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Name: ___________________________________________________________ Score: _______________________

Strand, Section, & Grade: ___________________________________________ Date: _______________________

I. MULTIPLE CHOICES. Read each statement carefully and choose the letter of your answer on the space provided.
______1. A traditional measure to screen applicant.
a. Verbal abilities c. Credit Standing
b. Capacity to Pay d. Risk Taker
______2. A type of partnership wherein claimants can run after all the personal assets of all the partners.
a. Industrial Partnership c. General Partnership
b. Limited Partnership d. Thorough Partnership
______3. It is the cost of making the product.
a. Cost of goods sold c. Product Cost
b. Period Cost d. Product Launching Cost
______4. A type of cost that refers to the selling, general, and administrative expenses.
a. Cost of goods sold c. Product Cost
b. Period Cost d. Product Launching Cost
______5. Summarize what is going to happen to the business if plans are carried out well.
a. Account Statement c. Product Statement
b. Financial Statement d. Credit Statement
______6. The following are customer outcomes or expectations, except:
a. Quality Expectations c. Delivery Expectations
b. Price Expectations d. Holistic Expectations
______7. An operations manager must begin with _____.
a. Customer’s wants and desires in mind. c. Customer’s attitude towards the product.
b. Customer’s avenue to like the product. D. Customer’s inclination to the product.
______8. It shows that people are more creative, intuitive, holistic, emotional, visual-spatial, interpersonal, musical, and
kinaesthetic. What kind of people is this?
a. Right-left brain c. Left-right brain
b. Right-brain d. Left-brain
______9. It favors factual, technical, analytical, sequential, logical, and critical thinking. What kind of people is this?
a. Right-left brain c. Left-right brain
b. Right-brain d. Left-brain
______10. What are the two levels of Human Resource Function?
a. Considerate and Organized c. Controlled and Structured
b. Planned and Tight d. Strategic and Operational
______11. What is the best approach to recruit broad competencies like sales and merchandising, accounting, brand
management, or technicians?
a. Casting a web c. Set Committees
b. Character Referrals d. Interviews
______12. It is considered as a vital part of the human resources management function.
a. Retaining c. Recruiting
b. Resonating d. Retooling
______13. What are two major criteria in hiring people?
a. Character and Competence c. Location and Abilities
b. Capacity & Tolerance d. Patience and Acceptance
______14. This includes all natural resources and the ecosystem that defines the habitat of man, animals, plants, and minerals.
a. Political environment c. Social environment
b. Economic environment d. Ecological environment
______15. It is mainly driven by supply and demand forces. It is the same factor that drives the interest and foreign exchange
rates to fluctuate with the movement of the market forces?
a. Political environment c. Social environment
b. Economic environment d. Ecological environment
______16. This includes the demographics and cultural dimensions that govern the relevant entrepreneurial behavior.
a. Political environment c. Social environment
b. Economic environment d. Ecological environment
______17. This makes or breaks competing participants in any industry. New scientific and technological discoveries often lead
to the launch and commercialization of new products with superior attributes or to rendering the old ones obsolete?
a. Technological environment c. Social environment
b. Economic environment d. Ecological environment
______18. It defines the governance system of the country or the local area of business?
a. Political environment c. Social environment
b. Economic environment d. Ecological environment
______19. A type of plan that brings the overall corporate vision, mission, and policies and the corporate financial objectives
and performance indicators together.
a. Marketing Plan c. Financial Plan
b. Administrative Plan d. Investing Plan
______20. A person that is in charge of collecting all corporate information and gathering all the numbers needed for translation
into accounting entries, financial reports, and management control, and information system.
a. Finance Person c. Administrative Person
b. Marketing Person d. Investing Person
______21. A person that is the harnesser, allocator, and provider of funds, the balancer of growth, profits, and sustainability,
the gatherer of information, and reporter of information for presentation to the board and the enterprise manager.
a. Finance Person c. Administrative Person
b. Marketing Person d. Investing Person

II. IDENTIFICATION. Read the statements carefully. Choose from the box the correct answer that fits to the statements. Write the
letter in the space provided.

A. 8Rs of Human Resource

a. Recruiting c. Routing e. Resonating g. Retooling

b. Rewarding d. Retaining f. Recycling h. Reviewing

______1. Organization should choose the best way to attract the right applicants.
______2. To hold on to people, as long as the company wants.
______3. It find more difficult to “develop character, values, and attitudes”.
______4. Motivating and energizing the people.
______5. Employees enter the organization at the bottom of the management pyramid.
______6. “Hire for attitude, develop for competence”.
______7. There is always a need to refresh, upgrade, and acquire greater skills.
______8. The employee’s full potential should be maximized in order to yield highest human resource returns to the
______9. The more pronounced the leadership qualities of the recruits are the greater human resource returns would be for
the organization.
______10. Re-orienting the employees to the new directions of the enterprise.
______11. Allows employees to reinvent themselves.
______12. Organization’s goals are embraced and internalized by the people and the personal goals of the people realized and
fulfilled while serving the organization.
______13. A need to have a harmonious and symbolic relationship of employee and organization.
______14. To measure and evaluate the employees’ performance with the organizational goals in mind.
______15. Employee pay is configured by organizations.
______16. Continuous processor organizational development.
______17. Tools and techniques of operations management and service delivery are shared by the organization to enable
various units of the organization to improve work process.

B. 4 Types of Corporation

a. Stock Corporation c. Non-Stock Non-Profit Corporation

b. Close Corporation d. Corporation Sole
______1. Organized to carry out a purpose/s other than generating profits for investors.
______2. At least 25% subscribed capital must be paid up by subscribes at the time of incorporation, and the rest 75% will
comprise the unpaid capital subscriptions, that represent the receivable of the corporation to the subscriber
______3. Strict restrictions on the transfer of stocks.
______4. Is a trusteeship that is set up for the purpose of administering and managing the affairs, property, and temporalities
of a church or group of clergy.
______5. It issues capital stocks divided into shares.
______6. Stocks cannot be listed in any stock exchange nor can any public offering of shares be made.
______7. Governed by Board of Trustees who are chosen and replaced according to the provisions of the Articles of
Incorporation and the accompanying by-laws.
______8. Has Articles of Incorporation that limit the ownership of issued stocks to at most 20 persons.
______9. Based on the submissions of the Articles of Incorporation to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
______10. Special form of corporation allowed by law, usually associated with the clergy.
______11. All surpluses (profit equivalents) generated are not distributed to the funders in form of dividends, rather plowed
back into the corporation or the foundation to contribute further to the attainment of its mission.
______12. Authorized to raise capital that has a corresponding number of shares.

“Never be afraid to FAIL. Be afraid of not learning from MISTAKES”

– W Breet Wilson

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