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The last story of Pak Pandir

Another Pak Pandir story to be shared with ..

Pak Pandir liked to eat bananas so much. He always ate the ripe bananas.One day,
Mak Andih grilled some unripe bananas.Pak Pandir liked the grill bananas so
much.Every single day, he asked his devoted wife to grill some bananas for him.Since
he liked them so much, Pak Pandir hid them at the house attic.

One day, while Mak Andih was away, Pak Pandir took some unripe bananas from the
attic. He was starving.He craved for the grill bananas so much.So Pak Pandir went to
the kitchen planning to grill the unripe bananas himself.Unfortunately,he did not even
know how to start a fire and he did not know that a fire or a burning charcoal is needed
to grill them.Pak Pandir looked around and saw the black ash in the stove."Aaa! This
is what Andih used to grill the delicious bananas.Then Pak Pandir put the unripe
bananas in the ash.Once they were black, Pak Pandir thought that it was done so Pak
Pandir took one and ate it.It tasted different but since Pak Pandir was a lame dog he
ate it greedily.Finally he gobbled up the whole bunch!

Soon after, Pak Pandir was really full.He could neither walked nor got up.Suddenly,
he got a terrible stomach ache.He could not bear with it and ran out of his house to do
his business.While he was running, he stumbled over a rock and fell onto a jar of sticky
fluid.He tried to get up but he could not make it since it was the sap from a tree that
Mak Andih used to trap the birds which ate their crops.Hours later Pak Pandih was
covered with hundreds of birds.As he was indeed an unlucky man, the birds flew away
bringing Pak Pandir with them.Until today, there was no news about Pak Pandir.

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