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WP No.: C00767-000-CEC-CI-DCR-0001
No.: NA02451S-Z0101-00001-01


Design stage: Detailed Design

Title: Design Description Of Wind Farm Road And Platform

Version A

Approved by: Wei Yazhou

Checked by: Zhang Shanlin
Prepared by: Xiao Zhenwen

Central Southern China Electric Power Design Institute

APR. 12th, 2019
KIPETO WIND FARM PROJECT, KENYA Design Description Of Wind Farm Road And Platform

Table of Contents

VERSION A ......................................................................................................................................... 2

1. GENERAL ........................................................................................................................................ 1

1. 概述 ............................................................................................................................................... 1

2. DEFINITION ..................................................................................................................................... 1

2. 定义 ............................................................................................................................................... 2

3. REFERENCES ................................................................................................................................... 2

3. 依据 ............................................................................................................................................... 2

4. MAIN TECHNICAL INDICATORS ....................................................................................................... 3

4. 主要技术指标 ................................................................................................................................ 3

5. SUBGRADE AND PAVEMENT(ROAD AND HARDSTAND) .................................................................. 4

5. 路基路面(道路及吊装平台) ........................................................................................................... 6

6. STORM WATER DESIGN .................................................................................................................... 7

6. 排水设计........................................................................................................................................ 14

7. CURVE RADII AND RANGE OF MEETING VISION ............................................................................ 20

7. 转弯半径及会车视距 ................................................................................................................... 20

8. TURNING AREA FOR UNLOADED VEHICLES ................................................................................... 21

8. 空载车辆回车场地 ....................................................................................................................... 21

9. PASSING BAY ................................................................................................................................ 21

9. 错车道.......................................................................................................................................... 21
KIPETO WIND FARM PROJECT, KENYA Design Description Of Wind Farm Road And Platform

10. CROWN SLOPE AND SUPER-ELEVATION ........................................................................................ 22

10. 路拱横坡及超高 .......................................................................................................................... 22

11. REVERSING OF TRANSPORTATION VEHICLES ON SITE ROADS ....................................................... 22

11. 场内道路倒车运输要求 ............................................................................................................... 23

KIPETO WIND FARM PROJECT, KENYA Design Description Of Wind Farm Road And Platform

1. General
Kipeto Wind Farm is a 102 MW wind farm in Esilanke area, Kenya. This is
approximately 70km south-west of the capital, Nairobi. The proposed wind farm
will be sited over a total project area measuring approximately 70km 2,The altitude
of the site varies from 1774m to 2019m above sea level. The Project is owned by
Kipeto Energy PLC.

The wind farm is proposed to have 60 GE1.7MW wind turbine generator units. The
impeller diameter and hub height of these wind turbines are respectively 103m and
79.7m. Since the installed capacity of the wind farm is 102MW, a new 220kV
booster station is to be set up.

The scope of EPC contractor includes three parts: Wind Farm , 220kV
Transmission Line route, Isinya Substation Line Bay. This volume is Wind Farm
Road And Platform.

1. 概述
肯尼亚基佩托 102MW 风电场位于肯尼亚 Esilanke 区域。场区位于肯尼亚首都内罗
毕西南约 70km 处。场址区域约 70 km2,场址海拔高度在 1774m~2019m。业主方
为 Kipeto Energy PLC。

本风电场拟建设 60 台 GE1.7MW 风电机组,叶轮直径 103m,轮毂高度 79.7m,总

装机容量 102MW,并新建一座 220kV 升压站。

总承包方范围包含 3 个部分:风电场部分、220kV 送出线路及对侧 Isinya 变电站扩


2. Definition
ER: Employer’s Requirements

EGU: Engineering Geological Unit

GE: General Electric Company

CBR: California Bearing Ratio

GWC: Gravel Wearing Course

KIPETO WIND FARM PROJECT, KENYA Design Description Of Wind Farm Road And Platform

2. 定义
ER: 业主要求

EGU: 工程地质单元

GE: 通用电气公司

CBR: 加州承载比

GWC: 碎石磨耗层

3. References
1) ER of EPC contract;

2) “6.3_Site_Road_Crane_Spec_1-2MW-100_103-xxHz_RoadCrane_EMEA_
EN_r01” of GE;

3) Code and standard

Organisation /
Title Year
Standard No.

BS 1377 part 1-9:1990 Soils for civil engineering purposes

Kenya Road Design Manual 1987

3. 依据
1) 总承包合同;

2) GE 附件 “6.3_Site_Road_Crane_Spec_1-2MW-100_103-xxHz_RoadCrane
_EMEA_ EN_r01”;

3) 规程规范

组织/标准编号 标题 年份

BS 1377 part 1-9:1990 土木工程土部分内容

肯尼亚道路设计手册 1987

KIPETO WIND FARM PROJECT, KENYA Design Description Of Wind Farm Road And Platform

4. Main Technical Indicators

1) Design speed: 20km/h

2) Roadbed width:

- Construction period:10.0m (New site road, for crawler crane requirement);

- Operation period: 4.5m (New site road, Use the crane pad and the added
passing bay for the passing of vehicles);

3) Pavement width:

- Construction period: 10m subgrade;

- Operation period:4.5m (Use the crane pad and the added passing bay for the
passing of vehicles);

4) The minimum radius of horizontal curve: 50m;

5) The maximum longitudinal gradient: 14%.

6) The minimum radius of vertical curve: 400m (min 360m of GE requirements);

7) Crown slope: 2.5%

8) Pavement type:

-Construction period: Undisturbed soil compaction and Backfill to the design level

-Operation period: Undisturbed soil compaction and Backfill to the design


9) Minimum visibility Splay: 40m (corresponding to Design speed: 20km/h);

10) Compaction degree: Min 95% MDD BS 1377 part 1-9.HEAVY;

11) Load bearing capacity: Min 200kN/m2;

12) Axle load: Min 12t, (corresponding to 10 bar tire pressure).

4. 主要技术指标
1) 设计时速: 20km/h

2) 路基宽度:

- 建设期间:10.0m (场区新建道路, 为满足履带吊车要求);

KIPETO WIND FARM PROJECT, KENYA Design Description Of Wind Farm Road And Platform

- 运行期间:4.5m (场区新建道路, 利用吊装平台及新增错车道错车)。

3) 路面宽度:

- 建设期间:10m 路基;

- 运行期间:4.5m (场区新建道路, 利用吊装平台及新增错车道错车)。

4) 最小平曲线半径: 50m

5) 最大纵坡:14%

6) 最小竖曲线半径:400m (GE 要求值为 360m)

7) 路拱横坡:2.5%

8) 路面类型:

- 建设期间:原土压实及回填至设计标高;

- 运行期间:原土压实及回填至设计标高,碎石磨耗层。

9) 最小会车视距:40m (依据设计时速: 20km/h)

10) 压实度:不小于 95% 采用 BS 1377 part 1-9 重型击实试验法求得的最大干


11) 承载力:不小于 Min 200kN/m2

12) 轴载:不小于 12t, (相当于轮压 10 bar)

5. Subgrade And Pavement(road and hardstand)

1) Subgrade:According to the geological survey report of the wind farm, The
topsoil is mainly black cotton soil, These will be removed of subgrade. The
substratum is mostly gravel soil and sand, It is divided into three engineering
geological units. Allowable Bearing Capacity EGU-1(250 kPa and 360 kPa),
EGU-2(716 kPa), EGU-3(1200 kPa). According to Alignment Soils CBR
Classes, most subgrade class are above S3(in accordance with the Kenya
Road Design Manual Part III), use material strength class S3~S4 to improve
S1~S2 strength class of native subgrade soil(Table 6.3.1 of the Kenya Road
Design Manual Part III).The subgrade compacted to min 95% MDD
BS.HEAVY, for use during construction period.

KIPETO WIND FARM PROJECT, KENYA Design Description Of Wind Farm Road And Platform

2) Traffic volume analysis of operation period(design life:25year):The traffic

volume is mainly wind farm vehicles, including patrol vehicles, maintenance
vehicles, transport vehicles, other vehicles etc.

2.1 On site roads: Initial Daily No. of patrol vehicles will be 2~4, Initial Daily
No. of maintenance vehicles will be 2~6, Initial Daily No. of transport vehicles
will be 2~8, Initial Daily No. of other vehicles will be 2~4. So estimate that the
Initial Daily No. of all vehicles will be 8~22.

2.2 Public access road E407: No traffic information required for design.

3) Pavement:For purpose of having a uniform pavement CBR Class of S3 was

adopted for the design of pavement for the gravel wearing course. According
to Table 13.2.1 of Kenya Road Design Manual Part III, The alignment soils
gave a subgrade class of S3 and the initial number of commercial vehicles is
estimated to be 15~50 therefore a thickness(D1) of 225mm is recommended
for the proposed gravel wearing course.

 Estimation of gravel Loss (GL)

GL = fT2
(T2+50) (4.2+0.092T+3.5R2+1.88V)
Where GL is annual gravel loss measured in mm
T is total traffic volume
R is the average annual rainfall in mm
V is the total rise and fall as a percentage of the road length
f is factor for depending on type of gravel = 0.7 for volcanic gravels.

Substituting F=0.7, T=15, R=0.5, V=30%

GL=0.57=4.2=1.38=0.873=0.564 =7.6

 Total Gravel Thickness (D)

The wearing course of a new gravel road shall have a thickness D calculated

KIPETO WIND FARM PROJECT, KENYA Design Description Of Wind Farm Road And Platform

Where D1 is the minimum thickness given in Table 13.2.1 of Kenya Road

Design Manual Part III
N is the period between regravelling operations (in years)
GL is the annual Gravel Loss

D=225+(2x7.6) =240.2 mm say 245 mm Gravel Thickness

4) Material requirement:Subgrade material strength will be above S3(According

to CHAPTER 6 : SUBGRADE of Kenya Road Design Manual Part III). Gravel
Wearing Course material requirements and construction procedures
according to < Kenya Road Design Manual Part III> (Page 13.5) .Grading
after compaction - Class 2.

5. 路基路面(道路及吊装平台)
1) 路基:根据风电场地勘报告,场区表土主要为黑棉土,路基施工之前需将其清
容许承载力为 250 kPa 、 360 kPa,EGU-2 容许承载力为 716 kPa ,EGU-3
容许承载力为 1200 kPa 。根据肯尼亚道路设计手册第三部分,由校准土壤
CBR 级别,路基大多属于 S3 级别,局部属于 S1~S2 级别的路基采用 S3~S4
级别土进行换填(依据肯尼亚道路设计手册第三部分,表 6.3.1),路基压实度
不小于 95%,采用 BS 1377 part 1-9 重型击实试验法求得的最大干密度压实度。

2) 运营期间交通量分析(设计寿命 25 年):交通量主要为风场运维车辆,主要

2.1 风场道路:风场运维车辆标准日当量约为 2~4,维护车辆标准日当量约为

2~6,运输车辆标准日当量约为 2~8,其他车辆标准日当量约为 2~4。因此风
场车辆总标准日当量约为 8~22。

2.2 E407 公共道路:无交通量信息,不特殊考虑。

3) 路面:道路路面采用碎石磨耗层,其厚度设计基于路基强度达到 S3 级。根据
肯尼亚道路设计手册第三部分表 13.2.1,路基强度级别为 S3、初始交通量
15~50,查得碎石磨耗层 D1 最小厚度为 225mm。
 碎石年损耗量 (GL)

KIPETO WIND FARM PROJECT, KENYA Design Description Of Wind Farm Road And Platform

GL = fT2
(T2+50) (4.2+0.092T+3.5R2+1.88V)
GL:碎石年损耗量 mm
T :总交通量
R: 年均降雨量 m
V :道路起伏度
f :碎石类型系数= 火山岩为 0.7

取值: f=0.7, T=15, R=0.5, V=30%

GL=0.57=4.2=1.38=0.873=0.564 =7.6

 总厚度计算 (D)
D1:肯尼亚道路设计手册表 13.2.1 查得最小厚度
N: 重新敷设碎石磨耗层时间 (年)
GL :碎石年损耗量
D=225+(2x7.6) =240.2 mm 取 245 mm

4) 材料要求:路基必须高于 S3 标准(参照肯尼亚道路设计手册第三部分第六章:路基).
碎石磨耗层材料要求及做法要求详见肯尼亚道路设计手册第三部分 13.5 页要求,分级
压实标准采用 Class 2.

6. Storm Water Design

1) Runoff (Qr)
The method is known as the "modified rational formula method". The rational
formula in metric units is:

Qr = 0.278 × C × I × Ar

Where Qr is Runoff in m3/Sec

KIPETO WIND FARM PROJECT, KENYA Design Description Of Wind Farm Road And Platform

C is Runoff coefficient
I is Rainfall intensity in mm/hr
Ar is Drainage area or .catchment area in km2

C - It has to be taken into consideration the present vegetation as an
average for the whole catchment area, but also future development
has to be considered. If forest is developed to agricultural land, the
run-off will increase a lot. Now C will be taken as 0.55 for the gravelly
site environment.
I - The rainfall intensity-in mm/hr is equivalent to the volume of rain per
area ground per hour. The value to be used in the formula is
135mm/hr, which is 5min rainfall intensity of this area.
Ar - Drainage area or .catchment area in Km2, Refer to drawings
NA02451S-Z0101-00049-01 & NA02451S-Z0101-00050-01.

2) Discharge Capacity (Qc)

The method is known as the "modified rational formula method". The rational
formula in metric units is:

Qc = (A × R^0.6667 × S^.5)/n

Where Qc is Discharge Capacity in m3/Sec

Ac is Sectional area
R is Hydraulic radius
S is Drain slope
n is Manning’s roughness coefficient

KIPETO WIND FARM PROJECT, KENYA Design Description Of Wind Farm Road And Platform

A & R - The rational formula in metric units is:
Form of
Geometric figure Sectional area A Hydraulic radius R




S - Drain slope, According to the slope of the road or terrain.

n - Manning’s roughness coefficient. Ditch=0.025, Culvert=0.013

KIPETO WIND FARM PROJECT, KENYA Design Description Of Wind Farm Road And Platform

3) Calculation
catchment catchment Runoff Sectional Hydraulic Manning’s Drain Capacity
areas areas area radius roughness slope
Type b1*b2*h-m1-m2
number coefficient
Ar(km2) Qr(m3/s) Ac(m2) R n S Qc(m3/s)
T1-1 0.04118 0.850 Trapezium Ditch 1.5*0.45*0.6-1-0.75 0.585 0.286 0.025 0.01 1.015
T1-2 0.029095 0.601 Trapezium Ditch 1.5*0.45*0.6-1-0.75 0.585 0.286 0.025 0.01 1.015
R-1 0.070152 1.448 Culvert 1 0.7845 0.250 0.013 0.005 1.693
T2-1 0.138935 2.868 Trapezium Ditch 2*0.95*0.7-0.75-0.75 1.032 0.382 0.025 0.02 3.076
R-2 0.138935 2.868 Culvert 1 0.7845 0.250 0.013 0.015 2.933
T2-2 0.134096 2.768 Trapezium Ditch 2*0.95*0.7-0.75-0.75 1.032 0.382 0.025 0.02 3.076
R-3 0.275582 5.688 Culvert*2 1 1.569 0.500 0.013 0.015 9.312
T2-3 0.095006 1.961 Trapezium Ditch 2*0.95*0.7-0.75-0.75 1.032 0.382 0.025 0.01 2.175
R-4 0.095961 1.981 Culvert 1 0.7845 0.250 0.013 0.015 2.933
T2-4 0.082887 1.711 Trapezium Ditch 2*0.95*0.7-0.75-0.75 1.032 0.382 0.025 0.008 1.945
R-5 0.082887 1.711 Culvert 1 0.7845 0.250 0.013 0.006 1.855
T2-5 0.081671 1.686 Trapezium Ditch 2*0.95*0.7-0.75-0.75 1.032 0.382 0.025 0.008 1.945
R-6 0.16964 3.502 Culvert*2 1 1.569 0.500 0.013 0.007 6.361
T2-6 0.086655 1.789 Trapezium Ditch 2*0.95*0.7-0.75-0.75 1.032 0.382 0.025 0.011 2.281
T2-7 0.150733 3.111 Trapezium Ditch 3*1.95*0.7-0.75-0.75 1.732 0.468 0.025 0.007 3.495
T2-8 0.063731 1.316 Trapezium Ditch 2*0.95*0.7-0.75-0.75 1.032 0.382 0.025 0.011 2.281
T2-9 0.041355 0.854 Trapezium Ditch 2*0.95*0.7-0.75-0.75 1.032 0.382 0.025 0.003 1.191
R-7 0.041355 0.854 Culvert 1 0.7845 0.250 0.013 0.005 1.693
T2-10 0.050496 1.042 Trapezium Ditch 1.5*0.45*0.6-1-0.75 0.585 0.286 0.025 0.015 1.243
T2-11 0.275353 5.684 Trapezium Ditch 4*2.5*1-0.75-0.75 3.25 0.650 0.025 0.004 6.169
T2-12 0.017965 0.371 Trapezium Ditch 1.5*0.45*0.6-1-0.75 0.585 0.286 0.025 0.003 0.556
T2-13 0.028468 0.588 Trapezium Ditch 1.5*0.45*0.6-1-0.75 0.585 0.286 0.025 0.003 0.556
R-8 0.936532 19.331 Water-overflowing Bridge
R-9 4.880039 100.731 Water-overflowing Bridge
T2-14 0.059297 1.224 Trapezium Ditch 1.5*0.45*0.6-1-0.75 0.585 0.286 0.025 0.02 1.435

KIPETO WIND FARM PROJECT, KENYA Design Description Of Wind Farm Road And Platform
catchment catchment Runoff Sectional Hydraulic Manning’s Drain Capacity
areas areas area radius roughness slope
Type b1*b2*h-m1-m2
number coefficient
Ar(km2) Qr(m3/s) Ac(m2) R n S Qc(m3/s)
R-10 0.12148 2.508 Culvert 1 0.7845 0.250 0.013 0.012 2.623
T2-15 0.03611 0.745 Trapezium Ditch 1.5*0.45*0.6-1-0.75 0.585 0.286 0.025 0.02 1.435
R-11 1.326003 27.371 Water-overflowing Bridge
T2-16 0.058306 1.204 Trapezium Ditch 1.5*0.45*0.6-1-0.75 0.585 0.286 0.025 0.03 1.758
T2-17 0.07078 1.461 Trapezium Ditch 1.5*0.45*0.6-1-0.75 0.585 0.286 0.025 0.024 1.572
T2-18 0.027887 0.576 Triangle Ditch 1.05*0.6-1-0.75 0.315 0.197 0.025 0.02 0.603
T2-19 0.012652 0.261 Triangle Ditch 1.05*0.6-1-0.75 0.315 0.197 0.025 0.014 0.505
T2-20 0.00661 0.136 Triangle Ditch 1.05*0.6-1-0.75 0.315 0.197 0.025 0.014 0.505
T2-21 0.032103 0.663 Triangle Ditch 1.05*0.6-1-0.75 0.315 0.197 0.025 0.05 0.954
R-12 0.106747 2.203 Culvert 1 0.7845 0.250 0.013 0.03 4.148
T2-22 0.013113 0.271 Triangle Ditch 1.05*0.6-1-0.75 0.315 0.197 0.025 0.014 0.505
T2-23 0.065168 1.345 Trapezium Ditch 1.5*0.45*0.6-1-0.75 0.585 0.286 0.025 0.02 1.435
R-13 0.112821 2.329 Culvert 1 0.7845 0.250 0.013 0.03 4.148
T2-24 0.047653 0.984 Trapezium Ditch 1.5*0.45*0.6-1-0.75 0.585 0.286 0.025 0.02 1.435
T2-25 0.055323 1.142 Trapezium Ditch 1.5*0.45*0.6-1-0.75 0.585 0.286 0.025 0.06 2.486
D1-1 0.00556 0.115 Triangle Ditch 1.05*0.6-1-0.75 0.315 0.197 0.025 0.003 0.234
R-14 0.155015 3.200 Culvert*2 1 1.569 0.500 0.013 0.005 5.376
D1-2 0.005184 0.107 Triangle Ditch 1.05*0.6-1-0.75 0.315 0.197 0.025 0.02 0.603
D1-3 0.004266 0.088 Triangle Ditch 1.05*0.6-1-0.75 0.315 0.197 0.025 0.008 0.382
D1-4 0.182594 3.769 Trapezium Ditch 2*0.95*0.7-0.75-0.75 1.032 0.382 0.025 0.035 4.069
R-15 0.309906 6.397 Culvert*2 1 1.569 0.500 0.013 0.02 10.752
D1-5 0.076278 1.574 Trapezium Ditch 2*0.95*0.7-0.75-0.75 1.032 0.382 0.025 0.014 2.573
D1-6 0.042198 0.871 Triangle Ditch 1.05*0.6-1-0.75 0.315 0.197 0.025 0.06 1.045
D1-7 0.008045 0.166 Triangle Ditch 1.05*0.6-1-0.75 0.315 0.197 0.025 0.04 0.853
D1-8 0.014306 0.295 Triangle Ditch 1.05*0.6-1-0.75 0.315 0.197 0.025 0.047 0.925
R-16 0.061419 1.268 Culvert 1 0.7845 0.250 0.013 0.005 1.693
D1-9 0.042257 0.872 Trapezium Ditch 1.5*0.45*0.6-1-0.75 0.585 0.286 0.025 0.03 1.758

KIPETO WIND FARM PROJECT, KENYA Design Description Of Wind Farm Road And Platform
catchment catchment Runoff Sectional Hydraulic Manning’s Drain Capacity
areas areas area radius roughness slope
Type b1*b2*h-m1-m2
number coefficient
Ar(km2) Qr(m3/s) Ac(m2) R n S Qc(m3/s)
D1-10 0.034471 0.712 Trapezium Ditch 1.5*0.45*0.6-1-0.75 0.585 0.286 0.025 0.03 1.758
R-17 0.048272 0.996 Culvert 1 0.7845 0.250 0.013 0.005 1.693
D1-11 0.013801 0.285 Triangle Ditch 1.05*0.6-1-0.75 0.315 0.197 0.025 0.005 0.302
D1-12 0.029999 0.619 Triangle Ditch 1.05*0.6-1-0.75 0.315 0.197 0.025 0.03 0.739
R-18 0.039161 0.808 Culvert 1 0.7845 0.250 0.013 0.005 1.693
D1-13 0.009162 0.189 Triangle Ditch 1.05*0.6-1-0.75 0.315 0.197 0.025 0.003 0.234
D1-14 0.018569 0.383 Triangle Ditch 1.05*0.6-1-0.75 0.315 0.197 0.025 0.088 1.266
D1-15 0.017927 0.370 Triangle Ditch 1.05*0.6-1-0.75 0.315 0.197 0.025 0.04 0.853
D1-16 0.105416 2.176 Trapezium Ditch 1.5*0.45*0.6-1-0.75 0.585 0.286 0.025 0.0735 2.751
D1-17 0.066569 1.374 Trapezium Ditch 1.5*0.45*0.6-1-0.75 0.585 0.286 0.025 0.03 1.758
R-19 0.272847 5.632 Culvert*2 1 1.569 0.500 0.013 0.015 9.312
D1-18 0.179763 3.711 Trapezium Ditch 2*0.95*0.7-0.75-0.75 1.032 0.382 0.025 0.06 5.327
D1-19 0.0109 0.225 Triangle Ditch 1.05*0.6-1-0.75 0.315 0.197 0.025 0.06 1.045
D1-20 0.01617 0.334 Triangle Ditch 1.05*0.6-1-0.75 0.315 0.197 0.025 0.039 0.843
D1-21 0.012652 0.261 Triangle Ditch 1.05*0.6-1-0.75 0.315 0.197 0.025 0.025 0.675
D1-22 0.028471 0.588 Triangle Ditch 1.05*0.6-1-0.75 0.315 0.197 0.025 0.02 0.603
D1-23 0.006392 0.132 Triangle Ditch 1.05*0.6-1-0.75 0.315 0.197 0.025 0.03 0.739
D1-24 0.038614 0.797 Triangle Ditch 1.05*0.6-1-0.75 0.315 0.197 0.025 0.05 0.954
D1-25 0.003559 0.073 Triangle Ditch 1.05*0.6-1-0.75 0.315 0.197 0.025 0.067 1.104
R-20 3.596322 74.233 Water-overflowing Bridge
D1-26 0.05602 1.156 Triangle Ditch 1.05*0.6-1-0.75 0.315 0.197 0.025 0.074 1.161
D1-27 0.010209 0.211 Triangle Ditch 1.05*0.6-1-0.75 0.315 0.197 0.025 0.003 0.234
R-21 0.010209 0.211 Culvert 1 0.7845 0.250 0.013 0.005 1.693
D1-28 0.022598 0.466 Triangle Ditch 1.05*0.6-1-0.75 0.315 0.197 0.025 0.1 1.349
D1-29 0.016501 0.341 Triangle Ditch 1.05*0.6-1-0.75 0.315 0.197 0.025 0.028 0.714
R-22 0.037417 0.772 Culvert 1 0.7845 0.250 0.013 0.005 1.693
D1-30 0.017457 0.360 Triangle Ditch 1.05*0.6-1-0.75 0.315 0.197 0.025 0.019 0.588

KIPETO WIND FARM PROJECT, KENYA Design Description Of Wind Farm Road And Platform
catchment catchment Runoff Sectional Hydraulic Manning’s Drain Capacity
areas areas area radius roughness slope
Type b1*b2*h-m1-m2
number coefficient
Ar(km2) Qr(m3/s) Ac(m2) R n S Qc(m3/s)
D1-31 0.053605 1.106 Triangle Ditch 1.05*0.6-1-0.75 0.315 0.197 0.025 0.07 1.129
D1-32 0.006381 0.132 Triangle Ditch 1.05*0.6-1-0.75 0.315 0.197 0.025 0.13 1.538
R-23 0.334291 6.900 Culvert*2 1 1.569 0.500 0.013 0.03 13.169
D1-33 0.057564 1.188 Triangle Ditch 1.05*0.6-1-0.75 0.315 0.197 0.025 0.083 1.229
D1-34 0.050831 1.049 Trapezium Ditch 1.5*0.45*0.6-1-0.75 0.585 0.286 0.025 0.02 1.435
R-24 0.355773 7.344 Culvert*2 1 1.569 0.500 0.013 0.03 13.169
D1-35 0.136468 2.817 Trapezium Ditch 3*1.95*0.7-0.75-0.75 1.732 0.468 0.025 0.005 2.954
D1-36 0.003358 0.069 Triangle Ditch 1.05*0.6-1-0.75 0.315 0.197 0.025 0.14 1.596
R-25 0.487399 10.061 Culvert*3 1 2.3535 0.750 0.013 0.02 21.135
D1-37 0.050432 1.041 Triangle Ditch 1.05*0.6-1-0.75 0.315 0.197 0.025 0.14 1.596

Qc > Qr, This is greater than the required capacity therefore satisfactory.

KIPETO WIND FARM PROJECT, KENYA Design Description Of Wind Farm Road And Platform

6. 排水设计
1) 径流量(Qr)

Qr = 0.278 × C × I × Ar

其中: Qr: 径流量 m3/Sec

C: 径流系数
I: 暴雨强度 mm/hr
Ar: 汇水面积 km2

C – 需要考虑目前场地植被情况,同时考虑未来可能开发为农田,径流会
增加很多。对于碎石场地环境,C 取值 0.55。
I– 降雨强度 mm/hr 相当于每地区每小时的降雨量。公式中使用的数值为
135mm/hr,即该区域 5min 的降雨强度。
Ar – 排水面积或汇水区域 km2, 详见图纸 NA02451S-Z0101-00049-01
和 NA02451S-Z0101-00050-01.

2) 过流能力 (Qc)

Qc = (A × R^0.6667 × S^.5)/n

其中: Qc: 过流能力 m3/Sec

A : 截面积
R : 水力半径
S : 水力坡降

KIPETO WIND FARM PROJECT, KENYA Design Description Of Wind Farm Road And Platform

n : 粗糙系数

A & R – 计算公式:

断面形状 截面图 截面积 A 水力半径 R




S – 水力坡降,根据道路及地形坡度取值。
n – 粗糙系数. 土沟取值 0.025, 圆管涵取值 0.013。

KIPETO WIND FARM PROJECT, KENYA Design Description Of Wind Farm Road And Platform

3) 计算
汇流面积 径流量 截面积 水力半径 粗糙系数 水力坡 过流能力
汇水区域编 b*h-m1-m2

号 类型 b1*b2*h-m1-m2
Ar(km2) Qr(m3/s) Ac(m2) R n S Qc(m3/s)
T1-1 0.04118 0.850 梯形沟道 1.5*0.45*0.6-1-0.75 0.585 0.286 0.025 0.01 1.015
T1-2 0.029095 0.601 梯形沟道 1.5*0.45*0.6-1-0.75 0.585 0.286 0.025 0.01 1.015
R-1 0.070152 1.448 圆管涵 1 0.7845 0.250 0.013 0.005 1.693
T2-1 0.138935 2.868 梯形沟道 2*0.95*0.7-0.75-0.75 1.032 0.382 0.025 0.02 3.076
R-2 0.138935 2.868 圆管涵 1 0.7845 0.250 0.013 0.015 2.933
T2-2 0.134096 2.768 梯形沟道 2*0.95*0.7-0.75-0.75 1.032 0.382 0.025 0.02 3.076
R-3 0.275582 5.688 圆管涵*2 1 1.569 0.500 0.013 0.015 9.312
T2-3 0.095006 1.961 梯形沟道 2*0.95*0.7-0.75-0.75 1.032 0.382 0.025 0.01 2.175
R-4 0.095961 1.981 圆管涵 1 0.7845 0.250 0.013 0.015 2.933
T2-4 0.082887 1.711 梯形沟道 2*0.95*0.7-0.75-0.75 1.032 0.382 0.025 0.008 1.945
R-5 0.082887 1.711 圆管涵 1 0.7845 0.250 0.013 0.006 1.855
T2-5 0.081671 1.686 梯形沟道 2*0.95*0.7-0.75-0.75 1.032 0.382 0.025 0.008 1.945
R-6 0.16964 3.502 圆管涵*2 1 1.569 0.500 0.013 0.007 6.361
T2-6 0.086655 1.789 梯形沟道 2*0.95*0.7-0.75-0.75 1.032 0.382 0.025 0.011 2.281
T2-7 0.150733 3.111 梯形沟道-截水沟 3*1.95*0.7-0.75-0.75 1.732 0.468 0.025 0.007 3.495
T2-8 0.063731 1.316 梯形沟道 2*0.95*0.7-0.75-0.75 1.032 0.382 0.025 0.011 2.281
T2-9 0.041355 0.854 梯形沟道 2*0.95*0.7-0.75-0.75 1.032 0.382 0.025 0.003 1.191
R-7 0.041355 0.854 圆管涵 1 0.7845 0.250 0.013 0.005 1.693
T2-10 0.050496 1.042 梯形沟道-截水沟 1.5*0.45*0.6-1-0.75 0.585 0.286 0.025 0.015 1.243
T2-11 0.275353 5.684 梯形沟道 4*2.5*1-0.75-0.75 3.25 0.650 0.025 0.004 6.169
T2-12 0.017965 0.371 梯形沟道 1.5*0.45*0.6-1-0.75 0.585 0.286 0.025 0.003 0.556
T2-13 0.028468 0.588 梯形沟道 1.5*0.45*0.6-1-0.75 0.585 0.286 0.025 0.003 0.556
R-8 0.936532 19.331 漫水桥
R-9 4.880039 100.731 漫水桥
T2-14 0.059297 1.224 梯形沟道 1.5*0.45*0.6-1-0.75 0.585 0.286 0.025 0.02 1.435

KIPETO WIND FARM PROJECT, KENYA Design Description Of Wind Farm Road And Platform
汇流面积 径流量 截面积 水力半径 粗糙系数 水力坡 过流能力
汇水区域编 b*h-m1-m2

号 类型 b1*b2*h-m1-m2
Ar(km2) Qr(m3/s) Ac(m2) R n S Qc(m3/s)
R-10 0.12148 2.508 圆管涵 1 0.7845 0.250 0.013 0.012 2.623
T2-15 0.03611 0.745 梯形沟道 1.5*0.45*0.6-1-0.75 0.585 0.286 0.025 0.02 1.435
R-11 1.326003 27.371 漫水桥
T2-16 0.058306 1.204 梯形沟道 1.5*0.45*0.6-1-0.75 0.585 0.286 0.025 0.03 1.758
T2-17 0.07078 1.461 梯形沟道 1.5*0.45*0.6-1-0.75 0.585 0.286 0.025 0.024 1.572
T2-18 0.027887 0.576 三角形沟道 1.05*0.6-1-0.75 0.315 0.197 0.025 0.02 0.603
T2-19 0.012652 0.261 三角形沟道 1.05*0.6-1-0.75 0.315 0.197 0.025 0.014 0.505
T2-20 0.00661 0.136 三角形沟道 1.05*0.6-1-0.75 0.315 0.197 0.025 0.014 0.505
T2-21 0.032103 0.663 三角形沟道 1.05*0.6-1-0.75 0.315 0.197 0.025 0.05 0.954
R-12 0.106747 2.203 圆管涵 1 0.7845 0.250 0.013 0.03 4.148
T2-22 0.013113 0.271 三角形沟道 1.05*0.6-1-0.75 0.315 0.197 0.025 0.014 0.505
T2-23 0.065168 1.345 梯形沟道 1.5*0.45*0.6-1-0.75 0.585 0.286 0.025 0.02 1.435
R-13 0.112821 2.329 圆管涵 1 0.7845 0.250 0.013 0.03 4.148
T2-24 0.047653 0.984 梯形沟道 1.5*0.45*0.6-1-0.75 0.585 0.286 0.025 0.02 1.435
T2-25 0.055323 1.142 梯形沟道 1.5*0.45*0.6-1-0.75 0.585 0.286 0.025 0.06 2.486
D1-1 0.00556 0.115 三角形沟道 1.05*0.6-1-0.75 0.315 0.197 0.025 0.003 0.234
R-14 0.155015 3.200 圆管涵*2 1 1.569 0.500 0.013 0.005 5.376
D1-2 0.005184 0.107 三角形沟道 1.05*0.6-1-0.75 0.315 0.197 0.025 0.02 0.603
D1-3 0.004266 0.088 三角形沟道 1.05*0.6-1-0.75 0.315 0.197 0.025 0.008 0.382
D1-4 0.182594 3.769 梯形沟道 2*0.95*0.7-0.75-0.75 1.032 0.382 0.025 0.035 4.069
R-15 0.309906 6.397 圆管涵*2 1 1.569 0.500 0.013 0.02 10.752
D1-5 0.076278 1.574 梯形沟道 2*0.95*0.7-0.75-0.75 1.032 0.382 0.025 0.014 2.573
D1-6 0.042198 0.871 三角形沟道 1.05*0.6-1-0.75 0.315 0.197 0.025 0.06 1.045
D1-7 0.008045 0.166 三角形沟道 1.05*0.6-1-0.75 0.315 0.197 0.025 0.04 0.853
D1-8 0.014306 0.295 三角形沟道 1.05*0.6-1-0.75 0.315 0.197 0.025 0.047 0.925
R-16 0.061419 1.268 圆管涵 1 0.7845 0.250 0.013 0.005 1.693
D1-9 0.042257 0.872 梯形沟道 1.5*0.45*0.6-1-0.75 0.585 0.286 0.025 0.03 1.758

KIPETO WIND FARM PROJECT, KENYA Design Description Of Wind Farm Road And Platform
汇流面积 径流量 截面积 水力半径 粗糙系数 水力坡 过流能力
汇水区域编 b*h-m1-m2

号 类型 b1*b2*h-m1-m2
Ar(km2) Qr(m3/s) Ac(m2) R n S Qc(m3/s)
D1-10 0.034471 0.712 梯形沟道 1.5*0.45*0.6-1-0.75 0.585 0.286 0.025 0.03 1.758
R-17 0.048272 0.996 圆管涵 1 0.7845 0.250 0.013 0.005 1.693
D1-11 0.013801 0.285 三角形沟道 1.05*0.6-1-0.75 0.315 0.197 0.025 0.005 0.302
D1-12 0.029999 0.619 三角形沟道 1.05*0.6-1-0.75 0.315 0.197 0.025 0.03 0.739
R-18 0.039161 0.808 圆管涵 1 0.7845 0.250 0.013 0.005 1.693
D1-13 0.009162 0.189 三角形沟道 1.05*0.6-1-0.75 0.315 0.197 0.025 0.003 0.234
D1-14 0.018569 0.383 三角形沟道 1.05*0.6-1-0.75 0.315 0.197 0.025 0.088 1.266
D1-15 0.017927 0.370 三角形沟道 1.05*0.6-1-0.75 0.315 0.197 0.025 0.04 0.853
D1-16 0.105416 2.176 梯形沟道 1.5*0.45*0.6-1-0.75 0.585 0.286 0.025 0.0735 2.751
D1-17 0.066569 1.374 梯形沟道(S1-1-1) 1.5*0.45*0.6-1-0.75 0.585 0.286 0.025 0.03 1.758
R-19 0.272847 5.632 圆管涵*2 1 1.569 0.500 0.013 0.015 9.312
D1-18 0.179763 3.711 梯形沟道 2*0.95*0.7-0.75-0.75 1.032 0.382 0.025 0.06 5.327
D1-19 0.0109 0.225 三角形沟道 1.05*0.6-1-0.75 0.315 0.197 0.025 0.06 1.045
D1-20 0.01617 0.334 三角形沟道 1.05*0.6-1-0.75 0.315 0.197 0.025 0.039 0.843
D1-21 0.012652 0.261 三角形沟道 1.05*0.6-1-0.75 0.315 0.197 0.025 0.025 0.675
D1-22 0.028471 0.588 三角形沟道 1.05*0.6-1-0.75 0.315 0.197 0.025 0.02 0.603
D1-23 0.006392 0.132 三角形沟道 1.05*0.6-1-0.75 0.315 0.197 0.025 0.03 0.739
D1-24 0.038614 0.797 三角形沟道 1.05*0.6-1-0.75 0.315 0.197 0.025 0.05 0.954
D1-25 0.003559 0.073 三角形沟道 1.05*0.6-1-0.75 0.315 0.197 0.025 0.067 1.104
R-20 3.596322 74.233 漫水桥
D1-26 0.05602 1.156 三角形沟道 1.05*0.6-1-0.75 0.315 0.197 0.025 0.074 1.161
D1-27 0.010209 0.211 三角形沟道 1.05*0.6-1-0.75 0.315 0.197 0.025 0.003 0.234
R-21 0.010209 0.211 圆管涵 1 0.7845 0.250 0.013 0.005 1.693
D1-28 0.022598 0.466 三角形沟道 1.05*0.6-1-0.75 0.315 0.197 0.025 0.1 1.349
D1-29 0.016501 0.341 三角形沟道 1.05*0.6-1-0.75 0.315 0.197 0.025 0.028 0.714
R-22 0.037417 0.772 圆管涵 1 0.7845 0.250 0.013 0.005 1.693
D1-30 0.017457 0.360 三角形沟道 1.05*0.6-1-0.75 0.315 0.197 0.025 0.019 0.588

KIPETO WIND FARM PROJECT, KENYA Design Description Of Wind Farm Road And Platform
汇流面积 径流量 截面积 水力半径 粗糙系数 水力坡 过流能力
汇水区域编 b*h-m1-m2

号 类型 b1*b2*h-m1-m2
Ar(km2) Qr(m3/s) Ac(m2) R n S Qc(m3/s)
D1-31 0.053605 1.106 三角形沟道 1.05*0.6-1-0.75 0.315 0.197 0.025 0.07 1.129
D1-32 0.006381 0.132 三角形沟道 1.05*0.6-1-0.75 0.315 0.197 0.025 0.13 1.538
R-23 0.334291 6.900 圆管涵*2 1 1.569 0.500 0.013 0.03 13.169
D1-33 0.057564 1.188 三角形沟道 1.05*0.6-1-0.75 0.315 0.197 0.025 0.083 1.229
D1-34 0.050831 1.049 梯形沟道 1.5*0.45*0.6-1-0.75 0.585 0.286 0.025 0.02 1.435
R-24 0.355773 7.344 圆管涵*2 1 1.569 0.500 0.013 0.03 13.169
D1-35 0.136468 2.817 梯形沟道 3*1.95*0.7-0.75-0.75 1.732 0.468 0.025 0.005 2.954
D1-36 0.003358 0.069 三角形沟道 1.05*0.6-1-0.75 0.315 0.197 0.025 0.14 1.596
R-25 0.487399 10.061 圆管涵*3 1 2.3535 0.750 0.013 0.02 21.135
D1-37 0.050432 1.041 三角形沟道 1.05*0.6-1-0.75 0.315 0.197 0.025 0.14 1.596

Qc > Qr, 排水能力满足径流量需求。

KIPETO WIND FARM PROJECT, KENYA Design Description Of Wind Farm Road And Platform

7. Curve Radii And Range of meeting vision

7. 转弯半径及会车视距

At extreme case: inside radius R45 m/turning angle 100°, Meet the requirement
of transportation and Range of meeting vision (40m).

极限情况: 内弯半径 45m,转角 100°,满足运输要求及会车视距 40m 要求。

KIPETO WIND FARM PROJECT, KENYA Design Description Of Wind Farm Road And Platform

8. Turning Area for Unloaded Vehicles

8. 空载车辆回车场地

There are 16 turning Areas for unloaded vehicles at the end of the site road, the
rest using the handstand nearby.

在场内道路尽头设置有 16 处空载车辆回车场地,其余回车场地利用附近吊装平台

9. Passing Bay

9. 错车道

场内道路共设置有 7 处永久错车道。

KIPETO WIND FARM PROJECT, KENYA Design Description Of Wind Farm Road And Platform

10. Crown Slope and Super-elevation

10. 路拱横坡及超高

11. Reversing of Transportation Vehicles on Site Roads

According to Site Roads and Crane Pad Specification of GE,

1) Limitations for loaded transportation vehicle reversing:

Not at curves.

2) Limitations for unloaded and shortened transportation vehicle reversing:

KIPETO WIND FARM PROJECT, KENYA Design Description Of Wind Farm Road And Platform

Only daylight moving.

11. 场内道路倒车运输要求
根据 GE 厂家对场内道路及吊装平台要求:

1) 载货运输车辆倒车限制:

最大 3 % 坡度;





最大坡长不超过 300m。

2) 空载运输车辆倒车限制:

最大 6 % 坡度;




最大坡长不超过 300m。


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