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By Mark Anthony Llego 17 Comments

The Department of Education has significantly increased its allocation  for schools
maintenance and other operating expenses (MOOE) this year as the government
intensifies its efforts to achieve the learning targets of some 20 million students in
elementary and secondary public schools nationwide.

Education Secretary Br. Armin A. Luistro FSC said DepEd and the Department of
Budget and Management both agreed to adopt a refined formula for setting the
MOOE budgets of public schools, which takes into account not only the number of
students in a school, but also the number of classrooms and teachers. The new
formula is more responsive to the requirements for improved classroom
instruction and better school management. The increase in MOOE comes
together with the government’s classroom construction program  and its massive
teacher hiring program, which are part of the government’s continuing thrust to
improve conditions in public schools and upgrade the quality of education.


The Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses (MOOE) is the allocated funds
for public elementary and secondary schools that can be spent on activities and
necessities (i.e. electricity and water) that support learning programs and help
maintain a safe and healthy environment in schools.

School’s MOOE = Fixed amount + (Allowable amount x Number of Classrooms) +

(Allowable amount x Number of Teachers) + (Allowable amount x Number of
There are two components in the formula, the fixed and variable costs. The fixed
amounts for every Elementary School would be P40,000 and for High School
P80,000. The variable costs are the following:

Basis Elementary School High School

Every Classroom P3,000 P6,000

Every Teacher P4,000 P8,000

Every Learner P200 P400

1. Assume that Basey I Central Elementary School  has 250 enrolees, 6 teachers,

and 5 classrooms:

Applying the fomula, the school’s MOOE would be:

= P40,000 + (P3,000 x 5) + (P4,000×5) + (P200 x 250)

= P125,000

2. Assume that Basey National High School has 850 enrolees, 25 teachers, and
20 classrooms:

Applying the formula, the school’s MOOE would be:

= P80,000 + (P6,000 x 20) + (P8,000 x 25) + (P 400 x 850)

= P740,000
There are cases however when the proposals derived from the Boncodin’s
formula will be constrained due to the department’s budget calling.

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