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Diajukan untuk memenuhi tugas Bahasa Inggris

Dosen Pengampu Mata Kuliah : Yusti Fargianti, M.pd.

Disusun oleh

1. Amalia Aprina (3333160040)

2. Ratu Alya (3333160050)
3. Prameswara P.M (3333160077)
4. Haris Abdul Aziz (3333160114)
5. Shafira Ramadhanti (3333160015)


Task 1
Program used in company
a. Making sure employees have formal job description
b. Mentoring and training program
c. Reviews and working with employees on personalized development
plans and goals
d. Pay raises, bonuses, and special benefit
Task 2
Answer the following question based on the text.
1. What is the way to represent performance management techniques among
employees ?
2. What does employer usually use to help employee do their job better?
3. Mention what employers that used inperformance goals to help maintain
and encourage top performance!
4. How can mentoring and training help employers to finish their job?
5. What is meant by the following term:
a. Smoother employee evaluations
b. Expectations and responsibilities
6. Mention some awards which employee get when they reach management’s
7. What does the word”it” in ”it is the right behavior they are
rewarding….”(Par. 5, Line 4) refer to?
1. Making sure employees have formal job descriptions
2. Use mentoring and training program
3. Some companies specifically assign senior employees to junior ones with a
requirement to meet regular while other companies encourage more casual
mentoring relationships.
4. Some companies specifically assign senior employees to junior ones with a
requirement to meet regular while other companies encourage more casual
mentoring relationships.
5. a. Performance appraisal
b.Expectation is a believe about what might happen in the
future.Responsibilities is a duty or obligation to satisfactorily
6. pay raises,bonuses, and special benefit
7. Take care when assigning money to behavior
Task 3
Cricle the word that does not have the similarity in the meaning
1. Prevent avoid permit protect
2. Maintain destroy keep preserve protect
3. Job work profession unemployment
4. Detriment advantage benefit profit
5. Aim neglect objective goal profit
6. Fail accomplish complete reach profit

Task 4
 Plan
Before management talks to the employee, the management team should
meet and decide the organization’s goals and objectives for the year
 Monitoring is a key function in achieving the goals, set out in the planning
stage.Monitoring used to check in on progress, offer help if needed,assist in
solving problem that might have arisen and adjust goals if necessary.
 Evaluation
To give assessment.
Task 5
1. Take bigger pot, place small plate upside down and fill with water.
2. Place smaller po on top of plate in bigger pot. Turn the heat to
medium and let candle wax melt
3. Once wax is completely melted, pour wax into shells and cover
work area.
4. Apply glue on botton of wick.
5. Glue on wick and teim excess.
6. Let them solidify and you are done.
Task 6
Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words in the box
How to make a rocket
 A paper towel tube
 Construction paper
 Pencil, makers or crayons
 Tape
 Glue
 Ruler
 Scissors
 Markers, crayons or stickers (optional)
1. Wrap construction paper around the tube. Tape or glue the construction
paper in place.
2. Cut 4 triangle on one end of the tube. Each slit should be about 2 ½ inches
long, and each pair should be located opposite another.
3. Cut a slit in each of the two triangles. Each slit should go halfway through
the triangle; one goes Through the top of a triangle, the other goes through
the bottom of the triangle.
4. Using the slits with the slit in the bottom, slip the triangle onto the rocket’s
body in two of the slits.
5. Using the triangles with the slit in the top, slip the triangle onto the rocket’s
body (in the other two slits)
6. Using construction paper, cut a circle about 4 inches in diameter. Cut a slit
from the outer Edge to the center
7. Turn the circle into a cone, and secure it with glue or tape
8. Tape The cone to the top of the rocket.
Task 7.
How to make binoculars
Lists all the things you need:

 2 toilet paper tubes

 2 large wooden beads
 Black acrylic paint
 Thin yellow tape
 1 yard black cording
 Paintbrush
 Craft glue
 Paper punch

Step by step instruction

Step 1: Paint both tubes and the wooden beads black. Let dry, then run a strip of colored
tape around both ends of each tube.

Step 2: Line up the tubes, and glue the beads between them. Let dry.

Step 3: Punch a hole in each side of the binoculars, close to one end. String the cord
through one hole, tie a knot on the inside to hold in place, and string through the other
hole. Knot this end on the inside as well.

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