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ceviche, one of the most preferred dishes of Peruvians, this dish has been sold in different
countries, it is one of the most famous dishes of Peru, it has a practical way of preparing
and fresh, it is very delicious as well as nutritious and a dish of the day to delight, then we
will mention the ingredients and preparation which is very easy to prepare, this is a dish
that can not be missed in PERU,.

1 kg of fish of the day,1 cup of lemon juice 1 clove of chopped garlic, 1 fresh chopped
pepper, Shredded kion,1 onion1 slices rocoto1 chopped coriander2 ice cubes , Salt, Ajino
moto, lettuce ,sweet potatoes

to prepare the ceviche, we must first have the ingredients ready to proceed to prepare it, it
is important that the persicated is chopped into small squares, also the chopped cellar, the
sliced rocoto. first mix the onion and fish, then squeeze the lemon this will depend on the
amount of fish, place the chopped cilantro, garlic,

chopped chili, salt, ajino moto, a little cumin, kion.after mix the ingredients, and finally add
two cubes of ice. While we prepare the ceviche we will start to boil sweet potatoes. Once
ready, we will serve it with sweet potatoes and a lettuce, it can also be accompanied by a
dish and to decorate the dish a sliced rocoto

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