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How to calibrate the factor for the rpm calculation

With the invention of the new generator it became necessary to use a variable factor for the
calculation of the engine revolutions.
In a crane with two engines each generator has ist own factor.
If the crane has only one engine the factor must be calibrated in the superstructure.


- Plug in Mercedes MiniDiag

- Connect Laptop with ESX0 (Superstructure) or ESX3/ESX4 (Carrier)
- Open the ECOS Service Software
- Start the engine
- Open the menu „Parameters“/ „Rpm calculation superstructure/carrier engine“

- Press the button „Calibrate“

- Check the current number of revolutions with the MiniDiag and enter the value in the form.
- Click „Ok“. The ECOS then calculates the new factor.
- Press the button „Set“ to save the new factor.

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