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Name: Lovely Faith N.


Student No.: 201901654

UTS Schedule: Tuesday and Friday 2:30 pm – 4:00 pm

What’s in My Name

When we were asked to download Happy Color and find an icon that would
describe is, I really had a rough time scrolling on to the pictures because I myself doesn’t really
know how to describe me. That’s why I asked some of my friends how would they describe me
or what are their first impression to me. Most of the told me that I’m the type of girl that when
you saw first you wont be talking to because I look mean. Some of them also said that they
didn’t expect that ill be close to them because I look serious and shy. After I heard that, I asked
myself am I really like that? Then I thought that if I will be describing myself it would be
something that is not too noticeable but when your able to know it you’ll be able to see the
essence of it. That is why I choose this logo to represent me because I am like this bottle that is
rare in the ocean but when your able to discover it and understand what’s inside of it, you’ll be
able to see and know what it really is. It is double bottled because sometimes it really takes time
to get to know me.

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