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Twenty-one pilots heavydirtysoul music video


The Idea
Song: heavydirtysoul


girl/guy starts using a lock-pick and open an apartment door. The girl walks through the building's
apartment. After he sees a package outside a door begins to open it however the door it is
standing outside opens to see a man/woman saying what are you doing. As the person reaches
for the package the man runs away bursting through the door. The person starts to call the police
and it cuts to him running more into a place that exits into a forest. You can hear police sirens in
the background. As the music gets to a calm part he opens his phone and texts an unknown
number. The text reads” I have the package” he put his phone away to open the package but just
before you see what it is inside he hears police sirens nearby and starts running again. This goes
on for the rest of the length of the music and as it gets closer you see him get near a house. He
lock-picks the house walks up the stairs of the house and opens a door to reveal that it’s a child's
room. He opens the package and there is a teddy bear in the box. He takes it out and puts it on
the bed. As he walks out of the room/ house there are car lights pointing at the door and the
song/music video ends.

Ideas for band scenes

Blacked out faces

Dolly shot

Slo-mo of drums

Kick's camera up and it transitions into the man jumping over the camera
Project schedule
Date-week Plan of action evaluation
WK 1 Proposal / client Week 1 weekly blog
Tuesday 19th – 22nd Set up website and discus ideas and create a
full understanding of what I’m going to do and
what I’m aiming to do
WK 2 Research Week 2 weekly blog
Monday 25th – 29th
Research into the chosen topic and its genre
conventions and showing a full understanding
of music videos and the similarities

Analysis of 2 examples
WK 3 Research pre-production Week 3 weekly blog
Monday 1st – 5th
Research into

• Audience
• Platform
• Actions
• Infographic + evaluation written up

WK 4 Pre-production Research evaluation

Easter Holiday

Make sure that research is written up to a

detailed standard
WK 4 Pre-production / film Test shoots/ weekly blog
Easter Holiday

WK 6 Pre-production / film Test shoots/ weekly blog
Tuesday 23rd – 26th
Planning to work on pre production if its
completed I can begin to film
WK 7 Filming Planning evaluation
Monday 29th April –
3rd May
Filming curtail scenes as well as other needed
WK 8 Filming/ editing Week 8 weekly blog
Monday 6th – 10th
Editing shots and finding if there are reshoots
WK 9 Edit / re-shoot Week 9 weekly blog
Tuesday 13th – 17th
Re-shooting scenes that need to be re-shot
WK 10 Production evaluation Week 10 weekly blog
Monday 20th – 24th

Evaluation of the finalised film using examples

and screen shots
Pitch and presentation interim deadline Feedback evaluation
WK 11 Marking week
Half Term

Teachers mark work

WK 13 Final deadline
Monday 10th – 14th
Everything to be handed in. (no turning back)
((point of no return))

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