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This chapter discusses the result of the action research conducted in tenth
grade class of SMA Negeri 1 Ngemplak in academic year of 2017/2018. The
research was purposed to identify werher or not and to what extent blogging
activities can improve the writing skill at the tent grade students of SMA Negeri 1
Ngemplak. This research also purposed to analyze the steps of blogging
implementation in teaching and learning process. The result of the reseach will be
explained separately in four sub heading consist of: Introduction, Reseach
Implementation, Reseach Finding, and Discussion.

A. Introduction

When the researcher was an apprentice teacher in SMA Negeri 1

Ngemplak, he found almost all students at the tenth grade got difficulties and has
a low motivation in writing english. To make sure regarding the problem, the
researcher did preliminary research before reseach implementation in order to
know the real condition in tenth grade of digital class. In the first meeting, the
researcher gave a pre test to know the students’ writing competence. Based on the
data of the pre test, the researcher found some indicators which lead to the
students’ low competence in writing. Firstly, most of the students unable to
explore their ideas. The researcher can see clearly that half of the students in the
class was peeking and copying their friend’s writing. Secondly, the researcher
found too many mistakes of tenses and pluralinations in sentences which make
them unable to write in grammatically correct sentences. Thirdly, most of the
students are not pay attention to the sentence structure. As a result, they wrote
without good sentence stucture and unable to organize the text. Forthly, the
researcher found some unappropriate diction in the sentences of the students’
writing. Furthermore, the researcher found that three of the students did not write
the text and they explain it with unreasonable answer.

The pretest was held to know the students’ writing competence and
students’ problem in detail. From the pretest result, it was found that the students’
mean score was 62.8 and it far from the minimum standard which was 75.

Meanwhile, based on the class observation, the reseacher got the data
which indicate the students’ problem in writing. Five indicator of writing problem
in the class are: (1) students often complain when teacher ask them to write a text.
Some of them said that writing was difficult. One student shouted, “Pak, saya
nggak bisa bikin kata-katanya”. A moment later, a student said “Bosen pak,
nonton film aja” and most of student in the class was supported that opinion.
Based on the students opinion above it can be concluded that they cannot explore
their ideas in writing. (2) Some students are peeking their friends writing. (3)
students are often to ask wether to their friend or to the teacher about the meaning
of word in English. (4) In the middle of the lesson they seems give less attention
and doing non academic ativities such as, open the instagram, browse korean
drama and talking with their friends about another topic which not related to the
materials. (5) Students cannot finish their text in time, they need extra time to
finish it. Evenmore, one students did not finish his text because he only focus to
his laptop.

Based on the interview with the students, the researcher can clearly see
that the students have less motivation not only in writing but in learning english
covering speaking, listening, reading, and writing. When the researcher ask them
why the students are not interested in English, some of them said “Bahasa Inggris
mbosenin pak, bikin ngantuk”, “Susah dipahami, soalnya harus menghafal rumus-
rumus kalimatnya”. When the researcher dig more deeper about writing, a student
gave an opinion as follows “kalo nulis kadang suka bingung pak, soalnya nggak
tau apa yang mau ditulis. Sama yang bikin lama itu karena saya nggak tau arti
katanya jadi harus buka kamus dulu” and most of the students in the class seems
to be agree with their friend opinion.

Taken from the interview notes with English teacher, the cause of writing
problem in the class were emerge from the media used in teaching. The Teacher
rarely give written model of the text in her teaching. Besides, the teacher only
focus to reading activities and grammar practice instead of writing.

Based on the pre-observation, questionaire, and the pre-test, it can be

concluded that the students’ writing skill need to be improved. Therefore,
blogging was used as the teaching and learning strategy during the writing class. It
was used as tools to learn English easier, as a main source, and also students’
worksheet which allowed them to explore their skill and creativity. The students
situation before the research is explained briefly in the table bellow:

Table 4.1 Problem Indicator of the Lesson

Indicators Description
a) Students’ writing skill
1) The students wrote many incorrect 1) Students mostly interpret the word
words. spelling rather than open the
2) Students wrote improper word in a dictionary.
sentence. 2) Students mostly used literal
3) Students were ignore the word translation of word
order and sentence structure. 3)
4) Students wrote without
grammatical aspect.
5) Sometimes students wrote
incoherence text.
6) There were mispunctuation in
students’ writing
a) Mean Score The mean score of the students was
The students’ mean score in pre- lower than the school passing grade,
test was 56,45. which was 75.00.
b) Class situation

1) Students need an extra time to start 1) Students had talk about another
their writing. topic with their friend instead of
2) Some of them were indicated not discussing about the task.
interested in writing lesson. 2) some of them seemed bored
3) Some students did not have enough
of self confidence in their writing.
4) Students give more attention to
their laptop.

5) Some students prefer to use

internet to open social media
(instagram, and tweeter) rather than
browse information which related
to the materials.
6) Some students were not paid
attention to the teacher.

B. Research Implementation

The research was conducted for two months in SMA Negeri 1 Ngemplak.
It was was done collaboratively with English teacher of SMA Negeri 1 Ngemplak.
In this research, the researcher become practicioner who implemented the action
in teaching and learning process, and the English teacher of class X was the
observer and also facilitator who observed the teaching and learning process. The
research consist of two cycles and every cycle consist of a series of steps as
follows: pre-research, implementing the action and reflection. The detailed
procedure of the research is presented in the table bellow.

1. procedure of the research

This research was started by observing the condition and situation of the
setting before implementing the action. The pre-research was completely done
after the researcher collect the data in the form of questionaire, interview and pre-
test. The teaching plan was developed soon after the data were interpreted. The
summary of research procedure is presented in the table.

Table 4.2 The Research Procedure

Pre-research The researcher was conducted re-observation, interview,

questionaire, pre-test to identify the problem in writing.
Implementing The research was carried out in two cycles
the action
Cycle 1 4 meetings:

1st meeting, Introducing the class blog and writing the initial post.
2nd meeting, introducing supporting tools and plugin.
3rd meeting, writing a short story individually.
4th meeting, creating blog post in group.
Cycle 2 3 meetings:
1st meeting, choosing blog platform and creating blog account.
2nd meeting, writing online journal.
3rd meeting, revising and commenting on the other blog.
Reflection The students’ writing skill improved after the research was

2. Cycle 1

a. Planing the action

The researcher planned to have four meetings in cycle 1 which conducted

once a week. In this cycle, the researcher was made a lesson plan for the whole
meetings. The researcher prepared the materials based on the topic stated in the
curriculum as the English teacher requested. The materials consist of
announcement text, recount text, and descriptive text which taken from the
students book, internet and the other were posted on the class blog. The media
which used in the research was class blog, and the students worksheet was in the
form of blog post and blog page.

The researcher used students-centered leaning as a teaching method which

enable the students to learn actively, develop thinking skill and communication
skill, help them to transfer their skill to the real world, and to promotes intrinsic
motivation to learn individualy. The role of the researcher in this cycle as an
instructor guide and facilitator. He also used scientific approach, a set of
procedure in the lesson plan consist of observing, asking, exploring, associating,
and communicating as mentioned in curriculum 2013. In this cycle the researcher

will improve the students’ writing skill and motivation toward the lesson by
maximazing five activities in the scientific approach.

Before the action was conducted, the researcher develop a class blog as a
media of the research from Custom Wordpress Platform. The content of the site
will be restricted for the public, so the students demanded to register as a member
before they can read the following materials on the site. The site also capable to
record any user logs and acitivites so the researcher could easily monitoring the
students activities whether or not, they opened the materials. The site also
designed to accomodate a simple quiz to check the students comprehension. The
students also can exchange their ideas and start a discussion through simple forum
on this site.

Eventhough the researcher gave the students a permission to explore and

gain the particullar information related to the materials from the other souces, he
also asked the students to read the materials in the class blog. They also can read
the next materials at home and make preparation for the next meeting. The logs
and activities of the students will be recorded by the system automatically. The
researcher will give a simple quiz in some occasion and the students should
answer it to proof their comprehension of the lesson.

For the final exam of this cycle, the researcher will ask the students to
make a descriptive text to check their writing improvement during the lesson. The
materials for the last meeting will be specified to the describing place. He also
adapting the scoring rubric of ESL Composition Profile to evaluate the students’

b. Implementing the action

1) The first meeting

English lesson was the third lesson on that day in X IPA 1 and it was
conducted on Monday, 5th March 2018 at 10.20 a.m. The topic of the lesson was

announcement. This meeting was purposed to train and let the students identify
and discuss in groups the information in the anouncement text. The researcher
took three phase in teaching and learning process consist of: pre activity, main
activity, and post activity.

a) Pre activity

Soon after the researcher come to the class, the students were cheer
happily knowing the researcher would be the teacher of that day. One of them
asked “Hari ini Pak Rudy yang ngajar?”, then the other also asked “La Miss
Juwariyahnya kemana pak?” the class become noisy for a while. After the
researcher answered some questions, the students get themselves ready by
preparing their own learning equipments. The researcher took his position then
greeted the students. Then the researcher checked the students’ attendece and no
body was absent. Before starting the lesson, the researcher also stated the goal of
the lesson.

b) Main activity

A student initials G asked wether or not the researcher needed the LCD.
After the researcher confirmed that he need it, G immediately prepare the LCD.
Meanwhile, the students suddently put their laptop on the table. They seemed
realized that the researcher would used laptop rather than pen and paper. The
researcher asked why they were open their laptop and a student shouted “iya
biasanya kalo pak guru yang ngajar kan pakai laptop terus, jarang pakai buku.”.
The researcher asked the students to follow the instructions and did it together.
For the first instruction, the researcher asked the student to connect to the internet.
Then, they were all quickly turning on their laptop and got the internet
connection. Some students were shouted made the class become noisy, “pak, udah
konek internet. Trus gimana lagi pak?”. The researcher ask them to open url
“” and take a look at one of the blog post which was contain
the announcement materials. The studens said “Pak enggak bisa dibuka, ada
tulisannya, you do not have permission to view the page. Please register, and you

will receive email notifying that your access has been granted” Then the
researcher started to explain that the students should register to be a member to
read the materials. The researcher finally guide the the students to register the
class blog.

Soon after the registration was completed, the researcher asked the
students to refresh the page and start to read the blog post carefully soon after the
loading page was completed. For a moment, some of them were browse and open
instagram instead of read the materials in blog post. But when the researcher come
closer, suddently the students closed the pages and started to read. In this section,
there were some jokes between the researcher and the students talking about their
habitual activities while reading. The students laughed after heard the
conversation between the researcher with some talkative students, it make the
situation relaxed. After the students read the blog post in few minutes, then the
researcher asked what they learn from the blog post. Some students mention the
definition of announcement, generic structure of announcement, and the social
function correctly. Then the researcher explained the whole materials of that day
and gave justification in some point.

c) post activity

For the last activities, the researcher divided the class into nine group, the
students were asked to open another blog post which contain the example of
announcement text. Then, each groups got the different examples of
announcement. They should analyzed and found the main information according
to their own announcement text. After all of the groups were completely done, the
researcher discussed the main information in the announcement one by one
together with the students. The class was finished at 11.45 a.m. soon after
question and answer session and the class reflection.

2) The second meeting

The second meeting was conducted on Monday, 12 March 2018. Like the
last meeting before, the lesson was started at 10.20 a.m. In this meeting, the

researcher was introduce the features and supporting plugin of class blog to the
students by look inside in the admin area. The material of the lesson was recount
text. The researcher used project based learning as the teaching technique.

a) pre activity

The researcher entered the classroom at 10.20 a.m and greeted the
students. Then the researcher checked the students’ attendence and stated the goal
of the lesson. Before the the the class was started, the researcher also recalled their
memories of the materials in the last meeting. He also asked the students to open
the url which contain a simple quiz. Then he asked the students to answer the
questions which appears in the quiz to make sure that the students got the point of
the last meeting. The quiz materials were related to the materials in previous
meetings. Most of the students gave the correct answer and got a good score
which indicated that they still remember about the materials in the last meeting,
but some of them still got unsatisfying score. Then the researcher tried to recall
the students’ memories about the materials in the last meeting. The researcher also
gave all the students motivation for the better study. Then without an order, one
students initiately turn on the LCD. The researcher also thank to him.

In the begining of the lesson, the researcher explained about class blog
which was used to delivered the materials in the last meeting. He also asked
wether or not the students had their private blog “apakah ada yang sudah punya
blog sendiri?”. Then, R answered that he had a blog while he was in junior high
school, but he forgot the address. Some of the students also said that they were
quite familiar with blog. In the end of conversation, the researcher gave the
instruction to open the admin area, he gave username and password to sign in to
the class blog. But, some of them were still confused and stuck in the login area.
Finally, the researcher was made a tutorial to login the class blog.

Some students were already in the admin area asked “kalo udah kaya gini
udah berhasil masuk belum pak?”, “kalo udah masuk terus gimana pak?” then the
researcher asked them to wait their another friends to login first. The class become

noisy when some students help their firends expalining how to login to the admin
area. After all the students already in the admin area, the researcher introduced the
main menu which consist of blog post, media, theme, and tools.

b) Main activity

In the main activity, the researcher introduced a new topic. The topic of
that day was about recount text, but narrowly to the use of simple present tense as
the English Teacher requested. After the researcher explained the materials, then
he was divided the class into eight groups which consist of four to five students.
The researcher gave an instruction to each group to open different title of recount
text in the blog post. The assignment was to revised and correct the wrong
sentences in the text. The researcher also asked the students to find and insert at
least one picture from the internet into the text. During the process of assignment,
the teacher found that some groups finish the assignment quickly. But, the other
seemed wasting their time talking about different topic with their seatmate.

After all of the groups were finished, the researcher and the students were
corrected the assignment together. In the midle of correction, the teacher found a
strange draft in the blog post. The title is “Halim perdana kusuma jaya”, then the
researcher asked who was made the post. Finally a student initials R raised his
hand, he said “saya yang buat pak”, and when the teacher asked the reason he
answered “mau coba-coba pak”.

c) Post activity

Picture 4.2 The students summarized the material of the lesson

For the last activities, the researcher asked the students to sumarized the
materials of that day. The researcher choose a students randomly one by one to
make sentences and construct it into a paragraph and finally into an article. The
class was finished after the teacher reviewed the materials and gave the students a
homework to wrote a short story retelling amused moment in their past.

3) The third meeting

The third meeting was conducted on Thursday, 15th march 2018 at 12.30
p.m replacing the English specialization. The researcher panned to move forward
the lesson because the school planned to have midterm exam in the next week.
The topic of that day was still the same with the last meetings, it was recount text.
The essence of this meeting was to intoduce and provide the students with

supporting tools which can help them to review and make their writing more

a) pre activity

The researcher was came to the class at 01.00 p.m. Before the class was
started, he greeted and checked the sudents’ attendence. The class began with
small conversation reviewing the last materials and the students’ homework.

Unlike the previous meeting, the students brought their short stories as
assigned in the last meeting. They should wrote amused moment according to
their experiences in the past. After saw the students homework in a glance, the
researcher found various errors in their text. Since it was retelling their past, the
text should be in the form of past tense. But some students still use simple present
tense in their sentences. Another error was came from the mechanics, the
researcher found some misspelled word in their text.

Unfortunatelly, the researcher still found a students who was did not
completed the assignment. When the researcher asked the reason, some of his
friend especially the boys blamed him because he was often played mobile game
rather than done his homework. Then, the researcher try to encouraged and gave
motivation to the students. He said that playing game was not a crime, as long as
the students were able to fulfill their duty first. He also point out honesty and
integrity in doing the assignment. He taught that quality was over to quantity. It
means that no matter what was the assignment, how many the word count, and
how much time the students completed the assignment as long as they did it by
their selves and avoided the plagiarism activities. It was better than the perfect
assignment with many word count, but the result of plagiarism.

The class became silent for a moment, but the the researcher immediately
shared his experiences to melted the situation. He shared a trick to overcome some
students’ problem in learning English. The researcher finally introduced the web
application called “Grammarly”. Evenmore, this web aplication can be combined
with blogging activities.

“Grammarly offers some facilities which can help the students more
confidence in their writing. Capable of checking and correcting misspelled word,
mispunctuation, and inappropriate word at the same time makes Grammarly
become a sollution to the students problem dealing with writing errors. In
addition, Grammarly also equiped with detailed information about each of the
students’ grammar mistakes and suggestion features. ”

b) Main activity

In the begining, the researcher asked the students to check and revise their
homework before posted in the class blog. Some of them were checked and
revised and add more sentences to their story. Halim, who did not completed the
assignment was started to wrote slowly. Finally the researcher coming to assist
and focused on him for a while.

After all the students finished, then the researcher asked them revised it
again with different method by put in their homework into grammarly. The
researcher gave the instruction through the LCD and the students were followed
him. Then, the reseacher asked them to pay attention on the checker result, red
underline, and suggestion. Checker result was represent types of error in students’
writing, the red underline was represent the place of error, and the suggestion
contain error information in detail and justification of errors.

Picture 4.1 The researcher demonstrate grammarly in the class

The students was surprised when they used grammarly, one of them asked
“pak ini cuma bisa dipakai buat recount text atau yang lain juga?”. The
researcher explained that grammarly was premium application which required
monthly bill, but the researcher promised that the students can used this
application for the academic and blogging purposes. The researcher also noticed,
even though grammarly offered some features that can help the students to
overcome their writing problem but they should drill their sense and their
knowledge and not dependent only on technologies.

c) post activity

In the end of the lesson, the researcher gave the instruction to put and post
their short story into the classblog. The students could freely gave any picture,
videos and audios in their stories. The students also could shared their stories to

their social media such as facabook, tweeter, and instagram. The class finished at
01.52 p.m, 7 minutes late from the schedules.

Soon after the teacher came out from the class, R, H and G go after him
and asked “Pak gimana caranya bikin blog sendiri?”. From the short conversation
with them, the researcher drawn a conclussion that they wanted to generate money
from their writing and become freelance worker same as the researcher. The
researcher replied that they must be patient and paid more attention to the teacher
explanation in the next meeting.

4) The fourth meeting

The fourth meeting was conducted on Monday, 26th march at 10.20 a.m.
The topic of that day was descriptive text which more focused on the use of
simple present tense as the English Teacher requested. The essence of this
meeting was to help the students to explore and develop their ideas for writing and
gave them more writing practice individually.

a) Pre activity

The researcher entered the class at 10.30 a.m. ten minutes late from the
schedules. The class which was previously noisy became quiet. The students
greeted the researcher and they get themselves ready by preparing their learning
equipment. One of them initiately prepared the LCD for the researcher. The
researcher thank to him and greeted to the students. From their expression they
seemed happy and ready for the lesson.

Before the lesson was started, there were some jokes and conversation
between the researcher and the students. It makes the situation relaxed. Some boys
student were shouted “pak katanya mau ngajarin bikin blog?”. The researcher
agree to teach them more about blogging in another occasion, but he asked the
students to paid attention to the materials first.

b) Main activity

In this session, the researcher gave instruction to open blog post which
contain the descriptive text materials. Some students were shouted that they had
read it in a glance at home. It was surprised the researcher because he was not
gave the assignment to read in the last meeting and even mentioned about the next
materials of that day. Then the researcher explained the materials through the
LCD and the students seemed paid attention to the teacher explanation. In this
session, the researcher also gave them a sample of descriptive text different with
example inside the blog post. Having fisnished explaining the materials, the
researcher asked to the students “Any questions so far?”, The students replied by
saying “No sir”.

For the last assignment, the researcher asked the students to work
individually. “For the last activity, i want you guys to describe your school, SMA
Negeri 1 Ngemplak. You can make a new post in the class blog and publish it
when you already done. The format of the title is SMA N 1 Ngemplak By (Your
name)”. The researcher gave them some times to discuss and brainstorm their
ideas “Before you start, you have five to ten minutes to brainstorm what you will
write. You can discuss and share information with your friends during the process
of brainstorming” Then a student named Rima asked “Yang ditulis semua tentang
SMA 1, apa cuma sebagian aja pak?”. The other student named Senjas asked
“Guru-gurunya juga dideskripsikan satu-satu pak?”. The class become noisy for a
while because some students were shouted asking the requirement. The researcher
explain that they could describe anything impressed in their school. He also gave
the students some examples to drill and help them to brainstorm their ideas “You
can describe anything impresive in your school, but you must describe it in the
positive point of view. You can describe that SMANILA has two floor parking
area, big mosque, beautiful and handsome teacher, or you can mention the non-
academic activities like extracurricular and so on.”. He reminded what being
taught in the previous meeting. “Remember about what you have learn in three
previous meeting. You can think the main idea, and from your main idea you can

explore it to find the supporting ideas. Star from the big things then you can
continue to the smaller things.”. The students immediately discuss and make a
draft which contain their ideas, the class become noisy during the brainstorming

After eight minutes of brainstorming, the researcher gave the next

instruction “Guys, attention please. The time for brainstorming is over. Now is
your turn to write your own descriptive text. I don’t want to see you talking each
other. Do it by your self, no talking and no peeking. You can use dictionary,
spelling checker on grammarly, and find some information related to your school.
Remember that the quality was over to quantity.”. The students replied “Iya pak”
indicated that they understood the instructions. The researcher walked around to
control the class, he stop from one table to another. By controling the class he
could see how the students made their text and what the students was doing.

It was been thirdty minutes the students wrote their text. Some of them
were already done said “pak sudah selesai di publish.”. The researcher asked them
to wait and do not disturb their friend. Finally after all of the studetns were
finished, the researcher asked wether or not their writing was original. Then the
students replied that their writing was original.

c) post activity

In this session the said “thank you” to the students because they could
follow the instruction to wrote individually. He also asked them about their
impression following the lesson in the last four meeting. Some students answered
the question and almost all of them enjoyed the lesson. They were a small
conversation between the researcher with some students which lead into some

Before the class was closed, the researcher evaluated the class blog
together with the students. According to the students opinion, the class blog
design was too plain. A students named Yoga said “Blognya masih kurang bagus
pak. Kurang berwarna.” Halim also said “Iya pak, artikelnya juga soal pelajaran

semua.” Then some of them asked “Pak misalkan blog diisi biodata, dikasih akun
IG kita terus dikasih gambar-gambar bergerak gitu bisa nggak?”. The researcher
replied that it was possible if the students wanted to learn more about it. Finally
the researcher closed the meeting by saying “Thank you” to the students.

c. Observing the action

1) The first meeting

The crowded situation when the researcher entered the class indicated the
students’ excitement and enthusiasm toward the lesson. Some of them also paid
attention to the comfortability in learning by asked the researcher wether or not he
needed the LCD. They were so eager to used laptop and internet connection
during the lesson.

During the main activity, the class become noisy but the researcher could
handle it and the students were following his instruction to open one blog post
which contain the materials of that day. In the first meeting the researcher
intended to introduce the class blog in general. Fortunately, the internet
connection was in good condition so the students could open the blog post
smoothly. In the begining when the researcher asked to read the materials in the
blog post, the students seemed not interested at all. Otherwise, they prefer to open
instagram and browse something which not related to the materials indicated that
they were bored in reading. Realizing those problem, the researcher finally walked
around controling the class. He stoping at one student to another.

In the midle of reading section there were conversation between the

researcher and the students which lead into jokes. It made the situation relaxed.
Some students who answered the researcher’s question which related to the
materials indicated that some of them were understood about the materials. Then
the researcher finally explained the materials briefly.

The last acitivity was to find the particular information in the

announcement in groups. Each group got the different announcement, it was

purposed to check the students’ comprehension during the lesson. The group was
choosen based on their seatmate next to them which makes the communcation
easier. Some of them easily find the particular information in the announcement.
But the other group seemed wasting their time talking about different topic. It was
indicated that some of the students had no interest in that activity.

2) The second meeting

In the second meeting the students were enthusiastic. It can be seen from
their expression when the researcher wanted to introduce the features and
suporting plugin inside the class blog. From the short conversation with the
students, The researcher concluded that some of the students already familiar with

He gave the students username and password to access the admin area
inside of the class blog. Unfortunately, some of them still confused because it was
the first time they operated blog in the custom wordpress platform. The common
mistakes made by the students was mistype url. Most of the were type
“ admin” meanwhile, the correct one is “
admin”. The researcher finally guided them slowly. Evenmore, he wrote a tutorial
in th form of microsoft word document and distribute it to the students.

The class become noisy by some students were shouted asking and helping
each other. It was indicated that their interest. Meanwhile, some students who
asked the next step after they already in the admin area indicated that they were so
eiger in learning using class blog as the media. The materials of that day was
recount text.

The researcher saw improvement on the students’ atitude when he asked

the students to correct the wrong sentences inside the blog post in a group. Most
of them did the assignment quickly with their group. To encourage their
creativity, the researcher asked them to browse and insert a picture which related
to the text. Unfortunately, The researcher still found some students talking about
different topic rather than doing their assignment. The researcher found a new

empty blog post titled “Halim perdana kusuma”. it was Rheeva who made the
blog post. It was indicated that he had interest to learn and try to wrote in class

The researcher also taught about his pattern in writing the text and the
students paid attention to him. To check the students’ comprehension, the
researcher asked them to sumarize the lesson of that day. He choose the students
randomly to make a sentece one by one which represent the materials of that day.
Then togheter they construct the sentences into an article and it was published in
the class blog. The students seemed enthusiastic even in the end of the lesson. The
researcher asked the students to make a short story based on their past as their

3) The third meeting

In the third meeting, the students brought their stories in the form of
microsoft word document. After the researcher saw in a glance, he found some
error in the students’ writing. Since it was recount text, it should be in the form of
past tense. Some students still used simple present tense. They also ignored the
mechanics and misspelled word made their text ungrammatical. But the researcher
still got their ideas.

Unfortunately, the researcher found a students who did not completed his
assignment. Some of his friend blamed him and it makes the class become noisy
and turn into quiet for a while. The researcher gave them a motivation to manage
their time and done their assignment honestly. All of the students paid attention to
the researcher explanation. They agreed that less word count with some mistakes
as long as original, it was better than a perfect assignment with many word count
but the result of plagiarism. Through this motivation, the researher hope that the
students’ attitude and motivation in writing would improved.

After the researcher introduced grammarly to the students, they were

surprised and become so eager to try grammarly features. Finally the researcher
gave instruction to tried it. The students surprised when they saw grammarly

could detected, shown detailed of error and suggestion even revised the error in
their writing. But the researcher also noticed to limit the use of grammarly so that
they could drill their sense and knowledge.

In the end of the lesson while the researcher asked them to publish their
stories, one of them shouted “pak boleh dikasih gambar?” indicated that some
students’ creativity was improved. Soon after the researcher walked out from the
class, three student followed and asked “pak, gimana caranya bikin blog sendiri?”
indicated that they wanted to have their own pritave blog.

4) The fourth meeting

The fourth meeting was good condition, the students seemed enthusiastic
to follow the lesson, it can be seen from their expression when replied the
researcher’s greeeting. Some of the students asked “Pak katanya mau ngajarin
bikin blog?” indicated that they still interested in the media which used in the
research. The researcher agreed to teach them made a blog but in another
occasion. The researcher continued the lesson, the materials of that day was about
descriptive text, so the researcher should explain the materials first.

After done with the materials, the researcher gave the students assignment
to describe their school and published it in the class blog. The researcher asked
them to avoid the plagiarism and did it by their selves. They could use the
dictionary and supporting tools to help them in writing. Before they started to
write, the researcher gave five to ten minutes to brainstorm their ideas. They could
discussed and asked their friends during the brainstorming session.

Finally the researcher gave the instruction to stop the discussion and wrote
individually. The students were agreed and started to write, the researcher saw
that the students had self confidence during the process of writing. He controling
the class by walked around and saw in a glance the students text.

In the end of the lesson, the researcher asked the students to state their
opinion and impression during lesson in the four last meeting. Some of them said

that the design of the class blog was too plain. Some students also asked common
questions related to the use of blog it indicated that they intereseted in utilizing
blog to support their writing activities.

d. Reflecting the result of observation

Based on the result of post-test one, the implementation of blogging in the

cycle I has succeeded to improve the students’ writing. It could be seen by
comparing the mean score of pre-test which was 62.8 and the result of the post-
test one which the mean score was 72.6. From the comparation above, it can be
concluded that there was a better progress after the cycle I was conducted.

Meanwhile, The researcher found some improvement on the students’

attitude toward the lesson. In the begining, the students were not interested and
seemed reluctant when the researcher asked them to write in English. Even more,
some of them were complaining that writing was boring. But then, there were
some improvement since the cycle one was done continuously. They did their task
without complaining and no further discussion on it. Utilizing class blog in the
lesson increased the students’ motivation and enthusiasm to write. The students
were oriented not only to the result, but also to the process. In the last four
meeting, there were positive interaction between the researcher and the students
which makes the classroom activities smooth and efficient. Furthermore, the
students paid more attention to the researcher’s intructions before they did their
task. They could distributed their interest in using laptop and internet connection
which motivated them to complete their writing during the lesson. Although, in
the begining of the cycle, some of them could not paid attention and focused on
the lesson yet.

Since it was digital class, the researcher did not found any significant
problems dealing with the internet connection. It makes the lesson conducive. The
problems occuring on the instructions in the second meeting. It was the first time
the students used custom wordpress platform, it makes them confused. Not
because the students had low ability to undestand, but it was the explanation and

instruction itself which was complicated and not so clear. The bad instructions
would lead into bad time management because the researcher should repeating the
instruction and it takes a long time. Another problem occured from the students’
behavior in the first, second, and third meeting. They frequently open the
instagram or browse online games when they had interaction with laptop and
connected to the internet.

Based on the analysis and reflection during the implementation of the first
cycle, It can be concluded that the students’ problem was caused by some factors.
First, the use of custom wordpress platform as the class blog was something new
for them. The students needed more time to learn the practically used of class
blog. Second, the role of the researcher during the lesson. In the first meeting, the
researcher was overwhelmed in managing the class. In fact, He should control the
class by designing the appropriate activity.

To get the better result, The researcher needed to conduct the different
action in the second cycle. He underline some point which were necessary and
need to be improved in the second cycle. First, the researcher tried to gave a better
instruction by delivered some tutorials outside the time schedule of English
lesson. The researcher taught them to register and made their own blog using
blogger platform, he also taught about practical used of blogger. It affected the
time and class management. Secondly, the researcher must provide access point to
amplify the internet signal. It happen because the second cycle will be conducted
after the National examination, and the classroom will be moved. Third, The
researcher should designed writing activities in groups. It made the researcher
eaiser to control the class.

Based on the observation result of the research implementation, the

improvement of the students’ learning and achievement in the first cycle can be
drawn in the following table.

Table 4.3 The problem indicator and improvement of the Cycle I


Problems Improvement in Cycle 1

1. Based on the result of pre-test score. 1. Based on the result of the first pos-
The. The mean score of the students test. The mean score of the students
was 62.8 which indicataed their was 72.6 which indicated that their
writing competence was low. writing competence increased. It
meant that there was a
2. During the process of writing, some
of the students were asked and 2. The students were more confident in
cheated by peeking their friends writing individually. It could be
writing. It was meant that they were seen from their attitude during the
unable to explore their ideas in lesson. They also able to explore
writing and lack of vocabulary. their ideas in writing better than
3. The students often complaining if
they were asked to write. It was 3. The students were enthusiastic and
meant that the students were not so eager to write in the class blog. In
interested and not motivated in addition, the students also paid more
writing. attention to the researcher’s
intruction during the lesson.
4. The students were more interested to
open the instagram, browse the 4. Utilizing blog as the innovative
information which not realated to the madia could attract the students’
materials and paid no attention the interest. It made them more
lesson. Besides, in the spare time enthusiastic in following the lesson.
after done with their task, they prefer
talked with other friends rather than
checked and revised their task. It
made the class situation not

Table 4.3 The problem faced after cycle I and the solution.

Problem faced after cycle 1 How to solve the problem

1. The mean score of the students was 1. The researcher should develop a
not satisfactory. new teaching method which can
2. The instruction and tutorials should improve the students writing skill.
be clear enough to the students. 2. The researcher should make a clear
3. The time management related to the instuction and preparation before the
class situation. lesson.
4. A problem to lessen the students’ 3. The researcher should manage the
boredom and keep them interested time management during the lesson
and enthusiastic during the lesson. by giving a clear tutorial, so the
5. The students dependence on lesson can run more effectively.
grammarly, so that they did not 4. The researcher should evaluate
checked their writing manually. activites during the cycle I and
develop new activities to lessen the
students’ boredom in the cycle II.
5. The researcher should encourage the
students’ motivation and self-
convidence toward the lesson.

3. Cycle 2

a. Revising the Plan

Considering the reflection of cycle I, the researcher demanded to do a

better effort to improve the students’ writing skill. There was some problem
emerged in the first cycle that needed further action. to overcome the problems
which emerged in the first cycle, the researcher decided to revise the plan and take
the second cycle. He planned to have third meeting in cycle two in which two

meetings were designed for individual assignment and the last was for the groups
discussion. He will used the project based as his technique in teaching and
learning process. The material was News Item as the English teacher requested.

The research planned to use some activities in cycle I to be implemented

in the second cycle because it gave a big impact to the students’ interest and
attitude toward the lesson. The researcher still asked them to make a summaries of
the lesson in the form of blog post. This activity would help them to train their
writing skill and keep them interested. The researcher still used blog post to
deliver the materials to overcome the students’ boredom. He also asked the
students to write a draft during the process of brainstorming. This activity would
help them to generate and arrange their ideas easily. In addition, the researcher
allowed the students to use grammarly to check their writing so that they could
more conficent in their writing and avoid plagiarizing.

After delivering the materials in the first meeting, the researcher will
fulfilled the students’ request about having their own private blog and
demonstrated the practical used of blogger. In the second meeting the researcher
planned to explore the materials by gave the students some practice not only using
passive voice, Identify the information, making headline but also elaborating the
headline of the news into paragraph of newsworthy event. In the last meeting the
researcher planned to have a group discussion. Students would check and revise
each other articles by leaving a comment.

b. Implementing the Action

1) The first meeting

The first meeting in cycle two was conducted on Monday, 16th april 2018
after the National Examination, the classroom was moved to the downstair in the
middle of the school because the original classroom was being renovated. The
lesson was started at 10.20 a.m. the topic was News Item as the English Teacher
requested. The purposed of this meeting was to train and let the students share and
discuss how to make the headline of news item then make it into draft. Besides,

the researcher planned to fulfill the students’ request of having private blog. He
choose blogger platform because it was simple and user friendly. The tutorials of
creating blog was distributed on Saturday, 21th april 2018 and the researcher asked
the students to read and memorize some point.

a) Pre activity

The resarcher came to the class at 10.20 a.m. When the researcher enter
the class the students suddently greeted by saying “Pagi pak Rudy”. Some of them
also prepared the LCD for the reasearcher. Then the researcher replied by saying
“Pagi juga. Gimana ruang kelas barunya?”. Some students were complaining
about the internet connection “Pak sinyalnya nggak nyaut disini”, “Nggak bisa
internetan pak”. The researcher replied “okay, i will handle it. I bring these access
point to amplify the signal. Please go back to your seat because i will begin the
class”. Then the students sat and prepared their laptop. Meanwhile, the researcher
prepared his access point. After checking the students’ attendence, the researcher
stated the goal of the lesson.

b) Main activity

The researcher displayed the blog post which contain the materials of that
day. Then he also asked them to open it in their own laptop. Then a student initial
Nr said “Kemarin udah pernah saya baca sekilas pak.” indicated that she already
readed the materials outside the schedule of English lesson. The researcher
apreciated Nr action of reading the materials before the lesson and made them
become an example to his friends. Suddently some student were shouted “Pak kita
juga udah liat-liat artikelnya sekilas”, a student named Js also said “Iya pak,
kemarin kita juga udah praktek bikin blog sendiri bareng-bareng”. Then the
researcher asked them to gave applause to each other as the symbol of
appretiation. Having done explaining the materials, then the researcher gave the
students a sample text of News Item. He dislayed it on the LCD. He asked “Any
question guys?” All of the students answered “No sir” which indicate that they
had understood.

The researcher continued to the activity, he asked “Okay guys. One of you
said that you have made a blog account. Is it right?”. The students replied “Iya
pak, tapi belum selesai. Kemarin Rh ngajarinnya kecepetan”. Then the researcher
said “Alright then, we will practice it together. So that no one left behind”. There
were questions and answer also problem solving session which made the class
become noisy. It took more time to complete the activity but finally all of the
students had made their own blog successufully. The researcher let the students to
explore their blog for a while so that they could accustomed to the new blog

For the first task after the students created private blog, the researcher
asked them to sumarized the lesson of that day and posted in their own blog. A
students named Fitria asked “Pak jadi kita disuruh buat ringkasan apa yang udah
kita pelajarin hari ini atau cuma buat ringkasan materialnya aja?” The
researcher justified the instruction “You have to sumarize todays materials. You
can discuss it with your friends. And don’t forget to insert a picture which related
to our todays material.” The students replied “Yes sir”. They enthusiasm in doing
the task.

c) Post activity

Before the class was ended, the researcher asked the students to watch
bulletin in television. “Guys, listen to me. For your homework, i want you to
watch the bulletin on TV. Choose one topic from that bulletin, make a draft
containing the headline and newsworthy and bring it in the next meeting”. Then
halim shouted “Pak kalo dirumah nggak ada TV gimana?”, the students laughted
together after heard Halim’s question. The jokes which came from halim was
relaxed the class situation.

In the end of the lesson some students were asked and complaining their
blog layout “Pak kalau mau bikin tulisan berjalan gitu gimana?” Another student
asked “Pak blognya boleh diisi sama biodata kita?”, Rheeva also asked “Cara
ganti temanya gimana pak?”. The researcher replied “For further action, you can

read my tutorials. You can post anything positive in your blog. It is your turn now
to make a content”. The lesson was finished at 11.50 and the researcher closed the
lesson by saying “Thank you for your attention, see you in the next meeting.”. The
students also replied “Terimakasih pak.”.

2) The second meeting

The second meeting was conducted on Monday, 23th april 2018 and the
topic of the day was still about News Item. This meeting was purposed to provide
writing practice for the students. In this meeting the student should wrote a
headline of the news based on the bulletin they watched. Then they should
elaborate the headline into a paragraph of newsworthy.

a) Pre activity

The researcher came to the class at 10.20 a.m. He greeted the students by
saying “Good morning guys, how are you today?”. The students replied that they
were in good condition and ready to follow the lesson. A students came in front of
the class and turn on the LCD, the other students were prepared their learning
equipment and their draft. Meanwhile, the researcher tunning his access point so
the students could connected to the internet. After checked the students’
attendence, the researcher asked about the students’ homework “Guys, How about
your draft? Did you bring it today?” The students replied “Yes sir” and raised
their draft.

b) Main activity

In this session, the researcher reviewed the materials in the last meeting. It
could remind the students about the generic structure, language features and the
social function of news item. The researcher controling the class by walked
around, he stop from one student to another to see their draft. All of the students
brought the draft. The researcher gave instruction to open their own blog and
made a new post. Then the researcher asked them to write newsworthy event from
their own headline. He said “Remember, to make newsworthy event you must

elaborate your headline.”. Then he asked “What is newsworthy?”, Nur was

answered “Newsworthy itu pokoknya yang jadi pokok beritanya, iya kan pak?”,
the other students agreed with her. The researcher replied “Yes. To complete your
news item, you can also add background event and the source in your text”. Nisa
asked “Dikasih gambar juga pak?”, then the researcher replied “Yes, you can also
insert a picture as the ilustration”.

During the process of writing, there was a throuble with the school’s WiFi.
The unstable connection made the students complaining. They often complaining
that their writing was gone “Pak masak tulisan saya ilang?” the other students
were agreed “Iya pak, tadi belum saya save. Trus ini mau buka lagi nggak bisa.”
Finally the researcher asked them to write the news item in the form of microsoft
word while waiting the internet connection run smooth again.

It took a long time waiting the internet connection up again. When it was
up, the researcher asked the students to move their writing from microsoft word
into their blog post.

c) Post activity

Unfortunately, time was up and the researcher should closed the lesson.
He asked the students to save the blog post as a draft “Guys, time is up. Please
save your news item as a draft and don’t publish it yet. Okay?”. The students
understood the the teacher instuction and saved their news item into draft. The
researcher closed the lesson at 11.45 by saying “Thank you for your attetion, see
you in the next meeting.”

3) Third meeting

The third meeting was conducted on Monday, 30th April 2018. The topic
of that day was still the same with the last meeting. In this meeting, the researcher
gave the students a chance to revise their draft in the previous meeting. The
researcher focused on the class discussion. The students should exchanged their

link to others. Then the role of students was to give comment on their friends

a) Pre activity

The researcher entered the class at 10.20 a.m. The students had sat and
ready with their laptop. As usual, the researcher opened the class and checked the
students’ attendence. He also checked the students’ readiness and said “Are you
ready guys?”, the students replied “Yes sir” together which indicate that they
ready to follow the lesson. Suddently Rheeva raised his hand and said “Pak saya
udah bisa ngganti tema blog saya sama nambahin gambar-gambar di
backgroundnya.”, he also showing his blog layout. Some students also said “Iya
pak kita juga udah bisa”. The researcher smiled and appreciate their creativity.
Then Rheeva said again “Kita juga udah bikin tim buat nulis di blog. Temanya
blognya udah ada dua pak. Yang satu seputar game e-sport, yang satunya lagi
seputar pelajaran.” The researcher encouraged and asked who was the part of the
team “Wah hebat ya, siapa aja yang ada di tim kamu?” R replied “Ada D, Di, G,
H, Ja, Ir, sama Yg pak. Nanti mereka yang nulis artikel e-sport. Terus Ni, I, Sa,
yang nulis artikel pelajarannya.” The researcher was surprised that Rheeva
already managing their team. “In the end of the conversation he asked to be taught
more about blogging and how to generate money through blogging. The
researcher finally replied “Okay, if you intend to generate money from your blog. I
will teach you but in anouther occasion out of the lesson schedules.”. He agreed
and said “Yes sir, thank you” then he went to his seat.

b) main activity

For the main activity, the researcher asked the students to access their own
blog and open their draft. The researcher gave instruction to publish and submit
the link via email. The researcher compiled the link into one list. Then he
distributed the list to the students so that they had the list all of url. For the next
instruction, the researcher asked them to open at least five url of their friends.
They should check and leave a comment in their friends writing. The comment

could be in the form of compliment, criticism, advice and justification. The

students were entuhisastic in doing this activity. After thirdty minutes of activity,
the resarcher asked them to check the comment in their articles. Some of them
containing criticism and advice, but the researcher also found some prise in their

The researcher gave the next instruction. Based on the comment and
criticism and advice in their article, the students should edit by check and revise
their writing before they could update it. The class became noisy when the
students laughed reading the comment. The researcher also add more instuction to
reply friends comment in their blog. After the students revised their writing, they
updated it immediately.

c) Post activity

In the post activity, the researcher asked the students about their
impression over seven meeting. The students answered and all of them enjoyed
with the lesson. Some of them asked “Pak jadi guru disini aja, biar bisa ngajar
dikelas kita terus”, Irsyad also said “Iya pak, kalo pak Rudy yang ngajar kita
nggak ngantuk”. Unfortunately the researcher must said goodbye to the students
because it was the last meeting in the cycle two. “Listen to me guys, i want to say
thank you for your cooperation and for your attention. I think this is the last
meeting for us in this semester. And for the next meeting, the class will be handle
by miss juwariyah again.” The students shouted and complaining, the researcher
tried to explain and said that they will meet again in another occasion.

The researcher closed the class by saying “Thank you, and goodbye”.
Then some students came over in front of the class shaked and kissed the
researcher’s hand.

c. Observing the Action

1) First meeting

During the meeting in cycle two, the classroom was moved to the
downstair in the middle of the school. The internet connection was bad, but the
researcher anticipated it by bringing access point with him, so the students could
use the internet connection. Before the lesson was conducted, the researcher
distribute a tutorial to make blogger account. The students were tried it together
but they found some problem, so the researcher asked them to tried again

Some students had self-awareness, they read the materials before the
lesson was conducted. The students need more time in creating blogger account. It
caused by the noisy situation and the instruction was not so clear. The researcher
should asked them to quiet and paid attention to the researcher’s tutorial. The
students should practive together so that no one left behind. It was the effective
way to control the class. In the end, they suceed to create blogger account.

In this meeting, the researcher still do the same activity as in the first cycle
to sumarize the materials of that day which was news item. After the researcher
gave them instruction to write in their own blog. They replied it enthusiastically.
It indicated that they still interest and motivated in writing. The conversation and
joke made by Halim also relaxed the class situation after the students wrote their
article. The students were complaining about blog layout and wanted to add some
animation or picture indicated that their creativity was increased. The researcher
should pay attention to this point because it gave big impact to the students’
interest and motivation toward writing.

2) Second meeting

In the begining of the lesson, the students replied the researcher’s greeting
enthusiastically, it indicated that they were in good condition and ready to follow
the lesson. The students behavior also increased, it can be seen when some of
them initiated turning on the LCD and the other prepared their laptop and draft.

The students could answer the researcher’s question dealing with the last
materials indicated that the materials absorbed maximally and it proved that the
students comprehension increased. However, the problem was emerged from the
internet connection when the server was down. The students complaining when
their unsaved text were gone. But they could follow the researcher’s instruction. It
indicated that their attitude increased.

During the process of writing, the students were not asked each other, and
they were not connected to the internet, but they did their task smoothly without
any significant problem. It indicated that the students’ writing competence
increased. They were able to elaborate their ideas. The draft made the students
easier in organizing the text. They also had improvement in their mechanics of
writing. They were able to write sentences grammatically and used more
vocabulary in their writing.

3) Third meeting

In the third meeting Rheeva asked more deeper about practical used of
blog. Evenmore, he wanted to build a blog together with their team. It was
indicated that most of the students in the class were motivated in using blog. To
pull the students into the next level, the researcher should teach them outside the
time schedules of the lesson.

In the main activity, the students were asked to give a comment to their
friends’ writing and their friend will leave a feedback to the comment. The
researcher found that some comments were criticism. It was indicated that the
students more critical in writing. They could analized their friends writing and
gave a criticism. Meanwhile, a comment from the friends would makes them
revised their article and create a better writing.

d. Reflecting the result of the observation

Through blogging activities in cycle two, the researcher has been success
to improve the students’ writing skill. It could be seen from the comparison

between the result of post-test I in which the mean score was 72.6 and the result
of post-test II in the second cycle which was 75.4. It showed that the students’
achievement also improved significantly. The influence of using blogging
activites to improve students’ writing skill in the second cycle could be seen in
detailed as follows;

1) The students’ writing competence increased.

2) The students’ comprehension toward the lesson increased.
3) The students’ creativity increased.
4) Using private blog increased students interest, motivation and enthusiasm
to write.
5) The students become independence in solving their problem.
6) The improvement of the students’ attitude toward the lesson was explicit.
7) The improvement of the class behavior was explicit.
8) The time management was optimized.

The result of cycle II indicated that the students’ improvements were

signficant. Especially in their writing competence and their attitude toward the
lesson. Evenmore, researcher found that no more students exchanging their
writing. They were only share their ideas during the brainstorming process. The
problem emerged from their curiousity. Some students asked why their writing
does not appears in the google search result. In the end, they asked to change the
lesson for a further practice optimizing their blog. The researcher tried to explain
that it took a time so that their writing indexed and appears in the google result
page. To overcome this problem, the researcher should teach them outside the
time schedules of the lesson. Another problem was emerged from the bad internet
connection. It happen because the class was moved to the downstair room during
the process of renovation. Fortunatelly, the researcher always bringing his ow
access point so that he could amplify the WiFi signal.

In summary, The researcher able to overcome the problem faced after the
cycle I. It can be drawn in the following table.

Table 4.4 Final Reflection of Cycle II

Problem faced after cycle I Final Reflection

1. The mean score of the students was 1. The result of the post test was 75.4
72.6 which not satisfactory and which was satisfactory.
could be improved

2. The instruction and tutorials was not 2. The students could paid attention to
clear enough to the students the researcher instruction and do
practice together. The researcher
also walked around to check so that
no one missed the instruction.

3. A problem to lessen the students’ 3. The researcher used the same

boredom and keep them interested activities as in the first cycle to
and enthuiastic during the lesson. sumarize the lesson. He also
fullfiiled the students’ request to
have their own blog.

4. The students dependence on 4. The students were asked to reduce

grammarly, so that they did not the use of grammarly and increase
checked their writing manually. the frequency of reading from the
different articles from the different
blog so that they could enrich their
vocabularies and learn different
writing style. In addition they could
use their friends’ comment to help
them reviewing their writing.

Based on the table above, it can be concluded that there were some
improvement from the first cycle up to the second cycle. The first improvement

was dealing with the students’ learning achievement. It could be seen from the
comparison between the mean score in post-test I and post-test II. The students’
mean score of post-test I was 72.6 and the students’ mean score of post-test II was
76,6. It means that the students’ mean score in post-test II was improved and

The students could paid attention to the researcher’s instruction in every

activites. Although in the begining the class was noisy but the researcher could
handle it by asked them to paid attention or the lesson would not continued. In the
end the students could learn the materials and do practice together with the

Meanwhile, another problem dealing with the students’ boredom could be

overcome easily. It could be seen from the students in responding the task given
by the researcher. To overcome this problem, the researcher implement the
activities in the first cycle which interested to the students. He also allowing the
students to explore and modify their own blog. This activity was succescully
eliminates the students’ boredom.

On the other hand the researcher worried about the students’ writing
competence because they seemed rely on grammarly. To overcome this problem
the researcher asked them to increase the frequency of reading some friends
writing and articles dealing with the materials from the different source of blog so
that they could learn the various kind of writing style and enriched their
vocabulary. In addition, the researcher also asked them to analyze and revise their
friends’ writing by giving a comment in their blog post. It could help them to be
more critical in writing.

By considering the improvements above, It can be concluded that the

effective teaching method using blog as a media can improve the students’ writing
skill. Moreover, the implementation of blogging activities did not give any burden
to the students. Otherwise, they showed positive attitudes toward the activities
using blog. Therefore, the researcher decided to stop the cycle.

C. Discussion

The purpose of the research is to find the effective teaching strategy using
blog as teaching media to improve the students’ writing skill. The research finding
after using blogging activities in teaching and learning process shows that there
were improvement covering some aspect not only students’ writing skill but also
their attitude toward the lesson.

It cannot be dennied that the use of blog as a media in almost every

students’ activity can improved the students’ writing skill. Blog as the innovative
media makes the students learn writing better. Not only easy to maintain, blog
also can prove the students a venue to write, reflect, review, ask a question, leave
a comment, communicate and connected with another people outside the
classroom in an authentic environment. The statement above also supported by
previous research. Pinkman (2015: p.13) stated that computer based learning can
provide students with opportunity to learn, communcicate and practice outside the
classroom. It also become a sollution to the problem of the lack of time in writing
class which lead into the students’ low writing skill.

It was firstly planned that the students could improve their writing skill
through blogging. The result of the action shows significant changes dealing with
the students’ improvement. The researcher took strategies to implement the
effective teaching process using blog as a media. The strategies are involve some
activities inside and outside of the classroom.

Remind the students

The researcher always told the students to do everything by their selves

before he give an assignment especially in writing. Although this activity was not
listed in the lesson plan but the researcher always remind the students about the
importance of originality before the assignment was given. The purpose was to
teach the students to be honest in every situation and to encourage them to do

their own assignment. The reasearcher always repeated that “Quality was over to
quantity. No matter how bad your words, how many word count as log as it is
your own work it was better than perfect work by plagiarism”.

Facilitating the students with blogging tools

The researcher implement this activities from the second meeting until the
end of the research as long as the class had an occasion. The purpose was to
minimize error and help the students to set their writing easily. The researcher
always ask the students to make draft at the beginning before they wrote a text.
The students’ draft contains main ideas, supporting ideas, writing framework and
other important things. The students made thair writing at home according on
their draft. Then they revised their writing at school together with the researcher.
Finally after all done, they post their writing.

Facilitating the students with writing tools

This activity was important as the part of reminding the students about
originality. To support the students activities in writing individually without
peeking and asking another friends, the researcher give an access to use
grammarly (premium word and spelling checker) from the third meeting. The
researcher also allowed the students to access the internet so they can browse the
information needed to complete their assignment. The researcher introduce
grammarly in the observing session according to the lesson plan.

Read friends’ article

This activity was started from the third meeting after the students post
their writing. The researcher asked the students to read friends’ blog post so they
can compare each other and correcting another writing so they can learn many
different writing style. This activity can be found in the associating session
according to the lesson plan.

Give comment and reflection session

This activity was started from the third meeting and the resarcher put this
activity on communicating session according to the lesson plan. The purpose was
to teach the students to apreciate, critics, and avoid mocking someone writing.
The researcher designed an activity which involve an online discussion and give
exstra time for reflection.

After implementing the strategies above, the researcher can see that the
students’ writing skill are upgraded. The research successfully not only in
improving students writing skill but also improving the students attitude toward
the lesson. The indicator of students improvement in writing skill involve five
aspect of writing. Each of the improvement discussed as the research finding as

Firstly, the students can brainstorm their ideas and writing by optimizing
online resources through blogging activities. It can be seen in the third meeting
and fourth meeting in cycle I. The students are able to use grammarly to check
their writing and get online reference for their writing. It indicates that the
implementation of blogging activities can improve the content of the students’
writing. Tifani (2009: p.91) also strengthen this finding, she sates that “Internet is
not merely a source of authentic materials in English but also a source of
information about all sort of topics we may want to discuss in the classroom and
at the same time a source of professional knowledge for teachers in the form of
bibliographies, course, articles, and conferences”. It means that students can get
lots of information from the different sources in the internet. Furthermore,
commenting on the other friends’ blog will makes them more critical in writing
and they can create a better composition of writing through their friends’
comment and advice. It was corfirmed by Davi, Frydenberg and Gulati (2007:
p.227) that blog can be used on various diciplines. Most of the students said that
posting their comment on the blogs helped them to communicate their ideas more
effectively, which prepared them for the class discussions later.

Secondly, the students easily to organize their text by making a draft

before they start to write. It also can minimize the possible failure of the generic
structure of the text. Supported by auto save and save as draft features, blog will
help the students to check and revise their writing. Furthermore, commenting in
friends’ blog post as the part of blogging activity will help the students’ to
communicate, share their ideas, give an advice easier. All the features of blog
along with blogging activity provides more practice which can enhance their
writing ability including organizing the text.

Thirdly, The students could write in grammatical sentence. It indicates that

they have improvement in writing skill. Checking and revising the article become
a crucial as the part of blogging activities. Grammarly provides insights that may
help the students to become a better writter. Besides, The comment features on
blog also makes the students easily get correction from their friends so that they
could revised their writing.

Fourthly, The students use more vocabulary in their writing since the
implementation of blogging activities in the writing class. As the part of blogging
activities, reading the article from their frinds’ articles and browse the information
from another souces can enrich the students’ vocabulary. They also can train their
vocabulary mastery by giving feedback to the friends’ comment on their blog.

Fifthly, the students have improvement in the mechanics of writing. Using

grammarly can enhance the students’ writing competence, especially in using
punctuation and spelling. Through detailed information of error in grammarly, the
students can learn the common mistakes in their writing. Furthermore, they can
review and make correction for the better writing.

In conclusion, blogging should not be a burden for the students. They must
love it, and not see it as a homework. That is why the researcher never grade the
the students blog. Confine their writing and determine their topic to write outside
of the lesson schedules is a big mistakes because every students have different
capacity, different interest, different passion and different way of thinking. In this

research the researcher allow them to write different topic not only in English, the
students can write everything on their blog but he asked to arrange their writing
by making list of menu.

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