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Caribbean Advanced Proficiency

Integrated Mathematics

Name of Student: Bibi Fareada Khan

Candidate Number:
Name of school: St. Rose’s High School
School Code:
Name of Teacher: Ms. Johnson
Date of Submission: 2018, March 26
Table of Content
Content Page No.

Topic page _________________________________________________2

Title Page ___________________________________________________________ 3


Research Methodology ________________________________________________5-6

Organization of Data____________________________________________________7

Presentation of Data__________________________________________________8-15

Analysis of Data____________________________________________________16-19

Interpretation of Data___________________________________________________21

Recommendation and Conclusion_________________________________________22



Topic Page
Topic: SBA Printing

Title Page

Title: To compare and analyze the quality and cost of printing SBA at the Document Centre of
St. Rose's High School and Vidya's Copy Centre.


A document centre, also referred to as a printery offers full-colour and single-colour printing
using a toner based digital equipment, finishing services and stationery to local school districts
and organisations (Henry 2005).
In this Internal Assessment, the printing of SBA at the Document Centre of St. Rose's High
School is being compared to printing of SBA at Vidya's Copy Centre.
It was observed that during the academic year of 2017-2018, the examination candidates are
engaged in either printing their SBA at the Document Centre of St. Rose's High School or
Vidya's Copy Centre.
The objectives of this project are to:
★ To investigate the number of students who print SBA at the Document Centre of St.
Rose’s High School to those who print at Vidya’s Copy Centre

★ To ascertain why they prefer to print at Vidya’s Copy Centre

★ To identify the quality, and cost of the services they are offered when printing at St.
Rose’s Document Centre.

When the data is obtained, it will be in the form of quantitative method, which will then be
analyzed. The quantitative research design method, is an approach for testing objective theories
by examining the relationship among variables. The variables in turn, can be measured typically
on instruments so that numbered data can be analyzed using statistical procedures. (Creswell

Research Methodology

The Research will be conducted by the use of simple random sampling. This type of sampling
selects samples by a method that allow each possible sample to have an equal possibility of being
selected and each item in the entire population to have an equal probability of being selected and
each sample in the entire population to have an equal chance of being included in the sample
(Jackson, 2012).
The researcher will be utilizing the non-experimental research method to gather the information.
Non-experimental research is the label given to a study when a researcher cannot control,
manipulate or alter the predictor variable or subjects, but instead, relies on interpretation,
observations, or interactions to conclude. Typically, this means the non-experimental researcher
must rely on correlations, survey or case studies and cannot demonstrate a true cause-and-effect
relationship. This research method tends to have a high level of external validity, meaning it can
be generalized to a larger population (Kowalczyk, 2003).
The experimental method is an investigation in which a hypothesis is tested. In the experiment
being investigated an independent variable (the cause) is manipulated and the dependent variable
is (the effect) is measured; any extraneous variables are controlled.

However, when this investigation is conducted, some limitations may want to be taken into

★ Student’s intellect may differ, thus the questions may not be answered to the standard in
which the researcher expected for it to be answered.
★ Some of the students may not want to participate in the research, causing the researcher
having to locate other participants.
★ Questionnaires may not be returned on time or they might have damaged, which will
lead to the researcher having to spend a longer time than what was expected to analyze
and tabulate the data to complete the project.

To complete this research, the target population that would be used is the students of the St.
Rose’s High School. These include ninety-four (94) students which are students from Grade
twelve and thirteen. The researcher would then calculate 40% of the target population as the
sample frame to use in the survey. The primary data collection instruments that was used is
known as a questionnaire. A questionnaire consists of a set of carefully designed questions given
in exactly the same form to a group of people in order to collect data about some topic(s) in
which the researcher is interested. (Jupp 2006). The questionnaire was used by the researcher
because :

★ The instrument is confidential to both the respondent and the researcher, due to the
respondent having not to put their name; this allows for more accurate answers.
★ The questionnaires can be completed at the convenience of the respondent.
★ The results of the questionnaires can usually be quickly and easily quantified by the

It will be given to the Grade coordinator on the 26th January, 2018 who will randomly distribute
it to thirty nine students to participate in the survey. The researcher will then retrieve the
questionnaires on the following day.

In order for the researcher to obtain information to complete the project, primary and secondary
data collection instruments were utilized. The secondary data collection instruments that were
used included: textbooks and the internet. These sources were used by the researcher to research
on the topic to gather appropriate information the researcher needed to complete the project.

The researcher after analyzing the data when it is retrieved from the participants, will save it on a
computer as well as transfer the information onto a flash drive as a means of backup in the case
the information is deleted or cannot be accessed easily.

Organization of Data

The raw data which was obtained from the analysis of the questionnaires were tabulated by
utilizing Tally Tables, The raw data table, The Grouped Frequency Table and the Standard
Deviation Table. A standard deviation curve was plotted and accompanied by the tables. In
addition, a line graph, histogram, bar graphs, stem and leaf plot, box and whisker plot and
comparative bar were also serviced.

Presentation Of Data
Table no. 1
Random Data Table

20 19 9 13 10 7
11 8 13 7 7 13
15 4 18 21 10 29
14 25 11 28 15 24
17 22
The table above shows the raw data gathered by the questionnaires.

Figure no. 1
3 9
9 3 8
8 3 5
7 1 4
7 1 2
7 0 1
4 0 1
0 1 2
Stem and leaf histogram showing random Data obtained
Figure no.2

The histogram below shows the data from the stem

and leaf plot



No. of Students
0-9 10-19 20-29

The histogram above shows the random data obtained

Figure no. 3
Box and Whisker Plot
Lower Upper
Quartile Median Quartile
Lowest Data Value Greatest Data Value

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30

Figure no. 3 above shows a box and whisker plot of the data obtained.

Table no. 2
Grouped Frequency Table
Interval Lower Class Upper Class Frequency Midpoint Frequency
Boundary Boundary (f) (x) *
(LCB) (UCB) Midpoint
f (x)
1-5 -0.5 5.5 1 2.5 2.5
6 - 10 5.5 10.5 7 8 49
11 - 15 10.5 15.5 8 13 96
16 - 20 15.5 20.5 4 18 70
21 - 25 20.5 25.5 4 23 90
26 - 30 25.5 30.5 2 28 55
∑ f=26 ∑ f X =362.5

The grouped frequency table above shows the lower class boundary, the upper class boundary,
frequency, midpoint and the product of frequency multiply the midpoint.

Table no. 3
Grouped Standard Deviation Table
Interval Frequency Midpoint f (x) ̅̅̅
(X-𝒙) ̅̅̅²
(X-𝒙) ̅̅̅²
f (X-𝒙)
(f) (x)
1-5 1 2.5 2.5 -12.5 156.25 156.25
6 - 10 7 7 49 -8 64 448
11 - 15 8 12 96 -7 49 392
16 - 20 4 17.5 70 -11 121 484
21 - 25 4 22.5 90 -11 121 484
26 - 30 2 27.5 55 -13 169 338
∑ f =26 ∑ f X =362.5 ∑ f X² =

The table above shows the interval, frequency, midpoint and the standard deviation.

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Figure no. 4

The Standard Deviation Curve











0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35

Figure no. 5

11 | P a g e
Figure no. 6

The histograms below shows the age of the respondents


10 19
No. Of Students


Figure no. 7

12 | P a g e
Figure no. 8

Figure no. 9

13 | P a g e
Figure no. 10

The column chart below shows the number of students who

appreciate the services offered and whether or not they encounter
difficulties when printing their SBAs at the School's Document
Appreciation of services offered Encountering difficulties

Yes No

The comparative column graph above shows a comparison between the students who appreciate
the services offered at the school’s Document Centre and whether or not they encounter
difficulties when printing their SBA.

Figure no. 11

14 | P a g e
Figure no. 12

Comparison graph

No. of students who think the cost of the services

offered at the school's document centre is

No. of students who engage in savings

0 5 10 15 20 25
No. Of students

No Yes

The comparative bar graph above shows a comparison between the students who engage in
saving as they continuously print SBA at the school’s document centre and whether or not they
think the services offered are affordable.

15 | P a g e
Analysis of Data

Sample Population
The sample population that was used include 94 students which were of Grade 12 and 13 of St.
Rose’s High School. 41% of the population was then used to gather the information.
Sample Frame= 41% of the sample population
= 41 * 94
= 39 of the students were in the sample frame at St. Rose’s High School.
Calculating the percentage and degree to create pie chart
Students in Business field

= 11 ∗ 100
39 1 =28.2 %

= 28.2 ∗ 360
100 1 = 101.52°

Students in Humanities field

= 8 ∗ 100
39 1 =20.5 %

= 20.5 ∗ 360
100 1 = 73.8°

Students in Natural Science field

= 13 ∗ 100
39 1 =33.3 %

= 33.3 ∗ 360
100 1 = 119.88°
Students in Environmental Science field

= 7 ∗ 100
39 1 =17.9 %

16 | P a g e
= 17.9 ∗ 360
100 1 = 64.44

Measures of Variability

̅ )
Mean ( 𝑋
The mean is the average of all the numbers and is sometimes called the arithmetic mean.
Formula: =

= 362.5
= 13.942307
= 14

In order to determine the median or middle value, a box and whisker plot was serviced.
Median: 13 + 14

To determine the modal value a stem and leaf plot was constructed in the form of a histogram.
The data displayed was bimodal.
Mode = 7 and 13

17 | P a g e
Measure of Dispersion


The range is the difference between the largest and smallest data points in a sample. That is, the
highest class boundary – the lowest class boundary.
Range = 30.5 – (-0.5)
Range = 31

Interquartile Range
The interquartile range is the difference between the third or upper and first or lower quartiles.
Q3 – Q1
Q1 = 10
Q3 = 20
IQR = 20 – 10
IQR = 10

Semi Interquartile Range

The semi-interquartile range of grouped frequency distribution is half of the difference between
the upper and lower quartiles.
SIQR = ½ (Q3 – Q1)
SIQR = ½ (20 – 10)
SIQR = ½ (10)
SIQR = 5
The variance of grouped frequency distribution is the average of squared differences from the
mean that gives a general idea of the spread of data.

S2 =

S2 = 2302.25

18 | P a g e
S2 = 88.548
S2 = 88.55 (2dp.)

Standard Deviation
Standard deviation is the measure of dispersion that specifically shows how much data is spread
out around the mean or average.
S = 9.40999
S = 9.41 (2d.p.)

19 | P a g e
Measure of Relative Position
A standard score or a z-value indicates how many standard deviations an element is from the
Calculations of Z-values.
𝑛− 𝑥̅
Formula: Z =

2.5 – 14
 Z=

= -1.22

8– 14
 Z=
= -0.6376
= -0.64 (2dp.)

13 – 14
 Z=
= -0.10626
= -0.11 (2dp.)

18 – 14
 Z=
= 0.425
= 0.43 (2dp.)

23 – 14
 Z=
= 0.95
=1.00 (2dp.)

20 | P a g e
28 – 14
 Z=
= 1.48
= 1.50 (2dp.)
Interpretation of data

With the aid of 51 % male and 49% female, the researcher has elicited that students engage in
SBA printing frequently. As depicted by figure 8, 18% of the students engage in SBA printing
every day, while 33% once weekly, 40% twice weekly and 10 % thrice weekly and every other
day (other). It is also noted that 54% of the students’ print their SBAs at the school’s copy centre
while the others print at Vidya’s copy centre as displayed in figure 9.

However, as it relates to the services offered at the School’s Document Centre, 26 % of the
students appreciate the services offered while the others did not. Hence, that is because 36% of
the respondents encounter difficulty when printing their SBA at the school’s Document Centre
while 64% of the respondents does not encounter any difficulties. This is displayed in figure 10.

Additionally, it was found that 28% of the students is in favour of having a new management
while the others are pleased with the management. However, the respondents are pleading to be
offered better prices for the printing of their SBAs since the price ranges was said to be not
affordable by 65% of the students. This was a sole factor in which 56% of the students not
engaging in saving.

Furthermore, Figure 3, the box and whisker plot displayed that the raw data obtained from this
research as being positively skewed since the longer tail carries the higher values, and that the
median is13.5. Figure 2, the stem and leaf plot in the form of a histogram displayed that the raw
data as having a bimodal distribution, with 7 and 13 being the most occurring frequencies. The
mean obtained from the grouped frequency distribution table, allowed for the calculations of the
variance and standard deviation.

21 | P a g e
22 | P a g e
Conclusion and Recommendations
The researcher believes that the school’s document centre print quality work
but the cost of printing is expensive when compared to Vidya’s Copy Centre,
where printing is done at a very low cost but poor quality. However, it was elicited
that the students rather to print at the school’s document centre since it is closer in
their proximity and less or no difficulty is encountered when printing there.
The following measures can be implemented by the school’s document centre
administration to improve the services offered:
★ The document centre should conduct surveys to get responses from the
students, so that they can identify the problems they may have and help to
improve or reduce the problem.
★ Reduce the cost for printing black and white and coloured documents
★ Reduce the cost for stationery.
★ Offer wider range of printing and copying, eg coloured copying of
★ Offer wider range of stationery and school equipment.

23 | P a g e
Bibliography / Reference

 Conducting Surveys Retrieved
February 15 , 2018

 How to Calculate Z Scores

 Retrieved March 17 ,
 Kendall, Joan, New Horizons in Social Studies Book One, 2013.
 Sampling frame
Retrieved February 5 , 2018.
 Statistics
eng.htm Retrieved March 4 , 2018

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Cover Letter

Dear participants,
I am currently, a Grade twelve (12) student of St. Rose’s High School, who is preparing to write
the Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) in the year 2018. As a prerequisite of
this examination, an Internal Assessment component is required for Integrated Mathematics.
I am therefore kindly seeking your participation in answering the questions attached to this letter
which would assist greatly for my topic “To compare and analyze the quality and cost of printing
SBAs at the Document Centre of St. Rose’s High School and Vidya’s Copy Centre”.

Please feel free to place a tick in the box provided next to the appropriate option(s) of your
choice. Kindly note that all information received would be treated as confidential. Thank you for

Yours Sincerely,
Bibi Khan

25 | P a g e
1. Sex :
Male Female

2. Age:
16 17 18 19

3. What is your field of study?

Natural Science
Environmental Science

4. How often do you engage in SBA printing?

Once weekly
Twice weekly
Other _______________________

5. Where do you print your SBA ?

Vidya’s Copy Centre
St. Rose’s Document Centre

6. Do you appreciate the services offered at St. Rose’s Document Centre ?

Yes No
If ‘No’v, kindly give at least one reason for your answer.

7. Have you encounter any difficulties when printing SBAs at St. Rose’s Document Centre
Yes No
If ‘Yes’, kindly give at least one reason for your answer.

8. Do you think there should be a new Document Centre management ?

Yes No
Give reasons for your answer.

26 | P a g e
9. Are you able to engage in savings as you continuously print SBAs at St. Rose’s
Document Centre?
Yes No

10. Do you think the cost of services offered at the School’s Document Centre is affordable
for all students?
Yes No

11. What suggestions can students give to the management of the School’s Document Centre
to improve all the services offered ?


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