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Michael’s College
College of Education
Quezon Avenue., Iligan City

FS-4 Portfolio

Exploring the Curriculum

Second Semester A.Y 2016-2017

In Partial Fulfillment

Field Study 4

John Vincent M. Lubguban



Esmeralda P. Ege, MAED


March 2017

Front Page.............................................................................................................i

Table of Contents……………………………………………………………………….ii

Student’s Resume……………………………………………………………………….iii

Statement of Purpose/Purposes of the Portfolio…………………………………….iv

Organization of Portfolio Entries

Task 1: The Meaning of the Curriculum.....................................................1-9

Task 2: The Types of Curricula in Schools…………….............................10-15

Task 3: The Teacher as a Curricularist………………………………………16-23

Task 4: The Teacher as a Knower of Curriculum………….. ....................24-34

Task 5: Approaches about School Curriculum………………………………35-42

Task 6: Curriculum Development: Process and Models……………………43-47

Task 7: Foundations of Curriculum Development……………………………48-52

Task 8: Crafting the Curriculum: The Teacher as a Designer………………53-58

Task 9: Approaches to Curriculum Design…………………………………….59-64

Task 10: Implementing the Curriculum: The Teacher as Curriculum Implementer

and Manager………………………………………………………………………65-75

Task 11: Stakeholders in Curriculum Development………………………….76-80

Task 12: Curriculum Evaluation and the Teacher…………………………….81-92

Personal Reflections on the Portfolio…………………………………………………..93

Comments of the Faculty…………………………………………………………………94

Rubric for the Portfolio …………………………………………………………………....95


Name: John Vincent M. Lubguban

Address: Emerald Homes Subdivision, Lambaguhon,

Barangay SanRoque, Iligan City

Contact Number: 09352689857

Email Address:


To use my skills, knowledge and experiences I have gained in my

everyday life to educate young youth and mold their minds so that they will be
more productive someday in the society where they belong. I have the very good
interest in all aspect of education and I personally having the passion in teaching
and have a dynamic learning of environment in the elementary students.


Date of Birth: May 25, 1997

Place of Birth: ILIGAN CITY
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Civil Status: Single
Nationality: Filipino
Height: 167 cm
Weight: 55 kl


Tertiary Level: St. Michael’s College

Secondary Level: Digkilaan High School
Primary level: Bugo Central School

Views of Teaching:

I believe that everyone is unique in their own ways. People have different
personalities. Thus, they too have different abilities. As for me, students are more
likely a group of people who in one hand have different capabilities. With their
differences, I as a teacher must adjust to them for I believe that when a teacher
understands his/ her students and accepts the differences they have, the teaching
and learning will be achieved in its easiest ways with harmony.
Purpose of the Portfolio

The intent of this portfolio is to provide and share experiences and ideas to those who
will undergo the same undertakings. The content of this portfolio will help future mentors design
a model of curriculum demonstrating considerations for basic and higher education, appropriate
community linkages and stakeholders, address the monitoring of curriculum implementation and
assessment of curriculum, and prepare an alignment of developing objectives, pedagogy and
assessment. This portfolio is intended to introduce the education pre-service students to effective
curriculum design and assessment.

This portfolio will serve as a tool for information sources.

To educate is to become a better educated. It is circular process that improves

with time; we believe the responsibility of educators is to provide students with the necessary
knowledge and skills to succeed in academic, business and personal arenas. Our teaching
philosophy is based on the belief that education is a solution to many social problems. Education
provides the tools to make informed decisions, synthesize ideas, and critically evaluate relevant
issues and to enjoy life. Therefore pursuing knowledge and working to improve our skills as an
educator are among our highest priorities.

As an educator, we will strive to encourage excellence in our students and

ourselves. Course material should be challenging, interactive and relevant to current issues and
events. Students learn and retain more information if the material is presented in an environment
that is interesting and interactive. For this reason, we believe that using a variety of multimedia
including video, slides, and the internet, is an effective way to complement traditional course
lectures remains the foundation of the educational experience. We feel that we can encourage
students to seek new knowledge and explore their own ideas by an enthusiastic presentation of
both what is. And what is not known about subjects. When appropriate, the classroom setting
should be expanded to include experience in the field. What better way to make the necessary
connections among biological concepts than by observing how organisms interact with their

In our interaction with students, we will strive always to be respectful, especially

when dealing with differing opinions that may arise as product of scientific thinking. We want
our student to learn to think critically, not merely to accept our ideas and opinions; our drive to
pursue higher education was due in part to several teachers who inspired catalyst for other people
to pursue their dreams.
Learning Episode 1
The Meaning

My Learning Activities

Interview people from different schools in various disciplines and

levels. Get their opinions on the meaning of curriculum.

Name(S) Designation Meaning Signature

Mrs. Shendee T. Vergara Santa Curriculum is a total learning

experiences design to
Central School
facilitate learners learning for
establishing quality
relationship between what is
learn and what is operates
outside the school.

Mr. Roberto L. Dechos, Iligan City Curriculum is a tool for

Ph.D National High
teaching in the academe.
These are subject matter that
has a specific competent
skills and competences to
achieve things in the teaching
and learning process.

Ms. Rachel Labastida UCCP Curriculum is a subject that

are being taught in the
schools, and which the
teachers should be followed.

My Conclusion

After I was analyzing the results of the interview of the three (3) teachers I
can conclude that they have closely related opinions about what is curriculum
and based on their opinions and ideas they says that curriculum is a thing that
being taught in the school and they also believed that curriculum is a total guided
learning experiences design to facilitate learners.

Based on their opinions, me myself as future teacher it is very important to

have curriculum in the learning of everyone because it is the basis where in the
teacher will provide the necessary things to be learn by the learners that can
focus in the three (3) domains of the learners and these are cognitive, affective,
psychomotor or the skills. It will provide the learners the specific subjects that
they can use in the future.

I realized that every teacher has their own definition or understanding

about the curriculum. We can only understand the real meaning and purpose of
curriculum if we are already in the field of teaching. According to our discussion
in Ed 15 (Curriculum Development) it was discussed there that curriculum is
changing so it means that developing curriculum in to a new one is way of
making the learners to become more productive and be responsible in their
learning process. As what our professor always says that curriculum is a heart of
learning, without this curriculum, learning would become useless and meaning
less for the learners that is why as future teacher, for now we really need to study
and deepen our understanding about curriculum so that if we are in our filed we
will become a good curricularist that must be a knower, writer, planner, initiator,
innovator, implementer and evaluator to our learners.

Visit the school library/surf the internet or consult the dictionary. Write 2
meanings of curriculum taken from authoritative sources.

Meaning of Curriculum Reference(s)

1. The term curriculum refers to the

lessons and academic content taught
in a school or in a specific course or
program. In dictionaries, curriculum is
often defined as the courses offered
by a school, but it is rarely used in
such a general sense in schools.

2. Curriculum is such “permanent”

subjects as grammar, reading, logic,
rhetoric, mathematics, and the
greatest books of the Western world
that best embody essential
knowledge. Curriculum is those
subjects that are most useful for living
in contemporary society.

3. Curriculum is what is taught in school,

a set of subjects, content, a program
of studies, a set of materials, a
sequence of courses and everything
that goes within the school.

Curriculum Development for
Teachers by: Purita Bilbao,

Filomena T. Dayagbil, Ed.D.

Brenda B. Corpuz, Ph.D.


Based on the meanings that I get from the two (2) authoritative sources it
is very clear that curriculum often defined as the courses or subjects that offered
in schools that are useful for living in society. This statement is very clear, we
cannot deny the fact that school has really design curriculum that is from or
approved by the Department of Education or Commission on Higher Education
(CHED) for the learners. Specific subjects offered that can enhanced the
knowledge and skills of every learner that they can use as they go along the way
in their learning process.

It is very clear in our discussion in Curriculum development that curriculum

is dynamic and changing because it always needs revision to improve the
educational system for a better purpose. It should be progressive and done in a
systematic way in order to create knowledgeable and skillful individuals. That’s
why curriculum should be planned properly. Curriculum is not only about the
school, the learners and the students but it also important to the society. Whether
curriculum is taken in its narrow view as a listing of subjects to be taught in
school or broadly as all learning experiences that individuals undergo while in
school, we cannot deny the fact that curriculum should be understood by
teachers and other stakeholders for curriculum affects all teachers, students,
parents, politicians, businessmen, professionals, government officials or all
people. That is why Curriculum plays a vital role in the society or country
because it will help the country prosper. I believe that through curriculum we can
change our life, economic status and preserve our national identity since it is the
total experiences we have in our school.

Evolve your own definition of curriculum. Consider all the meanings you have
taken from different sources and from authoritative sources.

What is Curriculum?

The word “Curriculum” is just not an ordinary word but it has a lot of
meanings and definitions. You cannot understand the word curriculum if u are not
undergo studying in its concepts, the scope and its view. You really need to open
your mind, be open to any possibilities and deepen your understanding about this
word so that you can easily understand what is really the point or the concept of

Based on the activities that I had done I discovered that there many
point of views from different authors and sources about the meaning of
curriculum and some of this important point of view or meaning about curriculum
are courses, subjects offered to a school that are usually use and useful to our
daily living and to our society and also it is a planned and guided set of learning
experiences and intended learning outcomes, formulated through the systematic
reconstruction of knowledge. Some also says that curriculum is a written
document that systematically describes goals, planned, objectives, content,
learning activities, evaluation. Those are the words that are commonly defined by
some authors about curriculum. I learned that curriculum has something to do in
our life as a future teacher. It gives impact to the individuals who want to gain
more knowledge and skills. And it will really help them to become competent in
the future.

How did I feel after the activity?

It was really a great experienced for me as a future teacher to do

like this activity. I am very thankful for the opportunity to experience this kind of
activity. It was very helpful for me in a way that by this experienced I got new
ideas about what is really curriculum and why this curriculum is very important in
all learners. I believed that through this experienced my understanding about
curriculum become wider and I can use this in my field as future teacher.

My Reflections/Insights

The word curriculum may be defined in various ways. The definition may
be limited or broad in scope. Curriculum is very important to all of us because it
affects all aspects in our learning. As many authors said that curriculum is a heart
of learning and without this curriculum learning is meaningless and useless
because this curriculum is a guide, basis of learning of everyone. It is design as a
total guided learning experiences to facilitate learners that can develop their
knowledge and skills as individuals. That is why curriculum should understood by
the teachers and other stakeholders because for curriculum affects all teachers,
students, or even common people.

One thing that I learned about the word curriculum and that is curriculum
is the totality of all the learning experiences of the learner. The activities done by
the students are part of the curriculum. By the use of the activities it will help the
learners to develop their individual differences, their ability and their skills. It
helps develop an individual into what he is expected to be. It also help individual
to become more productivity. That’s how important curriculum in education,
because everything that in the school or everything that students learned inside
the school is the curriculum itself.

Therefore As a future teacher, it is my responsibility to learn and

understand more about curriculum that I will become the knower of curriculum
that can develop the process of learning in planning, designing, implementing,
and lastly evaluating.

How can one enrich the curriculum in every school?

One can enrich the curriculum in school by knowing the needs of our
current situation in children's education. We can enrich the curriculum by going
beyond the basics. Our current time is different from the years that passed so we
must keep that as a reference in trying to develop a better and more efficient
curriculum for the students. Because a curriculum that is timely and relevant will
make the students more active in participating and in understanding. The
curriculum for every school must also be competitive so that the students will
strive to be the best.

Learning Episode 2
The Types of
Curricula in

My Learning Activities

Visit the school near your place or your Alma Mater. Interview a
Activity 1 teacher, administrator or former teacher in the school. Find out what
curriculum is being used in the schools/colleges/universities in your
place. Check the corresponding column.

Learned Curriculum
Written Curriculum

Hidden Curriculum
Taught Curriculum

Name (s) of Schools/





1. Iligan City
National √ √ √ √ √ √ √
High School

2. Hinaplanon
Nationa High
School √ √ √ √ √ √ √

3. St, Michaels √ √ √ √ √ √ √

Activity 2
Interview a teacher from school. Ask this question:

Why must the teacher be aware and sensitive to

the hidden curriculum?

A teacher must be aware and sensitive to the hidden curriculum in order

for the teacher to attain the intended outcome of the stduents there are
circumstances that the teacher cannot really understand the situation of the
learners, sometime they cannot easily understand the topic maybe it is because
of learners it can be from their family, financila or maybe they have problem with
their self just like behavior and emotional problem that is why there is hiiden
curriculum to help the learner situation where in the teacher will discover what
happening on the learner and by this the teacher can understand and give the
needs of the learners.

-Ma’am Shendee T. Vergara

Activity 3

List down some of the tools used by the school

to assess their curriculum.

Tools used by the school to assess their curriculum

Rubrics Assignments

Recording Devices
Learners Materials
 checklist

Daily Lesson Log (DLL)


 Pencil and Paper Strategy

 Performance Based Strategy
 Observational Strategy
 Personal Communication Strategy
 Oral Strategy

My Reflections/Insights

Why do I need to know the different

types of curricula?

I really need to know the different types of curricula it is because in a

classroom setting, a diverse student could be found. As a future teacher we must
see to it that whatever we are teaching is suits the needs and learning
capabilities of the learners. I need to utilize and organize various teaching
methodologies so that our learners can learn better. I believed that having a
curriculum provides several benefits, such as providing structure for an
educational course and having an end goal that teachers set for their students to
reach. Curricula vary widely in structure and complexity, but are valuable for
many different areas of education, including linguistic, mathematics, and science.

Learning Portfolio

Iligan City National High School

HInaplanon National High School

St. Michaels College (BED)

Learning Episode 3
The Teacher
as a

My Learning Activities

Activity 1

Interview a teacher on the specific roles he/she plays as a

curricularist. Your interview must include a teacher in basic
education and in the tertiary level. Complete the matrix given below.

Levels Roles as a Curricularist

Early Childhood

Name of Teacher: Rachel Labastida As a curricularist, it is my role to

provide/make a good curriculum
School: UCCP throught out the school year. We
Signature: follow our curriculum quarterly: all
about me, family, school, community.


Name of Teacher: Perlie L. Jumalon I am the frontliner of curriculum

development, design good plan and
School: Mimbalot Elemtary School activities in elementary curriculum.
Signature: Implementing Basic education
Curriculum in all subject areas.


Name of Teacher: Roberto L. Dechos Curricularist is the person who

facilitated learning instruction in both
School: Iligan City National High implementation, curriculum maker
School crafter, management and supervising
Signature: of curricula.


Name of Teacher: Shendee T. Vergara Role as a curricularist is responsible

for curriculum development and
School: Stafelomina Central School curriculum designing including
Signature curriculum implementing.

After the interview, get samples/pieces of evidence to show that the
Activity 2 teacher is a curricularist. Write/paste or post them here.

Research in the Library and look for a topic about the role of a
Activity 3 teacher as a curricularist. Complete the template below.

Research Title: Tasks and Responsibilities of School Teachers

Researcher(s): Luanne Kelchner

Findings: (Write the salient forms in bullet form).

 Teacher may work with children in small groups or with individual

students who may be struggling with the classroom material, school
teachers instruct students to work collaboratively with other children.
 School teachers schedule field strips for students during the year to
provide learning experiences outside of the classroom.
 School teacher motivate and inspire young children to develop a lifelong
love of learning and education.
 School teachers may use demonstrations and props to teach subjects.
 School teachers assign home works to students to reinforce the lesson
learned in the classroom.
 Lesson plan include classroom work, such as class instruction, tests and
 School teachers develop lesson plans that teach students a variety of
 School teachers play an important role in the education and development
of children.


It is very important that the teacher must be aware of the roles as

curricularist in implementing lesson in classroom. The teacher must be first a
planner, teacher’s role is to make yearly, monthly, or daily plan of the curriculum
which serves as guide in the implementation of the curriculum. Second writer, a
classroom teacher takes record of knowledge concepts, subject matter or
content. Third knower, a teacher, one has to master what are included in the
curriculum. Fourth Initiator, Implementation of a new curriculum requires the
open mindedness of the teacher, and the full belief that the curriculum will
enhance learning. Fifth Innovator, a teacher makes innovations in the curriculum.
Creatively and innovation are hallmarks of an excellent teacher. Six,
implementer, a teacher should give life to the curriculum plan. It is where the
teaching, guiding, facilitating skills of the teacher are expected at the highest
level. Seven, Evaluator, teacher should determine if the desired learning
outcomes have been achieved. As a curricularist, teacher must be role model
and advocates in curriculum and curriculum development who have shown the
way. Doing this multi-faceted work qualifies a teacher to be a curricularist.

Learning Portfolio

Interview with Ma’am Labastida

Interview with Ma’am Jumalon

Interview with Sir Dechos

Interview with Ma’am Vergara

Learning Episode 4
The Teacher
as a Knower

My Learning Activities

Interview an administrator, a student and a parent. Find out their

Activity 1
view points on the traditional and progressive curriculum.

Name of Student: Charity Ducay

School: St. Michael’s College

Aspects Traditional Progressive

Roles of Teacher Spoon-feeds students Gives the students a

chance to express

Roles of Pupils They will just sit down The one who will talk and
and listen to the teachers give their opinions to the
discussion teachers

Modes of Instruction More on memorizing and Let the student research

individual work for the lesson and
discover it their own.

Instructional Materials More on paper works and More on the

Manila Papers technologically based

Modes of Assessment Individual Assessment Group Activities

Interview a teacher and an administrator. Find out their view points

Activity 1.1 on the traditional and progressive curriculum.

Name of Faculty member: Terencia R. Arnejo, MAED

School: St. Michael’s College

Subject Areas Taught/handled: Prof. Ed subjects, Rizal, History

Aspects Traditional Progressive

Roles of Teacher Information giver Facilitator

Roles of Pupils Listener Performer of teaching

learning process

Modes of Instruction Direct instruction Giving series of activities

Limited Activities

Instructional Materials Chalk & board Series of instructional

materials including

Modes of Assessment Simple recall Output based with rubrics

Name of Administrator: Julius Felicidario, Ph.D

School: St. Michael’s College

No. of years of Administrative Experience: 10 years

Aspects Traditional Progressive

Roles of Teacher Teach the students Facilitator

regarding the subject

Roles of Pupils Listener Learner centered,

Performer of teaching
learning process

Modes of Instruction Gives instruction, To facilitate the activity

command, directions what students will
achieve the objectives

Instructional Materials Provide materials Students will the

materials, visual aids

Modes of Assessment Just a merely test Assessment

Interview a Parent. Find out his/her viewpoints on the traditional
Activity 1.2 and progressive curriculum.

Name of Student: Perlie L. Jumalon

Highest Educational Attainment: College Degree

Aspects Traditional Progressive

Roles of Teacher Discussant Facilitator


Roles of Pupils Listener, receiver Oral fluency, free to talk

Modes of Instruction Spoon feeding, Variety of activities.

limited/budgeted skills

Instructional Materials Manila paper/charting Technology devices,

chart using tarp

Modes of Assessment Paper pencil test Output based from the

lesson learned ,
performed task


It was a very good experienced of mine in doing this kind of activity which
we will interview different types of people in which they are related to curriculum.
Through this activity I was able to come up with good results which I can use as
a future educator.

In the interview I found out that there are really similar opinions and
perception of a student, a teacher, administrator and a parent as a knower of
curriculum. Both traditional and progressive are very important in the learning
process of the learners. Although they have differences and similarities but it is
useful to learners of what the teacher will use for sake of learning of the students.

As we are in the 21st century our education system shift more on learning with
technology in which they based on the different skill that will provide, it is
necessary for a teacher that he/she will choose or use the appropriate curriculum
in teaching.

Research on the differences of the traditional and progressive
Activity 2 curriculum. Accomplish the H-chart given below. Write the
similarities at the center and the differences one each side.

Traditional Curriculum Progressive Curriculum

 More on  More reasoning

memorization for Similarities and open
mastery questions
 These two has
 More on individual  Encourages group
work activity
 Both have something
 A lot of effort from  Less teacher
to evaluate students
teacher talking time
 The teacher will  Students’ self-
 There should be at
spoon-feed evaluation
least student and
information to the  More on reflection
teacher interaction
students.  Rules are both the
 The teacher is the student and the
dominant being in the teacher
class  Student centered
 Teacher-centered  Indirect Instruction

My Personal Insights

Traditional and progressive curriculum has their differences but they have
the same goal which is both ways evaluated and measure the learning of the
students. They have both interaction between teacher and students. They differ
in way of teaching and how students interact. A mere traditional curriculum will
not simply give them the edge of doing what they expect to fulfill while they are
in school. However, on the progressive curriculum accompanied a practical type
of education that was even more pleasant as well as interesting in the students.

Call up your friends from other Teacher Education Institution.
Activity 3
Find out what is their own point of view of curriculum. Put a
Check (√) mark on the corresponding column.

Names of Students/ Schools Traditional Progressive Both

1.Retchel A. Ejara

Santa Monica Institute of


2. Junilla Balacquit


3. Jonah Mae Ragadio


4. Jercel Labnotin Arot

Tagoloan Community College

5. Giniros O. Barrot


My Insights

As part of learning, we need to consider traditional and progressive point

of view of curriculum since it is being used mostly inside the school. Curriculum
considers the needs and interest of the learners. Learners must have always the
courage to learn new things everyday that’s why progressive curriculum should
be applied by the teacher. This curriculum will help the learners to become skillful
and full of knowledge and willing to share it to others.

I found out that most of the Teacher Education Institutions have both
traditional and progressive curriculum since they were able to experience it in
their institution. The curriculum they have will define their future career. Their
views help me realized that both curriculum could help the learners to become
competent enough to face challenges and competitions both academics and
extra- curricular activities. Through this it will enhance the skills of every learner
that they will use for long period of time. That is why we teachers really need to
provide the needs of our learners so that it will have a good results or positive
impact to the learners.

Learning Portfolio

Interview with a student

Interview with a Faculty member

Interview with an Administrator

Interview with a Parent

Retchel A. Ejara Junilla Balaquit

Jonah Mae Ragadio Jercel labnotin Arot

Giniros O. Barrot

Learning Episode 5
about School

My Learning Activities

Activity 1 Accomplish the template given by following the given sample.

Subjects Content Process Product

E.g. Curriculum Definition of  Clustering Evolved a

Development Curriculum  Read Post contextualized
with Field Study Categorize definition of
4  Interview curriculum

 Read poems Effeective and

1. English Part of Speech  Analyse creative writing
 Categorize skills.
 Create

 Pagbasa Mapanuri at
2. Filipino Panitikan  Pag-unawa masusing pag-
 Pagsasadula unawa sa teksto
at babasahin.

 Identify Acquiring
3. Social History  Compare life knowledge about
Studies in the past to significant events,
life today developments,
 Explain individuals,
 Create groups,
chronologica documents,
l sequence places, and ideas
to support

 Identify Draw the function

4. Science Part of Speech  Familiarize of different parts
 Draw of the body.

My Reflection

Curriculum refers to all subjects or courses offered in a school. It is

a recommend order from the DepEd or CHED. It may change any time if it is not
anymore helping the learners to progress in the learning development. I learned
that in every curriculum there is always a process and a result either positive or
negative. It helps the learners building their confidence, skills and ideas. They
can only attain their goals if they work together both teacher and students in a
very nice way.

As I interview, I learned many things like to identify or categorize the

content. And what are the outcomes of it, I realized curriculum is really important
to us.

Activity 2 There are six (6) criteria in the selection of knowledge/subject
matter. Interview a teacher, the indicators for each of the criteria
by answering the given question.

Criteria Questions Indicators

1. Significance How do you know the It is organize through the

significance in the development of the
content of the learning activities, skills
curriculum? and even the 3 domains
cognitive, affective and

2. Validity How do you know if the The topics should not

curriculum is valid? absolete.

3. Usefulness When do we know that We can say that it is

the curriculum is useful? useful when the learning
will last.

4. Learnability When do you know that The content should be

the content is within the appropriate to the
range of your learner’s learners and should be
experience? in the range of
5. Feasibility When do you know that That the subject matter
the content is within the is fully implemented.
time, resources and That the students should
expertise of teacher and finish the work just in
experiences of the time.

6. Interest When do you know that If the learners are

the learners are behaving and they are
interested in the all participating.

My Insights

There are a lot of criteria in the selection of the subject content. This is
useful so that the teachers are being guided and can would easily can come up
with content that the learners can really understand the topic. This will also help
on how or what strategies they will use so that that the learning may last and
more enjoyable.

I learned that in every curriculum there is a criterion that we need to follow

in order to attain our goals which is the 100 % proficiency of the learners. These
criteria will be utilized in the selection of subject matter and for the content
needed in a curriculum. It will really help the teachers on how to evaluate their
learners. As a future educator, I should have criteria in all of my subjects in order
to have a good outcome in teaching learning process.

B.A.S.I.C. is an acronym to state the principles of curriculum
Activity 3 content.

Principle 1: Curriculum Sample

Balance First Grading Period
A. Branches of earth science
Equitable assignment of
B. Realms of the earth
contents, time, experiences
and other elements
1.Elements of weather
Write the contents in one (1)
2. Earth atmosphere
subject area for the first grading
period. 3.biogeochemical cycle conditions in
Articulation Grade Grade 2 Grade 3
Curriculum is arranged 1
vertically or horizontally 1.1 add 2.1 add and 3.1apply arithmetic
Write a sample content of one (1) and subtract operations to solve
topic in a subject from level to subtract decimals the problems
level or grade to grade.
1.2 2.2 3.2 apply
multipl multiply arithmetic
y and and divide operations through
divide decimals fractions
2.3 3.3 define rational
recognize and irrational
negative number
3.4 Understand
basic rules of

Scope 1. General Subject: History of Western Music.
Content, topics, learning Specific Topic: Renaissance Musical
experiences and organizing Instruments
the threads of an 2. Module 1 curriculum: concepts nature and
educational plan. purposes

Write sample topics in a Lesson 1: concept, nature and purposes of

subject area. curriculum
Lesson 2: Elements components of
Lesson 3: Teaching Learning process and
curriculum development

Integration In the basic Education Curriculum a cluster of

Curriculum is integrated subjects Is assigned under MAKABAYAN. These
and interconnected. include among others, Social Studies, Physical

Cite a lesson which is Education, Health and HELE. In its implementation

integrated in other MAKABAYAN subjects may choose to have
subjects. common theme.

Continuity When grade I lesson in living things is repeated in

Vertical repetition and the next grade level with higher complexity, a
recurring approaches of construction should be made. In the high school, the
content. same content heading as living things is included but
linked to the content taken in the elementary level.
Write sample topics in a subject
area where content is organized in
spiral fashion in breadth and depth.

Learning Portfolio

Interview with Maam Mary Ann Cornelia Interview with Maam Terencia Arnejo

Interview with Sir Julius Felicidario Interview with Maam Perlie Jumalon

Learning Episode 6
Process and

My Learning Activities
Visit the school and interview an administrator on at least
Activity 1 one (1) curriculum model. Accomplish the given matrix

Curriculum Model Best Features Insights

 Subjects are organized  This can be use

1.GRASSROOTS in different learning in different level
APPROACH areas both elementary
 Mastery of the subject and secondary.
 Topics to be covered  There are really
 Directly learned by the ways on
learners through social experiencing
interactions. Subject matter
 Centralized test
 This will develop
 Subject demonstration the abilities or
skills of the
 Students engagement learners.

 It also allows the

learners to
become more
productive and
expert on the
learning of

My Personal Insights

Curriculum development is a dynamic process involving many different people

and procedures. It is very necessary for a teacher to know and master the curriculum in
order for her/his to have a good quality of teaching learning process.

Through the identifying of different curriculum, as future educator I can identify

what specific and appropriate curriculum that can use and integrate to the learners that
they can easily get and apply to their learning experiences. That is why the curriculum
models are very important to the learning of teacher and students.

There are the steps in the model of Hilda Taba. Interview a
Activity 2 teacher and inquire how these steps are applied by
accomplishing the given chart by giving concrete examples.

Steps Application to Real Teaching

Learners-centered approach
1.Diagnosis of Learner’s Needs and
Expectations of Larger Society

100% proficiency attained by the

2.Formulation of Learning Objectives learners

Learning content that will meet the

3.Selection of Learning Content learner’s needs.

There is a process to be followed.

4.Organization of Learning Content

Delivery of lesson based on the

5.Selection Learning Experiences learner’s experiences.

Assessment ( performance- based

6.Models of Evaluation test)

Complete the staircase of the Curriculum Development
Activity 3 Process according to Tyler. Write the answers in the steps.
Give examples for each step.

4. Evaluation of the experiences

For example, the teacher could have the students write an essay
without assistance. If they can do this, it is evidence that the
students have achieved the objective of the lesson.

3. Organization of the experiences

Should the teacher demonstrate first or should the students learn by

writing immediately? Either way could work and preference is
determined by the philosophy of the teacher and the needs of the
students. The point is that the teacher needs to determine a logical
order of experiences for the students.

2. Educational experiences related to the purposes

For example, if students need to meet the objective of writing an

essay. The learning experience might be a demonstration by the
teacher of writing an essay. The students then might practice writing
essays. The experience (essay demonstration and writing) is
consistent with the objective (Student will write an essay).

1. Purposes of the school

For example, a school that is developing an English

curriculum my create an objective that students will write
essays. This would be one of many objectives within the

Learning Portfolio

Interview with Maam Mary Ann Cornelia Interview with Maam Terencia Arnejo

Interview with Sir Julius Felicidario Interview with Maam Perlie Jumalon

Learning Episode 7

My Learning Activities

Activity 1 Complete the timelines by indicating the significant contribution of each


Werret William Harold

Franklin Bobbit Rugg
Charters Kilpatrick
1876-1956 1886-
1875-1952 1875-1952

For him, the

He introduced
purpose of
He views He believes curriculum is the concept of
curriculum as that the child the
a science that development,
objectives, development
emphasizes growth, and
the needs of along with the social
of the whole
the students. corresponding relationship. He child, the
That is why activities, also introduced inclusion of
lessons are should be the use of small social studies,
planned and group
aligned with interaction, and and the
organized the subject importance of
the project
depending on
matter or method in curriculum
the needs of which the
the students. content. planning in
teacher and
students plan advance.

Hollis Caswell Ralph Tyler Hilda Taba Oliva
1901-1989 1902-1994 1902-1967 1992-

Hilda Taba
He believes that
contributed to the
subject matter is
theoretical and
Believes that pedagogical According to
around the
foundations of Oliva, a model
interest of the curriculum concept
learners and their should revolve curriculum
development and
social functions.
around should be
critical thinking in
So, the simple,
curriculum is a the students’ social studies
needs and curriculum and comprehensiv
set of
helped to lay the e, and
experiences. interests. foundations of systematic.
Learners must
education for
experience what
diverse student
they learn.
Activity 2 Interview an administrator, a faculty and cite specific examples in each of
the items given below. Complete the Table.

Foundations of Curriculum Samples/ Situations

Educational planners and policy
1. Philosophical Foundations makers most have philosophy, a belief
about education and schooling and 3
 Reading
 ‘Riting
 ‘Rithmetic
It shows us the chronological
2. Historical Foundations developmental a long a time line. It is
where the curriculum development
came from our great contributors.
Provides a basis to understand the
3. Psychological Foundations teaching and learning process. It
unifies the elements of the learning
Students who develop identity and
4. Social Foundations self-awareness are more likely
developed a sense of morality. And
Subjects varies in every field of social

My Personal Insights
Curriculum development is anchored on a very solid foundation.
Although considered to be a new discipline, its significance in the in the light
global developments has now been acknowledged. It is considered as a
cooperative endeavor for change but school and society must work together for
it. I learned that there are foundations in every planned curriculum. These
foundations have greatly helped the curriculum to become effective to all learners
and teachers. And there are people behind these foundations who were great
contributors of the curriculum development.

I realized that before implementing a curriculum we really need to plan it

properly by learning the foundations of curriculum. We should build a curriculum
that will cater the needs and interest of the learners. Learners should be the
center in the teaching-learning process.

Evolve your own philosophy based on the existing philosophies of
Activity 3
education. Illustrate through a graphic organizer. Explain this will be
applied, if you are going to put up your own school.


Teacher Student


Giver of information Receiver of information

Integrate interactive activity participate in the Activity

Appreciate & improve student performance Develop Cognitive,

affective &

Activate learner confidence psychomotor skills

Values integrator Productive learners



It is very clear in my own philosophy of education that in

teaching and learning process there are only two main factors which are
the teacher and the learner. These two factors have relationship with
each other. They are both important in terms of education. One job of
being a teacher is to be giving the needs of their students for learning by
creating engaging and relevant learning experiences every day. The best
way to engage students is to have a solid classroom management plan
and a well-planned lesson that is grounded in relevant should have a
purposeful activity that will develop the different skills of the learners. And
the job of being a student is to response to the planned and method that
is being integrated by the teacher to the student.

Learning Portfolio

Learning Episode 8
Crafting the
The Teacher
as a Designer

My Learning Activities
Accomplish the matrix by interviewing an administrator and a
Activity 1 teacher to explain how the ten (10) axioms are realized in the school
setting, the administrator or the teacher has the option to choose the
axiom that she/he wishes to explain.

Ten(10) Axioms for Curriculum Situations/Samples on How These

Designers Axioms are Realized in the School
1. Curriculum change is It was stated that one of the
inevitable, necessary and
characteristics of curriculum is its being
dynamics. Because of this, teachers
should respond to the changes that
occur in school and in its context.
Schools and school systems grow and
develop in proportion to their ability to
respond to change and adapt to
changing conditions. Society and its
institutions continuously encounter
problems to which they must respond.

2. Curriculum reflects its own A relevant curriculum should respond

time. It is a product of its time
to changes brought about by current
social forces, philosophical positions,
psychological principles, new
knowledge and educational reforms.
This is also called the timelines.
The curriculum responds to, and is
changed by, factors such as social
forces, philosophical positions,
psychological principles, accumulating
knowledge, and educational leadership
at its moment in history.

3. Curriculum changes made A revision in a curriculum starts and
earlier can exist concurrently
ends slowly. More often, curriculum is
with newer curriculum
changes. gradually phased in and phased out.
Thus the changes that occur can
Curriculum revision rarely starts and
ends abruptly. Changes can coexist
and overlap for long periods of time.
Usually curriculum is phased in and
phased out on a gradual basis.

4. Curriculum change depends

on people who will implement
Curriculum revision rarely starts and
the change.
ends abruptly. Changes can coexist
and overlap for long periods of time.
Usually curriculum is phased in and
phased out on a gradual basis.
5. Curriculum development is a
cooperative group activity
People who will implement the
curriculum should be involved in its
development. When individuals
internalize and own the changes in
curriculum, the changes will be
effective and long-lasting.

6. Curriculum development is a
decision making process
Significant and fundamental changes in
made from choices or
alternatives. curriculum are brought about as a
result of group decisions. Any
significant change in the curriculum
should involve a broad range of
stakeholders to gain their
understanding, support, and input.

7. Curriculum development is an
on-going process.
Examples of decisions curriculum
developers must make include what to
teach, what philosophy or point of view
to support, how to differentiate for
special populations, what methods or
strategies to use to deliver the
curriculum, and what type of school
organization best supports the

8. Curriculum development is
more effective if it is a
Continuous monitoring, examination,
comprehensive process not
piecemeal. evaluation, and improvement of
curricula are needed. No curriculum
meets the needs of everyone. As the
needs of learners change, as society
changes, and as new knowledge and
technology appear, the curriculum must

9. Curriculum development is
more effective when it follows
A set of procedures, or models, for
a systematic process.
curriculum should be established in
advance, and be known and accepted by
all who are involved in the process. The
model should outline the sequence of
steps to be followed for the development of
the curriculum.

10. Curriculum development Curriculum planners and designers should

starts from where the begin with existing curriculum. An existing
curriculum is.
design is a good starting point for any
teacher who plans to enhance and enrich
the curriculum.
Most curriculum planners begin with
existing curriculum. Oliva advises planners
to "hold fast to that which is good."

Activity 2 Observe a class or get a sample lesson. Using the elements/
component, write a sample curriculum using the template given below.

Intended Learning Subject Matter or Teaching/Learning Assessment/

Outcomes Learning Content Methods Evaluation
Grade 11
 Identify the
elements of
 Determine  Elements of DEDUCTIVE  Quiz
the used of Story METHOD  Oral
elements in recitati
 Discussion on
the story
and;  Activity
 Perform the Performance based
elements of
the story

Request a sample lesson. Analyze the components present in the

Activity 3
plan. Paste the lesson plan below.

Learning Collect three (3) sample lesson plans from
schools. Evaluate the similarities and differences

Portfolio using the Venn diagram.

__Santafelomina Central School____

Name of school

The math lesson plan in elementary

starts with answering or activity first
before opening the lesson as an

This school's lesson plan starts

The lesson plan starts with a
with any moticational videos
game or an activity that
that is inlined with their lesson
introduces the lesson.
for the day.

Sgt. Miguel Canoy Memorial Suarez Central School

School Name of School
Name of School

Learning Episode 9

My Learning Activities

These are types of Curriculum Design Models. Complete the template

Activity 1 given below by sitting their features/ advantages.L


curriculum design has variations which are
focused on the individual subject
1.1 Subject Design
it requires fewer participants, making the process
much more streamlined and less resource heavy
1.2 Discipline Design
Easy to design, build and operate.
1.3 Correlation Design We can make predictions about things when we
know about correlations. If two variables are
correlated, we can predict one based on the other.
1.4 Scrap field Design/
interdisciplinary Design
It synthesize more than one discipline and creates
teams of teachers and students that enrich the
overall educational experience
It emphasizes a variety of different types of
methods that shifts the role of the instructors from
givers of information to facilitating student
2.1 Child-Centered Design  Students develop learning and other
skills and gain meaningful knowledge that
will help them throughout life.
 The relationship between rights and
is learned.
 Students discover that learning is
and fun.
2.2 Experienced-Centered
It is focused on the experienced of the learners

2.3Humanistic Design
If the child feels good about him or herself then
that is a positive start. Feeling good about oneself
would involve an understanding of ones' strengths
and weaknesses, and a belief in one's ability to
3. PROBLEM- CENTERED It allows learners to become producers rather than
Design consumers of knowledge.
3.1 Life Situation Design Students will see direct relevance to what they are
studying if the content is organized around
aspects of community life.

3.2 Core Problem Design It centers on general education and the problems
are based on the common human activities. The
central focus of the core design includes common
needs, problems and concerns of the students.

My Personal Insights

Upon answering this activity I could say that this curriculum

design models is very relevant to the learners. First, learner will develop skill
in reading and activate their critical thinking. Second, learners will also
develop their comprehension and understanding to any subject to be
taught. Third, it will also develop the behavior and discipline of the learner.
Fourth, learner will activate their schema where in their prior knowledge
will be used for the new learnings. Fifth, learner will allow their mind to think
and choose for the betterment of their learnings. Sixth, through the use of
child-centered design, experience-centered design, humanistic design,
learner will engage and experience real setting that they can use for their
learnings, where in they will choose various activities that can apply to
their own phase of growth and also they can have opportunities to
empower to shape their own learning. Lastly, learner will be trained to
solve real life problems that come about because of the needs, interest
and abilities of the learners. Problems persistent in life and society that
affect daily living are also considered. It will also develop the learners

Activity 2 Interview at least four (4) people and ask them their perception about
the K to 12 program. Complete the comic strip below.

Name Signature Perceptions on K to 12 Program

Jiepy Abroguina It gives opportunities to the young

individuals in a sense of they can build
confident through there learning.
 Provide a competency-based, self-
paced program with clear quantifiable
Susan Lubguban
objectives. Instruction will be provided
in a variety of ways best suited to the
individual student’s needs

 K to 12 program is somehow helping

the educative process as well as
Marve Jane Gallemaso
enabling the learners to be globally
competitive to trends
Provide students with a success-
Donna Mae Maglangit oriented program to obtain academic
and employability skills in a school

My Insights

The major goal of k – 12 program is to provide opportunities for the

students failing in the traditional classroom setting to obtain academic credit,
career exploration activities, vocational work experience, and extended
teacher/peer support in an alternative setting where the ultimate goal is that of
obtaining a diploma. This is done through methods aimed at helping and
encouraging at-risk students.

Most of the answers are most likely the advantages of the K-12
curriculum. So indeed, k-12 curriculum will help students to their cognitive and
psychomotor. In that they will learn more that will help them on their future. The
longer educational cycle seen as critical in giving the learners the higher a quality
of the education. The k-12 curriculum gives the students time to master basic
academic skills.

Visit a Teacher Education Imagination. Secure a copy of an OBE-
based syllabus. Analyze each component of the given syllabus. How
Activity 2
are the components stated?

Are the activities aligned with the intended learning outcomes and
mode of assessment?

My Analysis
In the OBE syllabus categorize in a table there is the specific objectives,
content, resources and assessment. Each component is connected to one another. It is a
guide lines for the teachers on how to teach their students and what is the appropriate
materials that are being use depends on the subject matter. It is used to convey the
enthusiasm for the topic and our expectations for the course and to help the students
sees their readiness for the course by identifying pre-requisite areas of knowledge.

Learning Paste the curriculum samples gathered from the field.


Learning Episode 10
Implementing the
Curriculum: The
teacher as
Implementer and

My Learning Activities

Activity 1 Interview a teachers, administrators and students. What changes are

happening in the curriculum?

Mother Tongued Based

K-12 Curriculum
ICT Integration
Learner - Centered



Specialization Core Academics Area

Hands on Skills Development

Activity 2 These are the categories of curriculum change. Get samples/situations
for these categories from the school you visited.

Categories of Curriculum Change Situation/Samples

1. Substitution Revising the old book into a new book by

Replace the present with a new revising.

2. Alteration Instead of computing using a ballpen and

Introduce minor changes or a paper we can already use calculator.
modification on the current one.

3. Restructuring A involvement of the parents of the

Introduce major modification of children instead leaving everything to the
the current curriculum. teacher.

4. Perturbation A extra curriculum or activities may

Changes happen within a fairly happen that is why a 2 hours class will be
short time. lessen into 1 and a half hour.

5. Value Orientation Teachers that are undergo induction

Respond to shift in emphasis program which is a special curriculum for
within the vision/mission of the newly hired teachers.

Activity 3 Answer the question briefly. Why do we need to change the
curriculum from time to time?

We really need to change the curriculum form time to time it is

because we really need to consider the needs, learning styles, and
different intelligence of our students. We must also bear in mind that we
are in the 21st century and learners evolved. And because of the society’s
values and needs change over time. In the 1950s, there was a lot more
emphasis on the home economics and industrial arts type of things, more
emphasis on simply memorizing facts and rules. Nowadays, with
technology shifts, and an economy that is based on different skills, if we
had the same curriculum, it would be a catastrophe. Curricula have
changed to meet the different needs that we have now.

Get one (1) clipping from newspaper or from an
internet source about the current trends and causes
in education. Paste it in this page. Write your
insights about the article on this page.

Reforms in the Philippine

education system: The K
to 12 Program

In Photo: Students of the Bagong Tanyag Elementary School in Bicutan, Taguig, shows

their Abakada book. In each classes, three school hours per session is only being

accommodated for they are lacking in classrooms. The question is what can a student

learn from a three-hour class. The Philippine educational system is faced with a slew of

problems, including lack of classrooms, dilapidated school buildings and shortage of


By Cyril John Barlongo

QUALITY education is viewed as any country’s pillar of success.

Restructuring the Philippines’s basic educational system through the K to 12 Program is a

tough but strategic move by the government to ensure that it produces competent
graduates who can serve as the backbone for a highly skilled and employable work force.

In Photo: Grade 1 pupils from Pasay City Elementary School at Leveriza Street in Pasay
City take time to write on their paper during the opening of classes in Metro Manila area
and other provinces.
Introduced in 2011 by the Department of Education (DepEd), headed by Secretary Armin
Luistro, FSJ, the K to 12 Program made kindergarten a prerequisite to basic education. It
lengthened basic schooling to include a two-year senior high school and offered technical
and vocational courses to students not planning to go to college, thus giving them more
chances of getting employed in blue-collar work

The program replaced the 10-year basic education curriculum, which consisted of six
years in grade school and four years in high school that concentrated on the English
language and Filipino, the sciences, arithmetic and mathematics, and the social
sciences.It also incorporated these basic lessons to include basic science and technology,
engineering, mathematics, accountancy, business and management, humanities and social
sciences, and general academic courses such as technical-vocational-livelihood, arts and
design, and sports.
The implementation of the program has aroused fear among 13,600 teachers and 11,400
nonteaching staff in higher education institutions (HEIs) that they would end up losing
their jobs due to the lack of college enrollees.

Petitions have been submitted to the Supreme Court to suspend the program because
politicians and groups find the new system as insufficient preparation for life after school.

Lack of infrastructure is also one of the issues confronting the DepEd prior to and during
the initial implementation of the program. Needed for the new curriculum are 30,000 new
classrooms; 30,000 new teachers; and 6,000 nonteaching staff.

Like most government endeavors, public education cannot succeed without the support of
the private sector. With the help of companies and business groups, programs by the
government are important in building a strong future for the country that would enhance
our competitiveness in the global community and would advance the competencies of
Filipino graduates to stand at par with global practices and be equipped with relevant
skills and knowledge in their chosen professions. Different programs will give the youth
a steady and confident footing in pursuing a career that will empower them to become
able and productive participants in the shared task of nation-building.

Toward this end, business organizations have been supporting the K to 12 Program on its
continued and proper reform implementation. Consistent support has been provided by
the Makati Business Club, Philippine Business for Education (PBEd), Philippine
Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Management Association of the Philippines, the
Information Technology and Business Process Association of the Philippines, Employers
Confederation of the Philippines, American Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines,
German-Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and the Australia-New Zealand
Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines.

Studies have repeatedly shown that “more schooling leads to a higher income, averaging
a 10-percent increase for every additional year in school.”

The League of Cities of the Philippines has also expressed its full and unwavering
support for the flagship education reform of the Aquino administration, led by Quezon
City Mayor Herbert Bautista.

Quality education is the best that the country can offer, a call that leads to quality
employment for a better quality of life. Hence, lawmakers should still be in the lookout
for potential advancements in the current status of our education system.

As of January 2015, the Philippine Statistics Authority Labor Force Survey showed a 6.6-
percent unemployment rate from 7.5 percent the previous year. Meanwhile, the survey
also showed employment grew to 93.4 percent, up from 92.5 percent the preceding year.

If industries, members of academe and society as a whole can work concertedly toward
empowering the students with global-standard competencies, the country’s employment
rate will improve further.

Despite the massive number of graduates the country’s institutions of higher learning
produce annually, not all possess the life skills needed to enter and become productive
members of the work force.

Workers in the services sector dominated the largest proportion by 54.6 percent,
comprised of those engaged in wholesale and retail trade, or in the repair of motor
vehicles as the largest percentage. Meanwhile, workers in the agriculture and industry
sector comprised the second and the smallest group with 29.5 percent and 15.9 percent,
respectively. Laborers and unskilled workers have remained in the largest group,
accounting for 31 percent.

Due to financial reasons, many high-school graduates today cannot proceed to college,
which contributes to the aggregate of about 15 million out-of-school youth, according to

The nonprofit organization proposes a voucher system to the DepEd and Commission for
Higher Education (CHED) to give out-of-school youth a chance to pursue tertiary

According to PBEd, the Unified Financial Assistance System for Higher and Technical
Education (UniFAST) and the Tertiary Education Transition Fund (TETF) will facilitate
the funding for the program if Congress will pass the two bills into law.

The UniFAST bill will harmonize government scholarships, grants-in-aid and loan
programs, while the TETF bill, in turn, will establish a development and welfare fund,
PBEd says.

The UniFAST bill has been approved on third and final reading in the House of
Representatives and on second reading at the Senate.

The community where the students live is a key factor in collective assistance and
encouragement. With the help of volunteers through the DepEd’s Brigada Eskuwela
program, the public and private sectors unite to provide services and resources through

the repair and ensuring the safety and cleanliness of classrooms and schools for the
opening of public schools this June.

The program brings together teachers, parents, community members and stakeholders
every third week of May in an effort to maximize civil participation and utilize local
resources to prepare public schools for the opening of classes.

During the long week event, volunteers take time doing minor repairs, painting and
cleaning of school campuses.

The program has become the DepEd’s model of genuine public and private partnership to
curb challenges that Philippine education is facing and serves as one of its front-line

The Gulayan sa Paaralan Program of the DepEd, which began in 2007, also helps to
address child malnutrition among elementary students. The crops harvested from school
gardens, which were also planted by the students, are used to sustain the school’s feeding
programs. Children lacking proper nutrients have lesser energy, physically and mentally,
hence are unable to fully participate in class.

Because of significant inflation in the country and improvement of facilities, private

institutions have raised their tuition in 313 private colleges and universities for the
coming school year, slightly higher than the 287 HEIs allowed by the CHED last year,
for an increase in tuition and other fees.

The CHED said that of the 313 schools, only 283 HEIs were allowed to increase tuition,
212 would increase other fees, and 182 out of 313 schools were allowed to increase both
tuition and other school fees.

Despite the higher number compared to that of last year, the increases were lower from
an average of P35.66 per unit to P29.86. Other school fees were also lowered to P135.60
from P141.55 last year.

Due to Supertyphoon Yolanda that devastated a wide swath of land in Eastern Visayas in
2013, the CHED did not approve any application from the schools affected to increase
tuition and other school fees.

As no applications were submitted to CHED, no increases were imposed in the provinces
of Batanes, Cagayan, Isabela, Nueva Vizcaya and Quirino in Region 2; Albay, Camarines
Norte, Camarines Sur, Catanduanes, Masbate and Sorsogon in Region 5; Bohol, Cebu,
Negros Oriental and Siquijor in Region 7; Camiguin, Misamis Oriental, Lanao del Norte,
Bukidnon and Misamis Occidental in Region 10.

For a program to go through, right appropriation is essential to deliver a smooth program

implementation. Mandated by the Philippine Constitution, the government must allocate
the highest proportion of its budgetary needs to education. As part of the Aquino
administration vow, of the P2.606-trilliion national budget, the Department of Budget and
Management (DBM) allocated P367.1 billion for the DepEd, the highest among the
government agencies. The 2015 budget increased by 18.6 percent from last year.

Among the DepEd’s programs are Abot-Alam Program, Alternative Delivery Mode
Projector e-IMPACT, Basic Education Madrasah Program, Computerization Program,
Redesigned Technical-Vocational High School Program and Government Assistance to
Students and Teachers in Private Education.

Modernizing the higher public education system is an integral part of making school
facilities a conducive environment for students to learn. Hence, to improve the country’s
state universities and colleges (SUCs), a total of P44.4 billion was allocated to the SUCs,
16.8 percent higher from last year.

The P2.5-billion allocation is designed to aid 40,453 Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino

Program beneficiaries.

To aid students who want to earn a college degree, the DBM allotted P7.9 billion for
scholarship grants and financial assistance. Under this allocation, the CHED’s Students
Financial Assistance Program was appropriated a total of P763 million that will help
54,208 students nationwide.

My Insights

Education is very important to everyone. It can change personality, social status of

people. In the clippings above, it is very clear that in our country we have a poor
educational system. This poor educational system will not make our country globally
competitive that is why there are reforms that being newly implemented to sustain the
quality of education and to provide the necessary needs like skills, knowledge of every

Learning Episode 11

My Learning Activities

Interview different stakeholders and inquire their role in curriculum

Activity 1

Stakeholders of the Curriculum Roles in Curriculum Development


1. Learners  Receiver
 Listener
 Engage actively in
 Share insights

 Planner
2. Teachers  Facilitator
 Innovator

 adviser
3. School Leader/Administrator  leader
 Evaluator

 1st teacher of the

4. Parents students
 Role model
 Encourager
 Best supporter

 Experience provider
5. Community

 Benefits provider
6. Other Agencies

My Reflections

It is very clear that the stakeholders are the foundation of curriculum

development. Because of them the beauty and the importance of developing the
curriculum become more effective. I realized that both of them are important in
curriculum development. That is why as future teacher I will give importance to
the people that can give and contribute to the curriculum development.

Activity 2 Interview the parents about the extent of their participation in

enriching the curriculum. Use the scale given below.

4 3 2 1
Very Large Extent Large Extent Moderate Extent Little Extent

Extent of Participation

Activities 4 3 2 1
1. Resource Speaker √

2. Teacher Aide √
3. Judge/Coach/Mentor √

4. Donor (Instructional √
Materials, etc.)

5. Others (pls. specify)

Reflect on the importance of stakeholders in curriculum
Activity 3

The stakeholders are very important in the role of curriculum. They

have the biggest impact because they are developing the learners in
physical and in mental. Without these stakeholders then there will be no
learning at all.

In the learners they are the core of the curriculum, they are the one
who will learn to the teachers. They have more dynamic participation
from the planning and implementing. In the teacher they are the one
who will plan the curriculum that they are teaching. They are the most
important person in curriculum implementation. The better the teacher
the more widely the knowledge that the students will have.

Parents are the one who will guide their students when they are in
their respective homes. The values that their students have learned to their
parents. That is why teachers encourage the parents of the students to
take a look up to them and assist their children.

They are individuals or institution that is interrelated in the school

curriculum and the one who put into action and give life to the
curriculum, lastly shape the school curriculum implementation. The
primary stakeholders in the curriculum since the learners are the primary
stakeholders in the curriculum, the universal as well as the individual
characteristics of the students should be considered. Age, gender,
physical, mental, emotional development, cultural background, interests,
aspirations and personal goals are some of the factors that should be
considered in the implementation of any curriculum.

Paste pictures of stakeholders involved in
curriculum implementation.

Learner Teacher

Administrator Parent


Learning Episode 12
and the

My Learning Activities

Ask at least six (6) teachers, why there is a need to evaluate the
Activity 1

To facilitate curriculum

To inform the efficient To ensure curriculum

allocation of teaching and outcomes are
learning resources. achieved.

Why do we
need to
evaluate the

To support
To provide feedback and applications for
encouragement to teachers promotion and career
and the faculty. development.

To ensure the
teaching is meeting
students learning

Activity 2 Interview a principal/administrator; find out how they evaluate their
school’s curriculum.

Excerpts of the Interview

My bases in evaluating a school curriculum are the impact

of the applied curriculum to the needs of the learners, their
performance level in the class, and the values they acquire from
the teacher. I usually assess my teachers especially on how they
deliver their lesson in a creative and interactive way of teaching.
Effective curriculum starts from the teachers because they are the
one who will teach the lesson. So, I need to evaluate my
curriculum as a principal in order to have active and excellent

My Reflection

Curriculum evaluation may refer to the formal determination of the

quality, effectiveness or value of the program, process, and product of the
curriculum. It is a new idea for many teachers, not knowing that every day
the teacher is involved in several components of evaluation. There are two
ways of looking the curriculum evaluation.

I learned that in order to have an effective curriculum we must evaluate

curriculum from time to time. Curriculum refers not only to the specific school but
also to the teachers and students. It greatly helps to the needs of the students
and teachers in creating a better change in the school.

I realized that curriculum evaluation is really important to the success and

development of the said curriculum. It can help the learners meet the intended
outcomes and goals. And it also helps the school to develop in quantity and

As a future teacher, I should evaluate my school curriculum in order for

me to learn and realize the unnecessary instructions that we need to delete. I will
not only focus to myself but prioritize the needs of the disciples. I will give my best
as a teacher in order to mold the young individuals to learn.

Design/Secure a copy of a curricular evaluation checklist and paste
Activity 3
on this page.

Paste a sample of curricula evaluation form.


Topic Title: _________________________________________________________

Participant's Name (optional): _______________________________________


We appreciate your help in evaluating this program. Please indicate your rating of the
presentation in the categories below by circling the appropriate number, using a scale of 1 (low)
through 5 (high). Please fill out both sides of this form:

This program met the stated objectives of:

1. Identify three types of neurological complications often found after 1 2 3 4 5

traumatic brain injury.
2. Identify three types of other traumatic complications often found after 1 2 3 4 5
traumatic brain injury.
3. List two types of medications to be avoided after traumatic brain injury. 1 2 3 4 5

SPEAKERS (generally)
1. Knowledgeable in content areas

1 2 3 4 5
2. Content consistent with objectives

1 2 3 4 5
3. Clarified content in response to questions

1 2 3 4 5
1. Appropriate for intended audience

1 2 3 4 5
2. Consistent with stated objectives
1 2 3 4 5
1. Visual aids, handouts, and oral presentations clarified content
1 2 3 4 5

2. Teaching methods were appropriate for subject matter 1 2 3 4 5

Knowledgeable in Content consistent Clarified content in
FACULTY Content area with objectives response to questions

Dr. Smith 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5


Design/Secure a copy of a curricular evaluation checklist and paste
Activity 3
on this page.


1. Information could be applied to practice 1 2 3 4 5

2. Information could contribute to achieving 1 2 3 4 5

personal, professional goals


1. Was adequate and appropriate for session 1 2 3 4 5

2. Was comfortable and provided adequate 1 2 3 4 5


This program enhanced my

____ Substantially ____ Somewhat ____ Not at all
professional expertise.

I would recommend this ____ Yes ____ No ____ Not sure

program to others.


I would like (name of APA-approved sponsor) to provide seminars or workshops on the following


Do you prefer: ____half-day seminars ____full-day seminars ___multi-day seminars

Do you prefer seminars in: ____hotels ____hospital ____no preference

How much time do you need to respond to a program announcement?

____less than 1 month ____4 to 6 weeks ____more than 6 weeks

How did you learn about this program?

____brochure ____supervisor ____colleague ____other

How far did you travel to attend this program?

____0-25 miles ____25-50 miles ____50-100 miles ____over 100 miles

If you would like to comment in person, please feel free to call the Office of Education at [phone



Workshop Evaluation

A. Course Design (Circle the number to indicate your level of agreement/disagreement

with each of the aspects of course design.)

Strongly agree Strongly

1. The program content met my needs. 1 2 3
4 5

2. Length of the course was adequate 1 2 3 4


3. What did you like most about the course?

4. What specific things did you like least about the course?

5. If the course was repeated, what should be left out or changed?

B. Course objectives (Circle the number to indicate your level of

agreement/disagreement with the degree to which course objectives were met.)

Strongly agree Strongly

1. Understanding of prevalence and diversity 1 2 3 4
of mental health problems among the elderly

2. Skills development in the area of and 1 2 3 4

group therapy

3. Increases knowledge in the area and 1 2 3 4

of documentation

4. Awareness of available psychological and 1 2 3 4

assessment tools

5. Information on expected standard and 1 2 3 4

for clinical contributions

6. Knowledgeable of responsibilities of and 1 2 3 4


Area and District Managers

7. Knowledge of credentialing and 1 2 3 4

and scoring

8. Increases knowledge of policy issues and 1 2 3 4


C. Evaluation of each faculty member in stated area:

Strongly agree Strongly


1. Content was presented in an organized 1 2 3 4


2. Content was presented clearly 1 2 3 4

and effectively

3. Was responsive to questions/comments 1 2 3 4


4. Teaching aids/audiovisuals were used effectively 1 2 3 4


5. Teaching style was effective 1 2 3 4


6. Content met stated objectives 1 2 3 4


7. Content presented was applicable to my practice 1 2 3 4


D. As a result of attending this course, I see the value to me in the following ways (check
all that apply):
___I gained one or more specific ideas that I can implement in my area of practice.
___I learned a new approach to my practice.
___It may help me do a better job.
___I do not see the impact of this course on my job.

E. By attending this course, I believe (check all that apply):

___I was able to update my skills.
___I acquired new and/or advanced skills.
___I have better knowledge upon which to base my decisions/actions in the practice
___I am reconsidering my views toward the topic(s) presented.
___The topic presented was appropriate, but I am undecided as to my own views.
E. Facilities/Arrangements (Circle the appropriate number to indicate your level of
satisfaction or circle NA if the item is not applicable to you.)
1. Lodging 1 2 3 4
5 NA

2. Food Services 1 2 3 4
5 NA
3. Meeting rooms and facilities 1 2 3 4
5 NA
4. Restrooms 1 2 3 4
5 NA
5. Day of week 1 2 3 4
5 NA
6. Time of day 1 2 3 4
5 NA
7. Location 1 2 3 4
5 NA


Overall I would rate this workshop as:


Other learning needs: (List any other topics you would be interested in for the future)


In order to continue to improve the quality of educational programming, the Department of Psychiatry,
would appreciate you taking a few minutes of your time to complete this evaluation. Your comments and
suggestion will help us to plan future lectures to meet your educational needs.




1. Please rate the degree to which the following objectives of this series/lecture were met
(5=Completely; 4=to a high degree; 3=moderately; 2=minimally; 1=not at all)
Upon completion of this program, I will be able to:
Conceptualize cases from the point of view of a cognitive therapist 5 4
3 2 1

Understand a range of techniques that could be applied in 5

4 3 2 1
each situation

For questions below: 5=Strongly Agree; 4=Agree; 3=Neutral; 2=Disagree; 1=Strongly

2. I acquired new skills or knowledge in relation to topic discussed 5 4
3 2 1
3. The Lecture description was accurate 5
4 3 2 1
4. The teaching format/length was suitable to content 5
4 3 2 1
5. The teaching level was appropriate to audience 5
4 3 2 1
6. The quality of the facilities was adequate for learning 5
4 3 2 1
7. Presenter for this session:
Good Fair
Expressed ideas clearly
4 3 2 1
Presented useful examples
4 3 2 1
Thoroughness of content
4 3 2 1
Speaking/teaching ability
4 3 2 1
Effectiveness of audiovisual aids
4 3 2 1
Responsiveness to questions
4 3 2 1
4 3 2 1

8. Where did you learn about this Lecture?
Printed brochure Colleague Website

9. Suggestions for future topics, as well as comments on how this program could be
improved to better suit your educational needs are always welcomed.

Personal Reflections on the Portfolio

When will I teach this one? Is it necessary to teach it after the previous lesson?
Would I follow the book or the Philippine Elementary Learning Competency? What are
the lessons to be discussed the whole week? Probably, if you are asking these questions,
you are planning for the sequence of the lessons and learning activities. In planning, there
are two things you are depending on: the book and the PELC. However, due to the rapid
change in the society, these two would have some obsolete concepts and some may not
be applied to them anymore. Some may not fit them and even some may not hook up
their interest to learn. In fact, because of some deficiencies of the curriculum, it may not
accommodate the needs of the learners very well. So, whom or which would we depend

Our society is experiencing drastic change so as to the people living in it. As a

future teacher, I should know how to attend to these changes especially to the learners
who are the main medium of these changes. In response to this, there is curriculum
framework that we call, the Curriculum Development.

Indeed, understanding the content of the curriculum helps us to determine how we

can frame their understanding. Educating children profoundly affects their lives and
influences the life of anyone who comes into contact with those children. Education
provides a foundation for a child to base the rest of his or her life on. Without a solid
education, it becomes impossible for an individual to provide for themselves and their
family. Also, well-educated people can make decisions that benefit both their own
interests and the interests of society as a whole. That is why we really need to know the
Curriculum and be part of its changes for the good and betterment of everyone’s learning.

These were the words comes in mind, while sitting on the back part of the classroom,
observing students and the teacher interactions. This were the words reflects as I am
imagining I'll be teacher someday. Field Study III helped me so much in molding my
principle as well as my goal.

Comments of the Faculty

Rubric for the Portfolio


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