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Integrated Chinese 1/1 Lesson 1 Greetings Video Activity


LESSON 1: Greetings

Dialogue 1: Exchanging Greetings

Viewing Activities
A. Watch the video. Check True (对) or False (错).
对 错
1. The young woman already knows the young man. ☐ ☐

2. The young man says “hello” first. ☐ ☐

3. The young woman’s family name is “Wang.” ☐ ☐

4. The young man’s first name is “Wangpeng.” ☐ ☐

B. Watch the video again. Answer the questions in Chinese.

1. What does the woman call the man? ________________________

2. What does the man call the woman at first? ________________________

3. What is the young woman’s full name? ________________________

4. What is the young man’s full name? ________________________

Post-Viewing Activity
Introduce yourself in Chinese, giving your family name and full name.
Integrated Chinese 1/1 Lesson 1 Greetings Video Activity

Dialogue 2: Asking about Someone’s Nationality

Viewing Activities
A. Watch the video. Check True (对) or False (错).
对 错
1. Li You did not know if Wang Peng was a teacher or a student. ☐ ☐
2. Li You is now teaching at the school. ☐ ☐
3. Wang Peng is from New York. ☐ ☐
4. Li You is American. ☐ ☐
B. Watch the video again. Circle the correct answer.

1. 王朋是老师/ 学生。
2. 李友是老师/学生。
3. 王朋是美国人/中国人。

Post-Viewing Activity
Write a short paragraph in Chinese to introduce yourself. What is your name? What do you do?
Where are you from?

Culture Minute
Viewing Activity
Watch the video. Answer the questions in Chinese.
1. 苏菲(Sū Fēi)是北京人吗?

2. 苏菲(Sū Fēi)是学生吗?

3. The first man 叫什么?(in pinyin)

Integrated Chinese 1/1 Lesson 1 Greetings Video Activity

4. The first elderly man 姓什么?(in pinyin)

5. The second elderly man 叫什么?(in pinyin)

Post-Viewing Activity
Compare the way people introduce themselves in your own culture to the Chinese way.

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