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Assignment no 1

A square footing must be designed to carry a 300KN load at a depth of 1.2 m on soil

with φ=30, Y=18.5 KN/m2 and c=12.5kPa Determine the required width of footing

with a factor of safety of 3 using

A) Terzaghi bearing capacity formula
B) General bearing capacity formula (separate for Meyerhof, Hansen, and
C) Ethiopian Geotechnical design code (ES EN-7)
D) Euro code-7
E) Comment on the result


i) When the GWT is on the surface

ii) When the GWT is at bottom of the footing

iii) When the GWT is far below the bottom width (No effect of GWT)

Given data

P= 300kN

Weight of footing (𝑊𝑓 ) =150kN 𝐷𝑓 = 1.2m from floor

Φ=30o 𝛾𝑤 =10kN

γ=18.5𝒌𝑵 /𝒎𝟐



A) According to Terzaghi’s bearing capacity formula

𝒒𝒖𝒍𝒕 = 1.3CNc +𝑁𝑞 γD f + 0.4 B γ N γ

For Φ=30o, NC=37.2

N γ=19.7
Case i: - when GWT on the surface
𝜸′ = 𝜸𝒔𝒂𝒕 -𝛾𝑤 =18.5-10=8.5

𝒒𝒖𝒍𝒕 = 1.3CNc +𝑁𝑞 γD f + 0.4 B γ N γ

𝒒𝒂𝒍𝒍 = = 300/ 𝐵2

𝒒𝒂𝒍𝒍 = 𝒒𝒖𝒍𝒕 / FS = (1.3CNc +Nq γ D f’ + 0.4 γ’ N γ B)/3

300/ 𝐵2= [1.3(12.5)*(37.2) + (22.5)*(8.5)*(1.2) + 0.4(8.5)*(19.7)*B]/3
-by trial and error we get
Case I I):- When the GWT is at bottom of the footing

γ = γ’+ [(d- D f)/B]*(γ - γ’)

Let d = 1.5m

γ = (18.5-10) + [(1.5-1.2)/0.6]*(18.5-8.5) =13.5m

𝒒𝒂𝒍𝒍 = (1.3CNc +Nq γ D f + 0.4 B N γ)/3

300/ 𝐵2= [1.3(12.5)*(37.2) + (22.5)*(13.5)*(1.2) + 0.4(13.5)*(19.7)*B]/3
-by trial and error we get
Case I I I) :- When the GWT is far below the bottom width (No effect of GWT)

d> Df+B (since the GWT has no effect)

qult = 1.3CNc +Nq γDf + 0.4 γN γB

qall = 𝑊/𝐵2= qult/FOS

300/ 𝐵2= [1.3(12.5)*(37.2) + (22.5)*(18.5)*(1.2) + 0.4(18.5)*(19.7)*B]/3

by trial and error we get
B= 0.86m
B) General bearing capacity formula ( separate for Meyerhof, Hansen
and Vesic)
i ) According to Meyerhof bearing capacity formula
qult = CNcScdcic + 0.5BγNγSγdγiγ + qNqSqdqiq

Nq = NΦ= 18.40

where, NΦ = (1+sinΦ/1 - sinΦ)= (1+sin30o /1-sin30o) = 3

Nc = (Nq – 1)cotΦ = 30.14

Nγ = (Nq – 1)tan(1.4Φ) = 15.67
Take B = 0.99m
Shape factors Depth factors
Sc = 1 + 0.2 NΦ(B/L)=1.6 dc = 1+0.2 (Df /B)=1.42
Sq = 1+0.1NΦ(B/L)=1.3 dq=1+0.1 (Df/B)=1.21
Sγ = Sq=1.3 dγ= dq=1.21

Since the load is vertical we have inclination factors i.e, ic, iq, iγ= 1

qult = 12.5*30.14*1.6*1.42*1 + 0.5*0.99*8.5*15.67*1.3*1.21*1 +

8.5*1.2*18.40*1.3*1.21*1 =1254.91kpa
i i) According to Hansen bearing capacity formula
qult = CNcScdcic + 0.5BγNγSγdγiγ + qNqSqdqiq

Nq = NΦ= 18.40

where, NΦ = (1+sinΦ/1 - sinΦ) = (1+sin30o /1-sin30o) = 3

Nc = (Nq – 1)cotΦ = 30.14

Nγ =1.5(Nq – 1)tanΦ = 15.07

Shape factors Depth factors

Sc = 1+ Nq/Nc(B/L)=1.61 dc = 1+0.4(Df/B)=1.48
Sq = 1+(B/L)tanΦ=1.58 dq = 1+2*tanΦ(1-sinΦ)^2*(Df/B)=1.35
Sγ = 1-0.4(B/L)=0.6 dγ = 1

qult = CNcScdcic + 0.5BγNγSγdγiγ + qNqSqdqiq

qult = 12.5*30.14*1.61*1.48*1 + 0.5*0.99*8.5*15.07*0.6*1*1 +
8.5*1.2*18.40*1.58*1.35*1 = 1336.1kpa
i i i) According to vesic bearing capacity formula
qult = CNcScdcic + 0.5BγNγSγdγiγ + qNqSqdqiq

Nq = NΦ= 18.40

where, NΦ = (1+sinΦ/1 - sinΦ) = (1+sin30o /1-sin30o) = 3

Nc = (Nq – 1)cotΦ = 30.14

Nγ =2(Nq + 1)tanΦ = 22.4
 The shape and depth factors of vesic are the same as those of Hansen
qult = CNcScdcic + 0.5BγNγSγdγiγ + qNqSqdqiq
qult = 12.5*30.14*1.61*1.48*1 + 0.5*0.99*8.5*22.4*0.6*1*1 +
8.5*1.2*18.40*1.58*1.35*1 = 1354.6kpa

c) Ethiopian geotechnical design code

1) drained condition
Bearing resistance factor


N γ =2(Nq-1)tanΦ=2(18.4-1)tan30=20.092
Shape factors
S γ=0.7

Sc=(SqNq-1)/(Nctan φ)=(1.5*18.4-1)/(18.4-1)=1.534

Inclination factor

ic=(iqNq-1)/(Nq-1)= 1
R/A= (CNcScic+qNq Sqiq+0.5 γ’BN γ S γ i γ)/FOS
By trial and error
1) drained condition

ic= 1
R/A= (2+Π)Cu* Sc* ic+q
D) Euro code bearing capacity

R/A= (CNcbcScic+q Nq bqSqiq+0.5 γ’BN γ b γ S γ i γ)/FOS

Bearing resistance factor
N γ =2(Nq-1)tanΦ=2(18.4-1)tan30=20.092
Shape factors
S γ=0.7

Sc=(SqNq-1)/(Nctan φ)=(1.5*18.4-1)/(18.4-1)=1.53

Inclination factor

ic=(iq-(1-iq))/(Nctan30)= =(1-(1-1))/(30.137tan30=0.7=0.057

Inclination factor at base

bc=(bq-(1-bq))/(Nctan30)= =(1-(1-1))/(30.137tan30=0.7=0.057
4. A machine of mass 500 kg is spported on a RCC block of size L = 2500 mm; B = 1500
mm;& H = 400 mm. density of concrete is 2500 kg/m3. The block in turn is supported by a
lateral translational spring in X direction having stiffeness of kx = 2x107N/m attached at CG
of the base area of the block (point o) as shown in figure, height of the CG of machine
(point C) above top of the block is hl = 100 mm. CG of block and CG of the machine lie on
the same vertical line. Consider that the system is un damped and it is constrained to
translate only along X-axis. A dynamic force of Fx = 200 N at excitation frequency of (ω) =
50 rad/s is applied at the machine mass CG along X-axis. Find natural frequency of the
system and compute maximum amplitude of vibration at the machine center point C.


Mass of machine = 500 kg

Block size

L = 2500 mm
B = 1500 mm

H = 400 mm

Density of concrete = 2500 kg/m3

kx = 2x107 N/m

Fx = 200 N

ω = 50 rad/s


natural frequency (ωn)

maximum amplitude


M total = M machine + M bolck,

M block = 2500(2.5 ∗ 1.5 ∗ 0.4) = 3750 𝑘𝑔

= 500 kg + 3750 kg

= 4250 kg

determination of natural frequency

𝑘 2x107 𝑁/𝑚
𝜔𝑛 = √ = √ = 68.60 𝑟𝑎𝑑/𝑠
𝑀 4250 kg

𝜔𝑛 68.60
Then the natural frequency in hertze will be Fn = = = 𝟏𝟎. 𝟗𝟐 𝑯𝒛
2𝜋 2𝜋

The maximum amplitude 𝑍 =
√(1−𝐵2 )2 +(2𝐷𝐵)2

where the dimenssion less frequency ratio

ω 50
𝐵=𝜔 = = 0.729 and the damping ratio D = 0 therefor
𝑛 68.60

𝑍= 2𝑥107 = 2.134𝑥10−5 𝑚𝑚 = 𝟎. 𝟎𝟐𝟏𝟑 𝒎
√(1 − 0.7292 )2

5. Consider a circular footing with radius ro=2 m and a moment of inertia ,I𝜑=1.7×106 kgm2,
for rocking about a line through the center of the base of the footing. The shear modulus,
Gmax is measured to be 50 Mpa for the saturated,medium stiff clay in the site and the density

is ρ=2000kg/m3.
a) Determine the shear wave speed at the site ,the mass ratio, the dimensionless
resonance frequency for rocking of the footing and the dynamic amplification factor
using the exact elastic half space method.
b) Check the exact solution resonance fequency found in (a) by the resonance frequency
expression from 1 DOF analogue.

Given data

Radius(ro) = 2m

Moment of inertia(I𝜑) = 1.7×106 kgm2

Density = 2000𝑘𝑔/m3
Poisson’s ratio for the saturated,medium stiff clay = 0.5


𝐺 50×106N/m2
a) Shear wave velocity (Vs) = √ = √ = 158.114m/s
𝜌 2000𝑘𝑔/m3

𝜌 𝜔ro
Dimensionless freqencey (a0) = 𝜔ro√ =
𝐺 Vs

3(1−v)I𝜑 3(1−0.5)×1.7×106
Mass ratio (B𝜑) = = = 4.98
8𝜌ro5 8×2000×(2)5

8Gro3 8×50×106×(2)3
K𝜑 = = = 2.13×109N/m
3(1−v) 3(1−0.5)

K𝜑 mro2
Then the natural freqencey (𝜔n) = √ but I𝜑 =
𝑚 4

I𝜑×4 1.7×106×4
m= = = 1700000kg
ro2 4

K𝜑 2.13×109
𝜔n = √ =√ = 35.397Hz
𝑚 1.7×106

Since the motion is at resonance 𝜔 = 𝜔n

𝜔ro 35.397
Then the Dimensionless resonance freqencey (a0) = = = 0.224
Vs 158.114

dynamic amplification factor (M𝜑) = M𝜑(a0, B𝜑)

for a0 = 0.224 and B𝜑 = 4.98 from graph read M𝜑= 40

b) Using analouge solution

M𝜑= 40

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