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Tinfas nneγ – Tasnebbit I Tinfas Tiqburin 2013

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Tasnebbit i Tinfas Tiqburin

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Tinfas nneγ – Tasnebbit I Tinfas Tiqburin 2013

Tinfas nneγ – Tasnebbit I Tinfas Tiqburin 2013

Tanemmirt i wamdukal d ameɣnas nneɣ di tmurt ifran g wadrar n infusen

Dda Saεid Cnib

Af yal tinfas yebbiten g ussan imzura s ussan nneɣ, tinfas neɣ tsisawin eqqiment
isuggasen ɣer tiwessarin timɣarin n wedrar d acal.

Tinfas nneγ – Tasnebbit I Tinfas Tiqburin 2013


Taddart n At-Ifran
Agemmay n Tmaziɣt
Iḍrisen n Tinfas Tiqburin
i. Tanfust- Lulja
ii. Tanfust- Iɣed n Tinnurt
iii. Tanfust- Jriba
iv. Tanfust- Weṣfeṭ n lεafyet
v. Tanfust- Ijruten
vi. Tanfust- Tmura n Girza
vii. Tanfust- Tafekrunt
viii. Tanfust- Uccen d Tili
ix. Tanfust- Tsisaw n Tamedrart
x. Tanfust- Azel u d yeusuc
xi. Tanfust- Tameddurt d Tamettant
xii. Tanfust- Am Jriba d Weltm-is
xiii. Tanfust- Agnaw d Tayya-nnes
xiv. Tanfust- Estu d Tiglella

Tinfas nneγ – Tasnebbit I Tinfas Tiqburin 2013

“Guda s yuden… ettun ismawen nnsen

Lemmi ettun… iles nnsen” Sεid Sifaw

Tinfas nneγ – Tasnebbit I Tinfas Tiqburin 2013

Tazrawt: Tasekla d Amezruy-nneɣ

Tinfas nneγ – Tasnebbit I Tinfas Tiqburin 2013

Tasekla d Amezruy-nneɣ

Taɣerma nneɣ temmseṭc s tasekla nnes seg awal d tira. Tella tasekla di
tmektit n iwdan, tella di amyag nnsen ula tella di tmeddurt nnsen.

Tasekla taqdimt di adrar n infusen, ɣres amezruy yella di tarrat taqburt

(taqdimt) n tamseɣrit n ibaḍiyen, s ussan imɣaren n infusen, am derjini,
beɣṭuri, neɣ cummaxi. Kul iddjen yuri idlisen af amezruy neɣ tussna n ujjed
di tamseɣrit n ibaḍiyen.

S imegraden af tamseɣrit n ibaḍiyen yigit iddjen mmal-nas Motylinski di

amegrad addu izwel n «Bibliographe du Mzab», a tirmit s Motylinski
bac ad yebbi yal Adlesumuɣ af idlisen d arraten mmiren s iffasen n imɣaren
d imussnawen n ibaḍiyen, s At mmzab d infuean. S tira tiṭent yura
Professor J.Schacht guda n imagraden s tfransist, iddjen s imagrad-is
addu izwel n «Bibliotheque et manuscript abadites». Di yal imegraden
yutlay Motylinski d Professor J.Schacht af guda n iḍrisen s tutlayt n
tmaziɣt am isefra neɣ tamusni n imusnawen.

Nejjem ad nutlay d ɣernaɣ imdyaten am amɣar n ibaḍiyen mmalnes εamer

u cemmaxi, d amusnaw n ujjed s ifran di adrar n infusen, yewwa fellas
amɣar brahim sliman u cemmaxi di assuggass 1884 di adlis-nnes “iɣusar d
ibriden di idraren infusen”.

Di iddjen n usebter n wadlis yennad belli amaɣar ammi εamer u cemmaxi

lemmi yexs ad yessiwel d itetter in yakuc yemmal rebbi cek agellid

Imussnawen imezuwra urren idlisen n ujjed s awal umaziɣ s tira n isekkilen

maɣaribi. Dis imdyaten ad naf-it di imegrad s tutlayt tafransist am:

 Calassanti-Motylinski, G. A. de. 1905b. Le nom berbère de Dieu chez

les Abadhites. Revue africaine 49: 141-8.

 Calassanti-Motylinski, G. A. de. 1897. Dialogue et textes en berbere

de Djerba. Journal Asiatique 9/10: 377-401.

Tinfas nneγ – Tasnebbit I Tinfas Tiqburin 2013

 Calassanti-Motylinski, G. A. de. 1885c. Les livres de la secte abadhite.


 Luigi Serra. 1964, “Su alcune costumanze dei Berberi Ibaditi di Zuara
(tripolitania)”, in Atti del Congresso di Studi Arabi e Islamici, Napoli,
pp. 623-632.

 Luigi Serra. 1971, “Gli uomini pii venerati daiBerberi Ibaditi di Zuara
(Tripolitania), in Studi Magrebini ,IV, Napoli, pp. 65-75.

Tinfas nneγ – Tasnebbit I Tinfas Tiqburin 2013

Asebter s tarrayt n KITAB ELBARBARIYA – s tmaziɣt

Tinfas nneγ – Tasnebbit I Tinfas Tiqburin 2013

Guda s imaziɣen di libya d yal llan di timurawen n tamazɣa nniḍen war

ssnen af ibaḍiyen d ajmuḍ nnsen, d imeqraren n tussna nnsen.

Aktwa adrar n infusen amagus isuggum mant as-yebra igezzam-nnes,

maca imir-a nettat tiremt nneɣ d ani nettat tiremt n tira d asufeɣ idles nneɣ
di timektit, turlli ad yeqqim ɣer nneɣ ukan idles nneɣ d amezruy nneɣ.

aḍris n asefru aqbur s tmaziɣt

Imir-a g ussan nneɣ ad nejjem ad nedwel in usuggass n 70, g tmurt Libya

ikan dis drus manten yura d yutlay af awal, amezruy d tmagit nneɣ tmaziɣt.
Dda Sifaw netta iddjen sisen mammu yuca guda in tasekla n tmaziɣt (dahet
entutlay af tamedyazt tartar).

S isefra nnes dda Sifaw ibedd zzat n acengu, zzat tanebaḍt tarubit, lemmi
sekkren amennuɣ in tmagit nneɣ di Libya, lemmi siwlen s isem tidmi n
tarabt-taneslemt di tamnaḍt tamazɣa.

Ass-a g tmura nneɣ Libya tasekla n tmaziɣt teqqim teffeɣ af asalas n tisekla
tiṭnin, am imdyazen nneɣ I tamseɣrit tartar talɣa nnes “isefra ilelli”.

Mak yewwa dda sifaw g iddjen isefra nnes “idles nnwen “:

Suggmet neɣ eddut

D imal wid innan
Ad-yawi tafsut
D a yekkes amwan

Tinfas nneγ – Tasnebbit I Tinfas Tiqburin 2013

Amnay n tanfust
Ajetcca ad-diban
Idles nnwen arut
Idles nnwen kan


S fus: Maziɣ Buzaxxar

Tinfas nneγ – Tasnebbit I Tinfas Tiqburin 2013

TINFAS, awal anmek-nnes Bunadem

Tinfas nneγ – Tasnebbit I Tinfas Tiqburin 2013

TINFAS, awal anmek-nnes Bunadem

Tsisaw tmilaw bazin yeḥlaw dis tgerwaw …

… wusiɣed s isen s ṭiṭ-inu mi eẓẓriɣten

Tawalin timezwura d tawalin tineggura g yal tinfas, ula amsutef in wawal g

amadal n tinfas tasekla tečur af selṭan, tislit d isli, af meddan d tergu d
imudren. Awal aqbur n yudan nneɣ macci ass-a d waṣṣenaṭ, iyyuren, d
isuggasen ula awal aqdim guda lemmi bunadem yella af udem n acal,
yeddu ansi d yiga tafessɣa-nnes azal n tikkli:

S amkan ayed ellan guda s mammu ifat s yah, macci neččin imzura enfat s

Ass yemmlu dda Sεid Sifaw2 g iǧet n idlisen di isebtar-nnes af adelsan n

wagdud neɣ iɣerfan. Temktit-nsen tella d yemmengec g awal-nsen. Ula
awal ayed iṭenneṭ am fad n bunadem s amkan in amkan, ansi d alemmi ay
bedd sah yekker d yemmet.

Tawlaft addu aḍris yemmaɣwa s adlis –Les Images Rupestres du Sahara- yuritt Alfred Muzzolini 1995.

Tinfas nneγ – Tasnebbit I Tinfas Tiqburin 2013

Tinfas (ɣen Timucuha) tid wel uriɣ, ula nettat s tira win amaru3, is tinfas
ɣres Ameskar4?5

Manten yemmet d mammu yedder neɣ yeqqim g tira d tsisawt n umezruy.

Sah yutlay bunadem af iman-nnes d temddurt-nnes ula af azal n tilawt6-

Guda d medden
ettun ismawen-nsen
Ula id ettun

Yella anmezray anglizi emmal-nnes HUBEL8 yenna: bac texxsed ad

tekksed agdud s amezruy, bedda s ad terrẓed temktit-nsen, d errni ekkes
idlisen-nnes d adelsan-nnes d amezruy-nnes. May wayeḍ ad yariyas adlis d
adelsan iḍen, d ad yexeddmas amezruy iḍen. Sah ad yettu agdud mammu
nettnin ula macci ad ettunet amdal.

U xeldun9 di adlis-nnes af imaziɣen yenna g wawal-is: law nufa i nura kul

tasekla (awal af tinfas) n tmaziɣt sih ad neččur Timkarḍit n yidlisen.

Dis ellan guda s idlisen af tasekla n tmaziɣt di Libya, dis manten yurri fellas,
neɣ yebbi tinfas tiqdimin s. Emmiteɣ adlis ufiɣt di timkarḍit i ammas n
tizrawin d tiɣriwin umezruy, yuritt adlis uǧun aṭelyani emmal-nes
Francesco Beguinot10, yiga adlis af tutlayt n tmaziɣt di idraren n infusen
g tamnaḍt At-fessaṭu d tazrawt-nnes af tanatla-nsen. G adlis ayed
yemmeber kra n tinfas tiqdimin s iles meddan.

Amaru(sing. - Tam. Tatrart)= Writer
Ameskar(sing. - Tam. Tatrart)= Author
Aḍris yemmaxwa s asebter n -
Tilawt(sing. - Tam. Tatrart) = reality
Asefru n Sεid Sifaw s taεrebt di Tamedyazt-nnes
‫" يقول المؤرخ البريطاني هوبل‬
Adlis U xeldun af amezruy n imaziɣen di tamazɣa “
Beguinot, Francesco. 1931a. Il berbere Nefusi di Fassato. Rome.

Tinfas nneγ – Tasnebbit I Tinfas Tiqburin 2013

Yal tizrawin11 talsasnet12 tutlay af tinfas belli tella tasekla n tinfas di tmektit
n yuden, tella di amyag-nsen ula tella di tmeddurt-nsen, ɣres tilawt taqburt
alemmi bunadem yeffeɣ af asayas n dunnit.

Tinfas ad naf g talɣa n Atlay13 d ides talɣa n tasekla. Amezruy n tinfas

yewεar ad nessugur mak abrid-nnes yeffeɣ, ula matta yella ɣernaɣ yeqqim
s talɣa n tasekla. Tammunt i taxudma n tasekla ad yettuc a summel belli
tinfas ellan ag agim n isuggasen14.
Tizrawin(plural. - Tam. Tatrart)= Researches
Talsasnet(sing. - Tam. Tatrart)= Anthropology
Atlay (sing. - Tam. Tatrart)= Oral


Tinfas nneγ – Tasnebbit I Tinfas Tiqburin 2013

S tizrawin tutlay af tinfas tiqburin (tiqdimin) s adrar-nneɣ Infusen, iǧen d

aṭelyani ɣres amegrad yeffeɣ di Amsudeɣ15 asuggas 1921, s iḍrisen yebbit s
imi n argaz emmal-nes εmar ben xalif s tamnaḍt jemmari. Aṭelyani ayed
isem-nnes Gennaro Buselli16 yiga amegrad-nnes di amsudeɣ n tizrawin
tifriqiyin, s iḍrisen ellan am tanfust tamɣart n tmussnit lalla Aẓil d wayeḍ
tinfas s adrar.

Amsudeɣ(sing. - Tam. Tatrart)= scientific journals

Gennaro Buselli, "Testi berberi del Gebel Nefusa", Africa italiana 50 (1921),

Tinfas nneγ – Tasnebbit I Tinfas Tiqburin 2013

Asebter n Wikipedia17 di amegrad af tinfas d awal timucuha dis aḍris

yutlay af adelsan n atlay di Afriqya:

“Tadelsant tatlayt n tafriqit ɣres d tečur s ansay18 n tinfas. ɣersen agim n

isuggasen meddan s yal leεmar di afriqiya welyuc d sdiwen19 iden Agama, s
Imghi, imudren, d tiskiwin20 n wakal am isafen, idraren, d tawliwin…”

S fus: Maziɣ Buzaxxar

Ansay(sing. - Tam. Tatrart)= heritage
Sdiwen(sing. - Tam. Tatrart)= dialogue
Tiskiwin(Plural. - Tam. Tatrart)= structure

Tinfas nneγ – Tasnebbit I Tinfas Tiqburin 2013

Agemmay n Tmaziɣt

Tinfas nneγ – Tasnebbit I Tinfas Tiqburin 2013

Agemmay n Tmaziɣt

Tiɣri ----- Tiɣra

Isekkilen elli sis-sen tselɣen tawalt mmal-nas Tiɣra , g tmaziɣt dis akuz n isekkilen.

Asekkil Isem-nnes ‫ امازيغي‬-‫العربية‬ Amedya

A A Aɣra Aɣra A-a ‫أ‬ Amaziɣ

I I Iɣri Iɣri I-i ‫إ–ئ‬ Idles

U U Uɣru Uɣru U-u ‫ُأ – ؤ‬ ul

Asekkil elli imesli-nnes yefsus ansi ulac lḥess, emmal-nas d Ilem, d mi ɣres am netta g

E E Ilem Ilem E-e - Ekker

Targalt ----- Tirgalin

Tirgalin mmẓun-ent in (3) taggayin elli netninat :-

Asekkil Isem-nnes ‫ امازيغي‬-‫العربية‬ Amedya

B B Yab Yab B-b ‫ب‬ Bugel

C C Yac Yac C-c ‫ش‬ Acal

D D Yad Yad D-d ‫د‬ Udem

F F Yaf Yaf F-f ‫ف‬ Fus

G G Yag Yag G-g ‫گ‬ Agu

Tinfas nneγ – Tasnebbit I Tinfas Tiqburin 2013

v  Yav Yaɣ -ɣ ‫غ‬ Aɣrum

H H Yah Yah H-h ‫هـ‬ Ahil

J J Yaj Yaj J-j ‫ج‬ Jujef

K K Yak Yak K-k ‫ك‬ Kamur

L L Yal Yal L-l ‫ل‬ Ilel

M M Yam Yam M-m ‫م‬ Amur

N N Yan Yan N-n ‫ن‬ Anu

Q Q Yaq Yaq Q-q ‫ق‬ Agerdac

R R Yar Yar R-r ‫ر‬ Yur

S S Yas Yas S-s ‫س‬ Asirem

T T Yat Yat T-t ‫ت‬ Tirit

W W Yaw Yaw W-w ‫و‬ Azgen-ɣri

X X Yax Yax X-x ‫خ‬ Ixef

Y Y Yay Yay Y-y ‫ي‬ Azgen-ɣri

Z Z Yaz Yaz Z-z ‫ز‬ Zaw

Asekkil s imesli yeẓẓay mmal-nas uffay, elli netnin :-

Asekkil Isem-nnes ‫ امازيغي‬-‫العربية‬ Amedya

ç Ẓ Yaç Yaẓ Ẓ-ẓ ‫ مفخم‬-‫ز‬ Iẓi

Ä Ḍ Yaä Yaḍ Ḍ-ḍ ‫ مفخم‬-‫د‬ ḍar

Ï Ṭ Yaï Yaṭ Ṭ- ṭ ‫ مفخم‬-‫ت‬ ṭiṭ

à Ṣ Yaã Yaṣ Ṣ-ṣ ‫ مفخم‬-‫س‬ ṣari

Tinfas nneγ – Tasnebbit I Tinfas Tiqburin 2013

Dis isekkilen mi d ineṣliyen g tutlayt n tmaziɣt, maca s tazrirt n tutlayt Tarabt , d mmal-
nasen ankaran, elli netnin:-

Asekkil Isem-nnes ‫ امازيغي‬-‫العربية‬ Amedya

o Σ Yao Yaε Σ-ε ‫ع‬ Σudi

P Ḥ yaP Yaḥ Ḥ-ḥ ‫ح‬ Maḥuḍ

S fus: Madɣis Buzaxxar

Tinfas nneγ – Tasnebbit I Tinfas Tiqburin 2013

Taddart n At-Ifran

Tinfas nneγ – Tasnebbit I Tinfas Tiqburin 2013

Iḍrisen n Tinfas Tiqburin

Tinfas nneγ – Tasnebbit I Tinfas Tiqburin 2013

Tnafust I: Lulja

Tinfas nneγ – Tasnebbit I Tinfas Tiqburin 2013

Lulja (Loulja)

Dis tameṭṭut mi tedder-nas inaεnac dis tawessart ḍebber fellas tewwa-yas ugur eč seg
ijimi n tergu atiged inaεnac, tiga sah tugur ass seg ussan tutef il ijimi n tergu u teqqim
tet sis tused tergu tkerblet w tḥarmlet taf dis jurreṭ txemmem ass u tugur tneṭṭel iman-
nnes g tkatert n ijimi u teǧa tamezdayt-nnes il berra, tused tameṭṭut din yateč ammek
ussan li faten tufa tamezdayt f udem n tamurt ṭebbes fellas yatexwa tekker ides tergu,
tugged tameṭṭut tewwa-yas tergu εlac tetted seg ijimi-inu tewwa-yas tameṭṭut uwwani-
yed eč seg ijimi n tergu amedren iɣciren, tewwa-yas bah lemkenti kan tewwid-ed tbucilt
yatucti-yed ukan d abucil awit čem, tewwa-yas tameṭṭut bahi. Berra berra baεd cuhur
turu tameṭṭut din, yaḥenna tewwid tbucilt u tekkber u teqqim tirar iden inaεnac g uɣlad
tasas-ed tawessart tmerrej dis g tameǧit-nnes u temmalas emnas il yaǧ-nnem tewwa-
yem tameṭṭut tawalt elli jara-neɣ ɣen tettud cwayya.

Ass seg ussan yaǧ-nnes tedras g tiguṭayeṭ-nnes tufa tameǧit-nnes temmri tazuggaɣt
tewwa-yas seg matta tameǧit-nnem i lulja, tewwa-yas il yaǧ-nnes dis tawessart tasi-yed
g uɣlad u teṭṭef g di seg tameǧit-inu u temmali-yed emmlas il yaǧ-nnem tawalt elli
jaraneɣ, d neč tettuɣ. Yaǧ n lulja tukez d matta w elli nettat tergu cwayya tewwa-yas
yaǧ-nnes lemmi amtas tawessart ugur ides, u tugur lulja tirar g uɣlad tusased tawessart
din tesseqed ides d yaǧ-nnes teqqim tneffek may tewweṭ tergu ɣasru-nnes tḥuṭ lulja g
tiqsebt bac maεač atyaweṭ ḥad u teqqim tergu tserraḥ tawid il tbucilt g weysum n leɣzal
w tawid il iman-nnes aysum n bnadem, may atrewwaḥ tergu tsawal f tbucilt temmalas
(a lulja aẓliyeḍ tiguṭayeṭ-nnem bac amaliɣ) teẓlas zaw-nnes maɣer d azegrar iṭugu g
tamurt tecbubuṭ dis u taliyas tucas il tbucilt aysum n izerzar d nettat tet aysum n

Berra berra lulja ɣres emmis n εammis yekber yeqqim yemmalasen il yudan-nnes mani
ellis aεammi, cwayya uwwanas mak iṣar yiga sah ass yuli f tagmart-nnes u yugur
yessugur f ellis aεammis yugur yugur len tukezt ellis aεammis tessiwal fellas yukezt

Tinfas nneγ – Tasnebbit I Tinfas Tiqburin 2013

yugur iteqqa tagmart-nnes g usuf u teẓlas lulja tiguṭayeṭ-nnes ikerrec dis u yuli u
tselɣest addu tẓiwa, tused tergu teẓlas zaw-nnes tuli ides tewwa-yas manten yusamed
eqqim aysum n bnadem itayzag g taydurt u yemmal (bek bek aṭu n bnadem addu tẓiwa
itetbaεbek) itera fellas aysum n izerzar u yemmalas susem, temmalas tergu matta
emmalen temmalas lulja sin mi malen cra, cwayya tergu tekker turas tizeqwin-nnes u
tesseknas-tent maɣer tiga tsa f tbucilt u mak yatig mak yatig lulja bac aṭeffeɣ tergu
tewwa-yas neč fudeɣ exseɣ aman u tucas lkeskas il tergu yattawi dis aman u tugur
tergu d lulja tused il tiɣawsiwin n taddart teḥnaten tidni-lεalet-uzeṭṭa-ajelwal-tasirt tettu
ṣaṭer n tasirt mi teḥnat, u tewwi seg tiɣawsiwin n tergu u tiga sah ehwan seg tiqsebt
nettat d emmis aεammis, wulen f tagmart-nsen u rulen, cwayya ṣaṭer din iraḥ d agzin
yeqqim yemmalas il tergu čem li yattawid aman g lkeskas arahu tbucilt li ɣrem terwel,
tukezt tergu matta yemmal tugur tazzal g jurreṭ-nsen.

Nettat tazzal d netnin tazzalen s tagmart-nsen u teqqim lulja tluwaḥ g cra zat tergu
iteqqima d uzzu tetxebbel dis tergu, berra berra wetluwaḥ fellas cra iṭen itwella tala
waman tergu telleɣ d wegzin itelleɣ len asiyeq tugur tegniyas tadist-nnes s tifra n tizin
u tugur tergu may tbeṭermas, lulja tewwa-yas ucid zin-nnem wax cin-inu u tewwa-yas
atafed ilefsiwen tnuɣun emma-tentḥuzed atafed sen ijṭiṭen tnuɣun emma-tentḥuzed,
tazzalen tazzalen ufen sen ijṭiṭen d imeqraren ehwan atḥuzun disen cwayya iǧen sisen
ineggez f ubucil yeẓmeṭ, netnin εuddi zat taddart-nsen, uren taddart uf-ent g imi, mi
ukzent maɣer tewwi cin n tergu ɣell-ent timettert u wanas amnig atferfeced il iyaẓiṭen w
tserḥed iɣyal tewwa-yas bahi u teqqim din ɣersen yeqqim ajṭiṭ din li yeẓmeṭ emmis n
εammis itasased g ḍegiṭ iṭefṭa idis-nnes u yemmalas (matta ḥalnnem a lulja) temmalas
aktwa (tferfecaɣ il iyaẓiṭen userḥaɣ g iɣyal utessuɣ g ibḍaren utadneɣ g tbardiwin,
asefa) dis taya din ass seg ussan teslit tugur tewwa-yas il bab n taddart, yugur il tbucilt
tewwa-yas li yella, cwayya iṭ seg iṭan yewwid tẓiwa n tamamt wiḥuṭiṭ may itased ajṭiṭ, u
yeteqqa din len yused ajṭiṭ wifṭa g tẓiwa din yeeṣel g tamamt yeṭṭefṭ yefṣeṭ, yuras
tadist-nnes yefɣeḍ memmis u yulayes il lulja zin-nnes u senjefenten… wusiɣed sisen s
ṭiṭ-inu mi eẓẓriɣten.

Tinfas nneγ – Tasnebbit I Tinfas Tiqburin 2013

Tnafust II: Iɣed n Tinnurt

Tinfas nneγ – Tasnebbit I Tinfas Tiqburin 2013

Iɣed n Tinnurt (Ash of Hearth)

Dis tlata n tibucilin, yaǧ-n-sent temmut d bab-n-sent yugur yuɣa tameṭṭut iṭen. Sent sis-
net tidusay-n-sent timeqqrarin, welli at-ḥuṭ tameṭṭut n bab-n-sent xugga-net, d aysum
d waɣi tini, mi teǧa-net cra d nettat mi texsit-ent cwayya tameṭṭut n bab-n-sent, teffid
sis-ent, mammek yattig. Tewwa-yas il uterras-nnes (bab-n-sent) neč ɣen yess-ik g
taddart ayed. Yewwa-yas mak ayed d yessi, u mant ɣer-s-ent kan neč u tinaεnec.
Tewwa-yas neč uwwi-ɣak neč ɣen netentin g taddart u ček waza.

U teqqim ass ukkul nettat tnegrez fella-s u tusa-sed tewwayas neč ad debraɣ fella-k,
barra awit-ent i dek u serraḥ-t-ent g ṣuṭ u teǧi-t-ent u trewled fella-s-ent. U may teqqim
sah tenugu fella-s, yiga sah ass seg ussan yewwa-yas-ent il yess-is ad uguru-net idi d
anesraḥ u d ad nawi isɣaren u may usned d aguren tbucilt taneεnuct tukez belli bab-n-
sent yexs ya-tent yesraḥ tugur tečur akemus n iɣed seg ufirnu u teḥrezt g uceklul-nnes
wegen sah saqdent netentin d bab-n-sent, u may eṭfen abrid teqqim tserser g iɣed seg
ukemus din g webrid weqqimen eggurun eggurun len uḥl-ent tibucilin u may uṭen g ṣuṭ
yiga iman-nnes bab-n-sent itebbi g isɣaren wetfalleq. Netentin eqqim-ent len idaras-ent
iṭeṣ u yugur bab-n-sent yestutel u yerwel u yeǧit-ent din u may yewweṭ taddart-nnes
yewwa-yas il tameṭṭut-nnes mak yegg-a g yess-is, tiga sah teẓger u tuwwa-yas ɣersa-
naɣ aserduk, u iɣers-as aserduk.

Tibucilin may ekkrent mi uf-ent ukz-ent belli bab-n-sent yerwel fella-sent u maεadc
yexsi-tent weqqim-ent tnefk-ent tewwa-yas-ent weltmat-sent tanaεnuct at-gedmeč
nejjem anaweṭ taddart-nneɣ neč serseraɣ iɣed g webrid li nu-sed sis wig-ent sah
seqdent in webrid din uẓerr-ent g jurret n iɣed len uṭenṭ taddart. Utf-ent il jaj mi
ẓrentent d ass–nnes bab-n-sent iɣerres aserduk wegen sis amekli wetṭaba g taydurt u
wint sis taysumt (ṭarf ṭarf) u may tu-sed tameṭṭut n bab-n-sent yateẓer taydurt tufa
aysum mi yella, tugur il uterras-nnes tiga dis ass u tigas derglet tewwa-yas ček
teskerku-sed fella yessi-k ellant u mi tserreḥt-ent yewwa-yas čem matta temmaled neč

Tinfas nneγ – Tasnebbit I Tinfas Tiqburin 2013

ǧiɣ-tent g ṣuṭ, tagura neǧ-ewwus u mi d ad nejjm-ent ad rawḥan ted u may yekker

yufi-tent ellant. Berra berra teqqim tameṭṭut-nnes ass ukkul tnegrez fella-s u tewwa-yas
madunc at-en-tawed at-en-tserḥed, yiga sah ass seg ussan yewwa-yas-ent il yess-is d
anugur il islan u jerut-inu wirṭemeṭ ilalen nekmet. U yewwi yess-is u yeugur weqqimen
egguren len ussned il wanu ṣaḍem u yugur yessuṭa dis taceltut tazuggaɣt g allaɣ n
wanu u yu-sed il yess-is yewwayas-ent mant ili seg d kemt texs bab-nes at-ehwa il
wanu at-itenzeɣ lkembusinu yuṭa din. Tehwa tameqrart u tewwa-yas a baba mi ufiɣt
lkembus-nnek. Welli at-tas d tahwa itekkes tlaba-nnes, u yewwa-yas čem mi tessned at-
sugred, u yewwa-yas yellis tawesṭiṭ.

U may tewweṭ allaɣ n wanu tesseggur mi tufa lkembus yewwa-yas čem am weltmam mi
tessned at-sugred u yewwa-yas-ent yelli tacetwit tessen at-taf lkembus, u yu-sed d at-
isahwa tiga sah tetmaṭa tilabiwen n setma-s tbaleṭneṭ g wanu u tewwa-yas a baba
essen-ɣak maεatec texseda-neɣ u tex-sed at-eftuk-ed seg d neɣ, u tiga sah tewwa
weqqim-ent din d netta irewwaḥ il taddart, weqqim-ent rebc-ent g wallaɣ n wanu, u
tett-ent g teɣuri u sess-ent g waman, berra berra sah len ass seg ussan tbucilt
tanaεnuct trebbec din len tufa xuǧin, tufa dis aran, teqqim tejjel g waran u teẓẓel il
setma-s, maɣer dis tergu tella din g walaɣ n anu, teẓẓaṭ g tasirt u may tergu teẓẓaṭ taf
aran li ateẓẓaṭ mi tafit, tewwa mak may yugur aran, tukez dis cra itet dis, mak yatig
tessezɣul amjar u may tessitef tbucilt fus-nnes yataxwa aran teqtet tergu ufus-nnes u
tewwa-yas (jens ɣen wens) tewwa-yas tbucilt (wens xer n bab-nem d yaǧ-nem) u
tewwa-yas tergu atfed amigaɣ d yelli, u tutef tbucilt id uxuǧin il tergu u teqqim ides u
teẓẓel il setma-s g uču seg uxuǧin mak mi teẓrit tergu weqqim-ent tett-ent u sess-ent.

Tergu tefraḥ sis u tessikn-as tizeqwin-nnes čurr-ent s lfujreṭ, tigergac, temẓin d waren
tiɣawsiwin guda uču d iraṭ u tewwa-yas i tbucilt čem igiɣam d yelli wayed li teẓẓrid g
tizeqwin i čem. Berra berra tbucilt ass seg ussan txemmem tewwa neč εlac mi neqɣet
tergu id al lemmi d aqqimaɣ ides sah-yayet u teqqim txemmem len tukez eḍbareṭ u
tewwa-yas il tergu neč xessaɣ aɣrum ufirnu u tergu teqqim texs tbucilt din guda u tugur
tečur firnu s isɣaren u tserɣit u yeqqim itbuwec u tugi ariti u teqqim tbaεbec tusa-sed

Tinfas nneγ – Tasnebbit I Tinfas Tiqburin 2013

tbucilt s il deffer weteddufit g ammaṣ ufirnu tentleq dis lεafiyet temmut tergu d nettat
tugur il tizeqwin n tergu turit-ent u texwa tagermit n tigergac u terbac i dis n tinnurt g
wawal u tentleṭ din u tiga fella-s tatɣeɣṭ f imi-nnes maɣer tessen setma-s ṭebiεtn-sent
tameεfunt tidusay-n-sent timeqrarin u teffeɣ il setma-s u tsefɣas-ent ides uču diraṭ weč-
ent wessw-ent u sah weqqim-ent tegejm-ent fella-s wetgerj-ent dis u ṭeṣ-ent wewwa-
nat mak d at-ensema weltma-tneɣ wewwa-nat d at-ensema iɣed n tinnurt teqqim
tneffek u tewwa-yas-ent ḥinnaɣ gid-kemt u tucɣa-kemt tett-emt w tsess-emt d
kemmitin mi tigimt g di tasbiḥt.

Wugur-ent u want-as maεatc aqqimed i dis-ennaɣ čem qim g wawal, u teqqim din
tneffek i dis n tinnurt wettar g tegerrimt n tigergac, tett sis w teṭṭeṣ din d netentin tett-
ent u sess-ent wetgejm-ent fella-s. Berra berra ass seg ussan dis islan i dis n taddart id
n tirgu, sah setma-s timeqrarin ur-ent tizeqwin n tergu wirṭ-enṭ lfujreṭ d iraṭ mahnac u s
sekkr-ent iman-n-sent weseqd-ent il islan d weltma-sent tacetwit eǧǧ-ent-it mi eǧǧ-ent-
as atugur id-sent teqqim tεayeṭ u want-as kan tex-sed atugured čar taḥedduqt id s
imeṭṭawen u tasded. Mak yatig teǧǧit-ent seqd-ent u tiga sah tutef il tizeqwin n tergu
tireṭ iheḍrac d emḥililin d lfujreṭ u tufa trellik tireṭ wetsessekker iman-nnes u tesseqqed.

Tuṭ-enṭ il islan may tewweṭ teqqim tet-kettaḥ f yudan g idrimen wet-kettaḥ f setma-s g
iɣed, ig-ent sah tayaq-ent ufɣ-ent seg islan w mi ukz-ent weltma-tsent u may teẓriṭ-enṭ
effɣ-ent tiga sah teffeɣ deffer-sent seg webrid iṭen tazzal bac at-entzar il taddart, d
nettat g webrid tufa tanut n eṣṣulṭan afra-nnes d ameqqar yečur s waman tkahab
yatessu sis yeẓẓelfaṭ ṭar-nnes yuṭa trellik-nnes g wafra w mi tnejjem atenzeɣ u tugged
setma-s zar-ent f taddart, tugur tazzal u teǧǧa trellik-nnes din tazzal tazzal len tewweṭ
taddart n tergu u tufa setma-s welyuc mi uṭ-enṭ tekkes iraṭ din d lfujreṭ din u tu-sed
teqqim i dis n tinnurt g wawal u tiga iman-nnes teṭṭes u senta-sed sekr-ent-et w want-
as ass-a neẓra islan mahi d islan tewwa-yas-ent maɣer fellakmet teggemt g di sah d neč
d weltma-twen tanaεnuct w sečiɣa-kmet wenɣiɣ tergu f lxaṭer nekmet, u want-as qim
dah matta islanat li yasentugured weqqiment ṭeṣenṭ fella-s weggent dis guda.

Tinfas nneγ – Tasnebbit I Tinfas Tiqburin 2013

Ass seg ussan yu-sed emmis n ṣulṭan d yesseswa tagmart-nnes g tanut li teǧa dis
trellik-nnes, cway tagmart teqqim tetεayaf mi tuba atesswa, yehwa il wafra din yufa g
amaṣ n waman trellik, yexwat u yewwa neč lal n trellik id lama at-aɣeɣ ayed li d ad
nejfaɣ sis.

Yugur il uɣasru-nnes u yiga aberraḥ yucas trellik din u yewwa-yas enneṭ g tmura u
sefɣiyed lal n trellik id, u yiga sah aberraḥ din yeqqim itenneṭ seg taddart il taddart u
yeṣṣaraṭ g trellik il tbucilt li atyaf welli astessireṭ mi ita-sed f uṭar-nnes len yessemda
innaṭ f tmura, cwayya dis iǧen yewwa-yas dis tibucilin lant g taddart n tergu, yugura-
sent aberraḥ efɣ-ent-as sent tibucilin timeqrarin d weltma-tsent tanaεnuct mi eǧnast
ateffeɣ, yessirṭaṣenṭ trellik mi yu-sed f iṭaren-n-sent, yu-sed mak d yesseqqed yessla
tbucilt tkuḥ yewwa-yas-ent ender mant id kemmet il jaj u want-as s tkerkas mi ɣernaɣ
iǧen il jaj d nettat mi teslit-ent tefɣa-sed tbucilt tanaεnuct u tewwa-yas ayed trellik-inu
u yessirṭaṣ trellik yu-sed f uṭar-nnes weqqim-net setma-s čat-ent u merj-ent dis yiga
sah yugur i tazzal d lemlahed il emmis n ṣulṭan u yewwa-yas ufiɣ lal n trellik yiga sah
yiga jeḥfet d lbaṣur d igmaren u yugur il tbucilt din li emmalen-tas setma-s iɣed n
tinnurt u tiga sah tseffeɣ li g tizeqwin din n tergu texwat mi tiǧa dis-ent cra il setma-s u
tugur id n emmis n ṣulṭan, d setma-s din eẓẓrent wemmunt s ulawen-n-sent w mi
nejjm-ent ad ig-ent cra d nettat yigas islan mahi d islan u yenjef sis u tedder ides g
uɣasru din, d setma-s din eqqim-net din tiẓawalin yenɣit-ent laẓ.

Ass seg ussan u want eǧǧa anugur il weltma-tneɣ din at-eneẓẓer balek at-iga g d neɣ
taṣbiḥt. Uf-ent-et trecci g uču s uɣenja teqqim trecci w tucas-ent li d ayeqqim f uɣenja u
temmalas-net tettumt li tigimt g di weqqim-ent tnefk-ent din ides-nnes w wantas
nečentin niga g dem guda samḥanaɣ wayed ukkul w etsameḥten… wusiɣed sisen s ṭiṭ-
inu mi eẓẓriɣten.

Tinfas nneγ – Tasnebbit I Tinfas Tiqburin 2013

Tnafust III: Jriba

Tinfas nneγ – Tasnebbit I Tinfas Tiqburin 2013

Jriba (Jriba)

Dis tbucilt emmal-nas jriba weltmas ugurent serḥ-ent d ad aw-ent isɣaren cwayya
netentin g iǧet seg tilaten iṭebeṣ anẓar ičata, tewwa-yas weltmas ased jriba arwaḥ, jriba
mi tuba atrewwaḥ ged ma tiga dis weltmas mi tuba cwayya tewwa-yas weltmas
amdwaiɣ uccen tiga iman-nnes mi tugged tugur weltmas tsawal f uccen tewwa-yas a
yuccen ased il jriba bac jriba atrewwaḥ yewwa-yas uccen mi xseɣ. Mak yatig tugur il
uɣerzul aslugi tewwa-yas ay aɣerzul aslugi ased eč uccen bac uccen ayeč jriba d jriba
atrewwaḥ, yewwa-yas aɣerzul mi xseɣ.

Mak yatig tugur il unejjar tewwa-yas ay anejjar uwet aɣerzul bac ayeč uccen d uccen
ayeč jriba d jriba atrewwaḥ, yewwa-yas anejjar mi xseɣ. Mak yatig tugur il lεafyet
tewwa-yas ay alεafyet qed cnabat anejjar bac anejjar ayuwet aɣerzul aslugi d aslugi
ayeč uccen d uccen ayebhez f jriba d jriba atrewwaḥ, tewwa-yas lεafyet mi xseɣ. Mak
yatig tugur il waman tewwa-yas ay aman ased sens lεafyet bac lεafyet ateqed cnabat
unejjar d unejjar ayuwet aɣerzul aslugi d aslugi ayedεes g jurreṭ uccen d uccen ayedεes
f jriba d jriba atrewwaḥ, uwwanas aman mi xseɣ. Mak yatig tugur il welɣam tewwa-yas
ay alɣam ased essu aman bac aman ad sensen timsi timsi ateqed cnabat unejjar d
unejjar ayuwet aɣerzul d aɣerzul aslugi ayedεes g jurreṭ uccen d uccen ayedεes f jriba d
jriba atrewwaḥ, yewwa-yas alɣam mi xseɣ.

Mak yatig tugur il tḥawit welɣam tewwa-yas a tḥawit ehwa f welɣam bac alɣam ayessu
aman d waman ad sensen timsi timsi ateqed cnabat unejjar d unejjar ayuwet aɣerzul d
aɣerzul aslugi ayedεes g jurreṭ uccen d uccen ayedεes f jriba d jriba atrewwaḥ, tewwa-
yas tḥawit mi xseɣ. Mak yatig tugur il ikteb tewwa-yas ikteb ehwa f tḥawit bac tḥawit
atehwa f welɣam bac welɣam ayessu aman d waman ad sensen timsi timsi ateqed
cnabat unejjar d unejjar ayuwet aɣerzul d aɣerzul aslugi ayedεes g jurreṭ uccen d uccen
ayedεes f jriba d jriba atrewwaḥ, yewwa-yas ikteb mi xseɣ.

Tinfas nneγ – Tasnebbit I Tinfas Tiqburin 2013

Mak yatig tugur il tiɣrar tewwayas-ent a tiɣrar ehwamet f ikteb bac ikteb ayehwa f
tḥawit d tḥawit atehwa f welɣam d welɣam ayessu aman d waman ad sensen timsi timsi
ateqed cnabat unejjar d unejjar ayuwet aɣerzul d uɣerzul aslugi ayedεes g jurreṭ uccen
d uccen ayedεes f jriba d jriba atrewwaḥ, uwwantas tiɣrar mi nexes.

Mak yatig tugur il ugerdi tewwa-yas ay agerdi eč tiɣrar bac tiɣrar ad ahwant f ikteb d
ikteb ayehwa f tḥawit d tḥawit atehwa f welɣam d welɣam ayessu aman d waman ad
sensen timsi timsi ateqed cnabat unejjar d unejjar ayuwet aɣerzul d uɣerzul aslugi
ayedεes g jurreṭ uccen d uccen ayedεes f jriba d jriba atrewwaḥ, yewwa-yas agerdi mi
xseɣ. Mak yatig tugur il wemnic tewwa-yas ay amnic eč agerdi bac agerdi ayeč tiɣrar
tiɣrar ad ahwant f ikteb d ikteb ayehwa f tḥawit d tḥawit atehwa f welɣam d welɣam
ayessu aman d waman ad sensen timsi timsi ateqed cnabat unejjar d unejjar ayuwet
aɣerzul d uɣerzul aslugi ayedεes g jurreṭ uccen d uccen ayedεes f jriba d jriba
atrewwaḥ, yewwa-yas amnic mani yella agerdi w yekker amnic itazzal g jurreṭ ugerdi d
ugerdi yugur itazzal d ayeč tiɣrar tiɣrar ehwant f ikteb d ikteb yehwa f tḥawit tḥawit
tehwa f welɣam d welɣam yugur d ayessu aman d aman jelben f timsi timsi tugur
yateqed cnabat unejjar d unejjar iqqem itazzal d ayewwet aɣerzul d uɣerzul yedεes d
ayeč uccen d uccen yugur il jriba d jriba tugged trewwaḥ id n weltmas… u sah temda

Tinfas nneγ – Tasnebbit I Tinfas Tiqburin 2013

Tnafust IV: Weṣfeṭ n lεafyet

Tinfas nneγ – Tasnebbit I Tinfas Tiqburin 2013

Weṣfeṭ n lεafyet (Flame of fire)

Dis sabεa n tibucilin baben-sent d yaǧen-sent mi ellan weǧen-tent g taddart-nsen w

wana-sent attaremc il iǧen len ad nas, weǧna-sent uču tisi nsent d isγaren d weṣfeṭ n
lεafyet ireq weǧen id-sent tamnict d wegzin, uguren u seqd-ent weqsent taddart deffer-
sen, berra berra tibucilin din ellant g taddart u tett-ent u sess-ent u tirar-ent len ass seg
ussan tabbicilt taneεnuct tacetwit n setmas tirar g ammaṣ n taddart g ijdi, ender
mammek trebbec g ijdi tufa tawent tewwa mak d jaducaγ sis azgen il tamnict-nneγ.

Teqqim tsawal f tamnict becbec becbec ased ax azgen n tawent u ged ma tsiwel fellas
mi tuba atas teqqim tṣermeḍ din tiga sah tbucilt tewwa ayed tamnict mi texs, tugur
tbucilt teč tawent din u may tečit tusased tamnict tewwa-yas may tawent tewwa-yas
tbucilt čiγet tewwa-yas ḍebriḍ g tawent γen ad beẓṭeγ f weṣfeṭ wadenγeγ timsi tewwa-
yas tbucilt tawent čiγet u ged ma siwlaγ fellam mi tubid attased u mak yatenγed aṣfeṭ-
nneγ ireq u yaγenteǧed bla timsi w ayed enṭayeb fellas g uču-nneγ w f matta d
anrekkeb u d aγenyenγ laẓ u ged ma tiga g tamnict mi tuba u tugur il tinnurt u tebẓeṭ
weṣfeṭ u tsens timsi u tiǧiten sin.

Berra berra luẓenṭ tibucilin tewwa-yasent weltmatsent taneεnuct neč d aguraγ ad terraγ
lεafyet u tiga sah teffeγ u teqqim tugur tugur d wegzin tamnict uguren g jurreṭ-nnes len
tufa tawessart trekkeb g umekli-nnes, tugur ass tbed fellas u tewwa-yas a nanna ucid
aṣfeṭ n lεafyet Tewwa-yas tawessart amucaγ timsi laken d atyetuced iǧen seg iṭuṭan-
nnem tewwa-yas tbucilt bahi u tugur tentqas il tabbicilt ṭaṭ-nnes u tucas aṣfeṭ n lεafyet
w trawweḥ u teqqim ṭaṭ-nnes din abrid-nnes ukkul netta itsetta g idamen d wegzin-
nnes itelleγ disen maγer yukez tawessart din tergu tamnict tugur wetbeẓẓeṭ g webrid
texs tergu atakez abrid netnin egguren tergu din deffersen.

Teggur len tewwṭ tbucilt taddart-nsen tergu may tukez taddart trewwaḥ u tusasented g
ḍegeṭ weṭebbeṣ treẓ g imi n taddart n tibucilin len turit u tutef leγsent teqqim tsufuγ

Tinfas nneγ – Tasnebbit I Tinfas Tiqburin 2013

dissent s iǧet wettet disent len tečitent teqqim tbucilt taneεnuct ender mak txawet
tergu u teffeγ terwel u tutef elγabet u teqqim tazzal tazzal u temmal (a taziri n baba d
dadda tewṭeḍ γen welyuc) u tugur sin tazzal len tufa γasru d ameqrar yemmir tutef
telγes dis u teḥrez iman-nnes, tefγeḍ taddart n eεli n elγul may yekker seg iṭeṣ icum aṭu
n emmis n adem g taddart-nnes din yewwa-yas effγed d mant ček fellak aman ellah g u
mezwar tugged mi tuba asteffeγ u baεdin tefγased yufit tbucilt yigit d yellis yeqqim
iserraḥ wettawiyased g weysum n tisekrin d yurẓaẓ d izerzar, wettucas tett u yesseknas
tizeqwin uγasru din kan tazeqqa iǧet yewwa-yas err elbal-nnem astugured γen atared.

Berra berra ass seg ussan tewwa tazeqqa ayed madunc d attareγ u d adeẓreγ matta
dis, ass seg ussan teǧit yeffeγ d yesraḥ u tugur tura tazeqqa li temmeqs tufa dis allun
tag sis maγer allun ayed itar f ijimi n ṣulṭan u tufa izmer din g ijimi yewwa-yas (aεica a
yellis n eεli elγul baba-nnem yessečay g dem wetquwa g dem u d ayenneṭ fellam u d
amyeč) u seg ass-nnes yeqqim may atyeẓẓer izmer din yemmalas g wawal ayed tiga
sah tugged atyeč u tenqet uču u tezqem u tensum u teqqim baba-nnes yeẓriṭ tecyan
yewwa-yas mak sah neč tawiγamed g weysum n tisekrin d yurẓaẓ d izerzar u mi eǧiγ
cra li mi u wiγamted čem tecyaned emmliyed mak sah matta yusamed bac atecyaned
tewwa-yas matta d akemlaγ uriγ imi n tazeqqa li tewwidiyed atareč u may kehbaγ seg
wallun ufiγ izmer ilberra g ijimi yeqqim yemmaliyed (aεica a yellis n eεli elγul baba-
nnem yessečay g dem wetquwa g dem u d ayenneṭ fellam u d amyeč) yewwa-yas
baba-nnes emnas (baba yad yesseč u yad iquwa u yad yuc il emmis n ṣulṭan ček izmer
d adečaγ aysum-nnek u d adessuγ aglim-nnek d ixef-nnek d atigaγ tisit u d adaγeγ
emmis n ṣulṭan) seg awal ayed n tbucilt li yeqqim isel dis izmer sis yeqqim izmer itecyan
yeẓriṭ emmis n ṣulṭan yewwa mak izmer ayed yella g ammaṣ n tiga u tucγas itet u mi
iteffeγ fellas yewwa muc sin ayed u yiga sah yeḥrez iman-nnes g ijimi len tused εica
yellis n eεli elγul tura allun wetkehab sis u yessla matta yemmalas izmer u matta
temmal nettat il izmer u may yeẓriṭ emmis n ṣulṭan tutef ul-nnes u yeqqim yexsit u
yewwit yenjef sis u sah tuγa emmis n ṣulṭan u tedder g uγasru-nnes ides…wusiɣed
sisen s ṭiṭ-inu mi eẓẓriɣten

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Tnafust V: Ijruten

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Ijruten (Companions)

Dis sen ijruten g tmura seg tmurawin, ass seg ussan uwwan d anugur d ansafer maγer
d atajren u may yuweṭ ass elli d aguren dis kul iǧen sis-sen yuwi idrimen-nnes u igen
sah seqden guren guren ussan id ubrid may usned g uzgen n webrid iǧen sis-sen tadist-
nnes tameqrart u yexs d ayenγ ajrut-nnes bac ayaker idrimen elli ides. Ass seg ussan
thaderzen yewwa-yas kan akenγeγ duggid g ṣuṭ id mant yessen fellaneγ γen d
aγenyeẓer, yerra fellas ajrut-nnes yewwa-yas dis rebbi iẓer g id-naγ d netta iγlit itgenter
fellas mi iγel d atineγ u yemmal g wawal id seg ul-nnes ass seg ussan ender mak ixawet
iwet yenγit u yexwa sis idrimen din elli γres u yeḥuṭiṭ g terẓi u yeǧit din u yesseqed
yessemda abrid-nnes u may yewwaṭ tmura elli d ayeqḍa sis u yuγa tiγawsiwin guda
yečur mahi tirkeft u may yessemda yesseqed d ayrewwaḥ id ubrid elli yused sis.

Yugur yugur len yused il may yenγa ajrut-nnes yessbed tirkeft din maγer yufa tasent
mahi tasent tefγeḍ seg terẓi din elli ilewwaḥ dis ajrut-nnes u yufit tečur s iεenqad n
tẓurin mi yeẓra am netnin d imeqraren guda ixemmem jar-as d iman-nnes u yewwa d
jaddaweγ aεenqud id ameqrar-nsen attucaγ il sulṭan n tmura. Id d cra d turfeṭ u d
asiẓer d cra d ameqrar u yiga sah yenqet wiḥuṭit g taklut u yesseqed yugur yugur ussan
len yewwaṭ il tmura-nnes yessbed tirkeft n ileγman zat taddart-nnes u yexwa taklut li
dis aεenqud din n tẓurin u yugur itazzal il uγasru n sulṭan bac d asetyucu.

May yutef yewwa-yas il sulṭan uwiγaked cra d aktucaγ mi teẓriḍ am netta g tmeddurt-
nek u yeẓlas taklut din mani ikehhab fellas sulṭan yufa dis ixef uterras yukez sulṭan bab
n ixef id u yessenten netta ides uguren d atajren yewwa-yas sulṭan id d ixef ujrut-nek
yewwa-yas yaweddi ayed d aεenqud n tẓurin u wiγakted may ikehhab ḥatta netta yufit
d ixef ujrut din-nnes li yenγit g ubrid, yigast rebbi aεenqud din d ixef ujrut-nnes yewwa-
yas sulṭan id d ixef ujrut-nek elli tugurem ček ides ček tenγit yega sah sulṭan iwet f iri-
nnes yenneqtas ixef-nnes am mak yiga il ujrut-nnes u sah elli yigit yufit. wusiɣed sisen s
ṭiṭ-inu mi eẓẓriɣten.

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Tnafust VI: Tmura n Girza

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Tmura n Girza (City of Girza)

Dis timura dis sulṭan emmal-nas girza, cwayya ass seg ussan itḍahwer yused il tanut d
aysesswa tagmart-nnes cwayya teqqim tettεayef u mi tuba atessu yesstuhel mak mi
tuba atessu d nettat yessent teffud yendah f wečiw seg ičiwen-nnes yewwa-yas ẓer afra
waman matta dis tagmart mi tuba atessu may yessitef ačiw-nnes fus-nnes g wamaṣ n
waman yufa disen tzawgit taẓeṭṭaft u tazegrart yenzeγted u yesseknast il bab-nnes
sulṭan may yeẓriṭ sulṭan tzawgit din tutef ul-nnes, lal-nnes u yewwa jar-as d iman-nnes
ayed lal n tzawgit id tezεam guda u yewwa-yasen uguret s ugertiyed g tmura f lal n
tzawgit id wayed nettat li d attaγeγ (d ad nejfeγ sis) d mant nettat aṭfeγ.

Wigen sah ičiwen din uguren qimen tenṭen g tmura din s taddart segguren f lal n
tzawgit id id tameṭṭut γen tbucilt elli atafen ẓerrent-nnes γen beda u may enṭen timura
din s taddart mi ufent lal n tzawgit teqqim kan yellis netta may usned ḥuṭen tzawgit f
uzaw-nnes tefγeḍ-nnes uguren tazzalen il sulṭan uwwanas ayed tzawgit n yelli-k, u
yuden γellen d aybeṭṭel may tefγeḍ n yellis, cwayya yeqqes ixef-nnes u yewwa-yasen
cay nettat d attaγeγ ged ma igen dis u jed-hent yuden-nnes d elli enṭen fellas.

Tameṭṭut-nnes yaǧ n tbucilt tewwa-yas mak yelli d ateqqim takna-inu ayed mi yexsit
rebbi γen bnadem, mi yuba aywella timdeffert u yewwa-yasen iget island d ameqrar
yexs d ayenjef s yellis wiṭebbeṣ island u ṭebbeṣen trekben d idar din f timsi, teṭṭaban,
tameṭṭut din-nnes treγγa sunfek u teqqim tzaza teggur wettased f yellis temmalas mak
ayelli d ateqqimed takna-inu n yaǧ-nnem, d yellis terra fellas temmalas qim ayemma
atwagdedc ayemma rebbi id-neγ u yella tameṭṭut din tḥaḥa u temmalas il yellis
mammek sah d yellis terra fellas atwagdedc ayemma rebbi id-neγ u yella u tewwa-yas
ayemma mi d ayṭab aysum len rebbi ayerḥam nettat tessemda tawalt-nnes d rebbi
yesxeṭ timura din s yudan elli dis wemmalen llan msaxṭen yudan g tmura emmalnas
girza elli ikerrez d elli imejjer weqqimen din sah al wass-a.

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Tnafust VII: Tafekrunt

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Tafekrunt (Tortoise)

Dis tafekrunt d guda n lḥiwanat iṭ-a baεd elli yewwet anẓar tlaqan ass seg ussan u
tlayamen wewwan d anugur d anekrez g jfareṭ g tajmut wigen sah wettan temẓin d
yirden wesseqden il tajmut egguren egguren len uṭen may usned din ṭebṣen kerzen
kerzen len temda sisen zerriεet u bedden igen sah qimen tutlayen jara-sen wemmalen
mant d ayugur d aγendyawi temẓin seg tmura n tennin sah tekker tafekrunt tutlay u
tewwa-yasen neč d agureγ awendawiγ temẓin uwwanas balek mi tatnejmed tewwa-
yasen d ad nejmaγ u tiga sah.

Barra barra qimen netnin seggumen dis aktwa yattas aktwa yattas wuguren ussan d
yaren d netnin seggumen len ifat elweqt n tirza u tutef fellasen tajrest netnin din u
teffeγ tajrest u yutef rabiε u εuddi d ayeffeγ wayṭab imendi elli kerz-ent netnin din
seggumen g taferkunt d asentawi temẓin seg tmura u may ẓren imendi-nsen iṭab tebṣen
mejjren dis. Ass seg ussan d netnin mejjren len tusasned tafekrunt tewwid temẓin.

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Tnafust VIII: Uccen d Tili

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Uccen d Tili (Wolf & Sheep)

Tsisaw tmilaw bazin yeḥlaw dis tgerwaw dis tili ɣres yelli teffeɣ tserraḥ sis in mani n
usef, I tebbint I tettunt di tiga u tali yusased uccen yemlas (a tili ifkiyed yelli-m at ičeɣ)
tekker tili temlas (aha yelli tuh meckunit d u tɣic acek-tecbaε akettu ɣri yelli tayeṭ
meqqaryet di segres kan teɣsett I kmas I čitet nit u tɣic a teffeɣ) yekker yekmu uccen
di segres tsekker ɣfes tili d taḥdeft di usef.

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Tnafust IX: Tsisaw n Tamedrart

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Tsisaw n Tamedrart

Dis tawessart ɣres idrimen yerxa d ɣres ṭarwa uğun u tali tebbit d tuɣased tameṭṭut,
tawessart ih tɣs ṭarwa-nnes ansi xlaṣ d wel ɣrec kanc nit, bucil ih tameṭṭut-nnes
teffɣased uğut tamcumt d u tɣic imi-nnes, d dima d nit temmalas I may idrim ukkul in
imi-nnek?, I may u teqqimunc ɣrek?, may cek mec aterras neɣ may?, d nit teqsa di bucil
af imi-nnes d tkerreht dis, bucil ih yugur yesslu tawalt tameṭṭut-nnes d yemmlas in imi-
nnes as tefked idrim ukkul, mu tameṭṭut-nnes atεayer dis, u tali tefkas imi-nnes idrim
ukkul d wel ihannac ɣfes ṭarwa-nnes, d ussan d teḥkem dis tameṭṭut-nnes d temmlas
kan mec teffkas imi-nnes gaji-nnes s atraweḥ in taddart n yun-nnes d as ntemmel
mammek imi-nnes etteg ɣfes mammek tɣes. Yugur in imi-nnes d yemmlas effeɣ s gaji
neɣsit neč d tameṭṭut-inu, u tali tesstɣayeṭ tawessart yerxa d tufu ṭarwa-nnes maεac
yettsugur dis d ul yessalec xlaf di tawalt n tameṭṭut-nnes, elli as-temmel ɣfes at-tig.

D teffeɣ tawessart s gaji d teffka-sent d tṣar teṭṭes di lemmas n taddart, d ussan d nit
teṭṭes di lemmas ih ḍeyṭ tesstaqat, tekker tugur in tasaɣet n εla at-essu d si tewwla d
tekkmu in taddart tetta illi gaji-nnes ekksunast mu teɣu ɣfes u tali tugur in twalla n gaji-
nnes d si tuṭa mani in Tsinan tesslu ṭarwa-nnes yemmlas in tameṭṭut-nnes (neči xlaṣ
dahceɣ sis in imi yuha, lemmi at-temmet d aɣen tfuk w eccer-nnes) d tameṭṭut-nnes
teskerkes ɣfes d temmals d awal wel yezεamec af imi-nnes d nit yettṣedeq, u tali
tesslasen mammek tfahamen elli at-sefɣen d idsen ad serḥen d at ğun d amkan maqtuε
wel dic ḥad anda at-temmet s laẓ d fad. U tali texlaε tawessart d tmerjit tussah-nnes af
ṭarwa-nnes mammek iṣar sah d mammek isel awal af imi-nnes d yuked ɣfes, teffeɣ
tawessart ih s taddart d temmak teggur teggur d ettali di taḥfufay ansi tettbaεed af
tmura d tekmu agar sen letryc meqqurt di taḥfaft d teεgel nit tesstɣayeṭ ansi temmet
dus, d si temmet iɣsan-nnes ṣarun d tamedrart d si ass ih d tamedrart telbed agar
tɣuɣaṭ di taḥfaft.

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Tnafust X: Azel u d yeusuc

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Azel u d yeusuc

Dis bucil yexdem si talji anda at uded tufut, d ayrewweḥ yeddahec in taddart kul lemmi
ayrewweḥ ayaf imi-nnes tgeεmez deffer ẓeṭṭa tẓeṭṭ, as yemmel:
Ami d ehcaɣ d elẓaɣ igiyed may ačeɣ.
D imi-nnes temmalas:
Azel u d yeusuc may ačed si tiru?
Kul ass saha ad yas d yemmel ɣesseɣ ačeɣ d as temmel imi-nnes “Azel u d yeusuc”.
Ansi ass qbel n ayrewweḥ temmlu imi-nnes eǧ ad ekkreɣ as igaɣ uču, neεla lemmi
yused ayaf may ayeč, d nit dima yettased yelleẓ.
Tigas uču-nnes d tḥuṭit di inwal, d si yused bucil d nit yeddahec. Tikkelt wuh mec am
ussan yidi, u syemluc am dima “ami d ehcaɣ d elẓaɣ igiyed may ačeɣ. teḥar dis imi-nnes
d tseggumt ayenced may ayeč, wel yencedec u tali tuɣasted d temmlas:
Ax kan ačed neɣ wel telẓedec?
Yekker yemmlas:
Efk in azel ayeč mec kul lemmi necdeɣ af uču ad itemmled azel u d yeusuc. Ekker malla
suggum azel d ifkas ayeč.

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Tnafust XI: Tameddurt d Tamettant

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Tameddurt d Tamettant

Wesser d tawessart ɣersen ṭarwa uğun, ṭarwa yih wel yegguc di yun-nnes elxir ikan wel
yezεamec d idsen uguren ussan emmten bab-nnes d imi-nnes d niten estɣayṭen ɣfes.
Bucil yih yefqer yerxa ansi iṣar yetsasa. Yugur di ibriden d nit yeẓẓel ufes-nnes. Yeẓẓrit
aterras yexwa tabeεbict n weɣrum d igu dis ellirat d yefkett in bucil. Aterras yerru
amerwas n ajerrut-nnes in ṭarwa-nnes.

Yugur bucil yefraḥ s tabeεbict yewwitet in uǧun uday yemmlas igiyed dis may ačeɣ.
Uday yuru aɣrum yufu dis ellirat yexwat-ent d wel yemmluc ɣef-sent in bucil elli wel
yessen. D s yeh ass widi yugur bucil yetsasa, yusased ajerrut n bab-nnes d yemmlas
(mammek sah ateffɣed ettsasid baqi neči iḍennaṭ effkiɣ-ak di aɣrum ellirat acekksed
ewwint isuggasen.

Yekker bucil yemmlas aɣrum effkiɣet in uday ad yig dis may ačeɣ d si yeffkit wel dic
may. U tali yugur bucil nit d ajerrut n bab-nnes in qaḍi s ad ecckan di uday. D si bucil
ihugga s iderriwen yuṭa d yexwa tuqerbiεt muqaryet af tamurt tneṭṭren idamen-nnes af
elḥiṭ d urin “neči ṣelẓeɣet cek tessečet … neči enɣiɣet d unek s eddert”

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Tnafust XII: Am Jriba d Weltm-is

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Am Jriba d weltm-is

Dis snet n tsettmu, mant d mammu?

Jriba d weltm-is, eḍḍeṭ imi-nnes-ent temmlu:
Ječa at tekkrem s talji at tahwamt in xuccet tt tebbimt isɣaren n umekkli i yudan elli
hadasun. Ekkrent Jriba d weltm-is talji d ahwanet in xuccet d etṭebes telli hada isɣaren
tebbi. Ebbinet s isɣaren guda, ekkrent ẓunanet guda yih af sen d gunt zegni amezwar di
taḥzemt d zegni widi di taḥzemt d axwantent uǧet uğet.

Telli hada texwa guntent af iɣfawen-nnesent d s ad rewwḥent in taddarin-nnesent d di

abrid yuṭa qecquc s taḥzemt n Jriba. Tekker tṭebbes-as weltmas s at texwa tenṣerrm-as
taḥzemt-nnes d s iɣf-nnes tuṭa tṭebbes tehhwa at tlayem taḥzemt d at texwa, tṭebbes
Jriba s at teqqen d ides u tali tenṣerrm taḥzemt-nnes nit d tuṭa. Teqqim Jriba ettlayem
di taḥzemt-nnes si tuṭa. D si item tṭebbes weltm-is at tεawen tekker tenṣerrm taḥzemt-
nnes d tuṭa.

D teqqimunet sah si talji in tuqzin d nitent uǧet at texwa tidi at tenṣerrm sis d at tuṭa d
at texwa tidi tenṣerrm s tamezwart d at tuṭa ansi rewwḥent s taḥzemt uǧet baεd
nerrewḥen yudan bella mekkli d tufut tuṭa.

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Tnafust XIII: Agnaw d Tayya-nnes

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Agnaw d Tayya-nnes

Tsisaw tmilaw bazin yeḥlaw dis tgerwaw. Dis agnaw yuɣu tayya, d agnaw yih elxesslet-
nnes iteṣṣṭada di tyerrẓaẓ di talat. Kul ass ayeffeɣ at teqqim tayya-nnes temmalas
awiyed d idek acek cebbḥaɣ mammek teṣṣṭaded di tyerrẓaẓ, d nit wel iɣec at yawi d
ides dima d nit iruggel sis lemmi hayeffeɣ.

Ansi ass d nit hayeffeɣ tkerrec dis ettkerrict telli nit. U s teǧuc ayeffeɣ temmlas ella ma
ad ettseffɣiyed d idek ɣesseɣ acek cebbḥaɣ mammek teṣṣṭaded.

U tali yemmlas: ad eǧaɣ tyerrẓaẓt anda at tekkem addu tluget d at teɣfel beεtali ad
aεseɣ ɣfes s taɣrit at tutaɣ.

Tekker temmlas: ella ad uguraɣ d idek may εinek at temmled ɣesseɣ ad cebbḥeɣ s
tiṭṭawin-inu. Yeddhec dis u tali yemmlas: ayyac.

Di abrid ufun tugliẓt, yekker yemmlas sah ya am tugliẓt aseǧaɣ teggur d at tutaɣ, d
yefcextet temmet. U tali temmlas tayya-nnes: ya messεud ya gettal hmayem sud.

Yekker yemmlas: ayyac, ikem cem addu tluget d eṭṭes anda ad asɣed neči acem
maxtleɣ d ameffkeɣ af iɣef-nnem s taɣrit. U tali tekkmu teṭṭes addu tluget, yused
agnaw-nnes yewwet s taɣrit af iɣef-nnes. Temmlu: ya messεud ya gettal hmayem sud

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Tnafust XIV: Estu d Tiglella

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Estu d Tiglella

Tsisaw tmilaw bazin yeḥlaw dis tgerwaw. Dis aterras yettsenz di tekrkubin tin ustu,
yugur agar teddarin d yettberaḥ yemmal:

“estu af tiglella ass n fella yella”

Effɣ-ent tisednan ṭebbs-ent telli hada tessaɣ di ustu twetten ẓeṭṭa-nnes sɣunet sis istu
ferḥ-ent s isen. U talli ass in fella usented ad fellunet ẓeṭṭa enzɣnet tekrkubin tin ustu
elli sɣunet id telli hada tessiwel in ledyal-nnes d alwali-nnes gunet twiza d sih. Ad
qennet ustu af inuran di ẓeṭṭa. kul telli teflu amaṭut tefɣased teglellut si gaj yemsenneṭ
ɣfes ustu temmaden sis. U tali gunet ukul tisednan tessuneṭ d emmlulent in baεṭuhmet:

Mammek iḍes ɣeffneɣ sah lazem at neṭṭef id as-nemmel I may tzelbḥidaneɣ, ass-u
lazem as-nseken eddin-nnes. U tali uguruntas in aterras ih d emmluntas:

Mammek sah aɣen tzelbḥid d aɣen teffked d teglellut temmaden s ustu.

Yemmlasent: neči u skerksaɣc d mliɣakemt “estu af tiglella ass n fella yella” D cekkmet

Susment d kul uǧet teεzem in taddart-nnes d tenzeɣ iqercalen-nnes teṭṭebes tqercel d

tessesti waḥdes.

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Tinfas d Asenfalaɣ

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i. Tsisaw n Bu Kecac
ii. Tsisaw n Tanεuct

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Tsisaw n Bu-kecac (I)

Dis nilti ɣres tiɣaṭen erxant d dima ɣres leḥlib yemkeddes d yesbaεzek dis dima d wel
yefkic in yuwdan, nilti yeh ikan ačiw yugur yemlu iğ ad εawmaɣ di leḥlib neεla id ṣaraɣ
mellel neči ɣri leḥlib yerxa, yugur yečar tbala s leḥlib d yekmu dis s yεawem, in nilti yeh
rebbi yesxeṭt d yeget di bu-kecac.

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Tsisaw n Bu-kecac (II)

Wuh emlun dis ateras dima nit iεagel deffer leḥyuṭ yessal may imalun yuwdan, af iṭu-
nnes d nit ireqqeb di yudan d itebi d ilwayes-nnsen, u tali rebbi yigit d bu-kecac d
yeqqim dima di leḥyuṭ ireqqeb d isel d yudan.

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Tsisaw n Tanεuct (I)

Dis tameṭṭut tugur in islan d tewwi d ides ṭarwa-nnes, ṭarwa-nnes yeqqim yetturar d
yetqebbeḥ am nit am imckanen, u tali telmas tameṭṭut in imi-nnes eṭṭef ṭarwa-nnem
may si mammek nit yused d nit yetqebbeḥ, u tali tekker imi-nnes tecxer dis d temlas a
yerkaḥ, bucil ameckan wel yeslac tawalt d tekker imi-nnes teṭṭeft d teqqim tuggat dis d
tugat d tugat.

D in tisednan yih wel bantec ad ḥezzunt d in bucil ih, yetεayeṭ eqqimunt eḍḍasunt ɣfes
mammek tuggat di ṭarwa-nnes, teṭṭar-as nit d terrni tewwet ṭarwa-nnes s elɣiṭ, ansi
ṭarwa-nnes yemmet agar ifassen-nnes, d tisednan wellucunt eḍḍasunt d čemtent dis,
tekker tameṭṭut tεayeṭ d tenzeɣ tamelfa-nnes d tkeber in tamelfa yih d tudentet ukkul-
nnes d tṣar d acicew ẓeṭṭef d qbel nettfar temlasent elli may awennenɣ ara nekmet d
ackem teddjaɣ tettεayṭmet d neči eḍḍaseɣ am mammek cekmet tiru, d tewwla teffar d
si ass yih mani attaf ameckan yeṭṭes ḍiyeṭ d afuj neɣ in berra attas at feṭfeṭ ɣfes d
ayaṭen ussan d ayemmet.

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Tsisaw n Tanεuct (II)

Dis sent n tinuṭin salma d slima eddrent di taddart uğut ɣersent ara meckunet u tali
ṭarwa n salma yetqebbeḥ d yetturar d yettetkulef, tekker temlas slima may wuh acbih
ṭarwa-nnem sah ameklub eṭṭef ṭarwa-nnem I may neɣ ul tessned-c at rebbid?tekker
salma testɣayeṭ yerxa d teṭṭef ṭarwa-nnes d temmek tefkas tefkas d nit yetεayeṭ d slima
yiha ula bet at-ḥuz d teğas tugat di ṭarwa-nnes ansi yemmt, u tali tṣar salma yiha d
acicew zeṭṭaf (tanεuct) d teqqim tennaɣ di imeckanen illi eṭṭsen berra s ilɣiṭ-nnes.

Tinfas nneγ – Tasnebbit I Tinfas Tiqburin 2013


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