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The PICE across the Nation

With ninety chapters set and more

Down the Gullies

Across the mountain

We engineers will blast and bore

With trucks and loaders

Backhoes and dozers

No Rockies can withstand our drive

With mighty graders

And asphalt pavers

There Is no road we can't provide

Civil Engineers the great profession

We build structures great and fore

Ports and harbors

And Reclamation

We engineers fill urban shores

We build flyovers

And light rail transits

No traffic can forestall our might

With famed consultants

Renowned constructors

All infrastructures are built right

We the civil engineers design and build

We the civil engineers construct and wield

Harder though the projects are

Easier yet we treat by far

We’re the civil engineers in stride

Should you need dams and reservoirs

And bring the waters to our homes

Should you need long post tensioned bridges

To span the rivers wild and strong

Should you need tall or high rise buildings

Or sturdy tunnels to cross our shores

Just fax the matter

And spell the order

We engineers will do our chores

We the civil engineers design and build

We the civil engineers construct and wield

Harder though the projects are

Easier yet we treat by far

We’re the civil engineers in stride…

We will build dikes

And housing projects

Develop lands for rich and poor

We drain flood waters, control the rivers

To dry the areas on the shore

We build stadiums and strong coliseums

For all our people to ascribe

We use computers with hi-tech software's

We engineers always subscribe

With P.I.C.E all civil engineers

We walk this earth

With utmost pride

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