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TLE 10

Name: _______________________ Score:_______

I. Identification: Identify the following.
Al dente Boiling and steaming Sautéing and Pan – Frying Braising
Baking Deep – frying Vegetables Cereal Starches
Native or Natural Starch Modified Starches Purified starch Amylose
gel Amylopectin Maltese
_______________________1. It refers to the starches as originally derived from its plant source.
_______________________2. A long chain-like molecule, sometimes called the linear fraction, and is
produced by linking together 500 to 2, 000 glucose molecules.
_______________________3. It has a highly branched, bushy type of structure, very different from
the long, string-like molecules of amylose.
_______________________4. These are added to processed meats (luncheon meats, hot dogs,
sausages, etc.) as a filler, binder, moisture, retainer, and fat substitute.
_______________________5. It is any grain that is used for food.
_______________________6. It may be separated from grains and tubers by a process called wet
_______________________7. Plants or parts of plants like leaves, fruits, tubers, roots, bulbs, stems,
shoots, and flower used in a dish either raw or cooked.
_______________________8. It is rigid to a certain degree and holds a shape when molded.
_______________________9. These are starches that have been altered physically or chemically, to
modify one or more of its key chemicals and/or physical property.
_______________________10. It is an Italian phrase that means ― to the tooth.
_______________________11. Good sources of food nutrients that are very important in everyday
____________________12. Vegetables are drained as soon as they are cooked and then cool quickly
under cold water to prevent overcooking from the residual heat.
____________________13. The blanched or raw vegetable, is placed in the pan then liquid is added
(stock, water, wine) to cover vegetables, then cooked slowly.
____________________14. Both methods may be used to complete cooking or precooked or blanched
vegetables. Also used for complete cooking of raw vegetables.
____________________15. Cooking starchy vegetables using heat of the oven, rather than range top.
II. Answer the following questions briefly.

16 - 20. Differentiate cereals and starch.

21 - 25. Why is it important to eat vegetables?

26 - 30. What are the nutritional values do we get by eating vegetables?

Classifications of Vegetables
a. According to parts of plants
Gourd family
- cucumber, pumpkin, chayote
Seeds and pods
- beans, peas, corn, okra
Fruit Vegetables
avocado, eggplant, sweet pepper, tomato
Roots and tubers
- beet, carrot, radish, turnip, artichoke, potato, sweet potato
Cabbage family
cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, bokchoy
Onion family
onion, scallion, leek, garlic, shallot
Leafy greens
- spinach, lettuce
Stalks, stems, and shoots
- artichoke, asparagus, celery, fennel, bamboo, shoots

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