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Detailed Lesson Plan in Values 2

At the end of the lesson the student must be able to:
1. Identify the living things that God created by reading the story “The Creation”
2. Appreciate the importance of living things that God created by taking care of it
3. Classify which pictures show the proper way of taking care of the living things that God
4. Draw their own way on how to take care of the living things that God created.

II-Subject Matter and References

A. Topic: I Good Care of God’s Creation
B. Reference: I Do Good Deeds 2 (Pages 1-7)

III- Materials
1. Big Pictures
2. Comic strip
3. Flashcards

IV- Procedures
 Preparation

Good Morning Class Good Morning Teacher

My Name is Teacher Teacher Hance

Hannah Grace L. Domingo,
but you can call me Teacher
Hance. Who am I again?

Let us pray first. (The students will prayer)

Everybody stand up, close
our eyes and bow our

You may now take your (The students will take their seat)

May I know who are the (One student will stand up and tell who
absent for today? are the absent today)

 Motivation
1. Sing a song
Do you know the song No!
“He’s Got the Whole

We will sing and dance that

Can I ask everyone to stand
up? (The students will stand up)

Okay, just sing and dance

with me. (The students will sing and dance)

Thank you!
Please sit down.
(The students will sit down)
2. Ask:

Imagine that you are in a

Garden what can you see? (The students will raise their hands)
What if you’re in the forest?
What will you see? Trees
Have you been in the zoo?
What did you see? Tiger!
All that you said including us
are living things, do you
know who created them? Yes!

Who created living things?

Very Good!
Later on I will tell the story
about the living things that
God created and how He
made it, but I want you to
read these words first.

3. Unlocking of Difficulties
Show the flashcards

I have hear some words, I

want you to read it altogether
(The students will read the given words
 Create altogether)
Who loves to play
clay? (The students will raise their hand)

Creating is like
playing clay. Out of
nothing you will make
shapes to create

 Darkness
Everybody close your
eyes. That’s how (The students will close their eyes)
darkness looks like.
When it occurs, all
you can see is color
black because there is
no light.
You may now open
your eyes. (The students will open their eyes)

 Earth
This is the picture of
 Human
Look at your
seatmates. They are (The student will look at their seatmates)
human and you as
well are human.

 Lesson Proper

Our topic for today is about the

living things that God created and
how we can take care of them.

Now I will tell you the story about

“The Creation”
(The students will listen to the story)
Once upon the earth has no form.
Everywhere was full of darkness.
Then one day, the Lord decided to
create the Earth.

First He made day and night. He

said, “Let there be light” and there
was light.” He said again, “It was
very good” He divided light and
darkness that’s why we have day
and night.

On the second day He said, ” Let

there be Heaven” and the heaven
was created

On the third day He said, “Let

there be water and land.” He called
the land Earth and the waters
called sea. He also made the plants
and the tress.

On fourth day God said, “Let there

be Sun, Stars and Moon.”

On the fifth day God said, “Let

there be fishes in the Sea and Birds
in the Sky.”
On the sixth day God said, “Let
there be animals in the land”
God also created the human on His
image on the sixth day.

And He rested on the seventh day.

Do you love the story?

Yes Teacher!
Again what are the living things
that God created? (The students will raise their hands)
Are they beautiful?

Everything that God created is

beautiful. And of course we need
them to survive, we need them so
that we can live because we get
food from them, we build our house
out tree, and many more. Without
them we will die.
Do you want to die?
Therefore what we will do?
(The students will raise their hands)
We should take care of them.
Very good! We should take care of
them, but how can we take care of

Let me ask you some questions.

For example you have a plant in (The students will raise their hands)
your house and you saw that it is Water the plants
dry. What will you do?
Alright you should water the plant.

For example you have a candy

wrapper, where are you going to (The students will raise their hands)
put it? On the trash can

Here are the ways on how to take

care the living things
1. Clean the surrounding
2. Put the garbage on the trash
3. Plant trees and flowers (The students will raise their hands and
4. Love and feed your pets answer the given activity)
5. Separate Biodegradable
from non-biodegradable.
6. Conserve energy and water
 Activity
I will show you some pictures, all
you have to do is to put a (/) if the
picture shows proper way of taking
care of the living things that God
created and if not just put an (X)
Is that clear?
(The students will give their answers)
Who wants to answer? Just raise
your hand.

Very good!

 Generalization
I know that you’ve learn a lot from
our discussion, so anyone who can
give the living things that God

What about the ways on how to take

care of it?

Thank you very much for your


It is very important for every

student to understand how bless we
are to have the living things that
God created and value it by taking
care of it. Everyone is responsible
to care the earth so that we can live

IV- Evaluation

On a bond paper draw yourself showing that you are taking a good care of the plants in
your house.


Bring a picture of your best friend.

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