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Talja, Ella Nicole T.

Topic discussed: Introduction to Teaching and Learning
Date of Discussion: August 13,2019

1. What kind of learner am I…

 From the discussion on the first meeting I have come realized that I am the kind of learner who always aim to do
more than what is expected also known as Magis, which I was able to develop while attending in my previous school
Ateneo de Davao University. The idea of Magis is not to do more in front of others but it is to do more FOR others
and for the greater glory of God. Doing more than what is expected can be a very beneficial quality of a learner
because it means that he/she does not limit oneself from his/her potential and is always prepared to learn more
lessons on the way.

2. I became more aware of…

 My Magis philosophy was not always the same compared now. Before, my definition of Magis was just to do more.
At first, it was so fulfilling getting compliments from others on how well I do my projects and notes but then I came
to the point of getting tired. I lost my “why”. Why am I being a magis? To whom am I doing this for? I would also
sometimes become dependent about my ability believing I can do things in short span of time that results to
cramming wherein I either won’t finish on time or I get really exhausted after. Then after getting too exhausted I
won’t have the enough energy to do again for the next assignment.
 As these incidents continue to happen I would just immediately give up which is not a good attitude. When I shared
my feelings to my dad, he was not angry at me and said everyone also goes through with this, even him. But he knew
how he overcome this kind of thinking and it was just summed up into one word “Why?”. And it hit me, why did I go
for Medical Technology in one of the top-notching schools in the Philippines when I just keep on complaining. That
word was a breath of fresh air for me. I became more aware of learning because of that word.
 So now this second year, as I expect myself going through again sleepless nights, bombarding exams and full-packed
memorizing technical terms, I know I can survive this as long as I keep in my mind and heart my “why” and these are
my family, God and last but not the least, it is the thinking that this knowledge I’m gaining today will be the way to
save a patient when I become a doctor in the future.

3. I felt that…
 After the lesson, I learned that learners differ in attitude towards learning, I may not be the best out of our class but
I promised myself that I will be better than I was yesterday. After acknowledging again my “why”, I felt that I have
regain back my hunger for learning. Learning is not just about gaining a lot of knowledge but it is also thinking “why”
or “to whom” are these knowledge for. If we always keep on this kind of thinking towards learning, we will not only
retain knowledge for that time or for that test but it will be a knowledge for long-term benefits.

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