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Calculation For The Concentration In Ambient Air

Conversion Equation:
NO concentration (ppb) = a NOx ( W NOx- W No2) It
N02 concentration (ppb) = aN02xw N02 It
502 concentration (ppb) = a sos xW soz It
NH3 concentration (ppb) = a NH3xW NH3 It
03 concentration (ppb) = a 03x W 03 It

W Nox,W No2: N02 quantity (ng) collected in NOx and N02 collection elements
W s02 : 502 quantity (ng) collected in 502 collection element
W NH3: NH3 quantity (ng) collected in NH3 collection element
W03:03 quantity (ng) converted from N03 quantity collected in 03 element
a NO• a No2, a s02, a NHJ• a 03: ppb concentration conversion coefficient
( ppb·min Ing ) normally at 20°C, R.H. 70% to be based.

a No= 60, a No2 = 56, a soz = 39.4, a NH3= 43.8, a03= 46.2
These values were obtained by a theoretical calculation and an experimental
basis using a glass chamber. These values are also changeable depending on
temperature, humidity and exposure time.
t : exposure time ( min )

Calculation Of Concentration Conversion Coefficients For NO And N02

In order to enhance the accuracy of Ogawa sampler measurement method

a NO and a No2 can be calculated for a combination f temperature and

relative humidity using the following formulas:
a No=
( • 0.78 X [P] X [RH] ) + 220

( 0.677 X [P] X [RH] ) + ( 2.009 X [T] ) + 89.8

[T] : Ambient temperature in degree Centigrade

[RH] : Relative humidity 0/o

2PN ~2 /3
Pr+ PN J
PN: 17.535 ( water vapor pressure in mm Hg at 20 degC
Pr: Vapor pressure of water at the ambient temperature [T]

Calculation Of Concentration Conversion Coefficients For S021 NH, And o,

0502= 39.4 X ( 293 I ( 273 + T) ) 1.83

[T] : Ambient temperature in degree Centigrade

ONH3= 43.8 X ( 293 I ( 273 + T ) ) 1.83

[T] : Ambient temperature in degree Centigrade

a03 = 46.2 x 102x ( 2931 ( 273 + T) J 1.8,1 ( 9.94 x In (t)-6.53 l

[T] : Ambient temperature in degree Centigrade
t : Exposure time (min)

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