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Silver Lakes Garden Club Meeting Minutes

March 11th, 2020

The meeting, held at Kathy Bisonic's home, was called to order at 4:13 by Co-Chr. Margaret
Weber. 27 members were present plus our BOD liaison, Robert Raake. Minutes from the
meeting on February 26th, 2020, having been distributed via email were approved. Motion,
Donna Mathewson, second Kathy Bisonic.

FINANCIAL REPORT: Chautzie Wood, treasurer, reported income of $899.00. (bake sale
3/3/2020, orchid sales and Chinese Auction proceeds from our Educational Presentation on
3/10/2020) Expenses were $489.53. (Educational program expenses; orchids to sell,
tablecloths, books for SL library plus a book for door prize, plus replacement plants and soil for
the SCH pool) Our balance as of 03/11/2020 is $6,148.39.

Major Event for 2021 Season: Jolene recirculated the event sign up sheets for members who
have not designated their desired area of involvement. (hors d'oeuvres, desserts, decorations or
'whatever' if no preference) These committees will now begin collating ideas before we leave
for the summer.
Donna Mathewson and Diane Schmaus, decorating co-chairs presented their idea for our
table décor with unanimous support from our members. Each member of the Garden Club will
be in “charge” of one table decoration. The theme will be a song and our guests will be
encouraged to 'name that tune.' The centerpiece must fit on a 10” doily (no wider) in the center
of the table, be no taller than 12” and must convey the meaning or title of the song. A chart with
numerous song titles was provided for members to sign their choice or to add their own song
title. Please notify Donna or Diane if you did not sign up.
Bake sale: Joyce Braungart reported that our bake sale on 3/3/2020 made $231.00.
Education: Jane Barry spoke of her appreciation for everyone who helped make our Orchid
Seminar with Twyla Leigh such a success. We had attendance of 110 people and the raffle of
the birdbath/lanai tables (donated by Anita Vallone) plus the sales of orchids were a positive
fund raiser for our club. Thanks were given to Jane, husband, Ira, Dominique and husband
Jerry for driving to Miami to purchase and transport these orchids.
Our next event is on Thursday, March 19th when we will be lunching at the Ridgeway Grill
and touring the Palm Cottage in Naples. Members attending are divided into two groups with
different reservation times for the restaurant and the tour. Jane distributed information as to
group times and driver assignments. Please contact Jane if you did not receive this information.
Ursula Whalen, Mel Presgraves and Joan Anderson will be working with Margaret Raake,
liaison for the Education Committee to add home tours to the planned garden tour fund raiser
for next season. We need to place a date on the Activity Calendar for this event and members
felt early March would be best.
Social/Membership: Kathy Bisonic received thanks for providing refreshments for our
seminar and for opening her beautiful home for our meeting.
Memorial Garden: Karen Hagen reported that we have no new orders. Any new order needs
to be placed by 3/20/2020. That will give adequate time to receive the brick and lay it.
Sunshine Program: Donna Mathewson has recently mailed two Get Well cards to members
and we are reminded to notify Donna if we are aware of members needing cards.


Four ideas have been proposed:
^Purchasing and placing a green bench (similar to the green benches the park already
has), and locating it at the end of the swale. Mary-Jo Kolde will research the
cost of this project.
^Adding powder coated colored Bahamian shutters to the Guard Shack at the entrance to
our park. We would try to match the color of the shutters at the Starter Shack. Gail and
Donnie Miller will secure estimates for this project as well as appropriate shutter sizes
for that building.
^Landscaping the area one sees when moving between holes two and three on our golf
course Possibly a low wall and some bushes.
^Providing a portion of the cost for a 6' by 10' lighted flag pole at the front of our park
and as close to 951 as the County will allow, giving a more visible marker to the
entrance of Silver Lakes.
We will discuss these proposals and vote at our meeting on March 25th when we have
definitive answers as to costs.

NEXT MEETING: Wednesday, March 25th. 3 pm (due to Early Bird Dinner) at the Silver
Club House. This is our last meeting of the season and chairpersons are asked to have year-end
reports ready to present and hand in.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:10 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Mary-Jo Kolde

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