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The Henley Collage : 62441 Luke Burkey : 978357


So far through the course I have learnt and discovered multiple skills and have been
taught multiple techniques that have really helped me when it has come to making a
production. One of the skills that I have been able to be taught and learn about is
interview techniques and how to set one up in order to make it look professional and
well done. Another skill that has improved my production skills massively is the
editing stage of the production. My editing skills have improved massively and will
help me in my next production in order to make it look professional and engaging.

Project Concept
For my final major project I would like to create a documentary which will hopefully
consist of topics like how experts are extremely worried about students and young
children playing sports like Rugby and Football which contain a lot of physical
contact and can cause long term injuries which have recently been discovered from
footballers and rugby players that are dying of related issues from Alzheimer’s like
liver failure. I think this will be a good topic for a documentary as I will be able have a
debate on the two sides of the topic whether society are being too fragile and worried
about how experts are saying that all children are going to suffer in the future if
schools don’t stop sports like rugby and football. I will also be able to discuss the
idea that this can prevent children and students from being able to make a career out
of sports that contain physical contact. A couple of years ago there were multiple
news articles that talked a lot about schools completely stopping contact sports like
rugby as researchers have discovered the lon term damage on professionals
however a lot of parents were not agreeing with this and I will hopefully including an
interview with a parent a physical education teacher is has strong opinions about the
Throughout the unit I will be receiving feedback from my teachers about my work
and how I can improve in order to get a better grade. Also another way that my work
will be evaluated is through my peers, other students in my class will be able to look
at my work and help me improve. Something else that I will be completing to
evaluate my work is weekly blogs, these will involve myself talking about what I have
done during the week and helping improve my understanding of what I have learnt
during that week and what I need to do outside of lessons to stay on track.

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