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This is a story about a 5th semester student at a well-known university in

Riau, Indonesia. She is a girl who is brave and confident. However, semester 5 is
a tiring semester. How not, she has to pursue 23 credits with 11 courses in it.
Almost every day she has to work on assignments that are like endless. With all
the bustle of college, she still had to take care of the organization she attended.
This year, she became one of the public relations members of the BEM FKIP UR.
It is a difficult division, because it is challenged to be brave and responsible.
However, behind all her college assignments and organizations, she still can have
fun. She can still gather with her friends, because everything is just about time
management. If someone puts time correctly, stress can still be avoided.

(in the morning, at d8 room before the class starts ...)

Annisa : hi zahra, I forgot to ask you yesterday about the syntax class last week.
I did not come last week

Zahra: oh yes, where were you last week?

Annisa : I had problem with my stomach.

Zahra: we are given assignments to be collected this Tuesday

Annisa : Is it true? Thank God I asked. Can you explain the details of the

Zahra: Of course. I will send it to you via email

Annisa : thanks zahra. I am indebted to you

Zahra: my pleasure.
Annisa: but, how about your prose homework?
Zahra: I don't have my homework today.

Annisa : You usually are good about turning it in; what happened?

Zahra: I was really sick.

Annisa : But couldn't you have done it when you felt better?
Zahra: Yes, I probably could.

Annisa : You better do it as soon as you are better because this task must be
collected next week

Zahra: sure, but i need help to do this assignment

Annisa : Dont worry, i will help you, but make sure you get next week's
assignment in as well, all right?

Annisa: That would work for me.

Zahra: Good. I know that you are capable of being an excellent student.

(at night, Nisa goes to visit her friend Linda for dinner)
Annisa: hufff

Linda: why do you look so lethargic. Isn't that your favorite food?
Annisa: I'm just thinking about something

Linda: tell me
Annisa: I have many tasks that must be completed immediately

Linda: come on, we all have it. We as students must go through it. Tell me what
Annisa: Let me tell you what happened to my homework.

Linda: OK, go ahead--what is the excuse this time?

Annisa: Actually, I did it, but then it got lost.

Linda: Could you have gotten it done at another time?

Annisa: Yes, I could.

Linda: You have never missed an assignment before--when will you be making
this one up?

Annisa: I'll make it up early next week.

Linda: That would work, but don't let it happen again.

Annisa: I'll try.

Linda: That will solve it then. Let's work hard to not let it happen again.
Annisa: Ok
Linda: Come on girl, forget about the assignment now.
Annisa: You are right. I just need to reset my schedule. I have to be able to
manage time more
Linda: yeah We also have to have fun. Don't let us stress because of those tasks
Annisa: thank you for your attention friend
Linda: now, eat your food. See? It's getting cold.
Annisa: hehe, okay. Do you want to try this? This is delicious
Linda: sure.

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