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Placement Information Topics/Plan Administrivia Python Tool Installation Creating Simple Programs

Week 1:
Course Overview

Spring 2017
Placement Information Topics/Plan Administrivia Python Tool Installation Creating Simple Programs


Python이라고 하는 프로그래밍 언어의 문법/의미를 익히고

간단한 수준의 알고리즘적 문제들을 Python으로 해결
타 수학/과학 정규교과 및 연구활동을 위한 유용한 도구

예: 임의의 미로를 탈출하는 방법을 Python 프로그램으로

I 마지막 수업에서 다루는 숙제

while not hubo.front_is_clear():
while not hubo.on_beeper():
if hubo.right_is_clear():
elif hubo.front_is_clear():
Placement Information Topics/Plan Administrivia Python Tool Installation Creating Simple Programs

수업 형태: 짧은 강의시간 + 긴 실습/질문시간

물리학실험 수업처럼 강의시간이 매우 짧고, 대부분 실습시간

강의시간: 10∼30분 (실습시간: 1.5시간 이상)
강의시간에 모든 걸 다 깨우칠 수 없고 그럴 필요도 없음
I Python 언어의 표현력은 매우 방대하므로

프로그래밍은 직접 실습을 하면 쉽게 깨우칠 수 있음

강의가 필요한 심오한 내용은 1학년 과정에는 거의 없음
강의 슬라이드의 노트만 따라가면 대부분 스스로 학습 가능
百聞而不如一見 (백번 듣는 것보다 한번 경험이 효율적)

단, 실습 중에 잘 모르겠으면 바로 질문을 해야 함
효율성: 실습+질문  실습  강의
질문에 대한 짧은 답변 = 맞춤형 개별 강의  일괄적 강의
Placement Information Topics/Plan Administrivia Python Tool Installation Creating Simple Programs

효율적인 학습 방식

바로 다음 1주일 분량 (그 이상은 필요없고 비효율적)
수업자료의 코드를 돌려보고 의미가 뭘지 최대한 파악
I code student\Week??\Lecture폴더에 정리되어 있음
수업 슬라이드의 노트를 간단히 읽어보면 더 좋음

짧은 강의를 통해 큰 그림 파악 및 예습한 코드 의미 확인
수업 슬라이드는 개략적 설명 부분만 우선 읽고,
나머지 자세한 부분은 문제를 풀면서 필요할 때만 참조
I ”어떤 논리를 표현해야 하는데, 이건 자료 어디에 나오지?”
I 슬라이드는 참고서로, 내용을 다 몰라도 모든 문제 해결가능
언어의 방대한 표현력에 따르는 수많은 의문점은 질문으로
Placement Information Topics/Plan Administrivia Python Tool Installation Creating Simple Programs


이 과목은 컴퓨터과학을 전혀 모르는 학생을 대상으로 설계

1학년 과목은 난이도가 낮고 학습량이 많지 않음
지시대로만 하면 모두 쉽게 배우고 즐거운 기억으로 마침
예습해도 어렵다면 질문을 안해서 그런 것이니 질문을
I 수업시간에 질문하기에 시간이 부족하면 개별적 방문

영재교육원 교육 등을 통해 내용들이 익숙한 학생들에게:

Optional problem 들이 준비되어 있으니 개별적으로 방문
창의설계에 지원하거나 R&E 등 연구활동을 개별적 준비
다른 과목들의 문제를 해결 (예: 역학 시뮬레이션)
옆의 친구들을 도와줘서 명망을 쌓음
심화선택과목을 수강할 준비 (예: 수학적 사고력 배양)
Placement Information Topics/Plan Administrivia Python Tool Installation Creating Simple Programs


1 Topics/Plan

2 Administrivia

3 Python Tool Installation

4 Creating Simple Programs

Placement Information Topics/Plan Administrivia Python Tool Installation Creating Simple Programs


Python programming language

variables, expressions, types, basic I/O
if-else conditionals
for loops
while loops

Problem solving using Python

toy robot
simple problems to practice language syntax
real-world algorithmic problems (elementary-level)
Placement Information Topics/Plan Administrivia Python Tool Installation Creating Simple Programs

Schedule (tentative)

Wk Topics Description
1 Course Overview tool Installation
2 Basic Elements variables, expressions, basic I/O
3 Functions
4 Conditionals boolean expressions, if-else
5 Boolean Functions
6 Loops #1 for/range, max/min pattern
7 Lists
8 Loops #2 counter pattern, toy robot: basic moves
9 Loops #3 quantifiers pattern, toy robot: beepers
10 Loops #4 toy robots with while loops
11 Toy Robot autonomous moves
12 Wrapup previous years’ final exam problems
Final exam
Placement Information Topics/Plan Administrivia Python Tool Installation Creating Simple Programs

Calendar (subject to minor change)

Mon C1/C4 Tue C2/C6 Wed C8 Thu C3 Fri C5/C7

2/13 2/14 2/15 입학식 2/16 L1 2/17 L1
2/20 L1 2/21 L1 2/22 L1 2/23 L2 2/24 L2
2/27 L2 2/28 L2 3/1 holiday 3/2 L3 3/3 L3
3/6 L3 3/7 L3 3/8 L2 3/9 L4 3/10 L4
3/13 L4 3/14 L4 3/15 L3 3/16 L5 3/17 L5
3/20 L5 3/21 L5 3/22 L4 3/23 L6 3/24 L6
3/27 L6 3/28 L6 3/29 L5 3/30 R 3/31 R
4/3 C8-L6 4/4 Midt. 4/5 Midt. 4/6 Midt. 4/7 Midt.
4/10 L7 4/11 L7 4/12 L7 4/13 L7 4/14 L7
4/17 L8 4/18 L8 4/19 L8 4/20 L8 4/21 L8
4/24 L9 4/25 L9 4/26 L9 4/27 L9 4/28 L9
5/1 L10 5/2 L10 5/3 holiday 5/4 R 5/5 holiday
5/8 SAF 5/9 SAF 5/10 L10 5/11 L10 5/12 L10
5/15 L11 5/16 L11 5/17 holiday 5/18 holiday 5/19 holiday
5/22 holiday 5/23 holiday 5/24 L11 5/25 L11 5/26 L11
5/29 L12 5/30 L12 5/31 L12 6/1 L12 6/2 L12
6/5 Final 6/6 Final 6/7 Final 6/8 Final 6/9 Final
Placement Information Topics/Plan Administrivia Python Tool Installation Creating Simple Programs


1 Topics/Plan

2 Administrivia

3 Python Tool Installation

4 Creating Simple Programs

Placement Information Topics/Plan Administrivia Python Tool Installation Creating Simple Programs


Workload (subject to minor changes):

In-class problems for each class
Midterm exam: written test (1 ∼ 2 hrs)
Final exam: practical tests (3 hrs)

Every course materials posted in LMS
Reference (need not buy it): “The Practice of Computing
using Python”, W. Punch and R. Richard

Course online: ⇒ Log in ⇒ 정보과학 ⇒ ...
Placement Information Topics/Plan Administrivia Python Tool Installation Creating Simple Programs

Grading policy

Grading table
Activities Percentages
In-class problems 30%
Midterm 20%
Final exam 40%
Attitude/Attendance 10%

Penalty for playing games, web surfing, insulting others, etc.

Absolute evaluation:
You won’t compete against anyone except yourself in the class.
If everyone does a good job, everyone gets an A.
I Otherwise, ...
Placement Information Topics/Plan Administrivia Python Tool Installation Creating Simple Programs


1 Topics/Plan

2 Administrivia

3 Python Tool Installation

4 Creating Simple Programs

Placement Information Topics/Plan Administrivia Python Tool Installation Creating Simple Programs

Setting up pdf reader

If pdf files are always opened with full screen, you must
download and install Adobe reader at
Associate .pdf files with Adobe reader as default program.

Feel free to ask question if you get stuck with these steps.
Placement Information Topics/Plan Administrivia Python Tool Installation Creating Simple Programs

Installing Python programming environment

Download from VOD either one of (for Windows 64-bit) (for Windows 32-bit)

Unzip the file and install (must follow this order):

1 python-win??.msi: Python interpreter
I Just execute the file (Next, Accept, Next, Next, ..)
I When the installer asks for destination directory, keep the
default C:\Python27\
2 PIL-win??.exe: Python image library
3 wingIDE.exe: development environment

Do not download/install the latest version from internet!

Placement Information Topics/Plan Administrivia Python Tool Installation Creating Simple Programs

Installing library files for robot lecture

There are 5 files in the folder robot lecture.

Copy them to C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages folder
Placement Information Topics/Plan Administrivia Python Tool Installation Creating Simple Programs

Working folder

Make your own working folder

I e.g. D:\CS1 or 바탕화면 아래 CS1
Unzip code to your working folder
I example code in lecture slides;
I template code for in-class problems
Placement Information Topics/Plan Administrivia Python Tool Installation Creating Simple Programs

Starting Wing IDE

Select in your computer:

Start menu ⇒ Program ⇒ Wing IDE 101 ⇒ Wing IDE 101
시작 ⇒ 모든 프로그램 ⇒ Wing IDE 101 ⇒ Wing IDE 101
Placement Information Topics/Plan Administrivia Python Tool Installation Creating Simple Programs


1 Topics/Plan

2 Administrivia

3 Python Tool Installation

4 Creating Simple Programs

Placement Information Topics/Plan Administrivia Python Tool Installation Creating Simple Programs

Normal Editing Mode & Interactive Mode

Wing IDE support two modes in Python:

1 Interactive mode (in Python shell)

I gives immediate feedback for each command,

while running previously fed commands in memory
2 Normal editing mode (in Editor area)
I runs .py files in the Python interpreter
Placement Information Topics/Plan Administrivia Python Tool Installation Creating Simple Programs

Using Interactive Mode (in Python Shell)

>>> a = (1+2+3+4)/2  
>>> b = (a-1)*2  
>>> c = a+b ←- 
Type in Python shell: >>> print a 

>>> print b, c ←- 
8 13
Placement Information Topics/Plan Administrivia Python Tool Installation Creating Simple Programs

Normal Editing Mode & Interactive Mode

Wing IDE support two modes in Python:

1 Interactive mode (in Python shell)

I gives immediate feedback for each command,

while running previously fed commands in memory
2 Normal editing mode (in Editor area)
I runs .py files in the Python interpreter
Placement Information Topics/Plan Administrivia Python Tool Installation Creating Simple Programs

Saving Python programs to files

File ⇒ New : for creating a new .py file

File ⇒ Save (or Ctrl+s) : for storing to the file
Placement Information Topics/Plan Administrivia Python Tool Installation Creating Simple Programs

Example: Moving around a little square

Type the following code and save it as file

I in working folder (CS1\code students\Week01)

a = (1+2+3+4)/2
b = (a-1)*2
c = a+b
print a
print b, c
Placement Information Topics/Plan Administrivia Python Tool Installation Creating Simple Programs

Executing a Python file

Placement Information Topics/Plan Administrivia Python Tool Installation Creating Simple Programs


a = (1+2+3+4)/2 # sum from 1 to 4

b = (a-1)*2
c = a+b

# print the values of a, b, c

print a
print b, c

""" comment can span

multiple lines """

Add comment to programs for readability

Comment does not affect the meaning of a program
Use """...""" for comment that spans multiple lines

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