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Topic : News Item

Students Arrested for Doing Pepper Spraying

For about 100 students at a suburban Atlanta high school were evacuated on Wednesday
morning after a material was released in a school hallway.

It noticed that something was causing teachers and students to cough during a class change
Wednesday morning. It started around 10:15 a.m. when students and teachers in the school’s
Banks building began complaining of itchy eyes and noses. Some of them couldn’t breathe or

The building was evacuated and custodians installed fans to clear the air. Firefighters needed an
hour to clear the building before classes resumed a short time later.

Security cameras inside the school caught the students spraying pepper spray inside a
downstairs hallway in the lower section of the building. Police said that it was the result of a

Three students were arrested on Wednesday afternoon and charged with pepper spraying. the
students would face a tribunal through the Board of Education and that any punishment by the
school system would be determined, the school official said.

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News item by :
Name : Alika Rahmawati
Grade : XII Physics Sience Two
Senior High School 2 Gading rejo
Topic : News Item

The culture of Indonesia

The culture of Indonesia has been shaped by long interaction between original indigenous
customs and multiple foreign influences. Indonesia is centrally-located along ancient trading
routes between the Far East, South Asia, and the Middle East, resulting in many cultural
practices being strongly influenced by a multitude of religions, including Hinduism, Buddhism,
Confucianism, Islam, and Christianity, all strong in the major trading cities. The result is a
complex cultural mixture very different from the original indigenous cultures.

Examples of the fusion of Islam with Hindu Javanese Abangan belief, the fusion of Hinduism,
Buddhism and animism in Bodha, and the fusion of Hinduism and animism in Kaharingan.
Balinese dances have stories about ancient Buddhist, and Hindu kingdoms, while Islamic art
forms and architecture are present in Sumatra, especially in the Minangkabau and Aceh regions.
Traditional art, music, and sport are combined in a martial art form called Pencak Silat.

The Western world has influenced Indonesia in science, technology and modern entertainment
such as television shows, film, and music, as well as political system and issues. India has
notably influenced Indonesian songs and movies. A popular type of song is the Indian-
rhythmical dangdut, which is often mixed with Arab and Malay folk music.
Despite the influences of foreign culture, some remote Indonesian regions still preserve
uniquely indigenous culture. Indigenous ethnic groups Mentawai, Asmat, Dani, Dayak, Toraja,
and many others are still practicing their ethnic rituals, customs and wearing traditional clothes.

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News item by :
Name : Lina Purnama
Grade : XII Physics Sience Two
Senior High School 2 Gading rejo
Topic : News Item

Indonesian Batik Being World Heritage

Jakarta-Batik is the truly Indonesian identic culture since the past. This is why countries like
Singapore, Malaysia, China now produces the product called Batik to be their favorite product.
Now you can see the product of Batik has been spreading in all over the world.

Based on UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) Batik being
one of the world heritage on October 2nd, 2009. It means Batik would be the one of the culture
from Indonesia which admitted to all over the world. Amazing.

Being one of the best cultural heritage in the world, Batik day will celebrate on second October
every year, this is the special day based on Fifth president of Indonesia, Susilo Bambang

He lead all people in Indonesia to say thanks to God, and to generation before which made Batik
as the one of the best art and cultural from Indonesia, this is like a bless from God, he added. So
let’s wear Batik product and love our Batik.

Sumber :

News item by :
Name : Melvin Arfian Dita
Grade : XII Physics Sience Two
Senior High School 2 Gading rejo

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