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ABM Strand of K-12 as a Tool in Pursuing Accountancy Program IA1404/Group 3


Morayta, Manila

Dear Respondent,

We, 4th year internal auditing students of this university, are conducting a research about
the newly implemented ABM strand of K-12 in senior high. In order to effectively determine the
possible effects of ABM strand to the implementation of the 2018 Accountancy Program, this
survey is distributed to gather information regarding the research entitled “Accountancy,
Business, and, Management (ABM) Strand of K-12 as a Tool in Pursuing Accountancy
Program.” Your response is significant and with this, we would like to seek your assistance to
accomplish this questionnaire. Rest assured that all the data you will provide will be handled
with utmost confidentiality and will be used for academic purpose only. Thank you for your


DIRECTION. Please read carefully the items below and (√) the space that corresponds
to your answer.

Part I. Profile of the Respondents

Direction. Please put a check mark (√) on the space provided that corresponds to your

Name (Optional): _____________________________________________

Age: ( ) 15-17 years old ( ) 18-20 years old

( ) 19-23 years old ( ) 24 years old and above

Gender: ( ) Male ( ) Female

Year level/Position: ( ) Grade 11 Student

ABM Strand of K-12 as a Tool in Pursuing Accountancy Program IA1404/Group 3

( ) 2nd Year Internal Auditing Student

( ) Accountancy Department Administrator
( ) ABM Coordinator


Part II. Survey Questions for College Students.

Direction. Please put a check mark (√) on the space provided that corresponds to your
answer. (For IA Students, please answer number 1 and 2. For ABM Students, please
answer number 3 and 4. For Coordinators and Administrators, please answer
numbers 5 and 6)

1. Do you have accounting subjects in your high school?

( ) YES ( ) NO

2. What are the possible effects of accounting foundation to students’ performance

in college?

4 Strongly agree
3 Agree
2 Disagree
1 Strongly Disagree

Effects 4 3 2 1
a. 1. Can apply my basic knowledge in accounting
from high school to college
b. 2. c. Can appreciate accounting subjects in college
because of my learning experience in high
3. I can be more active during discussions.
4. I am able to get high grades in my accounting
exercises and quizzes.
5. Poor performance due to over confidence
6. I can help my classmate who does not have a
background in accounting.

7. Topics in accounting subjects are easier to

3. What do you think are the factors considered by the ABM students in enrolling to
the ABM strand?

ABM Strand of K-12 as a Tool in Pursuing Accountancy Program IA1404/Group 3

4 Strongly agree
3 Agree
2 Disagree
1 Strongly Disagree

Factors 4 3 2 1
1. I am undecided on what strand to take
2. ABM Strand is a stepping stone for accountancy
3. Accountancy program can be a means for bigger
4. ABM Strand is my parents’ choice
5. We have a family business
6. Most of my friends are taking this strand
7. Accountancy is one of the best pre-law program

4. What do you expect from your accounting subject next semester?

4 Strongly agree
3 Agree
2 Disagree
1 Strongly Disagree

Expectations 4 3 2 1
1. To apply my learnings in high school
2. Appreciate accounting subjects in senior high
3. More participative in class discussions in accounting

4. Improve areas of weakness or limited knowledge

5. More familiar with basic principles and accounting

6. To save or utilize my time in studying accounting
7. Develop critical thinking skills
5. What are the factors considered by the accountancy department in enhancing
the 2018 curriculum?

ABM Strand of K-12 as a Tool in Pursuing Accountancy Program IA1404/Group 3

4 Strongly agree
3 Agree
2 Disagree
1 Strongly Disagree

Factors 4 3 2 1
1. K-12 Integration
2. 2018 CPA Curriculum
3. ASEAN Integration

6. Aside from the factors aforementioned, what are the other factors do you think
the Accountancy Department might consider in enhancing the curriculum?


Thank you for your cooperation!!

Main objective: To determine the possible effects of the Senior High ABM Strand to the
Implementation of the 2018 Accountancy Program

1. What are the possible effects of accounting foundation in high school to student’s
performance in college?

ABM Strand of K-12 as a Tool in Pursuing Accountancy Program IA1404/Group 3

2. What are the factors that the ABM students considered in enrolling to the ABM
3. What are the factors considered by the accountancy department in enhancing
the 2018 curriculum?

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