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Bahasa inggris
Di : S
Oleh: Kelompok 6
Anggota: ^Reskiono
Tahun Ajaran:2018/2019
1.The meaning of the title invitation...
An invitation is a call in the fly or a
letter,which is usually used to invite people to
attend a particular event

2.Characeristic of the invitation.....

a.Unofficial invitations:
Unofficial invitations is letters that use
nonformal language or use everyday language
and do not use letter KOP
b.Official invitations:
Official invitations is letter issued by
an authorized institution or organization
3. a.Parts of an unofficial invitation:
~ There is the name and address of the
~ There is the name and address of the
~ Day,date,time,and place af event
written in clear letter of invitation

b.Parts of the official invitation:

~ Using kOP or letter head
~ In letter include letter
number,attachment,and subject
~ Using indonesian language is good and
~ There is a sign of validation either in
the form of a stamp of the relevant agencysss
4.The difference between a formal invitation
letter and a unofficial invitation:
His official invitations use standard and
official language,while unofficial invitations he
uses more social language

5.The purpose of the invitation:

To invite someone to come to the invite

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