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Statement of the Problem:

KFC, Burger King and McDonald’s food culture is growing day by day. KFC, Burger King
and McDonald’s food products are not only easy to cook but also have a significant role and
place in life. People want quick and convenient meals. The working class cannot afford to
spend much time for the preparation of meals, travelling to pick up meals, or waiting for meals
in restaurants. As a result, consumers rely on KFC, Burger King and McDonald’s food.
Knowing this, KFC, Burger King and McDonald’s food providers are coming up with new
ways to market their products that save time for consumers. KFC, Burger King and
McDonald’s food industry developed differently.

Objectives of the Study:

 To evaluate the customer behavior, attitude and level of satisfaction towards KFC,
Burger King and McDonald’s food products in Bangalore.
 To study the factors influencing the preference of KFC, Burger King and McDonald’s
food restaurants in Bangalore.
 To study the factors which generally affect customers while purchasing the KFC,
Burger King and McDonald’s food items

Scope of the study:

The scope of the study is based on understanding consumer preference in Bangalore, which is
conducted for 15 days. The research is mainly focused on the development of KFC, Burger
King and McDonald’s food industry and customers attitude towards theses restaurants.


Null Hypothesis (H 0) 1: There is no significant difference on the KFC, Burger King and
McDonald’s food quality, service quality, price, convenience, varieties of fast food products is
positively related to the customers’ satisfaction on purchase decision.
Alternative Hypothesis (H 1)1: There is a significant difference on the KFC, Burger King and
McDonald’s food quality, service quality, price, convenience, varieties of fast food products is
positively related to the customers’ satisfaction on purchase decision.

Null Hypothesis (H 0)2: The characteristics of consumers has no significant impact on level of
satisfaction towards KFC, Burger King and McDonald’s food products consumption.

Alternative Hypothesis (H 1)2: The characteristics of consumers has a significant impact on

level of satisfaction towards KFC, Burger King and McDonald’s food products consumption.


Research methodology is a way to systematically solve the research problem. It is a science of

studying how research is done scientifically and identifiably.

 Research Design: Research design is an arrangement of the condition’s analysis of the

data in such a manner that aims to combine relevance to the research purpose with the
economy in procedure. The research design is descriptive in nature in this research since
the research laid emphasis on the satisfaction levels of consumers of Bangalore with
special context to KFC, Burger King and McDonald’s brands.
 Sampling Technique: Sampling technique is a method or technique for obtaining the
sample from the given population. Convenient sampling technique is selected under
which every item in the universe has an equal chance of inclusion but according to the
convenience of the study a relevant number of viewers are to be taken.
 Data collection: The data collection would be
 Primary data- Questionnaire
 Secondary data- Internet
 Sample Size: Sample size under my researches going to be 50.
 Data Source: Both sources of gathering data has been used i.e. Primary as well as
Secondary. But majorly Primary Data has been put more to use.

Plan of Analysis:

 z-Test: Two Sample for Means

 SPSS and MS excel is used to code and correct the collected information.
 Graphs and charts were used to represents the collected information.


Although sincere efforts have been done to collect authentic and reliable information from the
respondents, even then the report is subject to certain limitations, which are as follows:

1. Some of the respondents were reluctant to share the information with the researcher
2. All the results and conclusions have been drawn on the basis of information provided
by the respondents, so it may lack authenticity
3. Some of the respondents being visited were preoccupied with their routine work, so
sometimes it was very difficult to obtain information from them.

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