next part.
Part 7

In this section we will see some trivia which meteorological scientists would not have
thought of. For instance, it is common to see in Hindu calendars the mention of terms such as
“ThEdhi mazhai” or “due date for rains” and observation of the tips of the crescent moon.
They are a result of years of observation of certain solar dates and the moon when it had

Taking up the “due dates for rains”, it is based on the premise that certain dates and stars in
the Solar month do indicate rainfall. In the Almanacs one would have noticed the mention of
it saying that if it rains on that day, it would rain well in the year. Meteorological analysis of
olden records might throw better light on why these dates have been identified so. These
dates are with reference to the Solar months. Below is given the solar months and the days. If
it rains on these days, it means rainfall is normal or above normal throughout the rainy

Gemini / Aani (in Tamil) = 10th day.

Cancer / Aadi = 8th day

Leo / AavaNi = 6th day

Virgo / Purattaasi = 4th day

Libra / Aippasi = 2nd say

Scorpio / Kaarthigai = 1st day

Sagittarius / Maargazhi = 1st day.

The above months cover both South west and North east monsoons. Old meteorological
records must be checked to see how many of these, when present had resulted in good rain
fall in the season or at least in the same month. It must also be checked if it pertains to a
particular location where it rains on the due date.

Importance of solar month of ShravaNa or AavaNi

Of the above months, the solar month of Leo / AavaNi has a special significance. On the 6th
day of that month there must be some rains as per the above information. Even if it does not
rain, thunderbolts must be heard on that day. If so, it would rain well in the rainy season. The
thunderbolt of Leo 6th is known as “AavaNi muzhakkam” or the “Roar of AavaNi / Leo /
ShravaNa”. The thunderbolts must be heard loudly. I think this also pertains to individual

There is another observation in the solar month of Leo (AavaNi / ShravaNa). On the day of
Moon transiting the star Moola in that month, the rising sun must be covered by clouds in
such a way that there must dull light or darkness all around. If it appears so at the time of sun
rise on that day, then also it means that the rainy season will be bountiful.

Importance of solar month of Ashada or aadi

Following observations are done in the solar month of Ashada or Aadi or Cancer. Only the
solar month must be taken into account even if lunar month of Shravana had started.

The 5th day (Panchami thithi) after the New moon must be observed on this solar month. This
thithi coming on certain week days signify good rainfall in the rainy season. In Tamil this
observation is known as “Aadi-k-kuRi” or “the indicator of Aadi”.

They are as follows: (Thithi + week day)

(This ) Panchami + Sunday = Below average rainy season.

Panchami + Monday = Above average rainfall causing floods.

Panchami + Tuesday = Below average rainfall. Heat and dryness.

Panchami +Wednesday = windiness and less rainfall

Panchami + Thursday = Enough rainfall that supports agriculture.

Panchami + Friday = Excess rainfall.

Panchami + Saturday = Draught.

If one checks these days, it will be seen that it tallies with week day-based observation of
Solar ingress into Aries.

There is yet another observation in the solar month of Ashada / Aadi based on thithi – star
conjunction. It is known as “Aadi –thithi- kuRi” or “indicator of thithi in Aadi”.

This is a kind of fine tuning of the Ashadhi Yoga explained in the previous part.
The waxing period (after New Moon) is under consideration here. The 9th, 10th and 11th days
of this period namely Navami, Dasami and Ekadashi must be observed for conjunction with
specific stars. The stars are those starting from Swati upto Anusha. Moon’s transit on each of
these stars accompanied with specific meteorological conditions show whether the ensuing
rainy season will be bountiful throughout or in parts.

Navami + Swati = cloudiness, rains, windiness with drizzle, thunderbolts and lightening

This indicates good rains in the early part of the rainy season.

Dasami + Vishaka = Same as above. This indicates good rains in the middle part of the rainy

Ekadashi + Anusha = Same as above. This indicates good rains in the latter part if the rainy

In the waning fortnight of this solar month if Dasami or Ekadashi coincides with Rohini, it
causes good rains throughout the 4 months of the rainy season. This was explained as Rohini
yoga in the previous article.

Some specific combinations – Month-wise.

The following are a kind of checklist for rainfall as the season progresses.

· In the solar month of Vaishaka / Vaigasi / Taurus, if it rains on the 14th day
(Chathurdashi ) of the dark phase of the moon, it will rain well throughout the season. If not,
there will be scanty rainfall. This year this day comes on June 6-7.

· In the Solar month Ashada / Aadi / Cancer, if any two of the following happen to come
on a Sunday, there will be plentiful rains in the year. They are Swati, Uttrashada, Navami,
Chathurdashi, Paurnami (Full Moon). If any one of these comes on a Sunday in the Solar
month of Cancer, it would rain well in the rainy season. This year on 21st July Chathurdashi
starts at 3-30 am on the night of Sunday. We must see how much this bears fruit.

· In the Solar month of Ashada / Aadi / Cancer when there is combination of Swati –
Navami, Uttarashada – Full Moon and Chathurdashi – Sunday, if the following
meteorological symptoms are seen, the ensuing rainy season will be bountiful. They are
rainbow, thunder, cloudiness or rains.
· On the first day of any Solar month, if the moon is NOT transiting at that time Arudra

Punarvasu or Hastha or Chithra or Purvashada or Uttrashada or Uttara bhadrapada, there will

be rain in that month. If Moon is in any one of these stars on the day of Solar ingress into a
sign (1st day of solar month) there won’t be rains in that month.

Indications from Clouds + stars.

Reddish tinted clouds seen on the days of particular stars (the star of the day is ascertained
from the transit of Moon in a star) are indicators of ensuing rainfall.

They are as follows:

If red tinted clouds are seen on the days of

Moola, BharaNi, Purvabhadrapada and Purvashada = it will rain after 8 days.

Aswini in the afternoon time = it will rain after 5 days.

Uttrashada in the afternoon time = it will rain after 11 days.

Uttrabhadar pada in the afternoon time = it will rain after 7 days.

Jyeshta in the afternoon time = it will rain after 10 days.

Anusha in the afternoon time = it will rain after 3 days.

The above are about reddish tint in the clouds.

The clouds as white as snow must be seen on the day of Arudra = it will rain after 7 days.

Indications from the appearance of Moon.

(1) Crescent Moon.

The 3rd day of waxing Moon holds the clue to the normal nature of the monsoon. This phase
of the moon is popularly known as “MoonRaam piRai” – the 3rd phase of the crescent moon.
People consider it to be rare to see this as it will be low in the sky and hidden by clouds in the
monsoon season. But this phase of the crescent must be somehow sighted to make sure that
the tips of the crescent are in the expected positions that guarantee good monsoon and
reasonable price level ( as a result of good monsoon). This also means that the path of moon
and earth has to be in ideal places which ensures ideal meteorological activities for a good

The two tips of the crescent are in north and south directions.

The northern tip must be higher than the southern tip for the eight months starting from the
solar month of Vaishaka / Vaigasi / Taurus until the solar month of Margashira / Margazhi /

The two tips must have to be even in the next two months of Capricorn / Thai and Aquarius /

The Southern tip must be higher than the northern tip in the next months of Pisces / Panguni
and Aries / Chiththirai.

If the tips look different from the way stipulated above, there will be terrible famine in the

(2) Halo around Moon

In the Monsoon season, sun or the moon will be often seen surrounded by a halo called in
astrology as “Parivesha”.

In Ashadi Yoga, this observation is done. On the day of Full Moon in Ashada month (Aadi in
Tamil), it is good to see a halo around the moon. The observation must start right from the
time Full moon is sighted in the evening and continues till dawn. The duration is divided into
3 parts of 4 hours each.

· If the halo is seen around the moon in the first 4 hours after Moon-rise, it means it will
rain well in the lunar month of Aswayuja (October- November).

· If the halo is seen around the moon in the 2nd 4 hours after Moon-rise, it means it will
rain well in the lunar month of Kaarthika (November - December).

· If the halo is seen around the moon in the 3rd and the last 4 hours after Moon-rise, it
means it will rain well in the lunar month of Margashira (December- January).

If halos are seen around planets such as Jupiter and Venus, that also indicates good rainfall.

But halos must not be seen around Mars and Saturn.

(3) Halo around Sun and the Moon for immediate rainfall

· Generally when the colour of the halo is white, milky white, silverish, or glossy in
complete circle around the sun or the moon, that ensures good rains to come.

· If the halo is tinged with peacock blue, that ensures immediate rains.

· If the halo is found closer to Sun / Moon, it foretells rains in places away from where
the on-looker sees it.

· If the halo is found as a circle away from the disc of sun or Moon , it shows rains may
arrive at any time at the place of the on-looker.

· If the halo is thick and bright, the rainfall will be heavy.

· If the halo is broad, the rainfall will be on wider area.


Major tips on rainfall prediction of Vedic seers have been covered so far in the 7 articles of
this series. One can observe that almost all of them are scientific and not dogmatic. They are
derived from observational meteorology and astronomy and cross checked with rainfall in a
particular place. Most of them are not part of today’s science of meteorology, but it would be
beneficial if modern science of meteorology takes them into account – of course after
checking them. After all, today’s science of meteorology is only a few centuries old whereas
this wisdom of seers had been in place for a known period of minimum of 2000 years and
more. In olden days – not long ago – until the traditional system of education was replaced by
today’s education, this was one of the main topics taught and studied in schools of astrology.

This compilation has been done to spread awareness about this indigenous knowledge of
rainfall prediction methods and encourage common man to take them up and judge the
rainfall season in HIS own place. Though Monsoon arrival may be predicted by modern
meteorological tools, how much and how long it will rain in a given place cannot be
predicted accurately by the modern science. But this ancient wisdom helps even a common
man to assess the rainfall behaviour in his own place for the whole season. The methods
written in this series can be checked for a reasonable period of 5 to 9 years to derive more
reliable methods for the current times. Those who want to use this work are free to do so, but
with due acknowledgements.

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